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>ray tracing is a mem-ACKK
the pictures appear to be at a slightly different angle and this makes fair comparison tedious to my untrained eye
It looks the fucking same. What kind of turbo autism do graphicsfags have to see anything different?
what the fuck is memackk?
The background looks a lot sharper without RTX.
>It looks the fucking same.
Because it's either a joke or a troll image. There's no light sources, so what the fuck is ray tracing going to do? That's like using a screenshot of Agent 47 to compare Nvidia Hairworks, or the game Journey to talk about water caustics.
god, cyberpunk is such an ugly game when it comes to lighting and colors
I might be incorrect having taken it into paint.net to fuck around with opacity for an easier comparison. Simply fucking with an opacity slider in a .gif or .webm would probably communicate differences a lot easier for more people rather than the eye fuckery going on in >>682924684
however, is the light fixture up top supposed to be on/off, or the exact same, in both images?
Ray tracing is worthless, but path tracing is amazing. It doesn't need to be constantly running though, just needs to be done once to apply the results to textures. Textures shouldn't be repetitive.
That's kinda the point tho
isn't this just SSAO?
same thing idiot
No. That's just all they're capable of. That's their nature.
Midwit take
Ssao and screen space reflections are a part of the ray tracing solutions though. No one purely ray traces (you would explode gpus and cpus if you did)
No. It isn't. Especially not in the case of this game. You're too eager to call someone an idiot. That makes you one.
left is way more realistic. there's no fucking way shadows work like this. they don't just randomly pool under shit in broad day-light like this. this is always what i've hated about raytracing, it never looks realistic. the devs always fuck it up because they're fucking shit at applying lighting.
>Turn on path tracing
>-75% FPS
Not worth it senpai.
>That's like using a screenshot of Agent 47 to compare Nvidia Hairworks
>he doesn't know about 47's magnificent bush down there
I dunno man, the difference is subtle and I don't care enough for the image to get fuzzy the moment motion starts. I only played portal RTX and having shit turn blurry until raytracing completes was a annoying.
ray tracing is a gamble. it varies only from game to game but from scene to scene greatly. but it always ruins your performance. which is the reason i got myself a 4090 at 1440p. i run RT + DLSS 3 at 1440p so i get about 120+ no matter what but at 4k i wouldn't be using RT.
>everyone ITT is saying it looks same
>meanwhile i instantly noticed the massive difference in depth because of the ray traced shadows
i guess being a white man with standards helps in this situation
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You're mixing melanin count of your skin to your autism, retard.
The way light from the sky bounces off the stone and the benches makes it much truer to life in a subtle way. Can't wait for pathtracing to not murder performance.
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Meanwhile non gay-traced game.
the joke is the benches on the left have to use ambient occlusion but the ones on the right have actual soft shadows
that will be 100fps + tip, sir
FYI these are flipped around. Ray tracing off is actually on. OP does this so that he can later come in and laugh at you.
While the one on the right has strong shadows under the bench, they are very inaccurate and unrealistic. The one on the left, which is the one with raytracing, has lighting that actually behaves realistically.
Real time dynamic lighting is the promise of gay tracing. We are still not there since the games accumulate rays for a number of frames. Fast moving light sources won't behave correctly.
Why did the background get worse?
Don't see much difference. And if that shit affects FPS then no thanks.
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>cyberpunk is supposed to have bad lighting and colors
Not everything has to be Bethesda tier graphics, anon
>early game industry: "Get the artist to bake in light and shadow into these textures"
>middle game industry: "We don't need artists anymore, I can make 3D models using shaders and the lighting shall be the textures"
>current games industry: "What if we... create something with static light and shadow... but what would we call it..."
>some shit that could easily be done with traditional shadows and ambient occlusion
>that'll be 76fps plus tip please
>mfw Splatoon 3 does ray tracing light reflections without actually doing ray tracing
Western devs are just fucking incompetent and are looking for anything to cut corners and then dump the unoptimized result on you.
Ray tracing is wasted on lighting
It could be used for true observer line of sight culling and massively increase performance.
has to reduce the resolution to 10% to create badly baked shadows in realtime.
bunch of rasterized imitations of effects the devs wish they could reproduce using raytracing
yep, that's a non-raytraced game
I entirely blame Nvidia for the confusion around ray tracing and path tracing. Nvidia is clearly here to scam retards and because a confused retard is an easily scammed retard they're doing their hardest to propagate the confusion.

Ray Tracing (aka NVIDIA RTX™ Ray Tracing Technology), or in that case, photon mapping, is simply adding a pass of ray tracing (very few rays per pixels, 6-7) after the raster render. And then combining the two. It's still not photorealistic, you're adding additional data/ligh paths to a raster render that has no basis on reality, but it looks cool, and the performance loss is really acceptable on today's hardware.

Path Tracing (aka NVIDIA RTX™ DLSS™ Ray Tracing Overdrive™ 3.5 Technology) is removing the raster renderer entirely and simulating enough photons by pixel to have a photorealistic image. This is of course absolutely horrible for performance, and can only be done in real time by using AI to upscale, denoise, and produce fake frames.

I fucking hate when the two are used interchangeably. And I fucking hate that Nvidia is doing that to confuse morons.
It's even worse on AyyMD.
It's nice tech demo but nothing more.
>60 fps
>30 fps
>which way white man?
nobody buys AMD for RTX
>Taking a photo without flash
>Taking a photo with flash
You realise that both are just artistic choices? It's what you frame which in graphics terms is the quality of the 3d models with baked in lighting and shadows that matters. But I guess zoomies can't into modernist design principles.
Falling for nGreedia marketing.
worst example, because that turd was made by subhuman niggers
>play elden rang on a 4090/12900k with ddr5 6000mhz system with RT off, no issues with framerate, maybe a slight traversal hitch in dlc but that's about it
>turn on RT
>frametimes go to shit
>fps randomly tanks at some spots
>loading new areas in dlc is suddenly delayed after spawning near grace, whole fields of grass just lagging to load like it's being done on a HDD
>main render thread is being hogged by RT
kill me

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