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>enemy has a secret weapon
>thread isn't actually about videogames
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>npcs can be fooled easily
bears can run fast
>thread about ebin funny things I found on the interwebz xDdd
We are not your friends. Find a fucking discord you underage retard.
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>charming the enemy can backfire.
Welcome to 4chan!! +1 cheezburger to you!
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what does a skunk smell like, burgerbros?
salty coins and milk
milky milk and coiny coins
Rotting garbage that is somehow on fire
Kinda like stale, bad smelling cannabis
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>game has a poorly thought out tutorial
>faggot OP keeps making thinly veiled off topic threads because he thinks it's the funniest thing ever

Oops! That isn't a trope at all! Tee-hee!
>game journalists playing a video game
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>game is best with friends
my mother in law
like wet garbage and bad, stale weed
kinda burns your nostrils, especially up close
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>buffing up your high hp party member
Extremely potent stank
Shhh, /an/ threads on /v/ are good.
>enemy has suicide attack
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> game forces you to switch away from your favourite builds and weapons
Why did he do it?
One last act of defiance
Like a septic tank overflowed and there's sewage everywhere.
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>enemies can have their armor destroyed by strong attacks
Norwood is a harsh master.
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what do you profit from this defiance?
Like body odor and musty books someone took a shit in with a hint of cabbage
>physics objects can damage the player
If you're too dumb to make a convincing stealth thread, you don't deserve it. Fuck off back to plebbit.
>comes back for more
>off topic reddit thread
>every video is in retarded faggot portrait orientation
I hate phone faggots so much it's unreal
Dude weed and your dad's farts
marky mark and the funky bunch
calm and round

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>blocks your path
what do?
Can't watch this one anymore.
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the only thing I wonder about is why that tree in particular
give a bro embrace
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>enemy is cybernetically-augmented
>Ouchie wawa
Go back
ah, a fellow LoK fan I see
>I never asked for this
I hope that's fruit juice and not piss :(
tangy rotten garbage. it's incredibly intense and nearly impossible it is to get off.
t. been skunked
crazy how living in the wild means you have regular life and death encounters and that this is something 90% of people will never experience
Makes me glad that the pupper has not lost his joy to play
But I also hope he did not hurt himself here
some dogs are puppers, others are doggos
why are kittens so retarded?
depends where you live
>tfw no bear wife
I live in Toronto. The other night I had to bark and howl at a black man trying to attack my girlfriend. It was like a nature documentary and also depressing.
Weed, a little, if you know the smell
what a useless woman, would have been exceedingly easy to stop him
My condolences to living in a non-European majority area.
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>boss has grab attacks that can't be parried
its probably beer
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>game has jumpscares
What was the retarded bear so distracted by?

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