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Loads of people put their hearts and souls into the show and you're laughing? Get a grip.
fallout chads, it's our time
how did Todd do it?
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Gears of War movie and animation that was in a works with Stephen Spielberg potentially directing it, if you can hear me. Please save me. Please.
maybe they should have sped up shit and less drama
Loads of people put their hearts and souls into the show and you're laughing? Get a grip.
>we wanted a halo tv series after the Believe trailers and that one fan film
>we got Gaylo Reach
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cry more
chess club chad
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>mfw this entire show
Should’ve tried harder sport.
>.t manchild who cries when he sees a brown person
I accept your concession.
damn, the brown people are not sending their best tonight
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ok esl
>t. Cries real tears when a white couple has children
Go die
lmfao some writer's room really thought this was gonna be epic as heck
why is it so hard for producers to stick to lore and stop adding their own gay fanfics into the canon?
every single irl adaptation does this and it bothers the fuck out of me. thx for reading me blog.
stfu faggot it is epic, Xbox will be a superpower in 2025 bich
Such an epic scene I'm so glad Halo did this
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this was epic and girl boss as fuck. why did chuds cancel this show??
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no please stop i think i am gonna throw up
God I'm so tired of the badass woman trope. These writers are so shit
LOL, man only indians would think this looks good
Silly billies should learn that only women and fags women western TV now.
It's a travesty it lasted for 2 seasons at all.
AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, holy shit halo would've been so shit if bungie allowed us to see chefs face
LOOOOOOL now we can get more BASED CONSERVAGOD MEDIA.... oh wait
esl pls go
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>tfw just got the pink slip
>Silly billies should learn that only women and fags women western TV now.
watch western TV now*

fuck off, I'm knee deep in insomnia medication
you dont have insomnia you little faggot. stop looking for attention, no one cares
TV show writers believe they're better than the games because of prestige industry arrogance. They think they know better, think they have a better grasp on character/drama. It gets under their skin that gaming is bigger than TV/film goes over their heads.
Thank fucking god.

Go FUCK yourself Kiki Wolfkill
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look at this tranny. All mad because the world is sick of his bullshit.

It's over leftists. You will no longer tarnish video games with your filth. The purge has begun
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Bethesda fans already expect the worst story imaginable and no consistency whatsoever; so long as it's pretty and understandable to the even the dumbest of people they'll eat that shit up. It's a far lower bar to clear. Even then a lot of people hated the choices made.

Halo USED to have some actual competence and quality beyond "Wouldn't it be cool if-?" and people expected it to at least somewhat respect the source material. Also it was just a ugly, unfun and bad show. Fallout at least looked nice and like the (Bethesda) source material.
Damn, it's so easy to bait you.
>Finally make Halo TV show after years of fans begging
>acksully this is the Silver Timeline, it's non canon to the game timeline, but we'll still have events that took place in the games but with completely different outcomes
....What the fuck were they even thinking?
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wow so empowering. Look at how badass she is. Just amazing and stunning.

I don't get it, how did this amazing piece of work get canceled? Didn't the billions of POC eat this up? Can someone explain why black, brown and other people didn't watch this? I just don't get it. I thought they were all on the left's side.

>i-it's b-b-bait

lol holy fuck kill yourself right now
If you haven't noticed, 343 is obsessed with making their version of Halo. Ignore everything Bungie did and make the 343 version of Halo much better and superior. These idiots were sniffing their own thoughts and genuinely believed their stories (Halo 4, 5, Infinite, TV Show) were better than Bungie.
I get this to some degree. Ignoring the totality of the canon is almost a given, it would be impossible to make something really good as a TV show for dumb normies if you have to work around "uhmm you can't have Keyes say xyz because in Halo 8's DLC secret audiolog it's revealed that he specifically claimed to have never said xyz"
Does not justify trashing the canon entirely, that's just jew egotism, same shit happened to Witcher
I firmly believe the "Silver timeline" was a last-minute excuse by someone at Microsoft or someone when they watched a screening for the series and went "What the fuck are you doing? this isn't halo. You can't make this canon" and do 343 shat out the "i-its the silver timeline" excuse
>Gaylo Reacharound is cancelled
Sony always wins, beaches!
what's even more incredible is someone back at MSFT bought the idea when it was then pitched.
Frankly every single individual thing that happened in season 1 was so completely and utterly off the mark of ANYTHING that happened in the games that it had to be a different timeline or people would've given them hell and a half. The Silver Timeline excuse at least lets people sanction it off into "who gives a fuck".
i'd imagine it's what people who are on crack sees. always been hard for me to "picture" myself on crack since i don't smoke it.
First season was insultingly bad. I don't understand how you're handed a multi million IP and do such a poor work of it. How do you even get this job being so incompetent?
demon souls
>make a show about space military featuring a faceless protagonist
>get an actor who refuses to be faceless
>hire women writers
This was the only possible outcome.
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he's so fucking ugly
they're both utter shit
This is why you shouldnt give hollywood writers who think they know better any leeway. TLOU and Fallout tv series won awards while being faithful to the games. Fallout even won an award for it too, game stories are superior to whatever garbage hollywood pumps out and writers should be humble.
my boy... to make it in the brave new world of kosher entertainment it's WHO you know, not what you look like.
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New Alexandria? Naw they wouldnt get it. Let's call it Reach city.
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Entire show is proof that Hollywood and video games need to stay separate. They have no clue what makes Halo, Halo. The helmet stays fucking on. Any competent director that cares about Halo's story would've kicked Pablo's ass to the curb and replaced immediately. Not a single Halo fan cares that Pablo was Master Chief, so put the helmet on or get the fuck out.
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Why does every show with female writers always involve a badass girlboss lesbian, token diversity characters clearly cast purely because of how brown and foreign they are and some thinly veiled bitching about Trump? I mean it's EVERY SINGLE LAST ONE at this point.
>brain gets shutdown
>loses all his momentum midair

Because the writers don't give a shit, actively hold the "gamers" in contempt and the majority of the normalfag retards who don't play videogames anyway don't care.
Are those supposed to be Hunter worms?
I don't think they can act as individual tentacles with that kind of strength, I always assumed they only worked when puppeting something else like muscles
Hopefully the fucking garbage netflix Castlevania is next on the chopping block.
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they could have just copied CE 1 to 1 and it would have worked out. instead we get this shit
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>jesus chief your dick is at least 2 coke cans round how am i supposed to take THAT
343 thinks the only good part of Halo lore is ONI being authoritarian and corrupt so they try and do le subversion as much as they can
It's like if Helldivers decided it's way more important to discuss military ethics than it is to fight killer robots
If only her everything wasn't made of non-solid light
It's damn near impossible to get an actor willing to have a main role wearing a mask
It sucks to move around in, you can't show your face to potential future employers, and you can't really show off your acting talent all that well
Reminds of me Rebel Moon that I watched over Christmas with my family. It was pretty fucking bad kak
More like slapped a Halo skin over clearly a different scy fi show
You're a fucking piece of shit, dude. People are losing their jobs. People with families. People with children. People upon whom others depend to put clothes on their back and food on their table. Now they have no income. Many of them will have to take jobs that pay less which will impact their quality of life. They'll have to move across the country. They'll have to pull their kids out of school in the middle of the year.
And here you are on the asshole of the internet gloating about it. And why? Because they made a game you didn't like? Boo fucking hoo. As if that's such a fucking crime. It's not enough that you didn't support the game. You just had to trash it and convince others not to support it either.

You need to take a step back and reevaluate your life. Why do you take so much joy when others encounter misfortune? Do you feel better about yourself now? Does it make you feel good? Does your life finally have a purpose? Do you feel fulfilled?
I fucking hate you. I hate everything you represent. I hope you find yourself in the same situation someday. And I hope someone gloats about it on the internet. And others join in celebration. Just like you're doing right now. I'll be there when it happens. And I'll laugh my ass off at you.
Fuck you.
Just fuck you.
>Ok we have a barren desert wasteland in hostile territory with tons of rebels but our space machine destroys everything in a mile radius of a rock dings it
>Sounds good, fetch me my evilly fashionable coat
Karl Urban flat out refused to show his face at all when making Dredd and threatened to abandon the project when they tried to force him to do it.
context? did they just get married?
if so, then i approve this

The Hillbilly Yodel sound every single time The Ghoul showed up on screen was pure unadulterated kino.

Seeing New Vegas at the end was too.
Fallout show would have been better without sex shit. Same with baldurs gate 3

They showed his face at the end of uh...was it 4?
Sometimes you get a based actor like this, but it's the very rare exception
karl urban did it in dredd
Fallout and Last Of Us are considered kino and this dogshit is cancelled....that's how fucking bad it is
Excellent, hopefully every vidya adaptation gets cancelled
oh wow the dogshit TV show everyone hated because they fucked up the characters got canceled who could've foreseen it
leftist control of popular culture is collapsing before our eyes its going funny watching these faggots have tears flowing down their face when they are forcefully removed from the country and their pet niggers and other minorities arent allowed to harass white scott free and have punitive raids done against their ghettos if they even dare to continue assaulting non blacks outside of their shithole communities
The punishment for putting a woman who is not hot in a military uniform should be strangulation with one of those big crank-turned garrotes.

The punishment for replacing a white character with a swarthoid should be to have one's fingers broken, and then to be thrown into a pit with six wild hogs and a flashbang.

The punishment for putting a faggot kiss or god help you a sex scene on screen should be burning.

The only exemptions to this would be if Mel Gibson or Gary Oldman personally sign off on the movie. They will be allowed to name successors to this editorial position upon their deaths, but if none is chosen we will default to whomever the ADL has posted the most negative articles about in the last 12 years.
It would be one thing if the helmet-off scenes were decent, but this is pure I'M ACTING absurdity.
They did just get married. She also just met him, arranged marriage.
Sounds like the business with the Witcher tv show having Henry Cavil quit despite being the lead actor
When a woman speaks, you LISTEN, chud!
>you can't really show off your acting talent all that well
If you're a good actor your acting will come through in a suit.
When does Mr halo ever scream or perform a battle cry in the games? He's always stoic and calculating as far as I remember.
Turns out he was only stoic and calculating because of a little drug-releasing pellet embedded in his spine all along. Naturally he digs that out and becomes a huge bitch.
There's the death yell, if that counts.
Showrunners have been breezing past shit like that for years. No excuse to fuck it from the ground up.
Deserved for removing his helmet
whoop, wrong clip
Seems like a bold strategy to make a show about a beloved character, and then completely change the characters personality.
God I wish they were able to work it out with blomkamp.
H3 era trailers were insane.
So didn't Chief die in the first season so Cucktana could pilot him? Did that go anywhere?
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>that rare halo 2 goofy fall scream
>It's damn near impossible to get an actor willing to have a main role wearing a mask
>and you can't really show off your acting talent all that well
Clearly you have never seen a slasher movie before.
Slasher movies barely exist anymore, Anon. Also fucking SCREAM?? The movie where the killer takes his mask off nearly every other scene except for the first since it at least gave a shit?
Don't they only cast stuntmen or mocap pros for those roles anyway?
Hollywood people didn't bother to adapt stuff from classic literature properly, imagine the idea of them adapting from source material in video games or anime.
There was a second season?
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and nothing of value was lost
Dumbasses contracted two seasons for millions before they found out how shit the first was.
vidya graphics
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>two fucking ad campaigns remain undefeated as the best live action Halo media

T-thanks Microsoft
>no landfall
>momentum stops mid air
oh ho, stinky.
for some reason, every single show gets greenlit for two seasons to start
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hack actors needs to go.
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>Slasher movies barely exist anymore, Anon.
But they still exists and you can still watch them.
The point I'm trying to make you is can still show off acting through movements. Halo gets an upper hand with Master Chief being able to speak normally, so line delivery is still part of acting to show off.
Scream does use stuntmen for Ghostface a lot for stunts
So am I the only one who actually kind of enjoyed this show?
I didn't like how much it changed from the games.
It had a lot of slow and boring parts.
Too many close up of faces during action scenes. What the fuck were they thinking. That's not interesting to look at.
A lot of characters are frankly weird. Inconsistent and not believable.
I think this show had a lot of the "throw-it-all-in" attitude. The writers had a lot of ideas that they thought were cool. And they'd rather have it all in than throw away ideas. But often the result is ridiculously inconsistent. Plot holes and sub-plots and all sorts of details that lead nowhere. It felt amateurish. And it just kept deviating from what people would expect an Halo TV show to be.
And yet the show was interesting and surprising at times.
I was looking forward to season 3.
And at the same time I hated what they did with Halo.
A lot of people are offended and say that the writers wanted to "make that show their own" and change things just to change things. I don't know if that's the case. It's hard to apply your creativity in a constrained way that matches existing canon, style, characters, etc. The whole "mindset" of the existing art. It's hard if you still want to make something original based on all of this. And they didn't do that very well. It doesn't feel like Halo.
It's disappointing that they didn't keep MC as pretty much fused to his suit. The guy's supposed to look like absolute shit. With all the medical operations and beatings he received and lack of sunlight and whatnot. Think how alienating that must be. They could have done something really cool with a character like that. But no, they just make him a generic big guy that's stoic and even gave him sex scenes. For fuck's sake. Maybe this was executive meddling. Maybe they chickened out. Who knows.
Cortana looked special in season 1. Eerie but pretty. Season 2 Cortana was beaten with the mid stick. She looks so boring. STUPID STUPID STUPID.
it's funnier without the cuts.
that movie was so cringe
The acting talent of the West consists mainly of making le funny exaggerated faces to convey emotion. This is part of why they are often (but not always) so bad at voice acting, and why Toku shows just don't exist without lifting all the suit acting entirely from JP sources.
I like Landfall, but it's a little bit unpolished and looks like it was done by college students for their film class (although still good)
It's quite literally test footage for the halo movie they were spitballing. Blomkamp directed it as a dry run.
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This does put a big ol' smile on my face. I hope every single writer and director involved in this shitshow gets screwed over.
Now if only they cancelled that fallout show. Halo show sucks, but at least it isn't canon. The shitty fallout show is canon now and ruins my games by existing.
Honestly, Pablo sounded frustrated in interviews. He talked about loving the mask and armor and wanting to keep it on more, but getting over ruled. Might have just been CYA, I suppose, but I can see the suits panicking about Mandalorian comparisons.
Why didn't his radioactive jizz kill her?

I think they did an alright job using filters and editing to make the set seem like an actual battleground, but it's still obvious they were filming at a paintball arena.
What's up with Cortana?
Cucked by Arbiter (yes that's the girl)
Really should have just made it Band of Brothers in space and had a platoon of Marines or some ODSTs with sprinkles of Chief throughout out used sparingly if they wanted to capture the human element of Halo better. Hell I wouldn't even have been mad if they used random OC donut steel Spartans and not even had Chief whatsoever and would commend them for it.
>Loads of people put their hearts and souls into the show
The show runners didn't even play the game.
dark and gritty band of brothers style odst never ever!
Hugo weaving in v for vendetta made it work really well. In my opinion being able to act with a mask and having an audience understand what you're trying to express without the use of facial expressions is the mark of a good actor
>Loads of people put their hearts and souls into the show and you're laughing?
To be honest, that IS pretty funny.
They have neither souls nor hearts
>Literally only a single person has to turn his gun from the ceiling and shoot her for this stupid fucking subplot to have died before it started

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How does shit like this or Rings of Power or The Acolyte get several seasons when its:
>hated for simple things like bad writing, bad acting, lack of a coherent story, dialogue or action sequences and music
>to hardcore fans it shits on an IP they have invested in
>is made by people who explictly have gone on record to say they only got into this IP to anger as many people as possible then play victim and call people bigots when it doesnt go their way

At some point the people who want to make money realize that they only make money cause of the disposable income of normalfags and nerds right?
>Space Elevator can be completely destroyed by a single bullet

10/10 writing and worldbuilding.
Based actor
They don't want to be called sexists.
Also did you just assume xer gender?
>he doesn't know about the blackrock funding
oh no no no you poor summer child
Fallout show wasn't good, in some ways it was pretty bad, it just wasn't utterly terrible like shows such as Halo that spit in the face of the audience
Or the knife anyway plot armor funny she is the most slut of the amazon wasteland
If it doesnt have walton ghoulgins the show would be unwatchable
Halo is like getting shot in the stomach, compared to Fallout which is like getting shot in the leg. I dont think a single rational person wants to get shot in any area of their body but they were both horrible experiences and waterboarding a prisoner of war is more humane than subjecting someone to that.
Most are stalking and action
In the first Halloween they take off Myers mask.
She likes to watch
That's when shows are cheap to do. For bizzare reasons shows only start paying the big numbers out to the cast and crew once shows are longrunning. Usually it's year 3-4 depending on what the union says and the contacts of the staff.
The advantages are: it makes it cheaper to take a risk and the building a core audience phase pays back all the years of work prior.
The disadvantages are: it makes writers draw out shows/jump the shark and obviously talent suffers periods of relative poverty.
I've never seen the Halo TV show, but I remember hearing that they turned the arbiter into a human woman and master chief fucks her while cortana sadly watches like a cuckquean

any truth to that?
If its greatest failings were cheesy and cheap-looking action, the show would have been just fine. But no, those were the best parts of it.
its just another typical painting over of some failed writers original sci fi script they had lying around with popular franchise.
>Clearly you have never seen a slasher movie before.
its true. I don't watch that shit at all.
>season 1 ends with corastana becoming the halo guy
>somehow sepnd entire season without mentioning and showing the war
>half of the season is spend on some unconnected B plotline about some girl thats not connected to anything

Its was so bad its clear they took another script and slapped "halo" on it, changed some names arouynd and called it done.
Im shocked it got season 2.
I unironically like her ... at lest what could have been.
If only John actor wasnt such a ugly jew who has to show his deformed face all the time, and if we spend time with her instead of that other kid, but shes barely in the show, has few "epic" scenes, fucks halo guy, then dies.
What a waste of a controversial idea.
Was there really no jew actors available that look human?
Halo was never meant to be a media franchise. It was a neat one trick pony about ayy lmaos on ringworld in space, inspired by Alien.
Someone overfed Nematodes?
Any more webms other than Diversitygirl destroying an entire space elevator with a single shot and tentacle rape lady? I want to see how much of a dumpster fire season 2 is.
Have a look at Bungie's earlier works.
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If an actor demands that a faceless character frequently shows his face, you as a director have an obligation to fire him on the spot and blacklist him from the industry
How did you just met someone in closed community like Vault?
oh, thank goodness, it's over... it's finally over. I can rest in peace.
I honestly didn't know it existed.
>People are losing their jobs
good. excellent, even. this garbage should have been cancelled after the first season.
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Se acabó..

At the very end of 4 which was earned and wasn't full bitch mode crying. Remember that Halo 1 immediately follows Fall Of Reach, Halo 2 is a few months after Halo 1 and Halo 3 is directly after Halo 2, with 4 likely feeling like a week or so after Halo 3 due to cryo.
4 is the only 343 I accept as canon since it wraps up the story and has THAT opening section for Midnight
it had some trash kino moments like the subway scene but it was too light on action for a military shonen.
Cringe Kino more like.
for once I agree with this fatso
It's one vault split into 2 sides. One side makes food and the other side makes everything else. In the show, one side gets slaughtered by raiders and they pretend to be the normal vault dwellers to gain access to the other side. The guy in that webm is pretending to be her arranged husband. He's planning on killing her after fucking her.
Fucking Arby n the Chief can do it, and that's just digitalqueer with literal plastic toys.
their reading comprehension is so low that they wouldn't understand correctly a single paragraph of a classic book and they'll try to change it to fit the way they understood it and not to mention that if you tried to correct them they'd call you media iliterate
Nice bait. But avoid using words like hearts or souls when talking about propaganda puppets.
>hearts and souls into the show
Definitely not.
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Yes, it was a love letter.
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stfu faggot
Halo players didn’t make the Halo show, so it failed
Sad. Many such cases!
We did not see his face despite him removing all of his armour for his fix-up.
What are they shooting at?
>muh leftists
Maybe leftists think it's a pile of unredeemable bullshit too.

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No idea. It seems really retarded since you have the entire story already written out for you.
My nephew absolutely loves Halo, it's the only FPS his mother lets him play because you're only killing aliens. I'm glad I told my brother to not have him watch the Halo show because it had too much sex and I don't even know if it had sex I just wanted the kid to not witness this trash lol
the 40k show will REDEEM vidya movies...
>nearly no dialogue
>that sound design
>believable hard hitting action
peak kino, 40k show will be trash compared to this
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Based, fuck Master Queef
They got paid already you stupid fuck
Why don't they ever have evil rapacious black guys in fiction? They're always white
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nothing of value was lost, halo has been dogshit since 343 departed.
Why is it so hard to just read the lore? All the Spartan augments in the gen 2 program basically kills your sex drive so why in the FUCK did they show chief having sex in the show.
I think they were more stoked about getting paid a shitload to write this crap lmao
This is the gayest shit I've ever seen, I genuinely hope everyone involved in this gets murdered then raped in the most brutal fashion
>variety link
Is there anyone left in western media that makes their own original stuff instead of just leeching off stuff made by others
That walk is so bad holy shit. She's trying to look cool but it just looks lazy.
You know ((why)).
This is a work of fiction man. You want rapist niggers, watch COPS or something
Hollywood ego is one hell of a drug anon. Imagine, you're a fledgling screenwriter or showrunner on the rise in the system, you either get in because you nag your dad in Goldman Sachs to get you some big job in Hollywood or you're the daughter of one of the Hollywood hotshots themselves; at some point, the studio or some major producer assigns you to this IP adaptation gig. It's an opportunity because supposedly, it was a big IP from the looks of it which can make you famous. Because you don't play video games or stuff like that, you don't care for it deep down, but whatever.
Then the time comes when you have to do proper research to manage the adaptation and you're stumped, you didn't care for the original story whatsoever but God forbid you play the games or read the wikis. However, you have these cool ideas inside your head that you want to write about and put on screen. So you might as well put your ideas in, to hell with the original story.
You're not supposed to think about it.
I recently started the halo series after having never played it as a kid
I was told to start with Reach, and that was okay I guess
Currently playing Halo CE now(and the assault rifle sounds SO much stronger)
I'm sure there's a whole generation of artists and writers that will never see the light of day given state of the media landscape. Western media output is now mostly on social media platforms do allow some creative direction that's not Blackrock'd.
Remind me, who insisted on Mandy barely showing his face in the TV show? Filoni or Pascal?
Too dark for modern audiences. They need capeshit (sci-fi) written by women who despise the franchise.
Probably. But they have no visibility.
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It didn't fail because it was made by fat miserable dykes that hate the source material and it's fans IT FAILED BECAUSE YOU REFUSED TO WATCH AND BY A SUBSCRIPTION RESIST CAPITALISM FUCK THE SYSTEM!
Then why doesn't fiction ever have evil rapacious niggers in it? Why are sadistic antagonists in fiction almost always white, and why are they starting to make the heroes brown and black?
tiny women are my fetish jfyi
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Todd bros...
Mario movie is getting a sequel BTW
>the evil has been defeated!
Why are we acting as it this isn't a blessing for Halofags?
Post the nigger gay scene picture
Master Cheeks with no helmet and a HUMAN covenant character, basically the Star Wars Acolyte of Halo.
Is this John Halo himself?
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apparently season 2 had the flood in it
I can only imagine how badly they fucked that up
>I used to love this franchise
What a fucking kick in the nuts
So powerfull...... it moves me to tears
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>Uncle Frank, this union work just don't pay like it used to. I'm gonna enlist in the UNSC.
I'll never forgive amazon for what they did to wot. That faggot rafe should be hanging from a tree for his crimes against literature
is that supposed to be the flood?
i have this side profile
I assume it's the Hunter worms. I forget what their proper name is. Seeing them outside the suits is kinda weird though.
I always forget those things are actually a mass of worms underneath the armor
They're also the things that actually control the Scarabs, IIRC. I think in 3 we even see a Scarab factory that's populated with them? I might be misremembering.
Hahahaha get fucked gaylo
Cry more jew fpwp
I can't describe the joy inside me right now, what a way to wake up in the morning.
With all that trash about the mantle of responsibility and the chosen one bullshit that 343 put in halo 4, it's impossible not to realize this garbage was the true vision of "halo" that they had since 2012.
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rip in pieces
Maybe if they put their brains into it, it wouldnt have flopped.
>alucard gets buttfucked
>chief shouts at and cucks cortana
hollywood deviants really have to ruin everything don't they. why aren't they satisfied enough with drinking child blood on private islands
You do. It's in one of the multiplayer levels.
Not only is it true the webm is itt
Read BERSERK anon
>muh donovan rape joke
Kill yourself.
Urban is a good cunt.
that sounds retarded
I never watched S2, can someone spoil the shit out of it for me and explain how they continued the story after killing chief at the end of S1 and turning him into a cortana puppet?
wtf I thought people were praising season 2 and breaking records.
My best guess is that the Gravemind doesn’t form when the infestation gets large enough but instead when a special individual gets infected they become the Queen of Blad…I mean Gravemind
343 shills are not people
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Please, someone PLEASE tell me they made some sort of attempt to justify the fact that no-one aimed at her. PLEASE, I'll take anything no matter how weak so long as it's logical.
Looks like Jewish Hollywood and their leftist media drones and leftist apologists on this board were lying woah! Imagine that!
Maybe for the Latino people, but everywhere else people were saying that the show was dumpster fire.
made it reddit as fuck and bethesda faggots are used to eating shit
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Can anyone explain to me why the pistol he's holding looks like something from the 21st century
Some games adapt like shit to tv.

Halo is not an example tho, they are a multimedia franchise about the horrors of authoritarian governments, both human and alien
>we talked about the characters and the world
>mischaracterize every character
>completely disregard key parts of the world
What did they mean by this?
>tlou got a series
Huh? Never seen it discussed
this is how you know women and SJW soifags wrote the show
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>Lady just strolling up with gun
>Has multiple guns drawn on her while she is aiming the gun at them
>shoots a single shot with no sights and hits the target dead on
>People with guns aiming at her don't care that she is firing her gun
>Single bullet is enough to destroy some space elevator and blow up the entire city
>being able to read
How can you put your heart and soul into making a show, if you have never even played the original games?
>"I never felt limited by it being a game."
Why would it being based on a game be limiting? Halo is a pretty versatile universe for stories. If anything, the retarded changes that the show makes to the story and universe make it *more* limited to specifically being about "Muh Chosen One" and a bunch of retarded melodrama.
It really is hilarious that they clearly think they know better and that their ideas are *so* amazing and obviously *so* much better than the dumb shooty game, only for their ideas to make for generic, predictable slop that's objectively worse than the source material. It feels almost too cartoonish to be real, yet here we are.
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ngl i would pound her ass until he made that face again
Grow up.
Didn't Paramount turned Knuckle's into a Jewish sitcom? These guys will absolutely fumble Sonic 3 too.
Halo deserves better.
>Sorry, the prop department couldn't make Halo pistols for our gorillion dollar Halo show
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>Guard is nudged into 2 other guards and they turn around and walk into the cell willingly
>4th guard throws a slap
So cool!
the mjolnir suit counteracted the momentum buildup.
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The vastly superior Halo show
Modern Hollyslop literally cannot do action scenes
It's so fucking weird, like there are dudes out there who are chomping at the bit to make cool action/fight scenes and they just keep skimping on this shit and making it look absolutely retarded
I guess the target audience is too stupid to notice
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was she at a trump rally?
my nibba, Boba Fett is consistently voted as one of the coolest characters is Star Wars and he got BTFO by a blind guy.
here you go anon
I'm shocked it got a second season
xsonkry :(
literal bollywood tier cgi
Though that makes sense, given microsoft only hires pajeets nowadays
I hate modern undirected CGIslop so much
Anon, that was made 30 fucking years ago
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Don't cry because it happened. Smile because it's over.
I don't even remember making this post.
Women can't write military fiction
Halo is incompatible with modern hollywood. Its a straightforward story about a heroic white male character who saves mankind from an invading army of aliens, with a duty that he inherited by way of the Spartan program. There's a lot of things added to the story for texture and flavor(like the shady stuff UNSC does), but fundamentally everything about halo draws on traditional and universal (although decidedly masculine ) themes and drives, which is everything that modern writers hate. Although 343 already has been undermining the old lore since halo 4 so its no shock that a reboot would go even harder on destroying the story.
>make band of brothers but [sci fi property]
Every sci fi fanbase asks for this, but we never get it. What gives?
They really fumbled a big bag of cash. The story was already written and done. All they had to do for the script was combine some parts of the books with the games and you have the storyboard of the show.
Because they're trying to pretend people whom could never believably succeed at a single action they are doing are actually super badasses to push the agenda
Just rewatched Pirates of the Caribbean 2 yesterday and I forgot just how great, if silly, the penultimate action sequence was with both the 3 man sword fight and the 2 idiots and girl against jones crew. How well choreographed it was for both the action and comedy, how great the score was, how every character motivation did played directly into how it functioned. It's fucking depressing how the best shit of the past decade is john wick slop that goes on for 10 minutes too long.
The chick was cute enough and the black guy funny enough (before the romance shit) to keep the non-ghoul stuff entertaining at least, but yes the ghoul was the core of the show for most people.
It had more action sequences than season 1 but that's about it
I'm still speechless about that. All they had to do for the script was.
-Show some background story about humanity and insurrectionists.
-The Spartan II program.
-Contact Harvest.
-Some battles, glassing and skirmishes from the war.
-Then the story of Halo Reach to beyond and sprinkle some stuff in-between like First Strike or Ghost of Onyx.
Let me guess. Its gamers' fault it got canceled because they didn't watch it.
8 billion people in the world, but the handful of Halofags is why it didn't get enough viewers.
That would be the perfect script, but you are requesting too much for modern american showrunners and writers.
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>Trust me. Halo fans LOVED Sarah Palmer. These girlboss scenes are going to carry this series straight to the top!
Hugo Weaving is such a great actor
Looking back on the Matrix, Smith was really the standout
Holy fuck I still don't know what 343 were thinking
>We need a whole new cast of supporting characters in this new Halo trilogy
>I know! Don't introduce them until halfway through the game, talk to them for 2 levels, and then forget about them for the last third
It's not even that she was an annoying girlboss, she had less lines than the NPC marines that followed me around. 343 are a truly retarded company
Wtf was that? I didn't watch the new LOTR stuff, but no wonder fans are mocking the show.
Don't forget the first thing she does is disrespect the chief.
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>they got Gorman for this slop
ah no...
I remember my first time playing through Halo 4 me and all my friends spend 20 minutes trying to kill her after that
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this is some horrific bollywood shit LMAO
Sounds like their hearts and souls are gay and cringe lol
Just don't make bad shows lol
>Cucked by Arbiter (yes that's the girl)
>VGH....What could have been
Read the reply chain.
The girl chief is piping is loosely based on the Arbiter from the proper canon. Dumbasses actually made a human covie.
What the fuck are those punches? He looks like he's gently tapping the thing.
I could forgive everything else if they'd made the "arbiter" girl the actual male Arbiter and had him and MC bang.
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They even butchered The Flood.
They're just generic zombies.
>Neill blomkamp and some low budget trailer
Man, those were the days.
Ironic and iconic
Except the writers hated the show and its fans more than we did. Retard
Tlou2 energy
She’s so powerful she destroyed the whole show and now it’s canceled. Woah…
That would break through the shit wall and come back around to based.
Wait what? They did the flood? Any WEBMs?
What the fuck? It looked so good the first few seconds and then it suddenly transitions to some amateur Blender animation
>won't someone think of the employees?!
Hundred millions in budget and every series has DOG SHIT fight choreography and filming. How the fuck have we regressed so hard in that?
Grip this.
*unzips dick*
Did they fuck?
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Why is it so difficult for writers to stick the source material? I honestly don't get why this is such hard ask for production companies adapting video game franchises for TV/Films. You already have a setting, plot and characters from the videos. All they have to do is adapt it. Instead, they introduce OCs, alter the setting and deviate from the establish plot, as if somehow they're forced to do this, and that they must contribute and put their own spin to it, because somehow the original material that fans want to see isn't enough .

Just adapt the video games. It's really not that complicated, yet this happens all the time with Resident Evil, Mortal Kombat, Prince of Persia, etc.
As much as they're desperate to deny it, diversity hires DO make the products worse
if Todd tha Godd can do it, why can't us ?
It's not about making money, it's unironically about ruining culture
It's an open conspiracy
Too realistic
Because they don't want to
These aren't fans that dream of making a great adaptation, or auteurs that see the potential in the source and want to give it an interesting spin, these aren't even consummate professionals given a job and seeking to do it to the best of their abilities, these are bottom of the barrel talentless hacks propped by nepotism, cronyism, affirmative action or a combination of all three, who lack any vision or gift to do anything, so like parasites they latch on to popular and recognizable names and trash it to turn it into their garbage stories that would never be greenlit om their own
>"Everywhere you look, there are more screenwriters and producers eager to take great stories and 'make them their own,'" Martin wrote. "...No matter how major a writer it is, no matter how great the book, there always seems to be someone on hand who thinks he can do better, eager to take the story and 'improve' on it."
Marketing. If the new series is not instantly renewed for two or more seasons then it signals that the people funding it don't have faith in it.
>reduced to just a generic zombie outbreak scene
you hate to see it
There are no words for how much I fucking hate women.
So it is Cortana who bricked the entire corporate world
You know that most classic media hate vidya through and through? Writers f.e. hate video game writing (some do for a good reason but that's besides the point) because they think it is childish or done by amateurs even when it's done by a professional writing team. They don't even think they can do better, they wholeheartedly know and believe they are somehow recreating and fixing it for adults and audience that doesn't consist of manchildren. This is the mentality behind practically every adaptation work ever and you wonder why it's botched up every time.
Same reason good female comedians do not exist. You need a level of self awareness and humility to be funny which is simply impossible for a woman.
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so did literally nobody watch the show or what the fuck?
Good riddance. Fuck that show.
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>showing off his face as early as fucking possible
>whatever this is
I'm glad I didn't give this show a single view outside of these clips. Television media has fallen off.
>Fallout tv show
>Writers f.e. hate video game writing
I can understand that
but why they shit on books tho? Witcher and Wheel of Time got butchered in their own shows
No, the show was super popular, best ratings on Paramount+. That's why they cancelled it, because so many people were watching and it brought it millions of new subscribers.
yeah the more you think about it the less sense it makes
>people live right next door
>you've clearly done these meet and greets multiple times
>nobody notices the entire other vault is now nervous, side-eyeing ruffians that doesn't look at all like the people they've met before

still better than halo
>this is one of the better scenes in the whole show because at least something is happening, and it kind of looks like halo if you squint
>it's still fucking retarded
Witcher got popular because of the videogames so that's easy, most people do not bother with the books even if they are alright.
Wheel of Time is anomaly in my opinion, but it can also be explained with the sheer amount of pages you'd have to crawl through to make any sense of it, and that requires effort which popcorn showrunners lack. And like anon posted, here >>683130257 basically everyone want to leave their mark. Vidya adaptations are just an easy example where the shows creators actively hate the source material due to reasons mentioned.
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Low effort bait and they all took it
>Loads of people put their hearts and souls into the show and you're laughing?
>sanderson was willing to play ball and make some empty statements saying the show was good, wanted his name in lights and was willing to compromise to get it
>said "fuck this, no way" when the S1 finale aired, washed his hands of the show, couldn't maintain the facade anymore

what a fucking disaster. I never bothered watching it after some of Ep1 leaked and proved their multiracial casting wasn't just some unfortunate minor issue, it was a sign of how fucking badly they planned on mangling things.
My wife watched S1, hated the finale, and then dropped the show altogether when S2's premiere retconned S1's finale (loial)
Telling /v/ not to reply to bait is like telling a nigger not to rob a liquor store.
>pretending they are not doing this on purpose
come on man...
all they had to do was retell the games from Sgt. Johnson's POV

a black lead in a halo show and fans would fucking EAT IT UP.
>no, let's turn master chief into a romanian easter island head
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Reminds me of this.
>woman lightly taps helmet
>stumbles around like an asshole
Why even wear the fucking helmets? They could have at least made her hit him in the neck or something believable.
i wonder who will voice bowser
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>Slaps a dude wearing a helmet with the palm of her hand, making him stagger back and be stunned and drop his gun
>Grabs the chin of the other dude and wiggles it a bit, also stunning him and wrestles the gun out of his holster and hand
>Shoots both of them
>Drops the gun
>Picks up another identical gun
i flat out stopped listening to dialogue and cutscenes after the first mission. halo 4 was a slap in the fucking face. Apparently my friends that read the halo books knew what was going on and didn't mind it as much but holy shit as someone who only played the games... bad bad bad
At least put some weight on it ffs.
The lack of choreography is astounding. May be unrealistic but at least sell me the hit.
uhh they're like meant to absorb the effects from laser fire, not protect against extreme physical trauma.
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Dude you don't wanna know what's going on in the new halo books.
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books about vidya were cringe bullshit 20 years ago when they people writing them actually gave a fuck, telling me they're worse now is like telling me the sun will come up tomorrow morning
These are elaborate troll images right?
Must be the fact that it's summer that so many people are falling for such obvious
The first one isn't.
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It has been summer for 18 years anon
More like 30
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Good, fuck the showrunners.
The Halo show was a masterful program, objectively it was one of the tightest written shows of the 2020s so far. From its gripping storylines to its brilliant characters to the remarkable themes, this was a show that had it all. It was the central theme of the show - what is it to truly to be human, what do we lose in service to corporate military structures - that was its best quality.

It was an improvement on the childish games in every way and it's beyond disappointing to see a masterwork get canceled because of spurious online outrage driven by liars, propagandists, bigots, etc. I for one will be following future works of the writers behind this gem with great interest, such talent won't be left forgotten.
It's fucking weird because there's a removed storyboard where Palmer's introduction is a lot better, she still takes a crack at Chief but it's about his age not height, which fit the narrative theme the game was going for.
modern tv is so irredeemably shit
>Obi wan got fucked over for this
You can tell how copy and pasted this passage is because it doesn't even pretend to match the tone and speaking mannerisms of the characters that Nylund wrote. 343 and the hacks they work with have so little respect for the things that are responsible for them having a job in the first place.
they even had the gall to make robert jordan's widow sign off on it and tell everyone it was going to be great, true to the books and looking forward to it.

fucking vile
How about the leabian space wiccans in every IP?
They literally can't not have some bullshit neo-pagan literal witches in every IP no matter how hard sci fi or low fantasy.
they put extra emphasis on the "adapt" part anonkun
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That is bullshit. We have a lot of characters in movies, shows, anime, tokusatsu, etc. that are capable of conveying emotions through helmets.
well, yeah I meant for this site specifically
Thank god, shame it was ever made in the first place.
I think the Doom movie is honestly better than the fallout TV show.
i mean the coreography is bad, but galadriel is canonically one woman army strong
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>Loads of people put their hearts and souls into garbage and you're laughing?
Yes I am even though this post is bait you got me
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Holy shit this is turbo trash if you were involved in making this scene you should kill yourself
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>Master Cheeks saying that he can't express himself with the helmet on
He is a failure of an actor then. A basic thing actors learn and know is that your position and body language can tell a lot of things about the character you are representing.
They could have followed a completely new spartan team from training to covenant war. See them go from scared kids to cold soldiers to war heroes to martyrs.
I mean, he does some stupid shit like this in Halo 2(he rides a spiky alien bomb in space) so the whole concept is not that far fetched. The execution is terrible though
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>you're not going to be able to bring an audience along in a long-form story without having access to a character's face
and looks like giving them access still didn't bring an audience
How old is sgt Johnson's VA anyway?
Wait, MS actually followed through with that Halo show?
Wow the writers really hate the concept of a normal heterosexual marriage. Men are evil!
Yes. John is short for Johanna.
Don't the phantoms explode with blue fire not red?
If you think about it Halo was already a pretty "diverse" IP
>Australian white Marines
>Hispanic Marines
>Black American Marines
So there's your three distinct Marine voices.
>White American Captain Keys
>Female Cortana
>Female Amanda Keys
>ONI Chick

There's literally no goddamn reason for them to need to change anything to make this series work for -modern audiences-. Just give us a military story with a halo coat of paint.
Yes, but don't expect too much from people who did not read the books or played the games.
Far bigger problem with the show is that it became woman the show, the guys have fuck all to do, even rand is constantly sidelined. I didn't read the book, so I was ok with the show up until episode 7, but god damn, after that opening with a pregnant woman I couldn't stomach the show, haven't even bothered with s2.
now that i read the books i hate the show even more
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God fucking damn I want a Generation Kill-style story but with halo.
>If the prophets would simply invest in their food-nipple infrastructure, there'd be no reason for us marines to come here and fuck 'em up like this!
>Chips, shut up
cucked because MEN ARE EVIL
true, that's why every single scene that's posted is some psyop programming bullshit
neverminded that Master Chief would be one of those people that you'd actually be at risk of getting fragged by your fellow marines for disrespecting.
You know, just responsible for ensuring humanity didn't go extinct, no biggy.
Master Chief laid some hot pipe into in the arbiter and filled her with his super soldier serum, what's not to get?
Also the Arbiter is a human chick in this timeline.
How the fuck did it even get a season 2.
>handrubbing intensifies
They are running out of popular games, and not every good game deserves a TV show. Where do the jews go from here?
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>looks at camera
>this is gonna hurt, isn't it?
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A series has been canceled and you're laughing. You're laughing. Someone was fired today because of what you didn't watch.
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Standard marketing scheme to make it seem like the first season was a huge hit, order 20 episodes, split them in half, in the case of halo season 2 was greenlit halfway through season 1 airing and they pushed it by saying it was the biggest most watched most record breaking show of hbo or whatever.
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what the fuck was the point of this subplot?
To depict the beauty of the God's chosen people.
My favorite part about the flood reveal was h*ddenxperia defending it.
>Why is it so difficult for writers to stick the source material?
Padding with scenes that don’t need special effects or space stuff. The “people” writing the show don’t like the same things we do.
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Hiring suit actors and would be the answer then. The voice can be done by a VA or another actor. If the japanese can do it, why not Hollywood with their big budget?
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how lovely
You can’t have strong female or black characters who are more than their sex or blackness. It’s too complex for the average retard writer to grasp so everything is as simple as can be.
Hunters, you know, the big blue guys with plasma cannons
Mandalorian had him barely show his face at all. Karl Urban nearly walked out over it
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I don't know how anyone can take him seriously with that gargantuan, monumental, cartoonishly enormous nose.
oh yeah, passionate even
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There's actually a whole ass system of layers that get involved which makes this quite literally an inevitability and the sole defining reason you should never in your fucking life ever want an adaptation of anything you enjoy ever again.

The first and foremost is copyright. Things like music, art, set design (yes, seriously), sound direction; all of that isn't as cut and dry owned by the parent holder as you think. Media adaptations are often worked on by multiple hundreds of people these days, with all manner of clusterfucky loops and pitfalls that can make using pre-existing anything a liability. Therefore, adaptations are pushed by the producers and the heads above them to ultimately be different and distinct enough that they can save as much money and legal headaches as possible. This is only one layer, but it's the most important and defining one. Yes, it's as retarded as it sounds and yes it never should have gotten to this level it did.

The other is that writers will often come to pitch an idea that's originally theirs completely, and at first they get signed on. They start with the scriptwriting, pre-production--everything before actually laying out cast and whatnot. Then some or more execs come in and want to cancel the whole fucking thing to make it a tax writeoff -unless- they turn it into a popular product that already exists. Ever wonder why 99% of adaptation writers have never touched a video game and seem so disdainful and spiteful to the source and its fans? That's why. This is painfully common. It's Hollywood's open secret to why most adaptation movies are god fucking awful, because they were something completely different up until having to suddenly pivot itself into wearing a franchise like a retarded fursuit.

It's all for failing upwards and profit through failure. All of it. Don't try to understand it, just let it all go and focus on better things while the retards squabble and screech in the manure.
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You should enjoy it because the next step for entertainment will be this in a few years.
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>long-form story without having access to a character's face
Someone call the RVB guys since they apparently did something impossible.
>women can only be badass if the men are written to be braindead idiots
what did hollywood mean by this?
>just 10 000 more people and it will pay for this display
fucking insanity
>just walk up to a fucking card swiper and swipe your card like a clueless retard

These people are the future of your nation by the way.
Next time (if there is), the helmet stays on.
Well, maybe except for the part that they have to kidnap and train the Chief, but the moment Halsey brings his helmet it stays there.
>extreme physical trauma
The worst part of the badass woman trope isn't even the fact women are doing shit. It's that it always means having a permanent debuff aura around them that drops the IQ of any man in a scene by 50 points. There used to be writers that had women do awesome things without compromising every male character.
the idea of a halo show is fucking retarded anyway, Main Character is a total personality vacuum
They can always do flashbacks and show the actors face
what a faggot.
Ahh the classic monkey strecher webm
People unironically think that though
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>I'm not watching this because it doesn't respect the source material.
>"Show cancelled"
Lets just take a brief moment to laugh at all the good goysloppers that keep trying to demoralize and gaslight consumers into thinking we have no power within the market. Literally just dont give them your money and big corps will eventually fail over time. BlackRock cant even print infinite money anymore to save their own ass.
So how did they get her in the cell in the first place?
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Same reason they drive trucks from 2001 over 500 years later.
>could've easily yanked it out and thrown it away in that time
>there are people who unironically praise this and tell you with a straight face that the Halo show has very good action scenes
The funniest thing about the Halo show getting a season 2 is that every night there was new episode a random techie from the marketing department would try to make a thread here and larp about how so many people were excited about the new season. People stopped giving a shot about the show that no one in this entire thread knows the show actually introduced its own Arbiter(elite) who has an unexplained personal grudge with Master Cheeks and wants desperately to have a 1v1 with him the whole season. All the webms being posted here to make fun of the show are all from season 1 too. No one even cared enough about season 2 to riff on its dumb moments with webms.
it not being on paramount+ was a massive advantage.
There was a second season?
The Hunter worms working like that doesn't break the lore, but the woman walking like that and the men not shooting at her sounds stupid.
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Did they even know anything about Halo before making this
>Space elevator destroyed by a single bullet.
Incredibly stupid. If a space elevator can't withstand a bullet, it can't withstand its own mass or the energy used to lift anyone.
wtf are those?
Hunter worms.
At least it's over.
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>343 thinks the only good part of Halo lore is ONI being authoritarian and corrupt
Imagine being led in your core concepts by Karen FUCKING Traviss of all people
A Halo TV/Streaming show would never be possible with the budget they got. A sci-fi action 2hr movie would cost 200 Million. This show at most got what 3 million per 1hr ep. This was never going to work even if they tried to be closer to the games story wise.
Can she even aim the rifle like that without a scope? The reason the AR has that bulge on the top is because all UNSC weapons' targeting systems are linked to the soldier's neural chip. She should have used the AR version with the iron sight at least.
>and you can't really show off your acting talent all that well
Nigger the japs have been doing it since the 1970's, even 'muricans figured this shit out with The Mandalorian
for real, what a bitch. Weak spic never heard of V for Vendetta.
>madalorian showed people we don't need to see their face
>halo show didn't listen
fuck you faggots
Huh, didn’t know that. How do UNSC troopers aim? Do they have a HUD or is there some kind of crosshair appearing in their eyes?
...until they ruined by showing his face all the time
Plus Filoni and Disney bullshit
filoni, pascal begged multiple times to let him show his face, he even complained that they said no to drum up fan sympathy but the fans said your a mandolorian the helmet stays on.

People still recognized him from his voice, he got roles due to the mandalorian so obviously his face didn't fucking matter, yet he still managed to get to reveal it
At this point I can't be bothered to care. If the modern generation wants to destroy themselves, go right ahead. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.
Their chips are linked to the soldier's helmets and goggles, giving them a HUD-type vision. They can have crosshairs, identify friend or foe, compass, motion tracker, map, etc.
>Can she even aim the rifle like that without a scope?
Women can do anything, chud
There are always more things enjoyed by white men to contaminate.
They will not stop until every single thing is tainted.
the most annoying thing about this is the fact she did that with the assault rifle, which is purposefully designed to be linked to a HUD display so you can actually aim and shoot the fucking thing
it has no sights at all otherwise
that's why the UNSC have those little eyepieces
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this meme
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Yeah, at least they should have given her Johnson's glasses.
what about that guy who plays monsters in films, like pans labyrinth, hellboy and the shape of water? he's always masked and fake-upped to fuck
Forward unto dawn was much better and it had a 10M budget
How does that improve their aim? Do they still have to make the movement of putting their weapon in front of their faces and aim like any normal weapon?
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>Fallout show would have been better without sex shit
But gamers use sex mods with fallout all the time
In a way, yes they still do the same motion, but because they have the crosshair, they can zoom in and out with a thought and don't need to focus a lot on the enemy because the crosshair is doing it for them.

If you've ever played a lightgun arcade game, it's basically like that. Reticle on screen points wherever the gun is aimed, meaning the marines could effectively just hipfire all day long if desired.
Granted, i think the concept only really worked back in Halo CE, when every marine were all equipped with helmets that featured a green scouter on the right side.
they totally could have done civvie pov of fall of harvest or reach with very limited cgi using models ripped straight from the game and literally not had master chief in it at all
there is a ton of interesting stuff in the halo universe that would have been adaptable but no they had to openly shit on it
I played L.A Machine Guns, so I get the idea, and it indeed improves their aim. Man, I would kill for that gimmick.
He's revving up his lawnmower
Holy shit how is this not edited
>the noses on these tards
>the beaks on these birds
>the dimesniffers on these jews
>the snouts on these dogs
>the absolute state of (((microshaft)))
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So much video game /tv/ slop.
The average joe's hero.
Holy shit
John Halo is here to save the day
Stop making questions Chud and consume the slop.

But seriously they need better security measures (or in this case better writers) because any kind of debris can destroy that space elevator if a bullet can cause all that damage
I hate to defend nu-wars, but it's hilarious how Mandalorian was out at the same time, and insanely popular while this guy tried to justify why he must show his big ugly nose up close in every scene.
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I wish the cuckflix Castlevania "anime" would get cancelled.
Main actor for Madalorian also hates wearing the mask and made them let him take it off more and more.
Isn't she strong because she does spells and not cause she arm wrestles dudes?
The Mandalorian shit its pants with the mask two ways:

1: Having him show his face a few times before the final episode.

2: Having Pedro look exactly the fucking same as he always has instead of trying to modify his appearance a little to look more unique for the character.

Imagine how much more emotionally impactful the episode where he says goodbye to Grogu would've been if you did not see his face until he chose to show it at that point and did not resemble the actor everyone already knows.
Is this big nosed ugly retard implying his acting with the helmet off is anything above pure shit tier?
>t. latinx
...is that fucking Dave Chapelle?
They really should have just let the team that did the live action advertisements handle the series.
The two times it was shown was fine
The first time in s1 was important because it was simultaneously necessary for him to survive as well as being character growth for him by letting a dr*id heal him. I don't think this one scene diminishes the emotional impact of the goodbye baby yeed scene
I just rewatched the original PotC trilogy myself, funnily enough. They have their issues, but goddamn, even just from memory I can recall almost the entire final Kraken battle sequence from 2 and almost the entire maelstrom ship battle from 3 from start to finish, beat for beat. The blend of action and comedy with the best VFX possible at the time (that still puts a lot of modern shit to shame) is honestly super refreshing and fun to watch with how fucking boring and samey the action in most Hollywood movies is nowadays. It helps that the music in both sequences is fucking godlike, too.
This franchise couldn't be any more dead besides an official acknowledgment at this point
It's way too good to ever get cancelled
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343 is the worst company in video game history and it's not even close
it died over a decade ago.343 is cleaning out a grave at this point.

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