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how do I get good in RTS games? I learnt a few build orders and could reach age 3 in decent time but how does one tackle the rest of the game which is very dynamic.

can any RTS pro explain the methodical process of how they approach a new RTS and how they adjust to the meta? I am starting with age of mythology right now so I can play comp in aom retold to be game specific.
play game
rules unclear. I just lost a couple matches in ranked.
Play Starcraft 2 until you can follow a couple build orders to the dot.
Going to happen homie, try BAR if you want something less sweaty than AoE

Basically though, look up build order, and then work on the primary skill which is switching between microing your army and macroing

Try seeing it as a loop i.e.:
>Buy upgrades
>Produce soldiers
>Buy villagers
>Command army
>Buy upgrades
>Repeat ad nauseum

T. Someone that doesn't actually play multi bc he's too scared
I am struggling at the point when I reach pop cap. I see people producing armies out of thin air but I get stuck in a pickle once my main army gets destroyed even though I have plenty of resources floating around.
Want actual tip? And that is for every rts game, aoe, sc2, sc1 whatever.
Follow a cheese build to the bone and do nothing but cheese for huge amount of games. Eventually the game will force you to adapt in multiple ways, be that early game because you are cheesed yourself, be that mid or late game because you failed but did enough economic damage so you can get ahead but can't just do same stuff.
Shifting from cheese to actual gameplan is way easier than trying to learn everything and doing some "proper" stuff without knowing what is going on.
t. 4gated in sc2 to diamond
Imagine being a PVPnigger lel
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The more you Sweat the RTS games the less you'll like em and they'll lose all their original charm.

You're optimizing the fun out of them, Diamond in SC2 and Divine 3 in Dota 2.
Seems like you need to build more barracks / production buildings in the case of that situation
I was always too slow in a heat of battle to micro in SC2 that's why i always get platinium max
There is no fun in dota no matter high or low mmr
Yeah build more production buildings. Especially in AOE2 where they're cheap as fuck and don't require adjacency or anything. If you only have 2 barracks it only takes 350 wood for someone to get to 4 barracks and produce infantry at double the speed you do. Pros often end up with something like 10 so they can spam trash units as fast as their economy can support them once their good units start dying.
take methamphetamines
watch countless guides on timings and practice daily
forget winning just focus on fundies like timings and queuing and hotkey control
dont focus on apm
oh that's actually a good tip but doesn't it get boring just doing the same cheese tactic over and over again. should I start by maining a single faction ?
For me its not boring because you won't even get to win and cheese first few dozen games so you still learn how to even do that.
Its all about progressions, first you learn the basics then once that stops working you learn how to react and before you know it you are thinking about 3-4 different things enemy can do before game even starts.
>10 barracks
oof I built like 4 thinking that the rest would be a waste of wood and got rekt.

>queuing and hotkey control
I think this is my weak area right now. I need to work on this. thanks.

I used to be a campaign only but learnt recently that PVP is where the actual strategy part of RTS begins. It's so much more fun (if you don't let the losses get you down)
also meant for >>682924695
>The more you Sweat the RTS games the less you'll like em
If you don't sweat, you would be getting dunked on and that's not fun.
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>"watch countless guides"
>watch a cool eco boom rush build
>follow it to the point
>enemy rushes with low level units when I am in the middle of the eco boom and kills all my villagers
on that day, things did not go according to plan.
1) Most important thing, figure out the economy. How to most efficiently collect resources. This is the first thing that seperates casual players from non-casual players
2) Practice micro-management. This is kind of universal across all RTS games. You need to learn to multitask, keep your base production going while you control units, and you need to learn to micromanage your units. Kiting, staggered attack moving, forming concaves, pulling back damaged units
3) Learn the meta. This part upsets a lot of people but it's probably the easiest part. If you lose a game, watch a replay and observe what they did. Learn what builds are strong and what are weak. Take the strong builds for yourself
>how they approach a new RTS
they don't. they keep playing the same game they've been for 20 years. that's why the genre is dead and that's why the comp scene has such a high skill floor.
Expand fast and get as many resources as you can.
>I just lost a couple matches in ranked.
RTS are for sick single player campaigns, not multischlop
This, just play the modded real scale SC2 campaign. It's pure kino.
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>I've never played the game but I'll forever hate it just because
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I played SC2.
Not amused.
MP is the only reason RTS games are still being made.
Yeah, and look at them.
Where are the bald men telling me to raze African villages to the ground?
Where are the sickest of soundtracks?
Where are the soulful units with memorable lines?
>raze African villages to the ground
never happened, fake news. the African villages were "liberated".
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I know who did it
Ultimately it takes practice, your game sense and mechanics will improve in ways which probably won't even be immediately obvious to you. As a starter I would suggest trying to stick to the basics. Make sure your economy is solid, do not forget to build workers. Make sure you build enough production structures and you actually use them all to build an army quickly, this is as important as economy in general, basically. At lower level especially I think learning to macro & build well is more important than fancy micro, you will face similar-level players and if you just eco & produce better than them you will run them over. If you have a good eco make like 10+ or something, you want to be able to rebuild losses quickly and you need to be able to spend your resources.

Beyond that, play a single civ / race and try to understand your units. What is good against what? What matchups are cost-effective and which ones aren't? Which are you civ's strong points and vulnerabilities? That build order that you saw, WHY is it effective? What mechanics and timings is it trying to leverage, and so on?

Ultimately, you want to understand what you should be doing, but actually doing it will require practice in the end. Still some things have basically 0 execution threshold, like just plopping down enough production buildings. It's not hard, doesn't take skill, you just need to understand how/when/why you need to do it and then simply do it, since the doing here is actually super easy.
thanks. those are really good points.
Now that you have learnt some build orders, play. But focus on multitasking. It's very tough at the beginning so don't stress yourself out. As you get more comfortable with a little multitasking start doing more and more.
Multitasking is the most important thing in RTS games next to decision making.
>Multitasking is the most important thing in RTS games next to decision making.
fighting games and RTS games are next level in gaming. I only realized that most other games are mind-numbingly dumb after I started playing comp.
You don't need APM*

*If you have a strong understanding of the game and its timings but APM also helps if you have those things.
So play enough to get ranked
>get ranked 500
>suddenly get to play with other retards
/v/ cries about games being hard 9000th thread

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