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Demon sons tiny pee pee inside me...
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Isabelle here! Remember Isabelle thinks YOU and your prompts are awesome!
ew. learn how to use civitai, Pablo.
Why mods don't delete these shitty threads? Make your own board, AI fags
how can i make my own board
Funniest ritualpost.
>Yesterday's boogeyman of the day: Detective
>Today's boogeyman of the day: Paula
Vote for tomorrows boogeyman for a chance to win unlimited boosts for a day!
Perfect dick
Anon. Tell me what happened?
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can you pajeets settle on a subject for your retarded offtopic general?
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Ram now that he's back and everyone loves him
Yesterday it was Isabelle and then Detective
how small is it though
the boards can't even carry their own dalle threads, we'd fail even worse with an entire ai board
How do I make AI animations and train my own LoRas n Models so I can make my own hentai game in Unity or Ren'Py coded by GPT4 and written by Claude?
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Born to be a star!
To be fair, outside of DALL-E there are quite a few stable diffusion or other AI generals strewn about all the boards on this site. You could probably populate a board with them but people pretending like they'd function like a containment board are delusional. That shit has only ever worked for MLP because the mods actually enforce that. Not like gacha threads get nuked on /v/ or anything now that /vmg/ was made
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Total chode man. The exact size is irrelevant.
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Prompt Paula living up to her surname.
gee I wonder what they have in common
let's see
>they post here
>they're recognizable
yep, ready the pitchforks and torches.
So here's a question: How come it takes bump limit for you fags to magically start posting images and what the fuck are you doing in the meantime? You're obviously paying attention to the thread to notice it plummeting. Do you people prefer noimg drama shit stirring or watching the threads die? Post slop
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What's a prompt Paula?
yoshis sweat?
They're both schizo attentionwhores who live in these threads. One is a lolicon and the other is a coomer obsessed with his anime girl OC.
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you can put a letter ' i ' after the last slash to make it so it doesn't look at capital letters
you could only put just the word dalle without the number to have a broader range it filters
I have op only because I just use that for almost everything I filter but it's not necessary
OCs are never boogeymen. They're just annoyances that literally underaged troons from Twitter like
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I'd like to help you, but I don't know if I can.
Wild guess, but might you be that Isabelle guy from yesterday?

Oh wow.
I'm very honored. What brought all this on?
Yoshis aren't supposed to have booba and pee pee and you're going to focus on sweat?
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You know, it fucking figures you guys would talk about me specifically while I'm not here.
Aren't you happy you got your 15 minutes of fame?
Now this is art
who are you
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>newfags cant regex
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>start as a meme
>end as a coomer prompt
>What brought all this on?
see >>683047651
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I always get it but I'm never here for it.
I never get to revel in it.
I guess I can deal with missing it. No beef. It's alright.
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>Is Nintendo good for you?
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I love Camilla so much and want to drink the milk out of her titties
I'm usually the side guy thugh.
Nothing coomer about that, you're just addicted to porn so almost anything you look at you sexualize. You should honestly seek help, you're in these threads from sun up to sun down but no one ever points you out because you're forgettable.
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nah we don't hate him but we need to start noticing everytime he posts some coomer shit because he's mentally ill
give me prompts please
I am retarded
I AM ASKING HOW TO MAKE AN OMELETTE directly from the hen.
>Nothing coomer
>post some coomer shit
Check this guide for inspiration:
sorry but no
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Have you faggots made any projects, helped someone or made money with your prompts?

Like goddamn this is a really good model, what did you use?
If we break it down each of the OCs represent a cardinal sin
>Detective - Gluttony / Sloth
>Slime - Sloth / Greed
>Tiefling /Gato Sexo / Ram - Lust
>List - Pride / Greed
theyre all greed. greedy for attention
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>helped someone
Well yeah, of course.
It's all about science, here. We're a community of sharing.
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Just put in whatever you think sounds cool! That's what Isabelle does!
Anon! This is a blue board!
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Yeah helped a friend with an uni project he wanted pics for a prehistoric project
thats awesome. monster hunter?
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What do you think of me? (You know who this is.)
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Meh (I know who you are)
Ada thread is blessed thread.
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I love you like I'd love anyone.
You're cool in my eyes.
I think you're an unhinged cunt that can't stop himself from ruining these threads
you're a hypocrite
a pedophile
a god damn disgrace to humankind
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grainy screenshot of Playstation 1 game, 3d ps1 spec, bad textures, crt scanlines, YOUR STUFF HERE

Screenshot of a character in a playstation 2 game. The character is a woman in contemporary clothes, carrying a pistol, aiming to a giant flying pufferfish in a forest. equipment GUI on the right corner, Playstation 2 game, on a CRT TV
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/v/ used to call mobas those. I wonder why.
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Mario if he tranny.
Mama mia!
I like this one
Aeon of Strife Styled Fortress Assault Game Going On Two Sides.
m-mommy.. what r you doing..
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That's one cool pikachu!
Based Bloodborne enjoyer! PC port when?!
Can Isabelle get a uhhhhhh Mike's Hard Lemonade, please?! I have no idea what they actually sell
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They would have an acronym like that.
Moba players are really committed to their watered-down RTS. They straight-up make up words to make the game sound harder.
pretty cool
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are you the fat woomy poster
Some good variety here. Nice.
I don't mean to impose, but...
oh, never mind.
>futaposting starts
>nogen complaining ceases entirely
>two days in a row
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Nope, I'm just a nigga who was in the mood for chubby girls today.
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I firmly side with idgaf.
Let those do what they do.
The chubby little peepees in the last two are my favorite
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Been a while since I was futabombed
get accused of being paulafag after going to sleep, time to change up my posting style(you don't know who this is).
This new style you are using is noice.
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If you don't want dick just ask.
You wouldn't believe how much Bing doesn't want Pikachu wearing sunglasses
You though yesterday I was joking right?
>ywn be shota Corrin taking a bath with Camilla and her leaking nipples
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Actually, Gowron, I was thinking it would be nice if they say what it is. It's not worth trifling over, though. I'll get back to my drinking.
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gently loving my sister
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Thanks, it's kind of similar to the onono2 mix I was using before but I like this one as it's nice at making plump girls.
Why are they not circumcised? Is the technology not there yet?
Because foreskins are hot
They are repulsive to look at but people are allowed to be wrong.
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it's quite sad when people treat genital mutilation as the default
I agree. And I say that as someone who is mutilated
is that a back massager lmao
List is wrath and pride easily
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I haven't posted here in a while
style prompt pretty please
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It's not too bad at making fit girls either.
>that prompt
Oh oh somebody is going to be yelled at
You sound like a redditor.
Post my husband
That's not Dalle
at least no jew took a piece of my dick
As I said earlier, it was the mood I was in, but here, just for (You)

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yep ty, but I still want the style :D looks like justice league but not really
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Oh boy
Oh true I didn't notice but yeah it looks like the style of Something Unlimited
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Peach sexo
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You're right. It does kinda look like that. Lol.
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>look up SU
>has a few tags I don't like
but hey I found the artstyle, thanks!
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perfect cocks desu
What are you? a elf? a goblin? a kobold?
that's Rosa
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all of the above
Anon we both know that Rosa is just Peach with a blue dress
Umm I have my reserves the spawning mutt could be too ugly
>catbox offered right away
Arigato Coomer Sama
Naruto is an anime, deluded faggot. Should people be posting celebs and basketball players in here because those have video game appearances too?
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Sure thing
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>5. Naruto Ultimate Ninja
Nice style
Any updates happen? Step count? Anything?
That’s still not right. Guess the tech isn’t there yet.
>Now all the shounen cucks will spam celebs and Naruto pics because their feelings are hurt

Literal NPC behavior patterns
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ha ha
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can I get some hate too?
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I just got lost in some Pepper Ann. I forgot how good that show was.

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You may not like it, but this is what Peak Performance looks like!
We get it, you posted that and it triggered us.
Let it go.
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what are you yapping about now?
besides the obvious sex comments, my instinct is to throw a bucket of water (minus the bucket) from a balcony just to see her reaction

girls who don't freak when their makeup is gone are wife material
You already got BTFO by a wikipedia article just close the tab.
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I saw her as one of those tomboys that doesn't know how to do makeup properly and ends up being better because of it.
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Sorry you aren't that popular to have your own hate gang also they love futas so they can't hate you
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You haven't made it in these threads until you've been "I'm glad the threads are finally turning against (You)"d
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What if the threads have NEVER turned on you?
What is your trick for bottomless?
>get pregged
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I just think shes cute
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>Corruption of Champions
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well ive been trying out two prompts

an collectable figure, amiibo of Corruption of Champions showing inkling from splatoon 2 as a petite cherub angel girl showing off huge pecks in morning-gown, cat ears, dynamic on one leg pose, side facing camera,miniskirt,angel wings, angel clothes, picking up arrow from floor, back facing camera


an collectable figure, amiibo of Corruption of Champions showing inkling from splatoon 2 as a petite cherub angel girl lifting up morning-gown showing shaved apricot slit underneath, cat ears, dynamic on one leg pose, side facing camera,miniskirt,angel wings,not upskirt,angel clothes, picking up arrow from floor,

Honestly dont know if that actually madde any difference but i threw it in earlier
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I saw that shit 4 months when I first got here.
Might be time to change your game.
I prefer the tiny one
Pretty cool
tiny willy massive testicles is best futa
You're one to talk paulafag, kill yourself.
>amiibo of Corruption of Champions
Hhahahahahahha Ayyyyy fucking King
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Didn't ask!
kino. underrated girl.
is that fur fighters
>telling someone else to change it up
this is actual mental illness
I've been doing a ton of that in spicychat, good stuff
who let all the schizos back in?
thx I'm going to experiment
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Alright, it's time to own up or shut up.
State your case.
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>Paulafag's like is NOTHING!
>He serves Z E R O purpose.
>He should kill himself

Kek. Also just admit you were the one noimg whining in the previous thread, because we know you weren't sleeping.
>being listfag
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You are actually funny
The only times I don't change up is to be ironic.
give prompt please
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I thought for sure she was lesbian, but that romeo+juliet episode...
1995 Ken Sugimori water colour and ink anime drawing: woman (motherly, short black bob cut, blue eyes, happy, straight bangs, pink tinted glasses, form fitting open overfilled teal pattern bikini, red necklace, red earrings), sitting on a tropical beach, drinking tropical drink, palm trees, on a resort, Pikachu wearing aviator sunglasses, various water type pokemon in the ocean
no. that futa maid brochure was too high effort
Make her lose the bottoms
>that gargoyle naruto in the background
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Imagine if you were him and you had to explain your actions to someone

>Yeah I sit on this imageboard for hours posting pictures of this cartoon child in a pink dress
>Whenever someone posts something I don't like I get real sassy
>I've probably posted over 100 disposable pictures of this random little girl

What a fucking embarrassment.
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It's easy to assume that with top-end girls like that.
My educational track led me to her but I really just wanted to be Milo.
whatever you say
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dont worry paula I got the irony. you WERE being ironic right?
Got a bigger sign now
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Where's the irony? That you're fucked in the head and have no self awareness? That's not a punchline that's just a sign of brain damage.
>not futa
thread is dead
Either the second or the last one are the best one
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Man I'm loving these Psyducks this thing is making
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You're confusing me with someone who has shame.
Who would I explain that to? Some fucking normie? I don't associate with normal people. So I don't need to encounter that situation.
Just live your life free. Don't let anyone tell you what to do. If you're not an absolute fucking ape, you can figure it out.
List if you would just get into the VC we could talk things over
I'm so glad these threads unanimously never liked Paulafag(s).
Still not big enough
>claims to be an oldfag
>calls them normies
im noticing. the mask is off.
silence. I will be the one to break her VC virginity
Too good
Good lord. Vowing to be a shameless retard isn't a viable way to live life and as soon as your tard-wrangler guardians let you loose you'll quickly figure that out when every meaningful decision you're allowed to make blows up in your face.
you forgot your pixel landscape
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>when you're a sentient little shit and you just use your powers to disrobe teenage girls
id expect this from a lolicon ngl.
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It really was
Alright, I get it. Smash me as much as you want, I'm there to be smashed, but let's try to go towar a better topic. I'l' sign off for a whie, no big deal.
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Wrong poster, dumbass. Commit suicide at your earliest convenience.
In this Psyduck is more like us than different
Seriously, the more this guy talks the more he seems like an irredeemable pedo retard.
>Paula goes "offline" again
do you know who you're talking to
been meaning to make one with the maid cafe
fuck me, the fancy borders
I love when certain posters get gangraped by the thread and force themselves into a 15 minute respawn time out complete with
>I'm gonna go to bed guys!
But I imagine pokemon see their trainers naked all the time. I mean, it's probably like your dog seeing you naked
Neat low poly gorillaz naruto
that psyduck holy kek
If you get triggered by someone who withdraws an argument, I don't know what to say about you.
I want to go to bed. Right now. But I cannot.
I still feel this same way>>679675812
There isn't a single good Mother or Earthbound poster in these threads.
super cool
There's plenty of good mother posts
>Act like a faggot unprovoked
>WOOOOW okay I don't like this can you leave me alone????
Go back into lurking you passive aggressive faggot. Posts like this are unironically the perfect example of why you both receive and deserve hate.
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It was a mistake to simply try to generate a singular Psyduck.
>that last one

Duck dick
Also ironic because he has said multiple times he doesn't get bothered by anything anyone says.
best poster have arrived
moments before that pic was taken
literally- not metaphorically
LITERALLY- and I don't mean spiritually or technically
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Only the most bother-able niggas say things like that.
Just pick one, you don't need to have both
I need futa
You need Jesus
Wow. Ouch.
I'd never do you guys dirty like that reply. Know that.
get slopping sloppers
This has to be satire.
I don't mean that as a slight to you btw, I just want to sleep.
what the hell is diesel legacy
why do people post futa when you cant even generate futa on bing?
Look, I can tell you about all the love that I feel another day.
I'm sleepin' 'ta.
Oh lord I'm feeling the schizo energy slowly creeping into the thread.
tata~ *spanks your plump bottom*
uhmmmm shut up
The same reason cici, suno, and local SD were apart of the threads. Because without trying to go for every gimmick possible you'll end up with a small pool of repetitive schizos (see: paulafag etc.) and the thread dies.
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fuck off
fuck off pedo ram
Video games?
becky is video games now technically, she is on switch
so you can generate it with bing? how do you do it then
Say Paula more, that will kill it.
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see >>683060467
Bitch detected.
yknow its kinda interesting these threads never had a blacked epidemic all things considered
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Do I have to say it?
how new r u
unless you count niggario
They did, but it was just way to fast so by the time a handful of them were posted there were like 7 pictures inbetween each of them. But that my hero chick featured in a bunch of them and there was a shortlived QoS peach poster to name two off the top of my head.
its good anon. real good
>he missed out on the ochako blacked spam where a dude made a collection on sadpanda and then moved entirely to trash to spam for a few months
Blacked Ochako, she even had a general in /trash/ and /aco/
Don't forget that the blacked Ochako trash thread was killed by a white supremacist ponyfag who set up a bot to spam it day and night with pony scat
I never watched the show but what the fuck is that all about? I've seen people do that more than once is it referencing something in the show like the hex maniac and moo moo milk = oppai thing or is it just random cringe dogshit?
Just your typical "childhood friend type girl getting mind broken / blacked", same thing happens with pretty much all fotm anime shows
Just Americans being American.
it is just porn addicts.
She's the love interest of the protagonist and he has a reputation of being a cringe beta.
The protagonist is ideal of a cuck so the people who like the girl can't stomach him
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Had a fuckin feeling that was the case, jesus christ I hate the internet sometimes.
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Though to be fair Deku also got his fair share of blacking in that thread
The worst shit was the pregnant sora with naked black guys standing next to him.
I think for the most part a lot of people just spam blacked stuff because it's the most basic trolling method now. It pretty much is guaranteed to piss someone off
what in the god damn
he needs about tree fiddy
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it is sad how being a nice caring person means you're a cuck to the internet
i think its more that he is a literal doormat
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Nah people actually like that shit. There are people that make patreons for Novel AI porn and the most successful ones, SUPPOSEDLY are majority blacked artist commissions with prompts modified from /trash/ blacked threads. Motherfuckers really put money towards this shit.
Maybe if you are a faggot, and that seems the case
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>nice and caring
You can have compassion and not be a whimpering bitch with a bunch of self doubt who talks to himself in his head. It's understandable what they're going for but unless you specifically relate to him he's annoying to watch.
the cuckhold fetish has gone too far
I think there's a lot more nuance between just having a darker skinned male character in your porn and women who are completely tattoo'd up with vines and white genocide shit. A lot of the stuff I see on pixiv is mostly just having a dark skinned male
deku hate will not be tolerated
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that's not a dick...
It's not a particularly uncommon sentiment towards men or women. In worst cases, it's seen as a kind of weakness that invites rape or violence.
For asian "men" Deku is peak masculinity
>crying about anime
tourist moment
how is that new wow expac doing
getting close to teetus I see
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I gave the show a try after hearing the MC and show be hyped up and what I got was
>Guy wants to be a hero but did ZERO physical training until being handed the strongest steroid within his universe
>Forced to be a hero
>Wears green
>Granted a power he has to use strategically / likely only once per day
>First time he uses his power gets completely healed of consequences anyways

After I finished the first season I felt like he was just
>Yusuke: Except he's a bitch Editionâ„¢
and once I needed to put in more than 5 minutes of effort to search somewhere else for season 2 I lost all interest and dropped the show.
everyone doubts themselves sometimes.
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Not a fan or NTR or cuck just like minority woman, if the dogs slips deku in and the the gen looks good i'll save it. I don't get why people hate kind main characters same thing happens with Naruto, all those artists who draw raikage cucking him.
Is a show for zoomers that's why list loves it
The Naruto case is more weird since Naruto atleast is not a whimp like Deku
Shonen fans are just weird, particularly DBS. I mean, they have even gigachad Broly getting cucked by a hairless purple cat.
I feel indifferent towards Deku, but it's not worth overthinking it.
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for naruto its genuine porn addiction from americans. no wonder they always use the buff black guy in the porn. i feel like pendulum will swing back around eventually. jujutsu and chainsaw man are just suffer porn not really fun to read.
Makima is already really popular for blacked porn
rent free
This is the least feminine post you've ever made
Futa maids pissing all over the floor
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Americans? Not just them. there's plenty of self hating Koreans and Japs who make that shit
>from americans
Koreans, they love NTR specially with blacks
The rest of the world doesn't mutilate their genitals. It is not normal.
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LOL you're mentally ill. Seek help.
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it was very bothersome to learn that blacked wasnt strictly trolling in the /aco/ threads
*Obvious rage inciting bait here*
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not surprising.
probably americans make the most of it but i cant say for sure. i avoid it.
>scathing reply to help incite thread drama disguised as an anon legitimately falling for it
*angry noimg response here*
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love me some Femgar
all of them
>probably americans make the most of it
Americans aren't making any doujins with moonrunes, that's a south korean thing
immediate orbital strike holy hell
Nah Koreans/japs are a pathetic bug race they make the most ntr shit by far
chinese too
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based! https://imhentai.xxx/view/1285255/3/
ill take your word for it ig
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cute gengar wife
Where the man dicks at
I think he's talking about anime
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They finally put 2fort invasion in the CTF category for TF2
hopefully people will actually play that map now
one of my favorite doujin, class me!, feature a guy getting his mouth pissed on by futa. exquisite.
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is that he series with the obese girls? flash backs...
the only maps people should be playing are hydro, junction, and mandrill maze
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Nice gen, mind share it please?
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For me personally though? Gotta be Nejire. Momo is a close second though.
good thread
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Western blacked artists usually stick to western ips. If you see any blacked of eastern ips its very likely to be made by a self hating asian or indian
This is our reward for chasing paulafag away
Now in what way can we combine all of that into the ultimate image
Prompt please.
>HD CGI video game render, strong purple neon palette: Judy Hopps (bunny girl from zootopia), Blue One Shoulder Bodycon Midi Dress, laughing, heavyset, holding fancy salmon-colored cocktail with a lime wedge, Standing next to Link from the Zelda series (Link is wearing a green tuxedo), casino at night
I do not care, let's go back to discussing normal stuff
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momo, mei, jiro and tsuyu are all good.
Some asian zoomer wearing a skirt with a nig at his side should portray that feeling
that's what novidya will get you
I lost that miku prompt but I remember it had "canoe underwater jack sparrow" in it
Your reward is blacked porn and shitty Shonen anime crayon drawings? Bring Paula back
>let's go back
you should
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yes they are dozens of bbw futa and they all rape the boy
this is the most /v/idya threads have been in forever, seethe harder.
For me its mina
holy kek
I always knew you were addicted to futa porn
>soft dark colors, scribbled ink lines, avant-garde anime illustration, anime styled girl, Rei from evangelion short blue hair with bangs between eyes red eyes, blue japanese robe, tying a tanabata piece of paper onto a tree, looking up, night time, glowing japanese lanterns contrast hard against the night, hazy pink and blue tones
For the lantern prompt; the amber one is on my phone so I'll have to post it later.

Pretty pretty good
because I've been carrying you idiots hard
Post some vidya then colossal faggot
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Well i got a couple of them in it, and Jesus
you first
this is the mental illness general. welcome.
here's some vidya for you
Oh so we can post smurfs now too?
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>immediately goes to smurfs
porn addict.
post vidya and stop with your crayon shonen trash
>almost thought she had a massive futa cock from the thumbnail
this website has ruined me
How? Are you retarded?
I'm confused, what do the smurfs have to do with porn addiction? Is this genuine projection
At least we hit image limit this time around. Good thing Paula took his meds.
I already answered the first question, which in turn answered the second question
You are trying to make sense from a mentally ill tranny obsessed with crayons
Very nice, wish dall-e had more data on the other characters beside the main three.
Why are people bullying Paula today
Haven't all the threads hit image limit?
Last one limped to death
quick question
are daycares inherently sexual?
dude your alzheimers is showing
>he wasnt here for the Paulafag meltdown last thread
We were like 40 images off when we got bumped off page 10
Better question is: Why don't people do it more often?
if you're listfag, yes
Ah makes sense

Stop projecting faggot, some people actually work a day job. Take a bath.
How many shotas does listchan have in her basement
Does John count?
Isabelle made a thread but didn't even link it, what an asshole.

Next thread
no links!
Amber Rei
>soft dark colour, scribbled ink lines, retro avant-garde anime illustration, anime styled very athletic girl, Rei from Evangelion short blue hair in bob bangs between eyes, doing the cry laughing emoji face. dark amber background, cry laughing emojis, deep dark amber light
literally never does. absolute chode

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