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It's better than Elden Ring
It's worse than Dark Souls 2.
it's worse than Dark Souls Prepare To Die Edition
Didn't they not want to make a DS3? I swear I read that somewhere
it is not
Its objectevily best out of all souls games and it also the last game made by fromsoft before the popularity got into miyadzakis head so it will never be topped
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no it's actually the worst one. literally souls for secondaries and brainlets.
I played NG+6 in Dark Souls 3 after getting bored and disinterested by the DLC.
>2 instances of myrmidon of loss in ds3
>no instances in ds1 or ds2
ds3 is objectively the fall of the series.
Literally the worst game they have made since 2009
People like to suck DS1's dick but it feels like ass to play coming back from the modern entries, and the second half is unfinished and a genuine slog to get through
nothing is worse than ds2
thats like saying piss is better than shit
ER base game > DS3 base game
It's as good as Dark Souls 1, at the minimum. The combat is much better than Elden Ring's, somehow feeling more like an RPG while being less of a spreadsheet
>it's better than a Ubislop-style open world rehash
DS3 DLC > DS3 > ----------------------- > EldenRing
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DS3 this is where From Software peaked. I kneel
Imagine a DS3 remake with the original story and cut content

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