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Everyone died
blow it out your ass
Not with a bang but a whimper.
with a bing
No way all the regulars decided to just leave. The only logical explanation is that a janny banned all of them.
It's a good thing pokechud poster managed to avoid the bannies
Euro hours have been circling the drain for some time now. The regulars are european neets who post until the sun comes up, which means they're active during NA hours.
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Got distracted by another thread
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I am enjoying the summer.
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I am not a furfag but what the HELL is THAT!?
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Videogames, anon
Anyway, heard England lost so that's good.
I'm not from /co/, I only started posting in their slop threads since march(?) this year
I've never seen goat on /co/, either.
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It's Isabelle?
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Happy birthday bro
best poster have arrived
No no no
That round thing where her butt should be and those heels with tastefully revealed feet...
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I appreciate seeing a more proper moogle.
I recently saw one from World of Final Fantasy and went 'jesus christ, are they trying to make them look worse over time?'

The butt?
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soft dark colors, scribbled lines, avant-garde anime-nintendo illustration, Princess Peach tall mature woman(blue pearl earrings, blue eyes, Long fluffy riled blond hair, crown, red glossy lips, long blue jeans, black top, brown teal shoes, round glasses, plump, hourglass shaped) motherly figure, holding a small hand bag with a warm smile, in front of a big red door of a school that have crayon draws, small wrinkles, sunny day

Bouguereau academic painting, face close-up, Princess Daisy, nintendo brown hair, daisy flower earrings, brown eyes, orange dress, making a face, ME GUSTA meme face, chaotic dynamic poses, Anime


soft dark colors, scribbled lines, 1990s avant-garde anime-nintendo illustration, Bowsette girl(white horns, blue eyes, long blond hair, blue earrings, cute pinky dress, long black socks, brown boots),face close-up, making a face, extremely smug, ME GUSTA meme face, chaotic dynamic poses, white background, bubble speech that read "So you like bowsette eh?"
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(You) are telling ME that Isabelle is packing all THAT??!!?
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Oh my God finally I got the face
delete this
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Sure, why not.
She doesn't typically show it off much.
That's how big the AI thinks it is, in any case. Nothing in the prompt is boosting that.
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And this one looks like the Biology of a gamer child gf
If you know, you know.
A-am I playing for the wrong team?
Do furfags really have it like this?
Yes. Furry board.
Did you make these in Novel AI schizofag?
he's scrubbed metadata if he did
Normal bing

soft dark colors, scribbled lines, 1990s avant-garde anime illustration, standing, Lavender a (purple anime slime girl made of purple gelatin, translucent, yellow eyes, long gelatin hair, wearing cute white sundress, summer hat, giant nike tennis with vibrant neon colors),face close-up, making a face, extremely smug, ME GUSTA meme face, chaotic dynamic poses, white background, bubble speech that read "Hola sloppers!"
>normal bing
>those filesizes
I-I see.
I shall need time to think upon this revelation. Yiff in-... Yiff however you please for now.
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Oh, I possess an intimate and profound comprehension of this matter
>187 images of slimefag
Somebody always ask for slime prompts and I want to be ready
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>tfw the OCfags may be replaced by other anons and we might not noootice it happening
Bros, I'm scared.
This one could be in a gallery!
invasion of the oc sloppers
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take my moneyyyyyy
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Okey last slime, if somebody wanted the prompt, should ask right now before I delete it
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>he doesn't have a notepad++ of prompts at nearly 10k lines
delete it
what a based concept anon
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not him unemployedfag
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not him isabellecringeaffag
Not saving that prompt makes it more valuable
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nonsense, that's simply forfeiting the ability to revisit older prompts with a more developed (?) prompt-fu, and denying the ability to extract potentially valuable bits to boot
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Okeeeey, only for you

soft dark colors, scribbled lines, 1990s avant-garde anime illustration, strolling through a miniature of a city, Lavender a (giant purple anime slime girl made of purple gelatin, translucent, yellow eyes, long gelatin hair, wearing cute white sundress, summer hat, giant nike tennis with vibrant neon colors),face close-up, making a face, extremely smug, ME GUSTA meme face, chaotic dynamic poses, white background, bubble speech that read "Hola sloppers!"
pls link to that bing extension you're using
prompt pls?
>I...... I wished I saved more Dall-e prompts.... *BEEEEEEEP*
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The prompt was >>682927654

And for the script is
This but unironically.
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Thank you
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don't mind her, she's just very insecure about her boob size
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>Isabelle from animal crossing (small tiny yellow dog character, wearing sparkly sheer red sundress, black lace bodysuit with floral design, sandals). She is looking sassy. The background is ocean, fun in the sun.
Pearl if she American
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what a loser
Sweet mary Josephine.
A dog cannot be packing THAT much ass with such nice luscious thighs...

I can't get tricked into becoming a furfag. Not like this.
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It's all semantics, really.
Anon that's not furfagging, that's LEGOfagging
You're already one.
Yiff in hell faggot.
Those ink sacs are overinflated. She's just one drop of ink away from spontaneous splatting
Sexy Inkling sqKids > everything.
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It has been almost a year anon
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I don't remember gobmaxxing being this easy
You bet I will yiff with furry demons.
a year of oc faggotry and no vidya...
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Sorry human, these are mine now
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>security! security! there's a guy up on the roof there, do something!
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>SDpony still doesn't come close to dalle3
>dalle3 leaked model sucks so it's somehow openai processes the prompt.
I wish pony would be remotely as good/fast as dalle sometimes.
>dalle3 leaked model
Wait, what? Dall-E actually got leaked?
I wasn't expecting these levels of chestmaxxing to be honest

soft dark colors, scribbled lines, 1990s avant-garde anime-Nintendo illustration, close up shot of Princess Daisytall mature woman(daisy earrings, brown eyes, Long fluffy riled brown hair, crown, orange sweater dress, long blue jeans, brown shoes, round glasses, plump, hourglass shaped) motherly figure, making a face, extremely smug and laughing with hand covering mouth, ME GUSTA meme face, chaotic dynamic poses, pink background, bubble speech that read "Hohoho"
She will need therapeutic massaging to be reassured
suckable minipeaches
ChatGPT is the one that takes your prompt and mangles it into something DALL-E 3 is optimized to comprehend. So unless you can figure out how ChatGPT reformats your prompt and how you aren't gonna get good results with DALL-E 3 even with their model in hand.
>not posting vidya while lamenting over lack of vidya posted
my favourite joke itt
>i don't feel like posting vidya because it gets flooded by off-topic garbage (read: it doesn't get (You)s)
how about that one
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Just over here I have experience with Tracer and Mercy
>he in fact did not care about vidya
>he only wanted (you)s
another classic joke itt
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What's that bing script?
the /aco/ script for dalle, pretty useful
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You don't have link?
It gens mustard gas.
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4chan detect the link as spam that's why I posted the pic with the link >>682927804
>somebody randomly posts a gen you made months ago
feels weird
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that's some nice meat
A-anymore of Isabelle? The dog with... abnormal hips and revealing heels?

Asking out of curiosity.
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Any flat, short Inklings wearing adult clothing that the target player audience should not wear at their age?
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I miss the lala gang
They are now on Dawntrail
Y'know what...
You win.

You turned my suggestive post into something unexpected.
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My bad, I must've entered that url incorrectly the first time, thanks for that anon.
>Godzilla vs. Pepsi
These crossover movies are getting ridiculous.
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Still no DALL-E 4... Image generators have gotten pretty stagnant, huh?
what was the release window between dalle2 and dalle3?
Relax with the eggrolls
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My old prompt got neutered goddamn.
absolute unit
Dall-e 4 censorship so strong it censored itself forever
plush toy isabelle from animal crossing, winking, lying on her belly on a towel on the beach, looking back, tail wagging, soft focus, appropriate attire

cyborg midna from legend of zelda who is short and floating, she has short curvy proportions and hourglass figure, light blue chassis, black paint, orange energy hair flowing from top of helmet, glowing cyan lights on arms and legs dark fantasy painting, gothic, low contrast, high resolution masterpiece, wide shot, side view, lying belly on metal box
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