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>STILL no bonfire ascetics
Give it up, anon. We're never ever getting any of the good changes that DS2 made or attempting to fix the shit changes it did that had potential. The fanbase made sure to make it abundantly clear to the devs that they never want anything remotely like the first three games ever again.
Oh? What kind of good changes? Besides bonfire ascetics, as OP mentioned.
ADP, different enemy placements in NG+ instead of just stat inflation, covenant of champions, rewards for no death and no bonfire runs, voice chat, small soapstone,
Less i-frames when interacting with shit so you can't just rush to a boss door. Not that it matters with Elden Ring anyway since there's always a grace right outside the boss door.
Messmer at the centre of every promotional image.
Turns out he is just the midpoint boss of the DLC.
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We're being punished because of cattle hating on the most innovative From game, Dark Souls 2.
>NG+ changes
>rewards for doing challenge runs like no bonfires
>focus on builds that actually impact gameplay through stats
>NPC invaders being unique encounters instead of either copy pasted generic player copy or Crowsteel #345
>Powerstancing even between different weapon types, very varied weapons in general
>Attunement instead of making casters level Dex too
>Durability having tradeoffs and being a resource you spend, stronger weapons have less durability and use it to activate special attacks so there's incentives to have something offhand unlike future games
>NPC quest lines have safeguards, can still complete them and access shops even if you kill NPCs
To name a handful.
ADP sucked fucking balls.
He's like 75% in, just like Lady Maria.
Artorias is a midpoint boss and was the face of the DS1 DLC.
Having your iframes change throughout the entire game whenever you level up. Was not a good thing because it meant you never got to perfectly familiarize yourself with a specific iframe window. Which is no improvement.
But Messmer is like the third boss. Or the second, with Rellana being super easy to circumvent if you just take like one of the 4 paths around her castle.
That argument only makes sense if you assume that the game is balanced and built around rolling, which it isn't. That's even ignoring that ADP is not the only stat that increases Iframes.
Yes, anon. You can also fight Morgott as one of your first bosses despite the fact that he's designed as a mid/late-game boss because it's an open world game. Messmer is still intended to be a late-game boss.
>That argument only makes sense if you assume that the game is balanced and built around rolling, which it isn't.
It isn't. But the stat is.
And the stat fucks with the iframe windows. Which is not a good thing.
The map Freya gives you points in two directions. Towards Divine Beast liondog. Which is a dead end. And towards Rellana.
The path beyond Rellana leads straight to Messmer. But I guess there is a porcupine hippo in-between them.
No he isn't you retard. You're meant to find him early. He's balanced around scadu level 8 or so.
It's not a bad thing, either. The game is not rollslop. It doesn't ask you to dodge 15 attack combos. You don't need perfect precision timing on your rolls. You can avoid most attacks with blocking and positioning.
>yes I will follow the map in a straight line as I have programmed to do beep boop
You know it's an open world game that encourages exploration, right?
>explore around
>pass arbitrary threshold
>NPC quests all break
>But the stat is.
That's not the sole thing ADP does, and you're ignoring the context of the whole game. Stat points in general are far more plentiful in DS2 with higher soft caps and less souls needed to level. It's not as simple as just saying it's a mandatory stat drain, least of all because rolling is optional and can be powered up with Attunement instead.

>And the stat fucks with the iframe windows. Which is not a good thing.
Agility is what changes the amount of Iframes to be crystal clear, but how so?
This is a humiliation ritual thread so anons can bully the lolcow draganirian into suicide.
That's a problem Fromsoft has had since DS1 and it amazes me they still haven't reworked the abhorrent quest system.
>You don't need perfect precision timing on your rolls.
You don't. But the player should still be aware of what the iframe window is.
The dumb thing is. The iframe window is completely obscured because there is nothing visual that gives away what the iframe window actually is. Instead they've kept the iframe window hidden, making it so that the players just have to get a feel of it through trial and error.
But when the size of the window constantly changes due to stat changes. Then the trial and error process starts over every single time.
>no sceptics spice
Hitting every cap is for bad players
ADP was good but this was back when bosses could be evaded with smart positioning instead of just iframing through a barrage of 11 consecutive attacks.
None of those things are good outside of maybe different enemy placement on NG+ and I still largely prefer stat buffs
A worse warming stone has no business requiring 70 faith
Having to sacrifice 20 levels just to obtain the same amount of invincibility you had in Demon's Souls and Dark Souls. As well as all the later games. Was not good.
Why do Dark Souls 2 fans love having to invest 20 levels for this?
>Smart positioning
There's nothing smart about DS2, it's just that DS2 "bosses", or any enemy really, are a sad joke
That's ironically what happens in the DLC if you follow the map rather than explore for no specific indicator
>pumping this stat to not die early on is bad game design! its poo! i hate it!
>oh look my built just hit 40 vig now i can pump damage numbers fuck yes gamer time
Adp is for timinglets
I miss the weight-roll ratio of Ds2 so fucking much brehs
bull, 10 was all you really "needed" at most.
I miss rolls using up a big chunk of stamina.
They are aware, because AGL only adds Iframes to the end of the roll. The timing for when to roll is always exactly the same, the only thing that changes is the tail end effectiveness and the direction that you're able to roll in order to avoid specific attacks (because you'll have Iframes later you don't have to avoid attacks physically). What this achieves is naturally teaching the player how to actually roll and incentivises players to engage in other defensive strategies instead of relying on it, the downside to this stat has always been massively exaggerated.
defend 40 vig faggotry, which is not only accepted, but if expected from fromsoft faggots
>screenshot from DS game
>hp bar isnt all way across screen
>I still largely prefer stat buffs
>I'm also autistic and retarded
Yeah, I figured. I kind of expected to ditch new challenges and rewards in favor of "same thing but bigger number".
Everyone expects it if you suck ass and can't play without getting hit which is most people, what is there to defend?
>defend 40 vig faggotry
What do you mean? I played the entire game, DLC included. With vig 10.
I genuinely don't even understand the vigor autism that everyone cries about.

I never needed to expand my max HP in Demon's Souls. Never needed to in Dark Souls. And I never felt a need to in Elden Ring.
Why do people think Elden Ring is different? It never seemed different to me.

But you don't need 40 vigor to get a Dark Souls length healthbar. So it's not really equivalent to begin with.
So theres no problem with ADP and if you cry about the iframes in DS2 you're just a shitter? Glad we agree.
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>On NG+
>New challenges
The game is pathetically easy as is and you think shuffling some enemies around for slightly different ganks you're not really going to engage with in the first place is a new challenge?
Prove it
DS2 added so many good mechanics to the game, it's a shame they didn't keep these things for future games because you guys whined too much and we got the reactionary "hey remember THIS from DS1 guys???" dark souls 3 instead which was a huge step backwards for the series
>fuck i hate it when my stats affect the things I do in RPGs
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DS2 had the best fashion.
Just because you don't engage with the gameplay in vidya doesn't mean other people won't.
You're a boring shield player. No one cares.
I looked it up and apparently this item just increases the difficulty of the enemies in the bonfire's area. I don't see the appeal. Seems kinda basic.
It respawns bosses if you wanna fight them again without going into ng+
Action RPGs are action first, RPG second. Basic mechanics should have static timings.
why do niggers lie on the internet
>Unironically defending runback time
Every boss room should have a site of grace or at least a stake of Marika close to the entrance.
A game needs to provide any semblance of challenge to be engaging which DS2 does not deliver in the slightest.
Ohhh wait a second, now the lauded and critically acclaimed "strategic" approach of DS2 where you're supposed to use "spacing" and "smart movement" suddenly isn't a thing anymore and you can totally fight something like 10 heide knights at once without splitting them up?
And here I thought Elden Ring bad because you have actual crowd control and you can actually fight dozens of enemies at once.
>Action RPGs are action first, RPG second.
This is a purely subjective opinion.

>Basic mechanics should have static timings.
They all do in DS2. All the stat changes to item speed usage, casting speed, roll Iframes, etc only change the back end. Every single start up animation and the timing for use is identical no matter the level of stat investment you have.
Cool, but that's a crutch. You should be able to re-fight bosses with anything NG+ related. Just make them don't drop runes or items.
There's some really shitty runbacks like Seethe the Scaleless but dying to bosses should have more punishment than just popping back out and trying again. The reason they added stakes and closer graces in ER though is just because almost every boss is overtuned as fuck.
Yes, I agree. But aescetics are the only thing From have added to even remotely give you that opportunity (aside from Memories in Sekiro), and it's only in DS2.
>non-sequitur bullshit
ok bro
Not so fun when they turn your own bullshit against you, uh?
Part of the boss encounter is unlocking shortcuts and optimizing your route so you get to the boss with enough resources to get the kill. Like the other anon said stakes are shitty design to bandaid the overtuned bosses.
If I wanted a boss rush game I would not be playing this game.
I was challenged quite a lot, specially through the DLCs, myself.
DS2 is shit, fuck you.
Not an argument.
Well according to you the game is just ganks, so in your reality adding better ganks with stat buffs would increase the difficulty yeah.

There is no situation at all where you fight that many enemies without the player causing it, shitposter-kun.
All this stat talk and muh NG+ means barely anything when DS2 itself is a fucking bog to play.
>I dont engage with this anyway!
>>Your opinion is not the end all be all
what are you even fucking retarding about you dislocated pajeet faggot
Nah. I didn't play a lot of DS1, but having to go through a bunch of enemies to get to the gargoyle or the past version of the Omenkiller was cancer.
>Actual difficulty is just finding out who has the biggest lifebar
The most difficult part about DS2 bossfights is resisting the urge to uninstall and ask for a refund when they had to sheer audacity to define something like Prowling Magus or Royal Rat Authority as "bosses"
>There is no situation at all where you fight that many enemies without the player causing it, shitposter-kun.
There is actually and I can name every instance. It's called the entirety Dark Souls 2, a broken piece of shit that's a fan mod at best and a setback for the series at worst.
Very compelling argument, however actually that's how Dark Souls 1 is designed and why it ruined the Demon's Souls formula. DS2 actually fixes it.
>DS1 poser faggots run around with no armor RTSR setup 2shotting bosses and 3000 iframes rolling around like monumental faggots in a slow game, proclaiming themselves gods of videogaming, git gud, prepare to die, HARDCORE DERK SERLS GAME YEAH BRO
>japs dont into memes
>japs make DS2 actually hard
>all the shitters crap their pants and cry bad game
>also they shit up the graphics for bad consoles, rip lighting mechanics
DS2 in a nutshell.
>DS2 actually hard
>has the slowest, most braindead enemies and bosses in the series
None of them approach even Gwyn.
>slowest most braindead
and yet people are screaming bloody murder that they have to dump 20 levels into iframes to dodge them?
That's DS3 sweetie.
Bonfire Ascetics were a shitty idea only introduced to solve a problem that they made by making enemies die off if you killed them enough.
>Level up and put stats into VIG or VIT
>Health increases
>You know exactly how much more damage you can take
>Level up and put stats into ADP
>Agility increases
>Your iframes when rolling (maybe) increase from ??? to ???

>Enemy attacks
>Dodge it properly
>Did you dodge it because you leveled ADP? Or would you have rolled at the right time anyway?
>You'll never know
>Enemy attacks
>Mistime it, get hit mid roll
>Would you have dodged it if you leveled ADP? Or was the roll timing so off you'd get hit regardless?
>You'll never know

ADP was simply a bad idea.
I kind of liked ADP making using items faster. But that could have been rolled into another stat or something.
That's a good thing. If you don't want to roll then you don't need to level ADP.
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Why did you assume I was lying?
>>pumping this stat to not die early on is bad game design!
But that's not the issue. The issue is that the iframe window is invisible. Which means your only means to familiarise yourself with it is through experience.
But that familiarity is reset every time the value changes. You can spend hours playing with a certain iframe window. But your familiarity with the iframe window changes so all that experience is then worth nothing. At least as far as your familiarity with the iframe window is concerned.
That could have just been rolled into Dexterity, which makes more sense anyway. Casting speed would later be governed in part by DEX anyway, may as well lump in equipment speed
You could make the same argument for almost every other stat that affects gameplay.
>Was that actually an opening to cast a spell, or did you just happen to level Dex/ATN enough for it to be fast enough?
>Would you be able to heal here if you just leveled ADP a few more levels, or is that simply not a big enough opening for an estus flask sip?
>Did you actually time that Iframe that dodge perfectly, or did investing in Equipment Load lengthen your roll enough that you physically avoided the entire hitbox instead?
You're blaming the game for things you can just test and learn naturally in the moment during the game itself.
>>Did you actually time that Iframe that dodge perfectly
If you've spent the entire game familiarizing yourself with one and the same iframe window. Then you'd probably be able to answer this.
But when the window changes with every single stat increase throughout the game. Probably not.
same argument for vig, retard
>replay game
>get 1shot by attack
>30 vig insted of 40
ur durr i dont understand
>but it changes the invisib-
1: Pick a fucking agil and get it. Same as fucking vig at start.
2: As said many times, the iframes are added at the end. Git Gud and stop dodging late and hoping your stat investment saves you from bad.
>same argument for vig, retard
No it's not. Because the game gives you both visual healthbar at the top of the screen. As well as explicit and precise HP numbers.
Where is all that for the iframe windows?
>it shows your HP bar!
so you know if you have enough vig to take a hit because your HP bar goes down when you get hit.
agil applies same way
>do i have enough agil?
i dont know
did you get hit?
then no, you dont have enough agil to cover being a shitter. get more.
just like vig.
And if I play a good Souls game and want to roll, I don't need to level it either.
I don't get the point of bringing duel wielding back only to nurf the unique parts of it into oblivion. Now it's only good for poise breaks.
This. The reason DeS and DS1 are looked back on like they are isn’t that they’re great action games, it’s that they’re great adventure games. Trudging through the blighttown swamp is a part of fighting quelaag. She and the area combined are a memorable encounter, she probably wouldn’t have been on her own (see if anyone gives a fuck about romina in 3 months). Separating them into discrete level and then boss fight isolates and subsequently cheapens both.
Wait, is that really how that game works? So if you are a shitter and keep dying, enemies will eventually stop spawning?
>just like vig.
No. Because with vig you actually know how much damage you took. Because the game doesn't keep HP invisible.
Join champions covenant or w/e its called, been a while, then shit keeps spawning forever.
>but that makes the game ha-
What are you
But people can answer this, you're just biased and don't know how games work.
The first half of your roll will always be exactly the same, no stats will ever change the initial dodge timing at all. The only part that's affected is the recovery Iframes, so logically anyone who isn't stupid will just put 1 and 2 together to figure out what happened. Even that's assuming the player isn't retarded enough to dodge in a direction where you finish the roll inside an attack animation in the first place, which is the single stupidest thing you could ever do in these games and the biggest sign that person is mentally deficient. The adjustments the player will make are made in regards to the post roll positioning and distance, not just trying to Iframe in one single position. The natural parts of the gameplay are intuitive.
>So if you are a shitter and keep dying, enemies will eventually stop spawning?
Well. It was probably implemented as a response to farming. As opposed to punishing players for dying too much. But yeah.
Kill the enemies enough and you'll be running through a ghost-town until NG+ or you burn the ascetics.
The only thing I remember about Romina is her having shitty hitboxes and nearly infinite poise for some reason
Yep. Or if you wanted to farm drops for something. I remember also clearing that room that had the guy that could trade boss souls for spells.
you can avoid a shitload of bosses by simply strafing, sprinting or crouching at the right spots
Do you really not understand the difference between visually being able to see the difference in speed when drinking or casting a spell, and a completely invisible increase in iframes, which might not even increase at all despite leveling ADP multiple times?
If you get hit and live with a sliver of health, you know it's because you leveled vig. If you roll and dodge at the last possible frame, you wouldn't know. If you dodge one frame too early, you wouldn't know.
>so logically anyone who isn't stupid will just put 1 and 2 together to figure out what happened
And they'll have to re-familiarize themselves with it every time. Because they don't know how much it improved.
With HP. You know. Because the game shows you in multiple ways. With both numbers and visuals.
>if you get hit you know you got hit because you got hit
>if you dont get hit you dont know if you would ahve got hit if you got hit but didnt get
ok youre actually just retarded
also we've had the literal iframe data for years now.
>but but the game should
the game shows you an HP bar that acts as a very vague representation of damage
tell me how much of that survive was your vigor, how much was your armor rating, how much was if the hit was increased from being mid action or not
you know
all the invisible shit of the damage fromula
stop crying
stop dodging late
git gud.
They stopped respawning after you killed them 15 times. You could bring them back (along with the area boss) with a bonfire ascetic. It cut back on farming, gave players a break for the boss runback, and also let people replay bossfights without having to do a whole playthrough.
What's ironic is that they discouraged farming, but bonfire ascetics were used to farm Giant Lord
DS2 had soul. Of course /v/edditors hate it. Most haven't even played it.
>DS2 had soul.
It does. So it's a real shame it also has Soul Memory. The by far worst design decision in the entire franchise.
Terrible animation quality is the opposite of soul
it fucks twink builds permanently kek
there’s an acceptable quantity of soul for polish trade off. Ds2 is like twice as soulful as Ds3, but it still plays like floaty garbage. I’ll always respect it for swinging and missing at some interesting ideas but gun to my head I’m gonna play the one that’s fun. Ds1 beats both though in terms of both gameplay and soul.
>Get agility to 92
>Ignore ADP forever past that
It was poorly explained just like resistance in the first game but ultimately it was just a stat sink
ds2 was fun
man DS2 really is the best isnt it
I don't think either of you understands how games actually work at all, let alone how these specific ones do. I imagine you'd also defend the other vague aspects of the game like weapon scaling as well, but only here is it an issue that the game doesn't explicitly spell it out for you.
What you're trying to argue is just a matter of the player's personal feelings, how it's perceived. For example in DS3 the Embers increase your hp significantly, while in DS2 regaining your humanity only returns 50% of your lost max hp. Both of these are functionally exactly the same and just as intuitive, but DS3 obviously feels better because it's a bonus and not healing a penalty.
If you want to argue that Agility feels like shit, that's fine, I'm not even going to argue against that. But the claim is specifically that it's an objectively badly designed mechanic, which neither you nor anyone else I've seen has ever actually provided a reason why that does not amount to just how it feels for them.
based anon
>they all do in ds2
WHich is why it sucks, noone likes it outside of weird Ultima Online tier losers. You can prop up bullshit all you want to defend your turd of a game, but it's shit. it's the o n l y game in their entire souls-esque catalog that feels like donkey dick to control your character. From basic movement/jumping to combat. It's not even "MUH CLUNKY" it's literally just not made well at all, with 0 fucking thought. And of course it's the one time miyazaki wasn't baby sitting til after the fact. You get bullshit 5+ enemy gank squads in elden ring, don't worry ds2 fags Tanimua hasn't forgotten how much you love "engaging" gameplay.
What a pathetic "boss"
>that shield
you didn't beat the game
Soul memory fucking sucked. Not because it stopped twinks that's fine, but it just made any kind of PvP horrible late game. Everyone would just run around with absurdly high stats and Havels armor and there was no way to stop your soul memory increasing so you'd eventually be put in the same category as 99 in all stats players.

No I don't care that SoTF introduced a ring that stopped you from getting souls to 'fix' that problem. That's a bandaid at best.
ds2 bosses are mostly pretty easy but i liek em
>PVP sucked in dark souls
HOLY FUCK sound the fucking alarm!
>NOOOO shiiiiit NOOOO shiiit
What the fuck are you even talking about?
For one. Soul Memory doesn't even stop twinks. Secondly. Soul Memory makes it so that you can't even buy armour pieces just for completion's sake without it artificially boosting your matchmaking level. Likewise you can't refill your arrows or whatever without it artificially boosting your matchmaking level. So if you use da bow or whatever instead of magic or melee weapons to dispose of regular mobs. Then you should just be in an artificially elevated match making pool I guess.

Fuck. It goes both ways even. Since you don't even need to spend the souls, be it for level ups or shops. It also inflates the matchmaking pools with shitters that have just died a bunch and neither spent souls on gear nor levels.

Soul Memory as it stands just incentivizes players to never spend Souls on anything that doesn't explicitly strengthen your character. No Souls for items you aren't planning on using. No upgrading different types of weapons to experiment for fun. Just play a straight line. Never drop your souls. Choose specific set of items/build. And never deviate. How is that good?
there were better summons and invasions for a start
invasions with multiple people at once, also invaders who would gesture and even summons who would try to show you interesting things like a real human bean (pointing to illusory walls, pointing to things you can interact with such as the windmill)
covenants were a lot cooler too, like the luna belfry and pharros covenants which existed 100% for gimmick PvP (so like your arenas, only not some gay shit that makes no sense, they fit it into the game world, but also kept an arena anyway for the invader centric covenant)
pharros lockstones were cool, so was the fragrant branch of yore, as a form of choose-your-own-progression type shit - similar to stonesword keys only not really, those just unlocked doors and nothing else
the statue that showed how many people had died worldwide or just yourself if you were offline
power stancing, which wasn't quite the same with elden ring, that was just dual wielding (however elden rings paired weapons was great)
interesting rings, probably the most interesting in the series
don't get me wrong, dark souls II FUCKED UP in more ways it succeeded, soul memory, adaptability and vitality alone outstrips any good that game did, but the game itself isn't complete shit
I really think From needs to pair down their boss animations. I’m started to glaze over when the guy I”m fighting inevitably starts cartwheeling. Enemy silhouette the used to be indicative of how the enemy would move, which gave each well designed boss a unique feeling when you fought them. This is still sometimes the case but more often than not it isn’t. They have 4 string sword swings until phase 2 where they start leaping into the air and corkscrewing at you, then spam an AOE. It’s fine in a vacuum but almost every single boss, no matter how they appear, follows those patterns. Even DS2, famed sword guy fight sim had the good sense to throw unique gimmicks in with the similar sword patterns to differentiate each guy. In Elden Ring from has never had a more diverse LOOKING cast of enemies but they feel so homogenous to kill that I couldn’t really feel it.
You're complaining about NOTHING.
>invasions with multiple people at once
i want to clarify i mean NPC invasions here, not just like "wow you can be invaded by two people at once!"
there's an invasion or two which causes many enemies to appear in one go instead of just one npc, which is interesting
But if you use a bow for everything. You'll easily consume many, many thousands across a playthrough.
uhm, sir
sir please understand
i do not want to be in the upper tiers of soul memory with baddies who have died a lot
i require only the top peak chads to carry me through my 4048th playthrough of dark souls 2.
Ontop of what others mentioned I loved how everyone can be invaded period. It made invasions happen only rarely but when they happened it was a guy who wasn't geared to the teeth to rape a ganksquad, it was just a guy like me
They try to distance themselves from the abomination that was DS2 and rightfully so
>covenants were a lot cooler too, like the luna belfry and pharros covenants which existed 100% for gimmick PvP (so like your arenas, only not some gay shit that makes no sense, they fit it into the game world, but also kept an arena anyway for the invader centric covenant)
I have a very positive memory of those.
But I also remember how I played the Belfry thing for quite a while because it kept giving me stuff for my Faith build. But by the time I had gotten the Sunlight Spear. The game had already vomited a million souls at me or however many Souls it was you needed to apparently ignore the game's Great Souls and related bosses.
And that Heirs of the Sun covenant or whatever gave you tons and tons of Souls just for winning a singular encounter for the medals.

So when I arrived at the gate to the castle for the first time. The path was simply open. And I never even realized it was meant to be locked in the first place. And I kept wondering just what the Great Souls were even for. I was super confused.
Yeah these would be great.
What the fuck was the Dancing Lion bullshit?! I was just running around panicking while it was having a seizure and ended up killing it. I don't know what the fuck I did, how I knew when to jump over the lightning waves, or why it was spawning ice at me.
Sounds like you're just a panic rolling retard
The only boss with a nonsensical moveset is Consort Radahn
You can download every other moveset of you pay attention
I just fought it again yesterday
I remember a squirming mass of limbs and cloth taking up half the screen, not knowing what was going on since the camera got clipped on the wall nearby. Found out a few seconds later that I was caught in its grab, getting chewed up and spit out, dying with 9 flasks left.
Bravo, From, truly game of the century
>having to
breh lmaooo
Sorry anon. DaS2 was highly criticized so the baby gets thrown out with the bath water.
Rest in peace, Attunement/Mind deciding casting speed instead of fucking Dexterity.
>mages referred to as finger wigglers
>faster fingers shouldnt mean faster spell casting
are you retarded
yeah those belfry covenants and pharros covenants would give you useful shit in return for participating in them
like the forest covenant in dark souls 1, you could kill a dude and get a random reward
i remember hitting the belfry a ton for titanite chunks back in the day
they even had upgraded phantom visuals when you'd protected 100 hosts, killed 100 hosts or been successfully summoned and killed the boss as a sunbro, you'd go become more shiny and ethereal which was cool too
also shit like a sunbro invading made them red and gold, and they'd attempt to invade non-sunbro hosts first
it was all good stuff
elden ring massively lacks covenants it fucking sucks
>no carian knight covenant that gives FP related consumables (such as a large starlight shard for lots of FP regen) for successful defences of carian manor and raya lucaria
>no great lord covenants so you can invade as a godrick / radahn / cuckoo / gelmir / haligtree whatever knight against players in the area, earning you more lordsworn gear and armor that is better than the shit you can loot
>no destined death covenant that does something interesting like killing enemies in the area until they've got enough corpses to "lie with" which also spreads and makes the area boss more dangerous for a while
>no madness covenant that engages in pvp but the goal isn't to kill hosts and summons but merely inflict madness on them once to spread chaos which is how "yellow embers" are made for upgrading and making frenzy specific equipment
i miss covenants bros
Invaders actually having a chance against hosts (in spite of invaders in ds2 not being able to use estus or healing items).
PvP that didn't involve rollspam. Meaningful NG+ and many divergent ways to tackle the first half of the game.
No it doesnt lmao
I remember using endgame boss weapons against low lvl hosts thanks to the agape ring and beating the game without leveling
>>mages referred to as finger wigglers
No they are not.
>fingerprint shield
lmfao do it without one next time. dont even have to learn movesets with that thing up.
Its much easier using the fingerprint shield.
>Invaders actually having a chance against hosts
This is never ever coming back.
Yes it is.
>another "guts" ultra greatsword summon
>summon them
>immediately kick them
Radahn has one of the easier movesets to understand in the DLC
>That argument only makes sense if you assume that the game is balanced and built around rolling, which it isn't.
but it is. every single attack in the game is rollable.
god you're retarded
it adds up, having to buy items every once in a while will absolutely add up to hundreds of thousands of souls in the long run
It will not. Every item from every vendor might get you to 100,000 but late game bosses give 400,000 and more.
You either didn't do half the content or lost most of your runes dying. There are no other options.
>utterly pointless stat that you need to dump points into to make the game feel slightly less shit

why are ds2 fags like this
>50% load was faster than 60%
>40% load was faster than 50%
>30% load was faster than 40%
I want to go back bros
Maldron my glorious king...
They were groomed by pedophiles and part of grooming is an ego death.
If someone is so fucked that they need to farm, do we really need to punish them further?
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Miyazaki needs to retire.
Who is Miyazaki?
the mastermind behind
>Dark Souls
>Dark Souls
>Dark Souls (spooky)
>Dark Souls (fast)
>Dark Souls (ninja)
>Dark Souls
no wonder DS2 had so much cut content when they were wasting pointless man-hours on crap like that that you can't even see when you're playing normally
Why did that femanon bring him up though?
>every single attack in the game is rollable
Every single attack in the game is blockable and the vast majority can be avoided without doing either of those too, what's your point?
>Artorias is a midpoint boss
Is my memory just trash. Or isn't he straight up the first DLC boss?
>its bad when ds2 does it
Well yeah. DS2 is a kuso most of what it did was bad.
That's DS3 sweetie.
>terminal insecurity
lol just like the pastas!
>no new ending
I didn't even buy this DLC and even I am disappointed
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She might be inviting you to do a humiliation ritual on her, it is just like the pasta.
>Or isn't he straight up the first DLC boss?
There's Sanctuary Guardian. AotA is a pretty short DLC in general, it's two areas
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The game has an entire area heavily inspired by a DS2 area
lol no.
lol yes
In what world does Das2 have worse animations than the series that uses the same damn ones since Demon's Souls.
The one where our eyes work.
This. His 3 hit combo can fuck right off though.
>Can only dodge it if you use a random talisman, dodge it frame perfectly, happen to be on uneven ground, parry it, or block it.
What the actual fuck were they thinking? It's literally the one move that's ruining this fight for me right now.
can you show me an example then? im not trying to argue but ive seen the same animations in every one of these games.
that combo is complete utter bullshit and anyone who tries to defend it is lying
you simply cannot dodge the whole thing unless react almost immediately to the first swing within about 10 frames
And most of that is % of max hp, so you really don't know the flat damage value.
I've only been able to reliably deal with it by using the backdash talisman, exclusively punishing with 1-2 light attacks and then back stepping to avoid whatever his next attack is. it only really bites me in the ass when he does the stomp, but the rest of that string is easy to avoid and the chip isn't that bad. My squishy spellsword can't fucking use a shield. I tried.
the sekiro deflect tear is also amazing on that attack, it turns it from undodgeable into an attack that you want him to spam a lot
but that kind of exposes how bs it is, since rolls have the set frame windows they simply are not fast enough compared to the gimmicks
I forgot about that tear and that was the way I dealt with Radahn as a whole my first playthrough of the DLC. Whoops.
Frombros... they're mocking us >>683264170
>His disingenuous post isn't getting enough (you)'s, so he tracks down a dying elden ring thread to false flag.
Really not helping tendies look less psychotic.

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