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What happened to RTS games like Cossacks?
Those were the peak of the non-retarded-esports chunk of the entire RTS genre.
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>Those were the peak of the non-retarded-esports chunk of the entire RTS genre.
I recently played Starship Troopers: Terran Command which I feel fits very nicely into the other, mostly dead side of RTS. The part of RTS that's filled with fun, cheesy singleplayer campaigns and not sweaty, hyper-optimized multiplayer autism.
Does it have basebuilding?
all RTSs are retarded, no skill involved (no, organizing troops is not a skill)
your troops fight for you, you just watch them do it, only idle games are retarder
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Why do so many bad players like to shit on starcraft? Whats with this inflated ego of thinking they're just too smart for fast combat oriented rts games?
just take the losses and play low elo city builder where you belong
Couldn't stand the micro-management. Also, have they even added skirmish or last stand ( w/ online function)?
Some people like to play RTS to order hundreds of troops on their screen, sometimes hundreds.
Games like Cossacks and Age of Empires allowed them to do that.
Starcraft is small and too simple.
starcraft shortens your lifespan
any other rts game doesnt
I for one don't like how internet culture devolved down to "the most inane statements ends up wrapping up a discussion because educating people is not worth the (rather large) possibility of merely feeding a troll"
starcraft is only fun in singleplayer
esports fags riuned multiplayer in SC and hundreds other games
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Just get Dawn of War Soulstorm and download the "Unification" mod. You can get a free copy of the base game from archive.org, and the mod itself is just 1 installer download. There's like 20+ races and all the base game races are remastered and expanded. Your welcome.
DoW plays nothing like Cossacks.
Also all the iterations of "every race at once" modpacks Soulstorm has seen are all laggy unoptimized garbage.
The super detailed models also clash often with the 800x600 landscape textures.
People quite literally cannot cope with the fact that RTS games are, in truth and as the name directly states, real-time games and as such a player who can perform more actions in the same amount of time simply has an advantage due to his superior mechanical skill at the game.

It's just shitter cope, they screech and whine about Starcraft but don't realize that the mechanical execution requirement is effectively built into the entire genre simply due to the fact that the time you spend on doing certain things is also a finite resource that you have to spend wisely and efficiently. This seems to be compounded with extremely fragile self-esteem where they simply cannot deal with losing in a 1v1 game and cannot admit to themselves that the opponent played better, so we get this incoherent, little bitch coping about how they're totally maximum smart, genius-level generals in their strategy (they're not, they don't even understand how to play effectively) but the evil "gook click" is making them lose. Ultimate shitter cope.
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>muh paayy vayy paaaayy
Eat shit, that's the entirety of what your crying is always focused on, you never needed muh korean 9000 APM to play the Starcraft campaign, or any other RTS campaign for that matter.
see >>682924292
Sorry, I'm not interested in the subhuman memes you shit out to cope with the fact that you're so bad at games you can't even compete with people who click 30 times a minute.
>Whats with this inflated ego of thinking they're just too smart for fast combat oriented rts games?
I don't think I'm too smart for them. I think I'm not autistic enough for them. You clearly don't struggle in that regard, so enjoy. I'll be playing other games with other people who aren't on the spectrum.
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mucho texto
Even as someone who has been Grandmaster in SC2 and in the single digits ranked in Company of Heroes, I still don't like how many RTS favor mechanical skill over strategic planning. There are times where you can be mostly lethargic and defeat your opponent by outwitting them, but as you climb higher in ranks, the strategic side of things hits a ceiling and mechanical execution continues to be more important.

I mostly play multiplayer RTS for that feeling of catharsis you get when an opponent stumbles into a trap or makes a blunder in his judgement. Watching someone realize they've made bad choices and screwed themselves this match is a complete joy, high APM twitch gameplay doesn't give that same feeling.
>less than 8 factions
>no custom player coloring
>no walls
If any of these are true, your rts is shit.
I wish common cowards like you never found 4chan, all you can do is try to make others beneath you.
it's just zoomers going through their "im hot shit" phase
Like I said, it's a real-time game genre. It's impossible for speed to not matter. You can't afford to take a full minute to line up your aim in a shooter or to find the right buttons to press for a combo in a fighting game, because those are also real-time games. If you don't want any time pressure at all, play something turn-based where mechanical skill is effectively removed completely from the game, those titles exist as well and some of them are really, really good games too.

That's some hard projection, when you don't even have the strength of character to admit that you're just bad at certain video games and then move on, but instead have to concoct complex coping mechanisms about how the game is bad and the genre is ruined because it rewards mechanical skill, which is like... the same as every other real-time video game in existence.

I can freely admit that I'm barely mediocre, if at that, at a lot of video games I play and I can have fun with them anyway because my enjoyment is not derived from being top 0.01% and I don't need to blame core mechanics that I'm not actually good at for losing. I can just play to have fun, or play to actually improve and get better if that's what I want, but I don't cry and cope and make strawman arguments because the skill ceiling is high and I personally cannot reach it.
How come RTS is the only genre where people are proud to announce their incompetence? You don’t see that for FPS, fighting games, etc
Starcraft is probably my favorite single player RTS, still replaying the campaign once every few years. Never touched multiplayer, just played with friends via dial-up back in the day when I had the free LAN-only version of the game or whatever it was called.
>You don’t see that for FPS
Controller FPS players are often very proud of their disability.
they stopped evolving and evolved in shit ways, when they did evolve. instead of making the games bigger and evolving what an rts could be, they just made the rts games into crappy fucking shit lane moba games.
>worthless post
you low T losers just cant escape the stereotype
i don't understand why there's always that shitty fucking default zoom in rts games. like the devs think that for an rts game to be an rts game, it must have the zoom set at a certain level. like, no! god damn it, stop fucking doing this! i don't, in fact, want the max zoom-out to still be so close to the ground that i can smell my troops' hairy fucking assholes!
you don't realize you are a scrub if there is no skill involved
I just wish there were games with an advanced base/city/whatever building where placing stuff matters (maybe some auras giving bonuses to certain other buildings where placed nearby) and there is also a threat to the player. Even better if the player had to produce stuff (weapons/make woods into planks, iron+coal into steel etc) in order to make other stuff.
that's how most city builders work. Settlers has production chains so you want them close, Sim City has stuff like pollution and beneficial buildings for education health and recreation
you don't have to defend your city, your only "enemy" are those random natural disasters and it's not like you can defend yourself against them. Haven't heard about settlers for ages, I'll check the newest installments, thanks anon
if there's no skill involved, how come you lose 100% of your matches against other players?
you can't be THAT unlucky

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