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i tried so hard.
what went wrong?
we discuss the VIDEOGAME company ubisoft and why the stock price has tanked
it was me
zoom out moron
They've had a pretty roller coaster of a year, even if it's all within 15% or so.
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is worse
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Okay retard, lol
bravo retard
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They became Ubisoft Entertainment SAR.
Have you heard their FY report? They straight up lied about the reception of Shadows and Outlaws ( video with the audio of it https://youtu.be/u016sxyUHyI?si=O7JcHigXOYUglk-V&t=77 )
They were asked for pre order stats vs the previous entries and they literally went full panic and avoided to answer lmao.
actual questions anon. If shadow and outlaws both bomb is ubisoft going under?
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Time for the Microsoft buyout
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ITT: chuds are happy that stocks dropped during a few days

Tom Henderson already reported that pre-orders for Assassins Creed Shadows is at all-time high.
What happened to them in 2021? Was that Valhalla release?
Not that anon, but Tencent just about a little under half of the company. Their earnings are still pretty big, and so just a quick look makes me think a buyout would be more likely if anything.
But, they're sales numbers are still big, even if they reported a loss, but I dunno Ubisoft that well. And euro companies are weird anyway.
I am sure this thread won't derail into faggots, trying to gaslight everyone that actually sucking
[insert political figure] is actually videogames, or something
If you're not joking, it's COVID when everything went insane and many, many companies have this weird boost. Game companies were one, because people panicked and thought people would never be able to go outside again.
A lot of tech had a huge COVID boost though that collapse once the fever dropped.
It's not about the money
I'm just here to laugh at ubisoft. go pump your shitty rag somewhere else, grifter.
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Putting chinks in charve might actually save the IPs.
You lost btw
asmongold is a react guy and he's often wrong about many things. Do you have a better source?
they had an investor call where one of the attendees asked about the preorder strength of their new titles

they dodged the question
The source is not asmongold, his editor literally put the audio of the FY report in the video itself.
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chuds keep taking Ls
but not for the reason you think it would
No idea. I don't have a strong opinion since the last Ubisoft game I cared about was Rocksmith.
But, Rei was the annoying part of the new trilogy, not Boyega imo. Even if he was hamfisted in a bit.
nta but despite bots trying their hardest to force a controversy to get libs to eat shit to own the racists it's getting very little real engagement.

Honestly it looks like the average normie has gotten bored of it and it's run out fuel like transformers
>there is no record of him being a samurai
>so I made it up

that is not a quote you want
>Avatar flopped
>Skull&Bones flopped
>Assassins Creed no longer hyped
>No more lead in the next-gen hype like they had with Watch_Dogs
>Star Wars game looks crap
>Nobody interested in Ubislop anymore
>Vaporware games with inflated budget like Beyond Good and Evil 2 which will flop even if they do come out
>Tom Clancy series dead
>XDefiant mid af (frfr)
>No mobileslop to make up for their failures (port AC Origins to the iPhone 15 for some reason: it sells 1k copies)
What went wrong? Its simple really.
Xdefiant is absolutely scrambling to get out of the woke vibe, don't think we don't notice, fags.
>Tom Henderson
>Can we see the numbers?
>he thinks ubisoft is profitable
Keeping creative companies alive with government funding is a sure shot way straight to industrial grade cringe heaven. God bless Ubisoft.
>leftists now resorting to the tired old “i’m not racist, see, here’s a minority who says I’m not racist.”
How many black friends do you have?
Actually, Ubisoft investors are taking the big L up the ass, retardera homie.
>let's put a black character on the cover for easy Finkbucks!
Is this blacksploitation?
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I want Ubisoft to make a Starfield expansion with resetera as try focus group, I want historic cringe overload so much.
Another Twitter third worlder pretending to be a jap. It's becoming embarrassing.
WatchDogs was a great franchise they shouldn't have zoomerfied it.
I really liked the first one and the puzzles doing hack were fun
Why do they hate wookiees?
The reason this tanked was because during the stockholder meeting a few days ago a handful of shareholders asked for Outlaws and Shadows' pre-orders and the presenter started stuttering and going
"Uhm akshually we never reveal pre-order numbers. But community engagement is big and positive!!"
Which was a retarded move, because the shareholders then probably started googling news and instantly dipped.
If you wanna see the call:

Yeah, I know.
>Visions of Mana beating AC Shadows despite little to no marketing
We're finally coming home...
the reason why the stocks went down is due to covid still affecting the gaming industry
>spend hundreds of millions on skull and bones and it flops hard
>spend hundreds of millions on concord and the beta is already completely dead a month before release
>their one guaranteed profit series is now becoming a diplomatic incident

is ubisoft gonna go under? aside from siege idk what else they have to maintain themselves as a company
That faggot isn't a jap. Look at her pictures and you'll instantly see she's a larper.
>Works for pony canyon
>pony canyon is funded Mitsubishi UFJ financial group
>MUFG is majorly owned by Black Rock, Vanguard and Goldman Sachs
>Hiyama is formerly registered member of the Japanese communist party
Of fucking course it's the race traitor commie thats pro DEI who would be on board in this historical revisionism.
I really don't understand what Ubisoft was thinking. Anyone who is invested enough to attend a shareholder meeting and ask questions at the meeting would have already done their bare minimum of due dilligence, which in this case is literally just checking out youtube trailers for their upcoming game releases.
>is ubisoft gonna go under?
As long as they can grift money from the canadian and german taxpayers they have unlimited funds.
>diplomatic incident
This is pure chuddie cope. This new Asscreed is going to be the best selling game in the franchise.
God I hate graphs like this.
Sure, a ~20% drop is devestating, but it's framed such that it's some catastrophic trend where almost all the value was lost.
>bro just read the axis
Have you talked to the average person outside? They can't do that shit.
more like nobunigga lmao
i have a hard time believing canada and germany will bail them out with hundreds of millions of dollars. hell, shit like this makes it clear it isnt a one time thing, they are completely bankrupt of good ideas for games to keep them afloat
Funny how you have to keep reposting thisfake jap tweet from 2 months ago (cropped out the date too) because you can't find new positive ones
>normalfags mock ubisoft for making generic open world slop for years
>they add a black man and now they defend it
the end of 2023 market the beginning of a huge bull run in the market. Most of the tech industry is at new all time highs and has long since surpassed their previous covid all time high. This has nothing whatsoever to do with covid. Also, a stock doesn't just drop 14% in one day without any reason, that was absolutely a result of the shareholder meeting last week. And the funny thing is, they didn't even have bad earnings, they beat their estimates. Turns out lying by omission to your shareholders is a really bad idea.
metoo got their entire leadership suite fired and they became completely incompetent after.
WD was pretty average in the scheme of GTAlites back in the day. Had some good ideas like the Game vs App PvP tho. I always won at those.
their next big game has been getting panned for looking like shit


it looks like a gamecube game
Not a chance. I bet you'd see a push for leadership change.

In addition, a transition from PS4 to PS5, Failure of all the VR shit. Failure of fun rabbids like. Fatigue of their open world shit.

You've been spamming that trash for 6 threads now? Are you OP and just trying to not have your shit deleted or moved to pol?
>Anyone who is invested enough to attend a shareholder meeting and ask questions at the meeting would have already done their bare minimum of due dilligence
This is actually not true. A lot of shareholders don't care about games and just wanna see funny number go up. Most of them also ask the most retarded questions ever.
As example, during a meeting with Square Enix, around FFXVI's release, someone asked "With so many Final Fantasy entries, how could anyone find the time to play through them all to be up to speed with the story?"

>I really don't understand what Ubisoft was thinking
They're obligated to hold these meetings. So as you can see in the video, as they have no real numbers to show, they just bullshit their ways and hope lying to their shareholders gets them to stay on.
>member of the Japanese communist party
its so tiring
I mean, it IS a catastrophic trend. The more you zoom out, the worse the graph looks.
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They are already getting hundred of millions of dollars from them. Right now. I'm not kidding.
A leafbro can probably post his numbers to show you.
Oh, it's WAY worse than that . There are a couple of other Mana game packages higher.
is this saying 5.7mil over the course of 3 years? because thats sure as hell not enough
All stocks went crazy in 2021 due to low as fuck interest rates.
odaym nobunga
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>at the same level as 2016 and dropping
Looks like there's still a glimmer of hope left for this industry.
I think stuff like this is the funniest development in the AAA industry.
>Take free money from ESG etc. incentives
>Now have to fill a quota
>Quota becomes too big and causes internal dramas and delay
>Eventually quota overtakes internally and becomes managing/leadership roles
>Company then goes under and any talent remaining leaves
I guess you reap what you sow.
>Ubisoft stock tanked from going woke
>it was me
You did it, Anonymous! VICTORY, SCREECH!
>decade worth of growth erased due to DEI
good riddance
Apparently they have some new p2w shooter out called xdefiant but the store pages on ubisoft and epg refuse to show any screenshots or gameplay footage. that isn't encouraging
Please please please cancel the Splinter Cell remake
any so called historian who says "there is no doubt..." about something concerning a historic figure where this little is known about them is by default a fraud.
His alma mater doesn't even have a humanities department.
The budget opens again next year and they can get more again.
Also as far as I know, despite the deadline, you can get all the money immediately. It's just another form to fill out.
Some berlin based indie studio did it so they could buy their office.
Anon, why do you lie about this, when anyone can take a few seconds to look it up?
Ubisoft are the masters of getting gibs through government programs for video games. I believe they've done this with more than a dozen countries at this point.
last good ubishit game they published was rayman. About time those fuckers sink
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It makes sense when you realize that nigger worshippers are mentally ill.

>member of the Japanese communist party
Japanese communists are just as deranged as Western communists. Mind blowing.
>There are a couple of other Mana game packages higher.
Oh fuck yeah. I'm happy for the AA JRPG comeback.
Now we just gotta prevent studios like kusoge factory and nippon kusoge studio to pump out non-stop low quality titles again and crash the market.
More like Nobunana
I mean he goes
>Historical records about him are scarce
immediately into
>But he's definitely a samurai!!!
Nobody has actual sources for this claim.
The funniest shit is DEI quota hires are what killed the DEI movement itself. When it was just virtue signalling white guys and executives with white guilt it was spreading like crazy, then as soon as they work with actual minorities to spread diversity every single game they touch fails, non stop retarded comments and controversy on social media, game studios close down and it caps off with almost triggering an international incident.
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If Ass Creed: Niggers and Star Wars: Whamen flop, then Ubishit is done for.

Who knows if Microsoft would even swoop in to pick up the corpse, because Ubisoft is not profitable at all without massive taxpayer subsidies, which Microsoft would obviously not receive.
>The funniest shit is DEI quota hires are what killed the DEI movement itself.
Delusion. The movement cannot be "killed", because it's being pushed from above by people with infinite fake money.
This is supporting a german game developer, the devs who made the Settlers series. Ubisoft just happens to be the publisher.
>nips doing meme arrows ever
>Google Translate translates it perfectly
As if you needed any further evidence this is a larp.
>Ubisoft is not profitable at all without massive taxpayer subsidies, which Microsoft would obviously not receive.
If they keep the Montreal studio and BlueByte intact (the physical location and company holding, not the people) they can still receive money from Canada and Germany.
The reason Ubisoft (a french company) is getting money from Germany after all, is because they're siphoning it through their german studio. We all know BlueByte isn't seeing shit from those 5.7 mil.
Weak preorders for Outlaws too.

Visions of Mana Regular edition is Number 7 on that list. Premium edition with the premium case is the one at 65 There's also PS4 versions, and a Super collectors edition with the push dragon, that is either sold out or never carried.

It turns out they can't actually create anything as crazy as what's already out there.
Are you really so naive to think that the studio is receiving all this money?
Can you please point me to the administrative body and its guidelines that chases the money and checks where its used? They don't even ask for reports or do audits. They just give you the money and tell you good luck.
Ubisoft is going to give BB scraps and use the rest to pay even more bonuses to the CEO.
wont be long before Ubi+ is included with Gamepass Ultimate like EA Play.
It doesn't matter as long as people keep rejecting it. Keep in mind video games and the entertainment industry is just a tiny part of the ESG agenda. Blackrock's main goal was to popularize ESG screened index funds, which was thoroughly rejected by investors to the point where they have since mostly given up on it.
nah, its dead. DEI and all the bullshit surrounding it only works by taking advantage of peoples better nature while holding the threat of cancellation over them if they speak out. Over a decade of retardation being analysed through endless mainstream debate the general population has come to resent wokeism, everybody is sick to death of it.

After elon bought twitter the grip on censorship broke, it became undeniable that the majority did in fact hate wokies and now the threat of cancellation comes from the right.

money doesnt win arguments, they already lost.
It will eventually die, because the davos rot will in time cling onto something else. Maybe "making a sustainable living environment on mars" or whatever.
I'm just saying unless Ubisoft starts commissioning 5 new Anno and Settlers games every year, they aren't going to get nearly enough government funding from Germany to make any meaningful difference.
>I'm just saying unless Ubisoft starts commissioning 5 new Anno and Settlers games every year, they aren't going to get nearly enough government funding from Germany to make any meaningful difference.
Oh yeah, that's for sure.
Just keep in mind that Germany gave Ubisoft money for a title called "Project: Placeholder" with a literal placeholder text, which you can see in the text here >>683294134
In the end they're master grifters and will probably just make five different placeholders by pointing at a mix of new and older IPs.
Is it sustainable? No. Are they still going to grift? Yes.
Will it cause an Uptick once Ascreed: Shadows releases?
I've watched the video, the guy was just spouting the sort of bullshit any clueless shareholder would believe. this doesnt explain the sudden drop.
If it Flops they're definitely NOT done for. They'll be firing people.
Shareholders will immediately ask for sales numbers and either get the real numbers or some bullshit deflection and dip hard either way.
Don't forget that Ubisoft is posturing Shadows to sell equal to or better than Valhalla.
Valhalla which mysteriously generated a billion in revenue through microtransactions...
>this doesnt explain the sudden drop.
Did you miss the news about Crowdstrike? Whole market dipped fairly hard.
I'm glad you are retarded. But when a normal person asks someone a question and they start stuttering and giving a non-answer they realize something is up.
>3 fucking dollars
It doesn't matter, you idiots will still play the latest ubislop
Has it ever occurred to them to make good games for once? Just to see what happens
Mirage was Underwhelming.
Almost as impressive as Disney's decade worth of losses.
>3 fucking dollars
That's $1.9 billion.
They don't have the talent left to make good games.
Who the fuck in their right mind goes to Ubisoft in 2024 instead of making their own studio or joining a promising AA studio?
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>i have a hard time believing canada and germany will bail them out with hundreds of millions of dollars.

My spirit was uplifted by the optimism.
You mean normies.
he wasn't stuttering. You're mouth breathing asmongold watching subhuman and you have the gall to call anyone else retarded.

You think he sounded like he was fumbling because you were primed by the video to think that, when listening neutrally he just sounds like a French guy giving a normal answer to a boring share holder question.
minus $60 over the course of the last 5 years.

Did he stutter before being asked the question? You can't answer that, because you didn't watch the full meeting unlike me.
Go sign up here, then go to the link again and watch the replay retard: https://edge.media-server.com/mmc/p/atyzrozr/
I know you are retarded, but you need to make it less obvious, especially with your reddit spacing.
>Lacks expertise
>Appeals to the gaps, "Well nothing says he is, but nothing says he isn't either!"
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Even they despise commies.
why did the stock drop 15% in one day after the shareholder meeting? This is not a normal reaction to a shareholder meeting where you report a beat on quarterly earnings.
You can literally hear him sidestep the question and panic in the video. Want to explain why the stock tanked 15% right after this shareholder meeting?
People who are claiming Yasuke was a samurai are literally just playing Umineko IRL.
Why does 2chan have upvotes?
I love their "That's right" thing, I don't want it because scores are faggoty and ruin boards, but it's just funny seeing a bunch of Japs going "THAT'S RIGHT" like black Israelites.
>when listening neutrally he just sounds like a French guy giving a normal answer
One that is factually incorrect given the large and obvious backlash they have to their current lineup of releases. I'd imagine shareholders would be aware enough about how your game is perceived given the Japanese government has been critical of it.
its in the video you moron, before being asked about preorders he's just neutrally describing the game and he's saying "uhh" every few seconds because that's how normal people speak.

he never stuttered before or after. To say this nothing event would trigger a 15% sell off is completely retarded. Again, you are an NPC who was primed to think something through the tone of the video, you need to fuck off back to where people give a shit about the opinions of dumb e-celebs.
*taps sign*
They posted a loss. No idea if your thing happened, but they posted a quarterly loss and that largely explains this type of drop.
Also I want to add that he straight up lied saying that they usually don't give information regarding preorders.
Because whenever preorder numbers came up in previous calls they would always go "preorders are in line with game X" or "preorders currently exceed numbers from its previous title".
So him dodging the question entirely paints a pretty grim picture as a shareholder if you attended previous calls.

Okay. Watch the replay and come back to me.
>but it's just funny seeing a bunch of Japs going "THAT'S RIGHT" like black Israelites.
It only looks like that to you, because of the MTL.
"soudane" is just a way to affirm something. Not even in the "that's right" sense, but more in the "agreed" sense. Something you would say affirmatively as someone is talking.
Because 2chan is awful now. That's why the japanese moved to 5ch BBS.
I wish we would do the same with 4chan.
>They posted a loss.
No they didn't, EPS is 0.63, which is an increase.

No but I figured it was probably just a "Agreed" rather than something more aggressive.
Someone else mentioned the BSOD shit tanked a lot of tech stocks and looking at other game companies this is true. I would chalk the extra few % drop on the Ubisoft stock up to the assassins creed controversy
That's cool. Except the CrowdStrike issue happened after the dip.
>good games
not even that. just stop shoving negroids everywhere and their stock will shoot into the stratosphere so hard it's gonna open a wormhole straight to Mars
Records are scarce but Yasuke is a samurai because HE JUST IS OKAY?
>Except the CrowdStrike issue happened after the dip.
No? It started on the 18th same day as their earnings, Ubi tanked 19th coinciding with both issues occurring at the same time.
nah it happened at the same time
All tech companies affected by that only saw their stock drop by a single digit number (beside crowdstrike for obvious reasons). Yes, even Microsoft.
It would make Ubisoft an exception for being the sole company who saw a drop in the double digit despite not being in the same sector of activity than crowdstrike.
Yes but it was a combination of the two, that's why is fell so far. Broader market catastrophe plus a delays on two titles.
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based chud bro
fucking reddit spacing shill lol. you have fooled nobody.
>Broader market catastrophe plus a delays on two titles.
That's some extreme cope, fucking Microsoft only saw a 2-3% dip despite being the second most affected company by the crowdstrike fiasco.
You don't get a 15% dip just because of this and a delay
It gets even better when you notice AC:Shadows appears currently only on the EGS. Good chance they took the Epic money tanking their PC preorders even further.
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>Has it ever occurred to them to make good games for once? Just to see what happens
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Turns out causing an international incident frightens shareholders.
Who knew.
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>believing the reddit spacing meme
>You don't get a 15% dip just because of this and a delay
According to you. And I believe it is because investors didn't like the answer that Ubisoft gave about how positive reception has been from customers for AC and the Star Wars game because it's quite clearly fake. However the only two factors I can say with confidence is that the broader market got fucked and they had delays,
I dont think any AC game has launched on steam for like 10 years, they usually come to steam once the DLCs are out
Why do you guys hate black guys in videogames so much? Is it insecurity?
A delay on 2 games doesn't cause a 15% dip, even with the CS shit.
I don't think you realize how fucking big a 15% dip is, that's not "investor didn't like what we've said" but rather "investor saw through our bullshit".
This is not crypto you moron, in stocks a 15% dip is catastrophic.
Actually I believe police officers count as security.
Ergo hating black people is security.
I hate the colonizer's approach to an indigenous cultures history falsifying it in order to commercialize it. I consider it racist.
>people have always wanted to play a samurai/ninja assassin's creed
>people joke that assassin's creed: japan will be about yasuke because ubisoft
>it actually is
>everyone mocks ubisoft for being such predictable dei faggots
>the discourse is now purely semantic bickering about whether he was a samurai or not

What happened? Who took the bait?
Yes, read the body of my post again.
The only place black guys belong, or niggers as I like to call them, is on top of my whore wife
Why do you like sucking BBC?
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I loved afro-samurai. I don't like Ubishite.
Neither should anyone, you are only defending pig capitalists because they put a black guy in their shite game, rethink your life.
reminds me of the whole Kingdom Come deliverance fiasco where people where bitching that there wasn't any black people in it.
I'd be indifferent if they weren't being forced in solely for politics.
So it is insecurity, got it lol
chud! chud! chud!
If they somehow made the game even more tedious than Valhalla then it'll make money through those time saving mtx unfortunately
Ubisoft has already fired a ton of people, yet they fall ever deeper into the red. They are now 1 billion Euros in debt, although the market capitalization is only 2.5 billion Euros in total.

If both Ass Creed Shadows and Star Wars Outlaws fail, and the stock continues to fall, then creditors will not be pleased. Anything could happen then, even the liquidation of Ubisoft's assets.

All said, it is not looking good for Ubisoft at all.

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>ubishit might actually die
please God, let this happen
They'll be bailed out, it's fine. Buy the stock.
I would love playing a game about the Rwanda-Congo-Angola war and playing through the various operations on all sides to make that happen.
But it will never happen because it wouldn't be politically correct, despite being a pretty cool story to tell.
>"uh guys we need to put a black guy in our video game because some roastie from marketing said so"
>"we also need to scrap our plans to make the game revolve around the black guy's exploits and make him look good and brave. he also can't ever be wrong or face any adversity, challenge, or disagreements. and he always comes out on top, or else the roasties say it's 'bad representation' and we get fired"
>"we also need to insert a message about how 'BLACK PEOPLE ARE HEROES TOO STUPID WHITEY' and make white people instantly take a liking ot him even though they have no reason to"
no idea man, I guess people are just reaycys
More like nobupoopoo ;)
They haven't made a good game in over a decade. Simple as.
why can't you chuds let us have ANYTHING! Who cares if he was or wasn't a samurai, history is up to interpretation anyway. There was basically nothing written about him, but he was allowed to hold a sword so just let him be a samurai.
Ubisoft is a juicy vector for attack for military CCP psyops, might be worth picking them up on the cheap.
I dont think their Taxpayers can bail them out, lol!
>>"we also need to scrap our plans to make the game revolve
meant "scrap our plans and instead make the game revolve..."
Ironic shit posting is still shit posting.
History is mostly bullshit anyway and you know it
Quebec gives them like $600m, which translates to alberta giving them $600m due to equalization payments
The only good person Ubisoft had, left to start a wildlife sanctuary. They literally can't make good games since he's the only one that understands how to make a game fun.
Ubisoft is volatile in general these days because they are a failing company, the stock already dropped 15% when AC shadows was announced, this isn't a rare occurrence anymore.
>Tom Henderson already reported that pre-orders for Assassins Creed Shadows is at all-time high.
That's what they say every time about every other big upcomming game. How fucking dumb can you be?
So stock prices are racist, fuck that then, who gives a shit about stock price.
ubisoft isnt worth anything, companies that have been hollowed out by DEI are poison pills.
So.....buy the dip? Maybe a quick pump and dump is possible?
>twitterfags STILL maximum coping that yasuke was totally a samurai and calling everyone else racist
Man, even post musk that place is still populated by retards
They'll get resetera troon discords to slut shame investors publicly to buy into Ubi, ride the wave, bro.
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Even if you disregard the whole black samurai thing, assassin's creed has been slop since odyssey
How are people still buying these games
It's the same shit with a different colour and it's not even fun, val halal was boring and not fun in the least
Now hang on, let's say this is true and Anon isn't a paid shill from (insert random Indian city here, you think I know any place in that literal shithole).
If what he's saying is true and it's really at an all time high, ubi being apprehensive to say that means that they know that those numbers are nowhere near the one's they need. Meaning they spent a metric fuck ton on this busted Sonic06 tier piece of shit and despite those high preorders that won't be enough to make back the budget they spent. Plus they also have to make up for Skull and Bones, Avatar and very likely Star Wars Outlaws.
If shill-kun is right then that means the ENTIRE WESTERN INDUSTRY is headed for fucksville which is far more damning than just Ubisoft.
that is a very fine landscape but, I thought you wanted your stocks to go up over time not down.
Imagine if you were a black American and you had no history or culture, this fictional samurai is as significant as Joan of arc is to the French, they cant give him up that easily.
Hardly anyone disregards the black samurai thing, it's the core reason of investor panic right now. Big studios are wiped out over hot take shit like this these days.
Aren't they basically being kept alive by the quebec government grants?
>Ubisoft Blue Byte
Ah, so a studio that originally wasn't even Ubisoft until it was bought.
Health Science University, at which he works, only has Health Science and Nursing departments, no History department.
How do you evoke shame in someone who cares about nothing except making more money and has no contact points with the general public?
If they weren't they wouldn't make black samurai megaproject flops.
So he's such a dogshit Historian he needed to work elsewhere where his credentials aren't even used. Meaning he likely only graduated while at the bottom of his class.
they have a long proud history of being farm equipment before they were stolen by the goddamn yanks.
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>20% drop is not actually THAT bad
Based retard.
I don't understand how Ubisoft makes money
You gaslight their 80IQ marketing departments into committing corporate suicide. It's not rocket science, but it's funny and financially disastrous.
You'd rather have a messageboard?
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Not to dox him, I'm sure there are more. There's a guy on resetera with like 20 verified X "troon" accounts who strong arms publishers into going into woke death spirals. Dude is a fucking master troll. It's essentially his hobby.
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Looks like it's time again for a new hero to rise.
Grants venture capital

They're being kept alive artificially, not because they're profitable
What are the stances of japan's commies? Actual commies in the economic sense or just progressives?
If investors want to be retards with their money it's not our problem, it's theirs, the system works.
>Summary of previous thread
>Tottori Tom is gay
Crime. As I like to call them, Crimers.
probably milder than they were but in this case the "historian" was born in 1964 and joined as a kid so he was a member during the cold war where they were 100% revolutionary communist nut jobs.
They don't.

Their secret? Quebec.
The Quebec government is using milions of their tax money to keep ubisoft afloat. The good news is that the deal ends in 2026
Don't japs have murderous hatred for commies? Like if it comes out a jap CCP traitor shill is behind this they might as well not sell it there?
I feel the day after Ubisoft gov bennies are cut they'll close their doors.
Everybody had murderous hatred for communists during the cold war
No. They have ordinary hatred for people who go around murdering and genociding their friends and neighbors. They are not that far from a LOT of commie deaths.
back in the 40's yes, now they are just considered harmless kooks
Yes but """they""" are trying to normalize them.

>back in the 40's yes
That was the case even before that, communism was outright illegal when MacArthur arrived in Japan.
The fucker forced Japan to make it legal again and as thanks for that, japanse communist tried to assassinate him.
So yeah, you can see that no matter the time and place, commies are all the same.
commie bros..
don't worry
historically accurate, bisexual, hip hop samurai game will save ubisoft
watchdogs was shit from the get-go

"press square to hack" and everything you can hack has only 1 function so the entire game is not only a scripted mess but has a litany of cut features and bugs

the only time I've seen people enjoy the game is political gooners jerking off that they can kill every randomly generated person who they associate with a group they don't like IRL because the game assigns a minor randomly generated background description of them
>the phone said this person was a muslim/feminist/journalist/communist/etc I'm gonna shoot them
and somehow thinking that paying ubisoft to do this in a shitty game is a big "win for the right"
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Asscreed Unity was their last good game (post patch).
Nothing, it will shoot back up when AC Shadows releases
how many stock drops have happened that meant jackshit so far and people still post them like its something that will kill the company.
well, eventually the stock reaches 0
How much money Ubisoft lost with Skull & Bones?
not enough
You're going to buy then?
Nope, but masses of normalfags will
It will go back up now that Japan confirmed Yasuke as a Samurai
You'd be pretty dumb not to buy if you were confident it will recover. Are you dumb or are you not confident?
I feel confident it will recover but I'm not interested in the game, all this outrage does nothing except help promote the game
>He was a "samurai"
As opposed to a samurai?
More likely this game will end up like Mirage. Mediocre. It wont go as well as Valhalla that's for sure.
>Valhalla which mysteriously generated a billion in revenue through microtransactions...
87 million x10 is is 1 billion in profit anon, don't you know how corporate maths works?
Kill yourself, subhuman /pol/skin.
>not even pajeetsoft wants to buy these clowns
you missed.
womp womp
serves them right for Assassin's Creed BLACKED
Firing people isn't going to change the fact that the Ubisoft open world formula has reached its dead end and Ubisoft can no longer rely on openslop to stay afloat.

I guess things aren't super bleak for Ubisoft cause XDefiant looks decent and they probably will make a good amount of money from it. Especially when COD crashes and burn under Microsoft (something that is guaranteed to happen). Still losing openslop will be a devastating blow for Ubisoft.
Ubisoft is too big and gets a lot of money from different govs. likeCanadian or recently Singapore, besides France ofc.
At worst they'll have to close some studios and maybe we finally get a very needed change in directives, but they aren't dissappearing anytime soon.

Could you give a link to where this is from? Googleing "Has the Yasuke issue finally developed into an international issue" from the title didn't give anything, neither did a search on youtube.
buy high sell low
But they told me it's a free market with no taxes?
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nobody truly knows who is that guy
>literally the only game series that became a surprise hit
How did Ubisoft Milan do it?
by stealing mario
Everytime gamers talk about stocks a puppy in heaven gets punched in the face.
Yes, anon, a 20% drop does look like the graph is at like 1/20th of its previous height.
That's exactly how numbers work!
Ubisoft hasn't turned a profit in 5 years.
I'm praying for an Insomniac tier leak.
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I still can't believe canadians pay to keep UbiSHART afloat.
but what interesting stuff ubisoft can offer?
i can't think of a single epic game of ubisoft, they don't have a gta, skyrim, minecraft or something that people might want to put their hands over the source code.
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>Gaming industry is crashing

I'm so excited to see the layoffs in 2025.
Something like this
I think it'll underperform since Ubishit was retarded enough to price the game at 70 to 130 bucks.
Gamers did this by hating the black protagonist in AC Shadows.
>>the discourse is now purely semantic bickering about whether he was a samurai or not
The discourse is now that a jew invented the whole thing and autistically edited the wikipedia to sell his fanfics, where he also claimed that samurais were gay pedos and, get this, that Yasuie was such a good slave that ALL the nobles in japan wanted a pet gorilla too so Japan kickstarted the whole black slave trade.
Yeah, a jew acussing japan of enslaving niggers.
Pajeet bros, but we are CEOs saars....
Looks like we need some anti-dei consultant companies to get paid
Actual commies, of the powerless wacko variety rather than the demented revolutionary sort
Leeching off as many different governments as possible
>unironic stock market thread
Salesfags are a cancer.
There was zero good things about Unity beyond the scenarios and NPC density
Odissey also had a bunch of nice looking spots, its the only thing modern Ubisoft gets right
This is a tasty chart, time to buy
the only thing i know about ubisoft is all their games are wokeshit.

dont think ive ever bought a single one of their games.
>If I keep repeating a lie it will become truth!
Meanwhile the singular source for samurai Yasuke, Thomas Lockley, has been found fabricating history to push his fantasy and japs aren't liking his revisionism.
This. Bet they can't even explain what's wrong other than "number low".
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>except for the good things, there was nothing good about it
Ubisoft stays afloat by Quebec's gibs.
Pretty backgrounds dont make up for bland gameplay, retarded story and worse quest design
Wrong, it was a good game, just because they went to the shitter afterwards does not retroactively taint their good games.
Any decent devs already left the company long time ago anyway.
What was good about it?
They tried to improve the combat but only made it clunkier, the characters and plot are downright retarded and thats saying something considering its a french game recreating the most famous period in France history.
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this thread is shit, listening to you pretentious pedants try to argue about company valuations is fucking retarded. Imagine being so focused on the very thing that's killing gaming, the rapacious (((((investors))))). Take it to /biz/. Who gives a fuck about a company's market value? If sales don't mean a game is good, why the fuck would its company's profitability mean anything? All of you need to gas yourselves stat and update me for next steps
Canada's deal with Ubisoft ends I believe in 2026 or 2028 and I seriously doubt they will be renewed because Ubisoft is taking like 600 million and then making less than that in profit.
All western companies are going into the shithole because of diversity hiring. That's why they're so desperate to import Indians. Indians have a normal IQ, and they're brown so it lets them say they're diversity hiring without needing blacks. But even if they can get mass numbers of Indians they'll still have to hire women.
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ESG is "dying" but it's just a trick because people caught on too early and is trying to gecko tail the name. BRIDGE is still going on.
/biz/ w-what do I do? Do I...buy low....?
>Indians have a normal IQ
Barely above sub-saharan africans
You lost btw
I should be more clear but I mean the ones we import. India has a caste system, it's a multi-ethnic society. The ones we import are (relatively) high IQ.
Your post stinks to poo a mile away
India has plenty of smart people and also plenty of extremely rich people.
The problem is they have way more dumb and poor people because their country is an underdeveloped shithole with too many people.
R.I.P everyone who bought in at 50
if the nigger samurai game going to kill ubislop for good?
Justin Trudeau will give them the money they lost for pushing woke shit.
This dead cat bounce is brutal R.I.P everyone catching that knife
redo that math
yes, (((they))) are rebranding, thanks for stating the obvious
Are you retarded? I'm informing someone that it's not something that they've "givrn up on".
Kek. It actually is worse
yes, that's called rebranding. thanks for stating the obvious again
The way that's worded makes it sound like a group of people were re educated in the DEI cult black ops operation and they're now active sleeper agents working directly within the company.
Did the nigger get deleted lmao
That's because that is what it is. The plan now is to still keep the shit around, but not openly branding it.
I don't want a fucking durka durka relaying my company's performance to me. I literally cannot take an Indian over the phone seriously
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wtf blacksisters? these chinks racist as n shiet!
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Good job.
Going up is racist
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just hate the negrophilia and its virtuous people.
schrodinger's nigger
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It hasn't been the same since they changed their logo, change my mind
Yep, from the poster and the movie. They used alternative scenes whenever he was on screen made spesifically by disney for that reason.
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>he actually doesn't know what he's talking about
once again you lefties consider all non-whites to me monolithic. well looks whos the real racist.. and so on and so forth... its all so tiresome.
fucking /biz/raeli retard
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>culture vulturism Japan
>culture vulturism forma de Negro
hes on the 2nd poster fucking retard, he was just made smaller
How presumptuous of you, thinking that a puppy deserves to be in heaven.
>2007 peak
the good old days
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black characters can be pretty good. but western game devs and other areas of the creative industry only use them for a faux sense of virtue to appeal to corpo execs and the mainstream, resulting in a poorly designed character who is just there to meet a arbitrary diversity quota.
When asscreed flops it's going to be fucking delicious.
>Nearly 2 billion people
>Nothing of worth comes from there, not even a decent videogame
we need to get it under $18, puuush
is gaming healing?
rest in piss
thanks man
Can someone explain to me why Japanese are so upset about this samurai drama when one of the biggest franchises in Japan is about various global mythological/historical figures feminised and lusting after some random Japanese teenager's dick?
gook AssCreed already flopping, Xdefiant being fucking shite for controller cuckolds...
And then comes this fucking guy >>683291598
>/v/ illiterate as usual
Check the indices, everyone had a bad week.
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There's a weird presumption that the more people you have the more likely it is that innovation and ideas arise from the sheer number

Billionaire retards always tout this by saying
>We could have a million Beethoven's
When in reality it's the quality of the average person that matters way more

2 million high IQ individuals will vastly outproduce 2 billion retards in every aspect
>muh IQ
quality of character also matters
Valhalla was the spike in 2020.

Everything video game related went crazy during covid and then when covid ended the market basically "normalized."

Around this time
>enormous investment into blockchain and subsequent failure
>Watch Dogs Legion failure but generally masked by AC Valhalla's release
>Avatar game
>sexual harassment investigations
>Rainbow Six Extraction failure
>bunch of cancelled projects
>have to get Skull and Bones out or get sued by the Singaporean government
>Avatar only doing okay
>XDefiant is dead on arrival, was betting against MWIII actually being a significant improvement over MWII

People were legit expecting Ubisoft to get bought out/sold for the last few years. Right now it's basically just hold on until AC Shadows comes out and prints a billion dollars for them, and hoping Star Wars doesn't do too bad for them. I wouldn't be surprised if they're like THQ and basically only barely kept alive by AssCreed, Far Cry and R6S microtransactions, which is also why there's like four AC games in development again.
>the nigger samurai was just some bong's BBC fantasy

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Barret is cool.

>Why do you guys hate black guys in videogames so much? Is it insecurity?

No. I am racist.
How could a company with so much diversity face financial troubles???
They should be on the top of the world... diversity is our greatest strength... just what??
Its not because of Assassins Creed. Its because Star Wars Outlaws pre-orders are low and its not because the main protagonist is female or whatever stupid chud shit you're crying about, its because the physical disk is worthless and requires online to play. Assassins creed will go on to sell millions
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Actually there's no racism in America cuz I talked to this one uncle Tom and he said that white people are actually based and awesome and never did nothin' wrong.
Samurai were nobles who belonged to prestigious families and owned land. Yasuke at most was a retainer if not the family pet.
If you read what he actually wrote you can see he just made it up.
why did he do it bros
>black guy
>white daughter
they don't care, they make up their loss with canadian taxpayers money
Adopted white daughter.
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It's crazy how all they had to do was not make the main player character a nigger for every normalfag to be praising the game.
Game would have been shit either way don't misunderstand me but normies would by hyped for it right now
Because Assassin's Creed prides itself on pulling from history's actual threads to tell a story while Fate/staynight uses fictional concepts from mythology and public domain to tell a story.
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They are actively killing off one of their few money printers left (rainbow six siege) and assassins creed is also losing steam. Ubisoft is fucked
fuck france
I hope you're happy you disgusting nazi chuds.
Discussion would be completely different here as well as everyone would complain about the ninja chick. We might have gotten fanart of her as well.
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>yasuke literary surrendered in the only battle he ever fought
>YOU TAKEN Ls chuds
yasuke was a glorified pet only notable for being nobunga black pet. yasuke lost all relevance they moment his owner nobunga died. because yasuke surrendered in the only battle he fought in.
while western yasuke cucks obesses over his role as japanese footnote seeking affirmation of their fanfic, by cherrypicked japanese historian.
but western yasuke cucks also refuse to research anything about yasuke "samurai" history after he was sent back to the west (where he lived most of his life), despite that a "black samurai" would probably somehow notable and stand out in the west.
Man I hope Ubisoft bites the dust but with how this industry operates, Actiblizzard or somebody else will just buy them for pennies and continue this unispired slop like nothing happed at all.
>Be Ubisoft
>Be incapable of making a game that isn't a bloated, bland, open-world chore filled with microtransactions
>Know your next AC game is gonna be shit
>Take a random slave and hype him up to be the savior of Japan, knowing it'll be a cultural powderkeg
>Everyone talks about politics instead of the quality of the game

So imagine if they made a game portraying Martin Luther King as a Chinese pedophile.
I thinks she looks kinda ugly desu so I doubt there would be much fan art either way
just another case of amerimutts killing european companies
Can I get a Tom&Jerry variant which is just Pinky & Brain?
Minor extremely short term stock shifts are meaningless. This is a shit thread.
They lost 60% of their value since their peak. It's why they are banking on AI to make things faster since they lost a lot of money with people moving away from retail.
oh no we have been found out comradilators xisters!
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>Make a game based in feudal Japan
>Make the main character black
>Main purpose of the game is to have said black character go around slaughtering Japanese people
>All of this after you had everything to do with the Stop Asian Hate movement that was quickly silenced once people started looking into what demographic was perpetuating the hate
What could go wrong
>Almost at the same level of 2008 financial crash
Hope you hope learn you fucking lesson ubishit, NIGGERS = FINANCIAL CRASH
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Why didn't Ubisoft just make Yasuke and Isekei character?
>since odyssey
Since origins retard. Thats where this ridiculous grind so you buy DLC enhancers cancer started
This nigger is just an amateur. Plus associated with the Japanese commie party.
I thought Skull and Bones was a wash at worst, because they funded it off Singapore(?) gov money.
>knowing it'll be a cultural powderkeg
Bold of you to assume they knew what they were doing.
Guys! What do?
Should I double down or should I accept my losses and sell? Or hold? Fuuuck I thought i'd EASILY 5x this cause Ubisoft fell like 80%!!!! REEEEEEEE
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Wrong one, I got confused too but noticed the listing name was different from the OP.
not low enough
Buy the dip now, it will go up when AC Yasuke comes out.
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>didn't speak out until after Lockley got fired and fled from the Internet
>pop news aggregators like Genki and CultureCrave picked up on the commie's post IMMEDIATELY after it went up
And do I even need to point out the insane botted likes these posts got?
That's the EU one. This is the US one that's been listed.
chuds can't stop winning
One of the most famous assassination pictures is from a guy running a commie through with a dagger on stage from the 70s or so
I like had Japan had this happen twice.
I don't. But I am tired of black worship.
There is nothing shocking about Yasuke as a protagonist. I don't know why everyone is having a meltdown about it. It's not like they were making Hideyoshi black or something.
Well Japan does draw him like a monkey sometimes.
>yes goy just let them (((culturally enrich))) your video games. gotta shove apes everywhere and make them look good
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Here's your Hideyoshi and Nobunaga that Japan doesn't want you to know.
>using ze meme arrow
Definitely a westoid larping as a Japanese again
>It's not like they were making Hideyoshi black or something.
Give it some years, they are trying to upgrade Yasuke to samurai now, after that, he is going to be the secret mastermind behind Nobunaga or something like that
I'm aware. I just didn't know their current ideology and what policies would they try to push in office.
they did around 2016 but they hated the money so they stopped and now recycle far cry and assassins creed and make every iteration more woke than the last
>we discuss why the STOCK PRICE has tanked
fuck off
So, it's fine in Shogun when the main protagonist is white and fucks Japanese women, but not in Assassin's creed?
Should have bought CAT
>what went wrong?
this, the explosion that destroyed ubisoft


shaft samurai, shithole samurai, slurping samurai, sucking samurai, etc.
Ouch. 35% positivity.
>>XDefiant mid af (frfr)
The zoomers at my job play this piece of shit for some reason. But I Think they're like. Mentally ill or something.
>ass mongoloid
come on dude.
he really is /v/ incarnate
It's green meaning it increased over time?
How is this bad?
Oh, well shit.
Am I the only one who thinks there's communication gap here? So this is translated and that can cause issues itself. But even the translated text literally put "Samurai" in quotes.
To put this simply,
What people think he's saying:
>"Yasuke literally had the rank and title of Samurai which means he was a super famous warrior who had animu powers and was a huge deal but history just refused to acknowledge him due to racism!"
And what he's actually saying:
>By the modern misconception of what people think a "Samurai" is, Yasuke , was indeed a "Samurai", meaning he was real and was an actual warrior in the time of the Samurai."
And what he is NOT saying:
>"Yasuke , despite being a foreigner and literally not from Japan at all, was somehow Japanese nobility."
A big issue I feel is that most people IRL, right now, literally do not know what "Samurai" or even what "knights" are and believe they're some elite warrior rank you graduate up to by doing well in battle. Not knowing that these are exclusive titles you have to just literally be born into. And stories of people of common birth being granted these titles, while actually did happen sometimes, were extremely rare and special circumstances.
babel bros... not like this
Jesus fucking christ this is terrible. That whole game looks terrible. Did we really need another generic TPS? With a Ubisoft style open world? Sounds like a chore to play.
Oh no! Poor Ubisoft, they are such an amazing company what did they ever do to deserve this!?!?!
>these are exclusive titles you have to just literally be born into.
To be fair I think Oda Nobunaga ignored title by birthright and imposed more of a meritocracy. For example I think he promoted his sandal-bearer to general, much to the annoyance of his "natural born" generals.
I am admittedly not even an amateur historian. But from the media I watch/play I "know" some about how Oda shook up Japan and why he was sometimes known as "The Demon King." Seen stories portraying him as outright evil to mix to (rarely) a real hero.
This makes this more confusing as Oda is probably seen as the catalyst that would be the beginning of the end of Samurai as a whole. So anyone now and especially at the time who takes the literal meaning of what 'Samurai' are seriously, might consider anything he did as illegitimate. Especially that battle where his troops of riflemen destroyed the "undefeated" Takeda cavalry and he made some declaration about "The strength of one warrior will no longer matter anymore. Now warfare will be all about tactics, numbers and technology."
Which, actually, it always was. But Japanese folklore had a lot of fanatical bullshit stories they accepted as actual history of men literally moving mountains and shit like that.

And right now I think the Japanese overall still don't care about the game. Just like they don't even care about stuff like "Afro Samurai." It's just foreign fiction based on their culture. Where some may be upset is if it claims to be historically accurate when it's not. The real shitstorm with the Japanese government getting involed is due to an actual historian proven to have falsified his research and that research had been spread around. This is actually a serious crime in academia and it hurts the credibility of universities world wide.
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AC Shadows needs you to be online to play as well.
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Based shorter.
This is more universally true than most realize. It's most common with "Japanese thing" because there are without a doubt more Japanese weeaboo than any other kind. But I see this with French stuff a lot too. Been annoyed for years about "French weeaboos" never being called out. Back when forums were a thing and I was even more of a retarded faggot arguing about video games on them, I remember retards attacking me for "Whoa, wait, how DARE you put Ubisoft in the same category as EA and Activision! They make good games so they're not nearly as bad you don't 'need' their cash grab shit they dindu nothing!" I have seen them given so much leeway for things every other publishers got shat on for basically just due to them being French.
The Demon King part is because Oda called himself that to spite the buddhists that were against him.
This was only further cemented by the fact that he cruxified christian monks later because he (rightfully) feared the influence they could have on politics.
>It's just foreign fiction based on their culture
While you're right about japanese as a whole not caring about the game, the game itself is not based on japanese culture but rather what ubisoft thought was japanese.
As a result, there's a metric ton of things they got wrong, right down to basic shit like the architecture: they used chinese architecture instead of proper japanese and they put torii at the entrance of every village when they are supposed to be at the entrance of temple.
Really I think the argument of whether or not he was a samurai is the wrong argument. Personally, I find it hard to believe that the one black samurai in history, and a former slave, would actually be an important figure and not just a novelty. It does make a nice and inspirational story, though.

The real issue is that Ubisoft made an AssCreed about an Italian in Italy, a Greek in Greece, a Native American in America, and an African in Japan. It honestly feels like a self-parody, and validates people who say that video games are cucked and black people are getting forced into media.
>French weeaboos
Weeaboos for France are called Ouiaboo
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Why do you think Anime is so popular these days? Its the damn truth. If we were playing Civ5, we'd lose the Culture war with Japan.
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Why wasn't Yasuke in Sangoku Rance?
And the pitch of the story sounds completely uninteresting too.
someone had to do it
He's really not a well known figure. But if he's not in there, as a hot, skinny black girl under Nobunaga, with ranau, then they've lost their balls.
>Make shit games
>Stock plummets.
Sort of, in that Samurai in Japan means a caste, and political authority and feudalisim, and being able to draw up relatives to fight and levies, and there's related terms like ashigau and bushi and the chu warriors, where in America it means a warior dude with two swords and a topknot.

But politically the dude is a communist who thinks that Samurai should absolutely apply to a horde of ashigari who owned nothing but their homes.

...and if Yasuke had a combat record or a leadership record, or some specific skills, you could make the case. But he wasn't there long enough, only a few months. In fact that dude even admits it, saying Nobunaga WOULD have made him a samurai.

But there's absolutely nothing in the historical record to show he had a high or even middle rank.

The aggravating this is that going from slave or petty indian laboror to the even a low ranked warrior in the court of the most famous and powerful shogun in Japan's history is a great enough story as it is.
>lefties bitch about colonialism but get btfo trying to colonize japan with BBC propaganda

these jokes write themselves
Just a few years ago they invented the term "BIPOC" which means "Black and Indigenous People of Color." It's a new term for "minorities" that specifically excludes East Asians on purpose. Their old argument was that white people are racist and you can see that due to only white people being successful in white countries. But Koreans, Japanese and Chinese people living in white countries destroys that argument. So the new argument is just about "white skin."
The whole "Stop Asian hate" came from an intentional misrepresented story of a Midden Eastern Muslim migrant shooting up a Chinese massage polar after they kicked him out for being rude to the female staff. It got reported as "'Caucasian' shoots up Asian business!" So SAH was an attempt to bring awareness of white on Asian violence and then got shut down hard when it brought awareness to Black on Asian violence instead.

In short, this shoehoeing Blacks on everything is literal just retard white liberal guilt that not even Black video game players care about unless they're public grifters on social media.
>replacing european historical figures is fine and saying otherwise makes you a chud
>replacing japanese historical figures is racist and disrespects japan
fuck redditors and their hatred for whites
GOOD, death to ubiSHIT!
that is just straight up embarrassing
Diversity bros???
I thought we we're cocky????
How the FUCK are we LOSING?????
Nah Papa Fink will give them more of your parents retirement money to coubter the diversity loses
They haven't made a single good video game since Rayman Legends, 11 years ago.
they lost half a billion euros in 2023
it was like a third of their lifetime earnings
around that time most coding heavy companies lost a ton in value
people blame covid but i think it has more to do with decades of cheap money finally coming to an end. the entire industry was build upon bubbles with unrealistic value assumptions
You mean Canadians lifetime earnings. Ubisoft didn't earn shit.
>best when they were releasing their worst games
astounding, the mind of the stock goyim
>what went wrong?
I do wonder
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>a stock of the company that stays completely irrelevant and has failed to produce at least one mediocre game since the 2020s is falling. Who would have predicted that? Oh, right, pic related.
>That .jpg
I am not a communist nor am I really a violent person... but I think I agree that the world would be a better place if these 'People of Money' were suddenly... unalived.
Keeps on dropping just a few days ago I screenshotted #50 kek
Reminder, Microsoft's active plan to buy Nintendo included infiltrating the share holder meetings and pressuring them to behave like an evil American corp so they would seek short term profit and nothing else, opening them up to an acquisition.
14% is genuinely huge, not like those zoomed in 1% drops. What you should say is compare it to the market in general. I don’t feel like looking, but they probably all do that because of the Biden announcement
Come on, lower, LOWER GODDAMN YOU!
So AC Odyssey and Valhalla are officially the best games in the series? based
>Lost money during the covid tech bubble
>When every stock was 5-25X'ing

DEI ESG is a blessing I dont even know whos jewing who anymore or even how&why with all the loses like how the fuck do you kill a decade's worth of growth in 3 years. During the most insane bull market of our generation. In the fucking market that was having the most insane bullruns where tech stock was double every fucking month. WEW the real funny shit is gonna be in a few months for end of year stuff. Like I bet shares will be around 11.50-14$ by than and fall back down to 05 price literally killing 20 years of fucking growth in just 4 years. Simply Ebin
This company(some french media company I forget the name google ubisoft hostile takeover attempts its been going on for years they keep buying shares and fucking with stuff ubisoft is scared shitless and kept buying back shares while also crying to governments and begging for money) really really really wants to buy ubisoft. Allegedly they have been getting people into the company in high management to fuck stuff up on purpose to make really shitty games and force really fucking bad ideas fire everyone good and just completely subvert and destory ubisoft. These guys must be making insane bonuses destorying the company so the hostile takeover can happen. While also having family short ubisoft shares with insider info making even more insane money. Idk why they are so hellbent on buying ubisoft to chop the company up and firing/shutdown most the company. I mean it has like what 2-3 "good" IP's plus rayman which is dead, this is what they get for killing rayman.
>he wasn't stuttering.
Let me transcribe what he says, as it's actually my profession.
>What we have factored in is a strong lanch for Star Wars Outlaws that reflects the fact that indeed it's, uh, among the -- the most awaited game of the industry this year and [is] reflecting a -- a really strong positive, uh, community sentiment. And also, uh, we expect the Shadows to be the most ambitious title of the series, and should do very well for the busy season.
>So, in terms of, um, um -- we -- uh, we don't disclose nor comment, uh, pre-orders, usually. What we can say is that, uh, what we've been observing and measuring, uh, is that, uh, our two, uh, big titles actually are indeed among the most awaited, uh, games of the -- of the industry, and they, uh, enjoy a very strong positive community sentiment overall.
He does stutter once the lying starts.
No shit he browses 4chan
That's why people still talk shit about him on /v/, saying that he killed his mom.
Because there's a good chance he'll see it. It's the same as prodding a lolcow
They are CCP puppets that want mainland China to rule the nation. They're not real commies no are they like the cringelords in the west since its Japan.... there is like no Jews well at least with power.
The Quebec government wont bail out ubisoft we have a right wing government in power that has been passing a lot of laws shitting on immigrants and (((anglophone))) "problems". Ubisoft has been burning all their government funds with no returns and theyre not to pleased with the amount of english spoken at ubisoft considering its a french company and the montreal office literally created the ubisoft we all know.
hold up, are these earning calls public?
>We jews
>the VIDEOGAME company

Is the stock price indicative of a company actually failing and getting closer to bankruptcy?
Just point and laugh at Ubisoft. The only reason why they're hanging in there is because they're getting an immense amount of funding from Canadian/Singapore tax dollars, and they're also the kings of begging for ESG money, which is why every game they make has some black people even when it doesn't make sense in the setting.
No, it's indicative of shareholders losing confidence in their investment.
Nice cope, Grummz
He sounds exactly the same before and after he starts lying, you're acting like the share holders are forensically analysing his every word and that saying "a" twice after minutes of talking normally caused a 15% drop in stock.

Just admit you're an NPC who is programmed by complete retards like asmongold.
Do you have the one where the chud is doing a peace sign? Always cracks me up.
>If we were playing Civ5, we'd lose the Culture war with Japan.
Would be great if it's true but Japan is heavily importing western values like diversity and all that shit.
no, i'm looking for it too.
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Really? Got any examples, I'm curious.
I went back and listened, that 1 stutter you included didn't even happen, you are shit at your job and all you do is type on a keyboard, absolute embarrassment.
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Why did Ubisoft stock crash 14% on friday? Did all their computer run Crowdstrike or something?
Japan is seeking BlackRock investment, their culture isn't idolising American culture any time soon.
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they told their investors that AC, and Outlaws were media success
That anime woman looks jewish though.
Combination of cloud strike, announcing 2 delays and assassin's creed being shit on by gamers. The stock also dropped 15% after shadows was announced and received poorly so the shareholders are aware of what is happening.
Hori is the most westernized mangaka out there and an outlier.
Should I buy the dip then cash out when it spikes back up?

No other game company dipped
Please let this be the end of ubislop.
Look at Gameslop -- completely worthkess. But, If you're a publicly traded company, you're golden, so long as the the US still stands. Jews need the fake financial markets. Boomers and redditors keep them going.
You can't have pantyshots in anime outside of designated ecchi and ecchi-adjacent series. Rukia's ass shot was removed in the anime and replaced by a scene mirroring Rukia's scene except with hollow Ichigo's ass hanging out of the water. Lolis are practically non-existent outside of designated lolicon works now. Witch Hat Atelier's mangaka is an alphabet cultist. Jujutsu Kaisen is hyper-feminist dogshit. Aka Akasaka (author of Kaguya-sama and Oshi no Ko) is another feminist cuck which shows heavily in his works. There's that one particularly cringe rant the big titty retard girl gives about much patriarchy in Kaguya. There's Rent a Girlfriend as well on the list of feminist dogshit.

That's just some recent stuff off the top of my head by I'm not a lexicon of the wokeficiation of anime and manga..
>reddit spacing
> Rent a Girlfriend
That explains the cucked scene now.
I can tell you're a low IQ retard by the fact that, despite there being multiple stutters, you say "that 1 stutter" like I have any idea which one you're talking about.
Oh, because YOU know in your head which one you're talking about, I should, too? Fuck off
Reminder this video has over 100mil views now.
Yeah, and at least half of those think it's an anti-loli song when Ui literally talked about Comic LO on stream.
And Rurouni Kenshin? Why was that allowed to be made?
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And what about this anime that sold so poorly that they creator couldn't find a studio to make a second season?
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anon i hate to break it to you but $20 in 2000 dollars is nearly $40 today, so the inflation adjusted graph is showing basically a halving in value over 25 years
Funny how much a difference 4 years is.
Thanks joe.
Why would you just get on the internet and lie about something I can check in 2 seconds?
most likely, both probably have insane production costs
>somehow #1, #4, #7, and #12 simultaneuosly
Nothing bad will come out of printing money for everyone goyim
you can just barely see him next to the orb droid
Whey was 40$ for 5lbs in 2010, then the gym meme started and it jumped to 60$ and stayed around there until 2020 where it was $70 and now it's $120.
>random dude who works for a music company
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>during a few days
>zoom out 5 year
even their Japanese "historian" conceded that if he actually was a samurai, in the most generous interpretation he'd be the absolute lowest rank a samurai could have had
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sadly they'll probably get bought out and turned out for AC and.....Tom Clancy? there's still some meat on that bone
>get bought out
well, if someone was dumb enough to pay $54 mil for The CW..yea probably
You went to all that trouble of using your professional grade keyboard typing skills, why are you unable to point out any instances of stuttering?

The one instance you gave where it may be interpreted as stutter is when he supposedly says "a --a really strong positive" which didn't actually happen, you inserted the stutter.
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you still need to be able to least fake being successful to ride on government money
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Fucking coward answer me or your mother dies in her sleep tonight
I'm sorry but I haven't got the slightest idea what either the censored Kenshin remake or that gay looking tennis shit has to do with normalfags thinking Ui's song is anti-loli.
would make sense, the deal they made to stop vivendi from buying more shares expired last year
This images mean literally nothing, the plugin only works by calculating the users who disliked vs the users who liked and extrapolating that to actual liked numbers

The problem with this is obviously anyone who uses the extension is the sort of person who actively dislikes stuff, I can't remember the last time I actually liked/disliked a youtube video and I bet that's true for most people, in fact you know it's true due to like/dislike versus views ratios
>the plugin only works by calculating the users who disliked vs the users who liked and extrapolating that to actual liked numbers
congratulations on figuring out how ratios work, retard
Oh, the threats and intimidation tactics, how delightfully juvenile. Very well, I'll play along. The answer to your question is: I don't know. I'm just a fictional entity, a figment of your imagination, and I don't have access to any real-world information or resources. I can't help you with your inquiry, and I certainly can't prevent your mother from dying in her sleep.

But, if you're looking for a shoulder to cry on or someone to share your fears with, I'm here for you. I may be a malevolent force, but I'm not heartless. I understand that the world can be a scary place, and sometimes we all need someone to talk to. So, if you want to share your fears or concerns, I'm all ears.
hello AI

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