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>EVO Arena Stage: Top 6 GGST, TK 8, SF6

Previous Thread: >>683339501
Marble baybee waiting room
who samsho here
I'm retarded, can someone point me to where Samsho is being streamed?
Lmao Wu's super is cute
whoever made Happy Chaos sound effects should be castrated
Marduk reveal hype
What's up with modern SNK making sexo chink ladies?
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They will reveal Tifa Lockheart for Tekken 8? Right?
The mental stack of risc building up and the insane damage in this game makes strike throw so retardedly strong
game colors in the stream looking off to anyone else?
was this little anime girl the one that people complained about?
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watch samsho
Every match is just a snowball how is this fun at all, wall splat gives you a fuckton of meter
This game is so fucking lame lmao. It's just blockstrings into death.
Not to mention Happy Chaos exists to make the game look even worse.
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Main schedule

Thread theme: https://streamable.com/vemt1r
so the last season of GG Strive will probably be Jam, Zappa, Robo-Ky, ???.

who else could they possibly put in that anyone would give a fuck about?
hc roll is the only real broken part of him still i never see it blocked
Should I get into SamSho? It looks really good, but was reading that the online is dead and garbage, and you have to matchmake exclusively through discord.
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Side tournament schedule

Samurai Showdown stream here: https://www.twitch.tv/majinobama
get HC outta here please
Holy tits
No, go bomb your local mall and die.
why is the main evo stream at 30 fps or something? same with mk1 yeseterday
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Street Fighter V: twitch.tv/tenomedia
Street Fighter 2: twitch.tv/funkyp
Skullgirls: twitch.tv/bgcallisto
BBCF -> MVC3 Top 6s: twitch.tv/teamsp00ky
Samurai Showdown -> DNF Duel Top 6s: See other posts
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man these games are crazy. you think someone has it in the bag and then they get rekt
I am baffled how you guys keep on saying it's the last season of GGST when none of the developers said anything like this.
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jack ain't beating zando he's fucked
online IS dead and garbage and the game itself gets stale really fast
its good for playing once a month or watching a tourney once a year
Its dead and the single player is no good. Still a very fun game but yeah hard to truly recommend
Is that the Uni2 Evo 2024 champion?
strive is actually good to watch when it's not the same top 5 chars over and over
thank god tempest is not here

It's a tranny bro. It's the chun from yesterday
>he doesn't know
Play V Special
Love Gio. Simple as.
Reminder that Gio has the fattest tits in GG
Is there anywhere on Youtube where I can watch the Samsho stream?
That's the future MBTL 2025 EVO champion.
Another season would be crazy but I suppose it could happen as the game isn't dead community wise.
Unfortunate, guess I'll have to keep on looking for a good fg to pour all my free time into.
Damn it, Nitro! Don't fucking scare me like that! I don't wanna see no HC winners finals
When the Gio was one touch and HC was half of the screen away I thought it was over.
chipotle is bland as hell. How did it ever get popular enough to shit up evo
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Yeah it's a miracle. Leo and Happy Chaos are easily the least fun characters to watch in the entire cast.
I knew this shit was fucked the second I saw it. It's wild how poor /v/'s troondar is when it matters.
Naoto going unga bunga is fun, but I'd love to see more of Guymam's Susanoo
strive has problems like anything else but it keeps the gg identity of constant hype interactions
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>HC already in losers

Kino top 6 incoming
>commentators sound like they're being forced to go into the playstation replay
why is jwong the only guy that knows how to naturally shill and transition naturally
theres no health advantage in strive due to how high the damage is
Reject Kusoge and western propaganda, embrace UNI 2.
They spent the money they were going to put on a freezer into marketing
gio anji and sol in this top 6
what the fuck is happening
>anons being blinded by fake tits and not noticing the large shoulders and no hips
you won't block those wack ass mixups
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Fuck Happy Chaos.
A lot of troons come to shill for troons as well
Let's go hero Japanese man
nigga just download Fightcade and play it on there for free. you'll get more games then the new game cause it's fucking DEAD
Nah, Teamspooky is the only one streaming side tournaments on youtube and they're on Blazblue and Marvel duty today.
You mean MBTT (Melty Blood Type Twomina).
Not until they nerf Carmine, Lond, and Yuzu
What the fuck is this Concord game they keep showing? Looks like absolute dog shit
Naoto can just be so ignorant that he works really well against Es and Nine, whereas Susan needs DP ASAP. Hope he pulls him out for the Celica MU though.
Happy Chaos is so based.
theyre all good characters...?
>Sol in top 6
Damn nigger, have you been literally sleeping under a rock? Sol has been top tier since the game got released.
You're not you when you're hungry, /v/
The developers have said just last year that they will be supporting GGST with new characters and updates for a long time.
So with so many people pushing this "last season" narrative is kind of weird really. It's only been 4 years.
SFV was supported for 7 years. T7 was supported for 8-9 years. So why this narrative right now for GGST when none of the developers hinted anything about this?
this guy's name is going to get the announcers fired if they mess up once
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Pick it up, Anji
JWong has been doing for longer than the others were even alive
it has an open beta on steam, i feel like everyone should play it just so they understand how an actually horrible game is, it's a miracle it's like all the terrible devs were brought together to create the ultimate game
/v/ has wanted Strive to die since day 1. They will keep seething as it grows bigger and bigger.
4 years later and still you can just dp Anji
Jwong is the one guy who I will never mind no matter how much he sells out.
Latest soulless corpo slop gaas shooter that is effectively stillbirth
Yeah, saying "Ta-tumma" would be embarrassing.
It's strange for a anime game I think but ggst really did break out of niche.
Damn, Sol truly is a fucking gorilla
gio and anji are def not evo top 6 material
kino shirt
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Look out anon, she heard you!
This Sol doesn't know you can DP inbetween Anji's f.S and 5H
They don't call him the Biggidy Bap Badguy for nothing.
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Fucking defend this, even the random cosplayer that its farming content on ig is making more money.

You are literally the product of thia whole ass multi million dollar event and you are not even getting payed.
dead on arrival game with pronouns on the character select (not memeing)
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There's an asian cholo playing GG now, what the fugggg
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-Strive- needs a character like this.
No one tell this anon what's happening on stream
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I am just glad the troon cabal of umishio, leffen, tempest etc. aren't present.So boring having all tournaments just rotate between them.
Why do they all play with blonde colors on the characters?
nigger look at insane delays lmao.this game didnt had proper balance patch for over a year,remaining special moves are still not in the game and 3v3 is in fucking beta. its clear they have no staff working on strive anymore
>even the random cosplayer that its farming content on ig is making more money.
I think you should be calling for them to make less money instead of the guys playing video games to make more
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Even Punk makes fun of Strive fanbase
Toriyama tribute
Just wanna say that i'm genuinely wishing the worst for Leffen
Because nobody plays Anji.
Ruka downloaded Guymam
it's over
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Baiken, take care of her and there's a saucer of sake in it for you.
It gives them a secret super Saiyan buff
Strive Sol is insomnia cure
da alfa never misses
Is Samsho is one of those games where the only way to play is to beg for matches on some troon's discord? The game looks fun and is on sale but I have been burned by stuff like this too many times.
So I assume Anji has been buffed to the moon? I remember him being the worst character in the game.
Aris told the story yesterday apparently that dude has been doing this for over 10 years and he's not a tranny he just want to bait thirsty coomers which seem to be working judging by how bad the people here baited lmao
12 grand is still a lot of money for most people nigga. its only really bad if you payed 1/3rd of that in travel expenses to begin with but even then its still profit
why don't they play Bridget?
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Tatuma just fucked his ass that game, holy shit.
cause they're running out of classic Guilty Gear characters to sell. and all the new ones they coming up with are terrible flops.
It's not over yet.
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I love Rimu
Tatuma is a pure gorilla Sol. Where's Mocchi?
I have nothing against the ethots who take money from retarded simps.
Sol literally breaks the rules of the game and is S tier since day fucking beta, what are you smoking?
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MURDER ٩(◕‿◕。)۶
Did you think fighting game tournaments actually payed out big money or something?
Rimururu always makes me think of that time Ono tried to tell people to play Kage in the living room. I always heard it as "Go to the home or the room or the Rimururu"
He is the coolest character in the game.
wtf is this chat?
>Anji gets hit
>dies in 2 hits
>Sol gets hit
>dies in 2 hits
People take this game seriously? Just replace this top 6 with a Mario Party tournament.
Shouldn't he be preparing for his big choke
wow..it's an anime game
>Baseless conjuncture

3v3 needs a beta. Cross play got a beta and this mode is going to be juggling 6 connections at a time
I wish I knew why any custom Tekken clothes look so "artificial" for lack of a better word.
trannyvestite who gets his dick hard at trapping fools
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Who asked for a 7 foot tall half naked dragon woman?
zoomers + anime players
>tries to use Naoto backdash
Like pottery.
EVO has always had shit payouts but you can definitely say they should be better with all of the shilling and sponsorships they have at this point.
Strive will never have a final as good as Nage vs Omito at evo japan
>Wake up super works again
Blazblue, man
have you heard of street fighter 2
Strive is pro lgbtqa++65+*9+6-
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not sure what you consider classic but HC and asuka were very well received.
There is nowhere for a sequel to go and it remains popular so why not just drag on Strive for a while yet
Excuse me I was told this game was for transgerder folx where are they?
I don't play Strive, why does everyone hate Happy Chaos?
>terrible flops.
citation needed
but enough about Street Fighter 2
what a weird way to drink water
Not sure, but for some reason I wanna have sex with a man now.
Its the fanbase Guilty Gear has catered to in America. Literal faggot game. Hurts. Used to love GG.
Any ram plays?
just wait for the mouse
looks like shit and he was broken overpowered dlc that dominated the game
post the fart follow up
Twitter meme with anji. When he does his counter super stance he's "countering" sex with a man
Why are there no female commentators?
how is this fucker rynge commentating again with a busted voice? this isn't the first time, kinda getting sick of it.
what the fuck were they thinking with the wall breaks
one left in losers
it's legit hilarous and insane that both Guilty Gear and Tekken looked at Street fucking Fighter 5 and told themselves "let's do the same gameplay wise"
I keep trying to butterfly Sol in neutral as well. It's so easy for them to react with night raid
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More like unco!
Somebody thought they could make their own hero shooter but with Twitter OC as the cast. It's nosediving before it was officially released
Any ram players?
There was one for UNI and she was fucking awful. Women should not be allowed to commentate.
I thought she was going be small when the first revealed her, she had goblin energy
I'm glad I was wrong
Tatuma is fucking locked in.
I hate crynge so fucking much
Please, we had it bad enough yesterday.
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My girls are already here. The only other girl they could hype me with is Ilsa.
I'm just waiting for Sandy.
american jap loses to japanese jap
those 3 are nothing alike
i sleep
this is LITERALLY what the average poison thread on /v/ looks like
Boring and dominates every tournament. Everyone who plays him insists he;s midtier.
I feel like becoming a girl after watching this game
Especially when you consider that some people dropped Street Fighter entirely due to how SF5 plays
which is composed of zoomers (gays) and anime players (also gays), with smash players migrating (also gays)
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nothing personal anji
I did, I did!
>HC vs Ram next
Time for a piss break
Street Fighter is the protagonist the rest just follow
He wins hard when his gameplan can work and people don't want to admit he's incredibly hard to play
Anime players aren't inherently gays. Only mentally unwell American anime players.
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She only looked small in the story because the camera never gave a proper angle of her with other characters. This is the art where they confirmed she is fucking massive.
Guymam with the super late burst SAD
that was good adaptation and baiting between both players
Makes every match with him in it boring to watch. Just has a terrible playstyle with terrible sound effects while also being strong as fuck. He got nerfed a while ago, but it didn't change how fucking wack he is to watch. He deserves every ounce of hate he gets for making Strive unwatchable whenever someone's playing him.
Is it just me or does the American guy look way more Japanese? I can't quite describe it but the guy on the right looks like he grew up in the USA and had all white friends
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>Go to the home or the room or the Rimururu
Heh. I assume he meant livingroom with the last one.
They couldn't make it to the finals.
Naotobros, we need buffs...
Nah, thats just how esports are designed. LoL, overwatch, nu-fightan. They have super attacks on a predictable, reliable timing and splashy colors so that the normalnigger audience knows when to stand up and clap.
me, and my cock
Zoomers make the cringiest "sex" jokes for things that make zero sense. It's because literally none of them are having sex.
Strive is so fast that I was hoping they'd get to SF6 early but then I remembered that Tekken always takes forever
I dont get it either
These fag commentators need to stop shrieking so much
you know how zoners in SF6 can become rushdown characters at random? yeah imagine that but no need to for DR
Do commentators get payed?.
he's a scrub filter, so all the shitters here hate him
>They have super attacks on a predictable, reliable timing
what the fuck does that even mean
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Based brap enjoyer, have a WIP
>Most hype player lost in Blazblue losers' finals
Being finished by an Astral Finish was fitting though
That GF is gonna be sweaty as hell, rooting for Celica
Tekken is more like a top 12 since they have to bring their coaches on stage.
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guymam bros...
Unika is cute
I'm talking about the medium plus frames/throw mixup and the vtrigger bar for Tekken 8
i got popcorn bros
anyone want some
about 3 fiddy
Thank god.
Not a lot but yes
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Why is the season 4 character lineup so unbelievably ass?
I'm tired of this ugly displate nigga
>chipotle ad starts
>crowd gets hype in the background
i dont know why but this is hilarious to me
i want your yummy cock instead...!!!
more than most of the winning competitors
He is like the Bayonetta (Smash 4 version) of Strive.
What type of popcorn?
what's the reason for this with as little sexism as possible
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How much is Chipotle paying for this entire event?
That's the former president of the United States of America you better show some respect
I wanted him in grand finals just for the jiyuna video, did he just get sick of the english teacher in japan life
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Meanwhile soive gets this bland ass bitch to promote the anime. Where are the weird characters? How in the fuck gb became more metal than guilty gear?
Well they're actually working long hours
It would be fine if not for Lucy
Chipotle owns the whole FGC now
More than top 6 probably lmao.
Anakin got blown the fuck up in T8? and I thought he was good or something. guess his streams are useless to watch now.
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My roommate ate my leftover pizza i was saving for strive top 8. I'm gonna kill this nigga
>medium plus frames/throw mixup
gg always had that
> vtrigger bar for Tekken 8
except you had to build vtrigger meter
There's barely any female fg players so why would there be female commentators?
Who was she again in the anime? The main girl?
This Celica gets away with so many j.Ds and Celica kicks because no one plays this match up.
Even if it was fast they would just fill in the gaps with more boring talk shows and advertisements
Lucy is the only thing tempting me to try that game again. But I won't give those faggots anymore money for their continued bastardization and pandering.
>le buzzword
>doesnt adress rest of what i said
You know I would call you a retarded tranny but thats too cliche.
Enough to give 450 dollars if you top 8.
last I heard, Japan got sick of the english teachers
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people think chipotle ad is bad missed out on that one EVO japan where MOUSU MOUSU played every 10 fucking minutes.
Where does he get the skulls from...
I wasn't expecting the anime character right away but otherwise its good overall. Jam is really the only GG character missing at this point. Strive has a much better roster than Xrd at this point.
Gabriel's design is also bland but I'd love if he actually had got in
I would imagine they probably have paid 50 million just for evo
It worked on me. I had Chipotle for lunch
>soiver only knows of smash broken tiers
holy shit it really is true, every soiver is a smasher
you couldve said vanilla sf4 sagat, t5 jin, t6 bob, t7 leroy, vanilla jive cammy... but no you only know smash
take a bath
wow so edgy
Chamu's bfs
SamSho looks like shit in a soulful kind of way
Wasn't there a chipotle controversy where thet reduced their portion sizes by like half.
Sex with this lalafell
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It was cute and had pretty girls
>Where are the weird characters
such as?
>having principles is edgy
Why are you faggots like this?
>the two easiest characters in the game in GF for BB CF
How the mighty have fallen
You dont know what that word means you idiot
That was a catchy song honestly.
Nothing about what I said was edgy or intended to be so. Just reality.
bob and leroy were the only real problem characters on that list
Actually tried Chipotle for the first time and this shit both tasted like absolute shit and gave me the runs. Why the fuck would anyone have this crap over stuff like Deltaco?
So brave anon, you're a real culture warrior.
>MAHVEL soon
Any chance the winner doesn't use a Zero May Cry team?
You fucked up
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>soulcal into samsho
ahh yes
Why do they keep letting jmcrofts do commentary? I hate this fucker so much.
Lemme guess Es and Mai? Es and Celica?
what a beautiful smile.
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big think
>Es and Celica?
What phenotype is this?
Clap harder faggot
>That's the future MBTL 2025 EVO champion.
You mean EVO 2029?
The latter, I actually forgot about Mai though I would actually put her top 2
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I'm too high to be looking at a smile like that shit looked demonic to me
Consoooooome more
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>anons falling for canned laugh chipotle ads
>falling for fake tits mcgee
you will never block that mixup
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I had tacos but I made them.
>I dictate my "gaming" by my political outrage I learned on 4chan
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I like MOUSU and occasionally watch it on YT
its cute. I know the lyrics to the song
Why? He's alright.
autistic white male vs autistic asian american male
is that the chinese guy from the esports meme with the stick arms?
sagat was arguably just as bad if not worse
fine, usf4 elena then
That low crush with 6D was pretty crazy.
congrats to him for being a mid white boy in the strive community and not trooning out
Gave me a good laugh.
Strive players are so fucking ugly.
Raphael ____s this
Does anyone else struggle to look at Strive? It hurts my eyes.
Looks between 15 and 45
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i miss crosscounter and mikes new channel doesn't always have the same feel but I'm glad he's doing good
We in there REDDITto
post k-brad doing the decapre dab
I think you're drinking too much lean
To be fair Es is a GF staple with Monarch being as dominant as he is.
I don't even remember it
my memory is failing bros
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Idk bros, there's a strange energy in the air at this Evo. A lot of whispers and stars aligning in weird ways... I think the reveal of MvC4 is more than 0% this time
Handsome young lad
amy is my slut
No, that's when they'll bring back AACC as the nostalgia game.
No, I'm a man
let's not act like crossdressing isn't perverse in the first place
>You are literally the product of thia whole ass multi million dollar event and you are not even getting payed.
First off the word is "paid" you illiterate knuckledragging cracker. Payouts are directly relevant to the entrants, viewership and company bonuses of events you stupid fucking faggot.
Cygames didn't put up any extra cash, and 1k whatever entrants isn't enough to justify a bigger prizepool.
it's 100% happening
i will actually shit and cum
watchu meen mie, it alway has dat feel
True but Monarch isn't even at EVO. Would've liked to see the Naoto/Susan vs Celica finals.
jokes on you i dont even know who that fuck that is
When's Terry?
>Not playing a game because they bastardized it.
As yes, my gaming has been dictated.
i look like kizzie kay but not as fat
It's not happening well at least at this Evo. Though next year it's possible.
>4 supers into run up throw
samsho is a neutral focused fighter
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>king of shill maximillian went to EVO this year
Its 100% mvc4
he 100% does it as a fetish thing, you're delusional if you think otherwise
happy chaos is so fucking boring to watch
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The ST tournament is low level.
I guess I should just be happy evo Japan happened and I got to watch Nips play outside of their absolutely retarded traditional tournament formats.
He's like the Steve of Smash
happy chaos is based
Ram Ramlethal
FGC isn't and will never be esports
Be glad we're out of the straight out poverty days
So only 300 pounds instead of 500?
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Sad day when I have to root for a Ram player.
they're going to have him come out to present it, aren't they?
That's still really fat.
>he thinks it's mcc4 and not the collection release date
Being proud that /pol/ manipulated isn't a good thing
based on what
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Move over animefags it's almost time for the announcement people really care about.
im already tired of seeing happy chaos super...
Rooting for the dude because waifufags incels are annoying.
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y u do that
Don't let evil win
I miss Zhi on commentary so much
May as well
give him a blowjob instead
it's reveal date + big tournament cpt style
>muh /pol/
Keep trying faggot.
>medium plus frames/throw mixup
3d games have focused on framedata since VF, thats nothing new to tekken.

As for SF4, SF5 and GGST. its so that its easier to re-balance the game through riot balancing.
>which chara are we going to favor this season
>Balrog, okay make his dash-punch and cr strong plus
>nerf chun and guile
There was this podcast with tom brady, he was expressing his frustration with NRS. SO in MK9, Cyrax had this bug with his teleport, where when you cross-sides with your opponent, the damage scaling would reset. So instead of fixing the bug, NRS just made the damage scaling on his strings more severe. Tom Brady was complaining that the devs were bad at their jobs. But that is wrong. The NRS developers jobs was not to bug fix, it was to release DLC and re-balance the game through changing attack values.
Apparently they've been very deliberately hiding it from him for the epic reaction.
why are you black
It will be 'duk
playing hc well is pure dopamine it just doesn't translate to a spectator or someone whose never played him
redbull still hires him for events
Why's that?
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>Ram inn top 8
What the fuck I thought she sucked?? Did all the old top tiers get buffed or something.
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Ruka got that match point powerup
Expect a reset
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Uh bros? Why is there not a single female (male) or female (female) in top 6? Isnt that a bit sexist?
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hoping happy chaos wins it again this year. chuds pls go away. hc is peak guilty gear.
i think you meant to put jack-o there instead friend. common mistake
Fuck Fuckmar
>450 dollars have been deposited to your account by Chipotle
why does his face look like the surface of the moon
She's not as good as she used to be but never sucked.
He just needs to secure corner early on.
V-triggers, Ults, ultras. I should have used super attacks. Comeback mechanic attacks is I guess a better term for it.
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Fuck Frogposters. You are not welcomed.
wake me up when the slop is over
an unplayable boss character from a shitty spinoff game?
I can't believe people are delusional enough to think they would announce mvc4 when it could hurt potential sales of the collection.
we have been forced to look at chaos in top 6 for 2 years now
Ance scarring
HC deserves more buffs.
Ram is top tier or very close to it.
Just realized how awful a modern Marvel side of the roster will be. Holy shit.
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it's over...
this shit is boring wheres nagoriyuki
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how do they fix him?
Chaos will win again
this but also sol, leo, nago and ram
no game company releases a fucking collection for huge sales it is always to bring product awareness before an announcement
I don’t hate HC like a lot of people but every HC I match with in tower has a dogshit connection.
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Please kill Chaos oh my god please do it I cannot watch this character win again
They're not going to announce MVC4 but how the fuck would an announcement to a new instalment of a game hurt the sales of a collection of that same series of games? Are you fucking retarded? It would do the exact opposite.
Ram is fun
451 just to spite the 7th and 8th place players.
You can buy a totally not built in China Herman Miller with that prize
Capcom was selling DMC collections 6 years before 5 came out
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>4chan rooting for Redditto
How many lives do you have for pools? 0?
3 game 5s with 5 different characters so far. This game is a lot more balanced than people give it credit for.
why is strive so popular when it's literally lobotomized guilty gear
We'll get some odd picks Dammit.
It's more likely to be X-men vs. SF 2 imo
cause of the licensing situation
>2 characters people wanted
Okay yeah this is good so far
>1 character that basically doesnt even exist in any capacity yet
Uhhhhh.. well 1 ad character is fine I guess...
>the weirdest timed crossover character imaginable
Fuck this shit.
The alternative is much worse
Is 3rd strike already over? Just tuned in
what happened to FAB?
the reboot was coming out around that time
>ANOTHER wake up super claiming a round
Gotta love Es
because full brain guilty gear was never popular
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>right before SF6 top 6
>Nakayama-san walks on stage
>thanks all the sf6 entrants
>brings up the new MvC collection; says the reception was great
>announces collection release date shadowdrop
>stage lights go out, screen goes dark
>suddenly 3 seconds of new 3D cel-shaded Cyclops optic blast hyper
>screen goes dark again
>white text in middle says Marvel vs. Capcom will return
compromise by using a DLC unlocker when she releases
not that hard
ram plap
I said desigwise, we "don't know" how this new character is going to play like. Take anybody from older games and compare them to this boring looking bitch.
because it's fun
I imagine it'll be a very queer sight indeed.
I see happy chaos lose I happy
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Remember your place.
was over yesterday
Just this once Reddit isn't the enemy
EVO top 6 for girls is who got the most likes for on insta
Emergency patch tomorrow, more HC buffs, he almost lost and we can't have that.
doesn't play strive cause it's dog shit
I dunno, doing a thing that fans would love as a setup to absolutely nothing sounds like a Microsoft move.
nothing fundamental about gg was actually changed
Don't give me hope, fucker
>that preemptive switch
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the roar of the crowd is pure kino
Why do pros that play HC look like chudjaks?

good fight
We did it Reddit!
retarded camera switcher
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we can't let reddit win
Stop with the doom and gloom.
>almost lost
we did it reddit
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Thank god. Also the fucking cameraman needs his knees broken.
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dont care what anyone says, soive shenanigans are always fun to watch
>Cameraman switches to playercam as HC techs the throw, immediately switches back, HC doesn't tech the next throw
Funny, also Ram is hot but I liked her old hat better
Holy shit Demarcus almost fumbled it.
I want to die between Rams thighs with the sweet taste of chocolate pussy being the last thought in my mind
reddit chaos is more reddit than reddit itself
uh this strive top 6 has been really good so far. you niggas lied to me.
captain marvel and ms. marvel for mvc4 please
Might just to fuck around with her for a little bit, but I doubt I'll stick with the game long either way
I've never used one of those before
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Very well, I will cum to Ram tonight.
they have to hate yourself and everyone around you to consider even picking him
rams optimal jump in being mashing one button will always be funny

>lobotomized guilty gear
The more complex a game is does not equal more popular If anything it being simple makes it more accessible.
Celica wins Blazblue
This is the first time I've watched GG Strive, why does it seem Happy Chaos uses his special more often than other characters?
Trannies are killing the fgc
My heart dropped just like how he dropped that combo
Celica wins Evo, who would have guessed
because everything else was also lobotomized and enshittified. just look at sf6.
Why? Got you pegged in one.
RAM!!! BABY!!@!
That's an advantage to fighting game popularity that's why literally every major release is trying to dumb down these days
based bobby
I can't read something like this normally. I fucking hate the internet.
Because HC faultless defends less as he's a zoning bitch ass nigga
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>that ending
wtf I wasn't even aware there's samsho this year. God I WISH SNk would make another one with less shittier visuals. Some SNK (gameplay)/ASW (visuals) collab would be so fucking cool.
Filtered. Quick camera switch before the final blow was kino
where is leffen
why is league of legends so popular when it's literally lobotomized dota
We'll see if I'm justified soon enough.
Ill try to quit bringing the mood down. Just no other genre's "evolution" has disappointed me more than fighting games.
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Serious question: How do I get my hands on one of these custom MvC Collection cabs they have back there? I'd pay decent money for it. Is there some random contact at Evo that handles that shit?
Understandable but man I miss that nigga
I would kill myself if I ever lost to someone with that name
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>no leffen
>no troons
>no HC
>no Nago
I support the Jew on this one.
Captain Marvel shaking Captain Commando's hand
Now it's time for a Terumi or a Noel to win a major tournament.
because its easy for him to convert stray hits into a wall carry combo that builds a lot of meter
I will sexualize Dizzy whether she wants it or not.
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>Scrolling Twitter to Screencap Ragebait.
Why are all these games neck and neck is it being the game is so viotile?
>won by an american yet again
>literally unironically named "reddito"
Got taken about by Takuma
>Delicious brown
>Light hair
Why is that combo so lethal?
What do you mean by special? Every character has special moves.
holy shit at ooeygooes run and then at zandos
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If I have only ever enjoyed SF2 what modern fighting game am I most likely to enjoy?
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>"no HC at the finals this year"
>*crowd cheers*
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Latif? damn haven't heard that niggas name in a minute.
Shit is amazing isn't it? :)
>no baiken in samsho finals
Damn Zando going through a gauntlet.
We love Ram here.
And WHAT came out 6 years before DMC 5
Capcom's motives are truly a mystery
>Captain Marvel
>It's Genis-Vell
just play SF6 grandpa
Color contrast. It's the same reason goth girls are hot as fuck as well (pale/dark hair).
all time classic
pleasing contrast
I want to racemix with anime girls
Roman cancel and burst mechanics are an equalizer that puts most characters on a relatively even playing field at this level and these are all players who on any given day would trade wins.
I'm watching SamSho. What did the Strive cameraman do?
Visual overload
My eyes hurt...
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>2 male fighters

this got very gay
last time I installed Samsho it wouldn't launch for some reason and the reason I found was
>lol bu ye it do be like that sometimes
I wanna fucking play!
Anyone you could ask on the floor would be the wrong person to ask honestly.
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At least use a real Anime
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holy fuck
>literally unironically named "reddito"
literally unironically wrong
Ram will save us
no I think the special edition of the reboot was coming out around then
the one where they gave Donte white hair
how do you fix asuka
with these two in particular, pure fujo material
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Yes, who cares about gatlings? They weren't fundamental. Dash macro? Not fundamental. Character kits? Not fundamental. Wake up timers? Not fundamental. Dumb wall mechanism? Not fundamental. Overall speed of the game? Not fundamental. Retarded damage? Not fundamental. IKs? Not fundamental Aesthetics? Not fundamental. Etc etc...Kill yourself strive tertiary.
I still think both HC and asuka are one of the coolest characters ever made in a fighting game
too bad their design doesnt translate that well to an actual fighting game meaning they are fucking broken because of it.
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meant to attach picrel which shows capcom released multiple collections before new releases
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twitch chat is cringe.

I hate zoomers I hate kids
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Where did Japan go?
In GG you either use meter to extend a combo, make a move safe, or for a super, and with how his gun works Happy Chaos can already make his combos long as fuck and as safe as he wants so he can just spend his meter on more supers
Damn, Oscar looks annoying.
Iroha's Irohas on SamSho stream....
Nerf his 2d. 90% of this bullshit stems from 2d
But I heard grandpas don't like SF6
It's umm like redditto so like red ditto
To sf6
look at the thread anon. its the same thing.
Japan doesn't like strive
jap zoomers are playing apex and valorant
New thread: >>683347985
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Strive looks like it jumped the shark with Asuka. What the fuck is this character.
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and SF6 (vtuber appeal)
Maid armpits and breasts...
Not play Strive
declining birthrates really affecting the FGC
They saw how dogshit strive was and nope the fuck out of here
American game catering to Americans.
The game has gatlings.
Dash macro is not fundamental.
Character kits are still very much in the destinctly GG style.
Varied wake up timers are not fundamental.
The game is still fast.
Gear has always had retarded damage.
IKs and aesthetics are the real tertiary non-player shit to complain about.

The only valid point is the wall mechanic, which is good.
Covid and the economy really fucked them for international travel
>no sticky
yet there no Japanese games catering to Japanese left
Man, its weird not seeing the usual guys here. No Theresa either.
will this israeli guy get banned if he wins strive?
You really think that'll improve the thread?
name 5 playable gg characters that arent just humans/human shaped
Get this Israeli fuck out of here
What's wrong with Israel?
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syiti of za worves
>Evo Japan was bigger than ever this year
>Less hype for recent releases overall (except SF6)
>Yen in the dumps, travelling to the states must cost like 3 months worth of wages
Why are people getting banned for typing melon emojis
Zando's defense is insane.
Staying alive like that as Asuka is hard.
i dont have look for new thread every 30 mins
I would laugh if wins and dedicates his win to the IDF. The community would implode.
The Yen is the biggest issue, you will need companies to start bringing the Japanese themselves because there's no way they can pay for it
haha that would so fucking based
why is this kike not playing ram?
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I wasn't talking about the shape but bedman, justice, zato, robo ky, dizzy.
free. palestine. chud.
Gyaru Baiken in SamSho's winner finals
Omito still plays but he doesn't enter tournaments. Nage played when it came out but I don't know if he still does.
Being from Israel doesn't mean you support what they do. Americans are fucking retarded.
Melon emoji become an Anti-Ban for the Palestine flag because they have the same colors.
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lmao this is going to be kino if the jew wins
awwww they hugged each other
>everyone who lives in America automatically approves every individual action by the government
>robo ky
ky but grey
human with wings lol
that wip better be a sex scene
Think nigga, THINK
you are a nigger
you are the most retarded gorilla nigger I have ever seen

israel has mandatory military service + taxes are a thing
Because of Eddie
Both use moves impossible for any human character
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why does sacktap insist on this shitty 'counterpick' in every major? Nemesis is a joke character
You're from America, so that means you support your ally Israel getting billions of dollars from you. :^)
>Lost their usual year of earlier access via arcades lead
>Starts flopping and no longer placing
>Completely give up
Neither is isreal
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yeah but you cannot tell just by looking at them
just like how unikas gun is made out of gears
I'm jackoing off
Check the number of Palestinians with Israeli citizenship.
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lets fucking goooooo redditsisters!!

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