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Why is yuri so popular among gacha players?
>The female version of protagonists is always more popular than male.
>Every time there is a new gacha game, multiple yuri ships instantly pop up.
>There are no gacha games that don't have yuri fanart
So why exactly gacha players love yuri so much?
My dick can cum on both of their tongues whilst they kiss, and that's hot
I'm gonna break this down for you real simple.
Gacha is 90% anime girls. People literally pay to collect anime girls. If there are more anime girls, people will pay more.
People draw fanart of characters fucking regardless of series.
If all the characters are girls, then the girls will fuck.
I think a girl having sex with a girl is fine. There is no competition.
A guy having sex with a girl? That isn't me. I don't like it.
Plus I can always have sex with both of the girls, and the more hot girls the better.
>The female version of protagonists is always more popular than male.
You really underestimate how many girls play Hoyoverse games. Some of them are either lesbian or bi so they're just not playing it for the hot dudes.
It doesn't help that the male protagonist looks bland while you have literal sex incarnate characters like Lumine.
That said Genshin does have a lot of headcanon on who is Aether's official waifu from each region, it just gets drowned out by all the Loom pics.
>There is no competition
Lesbians hate males and find penis disgusting
I can fix them.
>Aether's official waifu from each region
Mondstadt: Venti
Liyue: Xiao
Inazuma: Ayaka
Sumeru: Nahida
Fontaine: Lyney
>The female version of protagonists is always more popular than male.
Actually according to data male mc is the most picked by players. Female mc gets more fanart because most drawtrannies are female or ((female))
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>Plus I can always have sex with both of the girls
Ohnononono ahahahahahaha
They'd call the police on you
I was talking about 2D. 3DPD need not apply.
I didn't even have to open it to know what that was.
Neet shut in here that don't meet people outside their echo chamber don't realize dykes are basically males
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>The female version of protagonists is always more popular than male.

Because gachas always give me the choice between a femboy and female as the MC so I might as well play as the female.

If they gave me the choice to have an actual masculine male MC I would play as them but that will never happen because chinks can only self-insert into little beta femboy MCs.

But I sure there are plenty of troons and other autogynephiliacs pumping the numbers of fem MCs players as well.
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>lesbians hate males
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>>The female version of protagonists is always more popular than male.
But the male makes a better woman than the female.
It's canon btw
Reminds me of that time this really cute lesbian girl came to my house with a bottle and we played strip poker and fucked and surprisingly she sucked my dick and then told me to cum inside her multiple times while staring into my eyes. That shit was cash.
The thought of getting cucked by a woman don't make me as angry as if i was getting cucked by a man
>works cited
Real life
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>men like women
>men like women making out with other women even more
>most gacha players are men
It is truly a mystery
Yuri is the only situation where only watching is acceptable
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>Real life
A lot of non-dyke lesbians are bisexual they just prefer to say they're lesbian for social justice brownie points. Some of them it's just a phase to see what the carpet tastes like before they're back on the dick carasol.
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Yuri is the straightest fetish for heterosexual men.
Yaoi is the straightest fetish for heterosexual women.
Trannies are actually highly depraved heterosexual men with AGP - so while saying trannies like yuri is pretty fucking dumb because every het male likes yuri, even if it were to be the case, it's a part of their biological programming.
Male protagonists exist to self insert. Most het males find no attraction in a male protagonist that they would in a female protagonist. Male protagonists exist purely to project themselves onto.
Both male and female protagonists have their appeal. But female protagonists usually get more representation because nobody really cares about the male lead.
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When two girls make out, it's really hot.
When two girls have sex, it's really hot.
When two girls make passionate love under the stars and say that they love each other, it's really hot.
When two girls get married and live long, fulfilling lives together full of challenges that they overcome with their love, it's really hot.

I guess what I'm trying to say is 2d lesbians are hot
Post girls making out already
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>I think a girl having sex with a girl is fine. There is no competition.
>The thought of getting cucked by a woman don't make me as angry as if i was getting cucked by a man
I don't mind yuri, but at the same time I can't for the love of god understand this cope mechanism. Sex is sex. If someone (be at a man or a woman) is having sex with a person you like (be it a man or a woman), newsflash, you've been outcompeted, and that very person prefers another man/woman to (You).
A female doesn't have what a male has to offer, though.
Self-inserters are mentally ill. There's not really any actual logic in there, just weird cope and backwards thinking. Even if they explained it won't make sense to you, because their brains work incorrectly.
absolutely delusional. lol
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Unironically, what is it a male has to offer in 2024 what another woman cannot?
>inb4 lol dick
>give me 2+2 and don't say 4
LOL I know that one.
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You can't convince me to hate yuri, you just can't. No matter how much trannny shit you spam. I don't care.
A lesbian once explained to me she wouldn't necessarily mind a dick on a girl, but what's unattractive on men is their secondary features like their bone structure, lack of breasts and hips, faces, etc.
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And then I open gelbooru and I see nothing but girls getting the dick and barely any yuri because yuri is boring. Yuritrannies are delusional.
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Here's a yuri lesbian
I don't hate yuri, but I hate militant yuritroons.
>Go to website that nearly as a rule doesn't collect yuri
>lol there must be no yuri
Why you stupid son
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Look look it's a lesbian!
Extremely realistic dildos already exist, and super realistic sex dolls for men aren't too far off in the future.
Bisex females aren't american man hating lesbians
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More lesbians
That's what rape is for, silly.
Lesbians are literally built for rape correction.
I was a Yuri fag too, but one day I doscover the superiority of BL.
You're detached from reality
I know a lesbian that says it's the other way around.
>yfw there are only 32 lesbian bars remaining in the whole of the US

Maybe it's true that lesbians don't actually exists, it's all just gay guys and bisexual women
and the dick, i personally dont understand lesbians that use dildos.

Femboys are not by design always beta
Cope, yurifag.
Rape is the purest form of love, and women agree.
The dick shape is optimal for fucking orifices, and dildos are a chunk of polymeres anyway, not real dicks.
Actually, lesbian bars are shutting down because of trannies invading them.
I think they are closing because lesbians don't want to deal with troons.
>men won again
damn, it just keeps happening
Yuri tag is not very popular on hentai sites either. It loses hard to like, yaoi and loli for example. It can't go beyond softcore because women can't fuck each other.
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oh dont you say? what im saying is that dont make any sense a lesbian that dont like mans using one of the most strong characteristic from mans (dick/dildo) to excite herself, its supposed to happen the other way, use a dildo and lost the horniness.
Dude who the fuck watches hentai, it's not 2005 anymore
>go to a female only space
>it's all men
>arrested for hate crimes if you complain
>get raped in the bathroom
I foresee the extinction of female (female) lesbians in the near future.
He means sites like rule34 (both of them), sadpanda, nhentai, r18 pixiv, etc. etc.
Yuri porn isn't popular because yurifags are not normal straight men, and prefer to watch boring romance between cardboard cutout high school girls over porn.
Weird way to justify your AGP
They brought it on themselves, no one encouraged trannies in the LGBT community more than lesbians, back when they didn't realize that trannies would invade all their spaces.
>no one encouraged trannies in the LGBT community more than lesbians
I find this hard to believe since they hate men by default.
>But female protagonists usually get more representation because nobody really cares about the male lead.
Where? Every gacha with a male-female choice always puts the male character front and centre.
Women (both gay and straight) in general always were (and for some reason still are) the biggest LGBT apologists ever.
its not all lesbians that agree with that, stop being retarded.
HSR, for one, doesn't.
What the fuck is Yuri? A Russian dude? Looks like some lesbians in that picture.
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Transbians are the most disgusting creatures on the planet
They thought that trannies would be more of a net negative for men, and they were partially right, they just didn't expect that trannies would have free reign to destroy their communities the same way they've destroyed male communities.
Who gives a fuck about the 20% that don't agree, they can't do shit to stop the 80% that do.
Hot girl on hot girl is hot i don't know

I'm not even a gachafag
Lesbianism is trans coded
Damn, someone needs to make a meme out of this pic
so you're saying they have good taste?
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its because the trannies those fucking retarded freaks, being lesbian or not every woman should hate trannies.
>there are more lesbian bars in putinstan with all the anti-gay laws than in USA currently
Why would a het cis male want more lesbians?
For each lesbian it's two less women available for us, only AGP trannies want yuri, yuri is literally ntr for trannies, keep coping.
>Who gives a fuck about the 20% that dont agree
i do.
You're irrelevant.
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Only mihomo games are like this. You play as a chad ordering bitches around in proper gacha games not made for faggots and roasties.
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i know.
Fiction isn't reality, retard. Me masturbating to anime girls kissing doesn't magically turn women gay.
Haven't played it myself, so I can't say. Is it like Genshin where the female character appears in couple of trailer, but the splash art always has the male MC?
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Most of them do, yeah.
In FGO it's only the male MC that shows up in anime adaptions. The female MC shows up in First Order but dies, pic related.
I think some of the manga uses the female MC?
Trailers go back and forth, though.
Advertisements typically use both protags, but it's kind of clear the devs (and the community) have a preference for Stelle
See, I can't believe this because every yuri community I see online is full of trannies.
Even here on 4chan a lot of yurifags are trannies.
It's like the opposite of loli, where the audience is like 90% straight brown men who just enjoy cute little girls.
>straight brown men
most brown men prefer feminine white boys
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FGO panders to fags and roasties too, but at least the male protag doesn't look like a total faggot unlike in mihomo games.
It's doubly funny for F/GO because the female protag is so much more popular than the male it isn't even a discussion. If self-insert porn weren't a thing Gudao would borderline not exist in fanart.
Hmm, doubtful, most shotacons seem to be women these days. Though gay shota definitely has its audience, and plenty of them are also brown.
Personally I prefer my girly shotas fucking lolis.
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yuri is far from my preference but watching two girls that i think are attractive be all horny and sexo with each other is hot as fuck
Not anymore, bro. Ever since Gudao's official crossdress arts came out he blew up in popularity.
>why do "people" with dogshit taste tends to have other, complimentary dogshit interests
Is OP retarded?
>most shotacons seem to be women these days
Blessed timeline
Yes they do, a lot of straight men are trooning out and a lot of women are turning lesbians mainly because of yuri.
>women are turning lesbians mainly because of yuri.
Peak delusion right here.
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You were saying? Also a lot of art of Gudako is of her getting fucked by dudes, so yuritrannies still lose there.
Delusional troon.
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The most based gacha enjoyers understand the cuteness of both the male and female characters. We are able to enjoy our slop at 200% efficiency.
Anon, I'm gonna let you try and figure out for yourself what you did that was so fucking retarded. You're a big boy, I'm sure you'll get to the bottom of it.
Yuri is literally a lesbian glorification propaganda, just see how many gullible autists troon out and are hostile with any kind of male.
Women are the same, yuri is a poison for coomers.
people play gacha games for the girls
yuri = more girls
not rocket science
>lesbians all hate men
>not wanting to fuck them means you hate them
Lesbians I've met are usually bros. This is why I hate how in anime/jap games lesbians are always male haters (if males are even around in the first place). It's such a straight male take on female homosexuality (or even more specially a beta straight male take).
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Enriched reminder
Yuri isn't making women gay anon, at most they'll "experiment", which is common nowadays. Hell, a lot of yuri authors in nipland are married women.
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I've never met a lesbian IRL
I've met trannies of both genders, plenty of gay dudes, and straight girls who would be comfortable kissing another cute girl or admit a passing attraction to one but I've never met a straight up lesbo
shit seems so rare to me, I feel like they don't even exist
>blaming japs when it's american feminist lesbos screeching that give them a bad name
>a lot of women are turning lesbians mainly because of yuri.
I'd genuinely believe that in Asian countries where people are androgynous naturally and men and women sure as hell aren't fucking each other anymore. In the west tho, nah.
American feminists aren't making anime/games from Japan. That stuff is the way they are because that's what actual otaku like.
I've met a handful and all of those except one were ugly, fat and/or mannish. The last one was cute but I didn't get to cure her with my dick...
I've never seen a man hating lesbian in jap media...
Yea, in my experience, it's mainly male otaku who hate other men because they're inferior to those men and project that hatred onto lesbians.
>lesbians all hate men
>not wanting to fuck them means you hate them
people that think like that cant even br measured the level of autism they have.
I only meet them through other friends. They reasonably seem to avoid spaces with mostly straight people when in their free time. Yet another reason troons will never be like them.
gay shit doesn't belong on /v/
go back to your containment boards
NTA but it used to be a massive trope (as much as I hate that word). These days they just don't bother putting men in any fashion in in most yuri shit because thats just how much the fans hate them.
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>The female version of protagonists is always more popular than male.
>hmmmmm, do i want to play as some disgusting twink with gay ass haircut, or as sex incarnate with massive tits
I really wonder why people pick the girl
They don't have a problem as long as the male is a self-insert. They don't want otome prettyboys in their media because that shit is for roasties.
You need purest cutest love to balance out the gacha gambling shit
I'm coming to your thread to ask you yuritrannies something.
Does anyone else feel like they see the /u/ banner lately far more often than any of the other board banners? Like everyday I see that banner at least 4 times, while there are other banners that I would not see for an an entire week. Are the mods yuritrannies and made it so it would appear with higher frequency or am I going schizo?
ZZZ is the AGP test, considering the feMC is more interesting to watch as an NPC. I think that's one way to go for games that want to do both genders
>Why is yuri so popular among losers?
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Going outside for even like a week completely eradicates your ability to take the things autists on this site say seriously. These are people who think they know women the way a medieval peasant thinks they know dragons.
People who are into yuri and futanari are so thoroughly brain rotted that they can't see two characters in the same frame without jerking off their tranny dicks and panting over yuri. They're like furries, they are obsessed with their fetish and make it their entire identity and draw as much of it as possible to try and drown out anything that isn't the thing they want and get violently angry when something isn't yuri
>purest form of love
literally me. Im trans btw
>Does anyone else feel like they see the /u/ banner lately far more often than any of the other board banners?
No, I've noticed that too.
Pretty sure one of the mods is an avid yurifag, so it wouldn't surprise me if it does genuinely show up more often.
Arguing which MC is the more popular one is missing the point. It's a categorical mismatch. The male MC exists to be a self-insert. The female MC exists to be a waifu. It's honestly mind boggling how so many people out there don't get this. The expectation is that the male MC is the "canon" one because he is supposed to represent you, the male player. That's why anime adaptations usually pick male MC as the MC. Female MC, being a waifu, is obviously more popular in fan works, comedic spinoffs and the like, because why the fuck would you draw Yourself in a fanwork when you could instead draw a cute waifu? I might play a game with the male MC because I see him as my own self-insert within the setting, but would I rather use a reaction image of male MC making a silly face or female MC making a silly face? It's obviously going to be the latter. Or let's say I like a female character and consider her my waifu. If I'm going to draw her, I'm going to draw her alone, why the fuck would I draw the male MC next to her? He is not a character, he is simply my representation within the game. Whenever this topic is brought up, I'm always reminded of Mass Effect. If one were to collect all pictures of all Shepards posted on 4chan since the release of Mass Effect 1 to today, I'm pretty sure a good 90% of them would be various versions of female Shepard. Because people love their waifus, and she's a waifu. But then Bioware released the official figures of how many players picked which Shepard, and the results were something like 75% male 25% female. I doubt there is a single person in the world, or at least 4chan, who expected this to be the case, considering how much more people talked about female Shepard than male Shepard.
But I like futa and don't give a shit about yuri.
Reminder that this study cited abuse by male partners on women who now call themselves lesbian as "lesbian domestic abuse"
Trannies can't help trying to be women in videogames
They also hate themselves deeply
Ergo they play gacha and self insert into the designated feMC
What the fuck do you mean "to get comfortable"? She's a lesbian. Do you need time to get used to a woman? Not ffs it's what get her going. That was the sign the threesome was never gonna happen.
Gotta love all these brainlets that take homosexuality as a joke bcause "a dick/pussy will fix them". No mf, that's still a whole fucking person with their own tastes, interests and apecially views towards relationship. You forgot there was a whole person behind the dyke with their own mindset and views towards relationships but ignored it because "haha 2 women hot".
Bonus points for calling her out as a rugmuncher when that was the whole point of asking her.
Doesn't look like yuri to me faggot. Your fad sad existence =/= anime drawings
Holy cope
It's a fake story someone with a cuckold fetish wrote with one hand while jerking off with the other. Go look up that thread on the archives, dude, why do you think that screencap doesn't include that many replies? It's because 99% were calling OP a LARPing faggot.
Fuck you, don't lump us futachads in with yuriniggers.
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>28% margin of error
Nigga what is this study, lmao. There is a difference between almost 15% and almost 50%. A big one.
Oh I see, so it's the "purest form of love" in your mentally ill detached from reality brain. Got it
Who gives a fuck about 3DPD dykes?
If you care about 3D shit you're not a yurifag, you're a loser with a dyke fetish, on par with nigger-lovers.
>c/u/cks being mentally unstable and delusional once again
self insert chads can't stop winning
reminder that honkai impact 3rd flatlined as soon captainverse ended :)
>to have met researchers seeking participants in the lesbian community
now it all makes sense.
You trannies can fap to your yuri selfinsert all you want but don't try to claim it's "the purest form of love" because it's bullshit
Is the paint land zone going away after the event period
Well obviously yuri alone is not the purest form of love, that would be loli yuri or lolisho if the shota is cute enough.
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>topic about video game girls making out
>but what about real life tho
Are you stupid? How is this related?
That's her pet
>enters a yuri thread
>posts westroon """art"""
you're as bad as he is
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do you know what is the purest form of love?
>yuri isn't related to real life lesbians
So is this the new transbian cope? I guess negating reality comes easily to them considering they do that constantly
>be straight White male (racist and sexist)
>open thread hoping to see cute pics of girls kissing
>it's just people screeching about trannies and dumping their tranny folders
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Ackshually this is reflected in 2D as well. Yuri with toxic abusive relationships is common.
Anon, 3D has always been PD, only westoid "yurifags" (read: trannies and white guys who wish they were women but don't have the balls to troon out) give a fuck about real life dykes.
How about you go back to /lgbt/ you disgusting tranny?
Why do anons pretend to care about alleged abuse while also spouting how much they want to beat, rape and kill women?
this is /v/ retard, not /a/ you dumb yuritr00n
that's mercy and widowomaker
Girls making out is hot
That's because it's hot seeing two anime girls beat each other up or try to kill one another or get rapey and horny.
Because despite what social media might make you think, the average joe doesn't really believe in homosexuality on the same level as heyerosexuality. "I can fix him" thoughts can happen with both atitude or sexuality. Ask any openly gay men how many "allies" women have flirted or tried to fuck them.
In reality, mowt people still thinks there is a change to make them straight, that homosexuality is slightly below heterosexuality, and why people does not see yaoi or yuri as losing people from the aviability pool because, as many anons have posted iit, they really believe they can walk into 2 ladies fucking and they won't have any issue with a guy joining.
Very sad indeed.
how many time does the OP of this thread use the term "yuri" and how many times does he use the term "lesbian" you retarded troon
You are brown
White guys have ruined yuri with their autism and LGBT activism, it's really sad to see.
They just can't help themselves, wherever they go, politics follow.
see >>682932594
>walk into 2 ladies fucking and they won't have any issue with a guy joining
Unironically the only kind of yuri I approve of is two hot women preparing themselves for a hot steamy lovemaking session with me.
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You'll kill yourself soon

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