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>'My aunt... Roman mother... she was.. raped and murdered, i couldn't tell Roman how she suffered... so i told him she burned to death screaming in agony'
Are all balkanic "people" this stupid?
are slavs are utterly blackpilled and dead inside, it's why they're all alcholics
I'm a slavic 30 year old bloomer
Life is good
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>immigrant gets off the boat
>immediately starts committing heinous crimes against the local populous
What did Rockstar mean by this?
>CJ gets off a plane
>immediately steals a bike
it's a crime sandbox
Ok so for the record is he Serbian?
slavoids are no bigger than niggers
>Tommy escapes a shootout
>Gets yelled at by his boss and goes to sleep
more like a 9 to 5 sandbox
Voice actor wasn't, but yeah serbian/bosnian/croat since they all speak the same yugoslav kreole
Hes analbanian
>slavic 30 year old bloomer
how is your hairline?
>Tommy spawns outside the hotel
>starts picking up funny figurines so he can get the minigun at the start of the game
it's a collectathon
Receding slightly but good for another 10 years I reckon!
Why are eastern europeans so barbaric?
animal genes, no soul, no morals
no, Niko or Roman are gypsy names, so he's a balkan gypsy, but gypsies don't go to wars or do any form of combat except the looting in the battlefield
and still whiter than the average american
1200 years worth of Ottoman slave trading really did a number on the surviving bloodlines.
No need to state the obvious now
Niko's name is a blunder because it means nobody in serbian, but if you assume its short for Nikolai/Nikola it's perfectly normal
Roman is also a common slav name
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Oh noes, all that blood shed
I must escape to New York
5 minutes later
>drives over police officers LMAO
That guy is a 100% schizo psychipath
He's only as Schizo Psycho as the player
Remember if you don't headshot enemies or finish them off they don't actually die
So Niko only kills a dozen or so people in the whole game
You found a half-empty vodka bottle or something?
>hurr body shots are not deadly hurr
>if you assume its short for Nikolai
i'm pretty sure the lawyer who looks like Jack Thompson treats him as Nikolai throughout the entire interview, and Niko sent him a fake resumé so it'd make sense he would write his full name there
Which ending is the canon ending?
Me personally, I think Roman dying is the canon one
No drug is as potent as a healthy mind in a healthy body with a healthy soul my friend
Well yeah, they're still twitching and try to walk away even
Paramedics actually do their job as well if you happen to run over a granny
Revenge because Roman has a social media page in 5
By canon you'd mean objectively in the universe. In that case, Kate dying is the canon one because Roman and Niko are friends on LifeInvader in 5. If you mean favorite though, yeah by all means, that's also my favorite and i agree with you.
Rockstar hasn't confirmed it and they probably never will. I think Roman lives and Patrick's sister dies though.
Have you listened to slavic music, it's peak SOVL

Niko is short for Nikola, and it's a rather common nickname for Bosnian Serbs. Roman is a Russian name and it's literally inexistent in the Balkans. Phenotypically Niko really does look like a serbian criminal, while Roman reminds of a fat Bulgarian smuggler who only listens to gypsy chalga music.
hey, i'm the same
Headshotted a bunch police and some of them still managed to get up and slump away despite laying dead for 5 mins .
>while Roman reminds of a fat Bulgarian smuggler who only listens to gypsy chalga music.
yeah roman looks weird, he doesn't look verb serbian at all
also i don't agree with the guy above saying niko looks like a gypsy, he's got a very distinct balkan look, you're gonna find tanned farmers in balkan villages a lot browner than gypsies
your rampages arent canon, niko is easily the cleanest GTA protag out there even if he did some nasty shit in his past.
Rape is considered worse than genocide in Bosnia, so it fits the narrative.
honestly GTA 3/VC designwise are basicly Mario 64 with cars and hookers
Not true.
I'm from balkan, Niko is just a short name for Nikola.
Nobody means "Nitko"
The cleanest is michael, the rest of them are invovled murder, drugs, racketeering, and organized crime one way or another.
Because we aren't people. We are savage bloodthirsty inhuman testosterone-dripping genocidal brutes, that could break toddlers skull by touching it with small finger, so beware of slavs. Trust me
Turko-Mongolian genes
followed by GTA4, which was scripted and tacked down movie shit
>"....you kill my friends for $1000 dollars!??"
>"heh, how much do YOU charge to kill someone?"
GTAIV was kino
Bro what are you talking about? Michael was robbing banks in the midwest and killed hella police in the opening of gta 5 alone? He was with Trevor. Nuff said Niko was cleaner
my favorite line is when roman is trying to sell niko on how good life is in america and goes
>Just go back to the apartment, cousin, watch some TV! It's good, not like that shit we had back home!
>I'm pretty sure all the shows we had back home were American too, Roman.
pretty much every convo between niko and roman is fucking kino
I think a PTSD episode would not be beyond someone like Niko. If anything of all protags he is the most likely to start gunning people on the street besides Trevor
>you sold us out for only $10,000?
>well, how much do you charge?
communism turns even the most bright eyed idealist into a realist within a month
>getting your presumptions from pozzed games
Revenge ending makes more sense story wise. But Deal ending is the more interesting of the two.
>Roman is a Russian name and it's literally inexistent in the Balkans
but why? east europe is getting better and much better than the cucked west now. I plan on moving there.
hey isn't vodka basically lighter fluid or something
how the fuck do you people ingest that so casually??? shouldn't it be lethal after 1 dose?
>the deluded conservatard who thinks eastern europe is all white people
you're in for a real shock, pal
it's gonna be funny
nobody drinks vodka except alcoholics who hate their lives and want to black out of existence
it's not at all a popular drink, anywhere on the plate, and certainly not in eastern europe
>gets off the boat
>immediately commits a linguistic crime by speaking google translate
>99% white 1% gipsy
>56% white 13% nigger 31% amerimutt

the choice is clear
don't come here, we don't want you
>he thinks i'm talking about gypsies
oh no no no...
you've been ingesting some grade-a copium from /int/ or wherever the fuck you've been getting your info
why don't you go on a visit to warsaw/budapest/bucharest and then come back and tell me how based and white they were
t. 30 yo slavic deadinside
>99% white 1% gipsy
Woah, you're in for a BIG surprise once you arrive in Warsaw or wherever the fuck you want to move.

The places that are 99% white are the rural areas, but good luck getting a job there as a for***ner who doesn't know the language and wants to get paid more than 600EUR a month, lmao.

If you're American and you're looking for a white place or some shit, just move to Appalachia.
no let him plan to move to warsaw
he should get to experience the consequences of his retardation directly
Good vodka is basically tasteless
Why do men rape so much in war.
I mean youre already killing so
Penis feels good.
I do it in times of peace too
Big surges adrenaline make you horny and uninhibited.
>east europe is getting better
Everything is better than the quasi anarchy of the 90's. Being able to afford food now by being the sex tourism destination for fat germans too poor to fly to SEA countries doesn't make you rich. Especially not when those fat germans are also getting so poor they can't afford to fly and fuck your sister so your corrupt politicians keep fighting over last decade's scraps until there's nothing left.

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