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>millenials supposedly experienced the "golden age" of gaming
>become passionate about games and get jobs in gamedev
>gaming goes to shit
name one passionate millennial in gamedev
>retarded snoygger keeps balming anyone but greedy CEOs and shareholders
name one passionate zoomeroid in gamedev
>CEOs and shareholders
but they literally don't make games, millenials do
>"""they""" see how gaming is profitable during the golden age of gaming
>"""they""" turn gaming into shit
there's more soul and passion in any indie game released today than corporate sjw slop shitlennials seem to like so much
>gaming is either shit triple A, indieshit or zoomer targeted asset flip
>"people" keep buying it
Seems to be a customer issue, if these next generations of gamers literally eat shit exclusively, maybe they deserve shit.
Talent skips a generation, wait for zoomer devs
There hasn't been any serious talent in videogame development since the 80s. They all moved on and got real jobs instead. It's been skipping multiple generation and this point and I don't think eating detergent will unlock videogame dev skills.
>but they literally don't make games, millenials do
You do know that shareholders can sue a company if said company sabotages their investments? It's all about making profit, and developers fucking bend the knee if they want to be able to keep their job. They should be thankful of the opportunity, but I guess the retard devs do nothing but complain and whine. It's the reason Japan Studio and the Hi-Fi Rush devs were axed. Just make fucking games that profit the shareholders more. I don't understand why it's so hard for people to fucking understand
>zoomer targeted asset flip
nobody asked you to make shit games
>"people" keep buying it
as if there's any other choice? games get delisted and deleted and all that remains are the remastered* games, boomers gatekeep jobs and miserable millenials too
*adapted for modern audeinces (in reality targets the 1% of the customers that are self insert freaks)
Game devs back then got their inspiration from books, movies, anime, real life, etc. Game devs now get their ideas and inspiration from other games. Most popular slop now is just a rehash of an older game, with 1 or 2 twists tops.

Same shit happened with movies.
>Zoomer is so braindead that can't fathom the fact that he got the short straw
We DID indeed experience the golden age, we got to witness evolution, the only things you got were the remnants from that age and stagnation.

But you are right, that millennials objectively ruined gaming as soon they got into developing/directing positions.
One day you will realize that blaming some imaginary space lizards just helps the rich get richer and fuck you in the as more.
They want you to be this way.
>make asset flip for a certain group
>they buy it and ask for more
>"nobody asked for this"
Yeah. The barrier of entry to get into game development is exceptionally low according to you, but apparently it is still too high for your entire generation? You can easily get old games too, or are you the kind of retard who clicks the advertising download button and has some saar take over your phone?
Customer isn't king anymore. Shareholders are. Customers are cattle, and if the shareholders are lucky, customers are the product
Millennials are responsible for craft beers and indie games. You're welcome. Most of them wouldn't be in leadership positions at major gaming companies, and even if they were, those companies are beholden to shareholders as another anon said, and are obligated to produce slop.
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That's why devs leave studios once they get too big, look at CDPR, like 4 or 5 Indie studios were already created from the talent that left, literally suffering from success. The price is paid in creativity and innovation.
People learn to create programs either to enhance their freedom or they sell their time to corpos

Most code monkeys are just wage/debt slaves and they'll never have an original thought all their lives
>sabotages their investments
I'm not sure they actually care about that
see concord (flop), suicide squad (flop), battlefield 2042 (flop) and the list of flopped projects worth millions of dollars goes on and on + layoffs and studios being axed left and right
>Japan Studio
this is what happens when instead of making actual games that stand out and are nowhere to be found on any other platform you train your audeince to consume cinematic third person action strong narrative movies with insane budgets, people who play dota/cod/fifa couldn't care less about the next ape escape
besides if you see such a trailer in a lineup of AAA slop your first reaction would be "the fuck is that indie garbage lol" and consume the AAA goyslop and complain about gaming being dead
games today are a bunch checkboxes of shit to make built upon the previous hits, and they fail at accomplishing even that
millenials literally can't write code or make decent character design, zero competence and awareness
>make asset flip for a certain group
the certain group never asked for it, talentless hacks that are not able to produce anything worthwile shouldn't be allowed to make games in the first place
besides it's clearly you identified metrics that grant bigger player rentention (sbmm/oemm), it's literally done on purpose
>they buy it and ask for more
you keep selling it instead of good games
>You can easily get old games too,
they rot on trackers, everyone consumes the current thing and moves on
>or are you the kind of retard who clicks the advertising download button and has some saar take over your phone
boomers are literally notorious for being the prime scam victims because they are tech-illiterate mouthbreathers oxygen wastes
>I'm not sure they actually care about that
>see concord (flop), suicide squad (flop), battlefield 2042 (flop) and the list of flopped projects worth millions of dollars goes on and on + layoffs and studios being axed left and right
You do understand that as long as the line goes up, none of that matters? Are you fucking retarded or pretending to be one?
Have you no idea how Capitalism works? Do you think making "better product" makes more profit? Better product is one that makes most money. Innovation of anything but max profits is fucking useless. Battle Passes are the best latest innovation that quickly comes to mind, mainly because it makes a customer treat their time with a game as an investment and manipulates them to feel good for paying more for "their" game.
Japan Studio just made tranimeshit and other embarrassing childish trash. Nintendo has that market covered so no need to compete with that giant. Cinematic games gives most awards and lures in more investors. Games don't need to sell more, as long as more people throw money into them. Now that $70 became """necessary""", customers still happily pay for them. Live service and always-online mtx spam keeps rest of the industry alive. I wish western studios would make more gacha games so they could make more profits for shareholders. I want rich people to succeed, because one day after I keep working hard, I will be one of the millionares too. Everyone can become millionare under Capitalism.
No one asked for videogames in the first place, but they happened and people got them, and then it had issues with an oversaturated market and it crashed because people stopped getting new shit which allowed people passionate about it to continue their thing whilst the toy company suits were doing something else. Now people are actively consuming shit and feel its good when the alternative is readily available. Maybe work on not being a consumer rube. People keep selling it, because people keep buying it. Very simple, but maybe too complex for you to understand.

>on trackers
There's never been more direct download websites available for the technologically illiterate with entire back catalogs of systems available at high download speeds. Of course, these morons also talk too loudly and tend to get them shut down, but a new one pops up everyday. You can easily find them yourself.

>retarded boomers
Yes and zoomers are the skip generation when it comes to "talent" of using consumer electronics. I don't hold out hope for the next generation either as they also grew up on toddler friendly devices which is the actual issue, but who knows. Maybe the schooling system will see the issue.

You do a lot of blaming others for your own easily solved failures.
What kind of retarded zoomer logic is this? Those who consume the very best that one art form has to offer don't automatically become artists. You, on the other hand, whine about games being shit without doing anything to fix it.
I blame journalists

And then i blame zoomers that parrot what journalists and youtube man says. On the bright side it can not get any worse.
The wrong ones became Devs because they were too dumb to realise it wasn't a good industry to work in. The rest of us kino enjoyers don't make games. The fanfic oc donut steels got 'jobs'.
The code monkies have no decision power.
I actively tell anyone interested in games and wanting to become a programmer to go into business software instead. Game programmer is essentially the same thing to coding as Game journalist is to journalism. Do it on your own time, because half your time is spent of fixing the contributions of offshore jeets or chinks.
>because people keep buying it
nobody is buying modern garbage, I listed recent flops, nobody cares so stop it with this massive cope
>There's never been more direct download websites
and they still rot there
>grew up on toddler friendly
a millenial quite literally invented the iphone, parents went to the stores and bought one for themselves and one for their kids, you had parental control tools for decades
it's literally your duty as a parent to make sure that your offspring becomes a regular member of society, not some tiktotk addicted weed dudebro retard good at nothing
>don't hold out hope for the next generation
sure, you parented it lol
>but who knows
you write like a redditor
>Maybe the schooling system will see the issue
see this is the point with millenial and boomer golems, you literally absolve yourself from any responsibility, the typical millenial "not my problem" mindset
maybe the schools will do something
maybe my wife while I'm wagecucking like an idiot will manage to grow up a normal man and some pussy ass idiot that's afraid of speaking with people
maybe the government will do something
not my problem!
you reap what you sow
Millenials like to blame zoomers for everything but they're the ones that made everything go to shit.
Does it also surprise you that critics don't make for the best creators either even though they make a living acting like they have all the right answers? Doesn't help that a lot of people who grew up on games have a tendency of taking a lot of its design for granted rather than thinking what else can be done with it.
Plus if your talents can be used for gaming, you're better off working in another industry for better pay, better benefits, better work/life balance. This industry is designed like a slaughterhouse, why do you think so many veteran devs have fucked off 20 years ago?
what generation are you from
Zoomers sure like to blame millennials for everything.
it's because millennials are all pathetic woke fucking nigger-worshipping fucking faggots.
because zoomers aren't the ones making the games
>they're the target audience
zoomers are in their 20s and games are targeted towards young teens. and the main target is shareholders anyway
It's the rich maaaaan, babylon must fall!
Millenials were the ones in the early internet telling jokes that would get you fired today and saying nigger faggot in CoD lobbies.
but it sure is convenient for you to have an identifiable group to lump all of societies woes on.
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Young adults with disposable income. It's your fault.
>the issue I'm complaining about isn't actually real but it is your fault
>get the better options? no i'll let it rot instead
>my parents failed me
>you have none of my skill issues? You reap what you sow
Thanks. If only you sowed a bit more, you would have 0 of these skill issues.
>zoomers get old enough to play video games
>battlepass, f2p, and mtx become normal
>games get filled with dei niggers and kiked diversity hires
Fuck off.
"They" being rich capitalists broadly and not juice specifically.
But you always make excuses for all the non-juice capitalists. For some reason. Curious.

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