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Starts at 10am PT

>EVO Showcase
>Street Fighter 6 Pools
>Tekken 8 Pools
>Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike Pools
>Mortal Kombat 1 Pools -> Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising Pools
>King of Fighters XV Pools -> King of Fighters XV Top 24 -> Guilty Gear Strive Pools
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>top 6
thanks for the links
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>no DoA
>no SC
>MK is pozzed
what happened to fighting games, bros?
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there's gonna be an official MvC collection stream @ EVO at 9am PT on twitch.tv/capcomusa
Both DoA and SC haven't seen a new release in more than 5 years and I bet they're still going to get their own side tournaments.
stop playing shit games
>>no DoA
Dead shallow franchise that nobody ever played in scene
>>no SC
Mostly dead franchise that was always seen as a side-game in scene, and whenever it got mainstage, viewers tanked
>>MK is pozzed
I'll give you that one
gonna watch UNI so I can spot anons and root for them
What are we watchan and drinkan today /v/?
Looking for marvel and sf6 with some voodoo ranger for me.
DOA6 fucking sucked that's what happened.
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I'm just not feeling it this year.
perfect timing for my covid
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This, i will absolutely not watch a minute of that garbage just on principle, I dont care if they want to do a top six because its SF6, its fucking deplorable
pyur wa'ah
Also UNI, Tekken and Turd Strike
What should I watch? I like anime games and Street Fighter
>What should I watch? I like anime games and Street Fighter
Anime games and Street Fighter
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I'll be watching Tekkino and KOFXV whenever the Chipotle loading screen is up.
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>I like [...] Street Fighter
Stay away from SF6 then. There should be a 3rd Strike stream
why do they do this btw
I remember evo 2022 being so unwatchable with ad breaks literally every 2 sets that I didn't even bother with last year. Was it better last year?
More time for ads (aids)
There weren't even matches last year, it was three days straight of ads and you had to find out who won later.
Just as bad plus you had to cope with the fact that every game was an unbalanced mess (mirror matches everywhere).
No, it was terrible. Chipotle "we'll be right back" screen up all the time meanwhile good matches were happening off stream.
Jews at Sony and ecelebs took over and want to make more time for ads and marketing promo shit for other ecelebs to POG out to for CONTENT
I guess I'll watch +R. What should I watch after that? SF6 or Third Strike?
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Watch sf6 if you need a nap
Since this is pools, watching 3s could be a fun experience, you're going to spot lots of low tier maining players, some Oros and even Ryus.
Also watching absolute shitters going at each other is always fun.
>no DoA
>no SC
They haven't had content or balance updates in over four years while also not having the staying power of other games.
>MK is pozzed
That's the least of MK's problems.
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SC has a top 24 tomorrow and top 6 the next day. MajinObama is streaming it.
Hey that's nice, Ill watch this
gonna watch Type Lumina, we're finally getting some news on Len.
Do you guys watch EVO restreams?
I watch the fatfuck Aris, when he's online.
>Mature/Vice trailer
>New CotW trailer
>SF6 Terry trailer
SNKchads feastin' on this one.
/ourguy/ Max
>le quirky lolsorandom chungus man
So fucking dumb. And they still act like this tournament is prestigious with a 10k prize pool or whatever pathetic amount it is.
Yeah not wasting my weekend sitting through that again. Thanks for the reminder.
If Mature is revealed, I'm reinstalling XV immediately.
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No it didnt
>Possible Mai trailer for CotW and sneak peak at her in SF6

We won
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Granblue is finally getting the 7 foot tall four armed dragon mom
EVO is a soulless endeavour now that pokimane got involved and turned it into mainly a platform to announce DLC for ecelebs to react to
Pokimane saved this shit from bankruptcy due to COVID.
kys simp
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Event was canceled due to the Crowdstrike IT outage. Sorry everyone.
This would actually be hilarious.
Nah sony is too cheap, a corporate antivirus such as cloudstrike would be overkill for simple streaming machines, bet they're running on windows defender.
I haven't been playing fighting games recently but I'll watch some of this I guess.
I wish, the fallout would be more entertaining than any top 6 ever could be.
>TOP 6
>wfh IT drones arrived
nobody cares about your (((endpoint security))) outage dumb ass niggers
When did EVO start to suck? I realize this is a silly thing to ask since EVO's existence is practically anti-FGC.
Gordeau and Byak filled top 6 time again, right
nobody plays this shit
I play fighting games to have fun, not to jerk off
Imagine trying to stay away at 10pm to watch slime fight 6. That shit will put you to sleep instantly
put lond in there since this is uni2
Clayton go back to reviewing perfume
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EVO became soulless when EVO Japan started (constant ad breaks and corpo mascot) but weebs will conveniently forget that. It's just worse now because of top 6 but I'll still try and enjoy the matches and announcements
What's the difference?
>He jerks off for "fun"
Mad unemployedfag lol enjoy your cardboard house lmao
I don't want fat asses to distract me while I'm hitting you with a wack ass mixup
low T
and ur low rank
I ain't getting lectured by a nancy boy who exclusively plays women in video games
u brown
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The ad to gameplay ratio has been completely out of whack in recent years. Shan't be watching
How much does it costs Netherrealm to make Evo pretend MK is a fighting game series and not a telenovela for normalfags?
1000+ players says otherwise.
They should pay people for playing MK1 at EVO
Costs nothing for NR, it's warner the one that's raking in cash and I'm sure they're going to force multishittus down our throat next year.
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Tekken 8 top 500 players for each region
Does animevo still exist?
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>exclusively plays women in video games
projecting something eh?
The only thing I exclusively play is picking the biggest dudes against big titty bitches to beat them up with belly punch crushes and face punch wall carries EXCLUSIVELY
>Lili high only in the land of the trannies
but I was told that Lars is broken now?
Here's hoping they learned their lesson from Beatrix. Also they need to shoot Nier at this point, GF is going to be a mirror match I just know it.
alright buddy I'll let you off this time but just because ryona is based
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Do people still play fusions? I know they nerfed the shit out of their meter gain
can't FUCKING BELIEVE players are picking the strongest characters to win money
They rebranded but yeah. I don't remember if they're here though.
>Iron Fist player made top 6 in Marvel
It's Hsien-kos turn this year
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'nov got em malding on /v/
I don't know how common of an opinion this is, but I hate watching mirror matches so much. The fun of watching a match is to see two opposing movesets go at it.
Good thing about tekken 8 so far is the balance is pretty good and mid tiers like Lili, Shaheen, Kuma, Claudio have won majors and been in top 8.
This JP guy is doing an irl stream of the convetion
people play shaheen?
I just figured it out, they turned to vortex gallery and went to frosty faustings intead
Mirrors can be cool if it's two well know character specialists or top players facing off, but having almost every single main stage game grands end in mirror matches is fucking lame as fuck.
The general populace does not, but he has done well in competitive scene.
Makes sense. EVO hosts a lot of side tournaments now and basically does their job for them.
some are fun, like SFIV Balrog, but overall, they tend to be lame
all of the anime games are in the community showcase. glad theyre all getting streamed because those are the only games im interested in at the moment
It always surprises me how good the viewing numbers for japanese street fighter streamers are when english ones can barely crack 1k
The dislike of mirror matches seems to be a common enough thing, perhaps not the majority, but enough to hear a lot of people complain about it and to see many opponents disconnect from me / refuse matchmaking.
I don't mind mirror matches of most characters, but hate if my character color is taken by my opponent. That is very irritating.
>Majin Obama: Unironically an asshole, and "hides" it behind a smiling demeanor. Thinks he's better than everyone else even though he gets bodied by everyone.
>Aris: LOL he said the thing! Uhhh, be cool. Has actual brain disease and trash takes. Hides his obese and disgusting body / face behind his broken Webcam.
>Maximillian Dood: Decent character, over-exagerates for reveals and only plays the content for about an hour before moving on. Not that good at fighting games, but seen as the messiah of some of them for some reason.
>Sajam: Pretentious, pompous, and a clout gobbler. People think he's somehow profound because he talks slowly and has a Cali lick.
Yipes: Probably the most real, but is often too afraid to show his kid-side. Pretends like he doesn't follow or care about anime fighters, but constantly commentates on them.
Happy Asian Man: Boring as shit, but he's dirt cheap to hire as a commentator. Will do anything.

These are your Gods, /v/? There's truly no one else?
What anime fighter does Yipes even acknowledge aside from GG though
Because SF6 is taken very seriously in Japan, it's basically a real sport at this point.
I don't like any of those ecelebs especially sajam and the green cholo chungus
I think Sajam is going to get his first controversy soon. Him shittalking the saudi event probably won't end well for him once Evo gets bought out .
>these are your Gods
There is no god other than me.
Nobody cares about your stupid gossip, go take your bullshit somewhere else faggot
God fucking damn that is a big line
I remember skipping the line at 2019 and it wasn't even as big as this.
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>too afraid to show his kid-side. Pretends like he doesn't follow or care about anime fighters
he's fine
Shut up, juyina
This is the real Yipes, not the tough-guy act he often does on commentary
Yes gossip, you homo. Siting here like girls chattering on about nothing. Fags like you have more to say about ecelebs than actual video games.
>all those people still wearing masks
Come on now
Obama doesn't even hide that he's an asshole, remember his Strive seethefest that made him shill fucking Lumina for a year
The irony
That nigger was shilling for LTG on LTG vs Viscant even when he was losing hard btw
I wish Yipes actually fucking participated in Strive and MvC brackets, that guy is better than 99% of the players and people have forgotten where he comes from. Can't seethe much because I like his commentary too
He's openly said that if evo gets bought out he won't go and would probably be out of a job so he's well aware of what he's getting himself into. He already had some beef brewing with Saint Cola over it, though they settled it privately and neither have come out and said what the end result was.
There are over 10k people there, you should probably wear a mask if you don't want to get sick in general
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Post your top 5 played fighting games with pictures of hours played. I'll wait for your excuse.
Obama's campaign for Lumina has to be the most embarrassing thing he's ever done. 1000X stupider than him biking across Japan for a slurpee a 7-11 might not have, at least Aris made fun of him for shilling Lumina at the end of it all for a laugh.
When did that even happen. I'm only here on time because I saw this thread.
Sony just ruining things?
Isn't evo already bought out lol?
EVO stinks
The only reason he's seething about the saudi event is because he knows he might lose his spot on the commentary chair to professionals
It got bought by Sony. I think everyone sees a future where Sony needs money and Evo is the first on the chopping block.
The act puts on screen is just a by-product of not being allowed to swear during event-commentary
By Sony. But the new menace is Saudi Arabia and the ECW and how they're essentially sportswashing esports and buying/hosting their own big events and pros to gwt people to forget the fact that the middle east is a shithole.
He's at the point in his life where he doesn't need commentary since he can just do streaming for way more money and less effort.
He probably just wants to burn the bridge, so he has an excuse to stay at home.
What? I'll admit I haven't been watching many tournaments lately but he was just chill at CEO. He and Justin were just nerding out and then there were the silly impressions at Punk's expense.
Sajam is a faggot I hope the saudis do take over just so I don't have to hear this moron
Are there any Youtube streams? Twitch is cancer.
I don't think goatfuckers are any better
Didn't watch CEO, but that's good to hear. Like I said, Yipes is a real one. Dude just needs to let his silly side out more often
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>ECW buys Sony
>can't go to evo cause I keep getting chair shots to the back
so did these capfags announce the mvc release date or are they still fags?
Just play the league fighter dude, no one else is making team games anymore.
I'd bet on a Sunday reveal with it being a shadow drop. They'll probably shove it into the Street Fighter 6 finals to get more eyes on it
Ahh yes forgot that was out. Thanks brah.

if it reduces the amount of troons eventually at events i am all for it
DBFZ is a side bracket this year yeah? I remember a circuit got announced anyway so I wonder who's gonna show up this year. Also wish I could be hyped for granblue but I just know its gonna be a nier and siegfried fest
I do. Fuck sajam
They're finally inside
I miss Zhi man. He was very knowledgeable about the games he commentated and managed to be informative and funny with topical jokes sprinkled in. Every other commentator phones it in by comparison
that patch coming in a couple weeks is crucial. gutting nier and sieg but more importantly buffing 80% of the cast up so they're actually playing rising and not vanilla granblue
why tf did they save this oc shit for last?
Redbull usually hired Zhi
what's the beef with sajam
Aris hasn't been relevant to fighting game commentary in years. He's pretty much become a NEET ever since the 'rona spooked him from entering IRL tournaments.
Getting too close to the sun basically
She's not last, Vikala is last.
Extremely boring overrated commentator
>no DBFZ
I'm still mad, but whatever. Which stream should I watch today?
can't stand listening to that insufferable faggot ramble on and say jack shit
Why single out Obama for that? He's far from the only fightan e-celeb who shilled hard pre-release for a game that ended up flopping.
there is DBFZ
We love Sajam here
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Why is the Evo website so fucking shit? I can't find anything.
floods my youtube recomendations with a dozen "actually if you analyze the footage you'll understand that actually that thing everyone hates is fair and balanced" but then whenever he streams he throws the same "haha ok I woulda beat that guy if he wasn't so RANDOM" bullshit DSP was throwing out 15 years ago instead of using his columbo-level reasoning skills to figure out the counterplay in real time
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Who are you watching and rooting for?
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Show her bare ass, now.
I'm glad they're streaming on youtube
Twtich is impossible to watch with the constant ads.
>Working today AND the top 8's day
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And we won't get any good footage because the devs fucking hate marketing their game.
Everybody is working this weekend after blue screen of death they hit the working world.
mvc2 stream. its live rn
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Punished Knee redemption arc starts in 11 minutes..
What's the EVO showcase?
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I think the beef is with commentators in general. Yipes is the only genuinely great one that brought something. There are are maybe 3-5 niche ones that work well as long as they're commentating a specific game like Tom Brady with MK just because he has a deep knowledge of the mechanics and can describe why players are doing certain things well. After that you get people trying and failing to mimic Yipes or you get the Ultra David/James Chen type which try to hard to be professional and corporate which is boring at best.
Once again, stop trying to inject your IT drone non-event into this thread.
>there's a yearly stream happening this weekend I already wanted to watch
>1000+ players says otherwise.
And most of them barely play the game
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Yes, there is. Also there are more side tournaments than this like:
>Battle Network 6
>Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax
>Kill la Kill IF
>Eternal Fighter Zero
>Power Stone
>Super DBZ
>Power Rangers
>X-Men vs Street Fighter
Going on if you can find a stream
oh okay. I don't really care about the rat much but I know people wanted her for a while so thats cool.
Right now Yipes is telling his life's story. I guess they will rotate between different stuff later.
>Nobody is shilling for my man Tasty Steve
Bros.. Make some noise...
Is she thotting it up again?
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>Three Force Functions
>Zato's Break the Law
>Faust Items (Poison Vial, Mini-Faust, and Bomb)
>Nanase's Float
love steve can't wait to make some noise
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you are fighting game fan, right anon?
therefore, you are watching the third strike stream, right anon?
>uni2 prestream is Sajam being a fat fuck

he's the modern day gootecks
>Faust Items (Poison Vial, Mini-Faust, and Bomb)
Hold the fuck up really
My interest plummeted
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Again? Why is cygames so fucking retarded?
I'm watching +R
Third Strike is funny but I don't care for it
thanks for the chart
I take Saudis over trannies.
I just don't trust the Saudis to not get bored of the whole thing in a few years and then shut it down completely.
thirdstrike is boring as shit now
Watching the UNI stream
I'm a casual fightan enjoyer but my favorite commentators are Yipes and Chris Hu. The Hispanic guy in the luchador mask and Brian (who's like Sajam at 1.5x speed, but I don't know if he does commentary gigs) are alright.
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>1:30 until tekkino
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>No sound
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It's one of her Force Functions so integrate that into her gameplay as you see fit. She's got a mountain of follow-ups for her coffins.
Is there a pre-show or something or just pools?
>Is there a pre-show or something or just pools?

Oh, no fucking point in tuning in then.
I wanted Kamone and Raito talking about stuff instead.
It's like they're actively trying to kill the game out of spite.
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Tekken seems like its finally starting up. Any other streams actually running games now.
Oh nice pools just started.The preshow was awful they need to replace that fat nigger
Is the Chipotle thing like some ironic meme where they pretend it's funny they're corporate shills or are these hosts really just that eager to gargle on some food chain's cock

My schizo rrat is that they put Chipotle front and center to distract from saudi money
Kind of, but not as much. There is actually a little bit more variety now.
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>tfw playing all the streams simultaneously on different screens and hearing a totally unintelligible cacophany of random noise and advertisements
Actual sponsor.
Separate tabs or are you using that one multiview website
I mean, If I were sponsored by Chipotle I wouldn't care about shilling it, it's good and relatively cheap for what it is. It and Chick Fil A are the only fast food I don't feel like a fucking dog for eating. I don't know how many orphans they traffic in, though.
It's just marketing
Though I recently noticed they opened up one in my city in Canada.
I'm not really into mexican food though.
KOF looks like it started but they've been on the character select for like 8 years at this point
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Nothing that sophisticated just PC monitors, a laptop, tablet, televisions, etc. I feel like I'm in one of those NATO command centers, walk through my house and there's a fighting game happening somewhere
>first match of pools in SF3 is Yang vs Chun
lmao, expect alot of Yun, Yang, Chun and Ken
why are they tormenting Yipes like this?
>niggers playing to win
what did you expect?
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is DBZ still a thing? it used to be pretty hype to spectate.
Was hoping for more soulful pools at least. There are over 1000 entrants
The funny cat is on www.twitch.tv/funkyp
He has to cast slime 6 with sajam all weekend, doesn't get much worse than that
Sajam needs to lose weight
no one in the West can be good with anyone except Yun, Chun and Ken. The good mid low tier char players are all from JP
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Wait what
Isn't Evo like the first weekend of August have I time slipped?
why? he wants to be exactly like Aris
I think the city of vegas gave them a deal but they had to do it in july.
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>big body fight for first T8 fight
Anybody has a multiviewer link/setup?
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Absolute unit on stream 4
3rd strike hasnt been soulful in ages
go to multitwitch dot tv and just add the streams you want with "/" between the channel names
babymaking sex with persia
announce Pitou, you cowards
reminder that she cheated on yipes and then he hit her
>3s is back
>sony bought evo and boosted production
>retards still cant figure out how to balance audio feeds
monkey paw
pure kino
Got it, thanks
What are finna watching bros?
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If it's marduk I'll mail poop to harada
I'm watching tekken. Low tier scrubs in early pools with commentary is fucking pure soul
only interested in sf6
Nen Impact's intro looks really soulful.
The quality’s been dropping and the price has increased over the years. Fast food in general has been getting more expensive for some fucking reason.
Don't worry it's fuckram first they are saving marduk for last
>not in the opening
it's over
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grandma on stage: https://www.twitch.tv/evo3
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>troon vs troon
>Maximillian is buddy buddy with devs
>Gets fed inside info and leaks all the time
>Seemed fake hype for the recent collection reveal, even though he obviously cares about it very much
>Chose to go to Evo in-person this year to stream

What does he know is going to be revealed? New Marvel?

>Captcha PAWG
Says the guy who's to scared to even go to evo
what game is this so i can avoid it
those are both biological women this isn't the soive stream
What are we vaping bros?
Tekken 8
T8 lmao
Doesn’t he always go? When I went in 2012 he had some panel thing.
That grandma is unironically better than me
he's literally inside there

Leo's cool.
Nah, just using his contacts to play it early and make money out of it
>they're actually still doing ad breaks every 2 sets
For fuck's sake. I'm out.
most punchable face in the fgc
i hate this fake fuck with a passion
Every fighting game.
Every game, really.
>cygames still trying to hide who the granblue character is
>there is a giant piece of art hanging on the wall with every single playable character lined up
>Rein is at the very end after all dlc characters

Truly subtle and stealthy marketing
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>seemed fake hype
max IS fake hype
he's barely a person
The physiognomy of the average Third Strike player compared to every other game speaks volumes.
He stopped going after rona
>Lili vs Leo
Only Xrd "players" and the most autistic of SNKeks hate Max, which one is it for you?
I actually play 3rd strike
ask me anything
>Only Xrd "players" and the most autistic of SNKeks hate Max
Dood moment
Let Leo cook..
>Toxic positivity shill who gamehops more than SonicFox
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>still banned on Evo's chat because I type Gran Autismo when a Gran Turismo ad popped up last year
What the fuck is going on with this music playing over the matches on the KOF stream
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Ok guys, place your bets:
How many mirror matches during 3rd strike's top 8 ?
is that obama?
mexicans aren't good at running streams
The strongest tranny in history vs. the strongest tranny of today
The girl from Re:Link? That sucks as an actual GBF fan but ijguess it makes sense for them to market their other game
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These are your UNI players say something nice
/v/ told me uni players were worse than melty or strive but these guys look based as fuck
The one in the hat is exactly what I picture a UNI player as.
at least they arent obese
Falcom bros…
They're stylin
MJ was ahead of his time
Absolutely based taste
3rd Strike would be a much better game if the players agreed to all play SA1 only
The oc from rising.
he is not gonna fuck you, "dood".
how do i buy the 3s t-shirt vicious is wearing?
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No the original character in the story for Rising who's actually your mom, though it seems to be her 8 foot dragon mommy form instead of her 14 year old self which is what I'm more mad about.
When Adol being added to Uni?
Dude could have been Randy but chose Tio.
they finally turned it off thank fucking god
That tranny is not doing UNI commentary this year right
what's the main stream for? they don't show any game
>chiptotle add has sajam's faggy voice
jesus christ I can't escape this guy
UNI isn't complete without it's trans representation.
Holy fuck Dale Cooper in Miku cosplay
trying to ruin the western fgc with vtubers
The main purpose of Evo is not fighting games it's to announce DLC for streamers to react to
his nose is too big
nvm it's still playing
EWGF623 doesn't even get you a discount from Chpitole, only Tekken coins?
yo fuck these bums
Honestly I don't really give a shit about any of those games. MK1 is my least favorite MK in a long time (I don't like the assists. MK should be 1v1 only) SF6 looks like shit with the slime mechanics and I was never really into Tekken, GG, or KoF.

Even then fighting game tournaments Top...6 I guess (lmao) are boing to watch because it inevitably devolves into the same 1 or maybe 2 characters getting spammed and I think mirror matches are shit.

Going to sit out this year methinks.
It's a waste is what it is, turn that shit off
MajinObama trying to pretend he cares about Tekken so he keeps getting invited to Evo
>*bama on Tekken commentary
Why, that guy doesn't even know what Tekken is like
I mean I hate that fat fuck for trying to chase gamewar and contrarianbucks instead of not being a nigger in the first place but Tekken?
>Top 8
Right now they're shilling the HxH game but they have some other shit like dev talks and announcements and whatever. There's a schedule up for what they're gonna show on it iirc.
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daily reminder
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>twitch ad ends
>in stream ad starts
>EWGF623 doesn't even get you a discount from Chpitole, only Tekken coins?
How does it work, where do you even use the code
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these mechanics seem somewhat familiar
He has no home since Type Lumina was not the massive hit he foresaw, he's a drifter now.
Mmm mayhaps methings so too, fellow Redditor.

Methinks that these games are so bad anyway, ppl just spam the same best attacks over and over again. Fighting games just take no skill.

These tournament things are just not for me, mayhap!
He's been doing events for T8 for a while now. He was in Australia like a month ago or something for their dojo event.
Ah yes you're right she kind of looks like that other girl from Re:Link and i just woke up i didn't saw her clearly. She also looks quite a bit like Raziel
He's done some other tekken majors recently
that's why you watch on youtube
why does the FGC have so many bucket crabs
how do you want an operation on EVO's scale if no one is going to pay for it? largest open bracket multi video game competition and practically its own convention, this can't happen any other way unless you charge everyone $400 to sign up
you can watch on youtube where adblock works
French Bread's OTHER other game is on at twitch.tv/milkmandantv
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>desperately try to hide the surprise unannounced dlc character while having her playable for anyone that goes to their booth
>people just posting exactly who it is on twitter
>also she's on the booth wall

10/10 marketing cygames
I need me a choco yuzu gf
Was it Chris G?
Anyone who was watching know what they announced in the Marvel stream earlier?
No some rich guy from Vegas iirc
I assume this is just cygame's 5D chess plan
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This is going to be so disappointing.
Yeah they announced Marvel 4 is 100% never ever status
>I-It was different from what we were used to
>We assumed this version wouldn't be different
>The game was bad, Bison bad, I'm not bad though
>Let me publicly call this guy a shithead for winning against me
>"It was a Neo Geo conversion, or some crap"
>Only argument against this legitimate achievement is "L-Look at him now"
DSP proved that the FGC is a clique of dicksuckers and was vindicated, now all the old heads are just as mad about jobbing as he is.
Difference is, DSP still plays new fighting games regardless of how shit they are. Can't say the same for FGC boomers.
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>"no, i'm not gonna commentate evo anymore. i got no business constantly being forced to talk about how nice chipotle is and shit"
>meanwhile, has no issue getting paid saudi money to re-stream a saudi sportwashing sf6 tournament which literally takes place in an empty hall with no audience
>"yeah they asked me if i wanted to do it and i said yeah sure, and they are paying me GOOD money hehehe... anyway, breaktime habibi"
>constantly quotes a rap lyric that goes "I wanna get a whip and crash it into white-owned businesses"
>is incredibly homophobic, e.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLq248k0R20
What did he mean by this?
if the DLC characters weren't leaked, I would've never believed that Lidia, Fakh and Marduk would be the season 1 DLC. Like, who the fuck asked for those characters? What about Bruce, Anna, Kuni, Armor King etc.?
God I fucking hate Jake Ryan so much I hope his wife has three more miscarriages and if not then his children should have down syndrome
How many people are watching the other youtube streams, youtube is way better than twitch and most people just don't know
is HunterxHunter story a parody or something? what the fuck are those character designs
anyone watching +R?
he is literally bisexual and sucks cock regularly
pipe it down seething leftoid
Not watching this till the top 6 or right before the top 6. Pools are boring as fuck.

Somebody reply to me when it gets to that point
Lidia was relatively populalar and being a late addition to t7 made her easy to add to 8 to be fair
those slashbacks from the robo were nice
Aris 100% fucks guys
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I assume there will be a teaser for the next character and since this is no fan favorite they're not giving a fuck if its announced so unceremoniously. Get ready for that Siete teaser
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>Crimson vs Crimson
They said the release date would not be dropped on that "stream" so it could either be hope or cope it still gets announced later at EVO. I can see it announced on Sunday before SF6 but who knows.
I'll take lidia, fahk, marduk over those scrimblos you mentioned
Damn, he's huge. I remember when he was fat.
I hope they'll be depressed enough commit suicide.
Aris is the most unreliable narrator in the world, I mean even the green camera is just a filter to hide his dysgenic mug
Armenians are white but this cryptojew tries to fit in with Mexicans, what's up with that shit
I listen to jap commentary streams while at work then watch the highlights later
If I was a "leftoid", why would I get upset at him quoting the "driving into white owned businesses" line?
Is there a multstream that can do youtube streams? I'd switch if there was. I never realized it, but when I was watching the TWT last week there were like 10k people on youtube alone. I forget they even stream to youtube.
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Akumabros are

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how the fuck do i get good. playing for 10 years and i havent learned anything. seriously help
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I just want some unique non human characters that isn't a Devil or Bear
if it wasn't physical i would have hope it would be soon
too many games coming out, just want to know how to schedule my purchases
Never liked fatfuck cholonigger aris ever since he slobbed LTG's knob back in '14
hey alright
enjoy getting assraped by marduk in ranked I guess
Why are you such a faggot?
>how the fuck do i get good.
its legitimately over for you
nice projection lil bro maybe you'll get your scrimblos next year
i thought he was greek
Because you type like a faggy Reddit queer and I felt like I had to make fun of you.
The final character of season 1 has been leaked already.
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>tfw i don't give a flying fuck about streamers, the commentators, or any other e-celeb
EVO doesn't pay him comparably when he could make more streaming from his room
Saudis pay him big money
He's committed to the goblin life
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Is Aris a big Tekken 8 fan?
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the shilling for the hxh game is crazy for its presentation and production value, are they really expecting big fighting players to play this shit for more than two weeks?
Yeah I hope the leaks are real and they dont announce some scrimblo like Anna
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You will get the rat and you will like it Jiyuna.
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Based unibro
I think that's a troon on the KoF stream
i thought scoprion from MK was the big reveal for tekken
no he got mindbroken by Harada
Well I hate to be that guy but I've never been to reddit. Sorry I triggered you by saying "methinks" I guess. Didn't know it would make people seethe.
no, he likes SF6 and Murray spends his weekends on his stream talking with him
He talks hard shit about it but still watches.
So like every tekken fan.
>speculating on an announcement
jesus christ just wait
yeah, playing fucking Mok though so it'll be a quick wrap
People really like Marvel 3.
it looks like a game that would've been fun to play 20 years ago, alongside that Naruto fighter on the gamecube
i know
I hope that girl dressed as Alex is a girl.
It’s already been leaked. It’s the Rat that pisses herself.
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Watch out for chuds this weekend y'all
that depends... you have better pics of THIS particular version of the rat, or you only have this pic?

in any case, im ok with R because i have my sheepy bigtit waifu Anila already.
Fucking Americans embarrassing the FGC as always, just skip to Mexico vs East Asia kino
>has been bad for 10 years
There isnt any helping you, find a different hobby to enjoy
robo ky is sick
supporting 8ing is people's only hope for a new marvel
but yeah it's going to be BTFO by 2XKO for better or worse
based tekken community
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3s stream in shambles
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Her regular form is already in the game as an avatar/helper, this is her party girl install which is the one that's gonna be playable.
Wish they picked a shounen I actually gave a shit about.
>Granblue gets a polished fighting game, even though it's a "literal who" IP (I don't give a fuck if it's popular in Asia)
>HxH has dogshit graphics and animation due to a super low budget
>We are still stuck with a PS3 game as our JoJo fighter
>DBFZ is well... DBFZ
>One Punch Man fighter is ass
>No Yu Yu Hakusho fighter
>No Baki fighter
>No One Piece fighter (anime is shit, but a fighter would be GOATed)
>No Big-0 mech fighter
>No Cyborg 009 fighter
>No Lupin fighter
>No Samurai Champloo fighter
>Capcom Vs. Tatsunoko abandoned
>Still SOMEHOW no Jump fighting game, 2d, done right

Anime fighters living in the actual worst timeline.
what happened?
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Gas all shonentards
Vikala is cool in my book she can potentially have a fun moveset with her bear trap friend, maybe some install with her utopia and a burnout losing the rat ears
I just want an anime game with a good air dash
you forgot
>no ippo fighter
you talk like battle shonen deserves anything good
>sweep spam
now this is my neutral heavy street fighter
DBFZ is the only one in a good spot.
ASBR is a crying shame because of its unplayable online and the fact that they re-did all the voices and they all sound worse.
I wanted Keicho and Prosciutto in that game for years but the price was too damn high.
>Ippo fighter
Victorious Boxers 1&2 were fucking amazing, and I doubt they'd be able to recapture the feel of those games.
maybe you should give some thought about
>who's going to publish every title and pay for licensing on top
>who's going to develop every title
>who's going to buy every title plus season passes
>who's going to play every title so it has legs and doesn't disappear in a sea of fighters
you dumbfucks act like games fall out of trees
Bring back Inflitration
Japs had him canceled because he kept embarrassing them
bet i could still beat you faggot
>he thinks people won't buy a polished anime fighter that has a popular IP attached
>places DFBZ on table
commentator mics are way too quiet
everytime they cut to the players on the stage, the stage mic btfo out the audio
they keep fucking up the audio tracks so the video feed will be on the commentators with no voice audio while playing the game audio.
total dei shit show
I will never be good at fighting games...
seriously his wife must've fucked a hundred other guys since then just bring the dude back
Imagine being in the FGC while having a wife and son. You're already better at life than 99% of everyone who has ever signed up for pools.
This post has a WEAK AURA
The CR adverts reminds me last year when EVO streams got flagged for showcasing JJK Season 2 adverts due to copyright strikes lol
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theres no need to keep embarrassing yourself further anon
Did Redblade drop Wagner?
Does he even play UNI anymore?
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Can't make this shit up.
me on the left
alright fuck I'll go back to playing Elden Ring
is there a top 8 happening tonight?
log on fightcade then PUSSY!
shame that the autist missed, would've loved to see you fags crying
israel reference?
No it's top 6 because they are greedy and they are happening tomorrow
Yeah, but that's dragonball. You think any of the other series listed are on the same level of popularity? At least worldwide.
can justin settle on one hair color already?
I've heard its some numale at Hitbox who has made this his life mission:

>"Our sponsor HitBox had made a condition to not allow Infiltration to enter this tournament in order to proceed with the event."

In addition to UltraJew and James Chen wanting to cash in during the MeToo thing, which feels like a lifetime ago already
According to some anons, all he does nowadays is cry on discord about the modern state of UNI (where Wagner is balanced).
Dragon Ball isn't anime; it's Dragon Ball
not spoonfeeding your retarded rollslopping ass
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>they realized that people were just telling everyone who the dlc character was and announced her
One Piece could do it. But that's it.
you guys will never make me hate steve
It's twelve tiem
HxH? JoJo?? ONE PIECE??? Brother, DragonBall ain't even the biggest anime
All I know is that he plays Arc in MBTL.
No idea why no one else does, she's annoying.
oh yeah? watch this
>still no names
you think a POLISHED fighter just shows up out of nowhere as if talented dev studios don't have other projects they need to choose between.
one of the issues with licenses is that they are not your IPs and we see this issue time and time again with capcom crossovers and dragon ball which has deteriorated relationships between arc sys and bamco.
cygames used their gacha profits to make GBVS. it's their own game using arc sys engine.
8ing are a bunch of mercenaries and bushiroad has reported massive losses recently, nen impact seems like the best they each could do but it at least continues their vs tatusnoko and vs marvel lineage, literally reusing many of the same interactions and mechanics
aight i need to chill replying to idiots in this thread
my goodness why does 12 even exist as a character, look at his fucking damage
When is she out? I'll reinstall the game to play her.
HxH and JoJo are not bigger the DB but One Piece probably is.
imagine going to evo and getting knocked into the lower bracket by a twelve player
he barely does
who the fuck is 12
All the real ones are cancelled.
one piece isnt bigger than db
Early august probably, no exact date yet.
>Sailor Moon
>Ranma 1/2
>Rurouni Kenshin
>Shaman King/SK FLOWERS
>Yuyu Hakusho
>Even fucking Air Gear!

all of them, ALL OF THEM, are shonen titles WAY better than HunterXHunter, and yet HXH is the one thats planning to revive MvC? gimme a break!
>le hecking drumpf deserved to die!
lmaoing at ur life
this is a +18 website
Countries all across the world dropped what they were doing and reported on Toriyama's death when it happened. Fucker got his own holiday after his death in some spic countries. Dragonball is fucking huge.
based Twelve piloting the Enola Gay towards that Jap
I miss chris hu
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not after what he did
I read that whole wall of autism and I still have no idea what you were trying to say. I'll break it down for you. Competent studio + big budget + big anime IP = raw cash. It's been proven.
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Stop bullying this Ken player!
in Japan it definitely is but maybe not world wide.
>no names
ok retard, go make some billions of dollars
i'll wait
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Why does this look like a 3DS game? I get that they're using their old tech but Mahvel looked much better. Do they have literally no budget for the game or did all the talent leave the company?
Yes. All of these old fuck politicians deserve to be six feet in the ground.
>no response
lmao stream monsters dont play fighting games its been proven
I dont even play 3s im just telling you the truth that you should quit if youre that shit at a game. it aint my fault your ego got hurt over that comment, thats probably a big reason why you never improved
Glad you finally figured that out, you sweet summer child. Now act on it and go back.
true but Americans are too chickenshit and incompetent to send the message
Well that's a shame, are there any other notably Wagner players at EVO?
>Arcsys engine.

petpeeve i know, but it is annoying hear people talk about shit they clearly dont know.

Arcsys has been using UE3, 4 and 5 as their engines of choice for their games since GGXrd, they dont use an inhouse engine. what Arcsys did was to create an implement a STYLE and a way to use the engine for fighting game making.
Some Wagner got washed by bmen on stream just now, wasn't all too impressive.
I don't keep up with the western scene but IIRC mario is a Wagner player and I don't think the german wagner player is around either, I could be wrong on both of those.
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do go on talking about japanese comics for children in a fighting game thread
retards in this board genuinely believe artstyle is dictated by the engine
the same retards always having a meltdown about RE engine
When's DNF Duel?
no budget, I remember reading that they got like 300k total to make it. the publisher apparently does that a lot, they get the rights to make something and then give out a miniscule budget to the devs, just enough for them to make a small profit and do it all again.
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>i dont even play 3s
didnt read the rest fucking LOL.
>all he does nowadays is cry on discord about the modern state of (an Anime Fighter)
Wow like 90% of washed up GG BB and Uni fags huh
average /v/ poster doesn't know anything about engines
like, some anons assume that capcom games look the way they do because of RE engine (particularly when it comes to how the human characters look), rather than deliberate artistic decisions
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Asuka wins!
because no one cares about subpar IP's to give budget, and they know people that consume this shit have no standards
I'm tempted to buy Nen Impact just to support it. Hopefully it could get a big graphics update down the line or something... hopefully...
People sometimes talk about "fighing" or "battle" engines when it coems to fighting games, regardless of what underlying game engine the developers have used for their game. In the same way what ArcSys has built on top of UE could be called the "ArcSys engine", I suppose.
Footfags not welcome.
is Jenet playable at the cotw play test?
>i havent improved in 10 years
do people really?
>arcsys + eighting
only thing you'll get are more ToDs
bump limit my dudes
Yeah, just saw that Wagner get raped, wish prompted me to ask about Redblade. Holy fuck, feels like all Wagner players disappeared into the aether come UNI2.
in some sense it is, because most devs just use the default shaders in the engine
Also some engines such as Unreal have limitations in their shaders due to catering strictly to AAA realistic games. Which can be worked around but require some alteration of the source code
Arcsys is just publishing the game. Just like with DNF Duel, the gameplay is all Eighting.
>subpar IPs
Hunter X Hunter is one of the best mangas of all time. It's a dark and profound story hidden behind a child-like outer shell. Give a chance and you'll see what I mean
It's a MvC clone like with DBFZ the shilling is more organic than the UNI, Granpoo, DNFD hype campaigns.
>but yeah it's going to be BTFO by 2XKO for better or worse
The game's aren't even in direct competition when the latter comes out 2 years from now at the earliest.
>Hunter X Hunter is one of the best mangas of all time
Wait you arent serious are you?
cool #10231239 /a/ larp
see >>683138597
there's a reason arcsys sells off their talents to other studios
anyway you guys have good EVO threads
i'm done with you retards, i bet none of you even play fighting games
No budget
New thread

4 Yuns, and 2 Chuns
and among manga, no IP is as subpar as HxH is. theres dozens of better titles out there that deserve a good fighting game. god knows why they decided to go with HxH of all of them.

and whats worse, this is the game thats marking the return of the devs AND team behind MvC3 and Tatsunoko Vs Capcom. and THATS the IP they want to open their return with?
Is it actually leaked that Vikala is the next character? I might have a reason to play dogshit rising if so. does that exploit still work or was it patched?
no, this season last character is Versusia. i dont think they are gonna announce a new character after this.
Nobody that can get good has ever asked how you get good, if you can form the thought it's already over
pat sajam
There are 6 characters. Versusia is 5. There's one more character and her name call in Kat's announcer pack was leaked along with Versusuia way back.
nice e-retards shilling
this and SF6 games can go by so fast... I'll be watching the recording because it's going to be atleast 60% ads and dead air
>no Smash

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