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It's out
I'm still mad that he gave up /ss/ because of Patreon.
>western trash
post it
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now the only thing left is you coming out of the closet
You wouldn't expect vanilla trash from some guy called ntrman but damn this shit is lame and boring.
How can your mom cuck you, you weren't fucking her or going to fuck her... I hope.
>"For me it is very normal, because you have to know how to separate the professional from the personal," Arthur confessed on RedeTV. "That being a professional thing, we have a routine, we record different scenes, it's a whole production."

>"It's our job. In fact, I tell her 'do this position', or 'we are missing this scene', 'we have to improve the lighting', I look for situations that give the audience a sensual feeling."
Is this late stage coomerism?
Or is it
any good gangbang scenes?
>immersive ntr game
>can't even name the characters
what did he mean by this
you know, this makes me wonder if there was a god, and if so, if he abandon us or we killed him, and while im not sure which would be worse, im sure it is the latter
Yes, it's hot af
>people are shitting on this one too because the MC can have sex in some (optional) routes.
NTRfags are odd.
Makes me wonder why you think this reality is so out of line with its creators vision
/v/ isn't for nigger cuck games. Get out.
Is op's game mom ntr?
They can only properly self-insert if the MC cuck doesn't get any pussy, and only jacks off during the scenes where the girl is fucking the male, at best. Him fucking the girl once early on is fine, so long as it's disappointing and emphasizes his (actually their own) sexual impotency for later contrast.
By having sex with other women, this shows the MC can actually get bitches, unlike them, breaking their immersion.
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>Contains NTR

Boy oh boy, you really can't wait for someone to fuck your wife, huh?
>"She's my mother and I have no lust for her whatsoever," Arthur said to Radio Metropolitana. "Sometimes I even feel disgust.
>god i fucking hate you mom, fucking slug woman
>bring your ass up, this video is gonna be so dogshit if you dont stop being such a useless cunt, i need this money if im gonna take out this qt trap i fucked last week
You do realize that she is not YOUR wife?
God it must be so hot to have a stronger man take your wife
Damn, hentai should make more storyline like this
Are cucks mentally ill?
Is water wet?
which of his games have hag? the inn?
not any more than kink shaming
nta I agree with you, these naive dumbasses see anything that even slightly unaligns with their world view and immediately they say "GOD IS DEAD" like they have never seen the shit that goes down in the animal kingdom.
that post is funny to me
not only does the cuck project his inability to seperate fiction from reality but he also projects his self insertion onto someone that will never play this game from the sound of it
>she is not YOUR wife?
we all know that, cuck
but you are the one playing a game from her husbands point of view with the sole purpose of seeing her cheat on her husband
Wanting an NTR situation to play out is a shit tier fetish as it is envisioned by and for the morally perverse.
What happens here is as such, a twist of the moral values. The person who is at fault for cheating is not and should not be the non-cheating side but the cheating side.
Also, by fapping to NTR you are willing to associate sexual pleasure with emotional masochism, which in turn makes you less likely to enjoy a healthy relationship IRL.
>inb4: seethe, cope, etc
Just face it. You're literally killing your own brain, with those shitty tier fetiches that will only do you harm in the long run.
I've been shooting incredible amounts of ropes to ntr shit lately. I want out, bros...
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genuine question.. he said that the characters from this game some of them will survive and continue in next zombie game
also I like to have a game like pic related pure shota.. I hope this game is anything expect mediocre
goingnative is such a god tier fetish. Very sad that this is NTR shit.
Any advice on how to win in Pinu's trial?
God that was so hot
she is
is this his longest game yet? 71 unlocks so far
So what's with the loli bait?
Does ot have pregnancy? If so, is it just a one screen wonder kind of deal? If that's the case than this game is trash.
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I'll never get cuckshit desu.
Like I get a humiliation fetish, I'm a dom i've seen people ask for the most intense suffering you can imagine.

But other than this cucks are as vanilla as white bread. It's barely even a kink, most FLRs don't even do this.
>no pregnancy/impregnation
>is the whole plot of the doujin
Wasted opportunity
cucks and self inserters, mentally deficient forever
You kinkshaming fags are probably fapping to this too
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>Enter explicit ntr thread
>Nothing but vanillababies crying
Going through no fap for the rest of the month and I've been at it for almost three months and I hate it. I'll put this on the list of stuff to fap to once I'm done.
NTR is revolting to most people. Its subject matter centers around the emotional, and sometimes physical domination of one man by one or more other men, using a woman as the surrogate for the interaction. It is animalistic, short-term, sexual gratification at the expense of, most typically, someone who didn't do anything to deserve their treatment.
NTR is the emotional and spiritual equivalent of the likes of gore or scat, you probably wouldn't be happy if shit was suddenly thrown in your face.
Two reasons why NTR has seemingly grown in its presence is - for one, being revolting as it is, it's ideal material for shitposting as it triggers an emotional, disgust-driven response - and for another, its nature appeals to dopamine addled that seek out ever more extreme content due to overexposure. Most people who are actually into NTR wouldn't be if they didn't fuck their brain via constant sexual stimulus since they were 12.
iNTeRracial > vanilla NTR

simple as
>Its subject matter centers around the emotional, and sometimes physical domination of one man
And it doesn't work unless you self insert (mental illness)
All that anguish isn't done to me, it's done to some eyeless faggot I don't give a shit about.
It's alright, not his best. His art keeps improving but the writing has completely stagnated, regressed from his early works even. It's barely even NTR at this point.
Well, his writing was always garbage. Only the sexy girls were worth staying for and at the start the pudgy bellies were pretty unique to his games.
Can’t find the scenes anywhere online, has anyone uploaded them yet?
Unless she gets a tan more hair,piercings and tribal markings I'm not interested.
The previous comic he made was massively disappointing for lacking this.
Post download link please
sent ;)
Damn I even said please like my mom told me to.
It's on Fag95.
>identifying or sympathizing with any fictional character is self inserting
Probably the most braindead argument I've ever seen. So by your logic you shouldn't feel angry about how Joel in Last of Us died because he's not real. You shouldn't have any drive to have Mario save the princess because you aren't the one jumping over pits. Why read fiction at all? It's just lines on paper has nothing to do with me. As a mature adult I don't cheer for the good guys or hate the bad guys.
>So by your logic you shouldn't feel angry about how Joel in Last of Us died because he's not real.
Because the whole franchise is dogshit and not video games.
Go back.
No matter which perspective, NTR is a shit based on negative emotions and traits.

1. Cuck - a fucking loser who hates himself
2. Bull - a fucking loser who can't form meaningful relationship so he ruins other people's relationships out of jealousy.
3. Woman - Unloyal whore
you are a massive idiot and I shouldn't spoonfeed you but I do anyway because im nice
pixeldrain com/u/8jCyLZun
There are wholesome ntr stories too like the one where mc steals his childhood crush back to himself
I still don't understand NTR
Maybe because I have no point of reference
>Ntr fan
>Hates when his thread is stolen from him
How the tables have turned
You fap to porn. Just imagine that but in 3d vr.
It's quite simple. Mentally ill individuals will self insert as the love interest of this fictional anime girl and get unreasonably angry when she is stolen by superior fictional anime men. Healthy readers just enjoy watching fictional women succumb to their lust and move on as we do not have any emotional attachments to these drawings we found for 10 minutes.
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wasn't this dude on the brink of suicide?
So, is this Netorare, or Netori?
That sounds like regular porn with extra steps
Aren't you guys tired of defining what makes someone like NTR? You do that so many times in so many threads you might as well make that your job
The NTRfag thinks himself clever for turning pain into pleasure, but it is only when the man becomes superior to pleasure, that he becomes also superior to pain.
>gay shit > gay shit
Yes but his wife cheated on him and now he feels better.
I seriously hope the people who uses the "is just drawing bro" argument against loli haters aren't the same faggots hating on NTR. Makes you a hypocrite.
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>no shota
no thanks
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I call feetfags, fatfags and brapfags out on their disgusting fetishes too.
i thought all his works were deleted from there
>Contains NTR and similar themes
This is the sort of trigger warning I can get behind. Skip.
A lot of them are
The whole thing is just a meme at this point
wouldnt you think...considering its by a guy named NTRMAN... that it already has ntr?
I don't get it, why do vanillafags have to seethe about everything that isn't their boring ass shit.

Thank you for your service brave internet soldier.
youre damaged if you think this is '''wholesome'''
What manga is he talking about?
i lold
Wrong. I insert as the girl.
if you spam click on the yellow sticker in the heli window you unlock all scenes
>call of duty fan
>what do you mean you don't like it when I shoot you
I am a smart person
suicidebaiting is so cringe
false equivalence, it's more like
>be a fan of getting shot
>gets shot
>"wtf why did you shoot me?"
but i guess cucks must always do their mental gymnastics to not look like losers
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I usually move on, but there are some braindead ntr stories that live rent free in my head even to this day

What the FUCK do you mean he wasn't there when you needed him to support you with your dying mother? You actively didn't tell him anything and instantly fucked another guy because you didn't want to mess with his upcoming baseball game, you stupid hole.
NTR fans fall into three categories, either actual pathetic cucks who genuinely enjoy the content. or fucking weirdo plot readers who just want to be sad and miserable, and I'm not joking. the third is spiteful women.
why do cucks always call vanillaGODs fags? you people are the ones that need more men in your porn to get off
>that isn't their boring ass shit.
lol cuckshit is even more boring, the whole genre has like 2 story archetypes that always get reused
Still wrong, it's
>be a fan of watching people get shot
>gets shot
>wtf why did you shoot me
There's a huge difference between watching something and physically partaking in it. It's really not a hard concept to appreciate. Watching violence does not mean you have to like most forms of violence.

Why do vanillaCHUDS have to police other people's fetishes, are you Muslim? I agree that most cuckshit is boring but it's leagues more interesting than vanilla.
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>mc has loved a girl since childhood
>does everything to get her to marry him
>true love succeeds
>people who think this is wholesome are damaged t.JIDF
Go spew your degenerate propaganda elsewhere you dirty kike
>two thirds of the gallery isn't even NTR
NTR fags got NTR'd, kek.
>Mentally ill individuals will self insert as the love interest of this fictional anime girl and get unreasonably angry when she is stolen by superior fictional anime men.
can you write that sentence again without projecting? how can NTRannies keep repeating this cope when they are ALWAYS the only ones that talk about self inserting?
it's humiliation, the woman humiliates the man and another man humiliates the woman. It's not really that complicated
Why are /v/tards so obsessed with NTR being some mental illness when, in reality, it's just people getting off on the taboo of adultery/cheating? It's no different than getting off on the taboo of incest.
>it's leagues more interesting than vanilla.
maybe if you are gay or transgender
>There's a huge difference between watching something and physically partaking in it.
let me ask you a question, why is it pretty straight forward for every fetish on earth but not for ntr? if someone has a thing for feet and only consooms porn that includes footjobs or feet sniffing or whatever, he is a footfag. if someone watches gay porn, he is a faggot
so how come if someone watches cuck porn, he is not a cuck? suddenly there is a difference between the fantasy and the reality
>They consume it solely to suffer and get angry, nothing sexual
That can't be fucking true? That's fucking hilarious.
This release is so trash you can't even save. Atleast there is a gallery unlock

>3 different guys 3 scenes each + gangbang

i feel bad for anyone who spent money on this trash. You'd think a guy named ntrman would focus on paypigs. At least there is some prime WMBF in this game. Definitely underutilised. Would be based if it was a single guy going through winning the right to fuck other tribesmen wives
I will take what i want from you and you will accept it like a good cuck
retarded NPC babble: the thread
We all know thats cope, stop being a cuck
No, it's actually not wet
Are you some tradcath LARPer or something? Who cares what fetishes some people enjoy you enormous prude.
I appreciate this argument and there is merit to it but not all footfags like real feet or like footjobs. A lot of men like boobs but some might not care about boobjobs. There are NTRfags who I'm sure love being cucked, but there are plenty who enjoy it as purely mental fetish. Same for ryona/guro/vore. More abstract fetishes either shouldn't be performed IRL or would be totally different. Anal sex is fun to watch but a hassle to do IRL.

I love drawn feet, but I don't care much for them in real life. I like NTR porn, but I've been in a monogamous marriage for 6 years. Sometimes porn is just porn, it doesn't have to define your life outside of it.

Basically, you aren't always what you consume.
>Because the whole franchise is dogshit and not video games.
but how would you feel if those movies were video games?
I wish he went back to making doujin instead of these shitty games. Same goes for Butcha-U and his VNs.
It's still NTR. a woman fucks other men and probably only settled when she was done, or once the dude who tried hard enough to meet enough of her requirements to monkeybar over to him. She's a whore who will fuck around again. Or if the MC is the one who 'stole' her from a boyfriend she loved, then he is just as much scumbag. This is not realistic.
Agreed. Its the same slop. The same regurgitated plot points, but now takes 20x longer to make.

He's gotta get those patreon bux somehow, I guess
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>warning contains NTR
Wow never woudlve guessed without that warning
>Open this thread expecting a bunch of retarded cuckolds to be posting

>Most anons are openly disgusted by NTR now

Society is healing.
The only thing worse than being a cuck is not being a cuck and still going into NTR threads lmao. Do you guys go into scat threads too just to tell everyone how enlightened you are?
nice boobs and tummy
shame it's NTR stuff, but enjoy, cuckfags.
>Contains NTR
you guys have the worst fetishes ever
futa "haters" do this too, they are probably leaking precum as they state how gay it is
>Do you guys go into scat threads too just to tell everyone how enlightened you are?
when was the last time that scatfags spam their shit(literally) fetish as hard as cucks are spamming theirs?
Yeah, it's pretty unique for NTR threads. Don't see anybody coming into scat and gore to complain.

Perhaps because NTR is relatively easy to stomach if you just see the pictures and don't know the context?
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when did weebshit language take hold? It's called cucking
What are you on about? Every thread about ntr looks the exact same as this one
NTR is hot as fuck. If I had a gf I'd find some huge, tall, muscular Chad on Tinder and get him to fuck her silly while I hold her hand and watch. Haters gonna hate.
>vanilla chuds still crying
Anon... NTR despite its popularity, is literally one of the most hated fetishes next to ugly bastard. It always has been.
>despite its popularity
it's not even popular, it's just a very loud and very very gay minority that tries to spread this shit
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Not really a fan of this one. There is no mystery NTR and half of the scenes are with the husband.

No buildup at all either, doesn't feel as good as his prev work, especially considering that this game takes place in one of the best NTRMAN comics, which has all of this.
>content made specifically to humiliate the viewer
>bro youre just a self inserter
This is why everyone hates you
That's just your headcanoncope
The problem with pretty much all NTRMAN games is the fact that there is no real build up or fall. Girl gets cock once and then she is just broken.
NTR isn't really spammed. The thread clearly has an image of a game with NTRMAN written in big letters. Spammed is a strong word, it's nowhere near as endemic as feet threads.

I think that's it. People see a woman and click on the thread and then get upset when it's NTR. Scat and gore are a bit more obvious.
based netorase CHAD

smartest vanillafag
Me as in people who don't self insert?
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>not even popular
it's extremely true, some of it is cope from actual cucks who don't want to get dunked on, but real plot readers do exist. they are often extremely mentally unwell, just terminally unhappy turbo autists. ive seen nerds who hyperfixate on certain misery porn doujins like it was their favourite show and write entire critical analysis on that shit.
Sorry I don't like blacked. Call me when the characters are the same race
why are cuckshit enjoyers always the first people that mention self inserting and project self inserting onto everyone else, if you are totally not self inserting?
12 words or fuhrer pls
nta but for me it depends on the involvement of the protagonist. If he's just the viewpoint we see the corruption from it's fine as he is just a tool to make the scenario work. If the scenes focus on his humiliation instead of on the girl getting off then it's gay shit.
The shocker is that like 50% of the erotic scenes are with the male lead.
>why are cuckshit enjoyers
You should ask them.
Is your brain fried?
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don't worry, i got a shorter version for you
based "did the research" chad. I kneel... and then stand up again because I don't want it to look like a cuck.
Coincidentally taking away their shit fetish should be the highest dopamine rush for them.
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Because you stupid fucking degenerates invade any thread with attractive females posted with BBC spam. You're like furrys but somehow MUCH MUCH more beta.
they are just closeted NTR fags, don't think about too much
Japanese NTR sucks because the woman is always like an inanimate doll who is just stolen by another man, she very rarely has her own thoughts about why she wants to cheat. Most Jap hentai is like this too. The best NTR is slowburn where the girl starts out innocent and slowly comes round to cheating and makes a conscious choice to do so, but the pseudo-rape that most NTR is.
>The most popular tags amongst woman are "multiple orgasms, cunnilingus, cumming inside, lovey-dovey, submissive male, muscles"
bros wtf I thought you told us women were horrible creatures who love guro and beast fucking, this is just actually wholesome.
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They are gooners.
BBCfags are in a league of their own though. I bet half of it is just done to piss you off (and it works)
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>Anon posts any thread with a beautiful woman
>"I wish I was her"
>"I wish my ass was as fat as hers"
>"Built for BBC"
>"I just can't satisfy her..."
>"I can see the tattoo..."
>"African bikini edit WHERE?"
>"My hotwife is so cute..."
/gif/ and /trash/ have been a disaster for /v/...
Keep fighting the good fight! You sure owned those cucks!

Has it ever occurred to you that people who like watching their significant others be fucked by other men are immune to being shamed by normalslimes like you?
They can have all those things and still want to have it be with vampires, werewolves, and centaurs.
>submissive male
Could have fooled me.
most of those types of posts are intended to be inflammatory tho
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i should make an erohage
Kandenki and Tail of desire really inspire me
is there non mean spirited NTR? i hated the zombie one because every cuck route was mean to the cuck
i want another adelaide inn
submissive /= beta, it's not warm loving shit, it's actually the most degenerate tag on that list. those women still want a jacked tall man, just one they can control, humiliate, dominate, and beat.
It's warm, loving pedo shit.
>are immune to being shamed by normalslimes like you?
i don't think that they are immune, cucks are massively insecure. they are always coping and deflecting, that everyone besides them is the cuck and they are actually the gigachad fucking all the bitches, while defending games where you play as the cuck and never see anything except what the cuck sees.
that one erp samefag ending her(male) sentences in exclamation marks seems pretty serious at trying to bait people onto her(male) d*scord. God trannies disgust me
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>hair highlights
>modern earrings
>pearly white and straight teeth
Yeah bro, so native
Never post my wife again, ntrfag
Nigga, I'm the god that wants to see the cuck broken and the girl corrupted, stop putting self-insert shit into arguments
The cuck fetish is literally based on degradation and emotional abuse. So yes.
Also, anytime you insult an ntr retard, they only get harder.
>cucks are massively insecure.
I've noticed how whenever people ask what NTR fags actually like about NTR, you barely get any responses from the NTR fags themselves. or what I should say is you don't get them in first person. They will always talk about it like it isn't their fetish in a projecting yet self loathing manner.
>Go to hentai site
>Look up NTR
>First page of most popular 'NTR' doujins are all actually wholesome
>Usually just about a guy saving a wife from a bad situation or fucking a relative
Yeah, pass.
They need a better writer
You people aren't actually enjoying a genre that was popular among the french, right?
French also pioneered foot fetish and smell fetish (Napoleon would force his wife to not bathe when he went on campaign so when he returned she would be all stinky when he fucked her).
Would that not be shota shit instead?
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I think the appeal of NTR, or at least what they tell themselves, is that they're the guy fucking the wife and they get off on dominating the husband/boyfriend by embarassing him so massively.

the problem with that thought is that these games are always from the perspective of the guy getting embarassed, right? extremely pathetic if so.
>4chan poster
There's a couple where post-sex and with the cameras off, the bull falls for the woman and tells her to break up with her partner, and the woman drops the whole act to respond with a disgusted "ew, no, the only reason I'm even having sex with you at all is because it's my husbands fantasy" style answer.
Ntrman was good before he started doing shitdick garbage
"it's just suffering porn" is a meme, don't let ntr losers fool you
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It's actually the opposite, even in this very thread. Here's a cucksperg mentioning self inserting for the first time:
A better question would be, why can't vanillafags help themselves when NTR gets posted? Do they think themselves to be less of a man if they do not lash out at NTR enjoyers unprovoked?
Really makes you think.
Many such cases.
>self inserted "heh. but she still loves me" cope from ntr fags
lol. lmao even.
What kind of insanity are you under. Why would a cuck claim to be a gigachad fucking bitches. The whole point is to not fuck the bitches.

There are plenty of posts in this thread explaining what people like about it. It varies from person to person but for me I like slutty, promiscuous women, and there's also an element of humiliation that makes it arousing. In so far as you can explain any fetish, I think NTRfags do a plenty good job.
Wouldn't that be an erection killer for an actual cuck tho?
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They don't understand
Yeah, you like being a cuck, we already know that
And you're braindead, we already know that
>mom NTR
who keeps asking for this???
>self inserting as the cuck sex denied bull.
Okay what level of post ironic cuckery are we at here?
Literally me every time I see a healthy couple
>For me it is very normal, because you have to know how to separate the professional from the personal
Sure, but separating your job from personal life is only possible if you physically can separate the two. That is why it's so common for people who work from home to still rent a small office or use a different room for it. This is also specially egregious if your coworkers are family members, because now the topics at home are the same as the ones at work.
You need to be able to physically separate the two for your brain to handle it that way.
It's why so many porn starts or "sexually liberated" people have troubles with their relationships later on unless they leave the industry early, because even if they want a proper, committed relationship and are capable to work for it, their brains still associate sex with work and have a hard time creating intimacy through it.
people who feel like their mom owes them sex for some reason
Women consume less porn in general. Smaller general population = smaller marginal percentages of the outliers.
And don't forget we live in an age where a lot of polls omit the fact that a lot of these "women" are you-know-what.
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>these comics
>omit the fact that a lot of these "women" are you-know-what.
anon you can say trans, hell you can even troon, tranny, and much worse.
It's terrible btw
>tanned blonde fuckboy
he could've easily gone back into time to before gyaru were extinct, and fucked as many tanned blonde bitches as he wanted. is he actually a faggot?
It's a reset point. If you're into BDSM, you would still want the dom to let you out of the chains once the sex is done. That last page of the couple continuing their couple activities is just underlining that it's all play. Without that, it's just flat out cheating.
In a "healthy" NTR situation, the bull fully understands that he has the least control and no sex happens at any point without consent from both of the couple. The bull will play their part and take charge when the sex is happening, but as soon as either of the partners say the safe word, everything stops.
Notice he never specifies which one he wants to cuck, 100% faggot.
NTR is so based. Are there niggers?
>doesnt deny being a cuck
Thanks for admitting you like being humiliated and then sperg out everytime someone points out
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Kink shaming is often done due the lack of awareness and tact of the coomer than the fetish itself.
This happens a lot with the autistic friend at my group: people don't kink shame you because you're into feet or your particular taste in women, but because how quickly into detail and visually excited you get when you can talk about it, or how you describe women as if they're products in a supermarket.

The couple here are into watersports, me into /ss/ and gay bro into furry TF. You really think we draw the line on feet? No dumbass, we draw it at having to hear more than we asked for or when you make us question if you're a psychopath due the way you talk about stuff.
Yeah I'll admit it all day, who the fuck cares retard
>you can't have your cake and eat it too.
It feels like you're trying to forcibly and helplessly insert control into what is already an irreversibly damaging fetish. You either co-erse an unwilling partner into sex with a stranger for your enjoyment, or you have a whore of a partner who's more than happy too. I wonder how many "healthy" cuck relationships remain as such.
do all of his games have the same heroine?
These fucking rule.
>how dare you talk about ntr in an ntr thread
oh the ironing of this post
I was talking about kink shaming, not NTR. I even said that fetishes weren't the problem, dumbass.

I don't like NTR but I do enjoy these games due the art, that's why I'm here.
How do I force the dub to Japanese? This game is so buggy
Successful swinger couples, which is effectively what "happy ending NTR" is, will almost always be older couples looking for a younger guy with the energy to make wifey happy. Young guy will either be happy enough to score a MILF or be too embarrassed to admit to his friends that he's slept with someone old enough to be his mother.
>conflating interracial with NTR
brain rot at its finest
Hell if I know, I was asking him personally.
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I like NTR shit because I like jerking off to super slutty women. The more depraved they are the better. It's no different from porn. Essentially all western porn is NTR porn because the women are all shameless sluts.
>Happy ending NTR
Happy ending NTR is not when the dude jacks off and crys to another man fucking his beloved, it's when the cheated on grows a pair of balls and actually decides to improve himself and leave his whore girlfriend, or in the case of a rape rightfully kills or removes the rapist. Not fetishly worship him like he just lost to a superior conqueror of a man.
>4700 patrons
How is NTR so popular??
>The husband is a weak, stuttering idiot
Every time. Boring.
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NTR aside, the guy actually produces on a schedule, stops donations whenever he takes a break, and his products work and go above and beyond with additions like voice acting. It's sad to say all this when really it should be the norm for porn games.
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For me, its Netorazu
ntr is a misunderstood comedy genre
What really makes me go "Hmm..." is that whites and asians love NTR and cuckoldry, but blacks don't care about it.
modern men are mentally ill, so yes
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Always remember that the main focus of NTR is the domination of one man by another or a group of others. NTR is the ultimate cope of closeted tops who can't admit they just want to fuck another man, or closeted bottoms who can't admit they just want a man to fuck them.

Think about it logically. The woman in a given NTR situation is merely a surrogate. If the focus was just the woman, then there wouldn't be the need to frame it using the context of the cuck or submissive male.
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>has wedding ring in default image
>like 90% of the sex scenes her left hand is somehow off screen or hidden
whispers of the dark elf is my NTR GOTY WEG purely for how prominent the wedding ring is. it really elevates the NTR
there's over 700 million cucks living in india alone, not to mention the rest of asia
imagine saying that to any normal adult, that's how far gone you porn addicts are.
>thread about me eating shit
>is full of people making fun of me for eating shit
how could this be happening to me?
he really doesnt need my money does he?
whats one more pirate
Indeed, can't believe how low NTR fags have fallen.
>Love NTR
>consume so much of it for years I've grown completely numb to it
>Only has any kind of thrill to it if it completely blindsides me, which obviously 98% of the time in porn that isn't going to happen

Feels bad bros
why are there always people trying to tell others to stop liking certain things? in this case to stop having a certain fetish, that's kinda the thing with fetishes - you can't get rid of them. So what's the point of this outrage ?
You do, otherwise you wouldnt so obnoxious about it
People with main character syndrome who think their values are universal and if you don't follow them you're living life incorrectly, zero self awareness.
ridiculing you retards is fun, simple as.
Why shouldnt the people with a cuck fetish not be humiliated?
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how do you humiliate someone on an anonymous forum?
it's kinda funny that people call the dev mentally ill and dumb and such when his products are such high quality
really makes you think
Type 1 NT and 2 NTR, are fundamentally different things and one of the reasons people argue so much as 1 is just a cheating fetish, 2 is the actual cuck shit. 5 NTRS is actually comically chad as fuck. The last two just seem like a joke.
Because he is mentally ill?
Why not? You're basically doing the same with your little reddit rant.
>zoomer haircut
Because they get off on being humiliated
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>Anon posts that half the scenes are actually the protagonist
>Hop on f95 to check the screenshots
>See him bleaching tribal girls
What the fuck, this game is based?
Isn’t that Netori, not Netorare?
The ultimate NTR move is you fucking another woman so your wife has a reason to cheat on you
You come into a thread about something you apparently hate and I'm obnoxious?
being mentally ill gives you a good work ethic?
I want to hear, what would NTRfags consider hot in a vanilla set-up? Like what would need to happen in a purely vanilla relationship in terms of two people only loving each other and only having sex with each other that you would find highly arousing?
>tribe fucks his wife
>gets one baby every nine months
>man fucks the tribe
>one baby per woman every nine months
Can't beat the cock.
good art, it doesn't take anything else
my tiny cock is ready
i finna gooooooooooooon
I only care about the art. If xration suddenly just did vanilla, I would still jerk it to his stuff. Actually, I'd prefer he did, the dragon one he did recently is perfect.
i need to have a hgame with her in it
I would get aroused if you showed me your tits.
Bros, what are the best momntr games? only ones i'm interested in
If you still wanted to be kinky you could use toys and have the woman pleasure herself and get off to that. I can't speak for all ntrfags but there's more than getting cucked that's hot.
Anon it's 100% about getting off to fucking somebody else's unloyal bitch and mind breaking her with your cock and eventually stealing her, or the inverse of being the humiliated pathetic cuck watching your crush / girlfriend / wife be fucked by larger man while you pathetically jack off and cry. I've don't think I've ever seen any NTR shit that just straight up pivots to gay sex. Would be based though.
Okay I'm actually interested now. How soon can to get to fucking tribe pussy?
Cucks are into humiliation so it’s fine.
Aren't we all?
I thought NTRMAN works were banned on f95
go lick a creampie faggot
I never got the appeal of toys. Fucking your girl with plastic instead of yourself, yeah so hot.
It's there. I don't know anything about drama or NTRMAN.
All fans of momntr deserve to be publicly executed.
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i just want to see hot women being mind broken and humiliated. nowadays, it's packaged with NTR. i just simply laugh at the cuck and jerk off to the woman.
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You'll never guess what "Afrobull" draws.
lots of talk about pregnancy between the couple
I think it's super hot, I've started doing it way more
Why do you like it?
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For me. It's the act of corruption itself thats hot. You could have a nun fall into a dependency on vitamin D story and that'll really get me going
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The guy just has to be submissive and at the mercy of insatiable girls.
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> that's kinda the thing with fetishes - you can't get rid of them
yes, you can. are you retarded?
Probably just what makes NTR appealing, humiliation and not getting to touch their wife. Like if they were forced to watch and insulted for being pathetic whilst their partner jills off without them, or if sex did happen they would be edged without release, abused and belittled if they did come.
Well for me it's like cuckshit lite. I love watching her masturbate but fucking her with toys has the appeal of her getting off to something other than me. The denial of my own pleasure combined with her heightened pleasure can't be beaten.
Corruption is hot but it's easily the worst written theme in all of porn. 99% of the time they even use someone "pure" that already looks like a stripper from the beginning.
Who's this artist again? He did a lot of Galko (rest in peace) stuff I think
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>someone makes vidya girl thread
>first posts are "MADE FOR BBC", "NTR SMILE" or variations
>someone makes a NTR thread
>people come and shit on it
really makes you think
A lot of times I see those "built for" spammers get deleted by a janny though
any pro tips to train my anus?
It can be a little one note, plus pacing is usually too fast or too slow.
Corruption is probably one of those themes better used as a sub genre than I main focus
So toys is just reversible cuckold fetish. Alright I think I understand now, thanks.
Nobody is saying you can't enter a thread to shit on it, but it's definitely one of the most autistic things you can do. If I see a scat thread, I do not feel the need to enter it to argue about why it's bad. NTRfags have plenty to argue about without people coming it with the HURR DURR I DON'T GET HOW PEOPLE CAN LIKE SOMETHING I DON'T LIKE
self inserting is natural. being a kekold isn't.
the cuck will cry out for jannies as he shits up your board
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I'm not entering your thread, faggot.
You are entering MY board.
Depends on your goals (size, depth, etc) but in any case take it slow, lots of lube, focus on the internal sensations. If you're a guy, try and ignore your dick. The penis is sensitive by comparison and you'll drown out what makes buttstuff fun.

No problem! Toys don't have to be cuck related but for me it feels like light cuckplay with is fun. For some people it's just a "spice" they can add to their normal bedroom play (a plug up the ass, etc).
this, /v/ is a /v/anilla board
cucks should stick to /lgbt/ and /trash/
>gigantic titty slut that actually has non-dildo titfucks on her OF
thank you anon, your reward is that I didn't call it paizuri
The fuck is an NTR smile?
>"The world would be a better place without me. That's why I have to keep on living."
so what are your favorite ones?
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how would one remove a fetish?

my friend (me) has had a fetish for inanimate objects his whole life (statues primarily). and it was a big problem a month ago when he went to an art museum with his cousins
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if you win you can fuck the tribe girls
if you lose the tribe fucks your wife
Any smile a cuck can project his degenerate fetish onto. They want their significant others to cuck them behind their backs and smile at them like nothing happened.
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That meme smile from the rape doujin. Girls like Asuna. It's just a smug look. Cucks take it as "She knows something you don't know."
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how many fucking times are we gonna have this same discussion man
NTR hasn't been the same since I played THP
Yes, fuck you scum
What a way to ruin a beautiful smug smile
No, but him mentally ill is not mutual with good work ethic
The guy is good, even if hes going trough shit, which makes wonder how effective he would be without mind cancer
I blame Great Mosu. He seems to be steering away from NTR though.
How do you get through life being so angry at things that make other people happy?
They are two different things. "Cucking" even if we use the modern zoomer slang version you are referring to is just an insult your can throw at anyone that is involved in cheating, be it the victim or the practitioner.

While NTR and its flavors are handcrafted precise words created by the japanese who are experts in that field.
yeah, i don't even like NTR, but the woman succumbing to cock is hot as fuck, unfortunately the biggest genres with this are NTR and gender bender
the few vanilla corruption stories are the kinoest shit ever
It's always girls that of course are madly in love with the protagonist and would kill any dude who tried to cross him.
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Sounds like you secretly want to eat shit.
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Yeah from a NTR perspective this was a pretty big disappointment. But I can't hate the game because Memu and Amara are cuties.

The real cucking in the game is no Memu route
Shock therapy
You are a homosexual, jerking yourself off as you look at a man's face distorting in pain.
I just dont like you and your kind, thats all
That's fine. Enjoy ur hate
Are there any decent NTR WEGs?
The best thing in porn is build-up, an art-form that only extremely few people are using well because you can't learn it from someone else, it's acquired from reflecting on other works.

Literally just one line of build-up placed at the correct location at the correct time can make a sex scene exorbitantly hotter despite the sex scene not changing at all.
From all his content, my favourite route is the stripper in Adelaide. That one has a slow and more believable builld that surpases any scene portraiting NTR sex for the sake of it. While the ending of that route feels a bit too much, the striptease scenes culminating in the shifting of the wife dynamic as a slutty server is a real treat.
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Lmao, imagine having to film pic related.
they are in denial about the genre
Assuming you're being genuine then you apparently don't understand what NTR means. It's not just a 1:1 translation of "cuckolding", but actually means "being taken/stolen away by sex" and means that someone you care about gets stolen from you and stops caring about you because she got fucked so good. In the goblin story anon was referring to the queen starts fucking a goblin and eventually abandons the MC and her position altogether and just leaves to live in the goblins' fuck cave forever.
People don't get that netorare is a normal word in japan while cuckold is pure fetish shit. People often use it in the school or college context where it's a very common occurrence to have a crush on someone but the crush starting to date someone else.
If ntrman moved to subcribestar we would have had menu and shota kino
>self inserting is natural
this retard never made it past puberty
>Galko (rest in peace)
Netorare and netori are different genres exactly for this reason. Never let a cuck cope with "b-but I'm self inserting as the bull!" when all they post about is cuck POV games.
and let me guess that one extra line of context is "aww damn, my wife is being fucked by another man. Oh well... time to jork it"
The creator got caught with CP and the series got killed
They mean a line in the game, not the one you say in real life.
You know you're reading Netori when the partner barely fucking appears at all and is not a focal point of the story, the cheating is already known, it doesn't need to be shoved in your face every other panel with a crying dude.
Man that sucks.
It can't be helped.

This is one of the funniest vidya-adjacent posters ever made
>tfw getting frustrated because an NTR story is stupid and could have been solved immediately if the character just thought for five minutes
What a dumbass.
lmao but you can't "no u" your sick fetish onto other people.
i will now masturbate
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nothing about this thread is video game related, wish we had moderators that weren't faggots
The last thread got me to download the previous games I had missed. Still need to recover from that day before wasting another day.
now i wonder, who is more pathetic
an IRL cuck that lets his gf/wife get run over by a bunch of other guys
or the coomer cuck that doesn't have a gf/wife but jerks off to the fantasy of her getting fucked by someone else?
they do love that stuff
when its man on man
cuck VNs are not vidya and they never will be, VNs aren't vidya period
Need an rts and fps ntr game.
That's like asking whether it's worse to kill people in real life or to just imagine decapitating people.
>rts ntr game
>your villagers gather stuff for the enemy
you could call it NTRTS
Can somebody update his kemono page
All porn is inherently morally perverse.
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All cucks should get life in prison
>I thought NTRMAN works were banned on f95
Why would they do that?
how many scene are wit the tribe women? also the next game set in space..
let's goooooooo
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What's so bad about NTR? Like its drawings and fantasy so they're not harming anyone IRL?

If anything you should be going after real people like swingers and shit
They're no better than the twitter warriors who seethe at loli when you think about it.
Half the scenes are the protagonist fucking the tribe women and his gf. So maybe 20ish scenes including variations.
Was just about to say this. Suddenly when it comes to NTR, the line between fiction and reality is gone and they clutch their pearls. But of course loli is totally fine
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The same kind of animalistic, purely instinctual sex that most ntr works have. Weirdly enough Im realizing that many loli works follow the same line of storytelling(a girl gets tricked into fucking or doing lewd stuff, is interested in something that she knows is wrong but gets more and more tempted until she is asking for it herself).
These ones
arouse me equally or even more than most NTRs because it's just two people devouring each other while forgetting everything else in the world. That's hot as fuck.
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these worthless subhumans come to a thread and then shits up absolute low life mentality.. they just don't understand, no one forcing them, just don't play it..
I really don't understand how much insecure you have to be in real life to do this. Coming to a thread which they don't like and then telling anonymous people what they should like or not, this kind of behavior only comes from immature teenagers or room temperature iq
Is that not how sex is supposed to be?
Now that I think about I find it fucking weird how some people ask to play music before sex. Listen faggot I'm going to be busy thrusting and sweating and grunting I shut off everything around me. Noise, people, etc until I nut wtf are people doing instead?
All anti lolifags are underage retards trying to be some crusader on twitter.
still waiting for fucking dead red hood,black souls creator is surely taking his time.
>Zombie game will get updated NEVER EVER

Isn't it finished? It already has a bunch of different routes.
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>Is that not how sex is supposed to be?
Sure but the stories are like are basically where each part end up addicted to each other, forgoing duties and breaking the rules of the setting in order to get more sex. While ntr is my "main" fetish I still read many vanilla works and the sex in many stories is just... fine? It may be casual, lovey-dovey, and that's okay, it's just nowhere as intense as when a girl just goes "fuck it, im doing this, nothing else matters right now", I want to see the characters skipping school/work/appointments because they are distracted with each other, giving themselves rules they end up breaking as soon as their switch is flipped, stuff like that.
The NTRfag will always tell you what happened to him, but will never tell you why it happened.
whenever i play these games, the dark skinned antagonist keeps fucking my wife.
so you're saying that NTRcucks are flaming fucking homo faggots and I 100% agree
>cant find that in sadpanda
what the fuck?did the sekrit club get woke and started to remove stuff?
nvm i found it,pretty good.
I enjoy NTRMAN's games in spite of the NTR, not because of it. The way he draws MILFs is god-tier.
Camp With Mom Extended was his best game, though the Goblin one came very close to being great I just like to see green goblins fuck attractive women, that's all.
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It's like how people who are uncut know subconsciously that cut is superior so you always see uncut guys doing that exact same thing but never the other way around.
>hentai recommendedations and screenshots and discussion
Is this even about video games anymore?
holy cope levels: over 9000.
Based and same
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>pull foreskin back
>it's now 'cut'
>JP audio isn't done
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This game set me straight.
Don't let yourself fall into the trappings of NTR.
hentais have more gameplay than sony interactive movies
stay mad
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Is there even a deadline for this? A percentage or something? Or is it "it will be done when it's done"?
>Tail of desire
>Make a setting with unique take on elves
>Every elf has this tentacle pussydick tail
>Use it twice and ignore it after
what a waste
Why the clit stretching?
>>no shota
>no thanks
I checked the scenes and there's at least a few ones involving a darker skinned shota
>MC has unhealthy obsession with girl
>"wins" her back because she's a whore
>this is supposed to be wholesome
this is a horrible and totally opposite comparison
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I have never owned a single jew box
If it's the one I'm thinking of, the other guy doesn't even do anything wrong and ends up heartbroken. Later, to add salt to the wound, his university dorm is right next to her and her new boyfriend, forcing him to listen to their shenanigans. It's vile.
lmao at cucks
>b-but it's actually wholesome because he gets her back. he gets the broken in std riddled sloppy seconds... eventually
just lmao at cucks
>Guy gets gf
>His childhood friend finds out
>Goes crazy
>She basically rapes him, stealing all his firsts
>Guy cums so hard he's nearly dead
>Timeskip to them as a couple
Only NTR I can accept, and even then I feel bad for the girlfriend
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it is almost like most women prefer their yaoishit or hot buff men approaching them, or that 99% of ntr has completely awful plots that ruin boners, yet people will continue to come up with some inane babble as to why they jerk off to a kekoldry
it's ultimately up to the individual, everyone should be allowed to jerk to whatever they want and understand the consequences of becoming a coombrain overtime, what we should combat for real are discordfags that infested these boards and threads to stealthily share their bbcshit and cuckshit, because they cannot go on without inserting it everywhere and being annoying
NTRMAN's product is shit btw, stop supporting suicidebaiting twitterfags and get some orc rape kino like taimanin
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>JP voice acting is only partial
>automatically switches to EN when it's the only option
I don't filthy maleoid NTR i want the bull to be a superior futa
As a childhood friend enjoyer, this is the only correct final solution to rejection.
imagine my disappointment
there were all kinds in concept art, but its like Asa got instantly bored of it
What darkwood mod is this?
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>Ban porn
>One of the biggest Jewish rackets ever that destabilizes society
>he thinks [president] will uphold [insert random campaign promise]
That's a woman. I refuse to believe otherwise. That can't be a man.
Humiliating hardcore femdom.
I need to be made to feel dirty in the kind of way that a shower can not wash off again.
the dark haired MILF should've gotten her own ending and a lot more scenes.
We need to show these kids there's more to life than gay sex or homo sex or hetero sex.
where can I watch this?
Are we already at the stage where women are pretending to be men to be more popular? Has there ever actually been any recorded notable cases of this.
You aren't wrong, but it still isn't going to be banned. It makes too much money and placates the masses.
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Is that an FTM? I hope she doesn't slice off her perfect breasts. She looks a little underweight, though. Still sexy.
Of course it's a woman. She's trying to seduce her dad.
It will be done when it is done, but Hiromitsu is pretty much spoiling the entire thing by releasing event CGs as a monthly thing to his subscribers.
It sounds like an only in porn plot, but for some women this just is the nuclear option for securing the guy they want.
I'm glad that little black nosemark makeup is becoming a thing.
>Meanwhile credit card companies that are run by jews are trying to ban porn as well
They're playing both sides.
They noticed that goyim works and consumes less sloppa if they have porn, especially if the goyim are making their own porn to cater their own interests instead of paying to watch ugly bimbo hags.
Why the FUCK is this shit on here? Isn't this a blue board? Just post the god damn scenes and let the thread be deleted what are the jannies doing?
>thread about a video game
>no porn being posted
I think his faces are butterfaces and I haven't played any of his games but congratulations on another release man I heard he had some hard times wishing you the best Godspeed my bro
Picked up
Let me guess its another half thought out linear "game" with a small amount of scenes!

NTRman made like the inn game then decided everything afterwards was going to be lazy as shit
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I'm a bit surprised by how almost no one talks about all of this shit. Yeah there's a lot of fucked up shit in that Project 2025, but porn is already being touched upon in a roundabout way by credit card companies which are trying to dictate what's allowed and what isn't, not just in the USA, but everywhere. You'd think more people would be up in arms, especially OF girls and their simps about this kind of shit but there's not a peep from them. Same with weg devs making thousands of dollars but no one talking about what the fuck is happening (and could happen if that shit passes) behind the scenes. Anyone who even dares to speak about it is quickly shot down with the usual replies like "why do you care" or "it won't happen". Also don't you already need to verify your ID to access porn sites in some states and more states are planning to implement that shit as well? Americans are already getting fucked in the ass but they don't care.

How do rednecks even justify this shit by voting for Trump and thinking that project is a good idea? Isn't your country supposed to be the land of the free? How can it be called that when you won't even be able to open up some porn site and have a wank? Or even get fucking divorced since apparently that's another thing they want to ban. Christ, thinking about this shit just makes me mad.
The change in media is slow and insideous.
cheeky brat need correction!!!!
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She is best girl fr
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TAG: corruption, MOM Netorase, bestiality
I enjoyed TotD even without doing all the routes so I hope there's a similar pure love route. I was disappointed the girl in ToTD was a whore from the start proven by one of the last routes, but hey it was signposted by all her questions anyway so I can't be too mad. I really like this dev.
That's a child
>>be a fan of watching people get shot from the perspective of the person getting shot
fixed that for you
>Henteria Chronicles 3 has taken years to get to the actual sex
>Ingame it will probably take 12+ hours to get to the first penetration scene
>First two hours are just meeting the girls as kids, and forming a ragtag family
Dude really knew how to twist the dagger. I stopped playing because I could tell it was gonna get painful. Also pixel porn that small is shit.
you think calling it by the jap name makes you less pathetic, cuck?
cuck cope
yep, look up indigo white, there was another one pretending to be a femboy too but I forgot the name, if i'm not mistaken indigo just says she's a boy and bandages her breasts to pretend she's flat, might be actual mental disorder, the other ones use a dildo to pretend it's a bulge but we've all seen real bulges enough to instantly notice the diference
Reminds me of Lia Marie Johnson
Stuff like Henteria made me realize I really only follow NTR because it goes hand in hand with corruption. I really don't want to see a 12 hour build up of relationships and such because that isn't why I am there.
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This game was trash. Any recommendations for similar games?

TOTD It's also his and it was infinitely better. Do you recommend others?
Just play the camping one. It's his best work and ends on a lighthearted note where your friend's mom is into you, so you both impregnate the other's mom.
>new ntrman game
>you still play as the cuck husband
how the fuck people find this fun?
why cant i play the guy who is going to bang the wife or play as the wife who can make different choices?
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i really wish others would use the cursed tail too in their designs because it can add a lot to the characters, like the pure guild lady has a short stubby tail, while sluts have bigger and more bizarre tails, like Mei Lan's tail mouth
there were so many good concepts too that Asa never used either, like this twilek looking hag
the goyim are not breeding enough, even the imported rapist are not meeting their required metrics. this is severely impacting all their other rackets growth potential, and the line must always go up. but the funniest part to me is they actually think banning porn will mentally unfuck zoomer men from being reclusive shut-ins terrified of real women.
>girl in ToTD was a whore from the start
I will now play your game.
I love how I've only played ToTD and Adelaide but every fan has a different favorite game.
length absolutely ruins NTR, they keep showing the girl lying and hiding stuff, the husband not knowing anything, when it's porn and we should be looking at sex
>zoomer men from being reclusive shut-ins terrified of real women
when did zoomers become japanese men? seriously what is the fucking source for this claim.
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In this game you do have the option of playing the chad Whiteman colonizing all the local village pussy, though you may have to pay for your infidelity in the end
>play football
>absolutely DOMINATE the other team and win
>get a feeling of superiority
>this is apparently actually just my lust for gay sex
What an unhinged take. Next you're going to tell me being a wingman is gay because you're entirely focused on another man having sex.
There's any route with her. She's just extremely cute and pleasant (a big surprise for that kind of game)
They end up dying when you kick them out right?
NTRman is cooking something good after aotg
Good news for you is there is a totally vanilla route in this one
What do you mean?
Isn't he working on Seasons of Loss next?
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It happens in hentai doujies sometimes. The cuck man will actually be a femboy/trap sometimes and the bull fucks him too.
Or that classic one where the trap crossdresser raped the dudes wife and mindbroke her to his cock so he raped the trap to mindbreak him to his cock

These are basically never netori though.
NTA but you can find a bunch of surveys and studies about this stuff. Both zoomer guys and women don't have as much sex as previous gens desu. Also people like Andrew Tate getting more and more popular.
>One in four Gen Z adults — who as of 2024 can be as old as 27 — confess to never having sex, according to a 2021 Kinsey Institute and Lovehoney survey quoted in the story.
>UCLA has been tracking behavioral trends for years through its annual California Health Interview Survey, the largest state health survey in the nation. It includes questions about sexual activity. In 2021, the survey found, the number of young Californians ages 18 to 30 who reported having no sexual partners in the prior year reached a decade high of 38%. In 2011, 22% of young people reported having no sexual partners during the prior year, and the percentage climbed fairly steadily as the decade progressed.
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Forgot the image.
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I can't help but notice something, bros.
>The world would be a better place without me. That's why I have to keep on living.
Is Tails of Desire done?
the nex original product its going to be a NTR little sis route for real, or maybe daughter
The dev gave up and released what he had finished as is.
replacement rates are falling year by year, zooms are finally reaching adulthood and aren't taking partners and are reporting record numbers of unhappiness. they'll blame it all on anime, video games, porn like they always do. not the wokeshit brainwashing propaganda, the economy being so fucked the average wagie is barely able to support themselves let alone a family, the consequences of rampant feminism destroying an entire generation of mens confidence and making the women revile men like oppressors and pests in an era where they've never been more free.
I read it somewhere from here; "emotional masochism" seems to be the most apt way to describe it. I'm just here for the venus body.
That's a shame, I suppose it was too big and ambitious for the devs own good.
So what's actually gonna happen here? Is the girl cucking the mc gonna be the definitive route or what?
more pls
story is done for (cut), but they are still adding side content
Buddy that's YOUR argument you're nitpicking, of course it doesn't make sense he's accusing you of being retarded.
Seems like he's right
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>Colonialist route
Might play
I just skip enough to understand the plot but not to rot that much my mind.
Anyway, pic related should have got more scenes.
What a waste, I only play these games for the milfs
Just go back to your board to your dedicated general or buy and add you fucking shill
>mother/shota cuckshit
Unironically who fucked you up so badly in life?
>Artist likes cuckporn
>Doesn't like having his money cucked from him for his work.
That's findom.
I don't get that one either.
Was she?
I know she had an ex bf but that's it
you're as valuable as jannies
>thread about a new game
>barely post any screenshots

wtf is this shitty threead? or h threads in general? can't you guys censor the screenshots your selves with mspaint and let us see the good shit already?? why would i buy this shitty game if you guys suck at promoting it?
>game has feral jungle pussy
welp time to fap to those African titties bouncing and giggling like national geographic
really gets the hands free pre cum flowing
> 487
> no one has posted
Make it to day20 and you can rescue that very ex. SHE DOESN'T EVEN GO ONE DAY WITHOUT CHEATING. Also she's onboard the netorase with the old man in like 4 sentences of discussion. She is open to the idea of open relationships. Typical whore gf, she's lovely.
ntrfags feel the need to aggressively shill their fetish to the point that they have cordinated discord efforts. It's no surprise you're hated.
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Millennials are washed up faggots being genocided thanks to self-sterilization, also known as being trans, and being priced out of the forever roommate lifestyle.
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How do I save the game? Generaly is left click or esc, but theres nothing
>I call it the slave physique, the slave body. Why I call it that? Let me break it down. Because when the europeans came on the ships and seen those african asses bouncing and titties jiggling like National Geographic, tall estatures and thick thighs, they was blown away. Never seen bodies like that since they landed in Africa. Never seen big ass juicy slave titties with a nice big ass black - brown cheeks bouncing as they run across the golden field of wheat. Never seen that shit before.
Go to your hut and press e
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>Cuck thread is reaching bump limit
Why are you people like this?
Does this shit have a nigger in it?
If so i dont care
it should be of no surprise at all that this internet dark corner has a big unironic cuckold population
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Guys, I just want to know a quick overview of the plot of the game. I really don't care about how much you do or don't hate NTR.
I'll tell you anyway. I'm not a fan of ntr
>Retards falling for bait and haters keeping discussion alive.
I swear if there was no one around to shitfling these threads would die before 200 posts.
it'll flop if it isn't about a your mom being ntred by a hung shota and if it has more than one netori
NTRMAN has produced some heavy bangers in the past. His name is known among connoisseur

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