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>High production quality
>Great visuals, music and art
>Satisfying combat system
>Attempts to incorporate elements of classic DnD
>On the surface a worthy successor to the Infinity Engine games and NWN
But then you actually play the game...
>Abysmal writing
>Dialogue written like a high schooler
>Almost no cutscenes that help establish any kind of plot
>No antagonist shows up until Act 2 and everything happens off screen
>Lazy mystery box writing, nothing is answered until halfway through the game
>Gays and nogs everywhere
>Nearly everyone is ugly despite the game world being visually beautiful
>Female companions are a trainwreck
>Male companions almost force gay romances on you
>Laezel and Karlach are walking memes
>No short raced companions (why?)

How is this game considered good?
It's Larian's meme writing + WotC corporate shenanigans + 5e Forgotten Realms. Literally the worst case scenario.
Waiting for Dragonirian to lose it ITT
It's considered good because it's good.
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I stopped caring about halfway through. I realized that the combat is all I really cared about. Have yet to finish the game desu
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>>No short raced companions (why?)
i can understand why so many niggers and troons in this game, but why the hell there is no bro Dwarf companion?
>45k in game
Marketing, mostly.
Its the witcher 3 of this generation.
Except Witcher 3 had at least some redeeming qualities
Dunno if shill or troll or discord or what but regardless you are entirely right this time. I echo all of your greentext points.
Because people
They played Act 1, got like halway through without even getting to the Underdark, repeated this 4-5 times and thought
>Damn, this is pretty good, if this keeps up I bet the game is fucking awesome! Welp, time to uninstall!
Its Lariancore, have a good premise for a story, have a good foundation for the game, and shit themselves forcibly, audibly and liquidly, and they keep shitting themselves louder and louder the further you go into the game
>Except Witcher 3 had at least some redeeming qualities
no, le ebin trad chad polish writing doesn't make your slop any better
>High production quality
it got bioware tier animations
Checks enough boxes for wide enough audience. That's it.
>another BG3 seethe thread
Don't you guys have better shit to do?
I'm sorry Spooderman didn't win the game awards
Because most of your negatives sent apply to 90% of people.
it's the perfect game for "modern gamers" who don't actually play video games and don't realise they actually just want a soap opera
the game gets progressively less coherent and utterly fucked story and gameplay wise as time goes on, by act 3 the game collapses under its weight
the rabid hordes of "gamers" who praise this game to death are the type who never get further than act 1, and have no intention going further either because the next fotm showed up by then
so they'll happily praise the game blindly and relentlessly through ignorance alone
it shouldn't be allowed, but it can't be controlled or stopped, so here we are
Larian always does this. Their games have always been propped up as some masterpiece because they frontload the game in the beginning with their best work.
They're also good designers. They design good games but they don't follow through with it. So on the surface the games are great until you start playing the game. Divinity and BG3 feel more like marketing products than games once you get over the 50 hour mark, because that what they are.
Larian are masters at manipulating hype. They're the new Bethesda.
it's not peak hours this is the low point
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I'll be honest here, I don't care about most of the gay stuff at all, but the fact that you have to be a legit asshole to all male characters constantly to avoid them thinking you're sexually interested in them is one of the few gripes I ahve with the game, why the fuck can't I dance with my bro around a campfire after a long grueling day of fighting without him thinking that's me consenting to buttsex?
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>jerked off to Lae'zel r34 again last night
Also, Larian games are always very approachable, but with a illusory veneer of "complexity" (no, Swen, DOS1 wasn't complex, it was needlessly obtuse), so that cRPG virgins think they are playing some "real" cRPG.
TLDR: Larian excels at making "baby's first cRPGs. And it works for them.
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I assure you I'm not
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>Nearly everyone is ugly despite the game world being visually beautiful
Made me drop the game unironically, also the character creator presets are fuckin hideous too, legit only 1 or 2 presets that aren't manjaw, kayak lipped, onyankopon motherfuckers.
What a shitty game
How easy is it to play and get into? Is the story really that complex
This is the type of game that more you play, the more you actually think about it the worse it becomes.
Act I is easily the high point, there's a lot of freedom and a lot of discovieries.
Then everything goes downhill, act 2 is barely more than a corridor and act 3 is unfinished as fuck despite being the longest. Abusing squid power has no payoff, the villains are shit, the story becomes a rehash of BG1 except retarded, everything related to Emperor makes no fucking sense, game brings back Viconia, Sarevok and Edwin only to dump a huge shit on them. The combat becomes very samey and you notice more and more of it's flaws so the resorts to dumb gimmick encounters as a last resort.
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Ehh, D:OS2 does fit that description since everything after the second act might as well be fanfiction, but BG3 does keep some level of attention to detail up until the last 2~3 hours. I think that might be mostly gameplay related though, you get so absurdly overpowered by the third act in D:OS2 that the game really doesn't feel challenging or fun at all, while BG3 is mostly a decent challenge throughout.

Narrative-wise though, I do feel both games just straight up don't care after halfway through, I haven't played since launch, but half the cast of BG3 feel like they didn't have any dialogue written for them at all once you got to the big city in Act 3.
ALWAYS a fucking Bejita pic attached to the most dogshit posts
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I'm surprised it became as successful as it did, normies fucking despise turn based combat
Because you lying about the game being bad doesn't make it true.
>one year later
>singleplayer game mostly
I introduced a normalfag friend to this game, someone who rarely play video games, played a bit of wow and lol at height of popularity. Told him to try bg3, he really liked it and he is spending hours on it each week, I don't understand, he doesn't even want to try similar game like dos2. He have finished the game like 5 times at this point.
based frog enjoyer
>How is this game considered good?
couldn't tell you, i refuse to play games that use 5e dnd rules and that wear the name baldurs gate like a skin suit just to nostalgia bait
Is there a worse setting than Forgotten Realms 5e? The term has been overused but it's the epitome of generic slop.

show me 5 singleplayer games that have that kind of numbers and are over 1 years old
fucking retard
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>I assure you I'm not
thats because trannies, faggots and women got in charge of the company
The game lost me early on when the devs bragged about female party members fucking around.
I want to kiss you
It's based on DnD 5th edition, which is the easiest version of DnD to get into. It might take you a sec to fully understand the mechanics but it shouldn't take too long and the game shows you a lot of relevant info, making it pretty accessible. It actually has some really creative combat encounters. The story isn't very complex, but it is decently well-paced. A lot of people here forget that pretty much all other modern CRPGs are absolute dogshit.
Imagine trusting Steam charts
Imagine trusting a game like Larian, owned by Tencent, not getting botted
If BG3 has such a big community how come it's mods are paper thin on Nexus? Explain that cunt
>Hurr durr they're waiting for the toolkit
Passionate fandoms don't wait for toolkits.
Your fake game is getting botted.
cope and seethe
>Imagine trusting Steam charts

Because BG3 cuts out a lot of the bullshit that other RPGs suffer from and actually has decent presentation to help you get immersed into the story. Divinity 2 is a whole lotta reading about characters that are hard to relate too with systems that make it easy to fuck up your build if you're not at least somewhat experienced with the genre.
I like playing baldur's gate 3
Do you even know what that means?
No goalpost moved. Imagine trusting the steam charts you dumb nigger
Think for yourself
Is this really a good game?
(it's not)
Me too, bud. It's a pretty good game :)
BG3 is the Sims so a lot of females play it regularly. I know it because I assume it's true so it's true and you are wrong if you think otherwise
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Based Lae'zel gooner
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y no imoutosex Larian
reddit harley quinn
Why do you think following the crowd is a good thing anon?
BG3 has no competition. It's the only half competent AAA cRPG to come out in ages. But OP makes fake points and the more you play the game the more it sucks.
It makes sense it would rank #20 in Steam charts but consider that that will be the highest it'll ever be, and again it has no competition.
I suspect BG3 also had a lot of player turnover
Fair points*
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she can be fixed
>tranime posters screeching at BG3
Every time.
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it was my goty and best game in years untill act 3
act3 turned it from 5/5 to 3/5
nobody plays these online
if you and your tranny group play them, it doesnt mean that anyone lese does.
multiplayer population is propably 0.00001% in these larian games and crpgs in general
And Larian put so much effort into this origins multiplayer aspect that nobody is using.
It's just impressive they made 5e low level combat not boring as shit
the game is good, it's your miserable life that makes things unenjoyable
>No short raced companions (why?
Bc larian is racist and caters to lefty racists
Story in a game is like story in a porn movie. It's expected to be there, but its not that important
Mind broken
I'm gonna replay this soon finally, looks like there's enough mods out now to please my sex addiction
This is true for an fps.
This is an RPG story is everything
>>Abysmal writing
>>Dialogue written like a high schooler
Claim with no evidence dismissed with no need for counterevidence
>>Almost no cutscenes that help establish any kind of plot
You play through the plot. But there's also: cutscene placing you on the nautoloid, cutscene introducing the grove being under attack, cutscene resolving the grove conflict.
>>No antagonist shows up until Act 2
And? Are you too stupid for a story without The Bad Man(tm)?
>>everything happens off screen
Such as?
>>Lazy mystery box writing, nothing is answered until halfway through the game
Mystery box writing doesn't answer. What you're describing is just having a plot with a mistery. You low IQ or something and can't operate without someone spouting exposition?
>>Gays and nogs everywhere
Ye I'm replying to one right now
>>Nearly everyone is ugly despite the game world being visually beautiful
No evidence, dismissed
>>Female companions are a trainwreck
By which you mean?
>>Male companions almost force gay romances on you
You prpblem
>>Laezel and Karlach are walking memes
What memes?
>>No short raced companions (why?)
Then your party would have two midgets and you'd complain that you're forced into disgusting gay midget sex

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