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>all the best plane games are only on old consoles
What the FUCK happened?
it's actually shocking how much plane porn there is
never underestimate autismos
Project Wingman and Ace Combat 7 are on PC thoughbeit
Shame PW devs are jews
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need aeromorph game
/k/ pls go
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what if they were fluffy?
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Planes flopped
Cars won
that's a benis
So, where's the game about sex with "feral" planes.
Golden age of simulators is since long over. Nowadays people either expect higher standards of simulation (so you can't make it since documentation is classified) or higher standards of graphics (so you can't make it since the market is not that big if you drop the veneer of "simulation").
made for sex with dragons
only eastern europeans play light sims and they are too poor for current consoles
>I'm too retarded for actual plane games so please serve me some steamy nip slop on a platter for my smooth brain
I dunno, shitty indie/low budged Thing Simulators with no authenticity and garbage graphics are everywhere.
DCS exists though
Wish it didn't although.
meh, if microsoft decided to revive combat flight simulator it would have the potential to be even bigger than mfs itself
ace combat emulation still sucks, too. every time i hear "it finally justwerks" i give it another try and there's always a fuckton of tinkering to do
What is that gif referencing?
people are too autistic so either it has to be "competitive" slop like World of Thing or it has to be 100% realistic no whimsy allowed MS Flight Sim type shit.

the only exception is DCS which is the worst of both worlds: full of competitive autism and people who bitch and moan endlessly that they can't 1:1 replicate some air show from 1977

also graphics and controls. autistic sim people people demand better graphics and more sophisticated controls than most users can use so every plane game that comes out requires you have six 5090s in SLI and a full HOTAS set just to boot up, and the few that don't are casualized consolefag slop for "competitive" faggot who got rinsed too hard in war thunder

all that said there was basically only Ace Combat for mid-range arcade flight games. as far as that style of games go, not many companies made them at all and most arcade flying games were either WWII themed or weird "dieselpunk" stuff.
Cats (and sometimes dogs) like to do that for whatever reason and they stapled the behavior onto an F-35 because it's kinda cute.
ace combat is not a simulator
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>wanting to fuck planes
What's next, you're going to fuck your bicycle?
Descent is a flight simulator.
Descent isn't real
>ywn have an A-10 futa waifu
why were we put on this cursed earth
Girls have sex with bicycles. Men have sex with motorcycles.
play vtol vr
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alright, man.
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And how are humans supposed to compete with this?
imagine being the psycho who decided to pitch fueling in mid-air to the military
But that's just wrong, all classic plane games were PC only.
What even is the fucking point of it other than danger for danger's sake?
I unironically concur
Aeromorph gacha.
where the hell is Ace Combat 8?
landing and taking off take a fuckload of fuel and time, midair fueling takes like 5 minutes
a dedicated vessel for fuel that's not weighed down with a bunch of weapons can do a lot to extend the length of a mission
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monkey paw'd
>the finger curls
what the FUCK
but god just imagine, combination of gameplay with armored core and ace combat and big sexy mechanical vehicle girls
I'd still play it
Just give me Ace Combat with planes like this, with intermission segments where you can date the aircraft. Easy.
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They'll milk you dry.
Thoughts on the lewd dragon plane Pokemon?
ships had been already doing transfers at sea for 500 years and the concept of air refueling is largely similar to astern refueling
>Just build an airbase in range of your target bro
doesn't have enough art. cool design.
>They attached a plane to a sperm cell, gave it arms and legs and called it a pokemon
Ha hah, wtf?
>small target in a 3d space flying 300+mph controlled by 1 guy with a stick
>massive ship on a 2d plane traveling at walking speed with an entire crew capable of walking on the surface to support the maneuver
yeah these are totally the same anon
>>massive ship on a 2d plane
ships don't move in 2d, there be waves and shit. and they are also "controlled by one guy with a stick" except he's being yelled at through like seven officers and the whole thing is happening between thousand ton pieces of steel full of more flammable shit onboard than diesel

i won't say air to air refueling isn't difficult but ship to ship refueling isn't easy either. and the concept is basically the same, astern refueling is done with a towed probe that the recipient ship picks up and sticks in its own orifice.
Small combat planes CONSOOOOM all the fuel in a very short amount of time. Basically, they are always thirsty and getting anywhere is hard. So, they need a big fat plane with a big fat tank of fuel to fill them up so they can actually get to where they need to unload. Or something like that.
For those times you can't get enough carriers in range of Kuwait to wipe out the Iraqi air force in one fell swoop
Speed is relative. They have to dock at the ISS at 17k mph
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The ideal videogame relationship dynamic.
just make a game about the chunni shota brained AI jet from Stealth
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Is this the thread?

aerodynamic forms are sexy
>as far as that style of games go, not many companies made them at all and most arcade flying games were either WWII themed or weird "dieselpunk" stuff.
are you referring to Crimson Skies?
i would also say Xwing/Tie Fighter/XWA and Project Wingman
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I want her to dom me
>Crimson Skies?
i also remember some knockoffs of it, I think one was even IL-2 branded for some insane reason

>tie fighter, etc
space flying games are their own genre with their own typical controls, I'll give you that there were a couple of more AC-like star wars flyan gaems but they mostly sucked ass and were heavy on the ground attack rather than being high flying jet operas iirc
You wouldn't impregnate a multi-million dorra warplane would you anon?
/v/ will fuck anything
no. my semen is incompatible with it. i will give it sloppy creampies every day with no worry of having illegitimate children
No. Because I'm a faggot. But I would absolutely have sex with a multi-million dollar warplane, yes.
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Sex with aircrafts, ships, and vehicles.
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Fund it.
Fucking monkey paw.
You can quite literally get inside of them so that's a starting point
>jiggle on a metallic/plastic body
no sir i do NOT like it
Need a plane game where I can simulate 9/11

What happened was 9/11.
>Need a plane game where I can simulate 9/11
Mercenaries 1 and 2
>What happened was 9/11
all the best plane games came out after
hell, Ace Combat 4 came out 2 days after
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Anthro is shit, even when it comes to planes, feral chads win again. I would also fug every plane from dragon pilot.
That's still "anthro" in the context of a vehicle. Just fuck the car you giga pussy
>outdated 20th century weapons
>on outdated 20th century gaming consoles
checks out
Dragons fucked cars all those years ago, and this was the result.
it's just posing, no one would do it in a peer conflict
is there anything those degenerates won't fuck?
that's not mecha
<<Is there nothing we can do?>>

YES => <= NO
>expect discussion on plane games like the Ace Combat series
>whole thread is nothing but plane porn
sometime I wonder why I'm on this board.
with an OP image like that? This thread was dire machine porn bait from the start
Alright anon, what's your favorite plane game that you would recommend someone who has only ever played an obscure WWII plane game on the PS2 that I don't even remember the name of?
Vtol VR, the tutorials are shit though.
then why is it doing that freemason sign
anthro planes are just robot sharks girls
and that's a good thing
I prefer Plones, can't post them though, even 10+ years later.
>obscure WWII plane game on the PS2
has to be Aces of War
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not always sharks, and sharks are shit tier anyway
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Fighter jets do NOT have biomechanical vaginas
I think I just want to fuck humanoid machines
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I actually bothered to go searching for it and found what it was. I remember having a good time with splitscreen with my younger brother.
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My body is ready.
i have an ace edge

it works on pc but it's not very good
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great another fetish ill never be bale to explain
it's plain hot!
assuming you're talking about aeromorphs, think of them as sexy robots of war
but the regular plane design, you'd have to be at high levels of auts to jack off to it
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>propelled by extreme braps
Bombers need fuel, because they can't take off with a full tank + full bomb bay. And you can't just set up an airbase right next to the enemy. Even if you could set up close enough, it would be in range of the enemy's own bombers. So your bombers need to take off from a safe airport while carrying enough bombs to accomplish the job, which means they need to refuel to make sure they can get to the target and return.

In an extreme case, like Operation Black Buck during the Falklands War, where you're bombing the enemy from across the Atlantic Ocean, you even need your refueling craft to get refueled by other refueling craft. Though in hindsight, this ended up being a waste of fuel and bombs.
Terrible thread. Consider suicide next time.
>le sexy thing... is le bad!!!
Am I being genocided?
you are playing with fire
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Cleansing this thread of aeromorph garbage
>Operation Black Buck
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>posts generic anime weebshit
this was your winning move?
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that's just a different flavor of garbage lmao
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This game is kino
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Can we stop having this shit thread? It's not even about videogames it's an excuse for degens to post aeromorph crap.

I've seen it three times already. Same OP image. Piss off. I hope your waifu is above 2000ft when I trash your harem with Stonehenge.
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i want to fuck tactical aircraft now
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>air intakes
Ricers are fucking dumb
Let the kid eat. Get them off their fucking vegan-ass diet. LET. THE. KID. EAT.
>tfw they will NEVER get the Falklands
their afterburners are winking at you, they want it
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Modern planes are so soulless, they all pretty much look the same, i have a hard time even telling them apart, they all follow the same design philosophy
Compare them to ww2 planes and its a night and day difference, now those planes had SOVL
Hell, even the early jets had personality, unlike these new ones
no way fagin
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Fighter jet fags are literally just tacticool trainspotters.
I did read somewhere (so this might be complete bullshit) that in any UN meetings between the UK and Argentina there is to be no discussion on the falklands.
Plane threads are getting disturbingly common here on /v/

I'm not saying you should stop, I'm just saying
I love this artisthot steamy lesbian lust between F-22 and J-20 when?
titanatelier made quite a lot
I can't help you with "my favourite" because I don't have one, you may like Crimson Skies, Blazing Angels, Birds of Prey, Birds of Steel and Sky Crawlers, the former is something made by the same hacks behind Ac* C*mbat
hope this helps
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Your weebshit humanized planes are gay, why don't you find robots hot?
>my summer car-like but instead of finland simulator and a satsuma you're rebuilding an experimental sapient aircraft in a futuristic post apocalypse
>Stealth mode

What happens when she meets her husbando SAM?
aeromorphs are just plane furries.
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>I would also fug every plane from dragon pilot
For me it's Sombrero dragon
Nah, these >>683070623 are plane furries. Aeromorphs might as well have their own fandom, though there's plenty of cross over.
They optimized all the fun out of them.
I hope lightning chan and J31 chan have already killed each other
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>a generic anime girl with some metallic parts and sci-fi or fantasy cloth
weebs have utterly shit tastes.
Forgot to (you)
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There's a sad lack of vehicle-based RPGs. Pic related is the only example I can think of besides Metal Max.
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>the military industrial complex got taken over by minmaxxing autists
>they need a big fat plane with a big fat tank of fuel to fill them up
>we should design these military vehicles that peoples lives will depend on for fun, not to do thier jobs
I am nof saying that they should put aesthetics over function, but comeon, at least add some decals or some flair to them, they look like the plane equivalent to modern architecture
Here's your "fun" plane
that was designed for an exact purpose, not fun
man I miss ratbat
>can climb to bomber altitude in less than 30 minutes, but theres a high risk of it blowing up
>also it runs out of fuel fast
Peak kino, its not a broken OP piece of crap, it has trade offs, it is perfectly balanced
>theres a high risk of it blowing up

just don't let the reservists handle the hydrazine
>bursts into flesh dissolving fire killing it's pilot from the tiniest nick of anti-air fire
>must dump all it's toxic fuel before landing from risk of shock detonation on landing
It's fun for the designers
They just don't make 'em like they used to, do they?
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>They optimized all the fun out of them.
>he doesn't get hard at the mere thought of high-tech weapons systems upon systems upon systems that deliver death and destruction at the speed of information and the precision of a swiss watchmaker having a manic episode, much less find it fun
Even on 4chan, I am alone
we all do.
>schlorp schlorp schlorp schlorp schlorp schlorp
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wtf I didn't know that those things could turn like that. Any vidya that lets me use an f-35b?
Over G Fighters
built for dragons
that gif is sped up, anon
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They took all the skil and honor out of it, it used to be that a pilot had to put his life on the line whenever he went in for a kill, got into a dogfight or had a duel with another pilot, it was like two knights jousting, with only one coming out on top
Now, its just about spotting the other guy before he spots you and slinging a missile his way
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Is there any good PvP sim flight game I can play with HOTAS and VR headset besides War Thunder?
I'd like to just play War Thunder but my fucking god I refuse to participate in the retarded grind economy system.
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It was always about spotting the other guy first. Radars just made that happen from further away.
Nuclear Option
https://store.steampowered.com/app/2754090/Aces_of_Thunder/ If you can trust Gaijin to not make it grindy as fuck as well. From what I can tell it won't be live service.
Didn't it's highly toxic fuel leak from fucking everywhere?
If only snoopy flying ace had a sequel for PC
I really liked Captain Skyhawk as a kid. Is it worth playing again, or will I only sully my memories?
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>Minmaxxed so hard we made a kind of bomb that turned all 'conflicts' into saber rattling or the equivalent of midgets having a slapfight.
Where Mirage
post more ratbat
Why is 18 on there, she's not even a robot.
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>"she's not even a robot."
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Artist hasn't gotten to that plane yet.
18 is a human with cyborg modifications.
the "androids" are a retarded mistranslation, they are cyborgs.
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>Operation Black Buck
the japanese name for the line is "artificial human" which is still wrong for 17 and 18
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those are some big bombs
>human with cyborg modifications.
so a cyborg.
and now we're turning even those slapfights into gay boring shit thanks to drones.
>Has two gigantic bombs half her size in her holes
What a fucking slut, holy shit.
vore plane
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>HP victors
fucking sex plane
she ain't lying, that ass can shit
This is basically furry. Instead of slapping a zoroark head or shark head on a human body, it is a cockpit on a human body. You even have control surfaces as ears.
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No problem to me.
Why so big? Just for the weight?
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It was built to penetrate reinforced underground bunkers and destroy them in one attack.
Needs the larger size to penetrate underground bunkers
What's the connection between vore and planes?
The connection is I like both.
I've got something it can penetrate ;^}
thanks anon, you gave me something else to check out. Luv metal max. Out of curiosity, how would you improve the gameplay of metal max if you got the chance? If I ever get off my ass and join /agdg/ I might make a maxlike as my first.
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I like this artist's cars a lot
Jets are the apex predator of battle.
people go inside planes, seems obvious
I've honestly still gotta play the new ones first to tell you how things have improved. The most I feel I should ask is that you make it about aircraft instead. Give each unique chassis/vehicle type a gimmick to build a playstyle around, make standard story encounters require a basic understanding of how to synergizr weapons with chassis and pilot abilities and make endgame/side encounters reward being a minmaxing maniac.
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>boring jet fighter barely doing a """dogfight""" while slinging missiles at 8 km away from the enemy
>Honorable courageous japanese pilot performing a kamikaze attack using a Zero against the enemy (his sacrifice will be remembered forever),
I was thinking mostly about limiting the roster and balancing the tanks you are given by multiple different weapon slot setups and stats. Everything can get higher weight limits with better engines, but say, only one of the tank destroyers gets to have multiple SE slots, only the superheavy tank is capable of mounting the biggest possible guns, the light tank has a higher evade stat, the heavy tank has high defense and takes less damage, the IFV gets a bonus to machinegun damage, etc. Give everything a flavor so that your choice of vehicle matters and if you want to swap your setup its worth actually switching out tank itself. This would also hopefully keep early game tanks on par with late game tanks in terms of viability.

Making builds is pretty set in my mind, what im not sure about is the battle system. Just doing what the OGs did would be fine enough, but I have to wonder if theres a way to make things more engaging.
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I would play your game anon I can already imagine it in my head

C-124 globemaster chan:
>"you'd pick an old woman like me? oh my!!"
>"seatbelts everyone!"

B-2 bomber chan:
>"I am...deaths shadow..... "
>"the unseen kill is the most merciful one..."
>"psshhh...nothing personnel.."

A-10 warthog (ADHD) chan:
>"please tell me I get to shoot them captain! please please please! "
>*spins GAU-8 excitedly and manically giggles*
>"uuugh im so BOOOORED, how about a few practice strafes?"

my penis wouldnt be able to handle it. especially when you get to wash them and give em a nice new coat of paint. make the enemy fighters some mass produced SKYNET drones with the personality of robo-stacies who want to destroy organics that see humans as inferior and got yourself a 10/10 dating sim game.
based autist
He doesn't have much stuff that doesn't upset Jannies.
now do one with b2's daughter, b21 raider
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I like pure chrome aircraft
I think they look shiny

How horny were the engineers that designed her?
I will write this management game
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b21 would be the upstart rookie riddled with anxiety over inability to fill the shoes left behind by the legacy of her mum
>"I cant let them down..."
>"its...its just like the simulations! "
>"keep it together 21...come on... this is what you were made for"
>"right! no turning back!"
>"no way? they've spotted me? nnngh.. this is bad...what would BB do?"

her whole story arc would be about finding confidence and her individuality. you know. I dont have to be my mom, Im going to be myself. yadda yadda.
Does stealth do anything in arcade flight games like Ace Combat?
it fucks with a missle tracking and lockon times, doubly so if they have ECM too.
F-22 chan:
>State-of-the-art technology
>A perfect flying machine of pure death
>ONE (1) single kill: a fucking balloon
She must be so unbelievably pent-up and pissed off at never getting to enjoy the thrill of combat, the exact thing she was literally designed and built to do and excel at.
in AC, you get locked onto a little slower. It's not really noticeable in singleplayer because enemies are retarded. Enemy planes with it in SP will break your targeting entirely if they aren't visible on screen. I think it did the same thing online in 6 and 7, not sure about Assault Horizon but no one liked that game.

In HAWX I don't think it does anything for the enemy because that game kinda sucks, but the enemy has a horrendous time locking onto you.

F22 chan is the sporty girl who talks a big game and is always working out and has a fit bod, but can't shoot a free throw. Very fit, very sporty, not actually good at any sports and fumbles constantly because she doesn't actually practice properly.
I'm not trying to shit on your hobby but have any of you actually served in the military and driven these planes? Where do you develop this interest and how do you keep up with the info? Are you subscribed to an aircraft catalogue? You just happened to pick up a history book about planes as a kid or just purely exposure from vidya?

If you were a pilot or mechanic, I could understand. But isn't it weird being engrossed in something you have no direct involvement in?
I want to belt you in the face even more than I want to hurt the plane equivalent of furfaggots and the underage niggers that are AC faboys and that's saying something
the golden age of simulators is now, geriatric dumbfuck, and I'm not even on about the market offering when it comes to games, but rather peripherals and PC hardware in general

and before you wake up, read my post and then decide to throw a melty about the pricing policies of DCS, IL-2, MS Flight Sim, Xplane, Prepar3D or whatever shit you DO NOT play, because we know people like you love to bitch and moan, but never play the games they claim they're fans of, it's always been like that, especially so during the "golden age" of flight simulators, unless by golden age you mean when "beep and boop" tier shit was considered cutting edge

kindly blow your head off with a shotgun and kindly take all of the retarde subhumans like you to the grave with you when you go, you stupid fuck
is this poster serious or is this some subtle bait on the levels of "isn't it weird you like roleplaying games despite the fact magic and dragons aren't real"
reminds me of the shitpost of the retarde burger that would pretend he's surprised 4chan has lots of people that aren't native english speakers in it
flying is fun. simple as

as an adult I did actually join the military but for unrelated reasons (I needed money) and actually joined the navy. I have next to no interest in ships or shipping tho and what few boat games I've played have not held my interest for long
>dog with bees in its mouth and when they bark they shoot bees at you
It's real wtf

bees a small cute and fuzzy. everybody likes bees. nobody likes hornets.
grug like metal bird
Switch has some awesome plane games. Both Aces In The Sky and Sky Rogue(?) let you use joycon motion controls for controlling the plane. They work great. I highly recommend both.
Switch is getting AC7 too.
always wanted to check this game out but never got the chance
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4chan used to be almost nothing but anglos and the odd german
gookmoot doesn't update the demographics on the advertising page so this is from 2015 or so, I wonder what it would look like now
I heard it was bad but in the usual "god i wish this weren't on the wii" way and not actually incompetent
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would you even be allowed to play as the Jerries in current year?
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The age of the cool fighter pilot is over
The time of the autistic drone and cruise missile operator has come
The f22 maintenance manual leaked online a few years back and I've read it so yeah, I've read top secret info on it and that's how I know
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>One B-26, piloted by Lieutenant James Muri, strafed Akagi after dropping its torpedo, killing two men. Another, seriously damaged by anti-aircraft fire, did not pull out of its run, and instead flew directly at Akagi's bridge. The aircraft, either attempting a suicide ramming, or out of control, narrowly missed striking the carrier's bridge, which could have killed Nagumo and his staff, and crashed into the ocean.[68] This experience may well have contributed to Nagumo's determination to launch another attack on Midway, in direct violation of Yamamoto's order to keep the reserve strike force armed for anti-ship operations

tfw american kamikaze
*said drone operator is merely a Growler/Strike Eagle or whatever's WSO or an F-35 pilot
yikes, that's uhmmm a yikes from me, sweaty

anyway what I really want to see is the A-10 ending up where it belongs, being the fucking trash, and I'm saying it 100% in earnest
the age of the "drone operator" has mostly came and gone, they bombed some weddings in the middle east and watched a lot of goats get fucked on thermal cameras but they're going to be replaced by AI, with or without human in the loop it'll still be AI doing everything, before getting a real major conflict where they'll play a significant role.
No Ukraine and the little fpv drones don't count, but they are neat
Its furfaggots who get turned on by anything with a snout.
>battle system
Maybe use something like brave point system from the Bravely Default games to represent putting a vehicle into overdrive to perform more actions per turn at the cost of being rendered inactive if they push it too far.
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akagi my beloved
oh my goodness gracious
what a big girl
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wtf thats not latias
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blue board
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Why haven't I been to an airshow yet?
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expensive admittion, long commute, full of boomers
That's nuts. Is it worth the complexity?
IL-2 sturmovik 1946 and Crimson Skies are both on PC though
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based il2 enjoyer
>both engines on fire
just Me262 things
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god bless the krauts
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>fuel tanks explodes behind you
tell me what was the biggest gigabrain moment the Luftwaffe had in WW2 and tell me why it isn't Goering stating during the battle of Britain that adding drop tanks to the 109s would be a meme
I'm a Sonic (Mobian Lady) connoisseur and I have to say:

I approve of this take on anthro-planes. It pleases my brain sparks.
bonus: you can't cite Hitler seeing the Me262 and going "yep this is cool but I want a close air support version of it" either
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what's he thinking bros
Neither is best though
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I was at the Air Force Museum here in New Zealand and they had an Avenger on display
pics don't translate just how yuge those cunts are
That’s equally crap
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they kind of have to be fat bitches to fit all those planes inside them
How does that tiny little propeller make it go so fast?
The Little Komet That Could
The propeller is connected to a generator which powered the onboard electronics.
7 is dogshit compared to the rest of AC games
Fuck off, DCSfag, we all know it's you.
>According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a Komet should be able to fly. Its propeller is too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The Komet, of course, flies anyway because Komets don't care what humans think is impossible.
>insecure AC fangay nigger accuses me of being the DCS furry while in reality he is one of the people I'd pay to see getting skinned alive by a cartel or whatever
riddle me this: why would a genuine furnigger use the word "furfaggots"?
VTOL VR is fun to me but not that in depth
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it looks like that bird being held in the air by sheer anger alone
holy sex
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People have drawn and referred to ships as beautiful women longer than furries have existed, drawing them (and other) military vehicles as animay is just a modern evolution of this
Furfags have existed since the caveman days.
Titanatelier is the cause of at least 80% of it, maybe more.
imagine not enjoying both
lmao'ing @ ur lyf
Ace combat 7 is $6 on cdkeys, should I? I liked armored core 6 and jerk off to aeromorph porn
Most people would probably tell you to emulate the old ones first
can't argue against 6 usd if you can unlock all of the dlc with creamAPI. you can always buy it now, play the older games first, then play AC7 later.
I run a steam deck so I can but am too lazy to get that setup
I remember playing one of them on Xbox 360 way back then
You're probably thinking of Assault Horizon (which is shit) or Ace Combat 6
Emulating PS2 isn't hard though, just grab a BIOS from a PS2 ROM site and download the 3 games. They updated PCSX2 recently too so you're not going to use some old piece of shit by accident.
>cream api
I don't think my deck would let it work
Are the stories interconnected? Do you need to play 1-6 to understand 7?
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it's a good game, so yeah
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Not really. You could play them to understand "the lore" or the general geopolitical situation but the games themselves tend to do explainers over the course of the story.
If you play the older ones first you get to go "Hey, I remember that place!" sometimes.
Seconding PCSX2 I just set it up the other day because I had an itch to replay Zero and it's easy as shit
no. the only thing you need to know is that belkans are the kikes of the AC universe and that 7 nukes weren't enough.
t. citizen of the osean cuckeration
Do armored core 6 skills translate good to ace? The ultimate is $17 which got top gun skins and some missions
trigger and/or monarch as aeromorphs when
t. belkan kike and Gründer shareholder that wants to engulf the world in eternal war for muh Belkamarks or whatever you call your shekels
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I'd imagine they're pretty different, but it's not like AC games are all that difficult.
And the DLC missions are pretty nice.
Would this count as piss fetish for you?
So bricked up the desk was levitating.
Armored Core games are about fighter jets shaped like mechs
Plane porn is a bit too vanilla for me.
I was referring to the gameplay.
Just played some VTOL VR
Feels good man
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First "plane" game I played was Hawx, which I really liked, mostly because I got unused Sidewinder joystick from my uncle and it was amazing - I even played all missions on hardest difficulty setting and still found then easy. Probably because of joystick controls being so natural and easy to use. Few years ago or something played Project Wingman and also really liked it, sometimes found it hard but I didn't attempt mercenary difficulty level, just did it on normal and hard. Year ago or something got and played Ace Combat 7 and while it was fun, I considered it too hard in many aspects (unnecessary hard, many missions felt like designed to fuck up with player and having to manually identify each target with that follow up camera key I was never even using before was simply stupid) and final dlc mission with sinkimg advanced submarine was the only one I played just once and never even attempted to get better score than C rank I got. Also tried flying with gamepad and it felt so odd I simply had to switch back to joystick.

What else is there for me to play?
What do you usually look for in a flight-based game? are you solely an arcade sorta guy, or open to the more sim side of stuff too? do you just like jets, or any sort of aircraft?
protip: playing AC or any arcade game with a joystick is harder than playing with a gamepad
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If there was an anthro planefucker game, what would the relationship with the planes and their pilots/technicians/engineers be like?
idk but probably lots of gossiping over datalink that Ted the crew chief isn't good in bed
More arcade I guess but not too much. I was reading a bit about this DCS something game and and I found it's complexity matching autistic levels. And prefering jets, yes.

I found it quite opposite - with gamepad, I must constantly remind myself about how to control plane, stuff like using triggers for controlling speed and very sensitive stick controls are little annoying. Meanwhile joystick feels so natural and intuitive, I don't even have to think about turning, I instinctively do what I have to.
i think anon means you literally can't do things on the joystick that you can on a gamepad
high-g turns and psms
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Hold my beer.
actually, both
you're comparing the muscle memory of playing with a stick over having no muscle memory with a gamepad, no shit the former will be easier for you

let me tell you a secret: AC is not a simulator, therefore precision control of the throttle and maneuvers are irrelevant, what's actually important is being able to have quick access to the buttons for changing target and locking the camera on the target, the button for firing missiles, the button for changing weapons and the button for the guns
I would know because I also played AC with a stick out of curiosity
Are the DLCs for Ace Combat 7 worth getting or is it all cosmetics?
The DLC missions are some of the best in the series, IMO. The plane packs are less important, if you want a bigger roster go for it but they're not a huge thing to miss.
Because it's totally pointless to even try and will likely just result in the meeting getting completely derailed by Argie butthurt.
oh and also in AC being able to rapidly pull maneuvers is much more important than precision in general

also fun little anecdote: despite the fact it's extremely janky, it's completely feasible to play actual simulators with a gamepad and headtracking
when it comes to simulators, having any form of decent headtracking, be it a chinesium clip or a delanclip with a ps3eye or trackir should take absolute priority over any other flightsimming hardware, and even having the shittest pedals, headtracking and a decent stick like a thrustmaster T16000M is preferable over having a top of the line HOTAS, no headtracking and no pedals
If it actually stops a missile from shooting down your aircraft then absolutely, but taking the spot of an actual missile isn't ideal. The system with a laser pod slung underneath the aircraft that zaps any incoming missiles in the frontal arc seems like a much more practical solution overall IMO.
>taking the spot of an actual missile isn't ideal
what makes you think it can't be used against other planes?
>cdkeys has ac7 for $6 base game
>missions on steam are $5
>5x3=15 & 15+6=21
>ultimate editon on cdkeys is $16
Alright fine I'll buy that one instead
nobody tell this guy actual flying aircraft carrier existed in the 1920s, both in the form of airships and bombers with parasite fighters strapped under their wings lol

nobody tell this guy stealth drones with arerial refuelling capabilities exist either lmao
Blimps are realistic but easily destroyed
A giant fucking football stadium sized thing wouldn't work
>easily destroyed
and that's where you are wrong, kiddo
a blimp filled with helium doesn't give a fuck about incendiary rounds, moreover even back then the cover material was self sealing, which means, short than killing most of the crew or dropping bombs on it (like what you do to the XB-0 in Ace Combat Zero) you're not easily getting rid of an airborne carrier in an hypothetical war in the 20s
the thing is also, airborne carriers for full sized planes are kind of a meme, and what you might see are airborne drone carriers
I just want a nice airport building/simulation game
airport ceo is alright
play aerobiz or aerobic supersonic. it's an airline management game that will teach you the easiest way to become a millionaire is starting as a billionaire and losing 999 millions because you don't know wtf you're doing :^)
Give me aeoromorph artist...Preferably asian ones, but all are welcome
I bought Ace Combat 4, 5 and belkan war for the PS2 after having played Project Wingman. I was mildly disappointed. PW was more fun. Everything that happens in 4, 5 and BW is just poorly delivered - and there's barely any music.
>there's barely any music
protip: the key to making effective bait is being subtle
1/10 for making me reply
Sat V12
And theres a reason blimps havent been used since ww1, modern weapons would fuck them up
Does this turn you on big boy?
>Its eyes as the pilot does maintenance
Hot. Someone needs to edit in some blush or something.
Only a few bits stuck with me out of the background noise. I suppose there's a chance that some tracks simply didn't play at all - idk if it's the disc or the PS2, but cutscenes and audio would sometimes be chopped out.
>theres a reason blimps havent been used since ww1
ackahually there are many, the main one being the seaplane tender that eventually became the aircraft carrier
All me btw
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*overrated shit praised by midwits, exactly like muh Tomcat
in the world of cars, are they evolved from horses?
>playing ac6 and project wingman
i sleep

>hot shark girls with wings
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>She must be so unbelievably pent-up and pissed off at never getting to enjoy the thrill of combat
The only usage her world-class MIDS setup gets is posting on P(lane)ULL about slutty and vapid pick-me F-15 chan
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But Prince Tomcat is such a handsome lad.
when the Tomcat got retired, the pilots mourned and the mechanics cheered in celebration for the wouldn't have to put up with the maintenance nightmare that it was no more
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bit chilly in the cockpit
Not really, but Ace Combat is really not all that hard either, and the controls are pretty intuitive.
>t. Beat both AC6 and AC7
Ticket fee is 12345 units of measurement per dice. You're dead. Stop, you're dead meat. Debate. BLue squares Lost a Lot of payment. GasLighting. Repeat. Repeat after me stuff. Drunk. Asocial behavior is for the ruLing caste and they become addicted to sex and MMORPGs every week. I'm psyopping you. You're dead. I have more sex than you and more stuff. GasLighting content in the media heLps make her wet. I am going to kiLL you. Exit sub is due. Put it in somebody's holder. Dont. You arent owned. Planting psyop -> harvesting the muck wheats -> storage units fiLLed up with hookers -> transportation security roads. Repeat after me, I am free. America is a country of owned. VioLence. Payment. Pay more. Payment to them. I might murder you. Hard rape and hoLding her wet hoLder "ExcitedLy hated destroy me". Bad Luck bad eviL person. Lost. Fake rape stats are reaL. A basebaLL arena isnt as vioLent as the tv makes it appear.
"So I put my barrel up to my face and blow, until it's cool, just cool.
Then back on the trigger.
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Literally just a modified flavor of fur faggotry. You can't fool me.
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no. also press S to spit on Pierre Sprey's grave
So many holes...
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My mouth is full of oil!
Thick engine oil!
>Drone margin of error is like 90% with a human operator
>Basically every Drone strike we know off killed someone other than who they were aiming for
So, will AI be better or worse at this?
it will miss more precisely

what AI obsessed techbros don't realize is that AIs can only be as good as the data they're given. you don't just type "bomb bad guy pls" into chatgpt and it wins the war for you, some human somewhere is selecting and authorizing strikes on all these schools and hospitals.
I've enjoyed plenty of hours with sims and arcade shooters. The ArmA games were the only ones that scratched this fairly specific itch of combat aviation within a combined arms environment, but just barely.
For the next mainline entry in in the franchise, I know that it'd be unreasonable to devote more effort to a larger map at the expense of quality, but it's a selfish wish of mine.
Why is he so happy?
Next year based on the VA resume leak few weeks ago.
Roleplaying IS gay. And it's even more pathetic for something that actually exists. Real people get pilot licenses, build planes, and race them. Ffs imagine I was larping as a stamp collector.

It's also the hyperfixation that is weird. It's not like appreciating general machinery or ideas of improving flight. You treat planes like waifus and only have the hots for a b17 bomber for some fucking reason.

Same for train autists.
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>implying all plane enthusiasts see planes as a sexual object
this is the part where I tell you to kill yourself
planefuckers are not at all like train autists. planefuckers just want to nut on a cessna, we aren't here poring over technical manuals and doing basedfaces at airports
>It's also the hyperfixation that is weird. It's not like appreciating general machinery or ideas of improving flight.
>You treat planes like waifus and only have the hots for a b17 bomber for some fucking reason
Who says these can't go hand in hand? There's furries working for Raytheon and weebs all throughout IT. The line between imaginative individual and practical engineer is blurred when Asperger's gets involved.
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I'm pretty sure some ww1 ace madmen did it with picrel first as a proof of concept.
>lost a bet with the lads and now I have to siphon their tanks in-flight
why don't more games do a damage system like the IL2 series? It's way more fun to see where you bullets are hitting instead of generic explosion #89746
are you fucking stupid? every game except ace combat does it
indian design
since when is the Yak-141 a streetshitter design?
The Jewish conspiracy? A co-incidence and confirmation bias. Oy.

The "Boeing is almost entirely staffed and controlled fundamentally at the non CEO level by a shadow cabal of furries and plane-fuckers" conspiracy? Real as shit.
>But isn't it weird being engrossed in something you have no direct involvement in?
Bro never talked to soccer fans irl
souce me up pls
Edit aside it's funny as fuck they had to make sure both that they are flying AWAY from the skyline and that the skyline is distinctively lacking in any squarer, taller buildings.
>industry leading company is made up of people with unhealthy relationship to that industry
say it ain't so, anon, next you'll be saying hotel chefs are gluttonous drug addicts who love to eat and fuck!
I wish more arcade games did it, not simulators. Didn't make it clear on my initial post.
Not even that crazy in the grand scheme of military innovation.
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I hesitated between this and the chicken stabilizer webm
nigga even war thunder does it. whatever game you're playing, play another one
Perish the thought. But I meant more that it's fundamentally clear someone in Boeing's hiring and recruitment, or some fundamental part of the education process for becoming an aerospace engineer involves a fucking secret club handshake in diapers or a fursuit. Fetish nepotism.
friends =)
How is this still alive? A Rift Apart thread got yeeted to /b/ yesterday because of political discussion surrounding the VIDEO GAME but a plane porn thread gets to stay up?
TFX, a game from like....1992 did it. I can genuinely think of more games with some kind of damage/modular damage system.
Unless you stretch the definition of "Flight sim combat" to "fucking scrolling shooters" or some shit. Is Touhou a flight sim?
Forgot how much shitposting there used to be on the old IL-2 forums
do you mean allaircraftarcade/allaircraftsimulations or some other forum?
I think these fetishes are just more prolific than they used to be. I also have a theory that whatever leads you to be a furry is likely to involve a lot of autism, but it takes some imagination to be a furfag and so their imagination and autism levels both being high can (and sometimes is) put to gud use in engineering and non-porn artistic fields. furfags are also terminally online, which among people who are now boomers working at engineering firms, would have lead to a lot of random reading about useful subjects and general curiousity to get online and get anything entertaining out of it.

>thread full of trolling gets deleted
>thread full of people getting along does not
So as long as everyone agrees with each other like a fuckin echo chamber, it's okay?
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>Make something look human
No you want to fuck human, stop being weird
>civil discussion
>echo chamber
your brain is poisoned
>people are getting along in a thread and not chimping out about politics
>i am being genocided :(
ace combat fans and planefuckers will always live in uneasy harmony, you can never break our awkward friendship
>civil discussion about not video games vs heated debate about a video game

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>>hot shark girls with wings
Holy shit, I get it now.
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the most fun i ever had with a "plane game" was playing Hydra Blast in SA-MP
to this day i want to make a singleplayer mod for SA that's just some camera fixes and a bunch of ace combat assault horizon like missions

Where can I find humans like that
furry conventions
>If it actually stops a missile from shooting down your aircraft
That video shows it stopping a cruise missile which would mean ground targets or ships.
holy based
i'm a trashcan with hydra but i like using the rustler to shoot down bad hydra pilots on other servers, i should play there more
Okay where? All the ones I went to just had gross flesh humans instead of attractive ones like those
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stuff with guns instead of missiles was secretly OP. in one of the little delivery missions you could do, the whole late night server crowd picked sides and converged on a dropoff point in the SF bay. I ended up taking down a hydra in a hunter, it was dope as shit. it's also where I learned to do barrel rolls in the thing (useless in an actual fight but incredibly slick and demoralizes the underage brazilian to witness)

in hydras my experience was usually pugacheving and getting absolutely raked for it

if I ever do find and install some mod tools for SA I'd definitely just tighten up the camera and make a bunch of missions centering on aircraft stuff. aircraft were criminally underused in the base game for how many there are and how actually fun and different they made them all. the leviathan even floats and the feature is NEVER used, gang members can driveby from two-seater prop planes, supposedly there's code leftovers from the raindance having a water cannon, etc

playing on SZR i was regularly a menace in aircraft. i played a newsman and basically went around being rude and talking shit about police players from the news chopper

you have to find the secret northrup-grumman booth
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>we're at the design convergence stage of combat aircraft development
all cars look the same, all boats look the same, all planes are starting to look the same. fuck this optimized earth
Is this actually a TR3 cloaked and disguised as a jet propelled craft?
>I think these fetishes are just more prolific than they used to be
They're more prolific because autism has become more prolific, and autists love recruiting autists, sometimes incidentally by exposing kids to porn of children's media. Their bizarre tastes coupled with hypersexuality and no understanding of boundaries has real life consequences on the rest of society.
there's a franken F35 in a bunch of AC games


dont quote me on it but I think there was an F35B specifically in both HAWX games but the VTOL mode doesn't appear (it's not for dogfighting anyway)

cartoons are less sexual than in the past though. grooming is another matter but looney tunes was some horny shit back in the day
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I already fuck your mom anon.
GTA Online added a weird hybrid of the YF23 and F35. It has a VTOL mode like the Hydra but has a stealth mode that just removes you from player RADAR (but active lock-on weapons still work on you)
I'll give you one pity reply
>exposed turbine blades
Niggas forget how a major furry artist was one of the main designers of A-10 targeting system.
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Looks like one of those old Haunebu nazi UFOs
For cars it's more about safety requirements. Cant do cool shot if it would unnecessarily maim pedestrians if hit.
I'd say it's pretty necessary if the retard jumps out in front of a car
Doug "hyper cocks aren't gay" Winger
interesting. however, are you aware of the fact plane autists that care about their hobby and are j
the know, may not publicly shit on the A-10 but are very well aware of the fact it's massively flawed, because of many factors including the fact the sensor suite is so bad to the point the plane is practically blind, and pilots have to rely on binoculars in order to spot targets?
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Cute robot plane girls!
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Jets this and jets that, what about antigravity black ops/special access crafts?
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D-don't look, c-cyka!
6DOF flight games are a different genre from conventional plane games. both are fun but this is a jet opera thread
this shit got astrotufted so hard
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J20 is a big boy though
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>Look out the window, there's a wing though!
love this girl, her two outside turbines are like her equivalent of big tiddies
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niggas really out here
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why did you people stop posting plane sex
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Missiles: are they cum or just smaller planes?
They're like the little fish that lick shark skin for food
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Post-nut clarity after busting all the nuts I had in me to this thread
Cruise missles, always smaller aircraft.
Dumb bombs, usually poo.
Cannons/mg, usually cum,
Unguided rockets, usually a big cum load.
Glide Bomb, MIRV,constant argument on what it is.

Nuke. Low consensus, shitting so hard you cum on the spot.
Fuel spill/drop peeing yourself especially in emergencies
>>Fuel spill/drop peeing yourself especially in emergencies
incredibly hot. the panels and glands not sealing on the SR71 until it gets hot so it just pisses itself continually on the runway is my fetish
File: C-130 carrier landing.webm (735 KB, 1280x720)
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File: F-22 night refueling.webm (2.95 MB, 1092x614)
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File: B-2 refuel.webm (992 KB, 1280x720)
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File: Refueling F-15Es.webm (1.29 MB, 854x480)
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>womb LEDs
truly the future is bright
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File: midair refueling.webm (643 KB, 494x360)
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Ukraine airforce finally receiving F16s i see.
File: Refueling Rafale.webm (1.3 MB, 854x480)
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Mid ocean refueling of ships was quite recent, late 19th cent I think. Had to load a few tonnes of coal onto a steel box and pull it across. Slow and dangerous.
Join [LowIQ]
File: Refueling B-52.webm (908 KB, 854x480)
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>anon realizes the female body is all that's required
File: Refueling EA-6B.webm (1.46 MB, 854x480)
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love this thing, get to fly around with the boys
File: Parasite fighters.webm (1.64 MB, 996x720)
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File: Stratolaunch.webm (2.78 MB, 1280x720)
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DCS and War thunder are on the PC
I'd fuck this train
File: Airbus Beluga.webm (1.42 MB, 1280x720)
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sir that is not a train, it is a signal. it's also a man. but good taste regardless
File: B-52 Drift.webm (3.93 MB, 1280x720)
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What a graceful machine.
Tanker redesvouz and contacts are 100% manual
You increases mission range and duration
that's not what he meant, anon...
funny dude
>megamind but plen
this literally looks like animals trying to fuck
File: Missile Eye.webm (770 KB, 1280x720)
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File: B2s dropping bombs.webm (2.59 MB, 888x500)
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is this the plane equivalent of hyper?
File: An-225.webm (2.84 MB, 1280x720)
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I think I'm starting to understand it
Oh no
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I want her to eat me
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Fully interactive cockpit
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Incredible how abstract this image is yet I still know that this artist draws fag and/or femboy furry shit without looking him up.
That's kind of hot. Yes i know.

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