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>Ace Combat
Is this really the only good plane series?
You disgust me... please continue
DCS, IL-2, MS Flight Sim exist

if you're talking about arcade games, Ace Combat has the hilarious property of having killed all of its competitors while at the same time being a style over substance series of games whose only remarkable and consistently good aspect is the music
what's even more hilarious is that the people behind Project Wingman understand what people like about Ace Combat more than Project Aces do
and by the way, something very perplexing is that Assault Horizon, despite being the most successful Ace Combat at the time, commercially speaking, was loathed by fans so hard it nearly killed the series, were it not for the scam that Ace Combat Infinity was the series would have died
I find it perplexing because by then the hacks should have gotten a pretty good idea why people like their games and AH was almost the complete antithesis of that

anyway, you may like Sky Crawlers (it is made by the same hacks that make AC), HAWX1, Aero Elite Combat Academy, Over G Fighters, Blazing Angels, and maybe the first two Airforce Delta games
IL-2 sturmovik is really good
you wouldn't fuck a plane
Ace Combat is garbage.
Not exactly a plane series but check out Project Sylpheed for the 360, really solid space dogfighter in the same sort of style as Ace Combat
Project Wingman is unfinished buggy crap, with devs that sold out to Sony of all things

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