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Calamity > Terraria > Thorium
crazy there are actual """humans""" that disagree with this
how many years have you been spamming your autistic retardation here? Fucking kill yourself already
Tremor > Calamity
Calamity fucking sucks
Horribly overrated due to it's soundtrack
Mods are dogshit, though.
Why is there only 1 big Terraria mod
calamity is bloatslop that adds 20,000 useless weapons to pre-moon lord terraria which already has 10,000 useless weapons
terraria > thorium = calamity
because of the base game updates breaking all mods, and not everyone has the luxury of a whole team to update a huge ass mod to the newest version
I only use Magic Storage and the ore miner mod
you mean the mod that only ever playtested by one guy with only one build?
>P-Please p-play my bloated, shilled mod
>I-Its s-so good, listen to the sh-shitty music
>I-Its so f-fun, p-please ignore the devs being r-retarded on a daily b-basis
calmaity is dated af
What, is the base game not bloated enough for you? need 20 gorillion crafting trees with cringe edgelord names for items with even cringier edgelord names?
Why not?
frackin universe > terraria
Flyover game
what's the point of post moon lord weapon when you already ran out of boss?
calamity is shit and it might as well be the exact definition of quantity > quality
most of the mod is slop and the only thing it does right is add in terra blades for other damage types
This. It's genuinely baffling how the game not only adds bloated crafting trees for its own items, but then goes on to complicate crafting trees for the base game. The Zenith continues to be a huge thorn in Fabsol's side, so much so that he made it so you can't craft it unless you beat all of his superbosses first.
Is the Zenith even good in comparison to the bullshit in his mod? I mean it's great in base terraria, but calamity has multiple tiers of difficult bosses above Moon Lord.
The same can be said to Thorium, though.
Last time I saw a video on it the Zenith was viable up to DoG
>boss that has a literal meltdown if you have a Rod of Harmony in your inventory
>later versions of calamity outright remove the item as a shimmer recipe
>the mod's boss design is dogshit anyway which makes their whining about balance look all the shittier
Every single post-Plantera vanilla boss is better and more fun than the calamity edits + custom bosses before Plantera, the faggots wanted Terraria to be a bullet hell so bad it's not even funny.
Mutant mod mogs every single boss despite Fargo giving you all sorts of broken bullshit like soul accessories.
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>Zenith is viable up to DoG
>need a crafting material that requires you to beat DoG to make it

The state of Calashart.
thorium is just as bad....

Reddigit doesn't care about balance which is why they give you an infinite flight accessory pre moon lord and made the phoenix blaster spammable. Thank god for Fabsol fixing their game for free while making plebs and casuals seethe other a mod that they aren't forced to play but want to cheese the well-designed bosses with Reddigit jank instead of getting gud.
>Second most powerful boss in the game
Yharim is so much easier than the DOG or OC Donut Steel it's not even funny.
infinite flight is perfectly fine
fagsol's boss design is shit and anyone who has played the game as true melee can attest to this with how many bosses like to spastically move around, on top of multiple bosses having garbage projectile sprites to the point that several boss attacks blend into the background
>terra blades for other damage types
soulless bloat. classes were a mistake
At least the music is good.

I don't know about you but I just use a Persona 5 music mod.
You don't even know the meaning of bloat you baiting faggot.
>ACkike hates chadlamity
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>fabsol failing to shill his bloated mod

Back to discord you go!



i motion we call this faggot "calamtranny"
Minecraft>Infinite power gap>Factorio>Starbound>Major power gap>Terraria>All other autism simulators

kys autist
you probably even play minecraft with factorio mods
Why does Thorium feel like everything has been nerfed compared to vanilla, calamity, and fargo's?
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>terraria, but with cute anime girls
>better than anything
This is bait.
The abyss is conceptually really cool, and implemented fairly well.
How do I tell when I should be doing Calamity content? So far all I've seen is these flying spaceships that drop Wolf-something metal. First time playing it, haven't fought the Eye or Skele-literallyimpossible yet.
boss checklist mod can you give you a rough order to do stuff in.
Nice, I'll check that out.
What am I missing with Starbound? I've tried it multiple times over the years, from early access launch, to regular gameplay, to playing with Frackin Universe.
It just never clicked for me, is there something I'm doing wrong?
What the other anon said, honestly boss checklist is almost a mandatory mod to use when you're playing mods.
Without it you'd probably miss a bunch of content, either that or you'd be glued to the wiki. Have fun, I've done 3 Calamity playthroughs and had a blast each time, the early game can be a bit overwhelming but after you get past, you're golden.
It should be Modded Minecraft > Infinite power gap > Minecraft
No, don't fall for the terrira vs starbound bait
where's the final update?
Well Wulfrum is one of the first sets you can get from Calamity. It's really good early game, especially if you're doing a summoner playthrough
What are some good Terrarialikes? I've only been able to enjoy Keplerth so far, despite it being barely half a step above Starbound in the fun factor.
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Minecraft = Factorio>everything else>>>>pile of fossilized dinosaur shit, almost the size of mnt everest>>>>terraria

for real. it's especially egregious in post-moon lord.
>beat devourer of gods
>unlock fucking 50 new weapons per class
>literally only 2 of them are even useful against the next boss and there is absolutely nothing else to use the rest on in the meantime
it's bloat for bloat's sake, there's no other explanation.
skill issue
The way I see it is you should play Terraria if you want something more active to play since it's more about killing enemies and such while you should play Starbound if you want to do something more relaxing, primarily building though.
almost two years ago
frackin universe is dogshit unless you're the type of retard that likes Minecraft mods that bloat the game by making you farm twigs to craft sticks to craft wood to make a workbench
starbound however CAN be fun if you use non-shit mods like the RPG stats, arcana, qol like storage mods, sxb if you're a coomer
Even vanilla Starbound is better than craplamity.
starbound is closer to 2d minecraft than terraria
but only if you have the manually built spaceships, if you don't then the super base autism is restricted to planets only
Outside of the sulfurous sea, I'm in love with the underwater biomes.
The decision to have everything in the underground sea be non-aggressive is a very nice touch. That with the calming music gives a nice feeling of serenity.
Then as far as the abyss, I think it's fantastic. From the music, the enemies you fight there. I wish you wouldn't run out of breath as fast as you go towards the bottom but I understand why they do it.
Now when it comes to the sulfurous sea I'm conflicted. I love some parts, but others are a touch underwhelming. I'm not a fan of the first tier of acid rain and find it a touch boring. Yet at the same time, I don't mind something like the goblin invasion as much. It probably has to do with how the frogs are stationary and the flying fish are annoying to hit I guess.
I'll be honest, the only good part about calamishart is pre-ml mode content. Don't bother with post-ml content, it's all grindfest. Wanna progress? make sure to sit down through 4 moons event to craft a singular summon item.
While I have the opposite opinion (Post Moonlord>Pre Moonlord) the grinding of the events after defeating The Devourer of Gods is agonizing and dogshit.
The only good post-moonlord mod is Fargo's
The only good mod is Fargo's
i have played through calamity twice and i just can't say that i've had this experience with the post-dog moon events
>zerg potion
>rape everything with retardedly overpowered post-dog weapons
>have more materials than i will ever need from both moons and the eclipse in 5 minutes tops
The mod that makes me fart the entire game, yeah no thanks. It's infantile and put an unbelievably bad taste in my mouth.
just disable the fucking jump
Never downloaded wtd do you mean makes you fart, is it fetish shit?
Maybe it's a brain issue on my part, but I'd always do the entire night/half the night. Same with the eclipse. I do think there should be something that either changes them, or maybe it could combine them so you could get multiple of them at once.
A spooky frost eclipse?
Yeah, when Fabsol wants to, he can make a good biome and a very calming atmosphere. I'll even use that music box you start out with in calamity. It's rather calming. Nobody will doubt his affinity to hire good musicians.
you can combine all the jump accessories into one item
that item has all the bonus jumps so it naturally contains the fart in a jar effect
all effects can be individually disabled but anon is too stupid to do that
It's essentially the "whoopie cushion" item and when you use a cloud in a bottle item, there's the fart sound.
Where? I genuinely looked for either the option or a mod. I still want the cloud in a bottle effect though. That was my only major complaint but it genuinely took a shit down my throat I hated it so much
Calamity is the type of mod you get when you're young and you only have like 5 games total. Nothing but bloat to squeeze a hundred more hours out of a playthough.
>open inventory
>click the wrench
>disable far jump
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But I love Terraria, and Calamity gives me more, albeit a different kind of Terraria. Is there some preset limit of hours of enjoyment I don't know about?
My entertainment budget could afford whatever I wanted, but why should I stop if I'm still having fun?
My favorite calamity item :3c https://calamitymod.wiki.gg/wiki/Princess_Spirit_in_a_Bottle
What are good early game weapons again? Been years since I played.
that's terraria
blade of grass is fucking ridiculous for how early it's available. if you haven't played in years you might have missed out on the whole melee balance pass where they buffed the shit out of most swords.
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Paintball Gun will carry you through the entirety of Pre-Hardmode.
It's crazy blade of grass rework mogs the shit out of every pre-hm swords barring night edge.
God fucking dammit, no way, I checked that menu on new game and then never checked it again as I got items. Alright, can't fault Fargos for that then. Even if I still don't think it's the correct decision to have the fart effect in the first place.
>Blade of Grass is amazing
>Muramasa is shit by the time you get it
>Volcano is a slow as fuck meme that you only craft to get Night's Edge
you only suck my cock
I don't get this game.
Metroid Mod is great though.
Neat, will check it out. I always remember rushing Minishark.
Is starfury still good? I always felt that item was obscene with how easy it was to get. That was my strat when I played
Cope. The game is impossible to play without Magic Storage.
star fury is still good if you can find one early, but you'd want to get a blade of grass anyway for night's edge
Don't get me wrong, Volcano is still great for boss fighting. There is nothing more satisfying than ramming yourself into queen bee and watch her explodes and burn.
Starfury's still good for exploring, the star projectile is really amazing for lighting up caves.
>fighting queen bee with the volcano
>fighting queen bee
you might as well just skip queen bee if you're going into her fight with hell gear bwo
>Add extra wing slot mod
>Add extra shoe slot mod
Aww yeah, we gaming now.
And yes, before you ask I did beat master mode already, I can do whatever I want.
>using cheat mods
wings feel like they should've been a permanent upgrade you passively get from consuming boss items
same for a few other mobility tools like dashing
I hope you got the permission slip bro
i really can't blame you for that.
terraria's greatest sin is how absolutely pigeonholed you are into a few very specific accessories at the expense of everything else. boots are mandatory, wings are mandatory, ankh shield is mandatory, if you're playing on expert then shield of cthulhu is mandatory... you get fuck all slots to actually have fun with.
>some accessories are more useful than others
Unfortunate, but that's something you can't really avoid.
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Wait, you don't???
>bees are OP
>ez money (40 gold coins/QB)
>stinger necklace gives you 'honey' buff
I don't see the downside, also Bee's Knees and Beenades wreck the shit out of Skeletroon and WoF.
kys red
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Why are do you keep making the same thread every day?
for me it's the roguelike mod
That mod has enormous potential, the environments are gorgeous, but using the same pistol the entire time starts to drag a bit.
I'm excited to see where it goes
It took people 13 years to realize that terraria works really well with roguelike mechanics.
if you can't even kill skeletron, you're too bad to win the game.
No it didn't. Hardcore mode and Medium core have been in the game for years. And that's the basic rougelike experience. Die and then have to start from scratch.
going to check it out tomorrow.
Does Terraria have an end goal? I want to try this game, but no end goal seems pointless to me. I love RimWorld / Factorio because they have something to put an end to your game.
To beat the game?
Moon Lord is the current 'final' boss.
yes dude, it's essentially a shump/light gear focused rpg boss hunt. i got it for the summer sale it has blown me away with how fun it is. way better than what i expected 2d minecraft
Yes, RimWorld / Factorio have an option to build a rocket and take off a planet thus ending your game.

But if you kill him the game doesn't end, right?
Beating the moon lord gives you the end credits.
How can you be this autistic? Just stop playing the game?

If you really want a goal to work towards, go play permadeath with Thorium
Really? Thanks.
Note that you can keep playing afterward and even during the credits.
nobody means that when they say roguelike anymore, boomer.
>used map viewer and marked all the floating island and chests
am I cheating?
Stardew Valley is better
Did you end up playing Terraria?
Terraria is Kino
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>he forgot the charm of myths
sex with green slime
mods are for cowards.
This ain't it chief
Only issue with this game is the fact the light mechanics for underground suck and it eventually becomes a shitfest of torch spam
Do I play Calamity with or without the music pack? I've listened to a few tunes and they sound pretty shit
Not an option anymore, music mod is a mandatory to boot calamishart mod up now.
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Thorium > Vanilla > Spirit > Shartlameity
You didn't beat the game.
Is it even fucking finished yet.
>above anything
The replies to this are telling, especially the "mandatory!" copers. Always a treat seeing how fucking bad and irrational some people on /v/ are.

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