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Will you be resubscribing for The War Within, anon?
buy an ad
Extremely unlikely. The game is unrecognisable to the one I enjoyed and the playerbase is the worst it has ever been. I don't think these are fixable issues.
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Nah, I skipped both SL & DF at this point and I honestly don't see anything exciting or interested in War Within, just another DEI slop made by Commiefornians. I'm free
more like the war without
I haven't played this "game" since Cataclysm. It doesn't even look like Warcraft anymore.
that guy is a faggot bitch
Unironically yes, only because Dragonflight is probably the most enjoyable expansion for me since legion and definitely in the top 3-4 ever
These. Ever since they tried to make the story about your character being the hero on servers with thousands of people it got retarded. Then they tried to marvelize it. Not to mention it's already been shit all over by diaperfurs and diaperscales. Can't undo these things. I might try a private server for classic or tbc.
as long as mods work
No, I took the turtlepill.
what phenotype is that?
How many times are we doing this rigmarole

>Oh new expac looks kinda good
>Ok blizzard FINALLY listened
>Please resub for launch, what are you, poor? Can't afford a sub?
>Well ok the launch is a bit weaker than expected but its ok, i'm sure they'll patch it, you don't HAVE to buy even more shit from the cash shop
>It's okay just wait for the other patches I'm sure they'll balance it, keep doing the rep grinds and m+, what are you a casual?
>Wtf this sucks, why did so much get cut, the story is getting retarded, why isn't blizzard listening?
>New expansion? Fuck no, fuck Blizzard, I'm not resubbing, they never listen, (x class) has been unplayable since launch and it's all pink hair diversity hires fault, once I'm done with this season it's all over, never resubbing again
>Oh the new expac looks kinda good
type A
No, I'm too busy playing Eve online. My killboard has gone up by over 80b in the last month.
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No. he is our lord and saviour
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No, faerin lothar is just far too repulsive. Knaifu is hot, but the Arthas-sized manjaw they gave her in the launch date trailer indicates that making her an attractive character may have been an accident.
you're gay
why the fuck would you play that ancient relic, arent multiboxers still in complete control of lowsec and spamming suicide ganks at jita?
last time i played it was unplayable, god forbid you had any plex on your ship, they'd warp on top of you like the nanosecond you left any station
I already have enough tokens, so I guess I'll try it out.
>blood dk gutted
>frost dk schizo design still stuck between 2h faggotry and Breath of Sindragosa faggotry
>soul harvester warlock completely wasted potential
retail wow is a sexual fetish simulator for faggot furries, it has nothing to do with warcraft or world of warcraft at this point, please call it something else
It's goons that suicide gank the Jita routes, not random multiboxers. Plex is a currency rather than an item now.
I live in w-space though so none of that matters to me.
I honestly don't know if sylvanas is the warchief of the horde or if she's dead
New races look boring and the story seems lame especially after the epic introduction cutscene I expected more.
>It's goons that suicide gank the Jita routes, not random multiboxers.
some things never fucking change.
>Plex is a currency rather than an item now.
what the fuck really???? why this drastic change
>I live in w-space though so none of that matters to me.
eternally based.
>what the fuck really???? why this drastic change
Plex is a premium currency now, you use it to buy skins. It replaced that Aurum shit they came up with when Walking in Stations was a thing. CCP wanted it to be a safe asset, so now it's a wallet currency.

>some things never fucking change.
Not true. Goons are even bigger fags than they used to be. They got evicted from the North, now they live in a tiny little corner down south where they get constantly cucked by Black Ops groups who live in NPC space. Absolute joke alliance, the chinks are dominating them because the chinks actually play the game.
No, I just ERP on private servers.
it's never going to have a f2p mode, is it? beyond the lv20 trial
>Ever since they tried to make the story about your character being the hero on servers with thousands of people it got retarded
It was better when the major story figures were NPCs and you were one of their grunts. Being a faceless soldier in Hellfire Peninsula getting told to dig through felhound shit makes sense. Being the savior of all creation getting told to pick flowers for a genderfluid dragon's equally ambiguous life-mate is trash writing.
Unless they ban addons and everyone currently playing, no.
I'll give it a shot, but I think it's the last shot I will be giving to the franchise. Yes, I'm ware that disappointment is the likely outcome.
Yeah, same. I'm personally done with the air horns. It's especially bad if you start mythic raiding, half of the game is setting up your weakauras at times.
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yeah i see it
how are they still a thing lmao
which ones
No thanks Ascension is free
no u
Mostly Epsilon, but I used to play on RPH a lot.
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Play turtlewow
Buy an ad, Shenna
your greentext falls apart when you remember that DF has been universally liked by people that actually played it rather than shitposted about muh gay centaurs
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>gay centaurs
They aren't even gay; they are just sworn brothers.
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it's just way to cringe and gay to play these days, the devs are a bunch of fags
ive played since vanilla and have tons of cool stuff
rip my account
>hey you, guy who fought cthun and rag
>pick up those turds
Tbcfags are so embarassing
I raided mythic for many years and never needed any air horns. I can see the fire under my feet I don't need more stuff distracting me.
>universally liked by people that actually played it.
The 3.4 Metacritic user score begs to differ.

Are you a tranny?
Which is why no one played it lmao. Only people who defend it are the drones who would play it no matter what
>inb4 fake Blizzard chart made for investors
When even biggest shills like Taliesin make doompost videos about xpac being dead you know it's over
quite literally all the friends that i met playing WoW quit during DF because of how boring and shit it was, its actually impressive
I've hit my limit with worlo, even played a bit of dragonflight but every piece of content is so half assed and designed to be the absolute minimum level of acceptable that it doesn't even feel like a video game anymore, it feels like utilitarian time wasting software, it's even worse than gacha, because at least gacha knows what you want from it and lets you have fun
This is true for me and yet I have no desire to play TWW
>I raided mythic for many years and never needed any air horns
I'm sure you did and I'm sure your magic Mythic guild was totally cool with you not having DBM or Weakauras when they rely on everyone doing so to work
I've played on and off since 2004 and Dragonflight is the only expansion that I stayed subbed for the entire time. It's the peak of WoW.

You don't need to own the game to leave a metacritic user review, dumbass.
>It's the peak of WoW.
Now I know you're trolling.

As for your second point, am I supposed to believe then that every single positive review is by someone who has actually played and every single negative review is by someone who has not played?
lol, lmao even
One of my favourite WoW thread LARPs, the "I raided Mythic bro" who talks as though raid boss design never evolved past Magmadar.

>am I supposed to believe then that every single positive review is by someone who has actually played and every single negative review is by someone who has not played?
Of course not, you're supposed to distrust metacritic automatically. It is a dogshit website that is only used by simpletons like you seeking to dismiss a game they haven't played.
Nah im good
Make a good game first
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Yeah, I did, probably unlike you guys who think you need to have sounds turned on with DBM
I got a raid group that plays together still so probably. raids and m+ are still pretty fun and as long as I don't have to grind any retarded systems then it shouldn't be too painful.
How much autism is Eve
Should i just finally give it a shot?
Extreme. It's got a huge barrier to entry but it's lots of fun once you get going.
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>No hall of fame
>Not even Cutting the edge ( Which is piss easy to get nowadays )
>shitcrawler ruined wow
>then he ruined lol
Is he back to murder wow?
Whats Microsoft Activision "Blizzard" hiring policy?
no, i dont think i will
not even metzen can save wow
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ofc. TWW looks to be chvd kino
The last time i enjoyed WoW was during legion, but only because of the story and world building. They absolutely fucking destroyed the classes and gameplay. Jesus fucking fuck god damn they absolutely shat on the class design.
I'm one of those who enjoyed WoD and Pandaland, sue me. WoD was the last time i enjoyed pvp in WoW.
My guild only raided 3 hours per day saturday and sunday and it started to get really hard to recruit people during SL because the game was bleeding players like crazy. Anyway, you don't need any horns or anything sound related.
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>They absolutely fucking destroyed the classes and gameplay
lol, current class design shits on everything from legion where you were useless without your bing bing wahoos
and it's getting better with hero talents
i wish M+ never happened
No i'm not a tranny.
why not. it's extremely popular
>Liking Legion
>Because of it's story.
Oh no no no no. Legion's story was trash
I preordered it. Looks good from what I've seen on beta.
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Are delves looking good? If delves look comfy and long-lasting then I might consider resubbing. None of my friends play any more and I can't be bothered participating in a guild, so raids and m+ are pretty much ded for me.
I might give it a go and gank all the people rushing to level up again, but the magic is well and truly gone. It's over.
No, Christ is. This guy is a degenerate that literally refuse to hire white men in his department. The results speak for themselves.
Fuck delves, play arenas and bgs with me
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yes. 11 levels of difficulty. vault slots. rewards cap at level 8 (heroic ilvl gear). they're dynamic and you can find them randomly in the open world behind fogged doors
you can run them with up to 4 players, or solo with Brann as a companion which you can level up, customize his role (tank/ healer etc), and power him up

if you complete all 12 delves on level 11, you unlock a 13th delve which is a solo boss encounter that is supposedly very hard, similar to mage tower before the cheese strats

if you beat it you get this sweet mount, some mogs and title+cheevos
Remember Tribunal of Ages from WotLK?

It's just a rehash of that.
I wonder if you ever fought Pre-nerf mythic neltharion in Dragonflight season 2. He was straight up impossible to kill under 1k tries without addons, the best raiders in the world would take 400+ tries to kill it without addons. They had to make an addon + get external shotcaller that wasnt playing the game to tell where each player should go.
Some mythic bosses would take thousands of tries to kill without addons, and people who say otherwise are casuals who killed post-nerf bosses.
that's a boss from wotlk, nothing close to what delves are
They are not nerfing the mythic bosses in TWW either. The silken court looks like a bullshit fight.
s.oy connoisseur
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They will nerf it after a few weeks + the players will get buffs that will increase their damage and HP like ICC had in WOLTK which is a nerf to the raid.
retard. they're bringing back the ICC buff
Of course you need addons and a shoutcaller for a pre-nerf late mythic bosses. My point is that you don't really need any "air horn" type of addon, they're more of an annoyance than something useful but timers and sometimes Weakauras (Blizzard is trying to stop this one with private auras so soon it might not be possible to use this) are important.
Obviously it's going to be "universally liked" by people retarded enough to play it for an extended period of time.
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buy the war within
No thanks, troon.
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buy it
Half-Greek, half-jew.

His father was Dmitri Hazzikostas, a Greek man, who died a few years ago.
His mother is Marla Friedman, descended from Eastern European jews.
I know the erdtree is just lifted from the silmarillion and mythology but come on now blizzard...
>the men are killed off or feminised
>the women are masculine and the older women are covered up and given dyke haircuts
>the horde is ruled by a sissy council
>niggers and gays everywhere
>everything is defanged and harmless
>trans stealth shit
honestly i can't stand it, there's no way i'm going back even if blizzard paid ME money, i have progressivism fatigue
blud forgot about teldrassil
there's none of that in war within though? what game are you talking about
>DF has been universally liked by people that actually played it
yes, DF has been universally liked by sunken cost addicts who conveniently ignore all the gay/tranny shit injected into the game by diversity hires
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no. i saw the trailer and it looks like more of the gradual decline that shadowlands and trannyflight created.

also pushing dei front and center.
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Anyone still eating the slop after WoD, BfA and Shadowlands will be playing the game until they die.
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> universally liked

if i look at the wow twitch directory its all classic. Also didnt this expansion even break asmongold the face of wow?
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alleria and anduin are the front and center of the expansion
>female frame
>they're all black npc's
>obscured enough for chuddy to fall for it
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No, I will never touch anything made by Activsion.
Nobody who still plays wow actually plays for the lore anymore. Their gay messaging in cutscenes is literally being skipped and quest text hasn't been read ever so it's basically pointless. Only thing people play this game for is the raids and dungeons and you can't really make gameplay woke.
Survival hunter is still a meele spec so no I will not be resubbing
from sexy elf to 45 year old soccer mom cosplaying
Well, she is a mother after all
since when did alleria become a dyke? i like how your rebuttal literally jjust proves my point about dei.
Why are you posting the lead dev on riot's mmo
so make her look like a 20 year old mother, she's an elf for gods sake
alleria has a child with Turalyon, schizo.
If you don't find her cute, you might be gay
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still looks like a lesbian based on the trailer. Like i said before zero chance of me returning to this trash.
i don't like hags
Turn on your monitor next time, that was your reflection
Survival is incredibly fun since the latest rework.
>fags trying to gaslight people into thinking ugly is pretty
It was the sepulcher raid in Shadowlands
Which head of Blizzard was a former glowie?
Was it this guy?
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take this, give her bikini armor, a bow and make her blonde and there you go
You've been playing world of dei for so long you forgot what attractive looked like anon
Just watch porn you denegerate coomer tranny
Have WoW players forgotten the fact that they will release expansions much faster than before going forward? This means less or much shorter raid phases and new relevant content in general, before you'll have to pay for another expansion again. How the fuck are you even okay with this kek'd. I can't wait until early next year when the players finally catch up to the fact that they're getting scammed
18 months per expansion is more than enough
No, but I'd play the old expansion if they made them free with no subscription fees. They'd probably get more money off of new players that buy cosmetic trash than with their existing subscription base.
Honestly, maybe, Frostfire mage hits me in the nostalgia bone, at least the first tier.
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>only 3 zones and 1 raid
>still have to pay full price.
Did they also increase the full price cost? I hear paying 100+ dollerinos for a game is now common.
only if you want to super special blizzdrone edition that gives you early access to the expansion (you NEED this if you want to play in any serious capacity otherwise you'll be forever behind)
>Gut 25% of gametime on an expansion
>Pay the exact same price (if you want to start playing later than everyone else, otherwise it's more)
>"This is actually fine"
Holy WoWcuckolds, you fucks are just completely lost
no need to sign your posts
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lmao no. she's cute
>playing r*tail past MoP
genuine autism
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> the person who destroyed WoW is trying to sell it

Alright dude there's no saving you I'm sorry
facial blindness is a symptom of autism
>faggot withing
people playing retail and paying for subs should've their voting rights revoked
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here's some eye candy for you
wow a tired old soiboy who cries all the time, thanks man just what i wanted
>thanks man just what i wanted
you're welcome
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Im actually in a bit of a funny situation atm
>By some chance actually resubscribed at the current moment because MOP remix/SOD looked fun and Unreal update for Turtle WoW pissed me off and pushed me away from my private server of choice
>Having lots of fun on MOP Remix, barely touched SOD
>Perfectly poised to get sucked into War Within
>Actually having thoughts like "lets look things up and see for myself"
>MFW NOTHING Blizzard has planned for this entire expac interests me
The prepatch is literally just some lazy memberberries scattered around azeroth and a new skin for gryphon/windriders. The expansion takes place on yet ANOTHER content island. The new city looks flat and lifeless. The earthen are not interesting. Hero talents seem to be fine for character building but ass for class fantasy as class toolkits have already largely cannibalized the best in-lore titles they could use for the hero specializations. The only feature im really excited for is dragonriding applying to all mounts AKA "HOW IT SHOULD HAVE ALWAYS WORKED"

My personal favorite is Delves: Seemingly a major(?) feature of the new expansion pack that the devs can't manage to communicate WHY it is fun or why I would want to do them.

Lorewise Im meant to get excited for the Arathi who somehow still exist in modern lore (Makes no fucking sense), and living Nerubians who wont amount to anything when the next chapter of this expac trilogy is taking us to Quel Thalas.

TL;DR Ill wait for more side events and midnight because War Within looks boring.
Alright no doom poster or glazers, how's War Within shaping up compared to past expansions?
I will resub to wow for the expansion.
I will buy the highest priced edition so I can play early.
I will enjoy the story.
>My personal favorite is Delves: Seemingly a major(?) feature of the new expansion pack that the devs can't manage to communicate WHY it is fun or why I would want to do them.
you have been told here already >>683305383
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No. I'll be playing the better MMORPG.
I think the thing that concerns me is the war within environments look too dim and being underground an entire expansion in dark caves would drive me nuts
>same old "do raids" bullshit endgame
Lol. Lmoa.
>I will enjoy the story.
Have they added a boob slider to this game yet and slutty outfits? Haven't played in ages.
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How long before the mask falls off and WoW goes full retard with vulgar and tacky chinkoid immersion breaking cosmetics?
4 new zones
8 new dungeons
13 delves
1 raid
1 new race
hero talents
tons of class reworks, changes and qols
i challenge you to show me another mmo that has more content at launch
Please elaborate. What do you mean? What kind of cosmetics?
Not my fault that your ADHD tiktoker brain can't read!
wow has no lore
quest design is shit
Trading Post already gets shit like that
Don't care. She's hot.
You know. The flashy gauche store bought cosmetics that show what a good goy you are. A couple of the store mounts got pretty close I'm surprised Blizzard has such restraint
That'll be 110 USD + Tip
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>13 delves
wasn't it supposed to be a different experience with different layouts and events each time? did they backtrack on that too?
that's what they are
why specify 13 then?
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because there are 12 total and you have to beat all 12 of them on max difficulty to unlock an additional one which is a single boss encounter
I'm okay with those if they are slutmog.
She should just do the dreamworks face.
that simply is not true. Many of my pvp and hell a lot of my old pve guildies quit the game because df fucking sucked. Pvp because it's dead and pve no fuckin clue, they only dragged me along for raids. but it's a bad sign when the pveaddicts are giving up
The current class design may be better (i still prefer legion MM and hpal and a few other specific examples)

But what legion MOGS The Troon Within/Trannyflight/Kinolands/Battle for Sovl is that the M+ dungeons were very fun, and it had a good string of raids, and more content
no, I mean, if they are supposed to be a fresh experience every week, why are they specifying there are 12(13) delves, I'm confused, did they ditch the procedural generated part of it?
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that's not really their style, they would do it in a way that vaguely ties it in to the world
you can already buy flashy cosmetics, but they usually just look pretty cool. slutmogs are haram for blizzard ever since the cosby suite thing and will probably remain so

They did add an expensive leather bikini to the diablo 4 store though, so who knows
>why I would want to do them
because they're scattered across the four zones as they have different environments and puzzles/mobs etc inside
list what those expansions had at launch
launch only, no patch bullshit
playing thru dragonflight story is so cringe and its literally impossible to ignore these moments
I did like the bronze dragon bit though
I've tried getting into wow on 3 occations. Could never last more than 12 hours before uninstalling. I don't get it.
i liked the blue one a lot
maybe you don't like mmos
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wowfags are legit unironic addicts, no matter how garbage the game gets they'll still play it and try to force others down to their crack dens.

I'd ALMOST give a pass to people that play on private servers but actually paying for this horrid garbage is something only a crackhead masochist would consider.
If you can't get into endgame raiding, dungeons, pvp then idk. Story and lore is fucked up and there are cheaper/better options if you just want to hang out with people.
You are in 4chan
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literally you
I dont care anymore.
It doesnt even make me angry anymore.
I dont think about it.
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literally you
>diaperfurs and diaperscales
Anon I'm not defending the game at all, it's shit, but the fact that you encounter people like this tells me more about you than anything. Stop being a faggot erper.
Ranjeet, if you ask a question in the OP why do you get mad when people reply 'no'?
oh poor ESL started vagueposting
Kek, gottem.
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>promote Ion to head of all of WoW
>subs instantly plummet, game quality drops and never recovers
how THE FUCK has Ion not been fired or replaced yet?
wow has 7m subs
I'm talking about the developers, you numbskull. You don't put shit in like pandas, vulpera, tranny dragons and reworking tauren, worgen into fetishistic Pixar tranny furry shit without being a fucked up furry.
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>7M subs
Ive barely played since cata, and didn't do any pve at all since ruby sanctum, I'd just level a few toons, get 2k arena rating and fuck off, I played panda legion and bfa for a 2-3 months each, no wod/SL, but I did play df for about 8 months and got back into pve
Gotta say I had a lot of fun with playing m+ for the first time and mythic raiding for the first time, got a CE for sark and 3300 m+ rating
I quit again though and will not be playing tww because I refuse to support DEI trannyslop, even if the gameplay is fun with friends
might go double that with china and new expansion in august
>will not be playing tww because I refuse to support DEI trannyslop
there's none of that in tww
>nooo don't talk about a game on a video game board
go the fuck back shill
I tried MoP remix and it scarred me so much that I will never try retail or retail experiments again
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Sure there isn't
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>It could've been about dwarves
interesting how three of the characters are white and blonde and nobody is fat
is this official art?
>play the troon within PLZ I'm a zoomer that just started playing WoW a few years ago so I'm still in the honeymoon phase and hopelessly addicted PLEASE don't let this MMO it's my identity
No. Get through your shit-eating taste phase faster.
oh no, 1 npc isolated to 1 zone. RUINED SAVE ME GRUMMZ SAMA
No way
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>unintelligible schizo babble
That's not the only reason I'm not playing tww, and that's also not the only pozzed character or gay shit inserted into the game either
Before I came back for that part of df I wasn't playing much vidya in general. After quitting again in December I have finished ~11 single player games, the shortest being 45 hours, the longest being 110 hours, and the average is in the middle
I would rather keep playing kino. Wukong and visions of mana come out around the same time as tww, p3r dlc shortly after, metaphor shortly after that. Fuck mmo's.
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An expansion pack taking into account a milestone anniversary for WoW in it's development should have ALWAYS been an infinite dragonflight expansionpack, but they fucked up and just did dragonflight and couldn't do 2 in a row.

Zones are events from Warcrafts history that encompass enough area to be a zone as you play through the zone, flesh the event out further, and stop infinite dragonblight attempts to meddle in the timeline.
>Fall of Lorderon
>Second War Quel'Thalas
>War of the Shifting Sands
>The Arrival of the Titans
>Ancient Pandaria

Dungeons/Raids are alt history "What ifs" the Infinites are trying to bring into reality.
>Siege of Stormwind where Variann is the one who's fallen to Y'Shaarj and Garrosh is a great hero
>GIlneas City but a cure to return Worgen to their senses was never found
>"What if the heroes never did (Dungeon/Raid) and the situation got out of control" specifically thinking of Wailing Caverns first and foremost

>Storywise have it be about Norzdormu turning into Murozond fairly early on but as a twist reveal the reason for Norzdormu being MIA for most of the series up until this point is inserting himself into the future of the conflict vs the infinite to continue assisting us
>Because azeroth witnessed the moment that Norzdormu became Murozond his future moments seen as Norzdormu are now less malleable and set in stone, making him appear almost as a prerecording when he appears
>Good infinites find a way to stop Murozond but prerecording Norzdormu can't course-correct to accept infinite dragons as a non-threat
>Final boss fight(s) of the expansion is putting down Murozond and Norzdormu. The challenge mode is doing both at the same time.
good for you, why are you in a wow thread then?
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>giving tranny enix money while complaining about DEI
i swear some of you faggots suffer from cognitive dissonance
How big of a fucking retard are you? The op asks if we are resubscribing. No wonder you approve of faerin Lothar, you have her skin color.
refer to >>683316835
Who said I'm going to buy it? Not only will I pirate the rare SE game I actually want to play, I will be finding out if it's actually cucked or not before bothering to pirate.
Atlus though I will be buying their slop day 1
>world of trannycraft
No thanks
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go away lolcow
It's hilarious that you think this
Please stop posting your L's online
you made the seether mad with this true and based post
She's so fucking hot
holy shit he's FUMING
Ye, it's official art
Sorry I'm not playing your trannymmo faggot, keep seething tho
>is against DEI
>while giving money to DEI
the lolcow is eternally buckbroken
sounds like something that could be done in a bunch of scenarios, no way you can fit an expansion around those
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>With the introduction of the Dragonflight talents system and season-over-season changes, tanks in World of Warcraft have become extremely durable relative to non-tank characters. Their active defenses can mitigate high percentages of incoming damage and they have strong self-healing. Today, in the hardest content in the game, many tanks can sustain themselves without much assistance from healers. In some cases, we’ve seen it become optimal to do group content without a healer at all.
Dragonflight killed my interest in honeymoon phases.
>literal DEI troonslop
I deleted my battle net account in 2019.
NoOoOOo not a broken (You)!!! grrr I'm so mad at you now, and that smug ugly dwarf image too?? ARGGG I'M MAD
It's literally has been the same queue from city Slop retail trash since BFA.
Abilities you already had given as the illusion of a talent tree doesn't make any difference.

Burst-oriented meta gameplay with no consistency is fucking boring.
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>he doesn't know how to get to Ratchet from Valley of Trials
newfaggot alert
it's literally not
its a 50/50 at this point. expansion weeks are always a good time but my friend group has whittled down enough that we can't even make a full party any more.

still on the fence about delves, but warbands is a fantastic idea. just give me a 'skip cutscene' option. i dont want to have to suffer through a 'character tours around the city and exposits' quest that began with khadgar in tbc
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Ion being the developer face of World of Warcraft is a great reason not to play. Dude talks and sounds like a genuine fucking robot whose only interest in the game is how many different mechanics and gimmicks he can shove into a raid encounter.
ff14 or ffxiv killed my enjoyment for wow. last week I just unsubscribe from dragonflight. it isnt fun. nor do i care enough for the gear.
they hated him because he spoke the truth
look how many faggots you made angry!
>9 seething replies
actually yes, im a sick degenerate addicted to mmos and TWW looks terrible on almost all aspects but i got nothing else but this and gw2 to play, dawntrail sucked dick.
what looks terrible about it?
>Out of my friend group, only 2 guys still play WoW
>One is a plapjack with a kid that smokes weed all day
>His kid is 4 years old and can't speak a full sentence yet
>Other one weighs 350 pounds
>Also smokes weed all day
>Never had a job
>Never had a gf
>Everytime i see him asks me whether or not i've seen the newest asmongold videos
>Only subjects of conversation is shit he saw asmongold talk bout, usually some grifter shit about how video games are woke
>Wallows in self-pity constantly, never thinks about changing anything about his lifestyle

Both are over 30. I played up until wrath too, i stopped when i was 18 or 19. It's insane to see that people still cling to this game for some reason.
The hatred that DF gets despite having the strongest gameplay WoW has ever had really does expose the majority of /v/ as story gamers
>just give me a 'skip cutscene' option
wow always had that you dumb faggot
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The whole Warbands system itself was enough to get me to resub, the rest of the class QoL is jsut icing on the cake. I've always liked the class/race identity but always preferred the convenience of doing everything on one character FF14 had, and warbands basically just combines the best of both worlds. Now instead of switching jobs in 14 you're just switching characters in WoW, with the only real difference being like, two loading screens.
i know anon. i want to be able to skip the 'walk around town with an npc' quests. you'd understand this if you used context clues from the post
As someone who played a lot of DF, I'll resub a few weeks after release because there is no reason to play casual content in WoW. It's been terrible for a while and I don't think Delves are going to make it enjoyable.
Also, fuck paying for early access so that I can grind professions that will only be profitable for a short period of the expansion.
the stupid titans, the stupid recolored dwarves, the stupid nerubians, it seems like a complete filler expansion but I bought it anyway because I am retarded and too invested in my main character at this point
>play tab target combat for approaching 20 years
>nobody gives a fuck about the gameplay anymore
wow what a shockingly insightful observation lil'zoom zoom.
WoW died the moment guilds started mandating DBM.
If your players can't do the most pisseasy fucking mechanics that WoW offers without a massive on-screen prompt and siren telling them what to do, then just fucking quit.

You want me to meet a certain DPS threshold? Fine.
You want me to reach item level X in Y days? No problem.
You want me to lose a sunday to push the content rather than wait one more week to gear up because you want top 10 clears? Fuck, sure, let's do it.
But I'm not installing a hand-holding mod because you and the other mouth breathers can't manage without it. If I fuck up a mechanic, fine, but if I'm doing everything right, what the fuck do you want me installing a mod for?

And then we wipe on the same boss 13 times in a row because the fucking cunts running DBM STILL won't fucking move.
>WoW died the moment guilds started mandating DBM
So, WotLK?
Also when gearscore emerged.
you don't need dbm unless you're a shitter
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>people actually defending or promoting Dragonflight
stay mad little man
i'm sure each one of us could write an entire book ok how WoW is bad and dead etc. but go and try to play another game. all other games are just as bad if not worse. this is why i keep playing WoW, gameplay is still fun even despite all of it's flaws.
The only thing that's objectively bad about Dragonflight is the story, the rest is subjective.
DF is literally worse than BFA and WoD, less content than either, shittier areas worse class design, the new talent trees are absolutely toxic garbage made in India.
holy cope
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DF is bretty solid
No, it really is not, it's literally a concentrate of everything that is wrong with post Warlord WoW
you're wrong and that's ok
I'm Right because if I were wrong I'd be subscribed right now and so would the millions of people that stopped playing between BFA and DF
doesn't matter there's other millions that keep playing and more to come with china and the new expansion
if the game were good Asmongold would be playing it
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WoW literally has a million active players at most and DF is, at best, half of that.
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df made the gameplay better which is the most important thing in a video game. this is why you sometimes see people coping about muh story or muh graphics because gameplay for whichever game they are talking about is bad
7 million but you can continue coping
fucking truth bomb right here
The only expansion that made gameplay better is TBC because it was focused on expanding tools for each spec of each class.
Everything since has been a downgrade.
The worst offender I can think of is lifebloom.
>if the game were good Asmongold would be playing it
not sure if sarcastic or an actual asmon golem
to be fair, tbc didnt have to try very hard to improve the gameplay from v*nilla
i would chalk it up as brain rot
But somehow WotLK from 3.1 was a straight downgrade for every class.
why don't you share a source bud, surely that number didn't come from a random YouTuber
I'm just waiting until I can play Legion again.
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> WoW has 7 million subs
> according to an estimate by bellular
blizzard. obviously the sub count is so good that they felt comfortable sharing that chart
No, but gonna play fresh f2p char. I heard they even adding flying mounts to f2p? Also, when exactly is patch in Eu? I want to play
wednesday is prepatch
Its a dead bloated game
what does being bloated mean?
the original graph is from blizzard. even without numbers you can see that the sub numbers were at legion's levels back in novemberl.
99% of the content is dead and obsolete.
In an ideal world you'd need to do all raids from MC to do the next ones and some builds in TWW would work with trinkets from classic.
Instead every single patch your progress is reset to 0 and people don't ven need to do the first tier of an expansion because from the second tier you get better gear from heroics and mythics.
DF was a great expansion if we look at the pros and cons

Good: Flying is fun
Bad: literally everything else
they tried keeping old raid tiers relevant in SL and everyone hated it
classic case of you think you do
have you been asleep since 2008 or something? mmos have functioned like this for decades
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I'm kind of mad dawntrail was so shit because now I don't have an excuse to not play TWW on launch.
No I will not play better videogames. I am an MMO addict and I refuse to stop.
they did it way too late in the worst way possible, also with a player base that is obsessed with meta mythic spam
Videogames have been shit since 2008
Its a bloated game. its got 20 years of game mechanics packed in it. Theres tons of irrelevant expansion stuff in there that are mechanically irrelevant. Even ignoring the old content, the mechanistic of the current gameplay itself is bloated as hell.
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dragonflight saved and healed the game
no they didn't. nobody wants to run MC to be able to enjoy the new content
so they should just get rid of it completely like destiny did? removing content is actually a le good thing? i dont understand what youre even complaining about here.
anon the only people actually playing it are idiots so of course they're going to like it.
he's using buzzwords from asmongold because he thinks content = bloat
They need to kill it. And make a new game entirely.

Dumbass. A game past its prime and on lifesupport needs to have their plugs pulled. Further fire 90% of the troons from the devs and return to basic common sense and game enjoyability rather than nonsense tranny shit
kys asmontard
>most popular mmo
>life support
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>makes high elf beggars seethe so hard they're STILL shitting and pissing themselves
He's based.
>tranny game with no new playerbase
>noooo its a goodgame
>We agree that WoD wasn't perfect, thats why the game is going to be saved with Legion by having actual content
>We agree that Legion wasn't perfect, thats why the game is going to be saved with BFA by making it more Vanilla like adding a global CD to everything
>We agree that BFA wasn't perfect, thats why the game is going to be saved with Shadowlands since muh 1 bad expansion 1 good expansion means Shadowlands must be good expansion
>We agree that Shadowlands wasn't perfect, thats why the game is going to be saved with DF because uhhh its 2 bad expansions 1 good expansion actually.
>We agree that DF was perfect, thats why the game is going to be saved with The War Within since they got Thralls writer back
Nah, that treadmill isn't worth it.
most popular mmo
you just suck and the game sucks too, left this game with 4 hofs(azshara, uunat, jaina and sylvanas) never used a single weakaura aside for those that it needed the entire group to use in order to work because my guild was retarded and blind. This number you say is an illusion, the game was never hard only really bad balanced around gearing, addons and broken ass systems. I am never coming back to this balancing shitshow where you need to do splits to kill bosses as fast as you can because skill means jackshit. The day they ban addon in fights and balance the fights properly I might comeback. And DF killed the reason to even raid mythic, you are just retarded to keep raiding when Mythic+ offer less stress, similar gear and not dealing with 20+ dumb people, Mythic+ was one of the worst things to happen to this game. Good luck with this shit broken game. Maybe your dumb lord Ion sees the light and changes this game for the better.
you're bad at the game
Most dead game. It has no life.
I dipped when Legion came out, probably not.
I'm just a normal dude, but when i look at the amputee black chick with the shield, i just die of cringe. Even more when she refuses to get a prosthetic arm for some reason. It reminds me of the stupid dracthyr in the wheelchair, in a fantasy world full of magic.
>the best raiders in the world are bad at the game
Sure mate.
I will be playing. Started mythic raiding halfway through DF just to play with friends. Only for the friends on the team to be burnt out now. The game is still the only tab targeting MMO that feels good to play. That's really all it is. The story is subpar even for Blizzard. The overworld content might as well not even exist. The actual gearing still sucks unless you have a guild or friends funneling you. There's still random really obvious shit the devs are incapable of target fixing because only like 3 people on the team play the game in any functional capacity. They've been listening a lot more, but there's still always that insidious frustration you have to sit through that they'll leave baked into everything they do.

The game is terribly unoptimized at this point and the inconsistency between low-high end hardware performance is alarming. Before it used to be the servers were too weak to handle 30 players in the overworld, now it's framerates dipping in 20 man raid encounters. And that's even without add-ons. The game has fundamental issues that probably can't/won't be fixed.
>multiple hall of fames
>only ever used weakauras for group sync mechanics
>balanced around gearing and not skill
has there ever been a bigger larp
He was a cool side character, and not one of the major selling points of an expansion. The strong black chick feels forced. We are talking about the World of Warcraft where black people didn't even exit until Blizzard added them a couple years ago.
Assuming you're talking about me because I mentioned visions of mana
>not knowing what piracy is
I haven't bought a SE game in many years, stupid faggot. I don't give money to anybody involved in DEI. I won't even pirate pozzed games, if Visions is pozzed, I won't be playing it. There is nothing outside of the fact it's SE to suggest it's pozzed, and SE has many teams and not every game they make is pozzed. I still won't buy it because fuck SE, but if it's a good game i will pirate it. Unlike your faggot zoomer ass I've actually been playing Mana since the snes, why wouldn't I give it a chance?
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>xhe doesn't know that interrogator vishas from vanilla scarlet monastery exists
every time with you retarded faggots
Random trash mobs don't count. Black people didn't exist as main characters or even side characters in the story of WoW for over a decade. Warcraft 3 is also a good example.
>trash mob
you're genuinely retarded. he's a dungeon boss with a backstory as well
stop being retarded
Oh yeah, who doesn't remember the iconic boss Interrogator Viishas. Nah, people only remember the good stuff like Whitemane

will you have a melty?
Kek, they haven't been in the game for 14 years
it is. kys retail troon.
there was an actual reason for his wound
he lost his arm in war and it fueled his desire for vengeance.
that wasn't the point
you said
> We are talking about the World of Warcraft where black people didn't even exit until Blizzard added them a couple years ago.
which then got btfo, so now you keep moving goalposts
why didn't he grow it back? how is that different from faerin losing hers in battle?
That's not true.
You could go straight to Chains of domination.

t.- 99 p/a player who regrets wasting his time with SL
that's a good question. guess they wanted the edgy revenge plot reasons.

Because his wound was an important motivation for his actions.

Faerin or whatever the black dude(chick?) with the shield is blatantly done for DEI reasons.
They didn't exist and impacted the story in any relevant way. That's the point. You could always pick the black skin color as a human in the character creator.
people were still doing sanctum in sepulcher because of the hunter bow
so you admit that
>We are talking about the World of Warcraft where black people didn't even exit until Blizzard added them a couple years ago.
was complete bullshit, yeah?
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Already did

There is a point in WoW that everyone arrives at eventually, where you realize that nothing in the game actually matters and that everything is designed to waste your time and sell you tokens.

Once you reach that point, you can't ever go back to the game. Its so far beyond any characters I ever cared about, its full of FOMO nonsense, and the game only revolves around unfun Mythic+ or overly complex raids that have been designed as an arms race against world-firsters.

I loved WoW for many years, but that interest is gone forever and isn't going to return just because of a new expansion.

Even classic is dead at this point. Nobody liked Cataclysm enough to want to play it again and now we're at the point where you're just playing retail again, but from a worse version from 14 years ago.
>where you realize that nothing in the game actually matters
anything you do in a video game ultimately doesn't matter
i always have a blast getting aotc each tier and that hasn't changed
It's bullshit that the character just appears out of fucking nowhere, with no story setting it up
Show the the main black characters that impacted the storyline of WoW
Well said.
I didn't even play classic but people are what made WoW back in the golden days, can't replicate that with min maxing retards.
it's a new zone we haven't been to, so new characters make.
midnight will be in EK/Quel thalas/Kalimdor and The last titan will be in Northrend and other original zones
illidan is black coded
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I kept coming back for expansions like a buttered housewife for years, but I just haven't even come back at all for any expansion since Shadlands.

I had to have put at least 10k hours into WoW if there was any actual way to track that, but I just don't care anymore.
that's your fault for being a huntercuck.
trolls are more black than the blackest gorilla nigger human in wow. there is no human black culture in wow. there is nothing resembling black culture among them. humans are all the same

trolls are closer to black culture than anything else in wow and nothing else comes close
Cata and MoP are fine
but yes.
This, but for all Blizzard games. The magic is gone, sadly. They can't make good games anymore sadly, everyone left years ago.
Agreed with everything But saying Cata is the end of WoW
the end of WoW is WoD in overall quality, and Legion in the essence of gameplay disregarding content.

Cata and MoP are still very fun gameplay-wise.
moving goalposts again?
>try to join a raid
>you MUST join discord
>mod with anime profile picture and she/her pronouns asks you about the Palestine/Israel conflict
>your spot on the roster hangs in the balance

Your response?
i wouldn't know because that never happens
>every financial report cites record profits
Mindbroken /v/tards
why can't my fantasy character be racist in a fantasy setting?
>mcdonalds makes profit
>mcdonalds is good food
shartedlands is the last time ill fall for your scam ion
damn bros. this brings back memories. i remember the battle of 6vdt where we had a big lan party full of multiboxers. lots of beer and pizza. chilling on vent until a spy told us where we had to go. they were comfier times.
>completly fuck over all tanks because of defensive creep for dps tards
>1 month before the expansion releases
Blizzard has not once thought about balance in almost 20 years.
You dont have to play something to have a valid opinion on it. Of course the people who ignore issues promote a game. But its not like the people who have issues just suddenly dont exist or count.
It's a good expansion
The answer is right in front of them, and then they turn around and pick the opposite thing
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>ohn'ahran plains - gay centaurs
>azure span - gay peta workers
>thaldraszus - bronze dragons suck and time travel is gay
>waking shore - pretty ok, no gayne- ahhh no wait GAY FROGS LEL
>emerald dream - speaks for itself
>You dont have to play something to have a valid opinion on it.

/v/ in a nutshell
>legion of xXDEATHXx
Is this an ironic name or are they all willing minions of some faggot with a gay name?
thats not warframe
even better
I've been checking the updates on Wowhead. While the warband stuff is cool, the game itself looks like it's still pretty much exclusively m+ trooning. So no.
delves and raids too but ok.
My guild and most of my original realm have been long dead, and pugging with the WoW community is pure cancer. Delves just seem boring to me.
pugging aotc is extremely easy now, and the tww raid will have an icc buff so even retards like you can clear
big tasty is good
Dragonriding/Dynamic Flight is worth Dragonflight existing and I have heard people say it's the "worst good expac" which would place it incredibly high in the rankings compared to the last 2 expansion packs and better than AT LEAST 4 overall (Cata, WoD, BFA, Shadowlands)
Was that the hand drawn chart with no axis?
dynamic flight is garbage and i'm tired of pretending its not
shaky boomer hands typed this post. took him 15 minutes to type it out too
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Race stuff triggers me a bit in WoW for the same reason the MOP version of Scarlet Monastary having cheesy accents triggers me. Where did the fucking accent come from?This is a world where we know the intimate details of every elf dwarf and troll and how every color of elf dwarf and troll and type of taurens different head accessory came to be and where they originate from and their culture but then just somehow humans spawned genetic diversity THEIR PROGENITORS THE VRYKUL DO NOT FUCKING HAVE out of their assholes. Not only that NO HUMAN IN WARCRAFT HAS EVER EXPRESSED ISSUES WITH ALTERNATE SKIN COLORS WHEN RACIAL TENSIONS ARE ONE OF THE DEFINING CHARACTERISTICS OF THE OTHER MAJOR TITANBORN RACE, THE DWARVES

I literally wouldn't care if they worked in human populations that are black/asian/latino/middle eastern as long as they just FUCKING explained where they come from in lore and how it is they all got to be harmonious with one another.
I haven't resubbed since 2010. Don't see that changing anytime soon. Take all the gay shit out of WoW and I'll reconsider it (you won't though).
I've been subscribed non-stop since BC and I buy an annual subscription each year.
based wow enjoyer
Absolutely terrible take.

Dragonriding is fun as shit and makes you keep your brain turned on while traversing the world while also making it take 1/10th or less the time it did previously to go from A to B. It's genuinely the best of both worlds, it is both more engaging AND more respectful of my time. Old flying around pandaria is slow and plodding while dragonriding in MOP remix is fucking perfect to cover the zones in a reasonable span of time while also making the environments really pop. The fact that now the giant temples and mountains of pandaria aren't just these things I see slowly sliding in the distance as I slowly move by and are something I dip down and around in my flight because I need to actually dip and coast and also flying takes 12 seconds to get from a to b anyway so fuck it why wouldn't I try flying through the little gate its fun,

Dragonriding is sick
BFA is underrated. It was bad during first patch but after that it was great.
>fly twice as fast
>world now has twice the distance between things to compensate
>Fly ten times as fast
>World is now twice as big to compensate
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>reddit spacing

Every WoW thread ever.
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>Retard normalniggers say Dragonflight is good because of no borrowed power no treadmill no artifact power, all things that don't and never mattered to normalniggers
>All 3 raids were some of the worst, most boring, lazy, DOGSHIT FUCKING TRASH raids in the series history and raiding has NEVER been less enjoyable
I sincerely think Dragonflight is less enjoyable and more creatively bankrupt than BFA, and you could make a strong fucking argument that it beats Shadowlands in that regard as well.
the new talent point system was blah, they still had the stupid 'not-reputation' system, vaults are dumb and encourage 'optimized' gameplay
>Dragonriding is fun as shit and keeps your brain turned on
jerk camera straight up
spam Fly Upwards as much as you want or can
angle camera 3 degrees below horizon
glide to your destination
I would have agreed with you that Dragonriding is a more interesting traversal method if you were defending Dragonriding as it was during Dragonflight leveling: almost no vigor, far faster than regular flying but you were severely restricted on using it with those restrictions opening up a bit based on how good you were with dragonriding
Now Dragonriding is just regular flying at literally triple the speed or higher so the devs trashed the attachment players have to the world
kill yourself
the new talent system is easily Dragonflight's best feature. as meh as you might think it is it still dances on the grave of the old talent system
>talent system
i agree, it is better. but i'd rather have two actual choices than 12 false ones because the devs favor one 'build' over everything else because of an in studio playstyle preference
what. DF had kino raids. fyrakk is a very fun fight, and so is tindral.
either bait or a stream watcher who thinks his opinion matters
They've literally made M+ and raiding objecitvely better with the recent changes
i got aotc every tier. seethe
how, faggot? Let me guess, you're gonna say something fucking retarded like "raiding isn't about weakauras anymore!!" and out yourself as an asmongold watcher who isn't a FUCKING RAIDER
okay you actually get a reply because I laughed out loud at your post, thanks
nta, but raids are very well tuned now. at least heroic. they still struggle with tuning the last 1-2 bosses on mythic, but overall raiding is in a much better place.
very easy to pug aotc nowadays.
>unfun Mythic+ or overly complex raids

Shitter alert
Also literally everything you said can be applied to any MMO or live service game
No, bringing back the ICC buffs is what I was referring to, making normal and heroic less of a ballache to pug, especially early

Like 99.9% of players I don't give a fuck about mythic
Why would a bad raid have the most viewed race to world first ever, especially if the game is supposedly dead

Can you retards get a fucking brain please
> he ever ran out of vigor

Bro didn't know the flick trick, I swear only absolute shit players dislike dragon riding
jej. fyrakk RWF was kino and it broke all RWF records. even twitch's official channel was promoting it
I'm an eu fag but I wanted US to win, max is cool and echo are annoying
No, PvP has become Mythic+ 2.0
>Also literally everything you said can be applied to any MMO or live service game
You're just proving his point. MMOs and other skinnerbox games are for retards.
not touching subscription services, thanks
good like with you gaas
Why do Heroic players talk about raiding as if their opinion matters at all? Heroic difficulty raiding can be pugged with no communication by like week 3. You don't have to know the fights to play Heroic, and you can't appreciate the difference between the fights because at difficulties that low the differences don't matter and functionally don't exist. Really, the only difference for the Heroic raider between a god tier raid (Nighthold) and some of the worst shit ever released (Aberrus) is the color of the wall textures and particles.
I can concede that the raids are decent on Heroic. Amirdrassil was a really good Heroic raid, and total junk trash on Mythic
>They still struggle with tuning the last 1-2 bosses on Mythic
they've never been worse at tuning the ENTIRE raid. Amirdrassil is SIX gimme bosses in a row until Smolderon, which is a garbage fight but not horrifically tuned, and Tindral + Fyrakk which is probably the least fun I have ever had raiding. Two 500 pull bosses back to back and NEITHER of them were fun.
huh. so the platform itself was promoting the race, and viewership is the metric you're using to gauge quality?

feels like there's a gap missing here...if only i could put my finger on it
raszageth is the best raid boss ever made, season 1 was the most well balanced season ever. BUT dragonflight is the gayest and deadest expansion ever. Too little too late I spose.
Isn't the War Within a Warframe story arc?
I'll be playing, it's the most hopeful I've been for the game for a long time, I quit during SL like many and came back towards the end of Dragonflight, and actually really enjoyed it, the story is meh but has a few good parts like tyrande and malfurion, which counter acts all the faggotry in DF (though to be fair, I've literally never done any of the gay quests people are talking about), raids and M+ was great, crafted gear was great, class design was very good on all my mains - the war within seems to be making all the changes I could hope for, I have literally nothing bad to say about what I've seen, hero talents are looking fun, I'm glad the story is high stakes again, delves making open world/ solo an actual viable gearing route to an extent is great, espeically for alts, not to mention everything account wide - plus of course no bullshit AP grind or borrowed power, I genuinely think it will be good
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>raz is the best raid boss ever made
you'd have to argue if she even makes top 3 in the rankings of her own fucking raid, and she only "competes" because VOTI is possibly the worst raid ever released
Because 99% of players don't raid higher than heroic and the difference between fully heroic geared and fully mythic geared is like 7 item levels, which to most people is not worth the 20x more time and effort mythic demands, if not more so

Why would I wanna spend weeks of my life wiping hundreds of times to a boss when I can kill it week 2 and get practically the same item and then go and do the stuff I wanna do
you can argue raz isnt top 3, but trying to act like VOTI is literally the worst WoW raid is clown shit and makes it feel like you have only been playing for 1 or 2 xpacs.
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No thanks im having fun right now
Mythic players loved her
Everyone else hated her

It's a thematically cool fight, but pugging is a nightmare because of how much personal responsibility there is, you simply can't carry people through that fight
the fuck is that? A retail private server?
If you don't do what I do in WoW, it's only because you're incapable. If you do more, it's because you're an addict.
> blizzard decides to wipe your server out
> time and effort, gone forever

Non official servers are the most cucked way to play an MMO
it's a very cool fight THOUGH
What gacha is this?
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If they pay me to play it I'd consider but even then I'd have to think hard about it.
t. TBC and WotLK Classic players
>Why would I wipe to a boss when I can get loot and stop playing
So you don't like the game and don't actually care about the gameplay? You pay $15 a month for a game you don't even want to play?
Are you actually under the impression that Mythic raiders are raiding because they want their ilvl to go up 5 extra points? They're raiding for the challenge and enjoyment of the fight design along with the demand for mastery of the spec.
The gameplay part of the game.
>Mythic players loved her
wrong, I mythic raided her
she would probably be a decent or pretty good Mythic boss if it weren't for both intermissions being terrible timewasters that aren't engaging at all. P3 is fun, P2 is pretty fun, P1 is not enjoyable but not hideous.
She improves SUBSTANTIALLY in Fated because the Fated tuning shrinks the fight length dramatically, which I suppose puts her above Fyrakk and Sarkareth but isn't saying that much when SL's Fated Mythic final bosses were extremely fun.
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>New trannies with bigger cocks
>All your favorite charactes are now black
>Israel is now the Alliance
>Endless Dungeon with actual rewards
Eh, I hoped Torghast would be something like this, but it wasn't endless and it had no rewards.
I also hoped Delves would be something like this, but they are more like Withered Army Training and they take 15 min max, so that sucks as well.
Blizzard has this stupid concept that content for solo players must be "bite-sized" and also focused on killing trash mobs.
>i dont know
I actually liked DF regarding class balance, Maze+ changes and the new profession system. The biggest issue is that they made the questing, zones and plot unbelievably gay and lame, it's ridiculous how BORING everything that isn't raiding/M+ is. At this point I unironically prefer Sneedolands' narrative that shat all over the previous canon rather than DF's where it felt like an actual filler expansion where absolutely nothing happened.
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trust the plan
Ascension, custom vanilla+tbc
Im sure its gonna go down any moment, its not like they aren't stealing blizzard's assets for YEARS and sell them for actual money
Blizzard devs are morally bankrupt they will never let you have any fun and progression. Pic related was made by 1 guy.
Shadowlands was more explosively bad because it was tearing down over a decade of established lore people liked, but pound for pound I think Dragonflight was even worse written and less enjoyable, it was just horrible more quietly because it was sucking on its own merits
My whole guild got to Sarkareth when the raid came out and collectively said "we have no idea who this is", people have completely disconnected from WoW's narrative after SL
>New trannies with bigger cocks

Draeneisisters won BIGLY
>You think they named Lavender AI after you?
No, thanks.
I learned my lesson.
I've never been required to join a discord server to join a raid
I wouldn't mind it because I want to make friends
I like hard games, I just find the gap between heroic and mythic too unreasonable

I can wipe to a boss maybe 5 times, or 50, and to me I don't really feel the need to do mythic, I'm perfectly happy with grabbing curve every tier

Then I wanna play alts, farm some M+, do some chieves or farming, or even just quest if the story is good
Especially in War Within, there's delves, and all the hero talents means I know I'm gonna be playing a lot of characters
At the state dept?
>Why do Heroic players talk about raiding as if their opinion matters at all? Heroic difficulty raiding can be pugged with no communication by like week 3. You don't have to know the fights to play Heroic, and you can't appreciate the difference between the fights because at difficulties that low the differences don't matter and functionally don't exist. Really, the only difference for the Heroic raider between a god tier raid (Nighthold) and some of the worst shit ever released (Aberrus) is the color of the wall textures and particles.
because mythic literally does not matter since 99% of the playerbase does not do it. It shouldn't even exist.
>I know I'm gonna be playing a lot of characters
warbands. what a good addition

The last cutscene of dragonflight shows a loyal tradwife literally sprinting to fall into her lovers arms, you KNOW Metzen ordered this, malfurion is his favourite
It's ridiculous how we were supposed to take that fight seriously when that faggot got BTFO multiple times in regular quests. Even FyrACK was pathetic compared to pretty much every other final boss.
MoP was the last time retail was fun.
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oh good, he's back. was a little miffed when they traded him for ysera
This is the first kiss on screen in a blizzard game since starcraft 2

Look at how positive the response is, hopefully blizzard knows this is what people actually resonate with
Yeah basically they needed to get ysera back to help save the dream, but once she did that and made her daughter the new dreamer, they could swap places again
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yeah that's cool and all but that doesn't change anything I said. You're not raiding, heroic raiding is about as engaging as watching it on youtube or watching colorful flashy lights. But you and your type TALK about raiding as gameplay when you aren't playing it. Then, as we've seen repeatedly, you hide behind "b-b-but it doesn't even matter when called out."
DF could have the best or worst raids of WoW's history and your experience would be identical. So don't talk about raiding! Thanks!
>Get called out for saying Mythic raiders are only raiding for ilvl when nobody raids for the sake of ilvl
>Change strategy to "oh it's too hard"
>Then say you "don't feel the need"
You're right, there is a huge gap between Heroic and Mythic. Mythic being "raiding", and everything below Mythic being variants on leveling-dungeon-tier difficulty. You're not raiding, you're playing a journo-level visual novel.
>I just wanna level alts and play M+
off your other responses I assume you cap out M+ at like +6 but in the event that you do real keys then sure, you can talk about M+. But don't talk about the raid experience, you know nothing about it
Give us BBC in ANUS. BBC!!!!
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> her hands
No one cares about your cutting edge bro
My weekly +10 is enough for me
Thank you Aggrend, very cool
>yeah that's cool and all but that doesn't change anything I said. You're not raiding, heroic raiding is about as engaging as watching it on youtube or watching colorful flashy lights. But you and your type TALK about raiding as gameplay when you aren't playing it. Then, as we've seen repeatedly, you hide behind "b-b-but it doesn't even matter when called out."
>DF could have the best or worst raids of WoW's history and your experience would be identical. So don't talk about raiding! Thanks!
most people don't raid mythic because they don't have a regular 20 to work with, not because it's actually difficult.
You're not doing anything special, blizzard should completely cut mythic since it's worthless.
>Blizzard has this stupid concept that content for solo players must be "bite-sized" and also focused on killing trash mobs.
I fucking hate this. For them solo player = casual dad gamer playing 1h a week. I play solo and I spend 10h a day in WoW doing all kinds of stuff. Give me challenging content I can enjoy as well you fucks! I did 36/36 mage towers back in Legion, why can't they add more stuff like this?
what happened that got you so angry, sis?
I haven't subbed in a decade why would I start now?
See it used to be the case that a raider doing the hardest content was noticebly stronger than normal players, now, as pointed out - the gap between the power of a heroic level player and a mythic level player is small, but the mythic level player has to invest like 10-20x the time, so the only reason to raid mythic or push keys above 10 is epeen points, but if you're over 15 you should not give a fuck about this
no, it looks even worse than DF
>tfw vanilla wow would one day become disney meets DEI
Let me put it like this: XIV has a divisive expansions and I'm in the threads discussing it, going to 800 replies.
WoW has an expansion. I guess? It's not in the zeitgeist anymore.
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>Doesn't do real M+ either
why are you subbed LMAO
>Um raiding's not hard
>No I couldn't Mythic raid to confirm this it's too hard
WoW casuals are so fucking funny
>invest like 10-20x the time
>so the only reason to raid mythic or push keys above 10 is epeen points, but if you're over 15 you should not give a fuck about this
which is why I suggest they cut it entirely, time better spent developing something people actually use.
>It's not in the zeitgeist anymore.
>Every measurable metric WoW has significantly higher engagement than XIV

Genuinely how do you explain that
>Mythic transmogs are also no longer exclusive to Mythic Raiding so you don't even get to look cooler
I want to but I'm still traumatized by Shadowlands. I have turned into an extremely skeptical person after they destroyed the entire games lore (yes I care about lore in my games a lot). I still have that itch to become a CE raider again but my nerves can't handle being fucked over. Right now I'm playing FFXIV but its not as fun as mythic raiding in WoW. I can maybe wait 3 more years to see if they turn their game around and beyond that I'll probably quit and move onto gacha games because they are getting better.
>The only reason to play Mythic is epeen
or to actually play the fights. Do you really not understand that? That learning mechanics and doing boss fights is fun, and playing "fights" that are so easy they're totally unengaging (everything below Mythic) is not fun?
>he's here
They still want to retain the casual dad with his mixed-raced children who plays on weekends -- because that's what they all are in California, USA. Microsoft (Israel) approved.
Well I'm not right now because I grabbed all the season 4 stuff I care about

But when I am playing, I would rather spend my time making 5+ characters 95% as powerful as one mythic level character and actually have a varied game experience

Wanna pug heroic? Go for it. Wanna farm some M+? Go for it? Wanna just quest or farm some mogs? That's fine to

Mythic niggers have to do whatever is optimum for their next raid night, so it's no longer a game it's a job
99% of players play like I do, stop coping
you take wow seriously, you can't be lamoing at anyone
Just skip season 1 and see how it goes, then jump in at the end and prepare for season 2

The good thing about seasonal wow is there are clear jumping off and on points
>I want to but I'm still traumatized by Shadowlands.
It's called having woken up
Now you're having drug-addict tier cravings
Unless you want big beautiful black bbc up your ass with the diaperfur trannies singing cumbaya just drop it
wow is dead, it died years ago
>inb4 muh grapefix look at this finofano search on google words!!!!!!!!!
don't care, wow died, this isn't it
DF is considered a good expansion simply because it had no features besides flying
There was nothing there to fuck up and spend an entire expansion fixing only to throw it away, just the old usual gameplay loop with no gimmicks attached
It's embarrassing in a way when all they had to do to have a good expansion was "nothing" in a sense
Sorry you must have me confused with someone that plays modern WoW.
But I did play the fight, I just didn't play the hardest version of the fight

I think I can get over not seeing the instant raid one shot mechanic every boss, I'll live
Dragonflight had good raids, dungeons and class design
If it didn't have all three it would have been a much worse experience
The best part of dragonflight is almost all classes are GENUINELY fun to play and well designed
Shartlands acted as a filter for wow's userbase
Everyone not trooned out up to the gills and with any sanity quit
So now you have all the mentally ill who will consume any slop being the only ones left
Of course DF gets defended
>95% as powerful as one mythic level character
To do your weekly +10? lol
also, cute dodging the point that mythic content isn't for the sake of progression, it's for the sake of playing the content because it's fun
>Have a varied game experience
What are you experiencing, exactly? You play VN-difficulty content
>Mythic niggers have to do whatever is optimal for their next raid night, so it's not a game it's a job
Pushing keys early in the season is fun, gearing to do Mythic is fun, and halfway through any raid tier most Mythic raiders just raidlog
playing-like-a-job for Mythic has not been true for literal years
>99% of players play like I do
oh yeah biggest audience is right
in that case the best game ever made is chink gachashit
kill yourself
>Unless you want big beautiful black bbc up your ass with the diaperfur trannies singing cumbaya
This is some very specific projection to bring up when my man was talking about playing an MMO
>Class design
Augmentation destroyed the balance of the whole game and is boring as fuck to play.
>n-no stop mentioning it!!!
Make sure to do the wakanda salute for your new blackfolxx overlords in the game, paypig
> this mad because no one cares about his title

I can even get mythic sets without stepping inside the raid LOL
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I don't care about Mythic transmog
nice try though
>muttmerican is again shadowboxing with the voices in his head
we're talking about a video game
I can honestly say, this kind of post makes me even more likely to buy war within, in fact I've gone from a strong maybe to a very likely entirely because of you
Again, the only reason to do Mythic raids or M+ over 10 is either score or cutting edge, I care about neither, so why force myself to do it?

There are RP players having more fun than either of us ever will - who are we to say they're playing the game wrong
The reason to play Mythic is because raiding good raids is fun for its own sake
you should post another "dunk" where you evade the reality that mythic raiding is actual gameplay you're too shit to play and not the irrelevant treadmill slop that's on your mental level and I repeat my irrefutable point with another laughing gif
because he's autistic and he can't accept that at the end of the day fun is subjective
some people find m+ fun. some might find running delves fun
he can't comprehend that because he's mentally impaired
I have fun doing 10s and heroics though, I also have fun just questing or fucking around doing other things
Poor bro spent 3 months and 500 wipes doing tindral only for no one to give a fuck lmfao
Nobody trusts Blizzard ever since they tricked the Nostalgia team and sicced the FBI on them once they stepped foot in the United States. Hence why most private servers are hosted abroad in nations that don't give a shit.
Mythic is fun for casuals. But, the rewards should be coal and shame.
M+ high keys are more fun to be quite honest family, mythic raiding is more about competitive tard wrangling rather than personal skill
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infants also have fun looking at daddy jingling car keys in front of their drooling faces but I wouldn't trust their opinions on raiding either, they're about as close to raiding as you are
I agree with you but those players are already gone, outside of the bottom of the barrel sloppers that will accept any trough laid before them, who don't need anything more
hilariously I haven't actually given my opinion on any actual raids this entire thread so this entire time you're mad at nothing
finally a decent post
the highs of mythic raiding are unequaled but MOST of the time yeah I would agree, high keys with a premade is extremely enjoyable, moreso than most Mythic raid fights
>plays games for other people
I'm not you, sped
I'm waiting to see how PvP is. I pretty much just play battlegrounds anymore and if it ends up being another season of immortal healers and teams that you can dump all cooldowns on and nobody dies I'm not coming back.
solo RBGs, and no more vault row for pvp. finally there is a honor/conquest vendor now in addition to craftable pvp gear
> sits in a premade queue for 2 hours waiting for a vengeance DH and an aug

Yeah very enjoyable stuff
psuedo midwit, shitter take.
not being able to get the good stuff before it disappears isn't fomo, you are just garbage and you missed your chance.
>can't find a group of 20 people to play with
(You) problem
not required for keys <+12-+13.
Plus didn't they flat out increase honor and conquest drops by 20% to compensate for no more vault
I know about that, I just waiting to see if the gameplay ends up being a slog or not.
So he's not a real midwit?
yea they're increasing the amount of currency you get too and they also mentioned catch ups in case you're late in the season so you gear even faster
>high keys = title pushing
I get that it all blurs together when you cap out at a 7 but you need to not embarrass yourself with posts this stupid
the middest of midwit, absolutely uninspiring. doubled up for emphasis
Does losing RBGs give anything?
Does the new expansion run on a Steamdeck
Right now you get a little bit of conquest and honor if the match was "close" which pretty much so long as you didn't get 0-3ed or similarly curbstomped.

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