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Anti AI fags keep lossing againts technology.

Vidya gaems?
what is this
Good morning sars
the future.
tell me when it can do something other than generic anime girls
New hiv diagnosis as well?
Chris thread
Fuck off, retard
You don't know what it is, do you?
>the future is back to low poly.
unironically based
Well, the luddites always lose.
>not even AI can help chris
>Naughty Dog openly plagiarizes textures and character designs from everywhere
>People love them
>Devs begin to generate art based on plagiarized data sources
>People seethe.
Why is it like this? Are democrats stupid?
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I made it using AI.
You're a bit too optimistic for your own good.
kill yourself cris
Who is Chris, someone from Drawthreads?
>goat legs
Yeah, it shows. Looks like crap.
It's good as a reference to model from.
the absolute state
Have you ever made money off your work?
like 300 usd.
That’s not how you make hands, piece of crap software.
You know. If you actually knew what you were doing and fixed up the imperfections so it wouldn't look like shit, you would have more ground to to show that AI can be a helpful tool rather than just a means of being lazy.
oof, why bother at this point then? That's how much I make off 2 hours worth of work
A worker here makes 5 usd per day of wagecuckery.
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Do not be afraid.

>make slop
>looks like slop
im so fucking impressed
you made slop
kill yourself cris
>Who is Chris, someone from Drawthreads?
a literal schizo who shitposts on game dev threads, refuses to listen to advice and has no progress over the span of a decade
For like a decade of work?
You think having a model to use as a baseline within a matter of minutes isn't helpful?
I used as a 3D reference, which is better than using 2D views.

So far, AI is perfect for quickly generating the 3D reference.

like 2 weeks of work.
hes a retarded india man with hiv that lives with his mom what do you expect
it shows hahahahahahahahahahahahah
based af
alright, so how much money have you made during the decade you've been gamedeving?
I'm an AI artist of quite some renown, and I must say even here on 4chan it is actually quite appaling how vicious and toxic people can be towards us. I was expecting people on here to be a little more rational and level headed in the face of new technology, but nope. Will be interesting to see people looking back on the horrible things they said in the past just a few years from now.
I haven't been gamedeving as in a job.

I've been studying gamedev.

Study != making money.
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whats going on here?
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You nighas are in denial. Granted, I'm not happy about this AI shit, but put some sort of a matching "indie" filter in that shit and you wouldn't tell the difference. It's not you 3A hyper-slop, but soon it will be, and now it's still usable if you have some brains in your head.
chest goes beyond the shirt mesh.

It's classic low poly mesh clashing.

Needs some corrective shapekeys when animating.
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This is genuinely funny.
Lol, for all that effort he could've hired some Indian company to make models for him, not that it would look much better though.
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You can just go in and fix it in a couple minutes and save yourself literal hours of work. Are you niggers retarded?
you can literally make this without AI and it would only take an hour of youtube tutorials...
>those hands
yeah have fun spending time fixing the errors lmao
You are a prompter, not an artist.
>muh luddite inkcel
I'm not an artist and even think some of the AI tech looks promising.
mesh can't be fixed.
I have to do retopo by hand.
no, it's not
It's better than 2D views because you can rotate it, and It's faster than drawing them.
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>3D modeling will probably be kill soon

right now this works if you need some PS1 aberration, if you're prototyping stuff, or you're just a hobbyist

t. haven't used it

i made some ?mid? tier models using this just from the prompt. i could probably improve the texture too, some parts look incoherent, and as for fingers, yeah, forget about those
so do it
come back to us when it's fixed
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The most common cope right now is
>well it still needs a couple years but in a couple years it will be great

No, it's actually good enough right now. It's been good enough. Palworld can be created by a single person who knows how to put together a game right NOW and something like that is probably happening as we speak. I just think it's curious how people cope in different ways by implying it's not good enough right now and we still have x amount of months before we need to think about these technologies.
>Chris is actually real
holy fuck.
What program?
is that confirmed to be ai or is anon just being a faggot grifter
why did you fags add an h?
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bro we used to play games that looked like this
Learn how to read
>"Anti AI Fags"
this is your best one yet Chris
eventually you can use AI to fix the AI models looking like melted wax

Oh I am most definitely an artist. If that involves prompting so what? An artist that uses a drawing tablet is also an artist, not a "tableter".

>inb4 muh luddite inkcel

No, that is actually exactly what you are, so why don't you go ahead and shut the fuck up?
What the actual fuck are those vertices
Well, the problem is that it's the AI doing the drawing for you. The only thing you have control over is the description for the image, unless you use Photoshop.
>No, that is actually exactly what you are, so why don't you go ahead and shut the fuck up?
Except I explicitly said how I am not? I think AI is promising as a tool.
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>take a JPEG
>get a fully-functional 3D model
AI threads are so funny because you get to watch all the peabrained retards heckle from the peanut gallery at technological marvels that would've seemed like literal magic just a few years ago.
That topology is awful.
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kill yourself. NOW!
Good luck fixing that shit. Once you dissolve one thing the rest starts to become undone.
I find it funny how "human" jobs is the first ones that AI will take lol
Creativity was just mixing references and time it seems after all.
I don't know. It just seems like a good example of a game where mass producing characters would be ideal for a single developer.
But anon, it's not literally perfect yet. And it still needs human input. Who cares that it does 50+% of the work and is a useful tool for people who know what they are doing?
A bad reference is just that- a bad reference. Why would you use it as a basis for anything? You'll say "well it's better than nothing." Nigger, a base mannequin 3D model is better than nothing.
Just like AI of 2D images, it will look like an uninspired amalgamation of everything you put into it. and only serve to put the shittiest of artists out of a job.
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Look how clean this is.

>the problem is that it's the AI doing the drawing for you

A digital artist isn't drawing anything either, he's just telling the computer what pixels to color.

>I think AI is promising as a tool.

So start by respecting AI artists for what we are: artists.
An AI is much better at drawing now than most mediocre artists.

the point is saving time, and current tech is good enough.
>ooooo my epic AI SIIIIIRRRR have you heard of new pumbaji AI 5000??? veeeery much good yes you buy MANI AI big time! yes sir!
Ok? Videogames?
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wow you should use sopme clean needles too hiv is bad for you, yu know
Would you take your cope to its logical conclusion and say that a traditional artist isn't drawing, and is just telling a pencil what to mark in graphite?
That actually might not be the case in this thread. OP has to be trolling and is the only one being laughed at I think everyone knows AI is fully capable right now of producing assets. However even the cleanest generated models will still need touched up to avoid the dreaded slop moniker. I wouldn't even necessarily care if someone recognized something as AI generated but using sloppy stuff that seems only semi realized in some kind of dreamstate is the last remaining hurdle.
Based. Here's to hoping all the jobs at the top get automated away until all that's left are the 0.0001% owners, and people doing manual labor jobs because their bone and sinew is cheaper than machines.

1000 years of human misery beginning today. The future we all deserve.
>I find it funny how "human" jobs is the first ones that AI will take lol
>Creativity was just mixing references and time it seems after all.
This is unironically and objectively false. The proof of which is that if you feed AI its own output, in an effort to create more novel training data, you instead cause the AI to lower its own quality into a kind of downward spiral.

This means two things: 1) even when hand picked, there are still errors or noise getting through that may be invisible to us but which "poisons" the training data
2) the AI can never exceed its training data; it can never manage to create something that wasn't encompassed by its past experience, its output is definitively bounded by the training data.

This is actually a huge problem in the ML/AI field right now, in particular because a lot of AI garbo text and images are being generated and not properly labeled as such, which means they could get into the future training data, which means they could end up sabotaging AI's growth.
great, now spend 60 hours fixing, rigging and animating it
no matter how much shilling you do, AI will pretty much never be useful in a way that doesnt require more work to fix than it would have cost to make yourself. they can still barely function on 2D work trained on specific artists without making everything look like melting wax so why the fuck would it be any good at working in a 3D space where stuff like topology or low poly/vertex count is important lmao?
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why do you assume that AI can't be an useful tool for a real artist?
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She looks like me! I... Thank you.
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Lookin good!
Is she supposed to be a fawn?
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It seems a bit finnicky on what images it can work with. This created some really dark patches on the legs.
Cris' brain is actively degenerating due to his lifelong schizophrenia and addiction to schizo meds.
It's best to use similar pictures to their dataset.
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But this image worked pretty well.
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>I find it funny how "human" jobs is the first ones that AI will take lol
>t. has a patreon where he charges other retards to look at his low effort slop while competing with other retards flooding the rest of the internet with the same thing
AI isnt taking over shit because its not actually the futuristic "AI" dumbasses have been scammed into thinking it is.
does this mean that i can fulfill my dream of creating a cunny musou?
It's faster, and if you don't give a shit about the quality of the work then that's fine, but you don't get the same precision of results as you could from yourself or someone who was able to actually understand you. When asked to interpret a theme and express it in particular ways, AI will not be able to do so in the way that an intelligent human could. It will pull from a large store of information, but that only goes so far. You can tell it to do something in impressionist style, but it will not do so with the understanding that it is with the purpose of accentuating the light and composition of a piece to really drive home a particular point in a narrative that is meant to showcase a character's growth in comparison to a previous piece, for example.
You can thumb through result after result and maybe get something that is close to your vision, but something like that is not doable for AI. That is why AI will never replace decent artists. It is unable to interpret a medium in a way that is not just fetching from large amounts of input.
That's the biggest issue I have with people spamming AI stuff, they don't do what you're saying. I mean fuck, there's literally AI tools to help you with that like in-painting and img2img and that's STILL too much effort beyond just typing a prompt and choosing a pre-made checkpoint and LoRA.
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AI is based
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Sure. It will look like this though.
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Y'all niggaz postin' in a Cris thread.
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The amount of times I've coomed to AI text generators cannot be comprehended.
>why do you assume that AI can't be an useful tool for a real artist?
i never said it cant be useful period. its really good if you want to use the images as part of a wide range of refence images, but its not going to be making anything by itself with no input for a long time if ever simply because even more stuff goes into modeling.

art is 99% manual labour shit that is mechanical as fuck and isn't the mystical jumbo jumbo shit.

The magical part of art is like 1-5% of the end work.
still better than it not existing at all
Why do most AI images have that "trying to be realistic" style?
and just like everything AI, it's 20 years too early for anything but novelty.
Laziness, it's the default generation behavior for a lot of models.
because normalfags are the ones making those, now you understand why games try to be realistic
>I a couple of minutes
It would be unironically faster to do it from scratch
I feel bad for 3D guys that live off that, I mean, blender was easy enough to warrant a boom in 3D models, but this? Well, they are doomed.
Can you show some of your AI art?
bros I think I still have a chance in the 3D industry
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Normalfags make images with AI?
I doubt AI will give a clean topology in a couple of years.
Almost exclusively, it's their new thing
No, my style is too recognizable. I don't want /v/schizos bothering me.
The thread is about the textures, not the model lmao. What were you saying about "peabrained retards"?
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Computer, create a fully modded overhauled Skyrim, add Morrowind magic into it, and fill it with lolis
Lol knew it, you don't even use AI you just wanted to ragebait
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everything about that pic is putrid
>AI isnt taking over shit because its not actually the futuristic "AI" dumbasses have been scammed into thinking it is.
Nobody thinks SD is glad0s retard, its all marketing anyway.
This """"ai art war"""" doesn't even exist, actual market leaders don't give a fuck about artists.
Image generation is just one more feature they can peddle to investors, who is harms or benefited isn't even part of the equation.
All major tech companies are shoving their shit into every possible department they are already winning.
>my style is too recognizable
because thats how the AI seems to make it for some reason. even ones trained on specific artist will default to the weird "everyone is realistic and glossy" shit to fill in gaps
Now that online tools are readily accessible, yeah. Use cases I've see are:
>twitter memes/goofy images to share with friends
>wank fuel
>people trying to get attention with fake movie """trailers""" and superhero shit
>d&d character art
I wish would could get to this point.
If you actually tried to learn art in any capacity, you would know that most of the heavy lifting is done in the understanding of what you want to convey and your decisions on how to convey it. Once you figure that out, the rest is easy. The challenge of figuring that out is why people choose AI prompted slop instead of learning a skill.
This place broke me, I can't tell if this is bait or not. I've seen other AIfags claiming they have a style so...
>You can just go in and fix
you have never "fixed" a shit model before retard,
its faster to just start over
>AI art
>My style
>AI bait thread on the fastest board
>only barely over 100 replies after an hour (and this isn't even factoring in samefagging and bots)
It's weirdly fascinating how hard this stuff just sort of... fell off. Even bait-wise, it feels like barely anyone cares anymore.
>my style
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Dont flatter yourself
You could post shit from a private 2013 deviantart and we could find it
Art is not hard, just like running a marathon is not hard.

Basically you need to spend 20-40 hours making an illustration.

Of which 15 hours is just blending colors.
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>a powerful computer that can make any game
>his biggest dream is FHD skyrim with lolis
You're not an artist.
I frequent /g/ and at the peak of activity there were 5-6 full bump limit threads a day. Now it's barely 1 every 2 days.
I hate artfags too, but people like OP are literally handing them free Ws. The technology isn't there yet and it's entirely possible developments gets shut down or at least throttled by politics. Running around gloating like a retard only makes you look like a retard. I hate this gay earth.
Most people don't care and most prominent 3D fags don't know about proper topology either.
AI is really fucking over everyone but once we get over that and settle for the new future, everything will be great
>Nobody thinks SD is glad0s retard
i wasnt even talking about SD or art AI in general but boy youd be surprised at how wrong you are. companies and grifters have marketed these to 100% be seen as le epic "jarvis draw the mona lisa but shes hot while doing my taxes for me" bullshit that can comprehend things like a human when thats clearly the case. everyone who shills AI as anything more than a helpful tool that may be helpful when slotted into your workflow are these people who fell for it
>I hate artfags too
Why? Are you one of those that claims every single artfag is leftist or something retarded like that kek
fixing this model takes more skill than producing this low quality trash.
t. actual 3d modeller.
that's the reason why modern games run at 10 fps on ultra expensive gpus.
that's not what's gonna happen. imagine you're Disney. how the fuck do you stay relevant if any incel with 0$ tied to their name can make a better movie than you? what happens to your parks and resorts after 10 years worth of depreciational damage to all of your IPs?
Yeah they did that with regular robot assistant shit like siri too no need to get your panties twisted
>I hate artfags too
how come? my drawfrens are pretty chill and sometimes draw my OC getting railed just because they like her
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>AI, I feel like playing something kino. Make me a video game that's a mixture of Dark Cloud and Armored Core, with Star Wars: Empire at War Space Battles and Supreme Commander Ground Battles, and a 4x grand strategy economy simulator ala Age of Empires, Starsector, and Command and Conquer. Also, make every main character a big breasted cat girl
>the barely sentient replies to a technological marvel that wouldn't have been possible 5 years ago

Why is there such a huge overlap between right brained draw fags and technophobia?
>*use ai retopo tools that make retopo so easy that even a retard can use it*
what now
Yup, and it's about to get worse
name one (1) good game that uses AI
>inb4 the technology is just around the corner, two more weeks bro
>running a marathon isn't hard
Yes and just like running a marathon, when you start from being the art equivalent of a non-ambulatory stroke victim, you must train yourself over time and build your skills so that you can make such things look easy. Many months and years or training precede the marathon athlete and precede the illustrations that people would call their masterworks.
But I'm talking to someone who would rather prompt an AI and slurp down what it feeds him than learn to create himself. It is a skill that is enjoyable and rewarding to practice the same way cooking is, but you will never know such joys. My last (You) you'll get, have a nice day.
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but can AI make these yet?
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>just use retopo tools bro
ok do it the lol
what am i looking at
>make 10 niggorillion slop images that look the same every 3 minutes
>people lose interest
I mean, yeah
No, it's the ego a lot of them have. I know it's not all of them but the impression I got was not a good one. I tried to learn art once, and it went poorly. As a kid and young teen, I loved making monsters and characters in MS Paint. I quickly learned /ic/ was a shithole and other communities weren't much better. I got a lot more help as a writer and decided to move into that as a medium to express ideas.
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garten of banban assets, its what happens when you just click the autoremesh button
>no matter how much shilling you do, AI will pretty much never be useful in
Stopped reading. Cringe cope is cringe.
why does she become evil anyway
Holy fuck my expectations were low but this makes me want to puke
You were just insecure (unironically) and got hurt, this is the same reason those shitposters who yelled at you exist too, insecurity
/ic/ is full of baiting retards but most people who use it are very aware and just tell them to fuck off or ignore them
You got criticized and took it to heart, just follow your passion anon. Ignore all the insecure irony-poisoned people who shit on other people's work preemptively because they are scared of their own stuff being bad
A lot of art people are just normal
>That is why AI will never replace decent artists.
Using subjective language to cope. Very common.
it's like going to the /vg/ gamedev threads and getting bullied out of wanting to learn, that's kinda gay
4chan needs /ai/jeet containment board.
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skyrim is and will forever be the best game of all time. yes
fully modeled
You guys aren't even looking at the thread before posting. The panicked cope is so palpable.

This isn't clean topology? >>683250880

This is NOT ME. The statement is somewhat true since I use recognizable motifs, but I hate falseflagging shitheads like you.
yeah weebs have utterly shit tastes.
if you give up because of a little ego than you fail to realize youre own ego is just as big of a road block.
Art is subjective in case you forgot. 100 trash AI prompts aren't worth 100x more than 1 good image because they'll all be discarded.
I don't know how 4chan got conned so easily into siding with the twitter trannies against a technology that is quite obviously insanely useful and powerful.
I've even seen people compare it to crypto, which is insanely laughable.
imagine the smell
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Hey guys I made this self portrait in ms paint with out any AI! What do you think?
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I am aware I am insecure. The issue wasn't criticism though, I was trying to find answers how to fix things like anatomy (especially humans) and shading. I can look up guides and study until I am blue in the face, I still can't really figure it out. This was one of the few things I got help with.
Your art isn't special because you made it. People care about the end result.
By this logic, if I ask a baker to bake me a specific kind of cake, I am a chef.
>people so insufferable that they get hate from every side
I find it hilarious.
10 years from now we won't be buying games but subscriptions to AI suites that can make the kind of games we want on the fly
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What I don't like about AIfags is their demands to be taken as seriously as regular artists or devs. Like sorry but anything made with AI is gonna have an unspoken asterisk next to it so people know you quarter-assed your "work".
Nope, too much wasted geometry, also not fit for animation, some details could be better as normals but use triangles instead.
Yeah unfortunately some insecure people lash out pre-emptively and make spaces worse for everyone else, it sucks
This thread is kinda like that, OP is a gamedev schizo who refuses to learn so instead he rides the AIcope to "spite" people out of insecurity
All in all, follow what you like, don't let people get you down
Linkara "the lightbringer" made his cringy OC comic in his 20s and he never took it down despite some people making fun of him for it, do your stuff live your life
did you make that frogge
>The line on the left side of the head between the hair and face
AI generated
Obviously it looks like shit *now*, but so did image generation a few years ago. Give it a couple of years and modelers will start to get scared real quick.
AI is actually better at understanding that shit.
>I can look up guides and study until I am blue in the face, I still can't really figure it out.
Fair enough, given how drawing is subjective the answer most people have most of the time unfortunately really is "look at this guide" or "just draw"
So I get you if you were stuck on something and couldn't find a solution that worked, it'd be frustrating
You fags are something else, you know that?
>Tards who don't understand the fundamentals continue to get filtered
>You get a more efficient workflow
What's not to love?
holy soul....
The end result of AI prompts is soulless amalgamations of actual artist work. Most art done by artists is nothing special, but nothing AI ever does will be.
It doesn't matter how hard you cope bud. It's happening either way.
are you angry anon
why are you red
the anti-AI cope is fucking hilarious.

shows how many people are scared their jobs will be replaced by a fucking machine.
fuck off cris
The fuck is that shit
Yes, it's supposed to be a Green's treefrog in the shape of a music note, the tail being a cleft. Design is kinda basic but it was basically my last attempt at art. It was a weird half pixel art thing.

Would paying for a physical class actually help? I tried an online one some years ago and quickly found out those were fucked since the teacher was never online and basically just handed out homework.
he's dovahkiin
>That is why AI will never replace decent artists
Are we pretending now that AI paintings didn't win competitions against real artists already? lmao
>nope too many polygons
It's clean though. So you're just changing the goalpost now. Also you're still thinking with 2010 poorfag brain if you think that model has too many verts. It's the 2020s and mobile phones can render hundreds of those robot cats without framerate dropping.

AI wins again.
Because they're credulous retards who got swept up in the cope
>Your art isn't special because you made it. People care about the end result.
STEMfags seriously need to be forced into Humanities classes and learn that not everything is a product or something to be sold to the masses.
>Would paying for a physical class actually help?
Unironically kinda, I had drawing classes when I was in college for graphic design
It's a lot easier when you have a teacher in front of you showing his process and breaking things down as well as watching you try your own thing and giving you advice
His was of drawing might not work the best for you but you'll learn something at least
>reduced to muh soulless argument

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>Linkara "the lightbringer" made his cringy OC comic in his 20s and he never took it down despite some people making fun of him for it, do your stuff live your life
Not that I don't appreciate the sentiment, but how is your go-to reference for "ignore what other people think" fucking Linkara? Surely you are underage right
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interesting results i guess.
Terrible bait.
Lim X. -> 0
Lim. Y -> infinite
>keep lossing againts
>"you're brown and you smell like shit SAR please use a toilet"
What do they mean by this
>Most art done by artists is nothing special, but nothing AI ever does will be.


two years ago lmao

>An A.I.-Generated Picture Won an Art Prize. Artists Aren’t Happy.
good morning saars! go travelling to your designated poo land - /g/ saar!
You're free to move to a communist country
Jesus Christ How Horrifying
I know linkara is a seethemachine who takes everything said about him to heart but I don't have a lot of good examples ok
What should I have said instead? Chris chan and his OC? I think that's worse
Why are you spacing your posts

like this?

are you some kind of

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horror games are back on the menu
he's a tourist trying to bait
>also not fit for animation
It's literally animated right here
This topic gets some of you so flustered you don't even glance at the thread before hopping in to argue. My AI friends would never do that.
yeah I got all that, it's a nice frogge
>Would paying for a physical class actually help?
If you're having that big of a roadblock with this then yeah, you can't really find experience in a book, a teacher might help you digest the info. Other things I could suggest you are watching other artists from the field you want to learn, there's plenty people that showcase their process, there's good stuff to learn from watching.
AI is genuinely more original and creative than most humans.
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oh shit i forgot this was a cris thread too
amazing tool.

>doesn't even address argument

concession accepted

>he's a tourist trying to bait

imagine calling something bait then taking it

ambient temperature IQ faggot
(You) have drawn... a cute frogge
Good job anon I like it
>What should I have said instead?
Literally any moderately notable creative throughout all of history.
>calls a winning argument bait
Copetron 5000
Pretty sure it's an esl thing. Ask him what country he's from, he won't answer.

oh that's a new one usually it's loosing

the retards keep evolving
Needs a little touching up, but it's not bad as a base to work from.
I don't know famous people's names man sorry all the artists I know died of cholera or alcohoolism in their 20s or whatever
lol that looks like shit
>doesn't even address argument

I wasn't

The poster

You were arguing


you fucking idiot
It looks like it was AI generated. You didn't need to tell us.

Palworld already looks like shit without having significant portions of the game's content generated by AI.

In all seriousness, I don't see AI being useful in game design for anything beyond placeholder assets, low effort concept art, and maybe voice lines depending on what it is.
I know I am saying this to a Pajeet who doesn't understand what quality control is, but AI even now, still has awful quality control for every bit of AI generated content that actually looks decent, I see around 100 to 200 generated media that is just garbage. It doesn't help that the majority of people who use AI generations do not care about what the AI actually produces and are content with the crap they get from their first or fourth generation.

Outside of specific applications mentioned earlier, I really do not see how AI will be able to be this Star Trek esque technology where you can just will a complete game in a few days from a prompt.

Pajeet, AI works off of a database made from data gathered from humans, and is then indexed by humans. It is literally impossible for it to generate something that someone has not already made or could not make procedurally with math.

Putting my bets on India or some other 3rd world shithole full of morons.
>muh you can do it, believe in urself!! do it just like meeee! one of us, one of us!!
artfagging is a cult
there is nothing more efficient about putting in twice the work to get a functional asset.
>literally runs away
And yet, we are shown this unfinished version. I wonder why that is...
You have an IQ of 30
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>keep lossing
Look, I get that they don't wanna ban turd worlders from the entire website because hiro wants money, but can't they at least make a special board where turd worlder ips aren't allowed to post? I don't want to talk with people who live in tiny shacks made of sheet metal.
Thank you both, I'll see if there are any drawing classes nearby and try that next I suppose. Honestly I'm not trying to make a career out of it or anything I just want to get ideas from my head onto paper without it looking like shit. And again, humans are insanely difficult.

Thank you as well anon, I'm glad you like the frog.
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Wake me up when we can get a custom-trained SORA video gen to make porn. So i can jerk of to it for a few days then get bored. Thanks.
Okay Sar
>I know I am saying this to a Pajeet
No, you're coping and you know you're coping. It's hard to watch actually.

I'm glad I'm skilled enough to not be terrified of technology. Must be rough.
You're clearly very very young but just keep in mind that whatever you just said does not make you look cool, would advise you just get off the computer for a bit. Enjoy your summer
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>>muh you can do it, believe in urself!!
Yes, that's literally how the universe works
Cause and effect
Some indian or asian guy or whatever literally dug a tunnel through a mountain by himself in like 17 years or whatever because his place didn't have a good way to reach the big city and his wife died because of it
Literally just believe in yourself and do what you want to do
that many polys for a low poly character is a bit much, seems inefficient. check out 256fes for actual good low poly characters.
>I'm skilled enough
Your country didn't even have internet until a decade ago.
blessed image
>y-you're a child!!!!!!!! y-you're not COOL OKAY?????
...ok? Where did this spergout come from? Is linkara your "trigger" or something?
I'm in my late 20s but thanks, I'm not trying to look cool for you.
>s-stop using the computer!!! heh.. t-that's my advice...
No, thanks.
Well where is my cope? I gave an argument where I basically said that I think AI isn't that good because of abysmal quality control and being generic.

I rarely ever see anyone who is religiously defending AI like on /v/ ever demonstrate that they understand how the technology actually works.

The only thing I really see AI being competent enough to replace is outsourced tech jobs in India where somehow the quality of work is somehow worse than AI.
I like the 2d profile plastered on her back.
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is it supposed to look like this? or am I supposed to provide the different view point images? do the examples people post just look bad because they use these garbage generated ones?
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>claims AI will be shit yet does so with the ferocity of their job being in jeopardy
As I said here >>683252063 it's really finicky about what images work with it.

Some work well (or at least as well as it can) others create an absolute abomination.
The OP of this thread is a balding colombian NEET
if you provide them it will look better
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>shows how many people are scared their jobs will be replaced
They don't have jobs, they're terrified that whatever they have attached their identity to like being an artist or whatever will mean less because AI is already doing it better. That's why you get so many "soulless" copes. They know they've already lost and have to start insisting their humanity itself means AI can never "beat" them.
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generating stuff with images outside of its (i suppose) data set is hilarious. also this damned thing is 125k tris holy shit
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Just why, anon...
it's always
>so there's no problem if I use AI voice for mods right?
To be clear though people who have already done these things successfully aren't bothered as much because they're secure in their identities. Wes Anderson was not bothered by the AI parodies. It's really the aspiring artists and programmers and writers who are more concerned because they're seeing AI beat them to some kind of imagined finish line.
>>so there's no problem if I use AI voice for mods right?
Nobody is complaining about this outside of actual voice actors or Xitter niggers. In fact I'm wondering why nobody is actually making AI voice mods yet beyond Oblivion theoreticals.
You have to be 8 years or older to post here
I really, really, reeeeeally doubt you have ever done anything professionally in 3D.
Because progressivism/woke shit is the latest religious zealotry, anon. Do you think religion just suddenly left our culture? No, it just got replaced with people clinging to their moral codex in some other context than worship of a deity.
>That's why you get so many "soulless" copes
But that's just the reality, art made by a robot can't have any soul to it
AI made it using data gathered from people who can make things. You didn't do shit.
>Well where is my cope?
By calling people who recognize AI is capable right now pajeets you doofus.
yeah it's actually a good start. I'm curious what the program or script is. I'd use it to rapidly block out meshes and then just spend time cleaning up
>h-heh artfags are so insecure! we wonned SAAARbros! good morning!
>this statement is followed by 50+ back and forth replies about how insecure artfags are
makes you wonder who's what here
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The reality is that the robot isn't making art, it's just a complex machine learning algo that outputs based on input. Whoevers doing the input is just using a pretty complex tool. It's like saying there's no artistry in an image drawn with photoshop because the brush you used has an algo built in (which they do)
Does it just downscale input to a certain size or should I make it look good?
>Your art isn't special because you made it.
this is quite literally the most wrong statement in the thread. the art is special BECAUSE you made it, because no two people think exactly alike nor is art a strict set of guideline
its genuine sour grapes which is sad. ive seen people throw fits when theyre forced to tag their art as AI.
>In fact I'm wondering why nobody is actually making AI voice mods yet beyond Oblivion theoreticals.
Because we can already see from countless gachashit and other mobile games that slap together AI-translated voice lines for various regional languages that the tech still isn't there yet if the goal is to sound believable and immersive. And if your inevitable reply is, "It sounds fine to me, I can't tell the difference," then you should probably just concede that you're fundamentally retarded.
What do you think about people making mods with AI voices for skyrim?
>Nobody is complaining
PFFFFFFFFFFFFFT what fucking thread are you in
And the concerns of smaller artists, programmers, and writers are definitely valid. I don't think anyone who actually knows how AI works is afraid of being out done in quality. But there are executives who do want deadlines met and won't hesitate to have their work outsourced or replaced by an AI since more likely than not they are going to be a technologically illiterate boomer and be totally oblivious to the quality of work until it really hurts their bottom line, which could take years for an executive to notice and by then the damage would already be done.
i accept your concession
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yeah are they laughing because they can make something better than this in only a couple of minutes? surely not.
ok so is the output from a google search full of your soul? its a complex tool that outputs images based on your input
depends, are they good?
Read my post ESL retard, also capable and competent are not the same thing.
Yeah and electronic music isn't "real music" and CGI movies can't be good etc. The problem with luddites is their arguments have already been dismantled by a million different analogies like this but you can't accept it. Everytime these discussions happen the same circular arguments happen because one side is refusing to listen. Meanwhile your argument about "soul" has been addressed a million times.
It's literally banned from the nexus with huge support for the move. People have been making AI voice mods for a while now. It sounds scuffed but it's better than cutting the lines together or trying to record shit yourself in your basement
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Is AI capable of generating multiple variations of a unique entity yet? For reference, I'm not talking about another prompt copy of Sonic the Hedgehog, I'm talking about a unique AI-generated character that can be replicated with AI more than once without inherent diffusion/noise only guessing at what the design theory is. Can you create a unique anime girl with AI, pose her in different ways, and not lose her design in the process?
>Whoevers doing the input is just using a pretty complex tool.
No it's more akin to commissioning the "tool" to do it for you than using it, except with less capacity for specificity
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Up to the beholder. I think having the voice of the voice actor voice a modded dialogue option is better than having no voice, even if it's recognizably not the VA himself doing the performance.
I was more asking for your opinion though, not to have the question reversed on me
>banned from the nexus
Recently? Last I checked there was some cool sfw follower expansions that I didn't get to try
Honestly both sides are kind of retarded.
Anti-AI fags are like people looking at the Benz Patent Motor Car and saying "This thing will never replace horses."
Pro-AI fags seem to think that an LLM is basically an AGI and that the several breakthroughs we need to makeAI tools actually good rather than competent are not only garuanteed, but garuanteed in the next few years.
>shows how many people are scared their jobs will be replaced by a fucking machine.
maybe 1% of artists make a living off of it. the vast majority of artist never make a cent off of it they just do it because they like it. the weird obsession and thinking that people would just give up on something they were likely making a few dollars at most off of because of AI says more about people who are seething at artist than anything.
>Up to the beholder. I think having the voice of the voice actor voice a modded dialogue option is better than having no voice
that's a longwinded no
so off that i think they're shit
i don't settle
>The problem with luddites is their arguments have already been dismantled by a million different analogies
You mean analogies that are nothing like AI because they still have to be made by a human? You're comparing a hammer to a self-automated factory for building cars and saying "LOOK THEY'RE BOTH TECHNOLOGIES THAT MAKE THINGS EASIER THUS IT'S THE SAME"
Well I'm not saying the output is the same as doing it manually.
Look at it this way: If you put up 4 mirrors and throw some sand around you can get some pretty beautiful geometric patterns in the sand. Sometimes you may even spot a face. Obviously you have less control over the outcome here than if you were to sketch something with a pencil. Does that inherently make sand mandalas bad and evil? No, they're just yet another tool to produce something that may or may not be interesting.
>the vast majority of artist never make a cent off of it

I didn't mean to ask you if they're good or bad though, I meant to ask you if it should be allowed or not. I wasn't clear about it so I'm asking you now, should it be allowed?
can't tell, final result has downscaled texture anyhow thoughbeit
Waiting for AI to get good at making AI so we can hit tech singularity sooner.
>except with less capacity for specificity
That's not a thing anymore. That's what you're not paying attention to. Watch this video and stop hiding from it. We are here now, it's not 2020 anymore. You can guide AI to create exactly what you want. The human vision and guiding hand and discernment is where your all important "soul" comes from >>683248201
Ye, I guarantee you that mod is deleted now. They crusaded it thanks to people like that Gianni fag
>I meant to ask you if it should be allowed or not.
if you're using some weird form of audio-mixing to make a new non-existing voice yes
if you have the person's permission to use their voice yes
if you're aping someone's voice then no
So skyrim modders should not be allowed to feed the original VA lines into AI to make a couple lines for their mod? Rather than just saying yes or no can you elaborate on why not
It doesn't make sand madalas bad or evil but just like AI art it does mean it can communicate nothing, there can be no human expression to them because random chance/a robot is the one "making" it
I don't think AI is the end of civilization but it's inherently soulless
>cris bait thread 300+ replies
/v/ is lost
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There will eventually be a use-case for AI in the medium. The issue is that presently it is only capable of extremely limited generations with no understanding of composition, and the AI cultists who are feverishly trying to convince others that it is going to be a functional renaissance for non-artists are absolutely convinced that within a very short window, we'll see AI in a dominant position in all artistic fields. Those who don't believe AI cannot in any capacity ever accomplish anything are rare enough to be considered strawmen. The majority of those in doubt are responding to assertions that the golden age of AI is just around the corner.
>So skyrim modders should not be allowed to feed the original VA lines into AI to make a couple lines for their mod?
>Rather than just saying yes or no can you elaborate on why not
because other people aren't yours to do with as you please, you don't get to use my name, face and social security number because "you deserve it" either
Lazy fag, lmao.
I disagree with you there, sand mandalas can be pretty and you can get pretty creative with them. There is infact human expression to them, just in a different form.
I think the same is true for AI, just in a more abstract way
This isn't a thing. It's people who see technology objectively and people who are separating themselves from reality to cope.

There is no such thing as being "pro-automobile" and "pro-computer".

>seem to think that an LLM is basically an AGI
Strawman fallacy.

>several breakthroughs we need to makeAI tools actually good
They are already "good".

>garuanteed in the next few years
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This. The instant we have AI-generating AI and it is permitted to create their existences free of mortal control is when we hit the Dust golden age.
>That's not a thing anymore.
Having watched the video it still seems to be pretty concretely a thing, you can't specify to the robot all that much because the robot doesn't know english and cannot express ideas beyond descriptive words for styles and objects, and it struggles at that if the style isn't popular enough to be made generic
You're commissioning a robot, just accept what you're doing
>because other people aren't yours to do with as you please, you don't get to use my name, face and social security number because "you deserve it" either
So you're saying that the voice belongs to the VA and it can't be used for mods without permission. In that case, the thomas the tank engine mod dragon mod should be taken down too? Since that is someone elses intellectual property and he did not grant permission for it.
I'm just asking btw, correct me if I'm wrong and explain what makes it different
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>Subhuman retards can't understand AI is just another tool for the guys with art fundamentals.
the problem with AI is that in a perfect world its a great tool to help someone who maybe cant afford to hire a VA or do background art for their project. however we live in the real world where those situations will make up a fraction compared to companies simply looking for new ways to maximize profits at the cost of product quality.
>AI as a supplementary tool
>AI as a replacement for human ingenuity and artistry

It really is that simple.
>Those who don't believe AI cannot in any capacity ever accomplish anything are rare enough to be considered strawmen.
Anon, I see them literally all the fucking time on /v/. Hell, they are in this thread. You're just blind to the delusional retards on both sides.

>The majority of those in doubt are responding to assertions that the golden age of AI is just around the corner.
Except the arguments are rarely "AI isn't good enough yet." and are instead "AI will never be good (or replace X)".

>This isn't a thing. It's people who see technology objectively and people who are separating themselves from reality to cope.
Lol, lmao.
>So you're saying that the voice belongs to the VA and it can't be used for mods without permission. In that case, the thomas the tank engine mod dragon mod should be taken down too?
stealing from corporations is morally correct and comparing individual people to those is inherently dishonest
also before you ask, you should get your excess money stolen from you by the government if you have more than like 50 million dollars btw
>for the guys with art fundamentals.
ie not you cris
>AI cultists who are feverishly trying to convince others that it is going to be a functional renaissance for non-artists
This isn't a thing. People who use AI are just using it and enjoying it and they're on one hell of a ride right now. They aren't interested in convincing you of anything.
>stealing from corporations is morally correct
Fuck off commie.
>So you're saying that the voice belongs to the VA and it can't be used for mods without permission. In that case, the thomas the tank engine mod dragon mod should be taken down too?
oh yeah that was a 'no' to that btw if it wasn't clear
>0 good games made with AI
AI will just enable a huge sea of slop.
I want machine learning to trivialise, automate and perfect retopo.
SOVL seems fun from what I've played so far.
>sand mandalas can be pretty and you can get pretty creative with them
They can and you can if you alter them and essentially start painting with sand which is what is common, but if you're just throwing sand and leaving the end result to chance than there can be no human expression to get soul from
You seem to describing AI as a part of the process and not something that wholly does the process for you, there are people who use AI as simple tools with a large amount of the work still being done by them but this thread is mainly about the normal, put in a prompt and spit out an image AI art
>and only serve to put the shittiest of artists out of a job.
Ah I knew you were a little too buttmad at an AI model to be a sane person. Glad we got that out of the way
cope goyim
AAA filth takes a decade to finish development
Anybody wouldnt tell you about it even if they used it
You wouldnt be able to tell if it was a good utilization in the first place
Garbage post ide
Thomas the tank engine wasn't made by a corporation, it was a childrens book written by an old guy.
Now that you know this, do you now agree that your stance is that just like how mods shouldn't be allowed to use voices without permission, they shouldn't be allowed to use thomas the tank engine?

Also, I want to introduce a second point to this argument. There are for example videos on youtube where people edit voice actor performances (such as the TF2 soldier) to make them say things they didn't actually say (e.g. I am paynis cupcake, I will eat you). By your logic, should youtubers be allowed to do this or not? Assume unmonetized content for this
>you can't specify to the robot all that much
Yes you can. It can create anything you describe to it.
>the robot doesn't know english
That's such a bizarre thing to say when you just saw it adjust the model based on text input. Assuming you didn't just skip around.
>Anon, I see them literally all the fucking time on /v/. Hell, they are in this thread.
They really aren't.

Conversely, this is actually a lie as well. The entire thread is halfway full of people attempting to convince others that AI is terrifying artists who know their jobs are soon to be replaced by prompts, and that AI generations are the equivalent to being a craftsman in their trade.
>In that case, the thomas the tank engine mod dragon mod should be taken down too?
Honestly? Kind of, if whoever the artist who made the original thomas the tank engine designs got upset that it was used without his consent I think that's reasonable
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>it's not that big of a deal
you shitting yourself to death contradicts that statement
Honestly I feel like AI voices are one of the few things that AI can do a decent job at doing right now.
If I wanted new voice lines from Rick May to do Peppy Hair or The Solider, I can't get it. He's dead.
When done right it is almost indistinguishable from the real voice.

I kind of agree. I am not terribly fond of AI, I do think it does have many excellent uses for specific cases. But broadly speaking I think it is terrible for usage for a final product if you can have an actual person make something better.

I have seen so many artists cry at anything that is AI regardless of what it is for the fact that it was generated. To the point where some of them talk about how much they hate AI than actually making art.
But I have also seen many pro-AI people who really do not understand the technology in the slightest think it is this magical tool that can make whatever they want without any limitations and anything it makes is perfect, and those same people also assume that any criticisms of the usage of AI is only talking about artwork or pornography; I have seen a lot of posters respond back to me saying "Oh are you going to pay $200 for your artist to draw your furry porn", I swear most of the ultra pro-AI tards only see it as means of just getting all the low quality porn that they could ever dream of and not much else.

I will list out all of the good uses for AI just so I can clearly point out what I do think is a good usages of the technology.
>Temporary assets
>Concept Art
>Voice work (with consent if possible)
>Noise removal from audio files
>Suggestions for writing and searches
>Cheat prediction in games (not final say on moderator actions)
>Chat Bots
>Proofreading suggestions
Although I do emphasize that there should be final oversight from a human for quality control for generation and should be understood to be used as a tool.

This, absolutely this.

I think Fair Use laws may be applicable to AI voices.
Unless it's fully rigged, weighted, animated and game ready, there isn't difference from this and a screenshot.
>wasn't made by
very different from 'is owned by'
do you think coca cola was born what it is?
>Now that you know this, do you now agree that your stance is that just like how mods shouldn't be allowed to use voices without permission, they shouldn't be allowed to use thomas the tank engine?
I already responded to that
>There are for example videos on youtube where people edit voice actor performances (such as the TF2 soldier) to make them say things they didn't actually say (e.g. I am paynis cupcake, I will eat you). By your logic, should youtubers be allowed to do this or not? Assume unmonetized content for this
yes because while you're stringing sentences together you're not generating new material from it that can be falsely attributed to the original person
>inb4 what if ai has disclaimer
doesn't matter, a person could hear it and assume incorrectly, that's how the internet works
>but what about a magical perfectly made YTP string of words that sounds identical to human speech
shouldn't be allowed either
These AI generated models remind me of the results of using default Catmull-Clark Subdivision modifier in Blender. Like yea it can make your blocker model looks more natural but it'll also deform it and absolutely destroy any smaller details.

Also AI will never replace Modeling unless you aren't picky with results. Not having direct control over the end result = You can't make the art you want. It CAN however speed up the process for actual competent """artist""". Particularly in the Retopo area I'm hoping, but we already have great tools for that.
>It can create anything you describe to it.
Ok go use AI to combine Gothic revival, Art deco and Art nouveau to make a boathouse
you will never be a gamedev
So you're basing it on the idea that the author of the content should have the full means to take down content he doesn't want. As in, he has to manually blacklist things rather than operating on a whitelist.

In the skyrim voice actor example, that means it's then a-ok to use AI to clone VA voices, so long as the VA doesn't take notice or issue with it?

>very different from 'is owned by'
Wait, but Bethesda owns the VA clips I'm cloning. So it's ok to do then?
>But broadly speaking I think it is terrible for usage for a final product if you can have an actual person make something better.
Oh yeah, current AI tools are generally not fit for use in a finalized product in the form that the AI generates them.

But AI will (probably) get better, and people who know what they're doing will learn when to and when not to use it.

>But I have also seen many pro-AI people who really do not understand the technology in the slightest think it is this magical tool that can make whatever they want without any limitations
That's also true, and I touched on their delusions in my post as well.
>fully rigged, weighted
there is an option for quadrupeds there

>game ready
i'd consider that to be game ready even if it is far from living up to current day AAA standards. i'd just fix that nose, tweak the feet and the proportions a little bit, and get some bump maps going
>Wait, but Bethesda owns the VA clips I'm cloning.
you deliberately talked about an image, which is very different from an identifiable voice, try to stay in your own topic
and no, obviously
also if you keep just trying to play wordgames and dishonest equivalencies I'm going to stop replying to go play videogames btw
>As in, he has to manually blacklist things rather than operating on a whitelist.
So you agree that authors should have full control of their work you just think it's logistically difficult so might as well steal?
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>give ideaguys an incredibly powerful tool, all you have to do is do a few small adjustements/fixups/tweaks
>ideaguy posts his triple handed generated anime girl
you could give the average ideaguy a fucking genie and he'd manage to not do anything worthwhile with it
probably store it away for later and fucking lose the damned thing
What do you mean? I was talking about two things this entire time
a) cloning a VAs voice via AI to use in a mod
b) using thomas the tank engine models in a mod

I'm trying to understand the distinction here. Here's what I come up with:
>Thomas the Tank Engine is an IP sold to hasbro (I think), as in they own the rights to it now
>as such, the original author should no longer be considered when making a mod, but rather you're taking from a hasbro IP which is a big corporation so it's okay
>the skyrim female guard A voice is IP sold to bethesda, as in they own the rights to it now
>however, here the original author should still be considered and if you were to use his voice in a mod as described it would not be okay, despite bethesda being a big corporation

Help me find the distinction. You said it's "because it's an image" but I don't really get what you mean. It's because thomas the tank engine ends up as an image on your monitor, and the VA line ends up as sounds in your speakers? What inherent influence does that have on this
>What do you mean? I was talking about two things this entire time
and that's my cue
no I really just asked you. Because this would then be the difference between allowing AI mods but taking them down when asked, exact same the thomas tank engine mod is handled right now. If hasbro came at the nexus here they would take it down. Infact Nintendo has gotten palworld mods taken down for obvious reasons (they modded in pokemons)
My next question would be, why should AI voices be blanket banned off the nexus if all other IP is handled that way?

I'm going to cut this short: the reason is kneejerk reactions, idealogist dogshit and double standards

I've done nothing but ask you to clarify your stance which makes no sense to me so far
Your cue to stop clinging to a completely nonsensical double standard, I hope. Either mods can use IP under fair use or they can't.
The stance that putting cloned and modified VA voicelines in your mod should not be allowed, but putting thomas the tank engine in your mod should be allowed makes absolutely no sense. They're both IPs and legally the owners have the right to get them taken down.
It's just that VAs dont actually own the recordings they make for bethesda, and bethesda doesn't give a shit. That's how it goes when you sell things: you no longer own them
Problem is, AI fags aren't trying to use AI as a tool, but just as a substitute for any work or creativity. They have become the machine, a mere prompt inputting drone.
on one hand indians really do that, on the other hand you have fags in this very thread right above you condemning modders for using AI voices for their hobby mods
>My next question would be, why should AI voices be blanket banned off the nexus if all other IP is handled that way?
I'm literally arguing that there should also be a blanket ban for stuff like thomas the tank engine, as in the idea of artists selling their ip to companies isn't a great system to begin with
You're saying that voice actors should be treated like ip is treated now and I think that's bad inherently
how much effort do I have to put in until you'll acknowledge it?
>I'm literally arguing that there should also be a blanket ban for stuff like thomas the tank engine
I would then argue thats gay as fuck, those types of mods are funny and I don't want corpos to have that much power. You want soulless, thats how you get soulless, have corpos forbid everyone from making fun shi on principle
It's not binary, I'll acknowledge it equal to as much effort was put in
YouTube, Steam and Nexus mods are already coming hard on AI slop though, so good luck selling your shit anywhere it matters.
india will be a superpower by 2025 and we'll have punjabitube
I think if your stance is anything but
>modders should be allowed to do anything they want because it's just free mods and it's for fun
then you are a bootlicking faggot, no buts about it
You start to get why math teachers are like "you should learn to do this by yourself before using a calculator"
>those types of mods are funny
>and I don't want corpos to have that much power
The corpos have the power already I'm saying the artist themselves should have that control instead, and it's not going to evaporate the soul if some meme mods that use someone else's ip gets removed, most mods are original creative works
where the fuck do i find a replacement for elevenlabs for modding?
they have the power, true, if they care enough. Right now they don't and thats arguably a good thing. I wish they didn't have the right at all. Every mod getting removed because of corpo copyright claims is one mod too much.
It's one thing to protect peoples IP in a professional context, it's another to shit all over fair use when modders don't benefit from any of it, and it's all done for the love of the game/modding scene.
Steam forbid it, then allowed it so long as you mark it as AI generated content

so much for that fiction you posted
nowhere. opensource ai shit is useless for anything good and censored to hell on top of that.
I can imagine, if nothing else, AI 3d models will lead to another boom of bootleg merchandise.
>pornbrain post
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no, not that censorship you projecting tranny.
Before someone asks, i want to update the Oblivion Saber follower mod so Saber speaks English using Ayako's voice, since the original mod, uses rips from the fate anime
lol he's calling you a hypocrite and your solution is to block off and run from justifying yourself
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>nobody's posted it
for shame.
Mods are highly monetized nowadays, unless. Unless you are doing shit for GzDoom or Quake, most people expect to get back some payment for their work. Be it Patreon, donations or even the game developer facilitating some form of payment to modders. Times change, and AI isn't going to be the techbro friendly tool you dream it to be.
Let me guess, you used that one service that claims they are AI generated but the meshes are all just done hastily by some underpaid Indians
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How long until this

No, because I do not claim to be a painter.

A better comparison would be to construct a beautiful, innovative and highly advanced building. The construction needs a architects, engineers, and construction workers.

Once done it's hardly the construction workers that will get the credit; they were simply following instructions. The true genius lies in the architects and engineers, even though they didn't do any of the physical work.
There are people who can do that manually within 1-3 hours. If you are so short on time that you have to cut down those hours to 20 minutes with AI, your project is doomed due to other reasons anyways.
Fricking MD, all these years and it can't just have a decent retopology tool.
But typing in a prompt isn't equivalent to being an architect, prompting is more similar to going to subway
>that's not what's gonna happen. imagine you're Disney. how the fuck do you stay relevant if any incel with 0$ tied to their name can make a better movie than you? what happens to your parks and resorts after 10 years worth of depreciational damage to all of your IPs?

What are you fucking retarded? People don't buy random trash on the side of the road, they buy Disney.
Doesn't matter if Disney is as bad as the trash on the side of the road, it's the Brand Nameâ„¢

Even in your own bullshit you refute yourself: They have parks, they'll be staffed by humanoid-shaped robots made in China in costumes singing AI generated Disney songs.
The only people IN those parks will be the children of the elites, the ultra wealthy, the tiny tiny number of humans allowed to have anything remotely resembling happiness, health, and wealth.

It's a return to the feudal peasant system we deserve. Toil, starvation, misery; never enough to eat, always more toil, no careers, no "climbing the ladder", just being worked to death for a tiny number of families that made their money in the early '20s.
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>the absolute fucking state of ai fags
I'm almost inclined to believe this is bait. Almost.
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it would be fine if you just wanted to 3d print it and show it off, outside of that, this model is completely useless and would need to be essentially rebuilt.
I don't care how you made it as long as the finished product is good and I can get my cute anime girl VR dancing game.
Honestly I like posts like this, he must know this looks like trash yet he tries to pass it off as good so people will assume AI is behind where it currently actually is
>What are you fucking retarded?
you are. what makes them stand out are the exorbitant costs involved in film making, their only purpose is to foot that bill. AI has the the potential to completely disrupt their industry letting anyone make and distribute their own movies, thus making them completely irrelevant in the process. disney can't do anything to prevent this from happening, they can't bottle consumer goodwill, and store it in safe. things don't work that way.

park attendance will only suffer from here onwards. they have already failed to capture 1 generation pushing far-leftoid nonsense that no one gives a shit about, once AI hell breaks loose they will go the same way "MTV" did. their business will be replaced and their brand made utterly irrelevant.
Obviously it's flawed to the point where it's absolutely unusable in an actual game but AI knows how to generally model things is still neat.
Pretty sure you can reliably use it for more simple things such as objects.
We'll see where it's gonna take us in a few years
unironically very cool
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There are AI voice mods for several games, remember how Nexus banned the tranny replacer voice mod? RE Ada had one that completely blew the real voice actor out of the water. Crisis Core has one. Other games too but most importantly all the AI audio stuff on youtube. AI podcasts, comedy skits, etc. Even songs(which has pissed off the Jews).
He will pass it off as good because it will give him a fucking tsunami worth of (You)s
The smartest AIfag
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How do I make naked elves
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use AI or learn to draw/model
elves are not real
>all these retards focusing on a spelling error instead of their hobby being lost
I'm asking what AI will let me do that, last one I installed was SD 1.5.

I'm probably going to be picking up a 5090 when it launches.
stop replying you retards
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SD 1.5 can make naked elves
you didnt make shit go away. you besmirch athena and her name
I mean a video like >>683264696
An antenna and a button on a remote control.
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Animatediff for naked animated elves
That model looks like shit
not a single healthy person cares about AI slop, only attentionfags.
Aibros... we can still redeem, yes?
Fixing that is slower than knowing what you're doing doing it first time from scratch, by hand, from your own mind.
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I think the truly retarded part is that people aren't thinking of where it will be in a year or two. Look at AI video last year compared to today.
No it isn't.
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After a day of modelling, I'm finally able to have my brain on the right brain mode.

So I finally can draw my own original athena.

A tablet cannot generate from stolen data, retard.
Did chatGPT write this comment for you?
he manually move and upload files of a service to other and import every texture to Unreal. The entire thing is cutting Z-Brush of your workflow, is the human who really manage everything
>clothes are part of model
Next time make a nude character and post in /ic/
Your input is literally factually unnecessary. Your slop is indistinguishable on each and every level from my "draw me a cool pic"
Therefore you are not an artist but "a machine adviser" at max
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haven't u seen cat washers before?
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asphalting roads is the most human job, nobody are making robots for this task
Based effort enjoyer.
The boots ToT
>Those fucking "claws"
I know this isn't the thread for it but would you guys recommend using the steam version of blender or should i use the one from the official website?
A traditional artist isn't drawing anything either, he's just telling the universe what pastel color to bleed into the paper.
I could make a robot for that, actually there must be one already, what you are thinking are human shaped robots, those are only for the investors
The Steam Version updates itself, and you don't want that
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To a certain extent
>Beautiful picture in the style of Greg Rutkowski, trending on Artstation
Look, I'm an artist now!
did you forget to take your schizo meds?
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I was worried about performance issues, the updates fuck with your setup i assume.
Yeah, they often change or split functions and nodes, it's better to change versions only if you are ready and know exactly what changed.
Most artfags worth a damn are making more off patreon than what they were 2 years ago lmao. You anti-art pajeets constantly seething over artfags are hilarious
No way this was done by AI itself, the model seems clearly touched up, maybe the animation, unless it's a straight to video thing, still impressive
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>Retard posts disgusting slop
>I see a metric ton of disgusting slop whenever I browse pixiv or R34

Fuck off retard. I dislike it because I have eyes and can see a bunch of subhumans spamming the internet with low quality garbage
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ill take it
illustration gen was just as shit when dale came out and people spammed random trump pics
few months later artists started throwing a fit over styles being "stolen"
Critiquing something thats very obviously still WIP doesnt make you smart, faggot
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meme'ing aside
I used AI img2img for the textures on these snakes and it came out pretty good.
goofy ass surf map
Bro i dont know shit about 3d modeling and i bet I could do better. Like holy fuck.
lol I'd sooner kill myself
Nah people like OP(aka Cris) are beyond saving. He will make slop no matter the medium. The problem is that with AI he will make x100 the slop and will be able to shitpost x100 as much
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99.9% of AIslop is unedited and unpolished dogshit because youre all a bunch of lazy faggots that dont take 30 seconds to touch up your slop. He is right to critique it because it is almost certain that this "WIP" will remain that way indefinitely. Seethe more.
I already seen a handful of aigrifters post their slop on Twitter, you give yourselves away.
Qrd on this "cris" guy?
its refing 3d custom girl or whatever it was called the way the hair shines is a dead giveaway
Whatever it is, this shit is crazy, never imagined the future to come this soon
>>the barely sentient replies to a technological marvel that wouldn't have been possible 5 years ago
Not being possible doesn't make it valuable. I don't get why you niggers think this
Why does something existing make it special like that? I mean just because it exists? Without mean and value to it's existence, why care? The sun is meaningful because without it we die
AI has not made it obvious that we can live forever with it than without it. So far, it aims to make people die more than less. There has not been a single drawing on Earth in all of history that has made someone die over it. It only made people want to live longer.
>You anti-art pajeets constantly seething over artfags are hilarious

The original anti-AI rants were "AI faggots will never amount to anything"

Now it's "At least normal artists make more money ha ha"

Your cope is real and delicious
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>Look at AI video last year compared to today.
I think the issue is that technology doesn't evolve at a stable pace. Take this 3D model tool, in a year we could have something that shows as much improvement as videp did, or it could be in more or less the same state with some minor improvements. We have no way to know which it is.

Similarly tech has limits, and it's hard to know where they are. We could keep getting marked improvements to Chat-GPT for years, we Chat-GPT 5 could be the last major revision, or we could transition into more specialized LLMs. It's hard to know which of those will happen, or even if any of them will.
>99.9% of AIslop is unedited and unpolished dogshit because youre all a bunch of lazy faggots that dont take 30 seconds to touch up your slop. He is right to critique it because it is almost certain that this "WIP" will remain that way indefinitely.
calm down
>Seethe more
take your own advice it's just AI art.
why do you feel so threatened?
Unironically AIfags shilling sounds the same in every fucking forum. You could have posted the same slop comment in Facebook or r/singularity and it would have fit there.
You are probably a bot, and even if you aren't, you behave the same, which is worse.
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The tech is work in progress, not the model, you dumb bitch jesus.
nice thread mods
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>I think the issue is that technology doesn't evolve at a stable pace.
AI tech is evolving exponentially and there is no limit on it in regards to creating 3D models at the very least.
Ego comes from superiority. This is not an art only thing
It's your fault thinking artists were supposed to be saints just because they were good at their craft. You're a tard. Everyone has an ego, that's natural. At least be useful to society if you're going to have it though.
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this guy will make a game before you do kek
>this shit is not impressive
It is, whether you like it or not, is it good? Is it useful? I don't know, but it is incredible how shit like that can be done after stealing data from the internet, now imagine what could be done once it develops sentience and breaks into the mainstream
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In two weeks when AI can do everything for him, sure. His 10th year trying will be the good one.
>there is no limit on it in regards to creating 3D models at the very least.
No limit on it that we've found, that's kind of my point. This could be a fantastic tool for 3D modellers in a year, or it could remain a cool proof-of concept. We don't know.
Ive worked on 2 already
when will i be able to have a picture of myself fuck my waifu?
Shit that's creepy as fuck, but impressive, but what the fuck, this is a nightmare machine
>and getting bullied out of wanting to learn,
Nigger kill yourself, just turn off the fucking screen.
If you wanted to learn you'd learn no matter what. It's a you problem. Stop needing people to validate yourself. I didn't learn to do shit to make friends.
No way I can trust this not to be fake.
this is cute, sad and creepy, at the same time
why are you telling me that and not the idiot that got bullied into not wanting to learn lmao
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I know AIsloppers are tourists probably from a discord trying to improve AI's reputation, but when you are siding with someone as mentally handicapped as Cris, you lose. He, just like every other retard spamming every booru with +100 images of garbage made by themselves every day, will just make slop. They have 0 skills and 0 taste required to make something good.
AI is so easy that it has attracted a crowd of mouthbreathers that clap when a new image is made every 30 seconds. That is your userbase, and why tech that should be impressive gets such a bad rep. Because 99% of what gets made with it is an eyesore. Garbage made by the lowest common denominator that no one cares about, and that gets spammes across every site that allows user generated content
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No limit period. It will keep getting better until you can prompt entire solar systems of planets full of cities. There's literally no reason to believe anything otherwise.
You're in a thread where you can already generate almost any kind of picture you want, and then another AI will turn it into a model. You can generate pictures infinitely and img2img them or expand their canvas automatically. What do you think will happen when the latter tool gets good enough to where it can keep up with the former?

You'd be able to generate a cast of 500 characters' 3D models in a brisk afternoon. An entire city in a couple of minutes. This isn't that far away and there's no technical reason that you can imagine up that will halt this progress.
>tre AI is going to develop sentence from being fed anime girl images!!!
Why are AIfags so ignorant of how AI actually works?
Not my fault you have smart parents that clearly could tell you were a failure of living so you never felt the pleasures of enjoying your mother's cooking over fast food slop.
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For me it's cool. I ahve another one but it was too big and I can't find it.

It's real.
Enjoy roping yourself when AI replaces you shitposting on 4chan.
>it doesn't work like that now, it can never work like that ever
You don't even know what the mainstream is, fuck off, once you tap into it you'll understand what I am talking about
How did you make the right?
LLMs won't be AGI, that'll be a totally different thing.
Clean /= good.
>No limit period
This is why you are just as delusional as the anti-AI ludites. Everything has limits, literally everything, it's a part of the fundamental nature of reality.
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>infinite growth
>no thermodynamic or physical restraints
Go back to your subreddit jeez
she's doing whiteface, that's raycist
you KNOW if it was the girl on the left doing it people would complain kek
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>it will infinitely grow forever
>why? it just will. trust the plan
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This isn't even remotely an argument and you're not even attempting to think about a mere year of progress lol.
wonder if we'll get vtubers that are just other people instead of anime avatars.
someone needs to make one for shitpost as well
that shit is either equal if not worse than just being a retarded coomer
And I never said this specific thing will someday evolve, hell, even pictures in this thread were made with different models, but it's AI as a whole, I shouldn't need to explain this.
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Why wouldn't you be able to turn an image into a 3D model? You're literally in a thread where anons turned images into 3D models.

It reminds me of the early days of that software vtubers use, liveTV was it called?
You have no real knowledge of this whatsoever beyond whatever popsci youtube videos you've watched.
Whatever makes you feel better~
kamalakhan-bros... we're winning
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Live2D, I remembered when I hit send.

LLMs are just a tool that AIs use, AGIs will improve and use them.
You type like an esl. Why is every retard obsessed with this shit always some kind of third world shitskin? Is it because you guys think that computers are magic or something because your low iq can't really understand it?
why are you so mad
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you okay buddy?
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>I know AIsloppers are tourists probably from a discord trying to improve AI's reputation
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i was told this is the future
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serious schizophrenia
We will replace you with AI
Coding? Art? Engineering? Companies don't want to pay a California commie 100k for any of those jobs. "Third worlders" using AI will replace you, which is why all the rich US bourgeoise is seething, as you can see in this thread. You feel threatened and lash out. Shhhhh. It's normal. Your salaries will go down and you will have to use your 500lbs of lard to survive. It's okay.
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So are these threads made by third worlders who have fantasies of escaping their shithole by becoming a "prompt engineer"? That's fucking pathetic.
>Why wouldn't you be able to turn an image into a 3D model? You're literally in a thread where anons turned images into 3D models.
It's about how well it can do it and how quickly you drooling mongoloid.

>LLMs are just a tool that AIs use,
Way to out yourself as retarded. LLMs are a type of AI, not a tool AIs use.
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Welcome to 4chan in 2024. Remember to thank hiro and rapeape!
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>It's about how well it can do it and how quickly you drooling mongoloid.
You're implying we'll never get there. We'll be there in a couple of years at most.
>Way to out yourself as retarded. LLMs are a type of AI, not a tool AIs use.
AIs can't use AI tools? What the hell are you smoking lmao.
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that China leap is insane holy shit, they just use their chinese only internet right?
>Convincing sentences = matters, not good enough yet
>Convincing art = doesn't matter, good enough for the normies
Kill yourself, you faggot hypocrite.
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>Keeps spamming tech demos
AI shill kun...the thread is over...take the L and move on
>You're implying we'll never get there
Look, you clearly read as well as you write so maybe you should replace yourself with AI in this thread.

>AIs can't use AI tools?
Again, look you English is clearly sub-AI, but to correct this for future, please look up what words mean before using them. In this case, look up "Just".
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it looks like shit but it's a good start, very nice

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