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This DLC singlehandedly convinced me that becoming the Lord of Frenzied Flame is objectively the best ending, hands down. Every other ending is playing within the system, and the system is rotten to the core. It needs to be burned to the ground, the slate needs to be wiped clean. Anything else is merely prolonging the inevitable.
shut the fuck up, shabriri
>Every other ending is playing within the system

Ranni literally murdered her fingers.
Yet it's still an order under under the Greater Will.
OK nerd
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Yeah except the Lands Between doesn't look anything like that, it is an actual literal hellscape.
Humiliation ritual thread so anons can bully the lolcow draganirian into suicide.
i liked the dlc a lot but the ending was very weird
why does Ranni and frenzy flame get to have an ending but Miquella is... LE BAD. He's just a different flavor of what Ranni is trying to do, I don't fucking get it
Did you not understand the story or something?
Greater will is just metyr reading universe sized tea leaves
i understood it completely
the only reason miquella isn't an option is bc the player character isn't the heckin consort/lord and michael zaki was dead set on the "this can't change the main game AT ALL" nonsense
God you're retarded
The whole point of the game is you discover the GW is just one of several Gods. And we know the GW stopped communicating with the Lands Between at some point, so the other Outer Gods started gaining more influence
Ranni is ascending to be a new Outer God (the Dark Moon)
>the slate needs to be wiped clean
The Frenzied Flame ending destroys the slate. Why did none of you Frenzied Flame retards pay attention to the game?
Yes and it sucks. I don't understand why people can't fathom this. No amount of headcanon will make me say it's good

Sounds like you didn't understand the story.
Why are you seething?
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So you're under the influence of a god who can't be killed if she fucks up because she moved to the furthest reaches of space. And this is the best ending?
I don't give a fuck about any kind of "morally good" ending. i'm elden lord now that means I'm in charge and I make the rules now
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*stops you*
The point of the Dark Moon God is that its basically no interference for every day life unlike the GW/Golden Order
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>Sounds like you didn't eat whatever shit they feed you
No thanks. I have standards
It doesn't say she wouldn't interfere. It says she wouldn't allow for outside interference
It does though.
Why are you still seething?
Mate i'm just a nobody tarnished here to rape, pillage, and murder everything in my path.
>It says she wouldn't allow for outside interference
The dark moon is outside interference so it won't be doing anything per the agreement.It will continue to do what it has been doing - nothing.
The Greater Will is Azathoth, an all powerful but non-sentient creator diety. The Greater Will has no intelligent plan or intention, it simply expells power and those who wield it create meaning from it.
>The whole point of the game is you discover the GW is just one of several Gods
I used to think this too but the DLC disproves this. The Greater Will is the progenitor of every outer god or celestial being mentioned within the game. The ultimate twist is that the Greater Will doesn't give a shit which outer god rules the Lands Between.
Literally nothing in the DLC says this stop watching vaatoi videos
The Greater Will is the divine gate, the Greater Will is the keeper of the divine gate, the Greater Will is the key to the divine gate.
The slate is rotten.
You are making up headcanon.
Your nihilism has broken you.
You've said nothing here.
>doesn't know lovecraft
wew lad
I haven't seen a single vaati video, literally just do Ymir's quest and he tells you this outright in plain terms. It's a fact.
Fuck yourself to hell I'm obsessed with Lovecraft. Nothing you said relates to him.
The GW hasn't done or said fuck all since shitting the original fingers on the planet and fucking off while the two fingers pretend to communicate with it.
Any system that takes the good and fixes it while excluding the bad would be preferable. The lord of frenzied flame eradicates everything to start completely fresh which is fine too. The GW isn't going to, and never will, do shit.
Just make sure to purge all fingers forever.
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honk honk dumbshit.
And what does that have to do with the divine gate in Elden Ring?
based well read anon.
He says the GW hasn't contacted Metyr in a long time. Metyr was like the Elden Beast: sent down to Earth by the GW to establish its dominance over other Outer Gods but then it decided to cut ties. It's why the Fingers at the Roundtable need "many turns of the moon" or whatever to communicate: because they will never actually communicate with the GW
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You lost retard.
>Person 1 states literally any opinion.
>Person 2 says he's just repeating vaati lore or some other youtuber
why does this keep happening?
You lost your mind schizo
Because people try to make up lore to fud lore discussions so anons shut them down when they do.
Why are you seething?
>The Greater Will is the divine gate, the Greater Will is the keeper of the divine gate, the Greater Will is the key to the divine gate.
>Yog-Sothoth knows the gate. Yog-Sothoth is the gate. Yog-Sothoth is the key and the guardian of the gate.

You doing okay anon?
Vaati has mindbroken the souls community. He even mindbroke himself. Watch any recent Vaati video and it's clear how tentative he is about making any sort of commitment whatsoever. Even with an obvious connection like Melina being Messmer's sister he still uses words like "maybe" and "perhaps" because he's been mentally scared from the years of abuse from people telling him his theories are wrong.
>The Greater Will is the divine gate, the Greater Will is the keeper of the divine gate, the Greater Will is the key to the divine gate.
Who are you quoting? Not the game, that's for sure.
>Because people try to make up lore to fud lore discussions so anons shut them down when they do.
t. someone who disagrees with my opinion and theory so he must be mindlessly repeating some youtuber.
He might kill himself before he posts that Miquella video
Because vaati has ruined any discussion of fromsoft games by making up his own headcanon that normalfags believe is real
ok chud
Is that really Vaati's fault though? It's not like he's somehow forcing idiots to believe his headcannon.
>go FF
>melina gets pissed
>says she'll hunt me to the ends of the earth
where can i play that game? seems way cooler than the DLC we got
>by making up his own headcanon that normalfags believe
is he making shit up or stealing your theories? I swear you guys can't make up your minds.
>It's both
if a theory exists it has some basis of some kind, and it's our job to look into it, that's the fun part of theory crafting.

Then you have people who make a decision first, then scramble to try and find enough evidence to support that, and flip the fuck out if there are any holes in the theory and start having a meltdown as you see in these threads.
It isn't a quote, quotes are attributed like >>683262289

Its okay that you didn't get the reference mrs. obsessed with lovecraft.
There is more than one person in this conversation, you mouthbreather
>HP Lovecraft said this quote that means it's also in the game
Alright? Any other divinations for us oh wise seer?
and you fags can't agree on anything. Everyone hates vaati but you can't tell if he's pulling shit out of his ass or stealing theories or what. You're just mindless hate. I think I've seen maybe 3 vaati videos in total and it seems to me like you niggers care more about having someone to hate than actual theorycrafting or talking about anything. All of your ideas are predicated on making X or Y seethe, you don't have a functioning fucking opinion that isn't a slave to this mentality.
Why are you still crying about this? No one has to know once the thread falls off page 10.
Just take your L and walk on.
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>" Every other ending is playing within the system, and the system is rotten to the core. It needs to be burned to the ground, the slate needs to be wiped clean."

As always.
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This was my ending
You didn't get a reference to a work by an author you claim to be obsessed with. You look dumb just take it and stop replying. Maybe read some Lovecraft to take your mind off this.
>most schizophrenic delusion
I'm starting to think you're a Lovecraft protagonist yourself
He's just making fun of some femanon that got blown out.
Hey man if you want to defend the tranny that's your prerogative
Why are you still seething?
just wanna see how long you'll cope
Coping about blowing you the fuck out?
>hahaha cope seethe dilate everyone except me is wrong you're all fags
is there a SINGLE user left on /v/ over the age of 14?
She's just embarrassed and under socialized so she doesn't know how to handle all this.
You should have still been given a choice to be Mickey's consort and have him ascend to godhood. The reason he doesn't accept you is because you're supposedly destined to be Marika's consort, but that goes completely against the base game.
>no u
good one
It was pretty good yeah. It isn't his fault the femanon failed to recognize the reference.
does it give you some kind of sexual satisfaftion to simp for anonymous people on the internet?
Perfect order is the good ending. You simply get rid of the Empyreans and demigods(or at least get rid of their influence).
Nah I'm just laughing at someone else's embarrassment for my own mirth.
The issue with Goldmask's ending is it assumes the issue with the Golden Order is the God, but it's not. The issue is the removal of Death. Death is a natural part of the world, by removing it Marika irrepicably fucked the natural state of the world. Goldmask doesn't seem to understand that this is precisely the root of the problem.
>i'm loling ur crying
I'm glad you can enjoy that fantasy
The issue is Goldmask isn't talking to anyone or knows anything. His ending is another type of hell.
Only age of stars is a "good" ending.
>>i'm loling ur crying
I agree. Its funny how mad that chick got at being proven wrong. Not my problem really.
Incredibly based
>the (((merchant))) chaos end is good because.....I'm an incel and don't like Ranni >:(
The DLC reveals that the Age of Stars would solve nothing. The moon is simply the closest of the celestial bodies, nothing more.
>that chick
The femanon crying about not recognizing a lovecraft reference.
>becomes black hole
You haven't played the game.
I beat Radahn but nothing happened besides a cutscene item and emote. Am I missing something?
it's a hellscape because gods are allowed to mess with the order. in the objectively superior ending this doesnt happen and the world is much better because of it
Nope. If you saw the cutscene revealing that no one was there to hear Miquella's wish then you've beaten the dlc.
The fuck are you on about? Nobody said "becomes black hole" so who are you quoting?
Are you the same retard who insisted on calling me a woman on the other thread?
So you haven't played the Age of Stars route?
Thats why I'm saying you haven't played the game. The dark moon turns into a black hole in that ending.
Probably not.
>The dark moon turns into a black hole in that ending.
Uh... no, it doesn't
It does though, you can see the outside of it being pulled into the center.
If Ranni end WERE a blackhole destroying everything while she and I fuck off, that'd still be kino.
You're delusional. Unless an item description or dialogue says that the moon turns into a black hole, the moon does not turn into a black hole.
Age of Stars is kino as fuck. Giving free will back to the people of the planet is kino.
You can see it for yourself when you eventually play the game anon.
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I've played the game you retard, here's a screenshot from it. Now offer your proof for anyone in the game saying it has anything to do with "black holes". ITS CALLED A DARK MOON. IT IS THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON. DARK DOES NOT EQUAL BLACK HOLE. Your retardation is beyond belief.
Thats the ending he's talking about. In motion you can see the particles moving into the center void like in a black hole.
You'll get it when you eventually play the game.

You don't know this but Ranni's ultimate spell "Ranni's Dark Moon" does the same black hole effect in game.
I'm not a part of this conversation but look in the middle it looks like it's opening a portal or something.
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No one has been able to defend consort Radahn
It's called a dark moon. As in, the dark side of the moon. It is never called a black hole. It is never equated to a black hole. It is never likened to a black hole. If you think that just because it's dark that means it's a black hole you are objective retarded. Sorry, it's the truth.
Nah m8. You'll get it when you eventually play the game.
I'm not saying it's a black hole but it does look like it's opening some sort of portal.
Eric why do you shit up elden ring discussion? Shouldn't you be making a totk seethe thread?
I implore you, I BEG YOU, find one single item description, one singe shred of dialogue, one measly scrap of actual in-game lore that even mentions black holes. Do that, and I'll believe your asinine theory that Ranni is even remotely associated with black holes. Fail to do that, and you're a faggot. Sorry, I don't make the rules.
Why are people acting like it's complicated.
Miquella has the power to compel but that doesn't mean he wasn't genuinely good as well. On his path to godhood however, he abandoned his fears and hesitations, his love, his body, anything and everything that humanized him, all to become a god without needing to sacrifice thousands of bodies (like Marika did, manging to keep her humanity while still being a god).

ST Trina in the DLC asks us to kill her other half (Miquella) because she knows Miquella's godhood will be an eternal prison to him, he became a god to creater a kinder more compassionate and peaceful world, but the price is that he's an emotionless and bodyless husk, he's enslaving himself and controls Radahn against his will for the sake of achieving the power neccesary to create a new order, as kind as his intentions were in the begining, the foundations are already faulty, there's a thousand ways Miquella's intentions could go badly and it's either his order or yours (the new elden lord) so you fight him and kill him.
Godwyn can't come back because Ranni killed his soul forever. That doesn't render the plot 'dumb', it just renders Ranni a cunt.
The game explicitly tells us that Miquella was lusting hard after Radahn for his virtue and strength, so that doesn't make it dumb.
It's a hellscape for people, the animals seem to be doing fine
This never happens in the game
i will never understand the people crying about heckin godwyn when ranni literally tells you he's fucked
he was never coming back in any form, why did people think the dlc was gonna be about him
Wtf are you talking about?
You'll get it when you eventually play elden ring.
>you just haven't played the game so you don't get it
the biggest tell that you're a pseud, if you could prove me wrong you would. You didn't so you can't.
>they tried to do a ritual with an eclipse baselessly in a last hope
>it didn't work

bruh, hy WOULD it work, it's just a tragic piece of history, no more no less.

People are acting like Consort Radahn is fanservice and cringe but the REAL fanservice would be to bring back the MOST DEAD guy in the lands between and have him be Miquella's consort and the final boss somehow.
Godwyn's soul is dead, the reason Godwyin dying made Marika shatter the ring is because Godwyn is truly and irrefutably dead and will never be back, there's no erdtree rebirth for him, he has no spirit or vague afterlife or whatever, no, he's gone, zero, nada, the rune of death has dematerialized his soul, he's cooked.

I understand wanting to know more about the connection between "absolute death" and the sea, since his body grows in that weird fishlike way, it's really mysterious, but Godwyn was never gonna come back.
>Wtf are you talking about?
dragonarian is mad his threads get killed by that post.
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>he didn't get the marry Melina ending
lol skill issue
He did prove you wrong. Play the game and do the age of stars ending and you'll understand it.
Because it's a fictional setting where the writers can do whatever they want
people saw the artwork of the scadutree, and since it's black and looks like it's being strangled they thought "oh damn it's like deathroot corrupting the erdtree or something! And Miquella seemed to like Godwyn surely we will know more about him because of that!"
when you establish a guy is the deadest guy ever in your universe you can't really bring him back
is that the best you can come up with
I'm pretty sure I've seen this post before. Multiple times even.
Or you establish it so it's more of a surprise when he comes back
It would be as much of an asspull as Radahn
I have 1500 hours on Elden Ring, I've seen every ending, every questline. If there was some concrete evidence that I was wrong you and your buttbuddy would be able to outline it clearly in words. Yet you can't. I wonder why that is...
Maybe because the base game foreshadows Miquella bringing Godwyn back? And that forehshadowing goes... nowhere. It's not unbelievable why people would be upset by this lack of payoff.
>If there was some concrete evidence that I was wrong
There is, Age of Stars ending. Stop replying to me.
Yes, I've seen it. It does not say what you think it says, mostly because you're schizophrenic and you just see what you want to see.
You didn't finish the base game? He gave up on bringing Godwyn back before the game even starts anon.
I get you want to shitpost but anons have countered every angle this fake debate could go with. The more you go the more it looks like this is a humiliation ritual to make fun of you.
No one wants to see that.
>He gave up on bringing Godwyn back before the game even starts anon.
Play elden ring dude.
I did. Now where's your source? If you don't provide a source in your next reply you're admitting that you're talking out of you ass.
Radahn died but his soul wasn't destroyed, only his body, using Mohg as a vessel, Miquella placed Radahn's soul on Mohg's body through a rite and as such he can be reborn.
The Miquella and Radahn connection also explains the battle between Malenia and Radahn in the best game, seems like Miquella thought Radahn's stength alongside his kindness and compassion would make for a good combination, but Radahn refused and made a vow that he would only ever be consort to Miquella if he lost a battle, Miquella capitalized on this.

With Godwyin there's not much to go on. Also as far as Miquella knows Radhan is Radagon's son, not Marika's, so... a stepbro situation instead of just a bro situation, makes it less icky.
no it doesn't
at all. You read 1 item description or watched an asspull vaati video and just assumed that
Golden Epitaph.
>establish in your story that this gun can't pierce even a plank of wood
>ending approaches
>use the gun o suddenly shoot a tank and the tank explodes

it's not retarded! It's surprising and cool!
Cool. So where does it say he gave up on Godwyn?
have you not played elden ring?
The entirety of Castle Sol foreshadows Godwyn's return.
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Ok? Consort Radahn still sucks ass. Literally anything would be better
>his remembrance
It's shit
>his lore
It's shit
>his boss fight
It's shit
I have, so where does it say he gave up on Godwyn? Any response besides an explanation is an admission that you're a retard, btw.
Nope. Another failure that Miquella moves on from.
Have none of you actually played elden ring?
and the entire haligtree area exists because of Miquella giving up on it
as multiple anons have already pointed out you're just reading off of a wiki or you watched a vaati clickbait video
I didn't say it was good, it would be shit, but they could easily have done it just as an excuse to have a Godwyn fight instead of Radahn again
You don't need an item description to figure out that eventually people just kinda figured Godwyn isn't coming back.
Miquella tried a variety of methods to either revive Godwyn or to make him die a true death, none worked.
I said it before, Marika was struck with grief when Godwyn died because he truly really did die and in a horrible irreversible way too. brining him back would be cheap.
Wait, you haven't played elden ring?
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The fucking nips really fucked up on the PvP in this game.
Poise on equipment was a mistake.
Your action should determine your poise.
I'm sick of every fucking wizard wearing the same heavy armor waddling around like a fat fuck.
It's disgusting and I'm tired of pretending it's not.
>you haven't played le game so that's why you can't comprehend my 2 deep 4 u theories
Biggest tell of a lorelet. Fucking retard.
The "he was super dead" argument doesn't work backwards. People were saying that Godwyn may be involved in the dlc because there are a lot of things tying Miquella with Godwyn, namely Golden Epitaph, the entirety of Castle Sol and his statue on the Haligtree. It was understandable to imagine that, if something from the main game came up, it could have been related to that.
Now that exact same thing happened, except the one brought back was Radahn, who had no clear connection to Miquella in the base game. Had they used Godwyn for the final fight they could have used the exact same setup and no one would have batted an eye.
He's right stop seething about it.
>People were saying that Godwyn may be involved in the dlc because
They were wrong.
The entirity of castle Sol is just to tell you a story of "they tried to revive Godwyin, they failed, sad"

the bossfight is the epitome of everything that's wrong with modern fromsoft but the lore is fine.
I like that it explains the battle between Malenia and Radahn in base game, and combining Miquella's kindness and Radahn's strength would make for a good due to create the "definitve order" that Miquella wanted, an order with the ultimate strength and power but also the kindness to not abuse it, of course, Miquella is absuing Radahn but... yeah.
pvp has always been irrelevant
fromsoft doesn't care and never has, they just shove out patches based on [insert seethe of the week]. That should have been obvious since DS3 when they made invasions opt-in, get over yourself
>Marika was struck with grief when Godwyn died because he truly really did die and in a horrible irreversible way too.
And we know that is a lie because all signs point to Marika having been involved in the Night. The one who says this is Ranni, who also hid the fact she had stolen the rune of death.
>They were wrong.
Why? Because in retrospect? Think of it as if the DLC wasn't out yet, any normal rational person would expect Godwyn to be Miqeulla's consort, not fucking Radahn of all people. If you don't think Radahn was an asspull you're objectively an idiot.
Because they weren't correct.
Stop doing this shit faggot.
All those things aren't foreshadowing, they are just history of the world, Miquella was fond of Godwyn but he can't bring him back, he can bring back Radahn though, and there was foreshadowing through the battle with Malenia (presumably because Radahn refused to be Miquella's consort) and Malenia whispering in Radhan's ear (as seen in the cg trailer of the game, which btw I'm no fan of having lore in the trailers, I'd rather have the classic CG introes but oh well)
It's a story. It's not real life. Foreshadowing isn't just a measly guess that people make at the future, it's an actual aspect of a narrative that has actual impact on the story. If you foreshadow something and then give no payoff for what was foreshadowed that's shit story telling. That's it, that's all.
and yet the dung eater has an ending, Fia has an ending, and I can burn it all down if I wanted to
why would a normal person expect miquella to be trying to find a consort at all
give me proof Marika helped kill Godwyn and why would she do that, and what instigated her to shatter the ring if not that? Of course, her lack of control upon the greater will is a factor but Godwying dying seems like the clear inmediate cause to me, whilst everything else is background circumstance.
We get it anon. Stop being retarded on purpose.
Because he's an empyrean and the only natural path for an empyrean is becoming a god, which requires a lord.
Marika wasn't involved.
the endings in Elden Ring are kinda shit and unsatisfying and Miyazaki had autism of "oh no the DLC can't affect the base game.

This isn't a complete defense, just an explanation, Elden Ring has many bad traits, which hurts me because it also has so much good shit and potential.
well I agree but Idk about the other guy
Stop pretending like you know more than anyone else despite never actually divulging any information no one else possesses. You are the pseudo-intellectual incarnate.
Stop being salty and move the fuck on.
How would you feel if you didn't have breakfast this morning?
Got anything intelligent to say?
>in the objectively superior ending this doesnt happen and the world is much better because of it.
The world is still fucked, it only has a shitty golden shower filter on top. Goldmask didn’t unfuck the lands between, because you can’t he just made it harder for cosmic beings and gods to further tamper with.
>still seething
PvP stopped being relevant halfway into Dark Souls 1's lifespan. Thats where it stopped being primarily trolls and dickheads with weird builds actually invading. Now it's dickheads who metagame or twink to annihilate you in 2 seconds and no one is satisfied, especially in DS3 and Elden Ring where the forced ganks pressured invaders to make the most cancerous builds imaginable just to survive.
how come nobody talks about the ending where we lose to Godfrey and he becomes Elden Lord again
would that just be a default age of fracture ending or do we think our based Godfrey could fix everything?
The host and his ganksquad love the pvp in elden ring. Its like shooting fish in a barrel for them.
Guess not.
everything burns
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>controls Radahn against his will
You mean Mohg? Freyja says Radahn doesn't actually give a shit about anything as long as he gets to fight strong opponents. Sure he may not have asked to be resurrected, but he's along for the ride now.
No, Radahn. Mogh doesn't really factor into the ending.
>Implying most PvP in DS1 wasn't just twinks running around in undead burg killing noobs
>Implying this wasn't the reason why DS2, and later DS3, completely killed twinks
>what instigated her to shatter the ring if not that
She planned to shatter the ring at the very least since she exiled Godfrey and the future Tarnished. We have all her conversations pointing to the fact that she was dissatisfied with the current order and wanted to change it.
Also, the black knives are Numen like her and seem to serve her directly with one protecting her bedchambers.
The only thing that says she did it out if grief is Rani's narration which also hides the fact she orchestrated the night.
There's nothing saying Radahn was mind controlled in the ending. If anything there's more evidence he was completely lucid in the second phase.
And why? You gain literally nothing fighting against the system lols. At best you are helping a bunch of mongoloids.
Nah, Im picking the blue waifu and ruling for a couple of thousands of years.
Yes there is. Watch the phase 2 cutscene.
Mohg was under Miquella's spell but he's dead now.
Radahn is the new guy, and him fighting Malenia in the past points to him refusing to be consort to Miquella, Radahn was a fighter and admired the golden order and wanted to be elden lord, he probably refused Miquella on principle, knowing of his kind nature and his power to compel he porbably didn't even want to get close to him.
Then he dies in the festival, then he gets revived, and he doesn't speak a single word, he only ever looks on with a poker face and just... lets Miquella get on his back and they do a lightshow.
Thanks for proving my point.
did you miss >halfway into Dark Souls 1's lifespan
It didn't start that way, while it was ps3 and on its way to PTDE.
Freyja says he was always a man of few words and preferred to let his martial arts do the speaking. That said I do agree we should've had SOME dialogue from him as he died. At least Miquella should've said something. But nope, Miyazaki strikes again.
Based video game player
I don't understand what compels people to get so invested in the lore of a game where the devs themselves clearly don't give a shit. Miquella literally abandons his flesh twice, first time in the Mohgwyn palace, second time in the Land of Shadow, and they don't even bother to come up with the barest excuse to justify what amounts to a continuity error for the main objective of the DLC.

Miyazaki doesn't give a fuck about anything but vibes.
who is miyazaki?
>Miyazaki doesn't give a fuck about anything but vibes.
the vibes were shit because the world makes no sense
>noooooo the game cant just have joke endings
Have you ever played a japanese game before
The only decent endings in the game are ranni and frenzy flame but like all souls games its more about the journey than the destination
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some jap who made some cartoon.
You didn't understand elden ring?
Freyja also says that Jerren, the guy who organized the festival to kill Radahn would have been disappointed with her decision to allow Miquella to bring him back.
We have no idea whether Radahn wanted to be brought back or not and the fact Miquella had to send Malenia to fetch him would imply that it wasn't a willing choice.
miquella is a tranny and he ack'd himself twice
gays = villains
it seemed pretty straightforward to me
Why can you find Irina's dead body in The Weeping Peninsula after you meet Hyetta?
You can't.
He also says that all people were originally made from stardust by the greater will.
Which part specifically in the phase 2 cutscene told you this? It would be easy for you to quote a specific line of dialogue.
>Freyja also says that Jerren, the guy who organized the festival to kill Radahn would have been disappointed with her decision to allow Miquella to bring him back.
That doesn't contradict anything. Jerren gave Radahn a warrior's death and to bring him back is a slap in the face to all that effort. She doesn't actually say whether Radahn wanted to be brought back, just that now that he is, he's happy to fight.
He radiates his fighting aura then has it surpressed by Miquella jumping on his back.
Did you really need this explained to you?
Don't bother trying to argue with people who think Radahn wanted to be consort, it's nonsense but they'll keep pushing it for some reason.
I don't mean the lore, though the lore is convoluted and dumb. I mean strictly the appearance and design of the world, the arrangement of everything. The placement of enemies, dungeons, castles, catacombs, and so on. It's so incredibly gamey that it's impossible to suspend disbelief.
Maybe an oversight or maybe a conscious choice to not have Hyetta be the same person as Irina.

You could easily make the assumption that her body was also taken over by Shabriri or another FF spirit and used to guide the Tarnished, knowing they'd feel guilty about her dead, or maybe they just took her form. Or she's just a random maiden who looked the exact same. We have no way of knowing.
I don't trust From Software to actually allow for any inference in their storytelling anymore after the retarded asspulls they made with the DLC, so yes, I do need them to explain anything they expect me to believe because they are not intelligent and coherent enough to be worthy of more.
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>Miquella gave up
Bullshit narrative some redditfag came up with nobody thought of before the DLC. All the Demigods failed before we arrived. If anything, Miquella was the most accomplished. He gifted his father with a better incantation than the one his father gave him. His needle can stave off rot. The only way to improve it is by Malenia dying and/or using it in the storm beyond time where it can completely remove the influence of an outer god. The Haligtree only failed because Mohg kidnapped him. We have no other evidence to suggest otherwise. It can be assumed the Eclipse couldn't be brought about because of Radahn halting the stars. All of his failures have been due to something outside of his control.You mean to tell me out of all his plans, the one that works is the longest and most nonsensical one that relies on the most contrived bullshit out of all of them? All for his pre-puberty crush that was never mentioned? Nothing about what he wanted to accomplish was even brought up.

There's nothing foreshadowing Radahn and Miquella in base game. That whisper is mystery box writing and any faggot who falls for it is a retard. If this was always From's plan then they've failed horribly in their delivery. Look at that fucking remembrance reward
You didn't understand the worldbuilding?
thats neat.
look at this retard's wall of text no one will read.
Miyazaki could literally spit in your face and you'd thank him for it.
I read it.
Its a symbolic condensing of an entire continent for the sake of gameplay convenience.
Why is the Beast Clergyman still hanging around in Dragonbarrow after you defeat Maliketh?
Play the dlc and get past the putrescent knight and you'll get it.
Farum Azula is outside of time
fuck thanks for the laugh mr. lovecraft fan holy lol
>she's STILL seething
Everyone ITT has played the game. The fact that you keep deflecting with "play the game" only broadcasts to us all that you have no clue what you're talking about.
>You didn't understand the worldbuilding?
Ah, I get it. Carry on, anon. Well done, you got me.
He knows you are shitposting so he's not humoring you.
You'll get over it.
Right, I'M shitposting, sure....
The DLC just turns Miquella into an excuse for a Radahn boss fight. Nothing about his story or character matters beyond making you pumped to fight Radahn 2.
Nobody wanted to fight Radahn again, not even reddit who spread the "Chadahn" meme.
Yeah, this is why the DLC is bad, it completely fucked up the lore in order to give players shit they didn't even want.
You didn't understand the lore?
Kill yourself
I will not say that people didn't find the idea of fighting "prime" Radahn appealing since there's a lot they could have done with that, the issue is his position as the final boss.
I believe that if he had been a midboss on the way to the final fight, like Godfrey is to Radagon, the lore would still be questionable but people would be more forgiving of the fight itself, not taking gameplay into account.
I read it too.
All of the endings suck. There's just too many ancient aliens competing for a chance to fuck up that one continent. The only choice is which alien gods you want to back
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>the animals seem to be doing fine
Don't care, still going to give Miquella my Dickella.
Miquella is gay, therefore he is bad and you should kill him.
Shut the fuck UP about this game. Where is Armored Core 6dlc/7? I need alien mecha.
Huh so just like in real life?
the Frenzied Flame isn't "tearing down the system"
it's blowing up the fucking planet
there's nothing left
It's for the better at that point
That's what tearing down the system means for the Lands Between.
Wipe the slate clean.
Just because you don't know how to trigger this ending, doesn't mean it's not real
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He pal we don't lewd Melina around here
I always find it funny people just go to such extremes with Miquella
>He gave up!
Nah, his plans just failed to accomplish an objective.
>He abandoned the Haligtree
Can't the fucker just go back? It's not like he plans to stay in the land of shadows. He has to go back anyway but he can't do shit in a rotting tree and comatose sister.
If Ranni was ugly, none of you faggots would be Moon simps.
I love how people keep using my steam screenshot when they talk about this game
my favorite character is the shit eater
Frenzied Flame and Madness is simply the most interesting to me. Melting people's eyes out, weird yellow fire, the howling psychobabble that crazy people do in Lovecraft stories, it's all interesting to me and I enjoy those themes the most.
I've done every ending except for the rune of death one but i've done this ending like four times now. It's neat.
Yes, that's not a controversial opinion in the slightest.
Miyazaki just rips off berserk and makes cool ass enemies, bosses, areas, weapons, armor etc the story has almost always just been a second thought.
Dude thinks of cool shit and creates the story/lore around it. I'm sure there is an overarching brainweb but dude just wants to make cool shit. I'm sure all the lore videos on youtube make him laugh his ass off. The art design of elden ring still has me stopping in places every once and awhile to say goddamn after 300 hours.
Frenzied flame ending is a prequel to dark souls 1.
The amount of ugly fat disgusting women that still manage to get laid constantly proves you wrong, some men will fuck literally anything.
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based let chaos take the world!
How Melena survive then?
sry im druk the tabs got mixed up orz
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>Ranni establishes her Dark Moon order
>Fucks off with The Tarnished for Outer space shenanigans
>No one left to stop Miquella
>Miquella takes over with his Promised Consort Radahn unopposed
>Ranni comes back after her space vacation
>Sees that nothing was actually solved and have gotten worse in her absence of leaving everyone to fend for themselves under Miquella's rule
>Surprised Pikachu face .exe
Begin Elden Ring 2
It's canon that you kill Milk before leaving.
>being anti-establishment
You shouldn't be playing videogames then
I would have fucking batted an eye. Godwyn isn’t some fallen prince a million other From bosses, what he is is infinitely more interesting and making an anime swordsman out of him would fucking miss the point. His soul is gone. There is no one home. His body spreads like a tumor unchecked by the self.

It’s scary, and interesting, and fits the themes of death in a way that would be irreparable if he was in any way present enough to consciously fight you.
Fantasy Chernobyl doesn’t count that’s a (wo)man made disaster
It’s an RPG anon the canon is whatever the fuck you choose
>The Dark Moon

Elden Ring ripped off Luigi's Mansion 2?
The GW is above all the other gods in terms of power and hierarchy.
As for Ranni....she travels through space not ascending or transforming into anything.
So kill miq and leave with blue waifu.
That way you've legit killed her whole family.
>krekkov finally draws something
>gay footjob
>Sell the world to a Bloodborne god
Trannifags keep repeating this even if they didin't play the game but it's nowhere that destructive unfortunately, you just set some things on fire but the planet is still there, it can't even destroy torrents ring
Azathoth isn't certain to be the Creator, that's just one take on It, namely just extrapolations of Dunsany's MANA entity.
Actual mythos is much more harder to ascertain.
Most of the areas of the game look pretty idyllic really, aside from caelid and a few other obviously. you get the sense that it was close to paradise in the not too far past.
For her bitch moon god yes.
does this mean this started demon's souls and the everlasting dragons and stuff and
A world that allow brothers to marry eachother is not a world that deserves to exist
Only if you're schizophrenic
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>his ending is another type of hell
>a peaceful society of racially tolerant religious scholars, graced by the holy tree
Most based picture on this website.
shut up and do the gods bidding bro
What is supposedly "good" about Ranni's ending? Isnt it pretty much just enforced status quo?
the frenzied flame is a god too tho
Fucking retard, the DLC proved that the Greater Will created the FoF.
You are killing yiurself and everything as an agent of the God that abandoned you, you stupid fuck
He doesn't abandon his flesh in the Mohgwyn palace you stupid retard. He grows a new body, even in the Haligtree
Both Deny access to the Elden Ring to foreign entities.
Goldmask subjects the world to a permanent objective truth because everyone can just see the ring in its unalterable state.
Ranni leaves the world in a state where people can come to their own subjective truths for the next 1000 years.
that should've been obvious when it was one of 2 non-copypaste endings and the one with a clear sequel hook
The only reason it has the sequel hook is because Fromsoftware can write that... eventually, no matter when..? an agent of Chaos became Lord of the Frenzied Flame, and Elden Ring 2 begins after that
It's the opposite of the good ending though
I'd go with Bayle because dragon communion shit is way more fleshed out and has way more build up than whatever Wattpad tranny fanfiction they thought was fitting for Miquella but Midra is also a good choice
>Both Deny access to the Elden Ring to foreign entities.
LMAO you sold the world to an outer god
>game is all about becoming a lord
>the endings where you do are all low effort dogshit that just amounts to a slight color chance and the endings where you curse the world to infinite suffering are way more fleshed out and appealing
What did mitsubushi san, patron saint of reusing assets, mean by this?
not being able so save Millicent convinced me that the lands between and the gods deserve the PeePeePooPooMan treatment
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>"Mwehehehehe! Yes, goy! YES! Stop trying to make the world better a place! Stop trying to restore order to a broken world! Stop trying to usher in a new era of peace! Surrender your body to my eldritch god and stop trying to help people like the pussy bitch that you are!"
Imagine unironically wanting to unleash the Frenzied Flame. Imagine falling for Shabriri's literal Jewish tricks.
>>the endings where you do are all low effort dogshit that just amounts to a slight color chance
Each have their own lore implications that are explained to the player as they proceed through the quest. They aren't low effort just because they have a similar cutscene
Can someone please gift me the DLC?
sent :)
OH FUCK. Thanks, dude.
It was cracked on day one, pirate it faggot.
My game and save are legit.
there is a mod on the nexus that lets you transfer saves https://www.nexusmods.com/eldenring/mods/5523
install the pirated one and transfer your legit saves into it
The guy that did Spirited Away
Thanks, man.
What this pic fails to convey is that countless kids are getting diddled in synagogues (and other places) around the world at the same moment that some trees are growing or whatever
The canon ending is the regular age of fracture ending according to the dlc. Unless there is some translation error fuckery going on.
>subjective truth
Ranni confirmed tranny choice.
You still have to locate the save on your system, the mod doesn't do it automatically.
C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\EldenRing is the folder.
In there you'll find more folders. The ones named 7656119something have your save file. Obviously the older folder will be your original, legit, save.
You will probably also have to launch the pirated copy once or create a character for a new save file for it be created.
agreed I just wish the frenzied flame weapons/spells/builds didn't suck miles of dick so I could actually play a character that thematically fits this ending
My bootlicking, shit eating GOD........
That's the monkey's paw. Shabriri promised you'd save her by becoming the lord of frenzy.
The only person you saved wants you dead.
Why is there so many glazing for miquella?
They desperately wanted to have an ending where they got be be heroic good guys with no drawbacks and are coping with the fact that they didn't get that.
Him and Mohg being two different ending choices you can side with was a much better thing than the shit we got desu. I don't understand why Souls games go out of their way to ruin their plans.
Why does three fingers rapemeat keep repeating this shit?
Life won't just pop back up after you burn everything to the ground.
>Play game with intentionally sketchy story/lore that is left up to interpretation
>not make your own conclusions from what you see/do throughout the game
>get confused and angry due to being dropped as a child, come across upon Vaati to tell you his headcannon interpretations are the real deal and go with it
>defend his opinions to the last word no matter how retarded because, again, you are a midwit
Lets Genocide all vaatifags and crucify their faggot preacher please
I don't watch that faggot, is he the one who started the headcanons that people are upset weren't realized in the DLC?
Which is why it "abandons" stuff.
Why lorelets love so much to parrot reddit narrative about "totally, 100% dead" Godwyn? Destined Death existed before Golden Order and everybody has died in body/soul and then went to Helphen or spirit world, no big deal. Only Frenzied Flame can totally destroy body/soul/spirit and that's why everybody shitting their pants about it. Godwyn is probably chilling somewhere in spirit realm, waiting for Miquella.
>she was dissatisfied with the current order and wanted to change it.
So why didn't she? The Elden Beast / Metyr / Radagon / whoever let her take the Rune of Death out of the Elden Ring, genocide the hornsent, genocide the giants, and subjugate the omens and misbegotten, so why did Marika feel the need to break the Ring to gain control?
You aren't wiping the slate clean, though. You're burning the slate to ash. There won't be anything better afterwards. You are destroying the world with the express purpose of preventing births and life from happening in the future.
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And that's a good thing
It's only good if you're one of the races inside the Golden Order. Lot of them like the merchants aren't. Some of that was Marika but some of it wasn't.
I don't agree. I believe living is overall a positive thing.
Hyetta says Frienzied Flame burns everything down to rebuild it as one being. It's the fucking Evangelion ending.
I agree it's not a portal but there's a few moons orbiting about. Ranni has Dark Moon, Renella has Full Moon, Renella has Twin Moons and I think Ymir mentioned his own thing.
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Source: your ass.
>Operating within the system is LE BAD!
>So be a good goy and burn everything to the ground like 3 fingers (tottaly not the system, hehehe) says to you
Anon, the Lands Between are beautiful, spare Caelid. Limgrave is especially peaceful.
>Limgrave is especially peaceful
>Godrick casually grafting everybody everyday
>dragon killing everyone near the only lake
>everything in mistwood will try to kill you
>coast filled with demi-humans
>43% completion rate on steam
How did she fucking do it?
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Glad you finally saw the light, brother
>ending slighly better than the 4 variations of "single mother of 6+ pussy" or "burn everything"
I wonder why
>easy to follow quest that takes you to some of the more interesting locations of the game
>*marries you*
>>Godrick casually grafting everybody everyday
Good thing I killed him and put Nepheli in charge.
>>dragon killing everyone near the only lake
Good thing I killed the dragon.
>>everything in mistwood will try to kill you
Bears... are carnivorous? Oh the humanity!
>>coast filled with demi-humans
Kenneth will sort this out.
What made miquella be some sort of le "good and wholesome" character?
People willingly missing the parts where the game hinted he may have been scummy as fuck.
Or the first trailer for the dlc instead of believing the second narrated by fucking leda.
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>Kenneth will sort this out.
Based Kenneth will fix everything
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>This DLC singlehandedly convinced me that becoming the Lord of Frenzied Flame is objectively the best ending

I was too until I fought the ancestral spirit and saw the lands between teeming with life

yeah the world might be fucked, but its the MAN'S WORLD that is fucked, animals are thriving and couldn't care less, nature takes over and is reborn from death itself, nature doesn't give two shits about the meme order, I think the world should stay fractured, no gods, no rulers, only men and nature
Make Limgrave Great Again
Best ending is your heart getting stolen by Miquella.

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