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Explain what? Your homosexuality?
Fighting soldiers is fun and actually engaging.
Fighting snipers is boring and amounts to “just don’t be seen by him, lmao”
>Soldier trannies: the game 2.
Only Soldiers are allowed to kill.
Nobody else.
you can't aimpunch a sniper that's looking in your direction, so the interaction is completely one-sided
didn't read but you should kill yourself
you can react to soldier, cant react to sniper. Can only just pray to god he has shit aim
team fortress, you rely on your team to target them
>dead game
>strawman argument
worst thread of the day
>Fighting soldiers is fun and actually engaging

sharty lost

It is fun to fight soldiers. However, turning a corner and instantly dying despite having full health due to a threat you literally could not see or react to because they are a mile away outside of any feasible way to engage them is NOT fun.

Dying to spies is generally not fun either, but considering how Spy is the weakest class and has to go through an absolute ton of bullshit to get kills, and takes tons of skill outside of simply "aim good", I give them a pass. Sniper shouldn't exist.
Why don't cheater bots play soldier then?
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Soldierfags still can't refute this.
>i wont play the game, somebody else can do it
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OP is a dumb, underage, post-2016 on his merc badge owning FAGGOT
>le heckin samefag!
Why are all soldier trannies mentally ill?
You post Wojacks.
Your opinion is already worthless
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>high explosive and hitscan
I wouldn't say the hitscan part is very high damage, but su-
>good mobility with rocket jumping
You can't often do that without giving up the hitscan.
You absolutely can, just learn where the medkits are
>hitscan damage
>I-I'm not retarded....YOU PLAY SOLDER!!
"class mains" are mentally ill. (you)
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I am a Spy main
Based, me too.
I just find it hard these days to play Spy since as soon as I get a few kills suddenly 3 guys switch to Pyro.
Or I get killed by a stray Soldier rocket at full HP, or a medic fucking crits me with bonesaw.
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Me, I enjoy simple pleasures like stalking an engie nest and pulling off my master plan by killing everyone and destroying all buildings while the pyro arrives too late to fuck my shit up
How lame are you to die to a Sniper? Serious question here. You have to be an absolute retard to die to what's essentially a point and click game.
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>gets owned by a soldier player
>proceeds to seethe on laotian hand sanitizer forum
I am Soldier main but why do niggers who post gifs have to be the cringiest creaturas in the universe?
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>>>682928059 #
>I am Soldier main but why do niggers who post gifs have to be the cringiest creaturas in the universe?
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>Soldier main complaining about people being cringe
The irony
>he says while he complains about Soldier mains
You do not understand the meaning of irony, bud.
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tf2 bait image thread?
>tries too hard and replies to a wrong post
Isn't it time you get back in your coalmine?
I spend most of my TF2 time drinking beer while holding a choke points with Engie.
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>Turn corner
>Walk into crit
>Try stab solder
>He rocket jumps away
>Try to stab enemy
>Friendly pyro airblasts him away
How do you stay sane with all this bullshit?
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Where did my post ever imply that I still am sane
>Markiplier ending theme no. 1 plays in the background
Does any other game seethe this hard over snipers? Only thing I can recall is niggers using spawn beacons in bf3/bf4 to spawn on towers or otherwise unreachable areas and stay there the entire match
Are tf2fags autistic or are snipers just hated?
>i beat you
because you are shit
>you beat me
because you are cheating
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No idea what word in this post derranged jannies marked as spam, but fuck you I am not rewriting that. If you whine about sniper, you are a low skill retard, who's got ASSFAGGOTS brain aids from playing too much Overwatch and you should go back.
>How lame are you to die to a Sniper?
It's almost as if only a little while ago this game was brought to its fucking knees due to what sniper was capable of with just a little scripting.
>Fighting snipers is boring
No, you are boring.
There are few things more engaging in this game than jumping/sneaking/running through enemy front lines just to 2-shot some faggot sniper who killed you a minute ago. The dopamine rush can only be compared with wiping third of the enemy team with a crit rocket.
Same reason they play sniper on any games
Easiest way to rack up KD and appear good
Are low IQ zoomers really incapable of separating the game balance and game breaking cheats, do they just not have something in their brain to conceptualize those as 2 different things?
I just play spy and backstab snipers and medics. And die shortly after. I have been doing this since the start of the game being F2P
Try that in 2Fort, I beg you.
this anon is correct
>yes, I'm blatantly spinning the bot crisis as an excuse to nerf a class I don't like
>why won't people take my tantrums seriously?
I saw you in the other thread
kys psychopath
Answer this, why did bots use sniper and sniper only? If it's not a class issue?
Literally get help or quit going to this place because I'm not whoever you think I am.
Because sniper is the class that allows the easiest automation of its "skill", and thus the highest performance gap between top human players and an average script
It's piss-easy to make a sniper bot that performs better than any human ever has or will perform, meanwhile it's very difficult to make e.g. a demoman bot that will perform even at the level of a moderately skilled player let alone top talent
I don't have to answer this because it's a completely invalid, self-refuting argument.
People breaking the game with cheats does not make an argument for nerfing sniper.
>I don't ha-ACK
Because you have no argument in this, sniper is broken because the only thing he needs to care about is his aim in the game about moving around and playing objective
Opinion discarded. You may retain your dignity in 10 seconds but no more.
You are dishonest piece of shit, who wants to subvert the game, that's why you need to bring up game breaking cheats in the discussion around gameplay balance. You have no argument, you hate FPS games and you are a pathetic looser. Your opinion is worthless. Kill yourself.
>y-you're ESL
Still not an argument, faggot
Sniper is broken af and should have a huntsman as a default weapon
Post badge or gtfo
>missed 10 second mark
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Don't ever reply to me again you little subversive dishonest rat.
Not that nigger but glad to have you here, tovarish.
Coal, like all sniper whiners
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>yes, I'm blatantly spinning the bot crisis as an excuse to nerf a class I don't like
If I was doing that why the fuck would I be attempting to do so when there literally isn't a bot crisis anymore you dumb fuck?

A question was asked: "how can people die to a sniper?". I gave you your answer. Why ask the question if you didn't want it answered?
based slaw
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Just shut the fuck up
Do you realize you've had multiple people reply to you?
Again, your example is shit, you aren't actually making a reasonable argument by referring to bots. Obviously you should assume we are talking about real players, because you don't balance the game around fucking cheaters, do you?
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I never really understood how anyone could ever "main" a class in TF2. I just switch to whatever would be most effective in the current situation unless I just want to zone out and play Huntsman sniper
>goes into someone else's inventory to screencap

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