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Hopes for the new game? What do you think the twist Sakamoto mentioned will be? Who is Emio?
I knew it!!
Emio is Utsugi. Protag-kun and Ayumi take over the agency.
You will be emio
I em o
Top 10 pranks that went too far
>first game's theme color is red
>second's is blue
>third's is purple
It's cool announcement, but It reminded me why I skipped the first two remakes
Nowhere near the levels of #FE and Fates level of fucked with localization, but still annoyed me personally, but now that I'm reminded I might just take the L and purchase the games, its looks fun
Is this series any good?

Seems like the remakes were released and nobody cared.
This. And we date Ayumi.
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If you like mystery stories or ace attorney you'll like them, they're pretty short little games. The remakes are pretty great, they just barely got any promotion.

The gameplay is pretty much like the investigation parts of ace attorney (makes sense since this series inspired aa) and the writing is pretty similar except it's a bit darker and more serious than ace attorney.
Is this a visual novel?
thread theme
It's an adventure game like Ace Attorney or Danganronpa.
You freely move between screens and can do a few different actions with characters and environments, so more AA.
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This change was so weird because they DID keep the other fake game over if you stare at the police lady's tits too much, and other than this the rest of the remake's translation was extremely accurate. I thought pic related was a fan translator inserted joke for years but then I got to the part in the switch remake and the va really does say Rei and Asuka.

iirc the remake localizations were outsourced and not handled by NoA, which probably explains why they were so accurate.
Famicom detective club was never good
>Puzzles are dog shit
>Story has no momentum
>exploration is linear with basically no possible sequence breaks for skilled players
>Interrogations are a chore
>All cases are completely boring and predictable
>constant back-tracking required for progression
>Method change Simon-says pointlessness for the entire end game
But wait there's more, the Sony tier remakes added a bunch of unecessary social commentary garbage, it's laughable, the fact that most of /v/ pretends prime and the remaster is a good game is proof that this board doesn't really care about videogames anymore.
>Less content than the original
>A bunch DLC and MTX, day 1
>Less characters than ever before
>Less puzzle variety than pretty much every game in the series, makes this game look like a prototype in comparison
>Less paths and absolutely no Easter eggs
>Sidequests featuring references to black history month, Juneteenth and pride month of all things
>You don't get to explore every part of the cases, the mystery feels more braindead and uninteresting, the game feels like roaming a desolated wasteland.
>No New Game+ day 1
>New Games+ confirmed for 2024, literally an unfinished product
Overall an unmitigated disaster.

From a game design perspective, the remakes just feels like a lazy cash grab, reused assets, reused mechanics, it really doesn't offer anything new, there really isn't a reason to even consider buying the remakes if you have the originals, not to mention that Famicom detective club always sucked.
They have way too much story and pretty much no gameplay to back them up.
First game a shit
Second was actually alright
Going to pirate the third with decent hopes
damn sounds perfect for a mystery game, gonna pick them up now
Japan cared and that's who the third is aiming for
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They did a bunch of subtle changes relating to anything sexual towards underage characters, there's a host club lady who calls the protagonist her type, but in the English version they added "in a few years".
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Emiobros? What the fuck is this?
hate memehouse
They removed the schoolgirl in 2 calling you a lolicon if you stare at her flat chest a lot too, though she still reacts to it and looks uncomfortable. If I had to guess NoA probably just has a mandate against anything sexual with underage characters.
This would be an easy fix, but our version is files are actually changed (We don't share the same game as JP but with different text) so I guess we are fucked on that unless someone want to go through and paste all the EN dialogue to JP games
>except it's a bit darker and more serious than ace attorney
which makes it 100% better in my opinion
>my man wrote a wall of text for his bait and everyone ignored it
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Based. I was honestly surprised by how much darker the game was than stuff like Ace Attorney and how you actually get to investigate the actual corpses. I was worried that if they ever made a new FDC that it'd be more toned down like aa so I'm glad the new one is rated M.
I actually do kinda wanna get the Emio game now after the bait and switch.

But I'm not sure I want to pay an extra 60 for the first 2 games. How interconnected are they?
It’s a copypasta with some words swapped out, still retarded though
Should I play the switch remakes for consistency with the new game or are the older iterations better in some way?
Agreed. These kinds of visual novels really don't allow for good storytelling, because that would require more effort than the devs can put forth. The story has to be cliche and end on a happy ending, otherwise people will lose interest.
oh my God. this is problematic.
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Do I need to play the first two games to understand this one? I’ve never played them but Emio looks cool
Probably not too much aside from the returning trio of protagonists and a few other characters.
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Ahem. Sex
Never played the originals. Should I play the fan translated SNES remake or the Switch remakes?
It doesn't seem like it's necessary, but we don't know.
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There's very precious little in this genre. Spirit Hunter, Cartagra and its sequels, Danganronpa (kinda), Kowloon High-School Chronicle, Paranormasight, Master Magistrate (which gets compared to AA unfairly, it's only similar in that it deals with Japanese law)
Handful of others too, but mystery is laaaacking compared to the old days
....this was it? How sad.
he was butthurt enough at people laughing at it to samefag it, though.
if you need to ask this then you clearly don't care about the sovl, go for the new one
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You can play the first two in any order, the second game is actually a prequel. I recommend starting with the first one though since I think the second is better so you'll save the best for last. There's some references between games but it isn't much you have to worry about, they're mostly self-contained.

Since this seems like another self-contained mystery you probably won't need to play the first two.

Only the second game got an SNES remake that got fan translated, if you want to play the first game translated you HAVE to play the switch remake. Some people prefer the artstyle of the SNES remake but the switch remake looks really good too imo, and it lets you use the SNES version OST (and NES version OST) if you want.
I only played the one on SNES and I liked it a lot. I skipped the remakes but I'm interested in Emio.
>anime trash
no hope for it now
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Oh yeah I should mention, both remakes emulate well since they're almost purely 2D. They're pretty much the only switch games I can run at full speed on my shitty laptop.
I got news for you, this was always anime.
She looks a lot older now. Mid 20s, perhaps?
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>FDC remakes
>another code remake with the original devs
>now completely new FDC
Give it to me straight, what are pic related's chances of getting a new game?
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Probably yeah,
Seem decently high now.
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may not be what I was hoping for, but it might be kino.
guess the marketing worked
Okay, Sakamoto.
It's our turn now. Bring Kid Icarus back to life again and without Sakurai 's slacker bullshit.
>jap collector edition includes a paper bag in an evidence bag
Thanks anon, I'll play the Switch version then
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Not really a fan of visual novels, so I'll have to pass on this game.
Do we know specific years the first two games took place? Wonder how much later this game is.
They had a chance to improve the art and they fucked it up again. This is more disappointing to me than the whole teaser situation.
>reddit bob
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The artstyle for the remakes is great, never got the complaints. It looks especially good in the night/evening scenes.
Why is Utsugi so fucking ripped now? His pecs are nearly bursting out of his suit.
I guess they're really trying to capture the ace attorney fujo audience.
The games do take place in the 80s but I can't recall if they ever give a hard date for each

the second game is a prequel that takes place a few years before the first, and this new one presumably takes place well after that
So who is it?
Probably a cop
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So this is releasing on PC eventually too right? Nintrannies don't deserve a game like this. I'm not going to buy a Shitch for this. Not interested in kiddy bingbing slop, but this looks cool.
All those girls he killed built up his muscles.
>Side ponytail
She's gonna be one of the victims, isn't she?
1986 - Second Game
1988 in February - Satellaview spinoff
1988 - First game
You forgot
>censored a pantyshot in the western release
>some very minor dialogue change, nothing big, but still....
I can't get over the Columbo knock-off guy
>pretend mustard is too retarded to emulate
haha dumb fuck, go back to consoles
It's very inoffensive and featureless. Like something a computer would create by itself.
you'll survive
sup Eric you dumb fucktard
Very good. Even people who haven't played the Hotel Dusk games know and love Kyle.
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You could just watch it on youtube. You won't miss out on anything. It's like a JRPG.
neck yourself eric
you'll survive
I saw somebody say in another thread that the Another Code remake was bad? Is it? Should I look for the originals?
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Wouldn't be shocked if it's an intentional reference since a different character in the first game referenced a famous fictional jap detective. I'm pretty sure Columbo was popular in Japan, I know at least Shu Takumi has said it inspired ace attorney.
Your mileage may vary on the original but Another Code R is ten times better in the remake.

t. one of the three people who has Another Code R on Wii
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It's pretty low-budget and ugly in some spots but I liked it, the second game had its story changed a lot in the remake to wrap stuff up better.
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japan loves columbo
it's a first party game, so it will be exclusive
it's gonna be super easy to emulate though so you have that
First game is different but that's basically it couldn't rely on DS gimmicks anymore

Second game is just straight up better and has an actual ending
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>JP logo makes the FDC name the biggest part of the logo and emio is just a small subtitle
>western logo makes emio the largest part while FDC is moved down to the subtitle spot
Odd, it almost feels like they're trying to pull a trigger happy havoc danganronpa thing where they're testing the waters to see if they can just rebrand the series in the west as "Emio"
Replaced a white character with a nigger.
seems like the current console is still the nes, so I guess it's taking place somewhere inbetween 1988-1990
More likely they're just trying to copy the way Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney does its titles/subtitles since that does well in the west.
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Emio is just the name of this specific game's villain, if they made a fourth game it would still keep FDC as the subtitle while having a new title.
Well FDC obviously didn’t work last time.
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Post your favorite tracks
Can't wait to hear Ayumi's new theme.
If the series were ever to really take off they would probably just call it Detective Club because "Famicom" isn't relevant to westerners.
I don't mind if they're low-budget, but I would love it if they kept making more entries in this series
It's strange that they didn't just outright replace the word with 'Nintendo' like they did with the system proper.
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So we're never getting Lost Memories In The Snow are we
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Nice cover! Is that a fangame?
very basic stories

better watch Conan
>Emio is suddenly back after being inactive for 18 years
>he's been shown wearing two different paper bags
So there's obviously more than one Emio, right?
>Eshop description specifically says its the first time Ayumi is playable
It's over bro, it's no longer canon, rip.
i thought emio was a secret first-party nintendo horror game coming out for next gen? what is this horrible modern anime art visual novel bullshit? thats a huge let down
>i thought emio was a secret first-party nintendo horror game coming out for next gen?
You fell for fake news bro....
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I understand the remakes being called Famicom Detective Club, but now that it's getting a new game can it really use Famicom in its name?
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>year gap is a multiple of six
>killer who acted back then has returned
Do you know the Nirvana Initiative?
That would've worked too, but I guess they might also figure that people in the west know the series as "Famicom Detective Club" through Smash Bros. and stuff so maybe they'll never change it.
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Nobody clicks on youtube links, ever
It is called Famicom Tantei Club, it would be weird if it doesn't take place during the NES era.
I mean, it basically is an official fangame, the original staff was not involved
Sakamoto wrote the script for 1,2 and now emio
God Nirvana Intitiative was so fucking bad, it's perhaps one of Uchikoshi's lowest points.
based mcpig
>this is what nintenturds were hyping up
>Famicom Detective Club
called it
Eric, take a fork, shove it in your eye socket, and twist
I would be willing to check this out, but that price tag is genuinely way too steep for a title like this. $60? 60 damn dollars for what is essentially an ADV Ace Attorney-lite? This should be $30 MAXIMUM. Nintendo pricing is insane.
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I know right. This is clearly a PChad game. It no business being on the bingbing machine.
It's 50.
>Eric acting up again
Go shit your diapers elsewhere
That's still insane, I have no idea why Nintendo is expecting people to drop that much money on this. That's like Pikmin or Kirby money. They must be really expecting for this to do good.
I don't understand how Eric can still be this angry after all these years.
it's not like mental illness just goes away or fades with time
This still sends chills down my spine, I really love the intro.
Honorable mentions:
Most westerners don't know what a "Famicom" is and the Famicom in the title is just for legacy now, so it makes sense to place it as the subtitle instead. They're not gonna rebrand the series when Emio is just this game's mystery.
It might have full voice acting which would be more understandable and it doesn't look like they're showing much of the actual gameplay so maybe there's more to it than just static pictures and animated portraits. Otherwise I might tend to agree and try to wait for a sale or something.
Fuck. I miss when Nintendo tried like when they recreated BS Fire Emblem & not modern Nintendo where they scrap the Satellaview tracks they made for F Zero 99
apparently Magic Trick Society did a cover album, but I can't find it in its entirety
>eShop description

A student has been found dead! His head was covered with a paper bag with an eerie smiling face drawn on it—much like the victims of Emio, the Smiling Man—a killer of urban legend who is said to place such a bag over his victims’ heads.

As an assistant private investigator, you are tasked with helping police solve this crime, which is reminiscent of a series of unsolved murders from 18 years ago. Has a serial killer returned, or is this the work of a copycat? Are these crimes inspired by the Smiling Man story, or the origin of it?

Discover the answers to these questions and more as a member of the Utsugi Detective Agency in this intense story of suspicion, isolation, and fragility.

Explore an interactive drama full of interesting characters

Continue the adventures of the Utsugi Detective Agency with the return of familiar characters—including the returning protagonist from previous games, and Ayumi Tachibana, who is now playable in certain sections of the game for the first time in the series!

Playing as the investigative duo, you’ll need to learn a lot about the personalities and backstories of the other characters if you want to discover the truth. Who is harmless, and who is keeping important secrets? Ask questions, reference your notes, and make connections—you’ll have to order your thoughts and examine your leads carefully to draw the right conclusions.
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The european store has more information
The victim in the present is a male middle school student named Eisuke Sasaki
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You're right I was just looking at that.


There's a "Detective's Desk" section too which will update every week.
Emio is gonna either be Utsugi or he kills Taro or Ayumi.
yes apparently
well I guess they could've called it switch detective club since you switch between playing as the male mc and ayumi at points
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They can't call it the Nintendo Detective Club, even though that would be the perfect title.
>getting filtered by a Japanese classic
Bet you wanted Bloober slop instead.
It is rather odd they have Utsugi in the boxart unlike the last two games(he wasn't in the first game).
A movie game being old doesn't magically make it good.
Yes, Nintendo describes the entertainment system, just like it describes the detective club. They were given the layup and went for the three.
>third game is a fusion between both
they didn't make movie games back on the NES, zoom zoom Eric-kun
Talking about the cover, what's the flower supposed to mean?
Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest on the NES beg to differ.
Post them? That could range from forced to nothing.
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Sounds like just a language barrier thing, I don't think he understood the question or nor I don't see how his answer relates to timelines in anyway. He probably just means he wants to keep the Kirby universe open and wants full freedom when making new games, as the games are clearly in fact connected which is something that he even mentions in his answer.
its on switch so yes its on pc.
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It's a lily. You put it on a dead student's desk to mourn.
I don't have the screenshot, but it's the park ranger in the Wii game.
no, they don't, and you need to lurk more you pathetic zoomfuck. You don't even know what 'movie game' means.
those pictures on the left are fucking creepy
I'm guessing "emio" took them and it shows the start of his obsessions with smiles/smiling
My waifu Ayumi looks even better than before.
>In anime, yuri 百合, meaning literally "lily," the flower, refers to lesbian fiction. In Japanese, yuri is lesbian fiction in general

and the incident 18 years ago is literally the girl murder incident (連続少女殺人事件)
Movie game is something that cares more about the story than the gameplay, so the gameplay will be neutered just to keep the exposition rolling. IE "you won the boss fight, but the story says you lost"

Why shouldn't this apply to visual novels? If they were strong games, people wouldn't object to the complete removal of all cutscenes, story, characters and dialogue. After all, the gameplay is still there, right?
I'm always down for some girl-girl action but I think it's more likely it's strictly referring to its funeral meaning.
Visual novels should be a lucrative market. They aren't as expensive to produce as other genres, don't require high end graphics, and the potential audience is everyone, including non-gamers.
I think Nintendo wants to tap into the visual novel market in a very serious way, but they have to deal with the fact that nobody can fucking agree on what a visual novel is (trying to call it an adventure game in the west is just going to make shit worse, stop trying) and 99% of normies will not try one because they think it isn't a video game and all of them are dating sims.
This whole Emio stunt was a way to make people know what the game is before they knew it was a visual novel, because most people would get the wrong idea otherwise.
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>Movie game is something that cares more about the story than the gameplay, so the gameplay will be neutered just to keep the exposition rolling. IE "you won the boss fight, but the story says you lost"
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Indeed she does
How is Taro handling his massive inheritance?
they are. ADULT non-moe VNs are pretty dead, but all ages stuff sells okay. The Switch actually has a fair few VNs compared to other consoles.
>the remakes flopped
>let's make a sequel and slap a premium price on it!
Sometimes, Nintendo can be so bafflingly retarded. No one asks for this shit. No one cares. It's gonna bomb at launch. Why waste their time and resources on such unprofitable endeavour?
>This whole Emio stunt was a way to make people know what the game is before they knew it was a visual novel, because most people would get the wrong idea otherwise.
makes sense
Ask yourself why God of War and TLOU and Uncharted are movies. No, simply counting the cutscenes is not enough. That's a misleading argument. And no, counting the walking scenes isn't enough either. Yes, these are terrible game elements that makes the game worse, but you're no talking the main issue.

The issue is that you're trying to tell a story, at the expense of everything else. I want to bing bing wahoo and kill stuff, not read walls of text.
Reality must be hard for you other eric.
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I'm more annoyed they largely just made a new design instead of just having him be mostly the same aside from the skin change. It's really noticeable in the jawline.
yeah I'm gonna trust nintendo who decided it was profitable enough to make another one over you buddy
>not read walls of text
>NES games
The remakes had full voice acting so I'd assume this will too.
I am hyped as fuck. You are free to return to reddit, zoomer.
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>trying to call it an adventure game in the west is just going to make shit worse, stop trying
This has been the name of the genre since it began and is a separate thing from VNs. I do agree Nintendo probably wants to tap into both markets as they clearly know the otome market is big.
So is it going to be copycat killings or the original killer returned?
Okay cuckold.
Every character in the remake has much sharper features compared to how rounded they look in the Wii version, it's not limited to him.

>1 hour of footage
>not one second of gameplay

Am I missing something?
>So is it going to be copycat killings or the original killer returned?
well that would be part of the mystery for us to discover when we play wouldn't it
They did, is it becoming harder to find?
Here, let me share mine.
Maybe lurk more, newtards. Sub 20k, a month after launch, is a flop. No need to sugarcoat it.
It's fun to speculate
>his definition of "movie" isn't related to cinematics at all
You're an ESL teenager who learns words from seeing them enough times on 4chan.
The only available physical release was a limited edition which sold out. Those 20k were all they printed.
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This felt like such a fucking bait and switch, I'm genuinely mad.
The Emio on the cover doesn't even look remotely near the Emio from the teaser, it's like they didn't even tell the initial artist what the game was.
From pic related to "toddler draws a face on a halloween pumpkin".
>Physical only btw for a pair of remakes that hasn't seen a new game in decades
You are delusional.
Gone Home has zero cinematics in it, but it's still a movie because the game is purposely designed to have no challenge, and you just walk down hallways. Counting cinematics is a start, but you're not supposed to stop there.
>Utsugi has been helping with the Emio murders from 18 years ago
it's acfag, stop replying you retard.
So Yume Nikki is a movie game?
It's also on khinsider.
>t-the e-shop version totally sold 1000% more than the physical version!
Who's delusional now?
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i only played the remake of 2 because people said 1 sucked
was i lied to
Literally yes. It's an 'experience' before it's a game. /v/ isn't ready for this redpill, though.
well perhaps the murders in the style popping up again could indicate a copycat, I think it would be more interesting if it was the original who gained some motivation or perhaps even the ability to start up again
Yes. Bit of an overrated indie game.
Sounds like this game is gonna be similar to the second game and focus on the murder of Sasaki throughout the game like how the second game's focus was on who killed Yoko.

Though I expect we'll see Emio kill some others along the way.
this looks so much cooler than the anime version. There need to be more live action VNs like 428 Shibuya Scramble.
2 is better in terms of the mystery and pacing but 1 is fine too, the countryside village setting is comfy.
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It's not as good as 2 but it's still worth trying out
$20 bucks one of the lesbos commits suicide if the lily is referring to some girl murder.
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almost every character got redesigned, especially in the second game where some characters got completely rewritten. It is a bit weird but they got the original artist/character designer for the remake so I guess he just wanted to change his old designs.
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Was the crescent smile anywhere in the footage today?
All I've seen is the jack-o'-lantern smile.
*PC vegan
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"Helping with"
>Emio will never give you a smile for eternity
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Who the culprit is is kinda dumb but I still enjoyed it a lot too, it had a nice unique atmosphere compared to the second game.
>There's a "Detective's Desk" section too which will update every week
Nintendo sure is going all in with promoting this game compared to the last two.
Utsugi did nothing wrong.
you'll survive
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It's a case about a copycat killer.
You posted a picture of the original Smiling Man from 18 years ago, who killed multiple female students.
The teaser also showed the design you see on the cover, which is the present day Smiling Man, who, so far, killed only a middle school aged boy.
That last segment of the game with the labyrinth nearly filtered me though. Maybe I was acting retarded back then but I was having more trouble with it than I expected.
So will you, learning that your cult favorite isn't even a game.
>Long time series character is actually the killer's helper
Yeah. Given the 18 year gap, I don't think our current Emio is the original Emio. I won't be surprised if the original Emio is either dead or will end up being killed in the game.
The remakes just have Japanese voices though, so I mean if it has full English voice acting that might inflate the pricing.
yeah it is
>the person who saved you from the police, brought you to the agency and gave you a place to stay as your mentor and surrogate father is actually a despicable serial killer
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Looks exactly like something that is really shit, Tendies will obsess over it, and when it gets a PC release to cover losses Tendies will hate on it.
I hope they don't waste money on that, why would I want to listen to an english dub for a game that takes place in Japan
Probably japanese-only again, considering you can preview the voice acting on the japanese website, but not on the western websites
I'd be more inclined to try the series if it wasn't for the fact that Nintendo is asking for 60 bucks for 2 visual novels...
This. I don't care about dub garbage.
Now 110 bucks for 3 visual novels
Also you can just pirate them
H-He was blacmailed!!!!!
I mean they probably won't. I'm just thinking of ways that might justify the $50 price tag when the remakes gave you two games for $30.
I played Heavy Rain
>why would I want to listen to an english dub for a game that takes place in Japan
Yakuzafags have been asking this for years but Sega wants normie money and normies won't play games without dubs

But thankfully FDC is still niche enough that Nintendo wouldn't try to get a dub cast for it. it just wouldn't make sense
you'll survive
Why is Eric seething about FDC?
you know when you samefag this much it's really obvious, right? You type like a homosexual.
She's had a side-ponytail since her creation. Ayumi is invincible.
I've never even heard of this guy, how tf can you be so annoying on an anonymous website that people know who you are
It's honestly probably more the fact it takes place in Japan and the game is blatantly anime so they know most people who play it would ignore an english dub. The another code remakes got a dub despite also being niche, and if they ever remake Kyle's games they'll probably dub those.
you'll survive
Eric just seethes at any positive attention or excitement Nintendo gets for any reason. He is literally mindbroken by a toy company. He doesn't even understand who is making the game. >>682982789
Because he spends all day everyday seething about Nintendo. He even goes into non Nintendo related threads to rant about how imaginary tendies are attacking whatever game the thread is about. He even managed to get multiple threads to bump limit just seething over the Ezio teaser.

The Switch has completely mindbroken him.
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>He is literally mindbroken by a toy company.
it is one of the funnier things to spend literal years online seething about
Reminder the only reason we know his name is because he doxxed himself trying to start a Mighty No9. vs Megaman fight because he thought Megaman was a Nintendo franchise.
Eric seethes over everything nintendo related but he's mindbroken specially BECAUSE of FDC getting a new game after shitposting it before when the remakes came out. To him it's inconvincible that nintendo would make a new that in his mind (and his mind only) "flopped"
>He even goes into non Nintendo related threads to rant about how imaginary tendies are attacking whatever game the thread is about.
HAHA, yeah he was in the Monster Hunter threads for ages, bet you he still is.
IIRC, one of the mentions on the ESRB board mentioned the game will have sexual themes or something. Maybe we get some nasty stuff with the ladies like Ayumi?
Y'know, the coat Emio wears is pretty similar to the one ayumi puts on at the end of the second game
I think Utsugi might be a red herring.
>because he thought Megaman was a Nintendo franchise.
This one still gets me kek
A fully dubbed VN? No sane company would ever waste money on that, imagine how stupid that would be haha....
Schizo trannies.
The coat doesn't look the same at all though???
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If it's anything like the first two the protag will be a horndog who goes AWOOOOOOOGA anytime he sees a woman.
Or maybe he just leaves his fly open again by accident.
>emio rapes ayumi and is about to give her an eternal smile but taro comes in to save her
>emio manages to get away
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>he named himself 'anon'
>he didn't even capitalize it
chin up
You know it could be stuff as inoffensive as this too. Maybe Taro leaves his fly open again because he's dumb or maybe he accidentally gropes a girl or grabs her ass or something.
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I think the saddest thing about that title is it wasn't even that bad. Better than C;Child or R;N for sure. It was just so aggressively... mediocre. Them not working out something with Nitro+ to keep working together really doomed Sci;Adv
It DID give me this webm though
did he leave his fly open in the first game? i thought it was only for the second game.
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>they didn't make movie games back on the NES
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imagine if this bro made a return in the new game only to get emio'd.
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The image is clearly edited, anon. I just edited out my name.
She doesn’t look a day over how ever old she was back then
Is this from the first game or new game?
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>a VN is a movie game
They were great. But compared to the popular VNs of today they do pale a little bit narratively.

They're very cookie cutter mystery/spook but the writing is decent but it doesn't have any galaxy brain stuff like in Ace Attorney. It also never gets sincerely dramatic, it tries but it's an amateur attempt. It feels like NES era story writing.

I liked the games because they're true point and click style where you have multiple options available at all times, and have to pay attention to what's on screen, what people are saying and what you've recorded about individual suspects. Most "talk" prompts result in 2 or 3 paragraphs before you just have to do something else. It isn't like Ace Attorney or Danganronpa where a successful choice leads to another 2 minutes of Visual Novel. Here, all the text is in response to some interaction you do, aside from event triggers.
First game.
She was 17 in the first game and 15 in the second game. She's presumably older in the third game. She does look slightly older imo. Maybe she's like 18 or something.
>It feels like NES era story writing.
It's almost like it was an NES game originally....
Yeah, epic photoshop skills bro. Or, the infinitely more likely explanation.
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>It also never gets sincerely dramatic
This is what I like about the series, honestly. It feels a lot more down to earth than ace attorney despite also having silly moments.

I'd seethe so fucking hard, he's too based to be killed off.
Sakamoto don't you dare.....if he shows up and gets involved, he's practically a goner...
Imagine the kino, the protagonist falls into despair at the thought of his mentor that gave him everything being the killer, but Ayumi brings him back to his senses and the two work together to bring him to justice, finally surpassing him and becoming fully fledged detectives in the process.
but don't you guys want him to reunite with his waifu yoko in the afterlife?
Eirc how does it feel that you're a laughingstock and basically like a third tier Barry? You're not even Robin to his Batman, you're like Bat-mite
That would certainly be a way to elevate the two junior detectives into becoming full fledged detectives. But Taro losing his respected mentor would be too cruel....
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Switch got lot of VNs which is highly unusual for Nintendo platforms.

I guess Nintendo want captalize on that given official website do have a small part for them. And is not just licensed kusoge but rather big boy titles like Umineko, Sci adv, Turkeyhime so on.
So is Ayumi's game pretty much spinoff that Nintendo forgot and Emio is the true third FDC game?
I don't think everyone completely forgot that game, but I do imagine it was deemed obscure enough to just write off.
Yeah. Missing Heir, The Girl Who Stands Behind and Emio-The Smiling Man are the three main games in the series. Lost Memories in the Snow is practically non-existent now.
Fucking dropped
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More or less
Why wasn't it localized in the west? Was it simply too BL adjacent for Nintendo to want to handle? What's strange is that it actually was released outside of Japan but only in Chinese and Korean.
>BL adjacent
Ask NOA.

They hate everything outside of usual circle of mario zelda pokemon.
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Guess this means we won’t get the BS content for F-Zero 99 either…
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Seeing snoys lose their minds over Famicom Detective Club out of all things is beyond bizarre.
>Too japanese
>Too niche (Maybe in NOA's mind)
>Not worth it
Pick your poison
>Nintendo forgot
they didn't forget it, ayumi's voice actor from it was retained for the remakes
Boy's love or in other words yaoi.
Just call it yaoi you dumb westernized dipshit. And then kill yourself for caring about it.
The first Famicom Detective Club is quite literally the worst videogame I have ever played.
I have no hopes.
I think anon mean otome. BL is gay stuff.
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Will I like it if I enjoyed Kara no Shoujo and other Innocent Grey stuff?
So what's with the M rating?
Need emio spin-off
It's a game about violent murders.
? BL is used in japan too dipshit
>gay stuff
So Ace Attorney?
They're largely a bunch of tourists or zoomers that don't realize what kind of media has always been popular on here.
>violence, cruelty, domestic abuse and suicide themes

That's what some of the ratings boards said about, that's all we know
No one here cares about what mentally ill Japanese women think except for you.
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>Get btfo
>double down in retardion
Just kys
You can't even type "kill yourself." Stupid pussy. I belong here more than you, you stupid faggot.
The first two games were pretty gruesome when it came to showing corpses so I assume you just see some mangled ones here, but those only got a T rating.
>>Movie game is something that cares more about the story than the gameplay
No it isn't.
Murder, violence, suicide themes yadda yadda.

Mostly nintendo not wanting to deal with lower ratings, besides, previous games actually shown some corpses.
Yes it is. Sorry about your indie walking sim.
I shoulda known Sakamoto was behind this
It's funny to think there was a time where a fan translator could translate pic related with no backlash
This character got completely replaced in the Switch remake, not even a localization thing since they're gone in the jap version too.
I think your meme term is being stretched in ways it cannot handle.
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>I belong here more than you
what a fucking pathetic post
nta but you can pretend I am to feel better if you want
>Even nintendo kneeled the transmenace
It's over...
I'm so happy bros.
Will do.
to be fair if I were Nintnedo I would delete the tranny too. It's just not worth it and better to remove them from existence.
It's Emiover.
Ayumi looks like she’s ready to kick back and relax
>Famicom Detective Club
>They don’t play Famicom while discussing a case
you'll survive
It's funny that you keep doing this expecting anything other than "you're mindbroken."
They literally have a famicom in their office
Literally me. I played the SNES remake with a translation patch years ago and loved it, then also played and loved the switch remakes, but I thought they didn't sell enough for Nintendo to continue the series. It still doesn't feel real that we're actually getting a new FDC, and it's actually being pretty heavily promoted too. I'm glad between this and the Another Code remake that Nintendo wants to revive interest in their adventure game/VN series.

Now just give me a new Kyle Hyde game.
>AI slop
Maybe they actually do. >>682978009
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why was the lost memories ignored
Slop is fine if it's cute enough
atleast ayumi's gonna be playable in this new game.
Not written by Sakamoto but by a rando called Nakata Masayasu, thus non-canon
these titles do not cost a lot to make because the story and flowcharts are done already and it's mostly static images and text.
Then they sell them for full price, and Nintendo games all basically have long legs and why not make another one?
Nintendo doesn't have that Square mentality where everything that doesn't sell 3 million copies is a flop. They'll make smaller titles as long as they make profit.
you'll survive
didn't that girl want to have sex with tokisaka
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after the last thread. i searched for some more Ayumi on pixiv
So Ayumi for smash is a possibility now?
Freedom of concepts.
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They want them to fail outside of Japan so they don’t have to spend more. It’s why Treehouse censors everything, so people won’t buy. Japan is banking on that so they can change Paper Mario again.
It's a short, 3 hour side-story that apparently isn't very good in the first place.
You're an idiot
Yeah. Nintendo really loves their detective daughters Ayumi and Ashley. I do hope Hydebros get their shine too.
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i guess so.
Ayumi is the type of obscure character Sakurai would add to the base roster
Will never happen. He moralizes whites too much. Sorry, goy.
>Red + Blue = Purple
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Yes. Her games have been remade and she's even getting a brand new game. All in the span of a few years and released worldwide. Sakurai has no excuse now.
You will never see another Kyle Hyde game again because of kikes. Prove me wrong. They deleted white men for less.
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I should probably mention that the artbook for the remakes which has the older artwork for the original famicom games and SNES remake of the second game doesn't have anything on the satellaview one so. Yeah rip

Then please, what is the difference? IS Gone Home actually a 10/10 masterpiece because it doesn't have cutscenes?
Emio can't be that bad if he likes children right?...
meds now
Congrats. I knew /v/ was beyond repair when it came to intelligence but you somehow managed to surpass even my expectations.
but it gave ayumi the distinction of being the only character to appear in every single game.
Anime adaption when?
if the protagonist doesn't bone her by the end of this game, i think he might be a tad bit gay.
dunno lol
I know, that's why I made the accusation.
Ok so then why was Marth and Roy in Melee when their games were practically unknown outside Japan as well? Seems hypocritical adding them but not Ayumi.

But oh well. Atleast Sakurai is a pretty big FDCfag and he did have it where Ayumi's sticker was in Ultimate. Now we've had the two remakes and a brand new game since Ultimate and all three games are released worldwide so I'm sure Sakurai would now have no real excuse this time.
W-Who made that coffee...?
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Trust the plan
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you'll survive
So Lost Memories in the Snow just doesn't exist anymore. But I guess I can see why the artbook had the older artwork for the Famicom/Super Famicom versions. Since those are references that the Switch remakes were built off of.
So can we agree that Emio likes little kids? I mean he did make a little boy smile after all.
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>ywn have a cute girl solve mysteries with you and cook for you at the office
it's not fair...
MAGES doesn't have the Kadokawa budget for that kind of shit anymore because Chiyomaru is a retard and took the company independent, only to get bought by a shitty gacha company and ultimately end up in a worse position.
The funny bit is that it actually predates the snes remake of 2 by a year

>Lost memories was released in 97
>SNES version 2 was released the year after it
I dont know if they re-recorded the censored dialog in japanese like TMS but all this outside the one girl calling you a lolicon when you check her chest can be fix with only changing the text
>I dont know if they re-recorded the censored dialog in japanese like TMS
they simply removed the voice and text line completely in the US version for the lolicon line (but she still glares at you silently if you stare at her chest too much)
Nintendo would surely help fund it given they are now trying to dabble into animated visual content.
That's for in-game CG cutscenes and whatnot. Nintendo hasn't done a TV anime since the Kirby/F-Zero shows 20 years ago.
Which pretty much makes it sound like Lost Memories was an afterthought even back then.
Is there any way to get the first 2 games physically in north America? Does the Jap version have English?
meds now
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Most recent stuff is actually pikmin shorts. Which dynamo now nintendo pictures did.

Given that Sony insta sniped Zelda license, is just matter of time till some company picks another Nintendo IP, fire emblem already have manga on jump + and kirby LNs are really successful.
They never printed western physical copies of the remakes, only japan got them. Although for this new game they actually making western physical versions too
chin up
Japanese version only has Japanese and Chinese, I think
chin deez nuts
No, the only physical jap version was the special edition.
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emio is going to give you all smiles
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From what I recall, Marth and Roy were planned to only be in the Japanese version of Melee, but Western playtesters enjoyed them so much, they were included in international versions as well.
Don’t worry, Treehouse will save us! Trans rights!
Is the first art from the boxart stuff?
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Couple of things I haven't seen people talk about:
>File size is 5.4 GB compared to the remakes at 1.6 and 1.9 GB
I assume that the story will be longer then. Since the original games were about 7 hours each, I assume this mean's Emio will be at least 15 hours. Maybe more around 18-20.
>New genre tag on the website
I don't know what "Other" entails as a genre on Nintendo's website, but Emio has this listed as a genre along with adventure and simulation whereas the remakes are only have adventure/sim
>Ayumi Tachibana, who is now playable in certain sections of the game for the first time in the series
Maybe we'll get BS Detective Club woven into the story? Probably not, just speculation.
This is basically how Ace Attorney and Hotel Dusk were advertised.
It's like she's asking for Emio.
Why is this a bad translation? It seems to read like the japanese line. Is the japanese a translation of the english with no reference to the original?
>File size is 5.4 GB compared to the remakes at 1.6 and 1.9 GB
>I assume that the story will be longer then. Since the original games were about 7 hours each, I assume this mean's Emio will be at least 15 hours. Maybe more around 18-20.
Emio might be longer than the first two games but it could also mean that there's more additional content within the game itself.
You forgot to metion the remakes were available in english and japanese only, the new game is translated into every language and available physically everywhere
How long do you guys think it will be in comparison to the originals? It's an entirely new game and $50 so hopefully at least 20 hours, that's how long both of the remakes together were.
It's going to be 10 hours and you will like it.
>Maybe we'll get BS Detective Club woven into the story? Probably not, just speculation.
Nah. It's clear Nintendo either forgot about Lost Memories or just like to pretend it doesn't exist. They advertising Ayumi being playable for the first time with this game kind of hammers the nail on Lost Memories.
Emio will rape
I think it will be longer than the first two games. How much longer though it's hard to say. 10-15 hours is the range I give it personally.
Manual from the first game.
I’m not paying for Treehouse censorship so I’m pirating the first 2. Anything I should know going in?
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Those kind of games are like 80 bux on japan and not exactly easy to sell. Sure they take "less" effort but mediocre ass game is pure waste of money for both sides.

Not mention that artists and VAs need a hefty paycheck.
emio is not a perverted freak. he just likes making people smile forever. especially kids.
Do we have any concrete proof that Treehouse censored the remakes or is it just people bitching?
Ahhh ok. Interesting how the art style changed depending on the medium used but different artists I suppose.
Apparently MAGES wanted to develop a new one way back in 2021.
I hope you're at least playing it and Japanese then
NTA but there was the original JP scene in the remake with the protag being a pervert with Ayumi in the second game that got altered over in the west into something stupid.
Yeah we knew about that. Wouldn't be surprised a year or so afterwards, Nintendo approached them to work on a new FDC game together so MAGES got their wish.
So they're still calling him Protagonist? I guess Taro is good enough.
>Please nintendo sama save us.
plus, a copycat fits with the "who is emio?" shit.
only other possibility I could see is an older serial killer with mental problem relapsing into his old ways
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Five bucks says she dies.
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Ayumi had more lewd than i expected
They were too lazy to pull a Tokyo Mirage Sessions and re-record the voice acting for that scene, so they just cut some of the voice lines in half really noticeably to hide the word "hentai" kek
He's got a canon surname but he pretty much put distance between himself and his family and for good reasons.
Non-0% chance
That wasn't nintendo, but fatlus.
>kill the most recognizable character in the series
Nintendo isn't that retarded. Sakamoto doesn't have the balls.
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Ayumi legs...
she HAS been around for over 30 years so i'd be surprised if she didn't have some good lewds here and there.
Well they said something about this game being divisive or something like that.
How would she even fight?
i want to fuck her so badly.
>>kill the most recognizable character in the series
it's emio now
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that emio thing was just another famicom detectives club? are you actually fucking joking with me? christ nintendo is pathetic
Emio will cost around just 40 bucks in Japan so that isn't relevant. Even the special edition will just be around 65 bucks. Seems Nintendo is content with ignoring the "whale only market" pricing practices to get broader appeal.
>Ayumi beats the shit out of Marth for stealing her spot in Melee
Same way Phoenix fought in MvC3.
I feel like people are blowing that out of proportion like they do many things. It doesn't have to mean any of the main characters die but something that they end up doing instead.
Believe it or not she can use a Naginata
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you'll survive
>just another
Do you know what you are saying?
MC Totally fucked that.
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Emio is Hibino-tier and you know it.
She can canonically use a Naginata in combat. Like that's an actual fact about her. They can play into that along with using some evidence as projectiles or something.
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When you want something done, you do it yourself however you wanna do it
>taro still hasn't dicked her yet
he hasn't and that's why i'm mad at him
was he in the wrong?
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>Believe it or not she can use a Naginata

she starts weak but with all the evidence found. she'll get her Naginata with crazy range etc.
AI is not "getting things done." This is why brown-skinned people like yourself are cancer. You literally need to die on this hill.
He murdered two innocent girls out of sheer tard rage and was gonna kill two more innocent kids on top of that.
>a powerful gimmick
lol, lmao even
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One of those girls was going to expose him and the other girl wasn't even killed by him. Blame the principal for that one.
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Preferably Base Roster, don’t want her to be remembered in a wrong way for taking up a DLC slot like Min Min, Pythra and especially the Fire Emblem characters
Ayumi and Yoko?
But she debuted in the first game not the second game...and it was the protag who solved the murder of her friend....and Ayumi joined Utsugi's agency not opened up her own.....the only thing the localized Melee trophy got right was she's the heroine and a daring crime solver.
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Yeah. Ayumi should most certainly be base roster but you know some vocal smashtards would still bitch about her "taking up a slot" in the base roster that could have gone to this totally cool DLC pick.
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You think you're real hot shit, don't you, goy?
Ah so she's a lesbian.
>Genuine Nintendo deep cut.
>Smash fans will complain its not a Blorbo from some platformer
this is actually really good. it's like something you'd see from the 90s.
Cool it with the antisemitism.
Ayumi even has enough costumes to be in Smash now too kek.
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Ayumi 's oldest pixiv art i found was from 2008

she would 100% be Base Roster,
>First game in 30 years not counting satellaview.
>dumb fucks still complain about forgotten IPs.

Smashfags aren't people.
You're talking to someone who expected their niche Japanese game to get hyped due to Smashfags. The subhumanity is off the fucking charts.
they might have been thinking of it in chronological order because the second game chronologically takes place before the first game and that's where the protagonist meets ayumi.

of course i'm giving nintendo of america too much credit but whatever.
What are the chances one of her alts would reference ashley from another code?
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Hibino is so damn crazy. Imagine how things would have turned out if he just got sent to a medical ward.
Pretty much. They have no brains.
You might be retarded.
You might be a projecting brown person or jew.
That would be cool. Would fill things out
>her base outfit is her school uniform
>first alt is her outfit from the first game
>second is from the new game
>third is from her satellaview game
>fourth is her ashley outfit
Isn't Kasuga39 the guy who made the Wikipe-tan art?
If you think about it the protagonist and Ayumi never actually fully figured it out, they were just lucky that the true culprit was a schizo that decided to suddenly out himself.
It's him
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Australia strikes again
Fire Emblem was the bigger series overall and had a known future for it, so I can at least see why it was chosen to be the exception. It is still interesting to think back to a time when the two series were at least on more equal footing.
GBA has a ton too, just unlicensed
Pretty much. They didn't exactly have any conclusive evidence on him whatsoever and Urabe's suicide pretty much saved Hibino. But the guy just threw all that away and gave himself away like an autist and tried to kill the kids who didn't even suspect him.

With Yoko, I can understand why he had to kill her but he had no reason to want to kill Taro and Ayumi.
The 2nd game's remake really felt like a movie remake, where even the script itself would be altered and major plot points changed moreso than a traditionalist video game remake.
>Fire Emblem was the bigger series overall and had a known future for it
Only in Japan at the time. It wasn't that much bigger than FDC at that time. That was why both were considered during Melee's development because they had their own fanbases in Japan.
While the general idea here is founded, were there really that many people upset over Pythra aside from a small vocal minority? Xenoblade 2 was an actually common request for Ultimate and I remember the pick getting less flack than the other two.
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>NOA forced to promote because Nintendo itself cracked whips.

I really wish they bring bond.
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yeah. the protag thought it was urabe(which he was half right).
he was probably blaming them for pushing his beloved principal to killing himself because of their investigations.
Certain smashtards hate anime stuff like certain nintendo autists.
The jews want to kill all white people, you worthless fucking retard. Keep dancing around the elephant in the room.
Found Ayumi's other alt to be used in Smash.
High fujoshi energy
based nintendo. let's hope they make sure the western division doesn't alter any scenes into stupid shit this time.
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Blade duo is ridiculous popular, and not just artificial popularity or something that lasted 5 minutes.

Their figures sold like hotcakes and still go far above retail price despite 5 batches, still get ton of art and such. Smashfags just get uppity because muh anime.
Rape scenes
They're still barely promoting it, the jap site has cool interactive stuff while the US site is much more barren
US site:

Funnily enough the european site is closer to the japanese one, probably because adventure games do better in europe than the US.
When is Ayumi getting a figure?
Well yeah, I meant in Japan. While we don't have numbers for the original releases of the first two games, Fire Emblem was selling over 300k units on average per game. The third one on Super Famicom was especially successful at over 750k. There were around double as many Fire Emblem games at the time as Famicom Detective Club, plus an OVA adaptation. Sakurai clearly would have been happy to add both, but Fire Emblem did seem like the clear priority.
Kinda fun to see all the ancient fanart posted in these threads. Wish I had some to share but it's pretty difficult to come by.
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Nuke the U.S.
It's a nice feeling when you find pretty nice old school fan art, just it wasnt so damn hard to find in search engines...
Meant the first two games of Famicom Detective Club, not Fire Emblem.
Well it's hard to compare them if we don't have the numbers of the original first two games but given they got remade for Super Famicom along with the Satellaview game, Nintendo must have thought it to still be a profitable venture for the market they were still pursuing in Japan. Sakurai considering it shows that not only he's a big fan of it but that it must have been pretty popular at that time or atleast had it's notable audience.
Now it's up to Sakurai if he wants to make it happen.

If not, she'll be in Akaneia/REX (via the Smash 1 mod of her)
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It isn't only Sakurai who makes the call on who gets in and doesn't. Nintendo also has a say in the matter so they might be the ones who push for Ayumi more than Sakurai does. Though he'd be fine with it.
Sakurai is just middleman, Nintendo have final decision.
Those cute feets
yoko was so beautiful
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The SFC remake of II was released very late into the system's life well after the N64 was a thing, and released exclusively via the Nintendo Power service. I don't think it was ever a particularly high-profile big release.
Oh yeah, certainly. I know quite a few Japanese developers have directly cited the series as a personal favorite throughout the years, so you can feel its reach as well. I have zero doubts it was a successful series of games, and it could have actually sold extremely well for the time for all we know. I'm just pointing out that Fire Emblem's early popularity is a little easier to point out, and if anything I could have seen the two series being somewhere around the same level similar to what you said last reply.

Keep in mind as well that Sakurai outright said when adding Marth that he wanted a more elegant swordfighter to contrast to Link. It wasn't just a matter of which series to pick. He could have certainly come up with something unique for Ayumi, but it's easy to see why he settled on the easier and more straightforward option between the two. I could also believe that he may have ever preferred Fire Emblem. He only mentioned Marth as a character he would have wanted in the original game outside the three cut characters, and I know he's been to fan events like concerts for Fire Emblem.
That's one holy hell of a bitch slap
But it was still an investment Nintendo chose to make despite the fact when they didn't need to. They clearly still saw it as their way of competing in the text based adventure games market.
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Well if he chose Marth for the reasons you said, I could understand his inclusion. It just felt odd that Ayumi didn't make the cut for reasons that would have applied to Marth at the time too. That's all I meant really.
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just fun to post old art
>no drugged coffee
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Looks good, so how about localizing some Tokimeki titles too?
>no naginata
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To its credit, Marth was being considered as early as Smash 64, well before a lot of the other Melee nevers people don't want to let go of. Funny enough, he was left out of Smash 64 precisely because Sakurai wasn't sure it'd be a good idea in case Smash would be releasing outside of Japan to a market who wouldn't know who he is, and even when it was decided to include Marth and Roy in Melee, they were supposed to be only available in the Japanese version until NoA's testers liked them too much to want to remove them. Sometimes shit just happens I guess.

On a somewhat related and interesting note, Mother 3 only got a character and stage in Brawl because Sakurai had no idea that game wasn't getting a western release, and if he had known, he would have thought twice before going through with it.
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>Same way Phoenix fought in MvC3
So pretty much the "domestic only but no overseas" kind of left some choices in a mess.
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So this is why people should have no reason to bitch about Ayumi's inclusion especially since she does have some combat experience.
He still has the work on the character for them.
If he think he can't make them at any circumstance, he's able to turn it down.

See:Heihachi for instance, Tekken had to miss out Smash 4 because the mf didn't have that devil gene for overpowered DLC bullshit.
damn for a second i thought that was an actual in-game screenshot because i definitely didn't remember this in the game.
>literally no u
The absolute fucking state of non-whites.
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Kissing her from head to toe! :D
Sure but at the end of the day, the roster has to be approved by Nintendo. Plus given Sakurai can be creative with characters, I don't think he can pull that excuse for too long.
Seethe brown
Lewd kissing
>you're complaining about subhuman browns, so you must be one
Subhuman brown cope. Die, Paco.
Okay pablo.
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pixiv . see filename
So how is Japan reacting?
I am glad that Lucas lucked out when it came to Brawl. Mother 3 was a victim of bad timing, and the absolute worst part is that just having an official English translation would have meant it could later be ported easily outside just Japan. Then again, who knows how much of the game would have survived the localization process. Pretty sure Nintendo was hitting one of its worse periods with translations at this time, if I recall right.
From what I can see from the replies to the jap twitter post they're pretty happy
You can pretend I'm you all you want, but at the end of the day, you're pretending that because you know your people are absolute fucking garbage. Worthless fucking spic.
No what?
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They seem excited for the new game. As expected considering FDC would have more of a fanbase over there there's some posts talking where's BS at kek
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This was a comfy FDC thread
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>there's some posts talking where's BS at kek
jp fans asking the correct questions
Indeed. We even got to throw popcorn at Eric earlier on.
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Hope FDC becomes a full-fledged new series if this game sells well
I prefer the SNES version because it feels like Snatcher.
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I never thought I'd see a FDC reach bump limit. This still feels surreal, and the game is only a month away too. Might replay the remakes to get some more screenshots/webms to post here.

Don't forget we got to see acfag crying too, that's always a treat.
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I think the SNES version does the culprit's reveal much better in terms of sfx and timing but I think the switch version is better overall.
No one is going to play this cuck game for $60. You can pretend that you won, tendie cucks, but no one here is going to buy your cuckold game for $60 fucking dollars. Kill yourselves. The jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.
This shit wont even sell 1 million
Yeah. Hibino's reveal in SNES version was more unsettling than the Switch version imo
>the Jews were Emio and did the murders
90% of us will be pirating, schizo.
Go for max hearts for Ayumi this playthrough! I always loved the Super Famicom remake, but it was such bullshit the game is bugged where you can't ever get all 20 hearts. Fortunately this remake finally fixed it...
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>Go for max hearts for Ayumi this playthrough!
Is there a guide on how to do that? I assume it's just never being a creep to ayumi and never oogling other women.
Oh THAT'S where her spirit art comes from. Cool seeing her with an actual naginata.
Holy retard. Not every game is overbudgeted slop that needs 1 million sales to be profitable. But it will probably still sell over a million just because you don't want it to.
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>I never thought I'd see a FDC reach bump limit
and today we had at least 3
Ayumi sexo
Yeah. She's very skilled with a naginata funny enough.
if you lewd her , you'll get a game over
would you fall for it?
I don't know what you're referring to, but the jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS LIberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.
Is there any special rewards for getting max hearts with Ayumi?
Those affect the outcome but there are many other factors:

That's right

That little Emio marketing stunt must have done something right after all
You have to do things in a specific order (e.g. do certain actions with the photograph, take her feelings into consideration when interrogating her, etc.). There's a guide online for that.
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Here's a lesson in the business of entertainment, Mr. Armchair Dev. All forms of media have a budget and an expectation of sales which dictates how much budget a game will have. 1 million is of course unrealistic for this game and Nintendo knows that. It will probably make it's money back, whatever amount that may be.
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Nope, but it's comfy to have Ayumi acting all cute to you.
Special post-credits scene.
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the price is $50
You know what else doesn't?
anything by Inti Creates
and they're still in business.
Is Ayumi's love not a sufficient reward in of itself?
Ah well. Still worth it anyways
And no one is going to buy it, Tendie-kun!
'ric doesn't know what he is melting down over as usual.
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It's $50, if you are at least going to schizo ramble do it right then.
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thread's about to die anyways
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They'll be fine. Maybe
Reminder that Ayumi used to be #3 best girl:

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Funny how Ki out of all fucking characters won that. Reminds me how Cotton was a crazy popular character for a hot minute back when her first game released.
Yeah so FDC definitely had popularity back in Japan.
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Jap back then fucking loved Ki, she was super popular, she still gets some love now but nowhere near as much unless you were around then

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