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>invents 13 year olds calling each other slurs in chat
Give this man a new studio then
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Hi John I hope you're doing okay.
Just wanted to clarify that it was Mike Wilson that coined the "..gonna make you his bitch" marketing line.
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>makes you his bitch
Damn I can't believe Romero stooped to working at a gas station. Is Peter Molyneux mopping floors somewhere?

hes reconnecting with his mexican-american roots
Not enough people are buying his Doom mods to help him pay for the shitload of hair product he uses
It's called shampoo, incel
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>makes himself a bitch
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there are few things more cringe than a boomer painting his nails
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He’s a crossed eyed Faggot who wears makeup & nail polish
Jesus Christ is this guy trying to win an award for faggotry with those nails and that jacket.
>Starts simping for trannies
>Becomes irrelevant
he is a billionaire, he can do whatever the fuck he wons. looking presentable is for wageslaves who have to look presentable at a job interview
There is nothing wrong with painting your nails.
He married a woman with big tits and has been with her for almost 30 years I think you are judging him for surface shit too much.
He is a multi millionaire he didn't get any of the id software money for new releases since they split in the mid 90s.
>Becomes irrelevant
Yeah I think you are over 20 years late on that.
He is much cooler than Carmack at least
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>invents 13 year olds
if you read masters of doom theres no way you come out liking romero more than carmack
I would argue it's gayer than having a dick in your ass in some cases
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Doom is so perfect, and doom in VR is so fucking wonderful I don't give a fuck what any of these dudes do they all get a lifetime free pass from me. Free pass from all criticism forever. I say this as a gay hating white supremacist
he's just obsessed with gas station crap
some dumb boomer hobby, saw it on discovery channel once
doomvr kinda sucks because all custom weapons are sprites, iirc it was still fairly easy to aim with them it just fucking sucks to hold a cardboard cutout
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Romero had nothing to do with doom64.
It's called petroliana, fucking retarded if you ask me
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>nail painting
first sign of a soon to be tranny
There are 3d models for some of the mods, like blood, brutal doom, doom 64, brutal 64, brutal Wolfenstein, etc. I agree, when a mod features custom weapons without 3d models I generally won't touch it because it's a cardboard cutout, but you can get a fucking ton of mileage out of what we have already as far as 3d weapons go
dude has been painting his nails since the 90s, he's just "eccentric"
No just means he's a faggot, sucks dick behind his wife's back
Care to elaborate?
>becomes twitter tranny cultist while working at a service station
Customer at window #2, John.
$20 unleaded.
got links?
You're the one scared of a little paint.
Your inner child is telling you that only giiiiirls can paint their nails, big strong MANLY MEN don't do things giiiiiirls do.
You never mentally left school did you?
it's ok to be gay nowadays anon
you can come out
You are troon-adjacent.
If you are not a tranny within 5 years, I would be very surprised.
Site is always weird about posting them but I use a quest and use team beefs zdoom port that has a launcher which includes mods tested to work well in VR including 3d weapons packs. I found it on sideload VR's site just type doom in there, but if you're on PC you may have to go to the team beef GitHub and get it
*The launcher lets you download those mods and packs as you please but kind of curates them. As someone who gets overwhelmed by doom modding I really appreciate the simplicity of it
Keep going, the strawman you are so afraid of with it's long painted nails can't get you if you are always bitter, angry and see xer behind everything.
There's nothing gay about it.
You are only proving the point previously mentioned.
Only children do shit like that, so only gay people paint their nails now? Not trans people like you said earlier?
Dumb fucker.
You guys are either latent pederasts or just retarded
XD nothing gay in man acting like woman
I prefer to live with "school" mentality than gay mentality
Gen X guys paint their nails.
tbf johnny depp is also an eccentric

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