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Noooo it was supposed to be a heckin gritty new IP like eternal darkness.
She cute
Tendies be like: whoa this anime game is fire I love not being able to play Horizon
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I thought this was going to be something in the vein of Eternal Darkness even if it was probably going to be lower budget. What the fuck do you mean this is an anime VN
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tendies not liking VN's is pretty funny, not surpsing that bingbingfaggots are too smoothbrain to enjoy a good story
idk if this is a good story because i don't pay attention to tendie shit at all, but the girl is cute so id play it
>tendies thought they were getting some cool new m rated horror game
>it's a visual novel
great for me, tendie influencers that hate weeb shit lose again.
>literally has the makings of being japanese in the teaser
you are retarded
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Will she be in Smash this time?
It's not a visual novel, it's an adventure game.
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>Ayumi is now eligible to join Smash roster
Feels great.
Hoping we get a new Murasame Castle game and a new Excitebike.
>This is how F-Zero died
>This is how Star Fox died
>This is how Kid Icarus died
>This is how Fossil Fighters died
>This is how Chibi Robo died
>This is how Mischief Makers died
>This is how Sin and Punishment died
>Nintendo makes a rated M game for the first time since the GameCube and it'll probably sell 2 copies
This will flop hard
It's pretty cool that the remakes inspired a new FDC entry. I just wish said remakes weren't so pricey for what they are.
Are these games worth it?
Kinda curious if only for the oddity of playing the og mystery game. But 60 bucks for two nes games is a bit too steep for my taste.
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>>This is how F-Zero died
>>This is how Star Fox died
>>This is how Kid Icarus died
>>This is how Fossil Fighters died
>>This is how Chibi Robo died
>>This is how Mischief Makers died
>>This is how Sin and Punishment died
>>Nintendo makes a rated M game for the first time since the GameCube and it'll probably sell 2 copies
>This will flop hard
Twitter is pissed over this. Nintendo straight up lied to us.
it IS a m rated horror, just vn instead of game
Funny how that game was supposed to compete against Nier:Automata and BOTW back in 2017 for GOTY and Automata came to Switch meanwhile both Horizon games bombed so hard they have to come bundled with PS5s.
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Don’t let this announcement distract you from the fact that it’s Paper Mario Origami King’s 4th Anniversary!

>nintendo fans seethe when nintendo refuses to touch their dormant IP
>they revive a dormant IP
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>Smashbabbies are mad Emio isn't the le heckin based Smash 6 pick they paraded him as
LMAOing @ ur lyfe
>schizos impersonating as tendies in an anonymous board
this is the real horror game
>It's NOT a comic book it's A GRAPHIC NOVEL!!!
I don't play trans allegories, bro.
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Where does Sakamoto rank with you personally among the other Nintendo figureheads like Aonuma, Koizumi, Tanabe, Sakurai and Miyamoto? Based or cringe?
Kys Papercuck
>he isn't within 20 layers of irony right now
I am the vidya horror genre itself
>Sin & Punishment
It getting a Wii sequel was amazing enough as it stands, let alone the original showing up on Switch's N64 package and the sequel getting a WiiU digital rerelease.
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God I hope this shit is full price.
Keep seething about Smash every 5 minutes, Eric. Your tears are delicious.
Just because VNs aren't really games it doesn't mean there isn't a place for them. Hell, I prefer VNs to movie games since they are unashamidly interactive books, while movie games pretend to be something they aren't.

This is probably going to be largely made by a third party, like the remakes, so it's not like it takes up development from anything else either.
Jirensissies btfo
based, but also bottom
The art kinda look like low quality shit.
>All that potential attention for a new horror IP, thrown out the window just to get maybe +100 sales on a niche VN series and making the fans of that VN have to go on damage control the whole time
Nintendo are idiots
They're not the top of the line ADV games but they are pretty good, the remakes do a decent job of portraying Japan from the 80's with how they draw the school uniforms and feel of the town with a mixture of new and old moe artstyle.
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I'm personally pulling for Mach Rider
If there is more than just narrative content, it's by definition not a visual novel.
Dragonirian pls
Will this beat the Switch's long-awaited 3rd entry curse? NMH3 and Bayo 3 were both disappointing

Does this also mean we might get a new Wars entry from Wayforward?
I like Metroid so I have a hard time disliking him, even after other M. He also worked a lot with Yokoi even after Miyamoto and Tezuka split from the team, which I feel like gives him a unique flare.

Admittingly I don't know much about him outside of Metroid though.
The collector's edition isn't on Amazon JP, anyone know if Nintendo's Japanese store ships to gaijin? Do I need a forwarding service?
Nintendo sees Mach Rider as forgotten kusoge like Urban Champion, you're not getting anything.
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Lemme put this in a way your dumb zoomer/Tendie brain will understand
Nintendo NEVER planned on making a new horror IP at all!
>Hell, I prefer VNs to movie games since they are unashamidly interactive books, while movie games pretend to be something they aren't.
>dude it's okay if there's no gameplay since they are honest about it
It is things like these why Nintendo can get away with so much
It will sell for $50 for the physical copy according to announcements. Couple in the fact that the recent remakes only sold like 20,000 copies in Japan.

To be fair, I have to imagine that the budgets for these games are extremely low, but even so I highly doubt they make even modest profits given the likely salaries for the staff involved in making it. This has flop written all over it.
I kneel to Ayumi Sama
Urban Champion got a 3D Classics remake and was just released on NSO.
Source? Urban Champion is well publicized as kusoge, but I've never seen Mach Rider labeled as such. If anything, it's already far superior to the original F1 Race on Famicom.
All from simply putting Saki in as a support trophy. if they actually added him to the roster in the next game they might actually make another game.
>Nooo I want le jumpscareman unity assets horror gaymerino!
Thank God Nintendo doesn't listen to retards here
Just accept that's not really a game and your fine. No one whines when Nintendo makes apps for their consoles either, like swapnote and shit. Those aren't games either.
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Okay but who's dying, Ayumi or MC?
Mach Rider just got added to NSO too, what's your point?

I think the real reason might just be that Nintendo didn't even make the original Mach Rider, it was HAL.
Nobody ITT played these games before
I played the remakes
You ever notice how nobody ever tries to say the Ace Attorney franchise aren't "real games"?
Utsugi dies, MC takes over the agency and marries Ayumi.
I will die for ayumi
I played the originals, shut the fuck up
I did
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Hopefully, and if this new 3rd game does the numbers to convince Nintendo, I’d love to see how they would do the reveal trailer and if Sakurai is presenting, he mentions how she was originally going to be in Melee
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Ayumi-chan is the perfect wife, Tantei-kun is so lucky...
thread theme
>This has flop written all over it.
Just like the remake eh? Just one-off remakes that will never lead to anything eh?
Well, both of their games are on NSO, while there are no FDC games on NSO iirc?
This is the most exciting thing Nintendo has done in years.
Damn that’s nostalgic
There is such a lacking amount of Ayumi fanart.
Why are people angry?
Famicom detective club is fun
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Tantei-kun is (You), anon, she loves you!
>there are no FDC games on NSO iirc
Completely wrong. Both the Lost Levels and Murasame Castle are FDS games. Also they literally JUST added Shin Onigashima to the NSO in Japan, so I imagine more are on the way.
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Can you make a remake and sequel to this next Nintendo, I'd really like that.
this song alone made me seek out the games back in the day to emulate
>movies games aren't really games even if they have gameplay and have you press more than one button
This is your argument
/v/ trannies post the same hate message in every single thread
Is it a VN or a point and click?
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>It will sell for $50
fuck that
They wanted some dumb 3d jumpscare horror game with le Emio running after you making weird noises. Yes they are retarded
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>Does this also mean we might get a new Wars entry from Wayforward?

Nah I wouldn’t count on it, Reboot Camp had the ugly 3D graphics that nobody can defend because they just look ugly and indistinguishable to 2D sprites, they should’ve just dumped the games on NSO
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I agree.
It's a Japanese adventure game. Think Phoenix Wright, Danganronpa, or Zero Escape.
There are distinct differences from VNs and movie games, and if you can't see it you're a retard.
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Really makes you think
Why are you acting like they threw the game together after they released the trailer?
She looks like a mom I'd lime to incest with, if you know what I mean.
Yes, VN don't have gameplay and "movie" games do, thanks for telling us what we all knew already
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>Loves Heavy Metal Music

She is indeed perfect
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Ok you've caught me attention. How is this series for a VN?
I'm not sure what you're driving at. Initial sales of the remakes were very low to begin with, which is likely due in no small part to the fact that they're $60. Unless the digital sales price is significantly cheaper (like $10), I simply can't see this game selling very well. These titles are already extremely niche, and a lot of people were expecting something a little more ambitious if comments on the reveal video are anything to go by.

High price, low general interest in the title, and a letdown after a hype cycle generally results in a flop.
>Urban Champion got a 3D Classics remake
Funny kusoge fighter got lucky, whoopee. Developer was working on their favorites before switching to SEGA stufff.
>was just released on NSO
Simultaneously with other forgotten NES kusoge
Especially Atlantis no Nazo, the other game that gave Sunsoft a joke reputation in Japan
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nintenkiddies overreacting to the trailer acting like it's the first time Nintendo ever published a rated M game made me feel like I got transported back to 2006 where that would happen every 5 months. Take me fucking back, nowadays its all "was mario 64 actually evil?" repeated ad-nauseum in 28 minute video essays.
Oh no... She has the dead mom anime hair... This is already a death flag.
It's not a VN, it's a Japanese point and click adventure game. It's like Snatcher if you've ever seen or played that.
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Anime ruined everything.
VN is great.
>skilled in naginata combat
>dude it's okay if there's no gameplay since they are honest about it
Yes? People know it is a VN and can chose if they want to buy it. What is the problem?
I will have the little death inside Ayumi.
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you anons just want Ayumi for yourself ,don't you?
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Metal Slader Glory chads
When will it be our time?
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So what about this warrants an M rating when the other FDC games are rated T?
>her hairstyle was actually secretly foreshadowing her eventual death in the third game the whole time
kino, I kneel Sakamoto
Wait, Emio is Famicom Detective Club 3?
What the fuck. Now THAT is a development i wasn't expecting.
So, is this a remake of the third game or a whole new thing? Either way, Mystery game bros, we won, although i would have liked for nintendo to do their own silent hill, oh well.
This is actually pretty good.
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they'll pull another Other M with the guy sacrificing himself for Ayumi
Do you consider old adventure games like Haunted House to be VNs?
Anon, you said it yourself. It probably didn't cost that much to make in the first place, and being "ambitious" for a VN probably means alternate paths and more dialogue or something.

I don't know why you're doomposting when these games will probably do just as well as the remakes, which again, evidently sold well enough for this to exist in the first place.

I will do fine. There's nothing even coming out on Nintendo's end that would threaten it, plus Zelda is out the next couple weeks after.
Australian official rating says:

-Strong theme of Violence
-Domestic Abuse
-Themes of Suicide

So probably mostly just the heavy themes?
>the adult in the crossing sign has a paper bag on their head
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probably either blood pools or a slightly morbid scene that caused a evaluator to freak out like with Ace Attorney DD.
New game not a remake.
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Interesting that "Famicom Detective Club" is just the subtitle and Emio is the main title unlike in Japan, it's like they know the remake localization flopped and are trying a different strategy this time. I'm glad they didn't just give up.
I’m playing tsukihime recently so I can clearly tell you retards
>vn/adventure/mystery games have satisfying gameplay
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Thanks bro
Can you seethe in your groomercord instead?
Oh, that's disappointing.
The "third" game was just a remake of FDC2, there's been an actual third game until now.
Nobody fucking wants to play Horizon. Sony has to bundle it with consoles just so they can say it's selling well.
>Initial sales of the remakes were very low to begin with
As far as I know the only sales figures are from Famitsu for the physical collector's edition which sold over 20,000 copies. And it cost $100.

Nintendo doesn't release digital sales data unless the game gets into the best sellers list.
There was a third game of sorts on Satellaview a year after the FDC2 remake where you played as Ayumi, but it was episodic and very short. Mages expressed interest in remaking that one too, but Sakamoto seems to have completely forgotten or disowned it.
Speak for yourself, retard.
Koei Tecmo has worked on Mysterious Castle before for Samurai Warriors and their relationship with Nintendo has only improved.
Suda51 wants to work on Mysterious Castle and his relationship with Nintendo has similarly improved.
Kamiya wants to work on Mysterious Castle, but I'm unsure how his standing with Nintendo after The W101 flop and departure from Platinum Games.

I feel like there's a good chance we can still get it if one of them puts together a good pitch.
Oh, and fun fact: that Satellaview game was the first time Ayumi had a voice actress, which is still the same one in the remakes and presumably this new game.
Yasu bros?
Maybe they could remake it as DLC for the new game.
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excuse me why is columbo here
Hey buddy, if you're still here, don't worry, Chad, Tyrone and those snoys can't get you here so you dont need to bring them up anymore
Also learn English before you post again.
>one of them is the mastermind behind the killer
he's Emilo
it's either a child dies or a dumb reason like pachinko
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>crossposting in a new thread
Wow, the absolute seethe on this retard.
One more thing, does anyone know if the original FDC is translated?
I don't like the artstyle of the remake
>first time Ayumi had a voice actress
Yuko Minaguchi voice is sex, but she sounds too old for Ayumi desu
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Ayumi offers you a delicious cup of tea! Do you accept?
>Another Code got a remake
>Literally a new Famicom Detective Club game
Is his turn next?
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>he thinks crossposting makes him cool
man don't you have better things to do on /v/ than to crosspost?
No, the first FDC was never fan translated, before the remakes only the SNES remake of the second game was ever given a fan translation , the satellaview entry wasn't fan translated either
No, I dump it on the floor and make her cry.
i like her
Still works for me, she's still kawaii
Sakurai knows what Smash fans are like
He's not gonna add her because people would be pissed
I don't think he even remembers wanting her
I miss sprites so much.
do you retards even know what a VN is? this is not a VN. do you just see a text box and anime art and your eyes just glaze over?
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>People still think Mach Rider is a woman because of old promotional art
So Link in the first game was a girl as well, I guess?
Seriously though, I never would've fucking guessed FDC would be getting so much love from Nintendo when the Switch launched.
I love that they are, but this is so out of left field.
If they are on VNDB then they are VNs.

inb4 >but muh Blazblue and Ar Tonelico are on VNDB
They are VNs too.
it's a vn
Japanese adventure games may as well be proto vns
"Fine" is relative. I'm not doomposting, I'm just being realistic. Assuming they sell the same 20,000 copies, at a $50 retail price that's about $1,000,000 assuming absolutely zero overhead or development costs whatsoever. On paper that looks pretty good, but this is Nintendo we're talking about.

Compare and contrast the Advance Wars reboot. Sales figures are hard to come by and there are rumors that they cooked the books. I'd estimate, pessimistically, that they sold maybe 100,000 copies of that game for $60. Shave off, let's say, $2,000,000 for development costs and it still makes 4x what Emio would make given the above hypothetical figures. Nintendo's other titles sell well into the millions at the same price point. Given their other IPs, why on earth would Nintendo continue to dump development resources, however meager, into a game that makes comparatively so little?

Unless it's a breakout success like Phoenix Wright, which seems highly unlikely, it flops.
>This is how F-Zero died
Nobody at Nintendo knows what to do with it
>This is how Star Fox died
Zero happened
>This is how Kid Icarus died
Sakurai isn't interested nor is anyone else
>This is how Fossil Fighters died
Last game underperformed
>This is how Chibi Robo died
Skip died
>This is how Mischief Makers died
>This is how Sin and Punishment died
Have you SEEN what Treasure is like these days?
the arcade version of mach rider showed him like a woman
Judging based on prior games, FDC games are basically VN + point and click mechanics. The distinction is entirely rhetorical.
>Another Code got a remake
Didn't it bomb?
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At this point, it's very possible.
I feel like unless they plan on recreating the art style something would be lost, but Kyle is definitely the most iconic and has the most broad appeal.
sold little bit better than the originals
How so?
That's like saying RTS are proto MOBA.
They don't translate the text of Japan only games
You can play Murasame Castle in Japanese but you can't play Famicom Fairy Tales unless you know the language
>new IP
It's a 30 year old IP though
>another code remake is shit
>endless ocean remake is shit
>luigi’s mansion 2 remake is shit
no pls don’t be his turn
No, seething is what you did when I made fun of the Switch which you don't own so I don't know why you did that
>xhe's now switching to /int/ brownoid cope
looks so sterile one might think we're still in the 3DS era
MOBAs are RTS but hyper focused on hero play,
Impressive, all three statements are wrong, two of which by the objective standard of the games not being remakes.
Sakurai is a huge fan of the FDC series.
If Nintendo says to do it, he'd definitely will.
>luigi’s mansion 2
Anon, I....
emio sexoooo
Why of course! Just what I needed to relax!
>only sold like 20,000
That was physical copies only though, I'm not saying it was a best seller or anything but majority of sales these days even in japan are digital especially with how nintendo is so fucking stingy with physical releases in japan the last few years, it clearly did well enough they thought a new entry was worthwhile
The remake sold 20,000 of the physical collector's edition alone in Japan. It almost certainly sold over 100,000 with digital sales.
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No sane human being gives a shit about the VN vs ADV distinction, the only people that care are VNDB jannies
Ask any random gamer what genre ace attorney or danganronpa and they'll tell you it's a VN
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>why on earth would Nintendo continue to dump development resources, however meager, into a game that makes comparatively so little?
Because clearly it makes enough for Nintendo to give a shit about it for what it is? You very clear are Doomposting despite claims to the contrary, detailing how the game is poised to do just fine but will be deemed a failure and a flop because...reasons, it not selling as well as a fucking Mario spin-off?

That's retarded, and clearly not how Nintendo works, otherwise we'd only ever see Mario and Zelda, and Pokemon games from them

I'm not expecting this game to do super well or anything, but I think it will do fine for what its expected to do.
This made me check to see what games would count as VNs based on this, and apparently Persona 4 Dancing and Ultimax are VNs but no other Persona game is. Not even P4 Arena with the Labrys story mode that's like 4 straight hours of VN dialogue with a single fight right at the end.
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>Everyone pretending they played the famicom detective club games
Why is /v/ so dishonest?
>Long ago, the seas were ruled by treasure-seeking pirates, the most famous being the legendary Captain Maverick, who supposedly left behind a great treasure known as "Marvelous", guarded by unsolvable puzzles and bizarre creatures. Countless adventurers have gone looking for "Marvelous", but none have seen it and returned alive
Isn't this just one piece?
It's a low budget passion project by Sakamoto
That's about it
Imagine not just having shit taste, but also being retarded
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I did though, I bought them as soon as they released, I am a VNfag though
Marvelous predates OP
Ha ha, your waifus are whores!
damn these new characters got long loooong faces.
>$50 VN based on a niche franchise that hasn't had a new installment since the Famicom coming out at the end of the Switch's lifecycle
It's gonna bomb
It's a joke about the plot being similar ESL-kun
>Implying Jhon Piss is original
>there are millions of us goy!
I'm sure it will show in the sales numbers
Why are you pretending nobody has played these games before despite there being fucking remakes from a few years ago, and fan translations for years?
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>The arcade version of mach rider showed him like a woman
That woman isn't Mach Rider, she's just a random woman with a knife. Also, their body sizes are too different to be the same person. At least Samus wearing her Power Suit can explain her height differential, Mach Rider is just a dude in a biker suit
>thread for FDC has anons who played the games
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can't believe Ayumi shares a universe with evangelion
The arcade version shows mach rider as a woman and that version PREDATES the NES version.
I'm sure it will show in the sales numbers
Ask any random gamer what they like about Ace Attorney or Danganronpa compared to """other VN""" and they'll basically just describe ADV. They know the distinction, they just lack the vocabulary to articulate it.
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I believe this is the highest quality shot of the boxart we've got so far.
>He thinks something like FDC needs to sell like gangbusters
Don't be a Square enix
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The remakes were $60 and still sold enough you dipshit
>Ask any random gamer what genre ace attorney or danganronpa and they'll tell you it's a VN
a random gamer thinks men can have a female brain, they aren't very smart
it's seiyuu joke, (you) is voiced by shinji
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>game doesn't have a gen- I mean daily :) threads like valve's next disaster or gacha #245 therefore no one has actually played it
Serious cope. She is slowly revealed as a reward for beating each level, and she is standing in the SAME position as Mach Rider is at the start. Why the shit would they make a big deal out of revealing "a random woman with a knife". The heights line up even. Maybe it's just a buff biker suit to hide her identity.
The sales numbers have already shown, that's why Emio exists
People are idiots and it's ironic that VN became the word for simple adventure games when most people don't even play VNs. It's just that the Adventure genre has become so low, people forget about the things that actually define it. VNs have little to no interactivity which is why even calling them games is debatable all these other games are actual games.
Rather have this than an ugly 10fps horror game wasted on Shitch 1 hardware. Hope the music is nearly as good as The Girl Who Stands Behind because that soundtrack is insanely good.
>$50 for VN slop
Does Nintendo really? Knowing how tendies went crazy for cardboard though, I guess this shouldn’t be too surprising
Shame on me for thinking Nintendo would make something out of the box. They once again fell back into their family friendly free money wheelhouse. I just wanted an edgy game on the level of Siren from them. Or a mascot horror. Or just anything spooky. VNs aren't spooky. Books are way better for that.
the remake was like $100 in japan tho
Mach Rider was planned for Captain Rainbow and was going to be a woman.
For the love of god, please let this post be a joke
VNDB jannies are also completely incosistent, Ace Attorney? Not a VN! Sengoku Rance/Sakura Wars? definitely VNs!
It's a fun, simple VN. Kinda neat how The Missing Heir has a full on dead body you have to investigate in a Nintendo game.
Phoenix Wright is called a VN. Zero Escape is called a VN. Never played FDC but does it play like Monkey Island?
Why didn't they announce this at shitendo spaghet?
>family friendly
>Domestic violence
>Literally the first time nintendo has actually MADE an M rated game
>family friendly
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I'd argue that's true of other titles as well in that case, making this argument a wash, but fair enough.
I'm seriously not doomposting, lmao. You're just clearly highly emotionally invested in the game may underperform even relative to it's market. The hype cycle around the game got people's expectations up for something completely different. From that perspective, and given that it is in a niche of a niche. I even gave you an example of a game that was considered a massive disappointment for comparison. Which leads me to...

This is the best and most sensible response I've heard, and I generally agree, but I'm not going to expect a followup, and Sakamoto has even said as much. This will be it.
>People unironically wanting mascot horror from Nintendo
How low has this board fallen jesus christ
All the sales they need to justify this game's existence will come from Japan, just like the remakes. Anything else is just a bonus.
Scrimblofags BTFO. It's a good day.
>snoys seething about nintendo
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>my dyslexic ass combed through the OP image for five straight minutes for context before realizing it didn't actually say "Here's your Elmo bro"
There is no argument schizo I'm just saying it sold well enough to get a new entry
It's better than to obsess over Sony like you did
>Just like the remake eh?
>Phoenix Wright is called a VN.
by retards
>Zero Escape is called a VN.
by retards

These games have puzzle and deductive gameplay like any other adventure game has. The only difference if that they are presented from a first person perspective as opposed to having a point and click interface.
Snoys still seething
No joke. The only reason I cared about Emio was because the marketing wasn't typical so I thought they might do something different. A lot of people mentioned Eternal Darkness in the threads so I can't be the only one who wanted an edgy game from Nintendo.
In the way where progress is blocked by you needing to find and figure out what to present to an NPC to continue the story but not in the way of you using a rubber chicken with a pully in the middle to cross a zipline to get to an island.
>Mach Rider brought up
>nobody actually talks about the game
>always pondering about the character's gender like obsessive Americans
>rest is off topic shit or muh grinch leak hype
Every fucking time.
All Mach Rider troons need to hang.
>Literally the first time nintendo has actually MADE an M rated game
MAGES is making the game
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If they were gonna reuse an IP, I would have liked if it reused Another Code’s engine since that game had a focus on puzzles but not horror. If they add a few more button commands they could include gunplay and shit while you run from Emio.

I guess VN fans take the dub, but I still have no idea why Nintendo revealed it the way they did if Emio wasn’t a new IP.
>The random things your waifu will just drop on you
I never would have guessed.
You're missing the point. It DID sell anon, the remakes sold well enough for this to exist, which for VN's isn't a high bar to begin with. There is no reason to believe this will do any worse than the remakes did, when the remakes sold for a higher price and were released right next to a game that was always going to tell more (Miitopia)
They're just an external developer, it's nintendo's IP. they have nintendo staff working on it. It's a nintendo game. Or does smash no longer count as nintendo because Bamco makes them now instead of Hal?
Why do you pretend to like this?
>but I still have no idea why Nintendo revealed it the way they did if Emio wasn’t a new IP.
what do you mean? for marketing obviously
this got the game on everyone's radar and it fits the urban legends theme
Why people bring Sony in a Nintendo thread? Is the announcement this underwhelming?
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And your definition of edgy is mascot horror?
Leave and never come back zoomer
>She is slowly revealed as a reward for beating each level
>Why the shit would they make a big deal out of revealing "a random woman with a knife".
Because she's a beautiful woman, it's a reward for doing a good job. Plenty of games from that era would do that shit
>and she is standing in the SAME position as Mach Rider is at the start.
>The heights line up even.
They're very clearly standing at two different distances from the bike. The woman is closer to the camera whereas Mach Rider is closer to the bike
>Maybe it's just a buff biker suit to hide her identity.
For what purpose?

>Captain Rainbow is canon
>The same game that has a character who only exists in a dream world that was canonically destroyed
Hal is not nintendo, so yes
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>their body sizes are too different to be the same person.
I hope you realize Hal is owned by them, they're as nintendo as any other studio
I think it's that the announcement and marketing around the game was ambiguous, and when it was revealed to be an FDC game that wasn't what people necessarily wanted or expected.
this thread needs more Ayumi
Still sold enough to get a sequel, lol
hal isn't owned by nintendo
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No but he is Christian
>I guess VN fans take the dub, but I still have no idea why Nintendo revealed it the way they did if Emio wasn’t a new IP.

Because only Mario and Zelda have the strength to wade into the fray at not-E3 and come out on top. Metroid Prime 4 has had decades of hype behind it and still needed the "one last thing" spot. If Famicom Detective Club had been revealed in the middle of the Direct it would've been bowled over in the news feeds by all the other shit being revealed in June and Nintendo would have had to put in more work reminding people this August game even exists.
But wait until the summer drought kicks in? Slow news days? Nintendo releases a random trailer in the middle of the week with hints of a full reveal on 7/17? An M-rated Nintendo game? All the free press you could want.
she'll do her best to make idiots seethe
Nintendo doesn't own HAL.
I'm kinda out of the loop
are people mad about this announcement? If so, why?
>magazine artist thinking Zelda was the main character is the same thing as actual promotional and in-game art
Are you saying this doesn't have Visible Nipples?
Can I just play the fan translation of the snes version? The switch version is digital only but I'm running out of storage.
It's always been like this, even on /vr/.

Literally just waifufags desperately wanting to unravel this so they can spam goonshit whenever it's brought up.
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>Eternal Darkness.
>mascot horror.
People feel like the uncharacteristic marketing from Nintendo implied something different.
see >>682950219
Fan translation only exists for one of the two games.
Original trailer was just shadow dropped showing a creepy guy with paper bag. People were speculating it could be Nintendo's Silent Hill or (with blobber) so there was some expectation. When it was revealed to be FDC 3, yeah, i suppose its obvious enough.
VN-bros we eatin GOOD rn fr on god
>people making statements and speculating is an argument
Get off the internet please
Don't get cute with me and pretend that's what I'm talking about >>682952314
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Captain Rainbow also made the protagonist of Golf into its own character even though it was confirmed to have simply been Mario in a different art style.
Is Ayumi just waifubait and you can't actually romance her? Don't bait me into buying /v/ros
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>doompostingfaggots posting about Bloober team all week need to workshop a new anti-Nintendo gimmick STAT because it was fucking Famicom Detective Club
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It's only for the second game and you should play that version. it has a way better tone than the remake.
There's a compatibility meter between (You) and her that gets evaluated at the end of the second game, but it's more of a gag than anything. It has nebulous requirements the game doesn't explain.
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>seething this hard at an attractive woman in a bikini
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I don't understand that mentality for Tendies
Do they just pretend Zelda and Metroid aren't anime? Do they think Mario is inspired by Looney Tunes? Do they just ignore that actual Pokemon and F-Zero anime exist?
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>we hate Famicom Detective Club now for some reason
Is it just uppity survival horror fans?
>this is what ESLs actually believe
The SNES version of Girl In The Back is infinitely more "spooky" than any horror game, let alone shit that has hide-in-closet gameplay.
She's just the "Heroine" character these adventure games have to bounce off the basic context and stuff. It's just that she's a cute girl so she's automatically more visually interesting than the other two reoccuring characters so she gets all the press and is basically the series mascot.
There's no suspense in this painfully generic anime artstyle
It works for comedies, but not this
>Mario is inspired by Looney Tunes?
Popeye actually
Mario is a popeye spinoff.
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No it's snoys who hate nintendo and will do literally anything to shitpost
Nintendo is sunsetting the Switch and is still revealing more games for the second half of the year than Playstation has published in the last three years
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salty silent hill fags since they only have the remake to look forward too lmfao and some people seething at ninty.
I like to think some smashfags are also seething at it.
I give the two stories combined an average of a B-. There's a few plot contrivances here and there, and a really gaping plot hole in one of them that's both relevant/irrelevant. But overall, they are just very sincere and genuine mystery stories. Very little emphasis on goofy or quirky characters, and more on just telling a pretty decent story. Naturally, being from the 80s, you'll feel it's somewhat dated in some parts, but at the same time you'll kinda feel refreshed in others because it's not contaminated with modern brain rot. I'm looking forward to this new one.

Spoilers for that gaping plot point I mentioned: Detective-kun turns out he had amnesia after investigating the same exact mystery for a week. So if he was investigating the mystery, why the fuck did nobody recognize him except the butler? This guy spent a week looking into a mystery and questioned absolutely NONE of the suspects? Not even the maid or other townspeople recognized him. What the fuck was this kid doing?
These threads are entirely comprised of compulsive contrarians on both sides of the debate. The fact is that the game will recede into obscurity now that the hype cycle is over and people know what the actual product is.
yea I would have preferred a new survival horror game. I dont hate FDC though and have been meaning to play the remakes. I'm just disappointed instead of excited. Blame the spooky marketing. They could have just put this in a direct and I would have still wanted to buy it eventually without getting my hopes up.
Um Ackshully
Mario was just the stand-in for when Nintendo tried and failed to get the rights to Popeye, so they had to make their own charactes, whos designs were refined by Yoichi Kotabe, who was an animator for Toei, and worked on things like Panda! Go Panda and Heidi Girl of the Alps
Definitely play the fan translation for the SNES version over the remake. I played it ages ago but man that was one of the comfiest evenings I've spent with a game.
Tendies are literally the only fanbase who will get hyped over an imaginary scenario and then get upset that it doesn't live up to what they thought of in their heads
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uoh little kid panties
t. has never actually played any of the FDC games
The least called out Mach Rider "fan"
Doesn't change that a gag artstyle doesn't work for an M rated game
Please be a joke post
Anon, literally fucking nobody has said this game is going to break records or some shit. Just that it will do well enough for what it is.
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This being a new Famicom Detective Club game about that guy from persona 2 is genuinely more interesting than if it was some shitty horror game developed by a bunch of nobodies
Whom are you quoting?
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I still fondly remember the Abandoned schizo threads and that game doesn't even exist and if it did it would be like the devs other shitty horror game. Sometimes an ARG is more fun than the actual product.
NTA, but you don't need to have played any of the games to make that observation that this current art style doesn't really lend itself well to it's subject material. I think the reason Phoenix Wright was so successful is specifically because being campy and over the top is a big part of the appeal. I wish they would've gone with an art style more similar to something like Golgo 13 or the like, but whatever.
>Why didn't you pee in my coffee like I asked?
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Sweeties, it's a Dr.Slump derivative.
cry harder Phil.
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i wonder if the artbook was properly scanned by anyone
And you would still be wrong and also a bit of a retard when it comes to character design and purpose. Even if it was ill-fitting on the surface, that can also help lead to the dissonance when shit starts getting real and fucked. Higurashi was infamous back in the day for having a cutesy artstyle, looking more like a dating sim than a horror game before pulling the rug from under your ass.
>Xenoblade 4 boxart.jpg
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Western nintrannies treat their kiddy shit like it's Disney/Marvel. Basically everyone who is a fan of Nintendo is the stereotypical soiboi numale (one inch away from becoming a tranny) and anime is a big no no for those kind of people.
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kissing ayumi!
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Don't think anyone properly bother to a whole scan of the book before, I would do myself but I don't have a top tier scanner and I'm too nervous of fucking up (it's happened to me before a few times)
I prefer Kowloon High-School Chronicle.
I'm excited for the game, can't wait for its release.
Post more Ayumi
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And anime studio did the Dr. Slump anime I wonder?
Toei lost
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>Toei lost
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that's a real shame. is their any Ayumi art in the artbook that hasn't been posted before?
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Loving all the attention.
Those are some cute feet
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Japanese studios have infamously never made survival horror games before
>/dbs/niggers are here
abandon thread and all hope
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It's mostly stuff that's been posted in other magazines before and official artwork over the years, although there's storyboards and design docs for the original games and the SNES remake of FCD2
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>me when you reply to the wrong post

ESLtrannies, like you, screech at posts that has little to no language issues.
The pic perfectly describes the individual, especially (You).
I do not mind FDC because there is an audience for them. But why, why the FUCK would you drop a cool horror trailer on us and have it turn out to be another VN. I can just watch the cutscenes on YouTube without paying a single dime, no reason for me to get this game unless I’m absolutely desperate for something to play.
It's so over, moesisters.
I dunno, dude. I remember watching Higurashi for the first time and finding it laughably stupid once the violence, gore and abuse kicked in. Same with Elfen Lied and other "notorious" moe anime. The "tonal whiplash" intent was so obviously the intention that it just ripped me out of the whole experience immediately. Perfect Blue nails it far better for my money.
>Second game was translated.
>First game was being translated.
>Translation got dropped when it got a remake.
>Remake is $35.

Gameplay wise, Siren sucks ass to play.
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if you ever get a better scanner. hope you'll scan those one day
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I like the Famicom Detective Club series.
What's the issue?
You can youtube literally any game though, hell horror games are just as much of a youtube genre as VNs just look at SH2fags, 99 percent of them never actually played SH2, not the PS2 version or Xbox, or even the fan enhanced PC port version
>one inch away from becoming a tranny
>anime is a big no no for those kind of people
you had a brain fart here
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You're so cool and edgy anon, not being "shocked" by the horror anime. Being attached to characters and not wanting harm to come to them is for pussies and nerds.
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You don't "romance her" exactly but she clearly likes the protagonist and she even gets jealous when he looks at other girls
The Earthbound Font is based
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Did Nintendo really think having cryptic advertising for a mysterious grim dark M-rated game was not going have people expectations extremely high? The teaser wasn’t even anywhere near the same artstyle or tone as the game
That faggot incorrectly claimed that it was Nintendo that made the arcade version when it was clearly still HAL based on the names in the high score board.
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>All these franchises except for RE are dead
It got people talking about it and despite turning out to be something people were not really expecting they're still talking about it. Pretty masterful marketing which ironically could've been used on a game that would've sold more.
Holy fucking cope. Instead of looking for reasons why it MIGHT not be Mach Rider, think about the devs intentions. It's pretty fucking clear they wanted you to think this was Mach Rider. If it wasn't their, they would have put Mach Rider beside her or something.
>you will never be in a thread speculating about Emio again
>you will never be in awe that Nintendo of all people was seemingly making a first-party M-rated horror game
>you will never wonder what its gameplay is like, or which of the EPDs made it
>you will never see fanart of him interacting with Nintendo characters and assume he’s a lock for Smash 6 again
I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t mad. I don’t mean to slander Famicom fans, but the whiplash of the marketing campaign was fucking insane.
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And this is a bad thing to want? I expected something that was going to be similar to something like that, Fatal Frame, or Resident Evil. Fuck you.

This shit JAMS
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>no... this thing that existed in my head isnt real...
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>it was Mario all along...
Actual fucking cuck, aren't ya?
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Seeing snoys lose their minds over Famicom Detective Club out of all things is beyond bizarre.
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top right even have some kind of anime plushies displayed behind them
Did she put anything in that Tea?
>if you wanted something else you're a Sony fan
please kill yourself. just do it. i fucking hate you.
cute feet
it's a me emio
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I don't see what's disappointing. New FDC. Certainly beats any sneaking simulator where I'm a guy avoiding paper bag man walking around a building
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>This is how Mischief Makers died
It only ever had one game
Based, keep fending off Mach trannies
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>New FDC
Big victory for the 20 people outside of Japan that actually care about this series.
Like one anon said,

>”I don’t want off of Shuntaro Furukawa’s Wild Ride”
That's me. I'm 20 people outside of Japan!
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>one out of 15+ trannies has MAYBE something related to anime in their possession (probably just pokemon shit or something)
Good job nintroon. It's totally not your faggot game with no attractive female characters and femboy crossdressing Link that is the culprit.
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I hate my stupid overactive imagination. I was hyping myself up for some crazy shit. Emio has such a good design, feels like a waste for a one-off villain.
>doesn't refute that Survival Horror is even more formulaic than VNs
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Kill yourself so we can make it 19 instead.
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I didn't know Ayumi had this much art, but I'm very glad it's here
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Damn, guess i'm gonna bite the bullet and play the remake
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I watched a lot of horror movies growing up, what can I say? Regardless, I gave you an example of an anime that I think excels in it's art direction working with it's tone. I relate with Kirigoe easily enough because she is realistic and grounded, both emotionally, narratively and aesthetically. I didn't find Higurashi scary or compelling for the same reason I don't find most Italian splatter films scary.
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How about we get together and make 21?
Not him, you can be disappointed but at the same time had your own expectations on check because you are acting that Nintendo cancelled a game, that never existed to begin with.
>doesn't refute that Survival Horror is even more formulaic than VNs
It's a Nintendo game, so I think it's pretty normal to expect them to put some sort of twist on the genre.
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Bros... are the snoys ok? Seething so much at Nintendo games just for existing can't be healthy...
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>Instead of looking for reasons why it MIGHT not be Mach Rider, think about the devs intentions.
We don't know the dev's intentions for sure, but it's much more reasonable to assume the man and the woman who clearly have different body types are two separate characters instead of thinking they're supposed to be the same character because Samus
>It's pretty fucking clear they wanted you to think this was Mach Rider. If it wasn't their intention, they would have put Mach Rider beside her or something.
Are you actually so retarded that you need to see two characters in the same place at the same time to believe that they're different characters?
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>I didn't know Ayumi had this much art, but I'm very glad it's here
surprising amount for such a niche and old character
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30 fucking year old franchise btw
came out 3 years after the original super mario bros
respect your elders /v/
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You can have your taste in horror anon, but don't a pretentious fuck about it or act like it univerally doesn't work when it doesn't fall in line with your tastes.

Maybe we're just opposites because I like Italian horror too and think it does its job well.
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>old character
Isn't being old actually an advantage though
This is the chance for her to get some more.
>generic anime but 80s
snes version had the most unique art of them all imo
>read sentence about video game
>immediate thing that comes to mind is watching another man fuck your wife
>um actually everyone I don't like is this same person!
Insanely stupid, go to jail, and do not collect money.
I hope we get another Clu Clu Land and Wrecking Crew and Adventures of Lolo.
How many 80s anime have you ever seen in your lifetime?
well, you do share similarities to a cuck after all. you're both happy with getting literally nothing.
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>Isn't being old actually an advantage though

not always. especially for series that don't get games consistantly.

art from the famicom and super famicom era is pretty much gone and the series never got anything till Switch after.
most are is at best niche nostalgia
It’s been six years, Grinchcuck
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By that logic you’re an incel, seething and screaming about not getting something that was never there in the first place.
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I really wanted this and I'm hyped, I frankly couldn't care less what a bunch of tendies on twitter have to say about it
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Oh it's just shitty NES visual novels. No romance = no buy.,
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it's her time
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I use the term "Visual Adventure Novel" as sort of a cross combo of the two.
Anime is a Snow White spinoff.
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Like Nostradamus, I called it
I am pretty happy
It probably will be pretty gritty though
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What about snoys thinking cutting their penis off will make them a woman and then killing themselves when it doesn't live up to what they thought of in their heads?
But does he even remember saying that?
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Higurashi was never trying to do a DDLC type twist however. The game's description tells you all about series of murders, the main menu is full of creepy ass sound effects, and the first scene when you start reading is Keiichi beating Mion and Rena to death while you hear whack after whack and bone cracking sounds. There was never a true "rug-pull" moment but people usually remember "Liar!" like it was the part in DDLC where you open Sayori's door. Higurashi was always on a gradient of horror instead of an on-off switch

The adaptation was made by people who literally don't understand the vn. For example, in the second arc, there are two twin sisters who trade places. A crucial part of solving the mysteries is to determine who is who. In the anime version of Higurashi, they fucked up who was who, taking for granted that if the text said it was one girl talking then it must really be her. Of course, they didn't understand the purpose of violence in the story either and turned it into a spectacle.
Tons of people do this all the time about everything
You are part of why the industry is fucking garbage these days
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>endies are literally the only fanbase who will get hyped over an imaginary scenario and then get upset that it doesn't live up to what they thought of in their heads
>fucking garbage
That's what FDC is, yes.
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More artists need to draw Ayumi
You are the one seething because somebody posted an attractive woman.
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you never played any of it and weren't alive when it first came out
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>But does he even remember saying that?
never know with Sakurai. he is a fan apparently
>no u
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Hyping Emio like they did when they knew it was just another entry in a niche game that doesn't sell well is probably the most dishonest thing Nintendo has done in years. It's all people are going to remember the game for, realistically
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>pretending to hype up a VN just to heckin own the blue muppet that lives rent-free in your heads
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>Eternal Darkness
Isn't that the game full of goofy fourth wall jokes?
Sakurai's tastes are either godlike or absolute dogshit. Never in-between.
What's so dishonest about that? The game is literally about what was teased.
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>niche series have zero fans because I am not one and I am such a retarded NPC that other people thinking not like me is not something I can understand
I know you certainly weren't. You're just a zoomer pretending to like this series after all. Nice TLOU collection by the way, did your boyfriend help you fund it?
Mach Rider faggots thinks they're hot shit, kek.
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While it's true, it never hid what it was, explicitly, It still played into its tropes before getting more into the weeds of it of actual story, you cannot convince me Rena wasn't supposed to make you feel at ease before showing how fucking insane she is.
I remember when Nintendo used to get shat on for not marketing enough.
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Kid Icarus is Greek Mythology first and foremost, let’s get that straight
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>no..no...YOU also you're LE GAY
what a pathetic post, simply awful
Okay, but somehow EVERY Switchfag on /v/ became Famicom Detective Club fans and were miraculously fans all along.
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All Nintendo did was market a game, they didn't promise goddamn anything. You retards were the ones that ran with it
My headcanon is Mach Rider and Samus are drinking buddies. They go to bars and nobody recognizes them.
2D Metroid fans think it's a vintage 80s /m/ anime.
Prime fans thinks this is Star Trek/Star Gate.
Why didn't they say "here is the new Famicom Detective Club game," huh? They knew what they were doing.
because, despite you and your broccoli headed kids club coming here to shit things up, this is a still a hobbyist board with a lot of old people.
This is why EDF threads 404
This is why you can make threads about Tsukihime before it was remade
This is why Underrail had tons of bump limit threads when it came out despite normalfags not knowing what it was
fucking zoomshits
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They did
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>Sakurai's tastes are either godlike or absolute dogshit. Never in-between.

glad he likes famicom detective though
Ah yes, Palutena is my favorite Greek goddess, and I too remember how Icarus was an actual angel, because angels are a thing in Greek mythlogy. And Medusa was a goddess too right, that's how her story went?

Ahhh, Greek mythology.
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What kind of autism is this?
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>why did nintendo try to broaden their audience?
...but not on the actual teaser, which is what everyone was curious about.
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It will probably be better than Paranormasight, but the fact that a Japanese director openly up front admits the ending will be divisive makes me apprehensive. 100% still going to play it
Stop trying to sell things to groups that don't want it.
Because it was a teaser.
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just sad
I've never known Sakurai to have bad taste in games or characters outside of what Smash stinkies think

His grudge against post his version of Kirby and cutscenes are shit though
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I want it and they're selling it to me. Get fucked, retard
More just mad, because you are.
It's called a joke autismo
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>More just mad
of course, it was an ESL
andale andale burrito burrito to you too
a dishonest one
lol based
people don't know what they want
>His grudge against post his version of Kirby
The video where he showed his collection included Triple Deluxe, Planet Robobot and Forgotten Land. He may not talk about them, but he plays them.
Shut up you joke autismo
>all this over a bee
most absurd censorship in any game ever
I mean, to be fair, it worked for Zelda. so do the totally organic Famicom Detective Club fans ITT really want their franchise BotW'd?
>his love of Advent Children
>his love of Fallout
>his insane degree of love for Fire Emblem as if it's god's gift to gaming
Explain clearly and in detail what was dishonest about the teaser.
Then don't buy it. Congratulations. Some people who wouldn't have bought it before will probably buy it now though.
no need to sign your posts, just compare the production value you retarded faggot
>dishonest teasers
Enough about SMT shit
I'd rather have a director come out and say what you're getting into than someone like Cuckman with
>muh subversion

another 500 Ayumi thread
>Subverting your expectations
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At this point I'm expecting subvertations.
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Advent Children doesn't get that much focus from him, and what the fuck else are going to give Cloud as an alt costume? It's kinda neat, even if I didn't like the movie myself

Fallout was good until 4/ So I don't hold it against him

And of fucking course you would bring up FE, because every fucking Smash tendie has to bring up FE despite it not even being the most represented fanchise in the game.

>b-but sale justi-
Shut the fuck up
>no need to sign your posts
>signs his post
what did the FAGGOT mean by this?
>two nincel posts seething about Sony out of nowhere
It's amazing how Sony can't do nothing and still occupy your entire mind space
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>It's amazing how Sony can't do nothing
wanna try that again, Pedro?
But it was known to be a nintendo IP and people wanted something new like Splatoon.
>Advent Children doesn't get that much focus from him
b r u h
>And of fucking course you would bring up FE
Ah. You're one of THOSE. Always really fucking easy to strike a nerve.
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glad i got some nice new Ayumi art in this thread
Ok I'll translate it for you Chang:
Sony lives rent free in your head even when they are doing nothing or are not related to the thread
The joke was in the SFC remake as well
now kys
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Same here.

I should commission something..

Always cute!
>taco taco burrito burrito
there, was that so hard you ESL fuckstain?
Last thread was full of dead franchise fags crying anime bad though
>I should commission something..
go for it!
Sonic is a Flicky spin-off

Banjo Kazooie is a Diddy Kong Racing spin-off

Devil May Cry is a Resident Evil spin-off
>too angry to write coherent sentences
Looks like we struck a nerve.
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god she's so fucking cute bros
Palutena is relatively obscure goddess in universe who is more concerned about the well being of humanity than anyone else on Olympus.

When Kratos tries to kill her in God of War III she accepts her death, which completely rattles him
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Literally this meme
>deviantart sprite artists still call this "JUS-style"
I sprited a Hades edit over Kininkuman, this one just goes beyond the artstyle.
Oh so you're illiterate, I'm sorry dude but I since doubt you'll be able to read this, Nintendo is for pedophiles
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The Cloud vs Sephiroth shit were the ONLY things worth remembering from the movie, I don't take it valdiation for them

>Ah. You're one of THOSE. Always really fucking easy to strike a nerve.
Not as easy as you faggot. Go ahead and tell me how Byleth being added was fucking warcrime despite you knowing more characters were on the way.
Hope we make her Mrs. Protag in this game.
she looks like a skinwalker
You said one fanbase was the only one to do something and somebody mentioned another fanbase doing the same thing, how is that not related to your post?
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>I should commission something..
more cute Ayumi always welcome
I can't tell if you're following along with my shitpost or you're fucking dumb
>stop saying mean things about Fire Emblem characters waaaaaa
Also, you made this about Smash first. Not me.
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Nincels can't be Chinese, they at least have some backbone to make fun of their great leader at times
I didn't appear in the teaser.
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>Snoy projecting
>his VP was arrested for CP not even two years ago
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>hurr skinwalker means anything vaguely creepy
My autism can't be contained anymore
Who's 'you'? I'm a different guy, sorry but unlike Nintendo fagboys, everyone else isn't part of a hivemind
>you will now witness a bunch of faggots starting to LARP about how they were always big fans of this niche series in real time
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what's the appeal of VNs? manga are just better
Because we're talking about Sakurai, and you were the one that brought it up
Your tricks won't work on me.
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>but don't a pretentious fuck
Too late. You've activated my autism.

The things that make horror work are very universal and well understood, actually. Relateability and familiarity are especially important for making effective horror. That's why in a slasher film it is almost never the loathsome Stacy who gets laid by the football team and smokes weed every night that we focus on, it's Nice Girl Laurie Strode who eats her veggies and says her prayers every night. The former is a bitch, so at a certain level it's fun to see her die. The latter is Nice Girl and we don't want to see her get hurt.

Splatter and gore works on a different set of impulses, but still relies on our recognition of, and ability to relate to, the familiar features of human anatomy. Empathy dictates that we can frequently "picture" the pain that others feel when they endure an injury. For that reason, an eye-gouging scene in a Fulci film is far more effective fingernail scene from Higurashi, even though both of them are about equally as horrible to consider. It looks more "real". Junji Ito and early guro shit like Guyver, Genocyber and parts of Akira work because so much effort goes into rendering gore and disfigurement that is becomes convincing to an audience (and impressive from an artistic standpoint). It's why dudes like Rob Bottin and Tom Savini made entire careers by their ability to contribute convincing practical SFX to horror films.

What I mean to say by all of this is that the art style for Emio just doesn't lend itself to the grounded, mature story that Sakamoto is trying to tell. Its extremely generic. The characters look like they come out of a cheap isekai, which is a shame. VNs and Adventure Games are the perfect medium for really pushing art direction to drive the tone. See: World of Horror.

For the record, I do like Italian horror too, but I just don't consider most of them strictly scary. There are exceptions, ofc. But different strokes, I'm not judging (much).
>still seething about Sony unprompted
>forgetting about the many Smash and Splatoon pedo scandals
I give you points for at least reading my post, you're doing well for an ESL
Never heard of Pallas Athena, you retard?
I bet you also didn't know she's a war god too like Ares.
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always sucks when i kinda run out of art
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I know the feeling too well
lol Pedro
No, I started with "his tastes are either godly or dogshit", you asked for examples, I gave you some, and you started flipping your shit about le heckin stinkies because just one of the items I mentioned brushed up against Smash.
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lets hope more Ayumi art is coming with the new game
Yup, Athena sure is 1:1 with Palutena. Being a goddess of war is basically the same thing as a goddesss of light
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Perhaps people will learn for next time to have an open mind and not get their hopes too high, as the saying goes…
very cute!
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making choices and having a soundtrack I'd assume
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She's still a total dick in either stories.
Some one post the other one, the one with a jumping R.O.B.
That teaser has made me hate this franchise. Hope the extra few book sales was worth the false advertising you fucking faggots
Do you know what a puzzle is?
Because EVERY goddamn time anyone has anything negative to say about Sakurai's taste, it's because of FE, and the only reason you bring up FE is because of the roster, which you chattering apes never shut the fuck about.

And for the record I'm not the one flipping my shit, you did, by bringing it up, and feeling offended because I correctly called you out because you this what you always do and say.
>no rebuttal
Concession accepted, now keep mowing my lawn
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I have no more Ayumi to post...sadly.

But here's that cute police game over npc women
What was false about it?
Good to know you haven't played KI:U or read Greek Mythology
another cutie!
also I really like this art style
lotta yap for a lotta cap, two little fucking letters from me was all it took to send you into a shitty little snit
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Mickey Mario

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>I have no more Ayumi to post...sadly.
i'm kinda out of art too.
like i said before. hope the announcement gets us more Ayumi art
>That teaser has made me hate this franchise.
you were never gonna play it so who gives shit, cry about it fag
and cry about it more when ayumi appears in smash
>Hope the extra few book sales was worth the false advertising you fucking faggots
you clearly don't know what false advertising means, they showed a guy, then revealed that guy would appear in a game, where's the false advertising
I can see you're short circuiting by seething. I think we're done here.
Try asking in a visual novel thread I guess

Well at least it being a new game might mean someone will draw some..
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The roster is the most important thing in Smash bros so problems with it stand out and are discussed, yes. Especially really obvious and big problems such as the FE favoritism.
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Based, even more elders to respect!
Fuck your scumbag no wonder your dogshit franchise has to hype up people with the hopes of a different game just so you can get a few extra sales while everyone else is disappointed because you got some exposure
>game over if you click her too much
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>Rosterfag out of the woodwork claiming how important the roster is
Of course, we're done here
you're trying so hard for the last word, it's cute :)
Nice headcanon
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Being old but not so much being niche and obscure

Can we more Ristar fan art please?
You started talking about the roster first, dumbshit, because you couldn't help but tardrage over the evil smashies.
concession accepted
Evolution of Ayumi Tachibana
>Evolution of Ayumi Tachibana
soon on youtube
well. a 610 Ayumi thread.

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