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games you like that /v/ hates.
no judgements, anyone being rude to you just ignore.

for me it's ff15, 16, and 7 remake/rebirth.
Whats wrong with 7 Remake/Rebirth? I tried Remake and didn't like it but I don't really see what there is to hate about it unless you're some diehard defender of the original
.. is one of the best games of all times.
I loved alundra! it would be nice to get something like a new land stalker, lady stalker, or alundra.
>unless you're some diehard defender of the original
pretty much this, it's hard to post in ff threads. the fanbase is incredibly hostile even by /v/ standards.
I dislike the culture around FF7R.
It's supposed to be a Remake, but it's also a sequel to the og, Crisis Core, and Advent Children, but still a Remake. It's kinda impossible to separate original from it when it is directly tied and 100% meta about OG FF7's existence. I do dislike nu-FF a lot in general, but the newer FF fans(and snoys surprise surprise) saying how "old FF7 was so unplayable and looks ugly, the remake is better!" etc doesn't help with it.
I guess the missed potential is biggest point. I wanted to explore the whole Midgar, not get tied up in Advent Children tier story mess and combat.
>but it's also a sequel to the og, Crisis Core, and Advent Children
it isn't, the fanbase just made that up
But it references og events and stuff makes no sense in narrative if you ignore OGs existence.
Such as time jannies
>makes no sense in narrative
I've seen new players follow this stuff just fine.
There are literally two different Aeriths in the game because one is the dead one from the original game.
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guys just post games you like, it can be ff or not; it doesn't matter. if you don't like a game just ignore the post. there is enough of this pointless complaining in every other thread.
For an action game it's mediocre
The story additions are bad
The graphics look great but many of the environments are bland
They added content, but mostly it's boring filler.
Tldr Squeenix sucks
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too many things to do
It's too good of a game
Remake/Rebirth are kino and no amount of /v/ seething can change it. But I think they let us slightly down with Rebirth ending.
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I liked 15 and 16 too, very flawed games and not ones I’d recommend to most but I enjoyed them still. I didn’t care as much for Remake, it had a few appealing factors (Sakurai doesn’t get enough credit for how good he is as Cloud) but the overall experience wasn’t for me and I didn’t bother with Rebirth because of it. I am still glad I played it desu
Anyway my choice is pic related, which outside of the initial threads I’ve never seen anyone say anything good about bar myself
I think 15 is flawed but 16 is mostly not, though not without flaws. it's just different, the kind of different that you would expect in another iteration of the main numbered title.
15 is ofc, because it isn't the Versus that we were hyped for, although I'm still glad that some people like it and it seems to sell rather well.
Don't know about rebirth, but remake was a hallway simulator. Also, breaking up 1 game into 3 games is meh. I didn't mind the gameplay being mediocre, but playtime was too padded to justify not leaving midgar in one game.
The best parts are the old stuff, the worst parts are the new story/redone old stuff but done in a way that is dragged on. Like I love seeing scenes get bigger and blown out, like the intro to Gold Saucer is a big deal now. Meanwhile the entire underbelly of Gold Saucer in the Corel Prison is so much worse tonally and also drags.
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Final Fantasy XIII
>but I don't really see what there is to hate about
it's a walking simulator.
Final Fantasy XIII trilogy
Resident Evil Zero (people were filtered by its difficulty)
Silent Hill Homecoming (fuck SH2 fans)
Ninja Blade
Time and Eternity
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do you use the cheeky fairies mod?
Everybody likes Best Souls 2, anon.
Good taste friend, can’t say /v/ hates it though
OP: > I don't have a ps5 therefore I hate new games wah
16 is great, remake is amazing, 15 was meh

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