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Town Center.. home...
>mfw meeting rockhopper
>mfw getting my brother's account banned forever because I tried to log in as a penguin and he had a lot of stuff
I'm sorry bro
No one old enough to post here has ever played Club Penguin.
Fuck the world really did us dirty Chino
All because of mk ultra
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I remember having a small crush on her as a kid
Unironically could use a triple-A or double-A reboot. Make it a slightly edgier Pokemon (so like a digimon) with some light GoT villains and nations and people would eat it up.
i never truly understood the point of banning people for such messages
cant you just not send the message?

its even funnier that it used to flicker for a brief moment to anyone watching it
I liked chatting in the pizza parlor even though I hate pizza.
What was your favorite neopia place
For me it was the neopia central
So many private shop owner pages lost to history. People were happy back then.
I used to play CP and I'm 26. Time is moving fast, old man.
I've always liked the comfy vibes of Mystery Island.
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>you now remember the puffle shop baby roleplayers
I played it very briefly before discovering the black hole that was Runescape.
I remember them lmao
They were called pookies
I'd never heard of this shit until you zoomers started posting nostalgia for it. It's a game for small children that came out in 2005 if anything you shouldn't be here if you were young enough to play it.
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trying too hard

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