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>EVO Arena Stage: Top 6 Tekken 8, SF6

Street Fighter V: twitch.tv/tenomedia
Street Fighter 2: twitch.tv/funkyp
Skullgirls: twitch.tv/bgcallisto
BBCF -> MVC3 Top 6s: twitch.tv/teamsp00ky
DNF Duel Top 6s: https://www.twitch.tv/majinobama

Previous Thread: >>683355453
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>mysterious character does the iconic heihachi 1+2
>twitch chat starts going "GOUKEN???????"
We root for Keisuke
post big asian bitches
Fourth character gotta be Ogre right?
Cute feet
i am gay
i like men
my place is neat
i keep it clean
floss everyday
I am gay
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simping over every mid chick in a crowd is not appropriate fgc behavior

Sorry bros, but Filipinos prefer the BWC
mine are bigger desu xD
>not a heihachi op
you failed
But really, when is Gouken coming back?
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congrats to noel brown, best dorm and my favorite marvel player in 2024
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Main schedule
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You're right, fucking underage boys is appropriate fgc behavior
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>strive finals
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>hot girls at event
>look them up
>cosplayer whores that use onlyfans
every. single. time.
The only good thing about Heihachi in tekken is him btfo the Marduk fak leak. Eddy Lidia and Heihachi all should've been in the base roster. Horrendous dlc choices
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Someone make this but heihachi
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>i hate whores and women
>mfw a woman whore is on stream

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>falls head first into volcano
yeah nah its a clone like kazuya. its probably why his hair is closer to black.
Based she has a thread on the city!
Already got the nudes.
Harada giving Kojima and Kamiya a run for the hack prize
Side tournament schedule
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Mishima bloodline is strong!
man I hate having to work on monday and never seeing SF finals
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>Pirate Tekken 8
>Go to character customization
>Remove all the female characters shoes and socks
>Play a few games and admire them
>Close game and uninstall
Simple as
Eddy shouldn't be in the game at all.
Take a shot every time TastySteve says make some noise (don't do this)
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qt sighting in crowd with his new asian gf
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I'm glad the leaks were wrong maybe the last dlc character will be cool
What's with fags here making threads using characters not in any of the games being played?
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Side tournament schedule
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strong at sucking cock
He probably wanted to keep Heihachi dead but Reina got really popular and he wanted to milk that for money
Bro Steve's hairline makes me lol so much. He legit looks like an hr giger alien
god damn that was fast

I didn’t realize he wasn’t with Alyssa anymore (I think that was her name). What happened?
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those asians are onlyfans girls, not fgc girls, just sayin
Bison and Heihachi coming back as DLC is lame, should've just let them skip a game and bring them back in SF7/Tekken 9.
>tekken have literal hentai bodies in the stands
Because coomers want to put their waifu in the OP, just like they do in the /vg/ fgg threads.
nah, bison is cool in 6
Mid desu
I understand why the main games shifted to Top 6, but why are side games doing the same?
>37.50$ per month
lmao do people really?
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>Strivechuds get trannies
>TekkenCHADS get big tiddy sluts
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Good lord
I would agree but if the alternative if Fuckmar then I'll take Heihachi even if it's tacky.
I want Christie to use Adeus on me
At least Bison didn't have a replacement. Reina is just a confusing inclusion now.
damn one time wasnt enough? some people never learn it seems.
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Terrybros, are we getting a trailer or not?
So is Tekken and Street Fighter 6 all that's left?
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someone put a fucking pop filter on steve's mic I swear on me mam
heihachi is way more of a character than bison'll ever be
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tekkenchads stay winning
Heihachi coming back should have been obvious Tekken doesn't have that many huge characters left
people don't really watch this slop...right?
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He's cool, but I miss his bombastic personality.
Based crumbz
just go to coomer
watch it for free >>683360309
>game feed in 30fps again
jap bros...
it's true doe
>first match is a mirror
>actually it's two different characters
should i root for trench coat #1 or trench coat #2?
Trench coat 2
Is that also Scarra kek
Heihachi Mishima... is d-wait, what?!

HOW?! WHY?! ~Raven, probably
It's Russia vs Japan
>hellsweep when other guy is at 10%
you can dumb down kazuya all you want, being a mishima tard is a state of mind
somebody explain the story of tekken
oh boy can't wait for Fagunov vs. Fagunov matches again zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
>more people talking about some whore than the match
nice game, tekkenfags
You're going to be seeing a lot of trench coat #1 so #2 would be better for variety's sake.
Every five fucking seconds with these fools sips.
reina = simp bucks
The fact that Heihachi is not the last character makes think the last DLC character will be a guest.
Maybe. The delusional side of me thinks that SF characters will be revealed for KoF right before SF^ starts.
angry white man decides to start a fighting tournament
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tekken sucks so much nowadays jesus christ
Obviously though probably will be a cinematic trailer
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the za is here and the tekken is on
Its time
I honestly thought we'd be getting a guest character
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If your name is not Mishima you don't matter in the story
angry manlets hate each other and women chase them sometimes
fuck, keisuke getting drag'd
we live in an age where you can GENERATE porn for free

and it's free regardless
daddy issues the game
I thought that was KoF
finna d2
jap bros....
Finna D2
At this point, I'm absolutely expecting him to be DLC for CotW. Maybe SNK will have the decency to make it Nightmare Geese instead of regular Geese.
Simping for 3D whores in 2024 is especially embarrassing. Back in the day there was no monetary motivation so if you saw a hot chick at some gaming event she would actually be into the game.

All of these chicks don't even play videogames most likely, everything is a platform to advertise onlyfans
2 pakis in the finals
there is definitely cheating going on here
Dragunov has been dragging his nuts all over Tekken since his debut and everyone is just okay with it.
Kung Fu Movies The Game
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Be glad 4 of the dragonovs knocked eachother
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Harada is actually so terrified of not having heihachi in the game it's wild, but I mean volcanos don't do jack shit in Tekken so it should've been expected
He will 100% be dlc
Never played tekken. What makes drag so good?
>Check her on coomer
>Non-nudes only
Watching Tekken only makes me miss Soul Calibur
Why was everyone so worked up about Phoenix again? She only showed up once in the finals set and the rest were Dormammu. Zero, on the other hand, dies and his team crumbles.
you know for a few dollars more you could hire a prostitute of her quality to actually ride you for a night
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>Tune in to Max's stream
>Everyone screaming 'FROG' over and over again
bros... they're making fun of us again...
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>get on camera with boobs out
>random anons link your socials
say what you will, it's good marketing
watching nutekken only makes me miss oldtekken
WT trailer tonight, gameplay trailer two weeks later. same pattern as always.
Man throws his son off a cliff who then comes back and throws his father into a volcano
why is it so lopsided
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GF is going to be a Drag mirror. This 5 proves it.
This is boring as fuck Strive was way more hype than this shit.
I'm literally eating Chipotle while I watch this. I fuckin love Chipotle.
maybe because the game isn't very balanced
Hi Sajam
pics or it didnt happen
Tekken is the 3rd world fighting game
>This is boring as fuck Strive was way more hype than this shit.
ive never played either of them but i was just thinking that. i should probably pick up strive next.
>pakistani vs arab
what the hell?
If I roll a 7 the grand finals are Lee vs Kuma
Arslan "right now, give me the cash" Ash
why pakis like tekken so much
leftover ptsd from when she was actually a problem in vanilla. If you let the phoenix win condition happen without some type of setup to stop it then you deserve to lose
Vocaroo girl are you still here? Make a Vocaroo on your thoughts on Tekken 8
is he fucking emilywang?
But Earth is the 3rd world, only when we reach Mars we may have a 4th world fighting game.
My wife came home and brought me a spicy chicken sandwich from popeyes with some cajun fries
peak comfy on my day off
i wonder if that rooflemonger moron is preparing his noose to kill himself about his yesterdays claims.

>Yeah, i totally have heard some AWESOMESAUCE RUMOURS that something REALLY COOLDICK is gonna be revealed in SOME event in this EVO... not gonna elaborate , mind you but yeah, it is totally real, gais!

people who do that shit deserves to be raped and die.
if 0 a non mudslim wins
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SNK should have revealed him for Fatal Fury instead of lame Kevin, another old man that never dies
Check the city, newfag.
They need to fire James Chen, worst casting voice by far, even worse than the women casters
Ooh, so close
oh shit
deus vult
pack of stans
shitskins annoying whites
> Pakistan
>Saudi Arabia
Why is Tekken the only game that has mudslime players?
Because they've had a local offline community for over a decade where they played against each other in the town over and over again. They couldn't go online since, well, poor and no infastructure, Tekken was their escape.
Arslan got enough money gathered to go and partake in EVO, he was literal 'who?' during first EVO and won it, after that Pakis woke up to global tournaments.
>three merlinis
what's with muslims and tekken?
absolutely haram
in 10 years you will treat him like white noise
no that's KOF
Is Tekken Halal?
Tekken is international game dinguses. It has what 7 million sales per each installment, majority which come from Europe.
Yellow noise
>he thinks OF automatically means porn
costhots know they only need to tease to make money
strive is haram and it was dominated by pakis early on
>stream isnt even 60fps
Fuck Fatal Fury is going to bring back Geese as the first dlc character isn't it?
can't scroll through these threads without getting a massive boner
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i did it, bros. i finally did it!
why are they overrepresented at tourneys
i hate most pakis but that is based. respect
he got good nerfs and still is top 1
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Watching arslan play is so fucking boring holy shit
Swiftmasterbros what happened
these games are pretty quick
Damn. Quick no round brown.
Because you gain skill in a fighting game when you play the same opponents over and over again.
The paki scene is very active and very strong.
Who you mainin' bro?
Post 7 Tekken really is in a shit league of watching of its own
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tekken is going to be so fucking boring, dragonuv in 75% the games and we already know what the final will be
fucking coaches man
Tekken players are the biggest bitches
keep it up anon, you almost beat the tutorial
Heihachi TANKED the volcano btw
JOBzuya died under that volcano
Maybe not the first character, but he'll be in the first season.
>coaching in the main stage
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*cough* ACK *cough* Can Kliff come back already? Or at least a Kliff function?
Every game is an international game.
Nina thigh highs
>needing a coach

kek it only gets harder
Finals will be paki vs Paki
This match is going to start a war bros
nice coach ya got there lmao
Maybe he's super is one of those very rare when he dies you do input and he comes back with 25% hp.
why can't anybody beat the pakis?
>choose 60 fps source
>not 60 fps
What in the fuck?
It should be best of 3
Dude wtf how is he winning with just poking if I did this I'd drop to purple and spend the entire night drinking then wake up hungover and quit tekken
is jizzytherapper still in
Tekken is the most fake, manufactured hype game
they got soul
Tekken gf is going to be so fucking boring
it even killed the thread
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>ppl hate arslan because he is playing too good
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Why the fuck isn't Tekken 8 first to 3 throughout? This game is way too fast for first to 2
Why is Pakistan so good at Tekken?
have you ever played it?
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Reminder that Arabs are our greatest allies don't let Jews tell you otherwise
tekken gf?
High level conditioning.
2 games down and its been pretty boring wtf i was expecting something more interesting.
they trained in the hyperbolic sand chamber
>dat sweep
Jesus. Fucking raped him on stage and they all cheered. What savages.
lmao no its not pakis are just too good
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>another 6-0
wow... what a hype top 6....... I'm on the edge of my seat..........
Allah is with them.
I just can't get into 3d fightan
only allah saves
some players can be so good that it makes the competition boring.
>See a person getting attention, including yours, using sex appeal.
>Said person monetizes sex appeal.
>Get upset at person.
What's your desired endgoal there?
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bros i just wasted $100 buying this piece of shit game...
Fuck Tekken is worse then strive this is grim
there's something seriously wrong with a game if pakis are the best at it.
i'm sorry.
They think this game is based on 50/50s
it was hilarious seeing all that manufactured California "hype" with "catchphrases" when 7 released between S1 and S2
why do people keep hatewatching tekken with aris? it was fun the first 2 times but now its just petty
are you the autistic chipotle fellow from earlier?
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Kliff's great great granddaughter
How so?
Strive was good though.
That's the only type of women who unironically like male videogame events, whores and grifters.
The dozen or so of women who unironically like the male-dominated videogame wouldn't go anywhere near the event.
reminder its the jews who turned top 8 into top 6
it's actually pretty fun to play just boring to watch
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but what about when the 6-0 players fight each other?
Kekken ad break post Jun milkies
Somebody shoot this guy,
Thank you for watching though.
>yet another break
Man the pacing of these matches is just awful.
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This is some Good Tekken from Ass™
Holy crap, they added Chipotle merch to Tekken?! Buying a copy right now.
seeing the same ppl in the finals gets boring same with knee you know what to expect
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He wasn't able to think that far ahead.
No, of course not, despite every retard taking about how Yoshi is absolutely OP, he never even makes it to a top 8.
miserable faggots only really have each other.
100% reason why they got Steve to commentate. If he weren't there it would be dead silent.
>Tune in
>No indication at all anywhere on the twitch page what game is being played right now, no indication from the commenters either, everything they say is vague as fuck
>like 7 links in the op, all of which are dead, all presumably people at evo streaming games that didn't pay enough to be on the main stage
this sucks
Sandniggers run sf6 and Tekken now.

Pathetic, black bros, Japan bros wtf.
tekken just like cs is the only real esport that feels and you can cheer like in a real sport
King is so hard up for cash he's shilling for chipotle now
Shoulda bought it for me instead
It's like F1, when one driver wins everything it gets really boring.
I figured he wouldnt come back since the VA died.
No all the other games ended it's just Tekken and sf6 left
Tekken nigga
And then street fighter 6 in a couple hours nigga
concord is a game with pronouns on character select

it's so fucking bad.
More like they are just leaches really. They know it's mostly people who are a bit awkward and shy and they use it to sell their stuff. They aren't in EVO because they like fighting games, they are there with outer motives instead of enjoying fighting games.
steve has always commentated tekken
him rip, spag and markman are always commentating tekken
not that I disagree with you
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illiterate fag
tekken is fucking lame bros
he hates Tekken and the fanbase so much that Markman and Michael Murray are in his chat whenever they can
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It's not that Arslan is too good, it's that he plays the most boring style of Tekken. Always poking, never overextending, 0 showmanship, 0 flashy moves, 0 entertainment. Just poke poke poke, and then fake cry when you win another championship.
arabs are jews except stupid and rude
What do Tekken players have against Fahkumram exactly? I don't remember him making much of a splash compared to when Leeroy released, in fact I damn near never saw him in tournaments. Was he boring in terms of character? Was he just so awful in 7 nobody bothered?
i think it's just Tekken and Street Fighter left
can’t wait for top 4 next year so pokimane can squeeze in even more ads
>ad for a limited time beta... that already ended
post your honey select tekken cards
Why did DEI create a political vacuum and cancel itself from gaming?
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If you follow sport its like seeing max win every race or when lebron/jokic got ignored for mvps because they already won a lot
He's just a gay retarded looking fucker.
goddamn both the pakis 6-0 their respective opponents
Bro you need yo watch, otherwise chipotle won't be able to afford 450 to pay the sixth place.
It's part of the script. It's designed to rile up fans so he shit talks em. And it's not just Tekken its all fanbases.
but Evo Moment 37
>fake cry
Dude he comes from Pakistan, I doubt it's ever been anything but genuine.
Also if it ain't broke, don't change it. If he's able to win through his methods and others don't, well that's just how it is. I agree that it is boring though always.
bad press is still press
hes partially responsible for 7's climb to the spotlight, his stream would get more views than the main feed.
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All the leaks said Marduk and Fahkuram how did Heihachi come back
Just look at him that's why people hate him
at least post the onlyfans hoes during breaks
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so was esports worth it? Did it make fighting games and the communities better?
There's some dude out there who is genuinely heartbroken that fukurmom isn't coming.
They're just underexposed because everyone was busy studying replays from japs and kreans
Fuckyomum was just dull big Muay Thai fighter that didn't left much of an impression.
why the fuck are you here
go back to the gdq/esa threads where you belong you /soc/ reject
What is DEI?
Reminder: Max is popular and has friends. You don't.
The leaks were wrong thank God. It's tifa time
Yeah I don't hate the guy personally. Others need to step up. But he plays so boring, it literally sucks the hype from the audience, you can always hear it.
Wait that's a newer mugshot compared to the one years ago when he beat that woman. Did he do it again?
We don't have to when we use that site. Let the simps buy and share with us bro.
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if u aint rockin the chipotle medal we aint friends
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Fuck da ashy pakis
Sixth place gets 450? I don't believe you
nah, he wasnt like this with tekken 7. I know because I was there as 7 was my first one, and he made so many useful guides at the time. he just got brainrot/god complex because he blew up
I've been with my friends since middle school
Diversity Equity Inclusion
bros i need to replace my psu so i can run games but im too afraid to pull out the cord of my old one that won't release itself from its mother
You guys eating anything? I got a korma and a pastar jar filled with ice tea.
my point exactly, he's making more money than every pro player and anyone in that crowd except Max by just staying in his home
Max said the n word and got away with it cause popular streamer
Who is Max?
they got tired of the schizo Reina theories
>Chipotle all day every day
Gootecks and Mike Ross were the heroes we deserved all along...
I just want to know what the fuck they do to have that much disposable income
Heihachi isnt cool enough for you?
Spend more time looking at fucking slides than watching matches.
Who tf is still eating at Chipotle in 2024
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He's like Abigail from SFV. Even in games where characters have exaggerated proportions, these guys cross the line into an ugly absurdity
We entered the bad timeline when the FGC stopped hating this dude. He at least seems nice enough but his friends are the most unbearable useless assholes. Fighting game channel for people that don't play fighting games.
Itt's a buzzword /pol/tards use to blame every single thing that is bad that also has women or blacks in it.
She used to shit on Tekken 7 all the time tf are you on about. It's just a case of lurk more and stop being sensitive.
yeah but he wasnt a negative piece of shit back then.
3 Dragunov players remaining
what am I looking at?
>max got a bunch of people pretending to like him and chasing clout cause he's rich and popular
fix that for you
I don't even have Chipotle in my Country. Is it good?
Maybe don't be retarded
jersey mikes
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why does he do it everytime? get some new material
fucking hell their audio crew needs to use a compressor god damn
>check the hunterxhunter booth
>leave immediately
>Fast food
Yipes and Jwong is the most well balanced commentary duo but it rarely comes up, don't think I saw it once this Evo
let's just say max & friends literally went out of their way to get tacos from somewhere else yesterday
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guys I'm unironically getting sleepy, Kekken is gonna put me to sleep before SF6 at this rate...
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i love big retards like abigail, he really deserved better to debut in S2 of jive
It's a step above Taco Bell in terms of quality but it's still just nothing special Mexican food.
it is adequate. Hardly any chain is good
I know this dudes just a spammer but I can't help but wonder what he actually wants.
herd control
he started shitting on t7 once he started getting really popular and got fucking destroyed on stream by a lei player from his chat.
I'm not gonna pin it on him though as t7 season 3 was a disaster and thats where I dropped out as well, but he did not behave like this when vanilla t7 hit consoles.
don't tekken fans get tired of seeing dragunov?
It used to be pretty good Mexican themed fast food. Now it's so fucking expensive you may as well just go eat at an actual Mexican restaurant
It's fine for what it is.
just a girl to love him
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>30 Threads for EVO

FGC bros...are we unstoppable?
its expensive fast food slop
as fresh as subway if you have that
It's okay, if Tekken is putting you to sleep SF would put you in a coffin.
remember all leroy finals?
they did it during sf6 pools iirc
maybe they'll get to do top 6
Meh idk fuck all about tekken. Who should I root for?wstxn
>army of dragunovs + pakistan winner finals
This is turning out to be the worst top 6 I've seen so far.
>every match has the Russian guy in it
uhhh how is this allowed? What happened to the boycott? Did everyone forget to support Ukraine?
sf6 is probably Sajam and Yipes
anyone not using dragunov is fine
we're getting james chen this year because he threatened to kill himself after what happened last year.
It's alright. I haven't been there in years and would just get the bowls. I would honestly rather get taco bell in terms of price vs quality.
how can americans even play this game, it's not very realistic
He wants companionship but doesn't understand how to pursue it because he's severely autistic. He's a Chris-chan type.
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>twitch pauses ad if you switch tab
root for whoever isnt dragunov
Anyone that isn't named dragunov or anyone from Pakistan
james chen sounds like a fucking lesbian get the fuck outta here
pls no
hopefully is the british guys
hopefully its not ultrajew
It seems more like a girl to share porn with. Either way, weather its porn or love, feels like /v/ is the wrong place to look for a girl to share that with.
Im sorry but the speedrunning community do that in a single day when GDQ is live.
Yeah, very scummy shit
Just watch on youtube
No. lol. Besides Street Fighter every fighting game will have on average 2000 players online on any given week night. 2000+ for Tekken, much lower than that for Guilty Gear other animu shit.
Not dragunov
ttv lol works for me
She definitely prefers vanilla in her coffee
watch it on youtube, only have to deal with the baked-in ads
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why the fuck don't you have adblock by this point
This is why most people here are watching on YouTube. It's a tiny bit delayed, but at least you don't have to deal with the jew code on Twitch.
these new games suck
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Since literally nobody dies in any fighting game ever except Ragna that means Nash is coming back next season right?
Jammerz and Logan would be pretty hype
It's what white women think Mexican food is. It's overpriced garbage. 5 Guys of Mexican food.
use multitwitch.tv
You mean 2 autists dumping their porn folders?
Why isn't our chainsawjob cutie in top 6
If you see a pale scarred white guy in a coat root for whoever he's fighting.
I miss when Ram had this bodytype
>Either way, weather its porn or love
why not both
There was a reason I was bitching asking for YT links in the op on Friday.
If they want a Nash function they'll probably just bring back Remy and merge their kits
the mishima tard

Remy is getting his moveset
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>no top 8
>no flags
>multiple breaks between final matches
>nonstop commercials
>american slop food sponsorship
>games are boring, most are dumbed down from their previous versions
>90% of matches are steamrolls and foregone conclusions
>half of announcements leaked beforehand
>only entertaining thing of the weekend was a coked 3s japanese boomer doing splits
This year's event sucks ass. At least some side tourneys were fun I guess.
Yeah Tekken 8 does have a good soundtrack, I'd be headbanging too
it sits at the unfortunate intersection of too fast food to be good but not fast food enough to be cheaper than a sit-down restaurant

quality and portion sizes are also very uneven
I want to see a JP God victory in Tekken.
Nippon needs to reclaim their crowns.
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Pic is sexo post more please
gdq/esa threads are literally unmoderated porn dumps with the most autistic users of this site
The old man was out for a whole fucking game? What's even the point of Reina now lmao.
Who's in the Street Fighter waiting room with me?
time to die grandpa
Would it hurt to buff other characters to be more viable so it's not SUCH Dragunov filled finals every year for Tekken?
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>90% of matches are steamrolls and foregone conclusions
Strive had a bunch of even sets and there were loads of upsets in top 24
I'd argue Abigail was eventually better received because his character and playstyle are ridiculous. There's a level of appeal to how absud everything about Abigail, like how his backthrow is just him walking on his opponent's back then kicking them away.
>less lag
>loads faster
>less obnoxious ads
>no stupid redbull banner taking up half the screen
>no porn website tier pop-ups advertising shit
>much easier to pause, rewind, jump back to the live feed
Why the fuck is anyone still using twitch
youtube will never die
twitch is on it's last legs
I mean if you can find a girl into that sure, but like I said I just feel like /v/ is the wrong place to look for a girl, let alone a girl who wants to share porn or love with a stranger.
I miss 2 hrs ago when you simps didn't know of these of thots existence
ill sex the middle one for 20 bucks
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>if you only knew how bad things are.
youtube streams work far, far better than twitch ever has
>HxH and 2XKO streams end
Fuck man, there are zero alternatives to this snoozefest.
Guys I can't fucking take it anymore. I need a brown girl wife to make mixed race babies with. How do I make this happen??
I'll never get over them playing on such a giant stage and using a tiny monitor to play on. I mean get why but it just looks so silly.
wow he finally finished with a non risky low
They won Evo Japan but the palis seem unstoppable now. I assume they will win sf6 though.
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How about suicide?
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Competitive Tekken 8 is kinda boring Strive was way better.
people willingly pay money for photos of these people?
holy shit lmao
Kazuyas damage seems lackluster.
move to the philippines
yes, it's good
COME ON KEISU- nevermind..
Why does GG Strive have 4 female characters with short hair? Giovanna, Elphelt, new character Unika and Lucy from Cyperpunk anime.
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>mfw OF girls just looking to get on camera
preferable to watching kekken
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Whats with all the dragunovs?
You just know it's gonna be some lame shit like Vicious and Ultrafaggot
I want to sniff Reina's Chipotle If you know what I mean....
It's a script. If you enter that server you get any information tied to your discord ripped
badguy won...
The dream is over
Why does her burger have teeth?
Yeah lap up harada's cum you dog.
all strive characters are unique, the same cannot be said for tekken characters.
this game is garbage
3 Dragunovs remaining

5 players
>dragunot on my watch
We won dragunov brows
using twitch in 2024 lol
Get to it now.
Chop chop.
>meanwhile this thread is full of simps that can't stfu about a bunch of thots in the audience
do evo events really smell as bad as people claim they do?
i liked the short stack from last thread better desu
>The only actual player is out
okay, time to tune out.
I literally have like 5 adblocks going on just for twitch whenever I switch computers it takes 30 minutes just to figure out what the fuck I need to install just to remove it again
This is cool though I'll try it out
>60% of the players remaining are dragunovs
State of this shit game
I miss 2 hours ago when I didn't of of these of thots existance
Why are they here?
As far as I know outside of evo these girls have no interest in FGs.
Is it really just to advertise themselves? Are they friends with someone there?
I wanna goon!!
what happened last year?
>porn found and posted in the thread already

worked wonders didnt it
flips aren't really cute though. They're more asian than brown
If you don't make some noise tasty steve is going to spit acid in your eyes.
dumb nerds and normalfags are just too weak to resist. You have the internet with all manner of beautiful women doing all kinds of freaky shit yet they get caught up on a bunch of mediocre tits when some good ass tekken is on
>3 dragunovs, a jin and a nina
lmao nice fucking game bamco
They tried to shift the blame to melee but can't anymore.
'nov got em seething
If you like real mexican food or are mexican, it's really shitty place to eat
Is Rip indian?
He didn't link a server. Just shared his own username.
I'd unironically get a beer with this guy
wow sounds like your retard anime dream couldn't survive contact with reality, what a shame
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You cant say tht and not link it
any indoor event with thousands of people is gonna smell bad
to advertise themselves obviously, even aris said one of the whores names
Seat switching is so fucking lame, I remember when Sonicfox did to cool off Go1
Super Dragunov Party
Global Dragunownage
They're gfs
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we don't smell
wait until you find out they won't do any big balance patch until next season
>All Leroy finals
>All Drag finals
racism. plain and simple!
video games are dead
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Tekken is the most entertaining FG
>Muhh 10000 Dragunovs
I dont care!
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that only happens after bump limit
This tournaments needs more pandas and Lings desu
Steve please, I'm going to get evicted at this rate
actually i dont follow tekken... and so far all the reveals were ok. i do like the italian demon hunter guy tho.

my point is that that faggot was claiming some big rumours and he doesnt even have the gall to make stuff up like 'Tifa is totally a DLC in T8' or 'MvC4 is gonna be revealed after SF6s finals'. he's just being vage to get subs.
I can smell from the picture alone
That makes sense.
It would be if it wasn't so Dragunov focused.
every large nerd convention/meetup smells bad
This shit really is boring when there's no one repping the the US
Lmao, I been to other similar events. Its always gamers and weebs. Fucking shower.
How do we counter the dragunov menace?
>Is it really just to advertise themselves?
Yes, a lot of people there are nerds that easily fall prey to these women, plus it is Vegas, they are probably going to get some more cash from some suckers
...is dead.
Hes not lard anymore. He dropped the weight as soon as he dropped smash.
Sonic needs to win something besides nrs I need to see kino
Does that have rollback?
shilling ps so hard
Ramlethal, where are your clothes?
couple threads ago actually >>683352431
OMG what if Zelensky was playable! He's like the anti-Russian machine!
Woah that speed
>Tasty Steve
What does he taste like?
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One of them used to work as Josie cosplayer and is trying to get a refresh to her subscriptions
Haven't played 8 in a while, can I get a qrd on why Drag is still so good? I thought they were nerfing him.
why does it feel like i'm watching season 1 tekken 7? why is dragunov still dominating?
holy fucking shit.
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Big upgrade
Sonic was in Tekken pools but got eliminated
nice 3d game
Before strive faggified half the cast, she barely wore clothes.
tekken is kinda boring, these characters are just kinda nothing
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No autism is ever really gone
my nigga my favorite bodytype
It can not be understated how easy it is to get nerdy virgin coomers to pay for stuff like OF
his rage art should be Biden appearing on screen and firing a money gun at the opponent
Can they stop fucking with the stream volume? Jesus christ
I mean she is more human now
Is Dragunov the toppiest of top tier characters or something? This is almost Leroy levels of stupidity.
and the ritual posters can burn in hell, literally chew up 300 posts because of "migging"
tekken is fine, i guess. But what if i could play as machamp instead
I was kidding about Heihachi, I think rooflemonger is pretty good for a guy that plays a bunch of games but he def has the tendency to be a bit of a faggot
Wtf do you need a coach for?
why does it feel like high level tekken is less entertaining to watch? is it cuz top players are boring ESLs? top tiers this patch seem boring
He's an honest mid tier, it's just coincidence.
Notice how I said win lil nigga
>onlyfans girls not dressed as nina or asuka or another character
apply yourself, whores
you all better be there when Punk wins his first EVO
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tekken is so fucking boring bros...
he was just asking him what he wanted to eat, his mates are getting chipotle
Yeah, drag has been crazy strong for a while now
doesn't help that the top level players have the most boring play style possible
they can notice stuff you may not have in the moment
video games?
damn is that the girl that won a game or two on stream yesterday?
tekken high level is full of soulless top players with 0 personality
Always has been
he's broken and you can't nerf him without completely changing how the game plays, unless you compeltely change the startup of his moves
Drake about to get evo shutdown.
Good job Steve.
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>Oh yes harada-sama more dragunov buffs please
>More heat mechanics please
''Switch to Drag'' - t. Coach, probably
Tekken 9 will be about the Dragunov family tree
easy execution, good frame data, good options, doesnt use a bunch of bitch ass stances or perfect frame uppercuts
Just like happy chaos!
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>juggle a character
>half hp is gone
They should think how to balance this shit.
Why isnt multiversus on evo?
Arcana Heart in main stage when?

we need more games that uphold the core values of the fightan community.
Can't wait for Tekken 10 when Kazuya is almost completely bald and Heihachi fights with a walker
the Mishima fears the Dragunov
>dooming strive
>it was fun as fuck
>hyping tekking
>total borefest
/v/bros pls stop jinxing
>raef didnt win a single round in top 6
Is this the most boring Tekken's finals ever???
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oh... another drag shutout... wow SO HYPE GUYS
Crowd not making any noise, heat is such a dogshit mechanic. Shit is so boring to watch
I hope you die a miserable death
I think dragunov is pretty good
I think I remember when this guy knew he was a man.
Wow the audience legit hates the Draganov dominancy
show her butt
>make some noise ad nauseam

God steve is such a dogshit commentator. Rip is horrid too.
Nobi thank God saving us from 3/4 drags
this but drive rush
No way coach I'm sticking with Jin, you know I got what it takes
No, that one Tekken 7 EVO with that ninja girl being mirrors, mirrors, mirrors in top 8 was boring. That whole EVO was nothing but mirrors too.
>/v/ says tekken will be better than strive
>it's a fucking snore fest
post your cock
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mr. 0 looking ass motherfucker
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wtf is that
it's not heat dumbass it's dragunov, most basic bitch boring char
AH won't be relevant ever again. I'll never see my nun waifu on the main stage
This is shopped right?
I hope Dragunov is shit at some point in the future because I think he's cool so I don't want him winning to be boring.
Look on the bright side. we can get to SF6 faster
I forgot which T6 one it was but it can be so much worse it’s not even funny
He's fgc Bruce Buffer.
>virtua fighter: sega has no clue how to revive a franchise properly
>doa: settled with being a gacha
>soul calibur: okubo jumped ship to cygames
The absolute state of 3D fighters. Dragunov 8.
I start to sweat when I play an intense match. What do you suggest?
I'm not a tekken guy but i always liked to watch tekken 7 evo top 8 even if i only knew surface shit
Tekken 8 is so boring for some reason
Post your cock entering the hip
>kekken lost to Strive
The crowd was going fucking crazy during GG and now they are all sleeping
at least Nobi mental breakdown when they nerf him in Season 3 will be funny
changes of SF6 being hype? tekken has been zzzzzz
What is even going on over there in the US?
>lust-provoking image
I'm just happy it isn't Spag
Man I just cannot get into Tekken
>dudes bob back and forth fishing for a luancher
>launcher connects, juggle for 15 seconds and 40--45 percent damage
>can't fucking tell what attacks are hitting where
>feels like nobody hardly ever blocks anything
>character archetypes feel much less distinct than in 2D games
Wait I'm dumb fuck
u just racist
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Could be worse.
T7 Leroy before nerf
what are you high from?
Everyone in top 6 picks different characters so higher than this
sf6 has an amazing top 6
New Thread: >>683364748
Everyone in tekken 8 wants to get in heat as soon as possible to smother you to death.
thanks, it looks as small as mine so I feel better.
>tfw tekken instead of soul caliber
wrong series died
You are not gonna smell because you sweat, when I do training and run like 1 hour plus drills I do not smell that much if at all.

You smell because you don't fucking shower everyday.
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Literally mfw looking at this pic
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So what's the verdict so far in EVO 2024 controller wise?
No more sizzle please
are fighting games not popular in europe?
Please god catbox yourself fucking the onahip i'm begging you. I want to cum too it.
no, not even close and that's the hilarious part
We don't have a freezer. Y'know.
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Finals arena is fucked this year. At first I thought it was great, seating/stage feels far more personal than the sports arena Mandalay Bay shit, but the convention center staff have fucked it all up. They're afraid of going over occupancy but they didn't take a count so they're just refusing to let people into the finals area but I can see 10+ seats from whete I am that have been empty for hours. There's only 1 restroom in here with a giant fucking line, but I can't leave to take a piss.
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T8's pretty stupid but I still prefer it over 6 & 7. Mainline Tekken peaked on the PS2, Tag 2 is the only game on the level of that era since and it flopped.
>Look on the bright side. we can get to shit game faster
This top 8(6) is boring dogshit because of Faganov but I'd still rather watch it then any of SF6.
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>that hairy left arm
They're not unplayably unpopular, but it's definitely not the most popular region for anything other than maybe Soulcalibur.
people were using keyboards, any footage?
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>Ass fat enough that pulling clothes up is difficult
THAT'S the shit
is the screen at 10 fps like the twitch stream or normal?
where is xbox
>started wearing a wig to cover up the giant bald spot
But you do. Unless you're so good that you're never under stress in a match or otherwise.
>They’re found in parts of your body with higher numbers of hair follicles, such as your genital area and armpits. Your underarms secrete approximately 30 times more sweat when you’re under stress than when at rest.
>Sweat from your apocrine glands tends to be thicker and richer in proteins and lipids. The fats and nutrients in this type of sweat combine with the bacteria that live on your skin, resulting in body odor.
>Heihachi is back
>"Tekken Monks"
>Dragonov is high tier bullshit as usual and bogging the Mishimas at top 6
I can't stand this.
Tekken is a meme.
nothing better then a huge dumptruck struggling to fit its payload

under controllers
anyway how was kof this year? best tournament as always?
Nah it looks great, I can see the console screen from here and there's only a slight delay on the big screen.
The fucking down forward 2 launcher is so stupid. It's really just a slower down forward 1 with the potential of launching. So it's an easy execution combo rewarder with the 20 second ARENA-CROSSING combo itself being easy. I realized this, uninstalled and just havent touched Tekken since.
>Play every game shown at this shit so far
>Get washed by some buggaboo who's mastered all the frame data gamewide and can hit confirm TAS-level shit every time across every game but I can't get anything out
Lmao you idiots have a genre-wide scripter and smurf problem like mad. It's a wonder nobody's just hacked into Japan's banks and destroyed their economy overnight with how much they go by the honor system
Is being uppercutted by Drag mean instant death?
SC6 and SamShow finals were cool.
GGST wasn't a complete shitshow, but Tekken is.
No idea whats going on.
Boring. Just mirror match like always again because all KOF characters play the same and you have zero reason not to pick the characters who benefit from the game's systems the best.
Why do people who don't play fighting games constantly post about the controllers people use?
The same reson they whine about the genre.
what happened to this boomer game
i remember in 2hu days in 2005 this used to be everywhere
You can find a loving wife or boyfriend that'll treat you like a real human being. Don't give up on yourself <333333
Arc got the rights back to Guilty Gear and said fuck that shit. it is what it is
Oh wow it's another--zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
SamSho have any Darli?
arslan looked like he was jackin it from behind lmao
Holy fuck lmfao.
What game was this?
Always choosing the most retarded "special/unique" names they can fine.
>tfw no anons will ever want to cum to my cock
Actual pain.
there's a fucking reason Tekken wasn't super huge at EVO until T7. they really hit a jackpot both in system mechanics and sfv failing early on and prospered, getting carried by that momentum for the rest of its life. t8 definitely exposes bamco mostly got lucky.
BlazBlue came out in 2008 bro
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>falcons ATIF
wtf is this stage music
DNF Duel side tourney
Well at least BB is safe from whatever the fuck they are doing to GG.
Havent watched fighting games in ages why the fuck is pakistan dominating tekken?
DNF Duel. I watched it on mute in a window while I focused on Marvel 3.
okay bro you gotta give me the lore details now. In the new thread >>683364748
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there was some chinese developed game in the universe but it was pretty bad I recall.
People discovered Pakistan was a hotbed of Tekken killers but they just couldn't afford to travel until like 4-5 years ago and once one started getting results people started paying attention and more started flying out.
The story is over with and they fucked over the localization for the last game.
Thats the lore there is. Its just a complete story.
apparently they have a ton of arcades and shit over there which fostered a good internal circuit but since they're poor no one travelled
I squirrel milk good for you?
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DNF Deserved better than that lmao.
Well, I guess that game is beyond dead at this point.
It was a roguelike game. I enjoyed it actually. I am not sure how it was related to BB though other than using the characters, but it was actually enjoyable to play imo.
What do you think the Paki players think of all the weird tranny shit at evo, or do they just not care because its kept relatively out of Tekken.
Post it and i'll pump to it :3
It was very good until the GF when it degenerated to china vs taiwan playing the same team.

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