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why are future murder victims so cute?
I knew my purchase of Of The Killer stocks would pay off.
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I don't care how many monkey paws curl I wish it was more popular. Granted there's just enough weird stuff to turn away a lot of people but... Damn it's just too good and I want more. I even started doodling again cuz of it.
the monkey's paw has already curled, vinny vinesauce streamed it last night
60% of all murder victims are victims of cute aggression
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Are you a killer or a murderer?
More of a manslaughterer, really. But I would like to be an assassin one day.
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I feel like every time I hear about this game I discover another reference.
And damn it's a banger.
Why am I seeing this game all the time on this board? I don't have a hateboner against it but I'm curious about what's so good that people keep making threads for it? Is it the shortstack girl?
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It's got a unique charm to it, a mix of dark humor and surrealism with a fairly good writing. People often compare it to Courage the Cowardly Dog.

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