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this looked wholesome enough to post here. But yes, i agree
>I was wondering what this means
>it literally says what it means
gen z is hopeless
stop calling everything gen z you fucking retard.
your boss at work is gen z
Faggot retard GO BACK
PC gaming
not even once
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I still know my WC3 key from memory.
kill all reddit screencap posters
kill all zoomers
kill all niggers
kill all jews
you're not the boss of me now
and you're not so big
life is unfair
Early gen z would know this.
PC lets you have cracks and torrents. Consoles are way more locked down.
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Last game I had to enter a key was doom 3 from gog
But I didnt know you couldn't access gog keys from galaxy so I played doom 3 off it's source port
>he didn't write down all of his CD keys, in pen, in a notebook
Pathetic and deserved. DESERVED.
Keygen music was a lot of fun
I was smart enough to never be a PC cuck, so I've never had to deal with this.
Thank me later
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If you remember this site, you are too old to be browsing this board.
exactly what i thought, you are not cute pretending to be retarded
I remember downloading CD-key generators through Kazaa and jamming out to the bittunes.
Yeah yeah, get your ass moving, Jacob
Just use cracks.
stay here redditCHAD
I used GameCopyWorld.
I'm a jewish nigger zoomer and I don't know what I have to do with this.
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for me, it was gamecopyworld
someone should kill this incel with a sniper rifle or you get another rambling incel loser trying to gun a god emperor down again
I still have my copy of Trackmania Original with the code inside the case
keygen music was the GOAT
>cd cases
>game manuals
its not out of the realm of possibility that some zoomers don't even know what a cd is, as the majority of games, especially popular ones, dont come with any of these things.
That's a name I haven't heard in a long time.
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>tfw you remember vhs casette tapes
>installing half life on pcs for lan parry
>"enter cd-key"
>press 13 numbers randomly on numpad and hit enter
It works about 50% of the time.
>i was smart enough to (suck on console's massive throbbing penis after getting assfucked), so i've never had to deal with this
gyatt yo skibidis no-nocap off a tall building FRFR
(not necessarily ong shabbat FR)
>google game keygen
>click first link and download
>windows warns FULL VIRUS STOP!
>website says trust me bro its false alarm
>believe them and disable avast
>open it and chiptune starts
>it actually works and generates a working key
chad, I still know a code for my favorite section in pacman 3 genesis
tranime website
Gen Z can't even find work because of all the bots and ghost listings. How the fuck would one become a manager?
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I mean, pacman 2
I still use this shit because games I paid for can't fucking be activated and I hate securom

Fuck that shit, now known as denuvo and sloptard zoomers slop it up.
Still is

Cause my boomer dad plays golf with Jacobs dad
Somebody should behead you with a kitchen knife you fucking faggot.
>I'm retarded enough to think paying over a thousand dollars to play inferior ports is a good thing because at least I can mod it and give everyone a shitty ugly looking boner and I can focus on the frame rate dipping below 100 instead of if the game I'm playing is actually good or not
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I only barely remember getting my CloneDVD serials off of here.
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Why not Nero?
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I did as well
Hello, based department?
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I probably should make Keygen, Serial Keys thread after this. OP image of this thread not great
Fake and gay
Consoles let you have the same.
But it also offers physical versions of 99.99999% of the games that don't require any downloads to play.
The only offline game that requires a download is Call of Duty.
fitgirl's little tune ain't got shit on this classic
It's a playlist with over a hundred songs, and they're all great
>I was smart
And now you are a retard because you sucked console's cock
It was too pissy about copy-protection compared to the sheep.
Yup, they don't make em like this anymore.
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on some versions 3333-33333-3333 worked as well
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I remember recording my favorite cartoons as kid with my vhs cassette recorder
Meh, discs get fucked over time and it's not worth other drawbacks of consoles.
What is better is something like GoG manual installs or pirated game installs that you can back up on an external HDD (or just your PC drive). In a way that's pretty much a physical copy too.
I had a whole binder with the contents of my VHS:s. Properly printed labels and everything. Yes, I'm autistic.
>Military Software detected, top secret clearence required
If I ever got to a point in my life where I was a 30+ year old neck beard trying to defend my $2000+ McMonster Machineā„¢ and how it's the only way to play a video game I'd fucking kill myself. The desperation to brag about your PC loading a game 1.5 seconds faster than a console that cost a fraction of the price is baffling.
CD keys were always dumb. Especially on console.
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How about bragging about having a single system that can play thousands of games?
Consoles will eventually get exploited, PC losers will have to rely on dubious cracks from untrusty sources.
brown hands typed this post. stick to your jewbox console nigger you deserve it
Consoles didn't have cd keys. You're thinking of the EA online pass system to get people to buy new instead of used.
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not being a poorfag feels great
hey, he probably searched it on tiktok and didn't find anything
give him a break!
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Consoles will get forced updates to purposefuly tank performance to encourage you to buy the next one. They'll remove features, shutter online services, revoke access if you don't pay for your jew pass, and good fucking luck getting a modern console with an exploitable firmware for less than the price of a top tier pc
damn the list grows bigger
>forced updates
no one is forcing you click "yes update my title"
and the DLC stuff too, those have keys.
harmony day is forced
it was just some shitty flash game no one but some mod who got obsessed with cared, the equivalent of modern fotm
nowadays 99% of /v/ never even heard of it
stuff like kasumi rebirth, smash flash, bloons towers and alien vs homid are much more memorable and yet we (read: mods) don't celebrate them
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>CD key to "X games" free
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Prove you're not poor and buy me a game.
inb4 third worlder
inb4 get a job
The Game
I wonder if it was always the case but this and GameCopyWorld have become infested with viruses
I remember when most of these could have one file edited to show you what key they required.
>reddit screencap with redacted username
>v filename
kill yourself you lobotomised zoomer tranny
i can't decipher your brainrot post. posting reddit posts with redacted usernames is cancerous no matter who took the screenshot
The seething replies just prove you right. "PC gamers" are pathetic.
This means that it's time to boot up the chiptune music player.
Some could be bypassed by just spamming a single letter. It wasn't really meant to stop hackers, just the average retard. The real protection was in the executable
that's a 100% genuine post made by a [demographic i don't like (not mine)]
[demographic i don't like] is soooo stoopid lmao xd
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Golem = Me
Espeon = (You)
My wife is Gen Alpha, don't talk about them like that!
>he sacrified the name of his first crush for this information
You just know a PCfag destroyed this anon in an argument and he never recovered.
that other faggy cat game was better anyways
Make sure you don't say any no-no words into your console mic and end up having to pay to use the internet you(r mom) already pays for again :^)
I hate zoomers
I remember my whole CDkey for Starcraft to this day
googlefu is becoming a lost art
I literally cannot remember the last time I had to enter a key manually and not run a keygen.
Here we go
i can't even count how many times i downloaded the aoe2 no cd fix
impressive, unironically
kill all fat people too, please add it to the list
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I used to install Diablo 2 LoD so many times that for many years I literally remembered the CD key by heart. Those were different times
Heh i have same with SC brood war
to the manual to find your code

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