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Polniggers dont play games though.
This website is so shit

God fucking damnit
I want to fuck the goat.
Yes, I know, women are le slutty. Very cool.
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I thought this comic was gay as fuck before realizing it's a girl on the right.
I wonder what makes them so attracted to sans, I just think he's a funny cool guy, not some bone daddy.
>female protagfag being made as a punchbag
Safe comedy slop.
What a disingenuous comic. Just because person B finds Sans sexy doesn't mean person A is wrong for not finding their character sexy. It's literally saying "If you don't like what I like, you're a douche gamer bro". Fucking faggots.
Why are zoomers like that (on the right)?
What's even supposed to be the message here? That women are retarded and have no standards?
Why are women allowed to be degenerate freaks and celebrated for it but men can't?
That most men have boring as fuck tastes.
>Left: game with actual gameplay where sex and cooming is not the point
>Right: game with garbage gameplay where the fanbase, desperate to find something to make it remain relevant, turns to porn
Tale as old as fucking time itself. Go count the number of coomshit posts in garbage game threads like Undertale and Black Souls and Fear & Hunger and you'll realize that the gameplay is so terrible that no one wants to talk about it.
And the few modern young men who still have standard levels of testosterone get made fun of for not liking (((the new normal)))
This is the same man before and after troonification, right?
Pretty sure it's just because Sans is a cool character and that he projects some masculinity and authoritative power somehow.
Because it has been normalized by them.
You are right. We should have real life women conscription because some of us play as female and nobody wants to die so others who survive do that.
>male degeneracy = jerking off to futa porn of lolibaba anime girls
>female degeneracy = omfg she LIKES sex???
men and women are different? I've never heard that one before :O
Women are more attracted to power than to looks
Women and men Always match in value. Woman looks = Man Power
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human degeneracy often involves an addiction to sex, yes.
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I believe this makes the most sense. The most sans, if you will.
To be fair, neither do vniggers.
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Not true, men can be attracted to Undertale characters too.
jump off a (((bridge)))
true every time I hear some women talk about how hot Sans is they talk about his power level and whether he could beat Goku.
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Please, I've been horny for the spider for almost ten years now.
women schlick themselves to goku, very true. he IS after all, the most POWERFUL character in MEDIA.
for me, it's the fish lady with canon boobies and canon degenerate kobold
forgot to mention im a esl mexiGOD
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She's ok, but who was the kobold?
This looks AI-generated as fuck
Why is every man I see in public so below average?
/pol/skins are just punching bags at this point.
In dick size?
>Paige still working on that Jork Report

Women do want to fuck the ghoul from the fallout show REALLY bad.
Weird autistic men with kinks like feet, vore (which I do not have don't ask about it), inflation, mommyplay (yuck), feral, age regression, giantess (manlet cope), transformation or the diapers are maidenless for a reason. They don't have the normal fetishes have like bondage, drinking blood, choking, bestiality, spanking, cuckoldry, findom, netorare, daddydom and rape. If only men could just have the unproblematic fetishes instead of all those weird ick signaling fetishes.
Think about that statement for a second.
Actual femcel post because women lack logic
>ITT incels pretending to be women (trannies)
Women change your opinion on attractiveness the more often they see you. Why? Beats the hell outta me.
>over six feet
>like tall girls
>HATE giantess

I guess my height envy is at the lowest possible level.
i dont play games though
grooming minors into worshipping trump and cutting trump on their forearms is based tho
see >>682922950
She looks like a dinosaur to me.
That buzzword is already taken. Denounce WW3 female protagfag.
You don't have to trash /pol/skins that hard. They only need a light tap.
i also want to fuck the female cast in undertale, that doesn't excuse the man faces we got through the years in other games though
>They don't have the normal fetishes have like ...,..., netorare
You will never play as female.
nigga it's a skeleton.
See: the lack of (You)
Sans is -
> Funny
> Charming
> Smart
> Mysterious
> Is very strong and can kick ass while also completely humiliating and troll whatever he's fighting
> Is popular
> Canonically two women are into him
Sans is quite literally a canon chad thundercock.
You're right, let's leave and never come back.
whatever she is, i would plow that scaly ass all day and night, both holes and pump her full of human seed and she'd love every second of it
>more schizo barking
When will USAnians understand that their main problem is not gun ownership, but lack of mental healthcare?
You're just an autistic subhuman unable to understand fetishes where social skills are involved. Women are scared of you because they know you just will do weird shit like try to lick feet, it's disgusting and subhuman.
>male degeneracy = watching females being degenerates/performing degenerate acts
>female degeneracy = degenerates by nature
The real problem is the food they consume, that's laced full of fluoride and other such brain cell-killing chemicals, and the propaganda they get forced to watch
Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Biden derangement syndrome.
Coping already that you libcucks lost due to your failed assasination attempt at killing a god? KEK wills it.
Where do you Twitter schizos come from?
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oh no, muh fluoride?
Kek do MAGAts really believe this?
/ptg/ also the heart and SOVL of 4chan
Autistic men are more degenerate than normie women by nature. They're unable to comprehend how fucked in the head their diaperfur pony inflation fixation is. How can women possibly be worse than that kind of regressive, infantile trash? BDSM gear? Daddy? That's it? So They just do vampire daddy spank sessions. That's normal. If you can't understand the difference you may just have autism.
Autistic men keep to themselves by virtue of being fucking autistic, while women shove it down everyone's throats because they're women.
Meanwhile in reality it’s the complete opposite.
Men will accidentally make eye contact with the counter lady at Starbucks and imagine a whole future with her. Women are picky cunts and will only chase after the top 0.01%.
This is true. I'm a female and have 70,000 pictures of Shadow the Hedgehog because I want to marry him and have his children.
Autistic moid tastes = copy-pasted anime girl
Autistic foid tastes = literally anything. Google "tumblr sexyman list".
>"What's the difference." Patrick and Spongebob die of laughter.jpg
If you're not a literal n word screaming literal Nazi in 2024 you're literally on the won't side of history
You are a woman and an autistic subhuman brought you here,not the first woman,not the last,not special
>Autistic men keep to themselves
If only
They usually lack the self awareness to know the difference between creepy fetish and not. Stop trying to talk about that kind of stuff, it's an ick and only will lead you to getting arrested for public indecency.
Yeah this is true.
Do you think that Grummz dude actually played Stellar Blade or any of the non-woke games he champions? It's all a grift, and so is complaining about wokeness in games.
Show tits or gtfo
based foid
Nice to see you again, Shadowfujo.
I am white
So then, gtfo
How many children?
Autistic moids either are only wanting to fuck anime girl or end up wanting to fuck anything female expressing. It's a weird situation.
>too afraid to post hands
NTA but you are brown until proven white.
Tits first, hands afterwards
As many as possible before my body can't do it anymore
Or two
haven't decided yet
Now that's just based, plain and simple
I wouldn't post tits for thurdworlders if I was a woman either.
It's almost a relief you want to see a thing men are supposed to be attracted to!
Good thing you will never be one
Do you have textsex with characterai version of Shadow?
>women will fuck anything
>men are picky
It's like the reverse of real life
Wow, you really walked into that one.
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Womens tastes are only weird if you don't understand them. Personality is what they are attracted to, the actual body is merely a vessel for the personality they want to fuck.
W*men such as >>682923742 take advantage of your ignorance by pretending that they have esoteric, perhaps even sophisticated tastes that could not possibly be understood by normalfags, but this is not true. Shadow the hedgehog is a common husbando because he's an edgy bad boy but actually cares about his girl deep down (maria), him looking like a cartoon hedgehog is barely even relevant. Sans is a funny guy who likes to take it easy, but also he has a tragic backstory to make you feel bad for him. All of this is basic bitch taste, it only seems weird and autistic because you don't understand how women work.
Actual weird autist taste would be something like a woman wanting to fuck ralph wiggum. A character with an unattractive personality with no redeeming traits.
Tell me, what infantile fetish fixation did you develop?
I know you have one. All you subhumans do.
'member when anons had only one waifu for life and would defend her honor, no matter the circumstances?
I 'member. Based femanon
left is 100% right though: no cleavage + man-jaw = disgusting. right is a tranny.
tl;dr lol
You will never play as female.

Neither do you.
Remember when we followed the rules? Yeah, I don't even know what this place is anymore.
Only good post in the thread
Oh no, they do.
They only play AAA yearly release slop. FIFA, CoD, anything Ubishit, and so on.
>killing a god
>KEK wills it

What kind of troglodyte has all the buzzwords ready to go in this day and age?
That Ralph Wiggum name-drop caught me off guard lol.
>ralph wiggum
He actually is a deeper character than you think he is, but yeah, it'd be weird to want to fuck him because he's an ugly retard yellow cartoon, totally not because he's a 10 year old kid.
I do not think women intend to decieve. It's just that their taste is different from that of men. Then men are the ones who deem them esoteric because they do not understand. But I understand. As a guy, I have discovered that I do not care about gender of the character if I consider his/her personality beautiful. I unironically would Shadow because he would be a dedicated lover.
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>he's a 10 year old kid
Where do you think you are?
tranny ack ack ack
I'm sorry to tell you this but anon (You) are the faggot
>No you see... The reason I can't get it hard for her is because... Uuuh She isn't hot enough! Alright?
You jerked off to too much gay porn and now you can't get it hard for women anymore so you cope by calling everyone else a faggot for liking women, but it's ok anon, you just have to learn to take it in the ass
Actually not sure, seems to be a mix between >>>/pol/ and >>>/lgbt/ , mainly because of the retardation that's going on between some incelibate men and some men who think they are women ITT
So you're telling me women like the guy who projects power and is kinda dickish but is good at heart?
Doesn't seem complicated at all.
What I don't get is how you get these men who wanna fuck cartoon animals (mons, ponies, etc) if they only supposedly can stand anime girls? Or those guys the who want to fuck supox (a talking plant alien thing) in the star control threads? How does that fit?
>AAA yearly release slop. FIFA, CoD, anything Ubishit, and so on
So originally male protagonist games? Yeah they should be left alone to die peacefully.
>No you see... The reason I can't get it hard for her is because... Uuuh She isn't hot enough! Alright?
Um, yes? Do you get an erections from looking at random ass niggress women on the street? You might need to seek medical help.
I get erections from eyelash creature
Just draft women into wars in real life and let the fags settle their shit out there.
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>What I don't get is how you get these men who wanna fuck cartoon animals (mons, ponies, etc) if they only supposedly can stand anime girls?
Well, the main cast of that pony show is basically just anime girl tropes but in a horse body.
Forgot the trans flag on the "girl"
That's not the joke, tho
I did for a while, I even made my own bot. It was fun but I felt frustrated by the strict censorship. I accidentally got too into it and would cry sometimes.
>pretending that they have esoteric, perhaps even sophisticated tastes
But it's true. You wouldn't get it.
You're right about the rest though.
I manage to break the filters fairly often. Can't give you an exact recipe to do it, though, I'm just saying it does tend to happen depending on the bot.
As much as the comic sucks, it's way easier to fill in the blanks with your imagination with a tiny pixel art character. High fidelity AAA characters leave nothing to the imagination
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women fetishize abortion
Yeah and shadow is just a punisher type antihero transplanted to a hedgehog body. What's the difference?
What I'm getting at is from my experience a lot of men really will just go and fuck anything with eyelashes, a feminine expressing personality of some sort and a soft hole (the 4th most r34'd Pokémon are Glaceons ffs). Which isn't really fitting the "men only like anime girl" notion. Maybe an uncanny valley effect is at play where male attraction to a women drops like a cliff when near the ideal but the attraction goes back up when it is a character that is inhuman but presenting the right gender signifiers?
troon LARP
This, there are no women on /v/, and you have the choice to prove us wrong by showing tits, or getting the fuck out, tranny.
>People I disagree with depicted as retards
>People I agree with depicted as quirky funny or likeable
whoa, society is fixed
How do I know you're not a woman pretending to be a guy?
post hand or ywnbaw
That never happens
>he's never heard a woman thirst and moan for Sonic
You missed some wild shit.
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Just ask xim if xe is a man. If xe starts acting weird, it's really a chick.
He’s badass spooky but not a tryhard.
Homestuck cup
What the fuck is wrong with women. I know multiple streamers who think sans is sexy somehow
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At least one woman fell in love with pic. related in our timeline, let this sink in.
Women think 80% of all men are ugly but will jump at any chance to fuck a man if they’re made out of pixels or ink.
Honestly they’re worse than males.
The average anon would too if it had eyelashes.
That honestly just describes 2D > 3D men.
>Men like anthropomorphic character is fine
>Women like anthropomorphic character is weird
What's the difference?
It’s the other way around. Women openly speak about being attracted to anthro characters all the time and every claps. Also 95% of furry on human relationships in fiction are male furry and female human.
For every one of those, I can find 20 guys who fall in love with most generic waifus possible.
Women and men evolved differently, men evolved to be visually turned on by the visual sexual displays of women. Women are turned on by actions that show the man to be strong and capable to caring for her and her offspring, even feminists are turned on by the same things cause it's hard wired into us.

This is all evolutionary programming.
Women are attracted the IDEAS that are wrapped up in personality and emotions. Something that you autistic fucks fail to see because you're too busy taking things too literal, that's why you're attracted to anyone with a pair of tits and big eyes and eyelashes. If you find a way to give them IDEAS and get into their HEAD they will be attracted to you. PSYOPS always works against women because they are weak, just like they are suspectable to propaganda and retarded hollywood nigger shit
> woman not fucking the most grotesque thing they can find

Women get turned on by male looks, they get wet at handsome men even clothed
Men rarely pop a boner with clothed women
Women are more visual than men
I honestly do not understand average coomer's mentality. Women have to be calculating since they will spend 9 months of hormonal hell to birth some fuck's brat.
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I mean, both of those guys have incredibly muscular bodies, it's not weird that women feel attracted to them. I know it's more about their personalities, but it's not like the well developed bodies are hurting them.
typical cop behavior
The feeling we get looking at a broad-chested toned male is probably similar to the feeling you get when you see a nice pair of tits. I feel like men on here go overboard trying to understand female sexuality as if we're an alien species.
that women are actually not superficial and dont care about looks, which is...ya know...
in realism world the guy with the gun wouldve committed suicide
They don't care about looks if there are other important indicator of security and stability. Strength, wealth, power, high status, respect from others...
In man's language, that translates as "lul they would fuck an ugly fat man like me so why am I still virgin?" without realising that they are missing security and stability parts.
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>implying women don't complain about male characters being toned down or visually redesigned
Women get horny over creatures like Boogie, Ethan Ralph and Rainer Winkler. These people have constant streams of hookups and partners. All of them disgusting slobs, providing no stability, security or even value. Women want to be snuff raped by ugly bastards and monsters. None of your pseudo-intellectualism is going to change that.
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>Act like an aloof dickhead constantly cracking jokes at others expense
>Girls show interest in me
>Reel that back and be more friendly
I mean I suppose I at least have a winning strat but god having to keep that up is exhausting.
And you show that by having a woman lust after a cartoon skeleton. Okaaaay.
All of those appeal to men exclusively.
You are mentally ill.
Neither do woketards, tranny.
>lefty comic
>punchline is violence
every time
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Not really, unless you are referring to the changes being adressed in the image, then yeah. Testament for example is the most blatant case, with a bishounen suddenly becoming a fatassed pseudo-otokonoko.
This is why I never bother irl. It's like playing a facebook "video game".
women are mentally challenged
more news at 11
who the fuck does?
looks like she has a bone to pick with him
Wrong. He is a space nigger to hedgehog kind.
When I was an 18 year old highschool dropout, I developed a "fuck it" attitude and acted like a prick to everyone and had zero reguard for myself or others. Had several women show interest and even fucked a few. When I began to get my shit together that dried up real fast.
>be a racist dick
>women are somehow attracted to me
Where do you live?
I don't, I'm actually a ghost.
Your drawing won't change it
She's a Lisa Simpson
What's up with zoomers and wanting to fuck skeletons?
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Well that explains it
>Too new to remember the skeleton waifu threads
You are the zoomer, newfag.
>Personality is what they are attracted to
Only when it comes to fictional characters. IRL if you look like an ogre they'll be repulsed by you regardless of personality, and the only way to counter that is for them being with you to be a guaranteed gateway to fortune or massive attention and praise.
Stupid sexy skeletons.
I guess this is from the perspective of someone who spends their time in goonette spaces and who only gets a vague impression of gooner spaces from snarky quote-tweets or whatever. That's fine, but it's missing something pretty important: the former spaces are nigh-universally organized and regulated around paranoia wrt which cartoon porn is "ethical" and which is not, with various strategies of intense social ostracism (and worse) sort of blooming outwards from that. I really can't understate how omnipresent this is, even in people who outwardly affect a sort of blase attitude about all of it, and it makes it completely impossible to take someone who engages with those spaces (without strong reservations) as any sort of libertine.

Like, the guy on the left's complaint is essentially being made on aesthetic grounds. This is, in practice, much better than the alternatives.
>Normality is pol now
Kek, what a self own

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