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Whos the best Elden wife and why is it Rya?
>long tongue can tickle your ass while giving you head
>gets the only good ending
>can go scalie at will
>nepheli is hot but I don't want a brown son
>ranni is a literal doll
>milicent and malenia have scarlet aids
>melina is a ghost
>renalla and ranella only fuck redheads
>leda is a miquella simp
>miquella is male and literally griffith
>whatever the radahn soldier bitch's name was is a bull dyke
>romina has scarlet aids and half her body is a scorpion centipede thing
>sellen has nice feet but turns into a boulder
>hyetta is a cannibal who'd bite your balls off

Dragon priestess a baddie tho
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>sellen has nice feet but turns into a boulder
Oh yeah?
And what if I give Rennala a larval tear and tell her to rebirth Sellen back into her human body?
But still keeping all the added mass from when she went BALL
All I have to know is: do condoms protect from scarlet rot?
Did you see the state of Caelid?
Even the fucking rocks have the God-gonorrhea.
>renalla and ranella
Who? You can't just make up your own characters, retard.
We see her naked and she got a fridge body, not worth it
The jobber witch with the egg and gender bent pontiff Sullivan
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I was not talking about Malenia.
There is only one scarlet rot waifu for me.
Oh right I forgot to mention the arm, yeah she cant jerk me off or fingerblast me with it so that's another reason why every girl but Rya is mid
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Death the lizardfags
She has 2 arms, anon. One of them is still fine.
There's more I forgot
>Roderika has a thing for ugly bastards
>Jolan is a wannabe sauron
>Tanith sticks up her holes
>any finger readers... what the fuck is wrong with you
>Latenna cant move below the belt so probably wont feel anything
>Trina gets her pussy juice on you'd fall asleep forever so basically die plus she used to be miqulla
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ER Waifu Tier List:

A, flawed but good personality and good looks: Sellen, Nepheli
B, good personality, flawed looks: Melina (no tangible body), Rya (she is cute though), Dragon Priestess, Millicent (cute but dangerous with the red aids)
C, shit personality, good looks: Leda
D, shit personality, bad looks: Ranni (she can't fool me, she has none of the fun parts, would only look good on a shelf), Miquella (you fanartists can't fool me into liking this disgusting, manipulative faggot)
>no tangible body
You literally hold her hand and she can hurt Morgott, her being bodiless was always weird
>miquella: man voice
they didn't even bother trying to appeal to the femboycurious audience (my friend)
Rya and Dragon Priestess being scalies enhances their looks though?
OP gets it.
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Based lizard fucker
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Tiche > Rya > Dragon Priestess > Perfumer Tricia >>>>> everyone else
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SSS tier: Romina (imagine the sex and cuddles afterwards)
>but I don't want a brown son

> verification not required
>Forgetting about best girl Tiche
Thats literaly just a dude catfishing you. Perfect representation of someone who meets a "girl" playing ER
Summons don't count
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>ranni is a literal doll
reminder that this is what will happen on the first night with your snake wife
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Unless you find her a bimbo latex fuckdoll body to put her in instead you'll have to stick your dick between a bunch of ropes and porcelain
Truely the most deranged simps
Nepheli Loux
My children will be STR chads
Also the way you talk is a so bizarrely annoying. Is that what brainrot looks like?
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Don’t act like you wouldn’t
Except she'd do that to my butt with her tongue
Ranni has 4 arms and therefore 4 hands
1 to choke you by the nevk
1 to stroke your cock
1 to violate your prostate
1 to pull you by the mouth cheek like some trashy blacked porn video
My gals.
>no summons
Fuck you OP, I do what I want
>rannifag mentions shitted as if its a good thing
Ranni has 4 arms, so she wins
>but how does 2 extra arms wi-
2 on the shaft
1 on balls
1 uses miniature Ranni as an onahole
Rannicucks are the pinnacle of reddit sexuality.
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she really is. she's also the only waifu with no agenda and who doesn't use you at all.
No i would not wrap my dick in onenbig friction burn
Well unless you count that first time with the thug.
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my headcanon is that they're bratty gyarus
>pussy juice
That's just pre-cum

stop falling for tranny propaganda
if 4chan sexuality is just incel fantasy of submissive woman letting you do whatever you want to her, then I really don't want any of that
Says the dolly fiddler
I had no idea that animation was even a thing.
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You are retarded but thank you for making me laugh
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Ok but what about the Jolan and her sister
I got that dragon's heart alright.
I found nothing in the thread that justifies your weird low standard attractions. Might as well stick it into a dog, a hornet nest, or a car since you fuckers would fuck anything that moves. Some of these look absolutely atrocious.
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>finally gave us a dragon waifu
>heart of Bayle implies it will the final step in our transformation into a true dragon of sorts
>Florissax urges us to become a true lord
>still no dragon ending where we become a new dragon lord

Still immensely disappointed at how little the dlc affects the base game.
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Melina is the best waifu. I love what they added to the dlc for her.
based time traveler
I'm from the present. Its concerning how much I need to tell people that...
>good looks
she's a literal cave woman
She is literally a Rot clone of Malenia, anon.
In Melina's case, spirits are tangible in Elden Ring so what's the problem?
mating pressing spirits do not yield results
>leda is a miquella simp
Suddenly now I need to see Leda x Miquella hentai
She doesnt look like that and you know it.
If spirits can hurt gods, they can get dicked.
Listen if Ymir can give birth to finger babies you could probably have a ghost baby with Melina
>hyetta is a cannibal who'd bite your balls off
She's also a walking corpse like Shabriri, she's cute before she died though as Irina.
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She will be my brown, muscular, feminine godess and we will make the strongest children that will forever mog Marikas weak gened and disease riddled bloodline
You've just convinced me to never go Ranni ever again, Saar.
@682929559 (You)
Kill yourself
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>he's afraid of getting fucked
The only thing that's an incel fantasy is thinking women are dominant and will approach your flabby mediocre ass, lmao
Kek, based.
for me, it's Tiche.
>NOGGED nigger thinking that he has the right to speak to human beings
Your forefathers look upon you and weep for the end of their bloodline
why do you type like a nigger
Think theres any chance she could transform back to her true form? Just curious haha
Pre Black Knife gangbang Godwyn was a lucky man.
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>which means toilet in spanish
what did they mean by this
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For me, it's Nepheli
She sacrificed her dragon form to turn into a human so no, she's stuck as a filthy mortal and she will complain about women breasts and pregnancy pains nonstop once the lordship dispute is over, assuming dragons don't just lay eggs. I never saw a single dragon egg in this game, interesting.
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anon, i don't think that's quite right
> we'll make a mammal out of her yet
>he wouldn't unga her bunga
A berrypicker typed this post
>implying you'd have any choice before Miquella
Give in, you WILL love the Kind god.
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Rimjob is the worst fetish to have made an appearance out of nowhere in the past 10 years easily.
Even shota with onee-chan, queen of spades/bbc and tentacle pit sensory deprivation aren't as dogshit.

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