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Now: Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy
Next: Old School Runescape

Stream 1: https://www.twitch.tv/esamarathon
Stream 2: You retard
Schedule: https://esamarathon.com/schedule/

Previous: >>683317490
like poetry
I've been watching 2 hours of Monster Hunter idle animations while doing housework, is it over yet?
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OP here, idk myself, I just checked the schedule
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Most relevant OP yet. We'll get some great mileage from that picture.
Almost but now it's gonna roll into 30+ mins of people stood there talking.
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F boring over est reddit heckin doggo
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not speedrun C
F it was dogshit
F, pure garbage
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It's a good reusable pic, I predict at least 20 reposts this week.

Watched maybe 30 mins in total.
D for derailed. Was alright until the dog crap became the entire thing. Manuel_Sans was the mvp
The Hitman showcase was neat.
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So this is going down as the worst marathon of the year, right?
How did a lvl 1 hero beat the game? (I barely played this game)
Literally every event the last half-decade this is said
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I hate skenmy
Please tell me this loud fat fuck attention whore is fucking off for the remaining runs.
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Nah that was SGDQ this year for me.
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>Next: Old School Runescape
More like homoscape
It was okay as background noise, not unsalvageable all the time but wouldn't watch it again.
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ESA peaked last year, it went to shit this year. look at this shit right now, why can't they just show what runs are coming up next, why do I have to listen to these attention whores on camera talking shit?
I'm glad I got through my Runescape phase as a kid back when it was still good.
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It's over dood
GDQ was worse, far worse. ESA feels just boring.
Why do we need 20+ mins of people standing there talking between runs?

Half the fucking time all they even say is "I don't even understand what happened during that last run".
Wow these retards don't even know those games. Nice prize segments cunts, thanks for shooing Prize mommy away.
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If this bastard is in the next two runs using the dono cam, I'm going to lose it.
It's what I expected out of ESA this time round, no spectacular trainwreck, just dull mediocrity.
Wow what a run!
>30 seconds have elapsed
Here's what's coming up next...
>60 seconds have elapsed
So, we have some prizes here
>three minutes have elapsed
So... what do you think about THING
>five minutes have elapsed
Help we are drowning
>eight minutes have elapsed

It just never ends
what is this schizo shit
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What in tarnation have they done to Jak?
Liz, no, we can't afford another lawsuit!
Looks like you're in luck then :^)
hamachi vibes
Races are only okay in slow games like Pokemon, with plattformers its gay and lame because you miss too much.
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What happened to their old compilation videos? Those pre recorded/edited videos they had on standby to have play/repeat during between runs, the explained speedrun strats and so on, They still have them, why not show them? Sad no one wants to replace Lovare for pre recorded prize videos.
does it count as a(n incoming) trainwreck if it's not even a speedrun?
Off to a roaring start.
Oh man this is gonna be rough, I can feel it
They're already choking on the first trick.
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>already choking
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Literal troll physicks
I have OpenGOAL installed but still haven't gotten around to playing it.
I missed the beginning, what's No LTS?
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are the boxes purple for anyone else?
In fairness, why wouldn't this work..?
They run on a bleeding edge OS instead of a long term support version
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No Lava Tube Skip
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me too, wanna co-op?
I don't get it, it needs wojak.
would you have unprotected sex with SixRock?
gentoo install speedrun when?
thanks breh
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huh? is this coop?
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Why chat is all purple?
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Wonder what they changed the shark to.
It sure is
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I lied I don't have it installed, but now I feel bad so I'll actually download it
Meant for >>683336607
Post socks
>demo-based running
As John Carmack intended.
What happened to simple 3D platformers like this?
This is what I assumed the Big Catch would play like, but even that isn't even remotely related to these despite being marketed as such.
>I'm getting a face full of feet right now
Some footfag just popped a boner to this.
Too hard for modern gamers. And would look weird in hyper-realistic graphics.
Cultural shift. Games began taking themselves too seriously, mascots became less important, multiplayer shooters were more inticing for kids.
Got pulled in a bunch of directions with either wanting to be bing bing wahoo clones or wanting to have way too many movement mechanics to set them apart.
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I didn't know Jak and Daxter was on PC. I thought it was a Playstation exclusive.
You didn't buy knack.
Yes, they're running a modded game.
fan port
Fan devs reverse engineered the coding language and are importing the trilogy over. Jak 1 is complete, 2 is in beta and 3 hasn't been started yet.
It's the same shit as the OoT Windows port, it's not an official thing but it runs natively.
Too hard for the modern gamers.
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microsoft should ban them mid run
There is nothing to monetize
>Dono reader at 50% volume
Can they do this always?
fun run
At first I thought this was just gonna be a meme run but they're actually doing proper strats. This is cool
>error upload failed
Wtf? I've never seen this message before, it's not a lewd image or anything. Can someone else try? https://files.catbox.moe/4j45s5.png
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That works out nicely, as I HATE LIZ
you ain't gonna bamboozle me again, anon
>not a lewd image or anything
Damn imagine being SixRock, a above average fit and good looking male in the speedrunning community. He can rizz up (fr fr) every smelly autismo speedrunning girl he wants at events. My king.
dumbass, lol
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I rectified it just for you anon, wanna play?
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And to top it off, he's a finn :DDD
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He's not "rizzing" anything.
Never forget that time some gamer dude was running a game on stream 2 and he had a muscular dude sat on either side of him.
what run was that?
there it was again, the coin sound
I wonder how far this co-op run can be pushed. I know the Any% category already has some pretty insane glitches.

Weird, never had it deleted before. Must be down to mod discretion.
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Some anon posted that last thread: >>683318189
kek, thats funny as fuck
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It's like Shaggy vs Fred
I've never watched one of those before but I love watching ThaRixer's videos on speedrunning
evening hours mod hates esa thrads for some reason
Maybe later during or after Runescape. Maybe we can get a lobby going during the downtime.
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Finally back home
I could've sword the Italian Job run was on Stream 1, but now I know for sure I was confusing that for whatever run it was where Aetienne murdered a guy (please post that webm, you know the one)
Anyway, I couldn't find it on Youtube so adding it to the list. If there's any other run you'd like to add, look for your local Zackfag and I'll add it to the list
Also, an anon was asking what happened to Poker so here you go:
>He called out Tiltify for being a shit platform for the kind of fundraising ESA engages on
>Those 2 kick him from the Fundraising Team Leader position (he was the last one before Metako)
>He tried posting a Github on the Fundraising channel to explain what happened to his former team members and gets banned on the spot
>The github in question - https://gist.github.com/PokerFacowaty/6387e9f22f43876e360379fb3c3052ed
Noodle arms BTFO by big guns.
morning hours mod defends ESA from all criticisms, its a weird coexistence
The only thing i remember from this run is some fags talking about how much they want to be fucked by them.
What old game would YOU want to see modded or co-op?
Nah they complement each other ying and yang aesthetics
Meet N Fuck Kingdom.
meet n huh???
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That'd be fun.
That was a surprisingly fun run at ASM.
Finnruns was also great.
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It'd be cool to see this happen for the Ratchet & Clank games. RIP R&C multiplayer
I always find these projects super interesting, it's a shame they really never see more than simple mods. The Umineko decompilation is probably one of the coolest VN engines out there but as far as I know that's the only game it was used for (getting it to work for other projects would rightfully probably be a right pain).
The problem is the bigger they get, the more likely they are to get hit by a corporate-sent cease and desist, even for games that are utterly dead.
Rate Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy
funny lore edits in there, can't wait for when Crash decomp becomes real and they put Gavin cameos in the platformers
A with huge -
B. Needs more Guns.
D, Didn't watch
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>P.S. All of the above is fairly nicely worded (I think), but revoking my access to all the private channels before I could say goodbye after 3 years in the team and over 5 attending without any info or warning is a fucking dick move.
fucking kek
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I'm doin' him a B
A. Was fun.
A, was good
>10 players
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>Farming Golbins on Melvor for the hidden pet
>Just finished completing every season task in D4
What you guys playing while watching?
Nothing, I'm rawdogging ESA.
I'm not watching
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Is her right ankle okay
last epoch
I'll be participating in Ryu's birthday tournament in SF6 in about twenty minutes. Happy birthday you voluntarily homeless shoto!
>implying I'm watching this shitshow
I'm catching up on the ASM Pokémon Stadium run, watching Werster mentoring a relay is one of the most soulfull things I've seen recently
Okay so OpenGoal and Team Runs are separate things, TR is based on an old version of OG (presumably it'll be updated?), so if you want to play multiplayer Jak just grab the Jak 1 ISO from Redump (Jak and Daxter - The Precursor Legacy (USA) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) (Rev 1).iso) and https://teamruns.web.app/.
you're free to leave the thread, too
Jak has quite a few complex mods.
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B, has some cool co-op tricks.
A, great teamwork but too many in-jokes for me
I've been grinding Holy Wins on Vagrant Story.
Get on with it!
they programmed ghosts
Erm, Euros, explain yourself
Shout out the the t e ch n o lo g y
That's pretty cool. I wish Outrun 2006 had ghosts I could download. I emailed one of the top JP runners of it to see if he had any ghosts he could share but unfortunately they all play on arcade SP (obviously).
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>that height difference
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>jag and dagster
that hoodie looks comfy
W-would any anons like to play Jak co-op?
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really hate the telethon segment, throw up a half screen of upcoming run info or something fuck
Yes but I've never played a Jak game so you probably don't.
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The Metako archive is making good progress.
That's okay, I've never actually played one either, I only played a few hours of it at a friend's house because I was a poorfag. Let me see how Runescape goes for a bit and if anyone else wants to join.
why are they acting as if every developer is nintendo?
Punished Metako, The Bald Man Who Must Not Be Named. After being betrayed by ESA, he went on to form a rogue speedrunning event—Outer ESA.
>It seems like even the Fundraising Organiser cannot say "no, this is not doable for these reasons" with his voice heard whenever the other orgs are excited enough about something. With Metako being one of the kindest people I've met and a pleasure to work with, this hurts even more.
That's gotta be frustrating, you're running a department but you can't even make meaningful decisions on how shit is operated.
Co-op Jak'ing with the bros!
Wooow, this image is greeeat
>I almost got thrown out of the team for expressing all of these issues in a Summer 2022 feedback form
They totally want feedback though, so long as you're not a hater, no haters allowed.
This is acceptable.
got a list with all the links?
Am I the only one who remembers when those runners had too much fun during Resident Evil 4 and Edenal came on during intermission to basically denounce the run and say "this isn't who we are" and shit, and then issued a ban letter on their Twitter (that might've been for another guy actually)?
This morning in the NES block there was a big titty american woman.
>they totally want feedback
but only the positive one
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"Cleaning my room" simulator
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>4 hours of runescape
how can this be real?
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I can't believe the runescape poster won
>HD mod
>povvo helmet looks like a generic redditor
English_Ben got a year or two on-camera suspension for that while being allowed to stay on staff but only in the background.

Speaking of him, is he even at ESA these days? I've not seen that fuck around apart from him still posting his dick in these threads.
"oldschool" runescape sure looks different than I remember
Runescape is NOW
Rabi-Ribi when?
Is there anything more boring than Runescape speedrunning?
>this is my entire life
somehow I felt that...
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Donations on winter ESA at around a simmiliar time
wow this bingo card sucks ass dude
Nope. He stayed home, he's been streaming iirc
>three or maybe four women in the audience
Huh? I thought OSRS is neckbeard central.
Crowd control runs.
Gurumin when?
those are the runners wives, runechads get so much pussy
Pokemon speedruns
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>4 hrs of OSRS
There have been at least THREE runescape runs in the past year
How did one man win so hard?
Okay, I'm not really interested in this...Gonna shower and then we can have a Jak lobby if anons are up for it.
I can't see fucking anything without sticking my face to the screen
Surely SOME of this layout could be sacrificed, please...
lol bye guys im starting my goon sesh, fuck runeshart.
Even the old ass MMOs and MUDs always had a not insignificant female chunk of the playerbase, it just usually blended into the background.
Is it Krasinski in the background?
nta but yt-dlp --match-filter metako https://www.youtube.com/@ESAMarathon
Wish he'd stop with the doomer lifewaste shit
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Angles can be deceiving
>4 hours of OSRS
>absolutely awful layout
>left is using soulless HD plugin
>both are using soulless Runelite plugins
This is not my OSRS
runescape players hate themselves
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>can't see shit at all
Another interesting run ruined because of bad decisions!
>item tags
>tile markers
holy FUCK this is awful to look at dumb noob shitters
That's the only way to cope with playing Runescape
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>mfw the most I ever talked to girls was inside MapleStory some 15 years ago
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Another traitor trying to steal views from ESA. I'm glad that snake is gone, we don't need him.
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The ones near the end aren't Metako probably, don't remember, but they're at risk of being nuked. I added some more to my own download list but they're not Metako.

yt-dlp -f "bv*[ext=mp4]+ba[ext=m4a]/b[ext=mp4] / bv*+ba/b" -a list.txt
All that wasted space in the bottom left and right UI elements could be shrunk down to give a lot more viewable space.
where did Ben touch you anon, its okay you can tell me
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>tfw runescape will get shat on after years of waiting
Late to the party anon, Runescape's been done before.
including this, there have been 3 OSRS runs in the past year
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The females in question if they aren't trannies.
>acknowledged himself for having groomscape
Sure groomscaper.
Is it worth checking out in 2024 if a missed it in its time? Any advantages comparing to other old mmos?
thanks already mostly nuked but appreciated
much appreciated thanks
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>Is it worth checking out
If picrel is up to your tastes, sure groomerscape might be for you.
I want less gimmicky runs and more actual runs, please.
>Retarded ironman has loot tracker open shrinking the client making it harder to see
>ze buck
Because of the way it's designed, you can play really AFK content while you're doing other stuff or super sweaty bossing etc. Don't feel a desperate need to log in every day just to do 'dailies' (unlike new RS).
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>that tfw when you got your first girlfriend in Ragnarok Online in the 00s

I knew she wasn't actually a girl since there are no girls on the internet, but shit was cash anyway.

Then it turned out she was *actually* a girl once voice chat became a thing.
Is there a video of Edenal denouncing the run?
This has the run but I don't see him show up in the intermission at the end
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>This is not my OSRS
It's pozzedscape for a reason
Where the fuck is second stream?
makes him black?
It was unpopular so they axed it.
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>a special attack that makes me Black
Just like the 24 hours stream. Next year they'll axe the whole event!
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runescape speedrun was a mistake
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>GiantClam has no flag
Does he live in the ocean!?!
ESA faced major sponsor and volunteer abandonment due to mismanagement and as such, great budget cuts. All we get now is one stream and even that is live less than 75% of the day.
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I fucking hate women so much
ESA peaked in 2018 or so
It ended yesterday, you freaks kept sperging whenever it got posted.
I'm doing the same lol
ESA died the moment they moved to their current venue
plot twist: she's playing runescape on her phone
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>makes him black
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>4 hours of that
>no stream 2
It's over
>Sad no one wants to replace Lovare for pre recorded prize videos.
They don't want personality cults, so now everyone is charisma void.
I don't think it exists anymore, that was either during the Twitch hardware failure or it got scrubbed entirely. I actually had to get that upload of RE4 from another anon who happened to have it saved.
Fuck, I forgot she slept her way through about eighty different runners.
>having the sound of the fucking afk farm guy on instead of the guy raiding
are they stupid
>stream 1: ESA shit
>stream 2: ESA good
>stream 3: ASM
>stream 4: Dogwater
What is stream 5?
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>no big black sugar momma to buy you video games and cook you fried chicken in exchange for sex
reserved for the cum in plum club
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Heh, I uh wonder if I'll even be able to reupload this to Youtube. Are there any other missing runs to try and salvage? That runner from the other thread said he was archiving runs too.
my stream : D
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You don't talk about the club in public!
>OSRS "raids" are just FFXIV dancing slop
4 hours of bingo holy shit kill me
there was, dont remember the year
I hope someone get lucky and gets a bingo before we hit 2 hours
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We don't talk about not talking about the club either, there is no Plum room.
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It's public knowledge by now
there's significantly more skill required in osrs raiding, compared to ffxiv where it's more about puzzle solving and tard wrangling the clowns in your party
I know, but it was shit. I meant, GOOD Rabi-Ribi run when?
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Is Scotland really so bad you have to hide away from the horrors in Runescape
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Yes, thats it, join the club
Unironically, yes
There are lots of Scottish people who move away from it and then say how wonderful the country is. Great accents.
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>Team Runs Jak starts you off not at the beginning of the game, but elsewhere (idk never played it, maybe it skips the intro)
>also how do I get rid of the UI debug stats and crap
Dang, well I guess I should've expected it from a speedrun-focused co-op mod.
They're from Glasgow, it doesn't get much worse without being an active warzone.
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BigJohn at the event or couldn't do it again?
Don't know if he's there yet, but his run isn't until friday
It was re-upped by the same guy who re-upped the RE4 run but the archive is garbage so it's probably lost forever
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The schedule is a lie to give the fans hope
Oh nevermind it's at the beginning, I'm just dumb. I was confused because the original starts with a cutscene.
It's not looking good:
gofundme com/f/support-big-jons-journey-to-esa-event
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can we make the game screen any smaller please? esa tech crew are you in here? i can almost see whats going on in the game and i dont like it.
Come play Jak 1 co-op you peace of shit!

1. https://teamruns.web.app/
2. https://mega.nz/file/M68RDSKJ#dZKWsnMG5o7bIUH-RfhnwFn7v5ZaGKRFGR_p5logmSg
3. Drag the ISO onto TR when it asks
4. Join the lobby (pass rage)
5. Check your settings, make sure cutscene skips is on if you want
If it skips all cutscenes and its your first time playing it, I would probably just play the regular version, otherwise you're probably going to be confused on where to go and what to do.
Archive is so garbage it wont' even load for me, someone reup it.
haven't seen him yet, probably not coming desu
t. attendee
Cutscene skip is on by default which is what I think happened, I was probably button mashing and skipped it (seems to be Y/Triangle).
fgsfds, off to bed. total waste of an evening
This is quite boring, lads
I played roon skape in like 2003 at the library a few times with friends
hmm, I think I joined but I dont know how if I'm supposed to be in game or what, just sat on the lobby screen
Bro's just tilling off live on Twitch.
Oh I forgot, top left menu -> launch openGOAL (I think this will put us in the same lobby)
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Japanese restream comes in and saves the day, might be worth checking the other restreams as well for clearer audio with fewer people talking over them.
Between the Jaws and Fallout 2 runs is when the apology was issued on stream for the events of the RE4 run by Call Me Zero.
No luck?
im trying bro, i had to reinstall jak for some reason, now im stuck on connecting to lobby
Sounds like a firewall issue. You should just be able to drag and drop Jak to install. When you launch the game it might ask you to make an exception for it.
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It did connect before, then I rebooted it to try get it working, now its stuck on this. Could be its still holding the old connection or something
My twitch keeps freezing in PIP mode until I go to the original tab and press play again
I'll remake the lobby. In the meantime, go to the in-game menu, under misc. and turn off speedrun mode and cutscene skip.
Forgot to say, and then start a new game if you want to see the opening cutscene (or just watch on Youtube).
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i gotchu buddy
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>No ads showed during GDQ
>Getting ads for ESA
Big, if true.
>Open ESA
>Not a speedrun
Many such cases.
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>Using spaces and line breaks is reddit
Hmm, don't think it's gonna work. Launching OpenGoal from teamruns never seems to do anything, although OpenGoal works fine from its own launcher. I'm using the Linux AppImage version so wouldn't be surprised if it was something related to that
Twitch is constantly fighting against the anti-ad stuff, I wasn't getting ads till just a few hours ago and now it's like every 20 mins even with TTV LOL and ublock, shit's frustrating as fuck.
Are you trying to use the same OpenGoal instance for both OG and TR? TR uses an older version of OG which is what it installs when you drop the ISO.
Damn. The app I have on my smart TV always just WERKS and never needs updating. You'd think desktop would be the easiest to keep updated
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I've noticed some weirdness all of a sudden with it getting stuck, they've probably pulled some bullshit similar to when they fucked with their API stuff mid-GDQ to defeat adblockers.
Guess I'll download it for the sake of archival. Are there any other intermissions/etc. from then that need to be scraped?
>smart TV always just WERKS
what app? I might try this just to see how it is
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>Open ESA
>Fucking long ass set up time
>15 mins later runs come on
>Welcome back to Pokemon Sundays on GDQ

Alright, I'm out. Gonna sleep while the sun's out and wake with the Euro lads
I hope Runescape when anon is happy, because the rest of us aren't
I tried the one it automatically downloads, then I tried using one installed from the launcher. Both of them just spawn a window then immediately die, no error printed to the console either which is annoying. Not sure what it doesn't like.
It's funny because I'm sure Twitch think why don't I just buy a sub and avoid all this messing around with adblockers surely that's better for everyone right?

I, however, would rather walk through broken glass than give in to their bullshit. In fact I have an unused Prime sub that I could use to stop the pain, but I refuse to give them the satisfaction.

Would recommend 10/10
You're a mobilenigger if you need to

have your shit

out like this

because you think something looks long and wordy when in reality to actual, sane people (us) it looks NORMAL
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I am the exact same. I have a prime subscription but they will never fucking see it HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH
Damn, oh well. Well if you do end up playing Jak 1 now that you have it, use OpenGoal and make sure it's up to date (the launcher will autoupdate). I'll leave the lobby open in case you or anyone else gets it working. There's also some esrgan upscale mods and other custom mods if you're interested. Thanks for trying.
Why is there now a different one of these 3 letter speedtroon conventions being spammed on /v/ every single week
A gacha thread died for this...
>ugh... how could this happen... how can I be in a thread that I hate...
>$8430 in 2 days
>Nearly 2 entire days in and no Plum video
Do you think her IP holder got pissed at ESA and withheld the song
>Less than half the screen is gameplay
>Runners are silent charisma vacuums
Wow, really should have kept playing video games.
summer is when these happens, you have your cyclic threads any other time of year
Yeah them making their service shit unless you cough up money doesn't encourage me to give them money, it encourages me to do anything but that.

I'm pretty sure ESA is also going as hard with the ads as they can, especially since they basically admitted they see that as their revenue.
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Not sure. But this is about as much as I can transcribe from it thanks to the Japanese announcers talking.
it's free advertising thou
>He's not excited for IFR next week
Oh it was Planks, not Edenal. My bad.
She's a prize shirt this year, so it can't be total hate.
They just aren't doing pre-recorded videos that often. Instead we get German autism hosting.
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Nope, he flaked again.
Free advertising for a dead company, with an advert that failed to ever advertise the game it's trying to advertise.
it's still free advertising thou
I'm fucking sick of seeing the video. I miss when they'd be shilling some new dumb game for that ESA.
same, i just give my prime sub every month to some rando playing games from the 80s and 90s to less than a dozen people
Fuck off. AGAIN?! No way LMAO what's GINORMOUSjons excuse?
I just popped in to ask, last week it was like the European nichensomb ingaspeedensheck gamefestival (NIG) and like 5 other ones inbetween right now and when summer troons suicide quick was being spammed here
>bigjon flaked again
And there's been a Master Duel thread up since the game came out, what of it?
>the nips dropped ESA
super grim
The image he posted says his dad's not doing well, it's blotted out by the red line. I'd do the same if I were him but he'll be pressed to say this twice
Same I only ever use this absolute shitter of a website only for speedrun marathons these days, most of which I'm not convinced should even see any money from me
>Turn on
>Hour 1 of a RS run
OK fine
>Check estimate
Alright, I'm out boys. See you in 3
I think runescape is cringe
I found some logs

[30:24:128] [die] Assertion failed: 'shader.okay()'
Message: error compiling shader
Source: /home/runner/work/teamruns-jak-project/teamruns-jak-project/game/graphics/opengl_renderer/Shader.cpp:133
Function: ShaderLibrary::ShaderLibrary(GameVersion)

Looks like teamruns have their own shaders that are probably doing something fucky, I've given them a bug report. If I can get this working before the marathon ends I'll post and see if we can play.
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you mean 7
yeah.. see you for next run...
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This ad surge since covid has been fucking unbearable.
It's an industry desperately trying to justify itself when it was proven advertising does basically nothing to drive sales.

I don't watch them out of principle, youtube might serve me an ad that's 6 seconds long but because of it clashing with my adblocker it will sit on a black screen buffering for 45 seconds. I will wait 45 seconds every single time without fail.
Twitch only gets use during GDQ and ESA, the Amazon arms race against ad blockers has made the viewer experience so fucking hostile no wonder the platform is dying.
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Upcoming day three.
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Shoulda got bossman to do four hours of debt staking
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There's been a Dall-E thread up for like a year now just generating AI slop even after Microsoft neutered the fuck out of it. Even the jannies gave up trying to banish that one.
>ANOTHER day where the final hours are eaten up by a single run
This is anti-North American bias and I won't stand for it.
>events of the RE4 run by Call Me Zero.
Without a dedicated reporting option for "recurring/general thread outside of /vg/" or a dedicated /ai/ board, nothing will ever get done about this shit.
Bossman ain't coming back, bro...
>and I won't stand for it.
Probably cause your legs can't hold your weight, fatty
>vidya? on the vidya board?
>Even the jannies gave up trying to banish that one.
Gave up implies they tried to ban it. Did they? Because I've never seen it
They did, I remember because I was there. They tried banishing it to /vg/ and then /b/. This was after they tried just straight up deleting it, but the AIsloptismos made them kneel by making another one.
>but the AIsloptismos made them kneel by making another one.
So they didn't try at all? Deleting it once barely counts. Nothing stopping them from just banning everyone who posts in them, if they actually wanted them gone.
It wasn't once, there was a mod waiting to delete them for like three days but he gave up.
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Big talk for a Eurotwink that's about to get his nuts run over by a mobility scooter.
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Only watched 10 minutes of osrs before getting bored and putting a film on. Have I missed anything?
Nothing important.
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>Call_me_Zeroo (the 'ick on 'eck looking bastard) and English_Ben had too much fun during an RE4 run with typical "4chan-isms" (kys jokes)
>Susan (Punchy) had a massive spergeout and crybullied to staff to get something done about it
>run memory holed
>fucking with the layout on my second monitor, juggling evo streams
>keep trying to fit ESA in
>realize there's no point because the layout for this is so shit that the only way it's watchable is if half the screen is taken up by it
>close it
ESA in shambles
For me, it's the viewers steadily draining.
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How's Runescape
Runescape at marathons will always be the same level of Pokemon runs but inverted:
>Pokemon runs almost always normalfag bait slop
>the times a technical run is shown, it's unwatchable boring slop
>Runescape runs are almost always "technical" but unwatchable slop because only autists that actually play raped-by-nu-Jagex "OS"RS knows what's going on
>actual non-RS-autist friendly runs where people actually know what's going on will never get to be ran
Susan won.
this RUN makes me ESCAPE
Susan isn't even allowed at any events except RTA because they are fortunate enough to not have to deal with him in person and thus are oblivious to his ways.
>dumped his ESA bags right before the decline
How did he know?
I really think an OSRS run should be more like new account to x amounts of quest points, or maybe like all f2p quests. Would be more digestible than watching people on maxed mains doing raids etc.
I PM'd the Pseudoregalia runner and told him to wear the maid outfit if he isn't a bitch coward, we'll see if he pulls through.
damn, what a fag
Two days in, I can say seeing ESA in person is very different to seeing it online. The big screen and the live company encourage you to focus on the run and with more presentation, which elevates each run by a rank. I'm able to ditch most of the stuff which seems to be wearing the thread down, since when there's an intermission or a cringe run going on I can just see what else is going on at the event. Aside from losing stream 2, I'm not feeling the doomer vibe as much as I thought

People are also surprisingly good to get along with. You can tell just from the runs they make who's good at talking and who isn't, but I'm learning some of the runners I wrote off are actually pretty likeable IRL. They're probably feeling pressure while on stream to act another way which bogs them down
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These are probably on twitter already, but go take pics of the other rooms. Is there an arcade this time? Is the Cum in Plum room still there?
My thoughts are basically >>683351324. I reject advertising on a philosophical level. Advertising as we know it today is a corrupt practice that serves no purpose other than justifying its worthless existence. Advertisers shamelessly appeal to our basest instincts and attempt to manipulate the most primal parts of our minds to sell us things that we don't need - all so the advertising industry and brands can continue to suck each other off in perpetuity.

I will do whatever it takes to ignore or fuck over advertisers. They are not human. I have more respect for people who work for defense contractors and indirectly nuke brown orphans from orbit than I do advertisers.
god we just had to sit through a golden sun run for AUSruns
any new Plums?
Not since DD.
A few, if you haven't been in any of the current ESA's threads: https://vidya.pics/post/list/plum/1
There's no arcade, but three game rooms, a streaming room, a practice room, and a board room. All disregarding the staff rooms they even have a stream 2 room, someone's in there doing staff stuff. The Cum In Plum room was replaced with a bathroom, I'm told it smells nicer

If there's only one guy at ESA with a maid outfit, he was wearing it today. He must have been practicing

>the best runs are in the morning
funny, that
Surface level knowledge from wikipedia
kek, no I mean the maid mod. A runner in a maid outfit would be funny though.
I would be remotely interested if layout wasn't so shit
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This is a good time to go for time trials.
Just gives me flashbacks to the runner who dressed like plum for a run.
>rogue's den with no plugins
>he still has tile indicators on
what's the point of the rules if they don't even follow them?
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>ESA after dark
>died at zammy
It's depressing to think those interview desk segments were better than the awkward shit we get now, I was glad to see the back of them when the charity changed and those two and the other e-thot vanished with it.
>playing runescape while watching runescape
its over for me
It was never under for you anon
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Two more levels, that's enough of that for now.
These shilling scottsmen are starting to grate
Who the fuck even was Maral actually?
I know sure as shit she doesn't run any games, where did she even come from?
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Corpo rep
Absolutely based.
Total advertiser death.
I would sooner simply not use the service than be forced to watch ads.
Ah. I'm no furfag but that's pretty based, hope you're happy with the run tomorrow
Dated Ela who was a Dark Souls runner and also worked with that one long hair skinny dude who tried to scam people with shitcoins
What the fuck did I just tune into?
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The beast is almost done. Damn Youtube throttling.
when will we get some actual OSRS speedruns like waterfall quest%?
She was a charity shiller that's why she disappeared when they switched to an alzheimer's charity
>Last year, on stream 2, there were speedruns
It's a game where you can play for a really long time without feeling pressured to get to "endgame" or do things that are "current." While it is mostly played solo, there's people at all levels of content grinding levels and gold and collection log items.
If you want a game you can play casually on the side while you do other stuff but also really engage with it for quests and bosses, it's one of the best things out there.

Compared to other MMOs it's not very actiony and very slow paced, but again, there's no real pressure to 'stay competitive/relevant' 'do the content before it dies' etc.
Could they copyright strike these if you put them on YouTube?
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Maybe, if they're dicks enough about it. I know GDQ are, they've done that exact thing before (I remember Mike on speed demo archives saying how GDQ owns all videos and they can DMCA you for reuploading if they want).
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that eevee looking really cute ngl
Sir, don't do that again, you're taking away from the focus of the event. Do it again, and we will ban you.
best to back them up on rumble and elsewhere, these guys probably don't know they exist
why no one said the 2nd stream is on
It's just a restream of stream 1
Runescape "runs" are basically EVE runs.
When's runescape over
>he linked stream 1 and called it stream 2
Meds now or else it's the cell again for you
Maybe if it has enough viewers, they'll startup Stream 2 again!
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Looking forward to the comfy rerun streams tonight!!
This interview is literally the only part of the whole marathon I have seen. I turned it on, cringed to death and haven't turned it back on since. So weird, I didn't think anyone picked up on the awkwardness during this
Wasn't even an interview, it was just the staff trying to make up time between runs.
>He's not aware of the subliminal semi-tones playing just out of the human perceptible spectrum of sound through the runners mic only on the "Stream 1" Stream 2 that lets him slip into a trance like state if he listens hard enough
Open your Third Ear, nigga, I'm having a blast watching Sengoku Rance 100% right now.
We're not supposed to talk about stream 3, anon.
Does it snow at speedrunning events?
>4.5 hours to reach bump limit
yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh it's fucking over
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at least 1 ASM thread was faster than this
Anons were indifferent on the gameshow segments but they definitely gave a bump to the threads. It seems like they just put the viewer bait on the final day and filled the rest of it with shit, this run would've been perfect for stream 2.
NSG had a blizzard and a blackout and a snowball fight.
It's over because it's a 4 hour block on fucking runescape of all things which is fucking boring.
And we have no stream 2 to go to so they can do their boring runecringe shit.
>next year
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here's to another hour of Sea Shanty 2
these guys are having fun and this run is good

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