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America Wins
not ending the stream immediately after freeing everyone is criminal
fuck you chipotle
Does anyone have a comparison pic with punk's old Evo final loss against Tokido and now his win again bird?
This comment was brought you by Chipotle!
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Man I will miss the threads, was fun shitposting
I know EVO is more about the tournament than the announcements, but the announcements this year were some of the worst they've ever had.
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Your 2024 EVO champions (side tournaments excluded).
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SF6 was fun as hell, I stopped playing a while back but those were good matches. I can only pray that we get top 8s again next year, but I'm not counting on it
3rd Strike top 6 was better, yet, SF6 is always good to watch, how Tekkiggers will recover from this?
>/v/ pretending to like Black people again
Uncouth swines
The look of a man who's gonna start a world war
America is so fucking based
>not a single Euro
Uhhh....what happened, eurobros? They're all laughing at us!!!
>/v/ needs to hate black people
USA is the strongest region we only lose at games with bad netcode like tekken
Rank Top 6s
1. 3S
2. 6
3. Strive
4. Tranime games
5. Kekken
Punk says the n word with the hardest of Rs. He's as white as it gets
>US isn't free anymore
What a time to be alive. Also why do they even still bother having MK when sonicfox wins every single time kek
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How do we save Japan? Should they be saved?
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Fighting Games
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>no euros this year
they have their own containment zone now
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They can only save themselves.
its too late
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EU won
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The age of Japan is over
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wait, what? theres gonna be 4 evo tourneys next year?
I love black men and jerkoff to BLACKED porn thoughbeit
>less than 1/10 the players
>same payout
Based KOF kek
Would be a lot nicer during summer though. The french/italian riviera is beautiful
Did they announce a legacy tournament for next year?
They simply need more players
Also they need to get more money into their scene, which is a problem since it's literally being controlled by shady businesses
yeah and singapore in 2026
>a villain has been born
los angeles is just "evo awards"
>Tekken 7 s3 causes the game to turn to shit
>Suddenly jeets start winning
crackers are dogshit at every game genre except fps
ending walker and his crazy unique play style unironically inspired me to want to play SF6 again after quitting. I still don't quite know whether he dropped combos on purpose or what, but I fucking respect it because combos ruin this cringe ass game and make it one dimensional as fuck
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>a fucking FIGHTING GAMES award show
so 3 actual tournaments, still good i guess
>4 top 6's
Same amount of matches as 3 top 8's
no, but it's probably going to happen
let's see you fight in the most prestigious and stacked tournament and hit all your combos when the pressure is on
Why was young Daigo so attractive, he mogs everyone in SF6 top 6
>two EVOs on US
>So it's just a FGC convention
Yeah but you know they going to be running sets
I really do like his "I'm lost" stance in 2024
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my spouse coming back home after winning evo
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You know what i really enjoyed about the finals? Punk and Bird have played against each other so many fucking times, and theyre on the biggest stage in the world, but they were still both cracking up and smiling at all the crazy shit they were doing to each other.
At the end of the day, it was still just two guys having fun playing video games. It makes me happy to know that even with all the money on the line, they'd probably still be doing this shit if there wasn't a cent to be made
>I'm coming for you old man
it was a running joke in the SF4 days that all the japanese players looked like they were in a boyband
Japanese men hit 40+ and turn into the ugly bastard. Its in their genes
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he finally showed that he was da alfa
>Taiwan lost to China
Ouch, that must have been awkward
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>gonna fly home in the morning
>fucked six different cosplayers
>fucked sharkparty
>got everyone's phone number
>called Max a faggot
>watched SF6 finals live
Good ass weekend.
At least the anime games weren't overrun by trannies this year.
A part of me kinda feels bad for MOV since he always wanted SFIII evo, but only gets it like 20 years later when the scene is nothing like it was back in the day.
Imagine the smell
>no Punk tweet yet
What the fuck!
In terms of top 6 sets
Never thought I’d come away thinking strive had the best tournament at evo but here we are.
How many were boys? were they cute?
You let her loose /v/...
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fighting games are tanoshii
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EVO mostly just made me sad SC6 was murdered just as it was getting proper competitive support.
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Im doing a research, answer:
>who do you main in SF6?
>who do you main in Tekken 8?
>who do you main in Strive?
>do you bother to play UNI?
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my wife
1k entrants is way more than older tournaments
it would have been cool if they actually showed the release date for the mvc collection, but goddam the whole event was fantastic, im not even gonna bitch about it
soulcalibur was never competitive anon
Do you not remember when some japanese record label took some of them and tried to actually make a boyband out of them?
Racebait somewhere else, faggot.
>Don't play it
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One femboy ngl. I don't discriminate
the scene is arguably more alive now than when it was a new game
I'm boycotting Chipotle.
never bought it
never bought it
i played Ky before the Bridgeting. Thought about buying the cube man after seeing him tonight
Actually bought uni this weekend. Gonna go back to Nanase
Ngl, that was homely as fuck. You could greenscreen the crowd away and put them them on a coach and call it Evo Couch Finals.
>yo, you got me there Bird *finger point*
She really gives me Toki vibes
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Strive was good but SF6 wins if you know the history behind Punk and how everyone clowns on him for choking at every tournament. It's like the conclusion of an era
>It's been a little bit but yeah, not in the threads though
Really can't think of anything that warrants gbvs being that high. Grand finals especially was terrible, guy ran up full screen did a super that was blocked at one point. Then he won cause 22L.
He won a bracket with 1k+ enterants.
It might be the biggest tournament 3S ever had.
>who do you main in SF6?
>who do you main in Tekken 8?
>who do you main in Strive?
Anji when I played. I dropped it long time ago.
>do you bother to play UNI?
Of course, I play Enkidu.
White guys outplace you at every game. You will never beat endingwalker
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it's a beautiful thing that
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positively renaissance, shakespearean even
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Strive is tranny garbage. That crowd and chat was the most cancerous shit I've ever seen. Never seen a good series die a worse death than with this game.
>the conclusion of an era
GB was forgettable as hell.
3S had Hayao Hugo and MOV Elena.
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>you lived to see a US player win sf at evo again
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Marisa (soon Terry)
Goldlewis (dropped it years ago, 3v3 might make me try again)
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Yes I am disliked.
the chat was literally spamming SEX WITH A MAN
Is that my nigga Nakayama????
It has been like what? 12 years since a US player won EVO?
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Should they bring back MK1 next year?
kill yourself you fucking coin flipper
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fucking based grapplor man, never stop slamming fools
>who do you main in SF6?
the characters i like weren't added yet, so i haven't bought it
>who do you main in Tekken 8?
>who do you main in Strive?
haven't played in a while but it was Axl Low
>do you bother to play UNI?
i don't play it that much but it's Enkidu and Waldstein
>top 6 was bad because stream chat was bad
take your meds
3s sat finals was peak kino. sunday was a boring in comparison
I'm surprised anyone even bothered to watch it.
I genuinely thought the game was dead until I saw it in the schedule lineup.
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I like cool powerful grabs, so what?
I'll slam one for you on 3S with Hugo in your honor.
>quit before the wild assault update, used to play ky in both rev2 and strive
>havent touch it since unist because my friends quit
Nah. Strive was dogshit. And SF3 btfod all other events.
I haven't played Strive in years though and pretty much exclusively play Tekken with my friends now.
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/ourguy/ is trending and Mommy approves
I'm sure they will if NRS keeps supporting it, which you'd think they would considering how new it is, but it also seems to have had such a lukewarm reception even among the casual audience that I don't know.
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wait, there are people who were reading fucking youtube/twitch chats? how did you fags even get here, and when are you going back permanently?
It was tame this year since there wasn't a freak in the grand finals.
I hate what its become so much
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Even MK fans would say no. We have evolved beyond the need for NRS; drop it for KI 2013 or a second legacy slot.
Irrelevant, it'll be back unless they make a new MK, then that'll be there
The question is what game gets cut for 2XKO if that manages to ever release because there is no way that isn't taking up a slot, and thus how do we convince them to not cut UNI
Gods no. I'd rather see SC6 have that spot but I know it won't happen.
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>who do you main in SF6?
>who do you main in Tekken 8?
>who do you main in Strive?
>do you bother to play UNI?
what did he cosplay
3s finals was fucking ass lmao
everything before GF was good but the elena switch to chun li turned the entire tourney into a joke lol
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>SF3 btfod all other events.
THIS!!! Seeing Chun and Yun in every fucking game on stream was so epic!!!!
>Marisa & Yoshi
Very based. Try UNI anon, it's pretty good.
28, since evos inception that an american hasn't won a major SF tournament
tranny pretending to be a 'teen award
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Turn off your politics brain. They seem to be friends. ET even borrowed Xiaohai's secret stick peeking box for his losers' final match.
Theyve done 3S and UMVC3 now, whats the next one theyre going to throw on the docket?
>(side tournaments excluded).
But those were the only ones that mattered.
Why are fighting game prize pools so pathetically low?
dong dong never die
>muh balance
Neck yourself, child predditor
Next year will 100% be MvC2 with the collection out
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>Tekken 8
I didn't buy the game because it looks like it plays worse than T7.

Gio for the first year, then dropped and refuse to come back until they add Jam.
Looking at how the game is now and how infested the community is, I don't know if I even want her come back

One day I will learn Yuzuriha, if I don't die first.
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>top 6: urien, yun, chun, hugo, ken, elena
>wahh wahh wahh dey eberybudy pick yun!!
shut the fuck up lil cry baby bitch

I wish I had a gf that cried and supported me bros
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>barely have players
>same price as SF6

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i should really sleep. its been real fight fans, see you next time
kys troon
MvC2 maybe
Obvious play is MvC2 for its 25th + the collection, then CvS2 the next year for its own inevitable collection.
That said I do hope the legacy spot isn't reserved for only Capcom games in the long run.
I'd like to say KI2 but with the Sony ownership they'll never put a MS property mainstage.
a 3D would be good but i doubt it's happening
maybe T5 or SC2
That is not counting alex valle I assume
>spectator thread
>mad that it was boring to watch
Fuck off, pathetic nigger.

Marvel 2 guaranteed next year unless they go all out with the SvC collabs and do CvS2, but that game is a literal nightmare to spectate because every set takes a fucking hour
>hands like that
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>I played King in the old Tekken games, haven't played 7 or 8
>Never touched it
That Urien folded so fucking bad up there. His run up to Top 6 had some nasty setups but he got Chun'd hard.
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Does the furry faggot only play dog ass games to get prize money anymore?
Because fighters are hard and thus hard to get into
more players=more money
it's pretty simple
I'm waiting until SF6 is out of Early Access to buy, so no one yet but will play Gief and Akuma as is tradition. Mika if added.
K I N G and some Kuma
Baiken, same in Samsho.
I ain't even.
>using Ken as a wild card pick when he's just and over picked
>Elena switched to Chun like everyone else
>over 1000 players were in this tournament and the bulk of which were chun yun and ken
Go to bed, grandpa
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>play cammy white
>get white gf
I can't wait to see him use his Evo win while trash talking people on stream afterwards. Cocky punk is best punk
better put some respec on america's name and i aint gonna say it no mo
You can't. It should've been healthy already because every game is on PS5/PS4/PC but it's still dead over there.
RTS games are harder to get into than fighters and Starcraft pot bonuses are massive.
Niggers aren't American
aww that's adorable
KoF wasn't the most exciting story this year, but I think it showed the most consistent high level play. Xiaohai really is like fighting an input reading ai.
SonicFox has always been the god of NRS, in part because most of that scene ONLY plays NRS while Sonic plays a little of everything (same goes for Skullgirls outside of Dekillsage being about as good). Sonic's biggest strength is finding grimy shit in new games and getting wins at locals and Year 1 tournaments before the meta catches up, then going back to NRS & SG for easy money.
Dude got exposed a long time ago and pretty much only plays NRS shit.
>don't play but was Yoshimitsu in 7
>stopped playing but it was Faust
>never got into it but probably Merkava
literally who
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Should I try UNI 2?
Punk's "g"f
Literally yes, he farms shitty fighting games. Granted he is talented at it but still. No one with a brain should care about Moron Kombat
you just know she cosplays as cammy in the bed
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Is this a coincidence considering the news we got today?
>SF6 will eventually have a patch where Kimberly is overpowered
Please no
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Isn't Tekken shitting out balance patches like every 3 weeks? What the fuck happened?
>Doesn't count 2
SnakeEyez erasure.
What does Sleepy Joe have to do with it?
Slasher is a bitch
How about DoA 5LR?
that's a biological girl, trannies r3eally fried your brain enough so that you can't even tell a woman from a troon
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They rearrange shit every month and a half and people rejoice and then go right back to hating the game after a week.
>America carries SF
>Tekken carried by Pakis
The autistic koreans turned starcraft into a spectator sport and thus the popularity exploded
I probably don't have to tell you this but starcraft was the original esport as we know it because of this
Blizzard fucking fumbled the ball with starcraft 2 and no one plays that shit so the prize pools are actually pretty similar nowadays
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>Main marisa, a character famous for having the worst anti-air in the whole game
>Drop her
>lose Evo off fucking up an anti-air
Is DoA6 alive at all? I have never played a fighting vidya before (except SC2 casually) and kinda want to try it out. Is it beginner friendly?
>who do you main in SF6?
No one. Closest to a main I have is Marisa but it always feels she's playing handicapped. I have a lot of characters I mained through SF3 to 5 and its really shitty I'm still waiting for any of them to show up.
Is Ed really that good?
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awwww u 2
It's great. They obviously took it very seriously, too, and there were times after the results where they were not smiling much anymore. They both wanted to win badly but could still show their appreciation to each other.
People simply don't travel anymore as much. The ones who do are mainly the few old ones. And I don't see a change coming anytime soon. You could see in EVO Japan that most of the placings were obviously taken by the Japanese, whilst the games were just as high level as here.
It is true that other countries have become better, though. Unfortunately arcades and arcade culture seems to be dying in Japan as well. Jiyuna argued that school age kids simply don't go to arcardes anymore after school, which was a big contributing factor to them becoming so good at fighting games. Instead they opt to play on their phones. Fighting games outside of SF are becoming niche there, I suppose.
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touhou spotted irl
Do you have anything better to do? Does it look fun? It's as cheap as it'll be for a while for the next 11 hours
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This is why I stick with Marisa. I'm bad at anti-airing already so I play a character bad at it anyway, that way I'm not wasting her potential.
I think the biggest shock is that they didn't announce that whole EVO international being part of the EWC. Seemed locked in but good for them for not folding even if it would have gotten a ton of homos and troons riled up

I guess that's why all Rick could talk about was how it's the largest non bracket fighting game tournament. No doubt because he can't just call it the largest anymore thanks to the EWC.

Now, we'll just have to see how 2XKO changes things up. I highly doubt it'd best other games but could cause quite a stir. Then again people were saying the same thing about Multiversusand look at that shit now.
Go back to /pol/ faggot
He's good but he's more technical and footsie based in a game where Juri drive rushing over and over won the most recent Capcom Cup
Terry when he was a guest character in smash: Who is this guy isn't this just ken with a hat? is this adult pokemon trainer?

Smash retards never deserved him
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You are technically right, but that Juri player is still unfathomably based for shouting out his vtuber oshi for winning capcom cup.
People replying saying "Japan needs more players" are blatantly unaware of how popular SF6 is over there. Japan LOVES SF6, Japan, it has the most master level players while also bolstering a huge playerbase. SF6 streams do very well and even extremely popular vtubers follow the game pretty decently. It's not an issue of player bases, it's an issue of other regions getting strong. Japan used to have 2 major advantages, arcade culture (ie; strong opponents in constant close proximity) and early releases, which benefit should be obvious. Being able to practice against strong opponents and learn MUs is a massive boon, and in busy Japanese arcades those are easier to find, whereas American gamers didn't have that benefit. Now that universal release dates paired with offline like netcode have been standard in fighting games for the past few years, all other regions have had a major power boost.
Ryu having the fighting character gimmick was enough. They didn't need Ryu and Ken and Terry and Kazuya
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>freeze frame
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>Don't play
>Lol, Lmao
Chun/learning Bison
no, looks gay. If I buy it on sale, I'd learn Akatsuki
Hayao won EVO as far as I'm concerned.
>A part of me kinda feels bad for MOV since he always wanted SFIII evo, but only gets it like 20 years later when the scene is nothing like it was back in the day.
I wouldn't sleep on the competition. The big 3S aren't in their prime anymore or are in jail in Kuroda's case, but 3rd's strike tech isn't hidden anymore. People know the game up and down, left to right. It's not like back in the day where someone can show up with a bunch of new tech and combos strings no one has ever seen before. And then you had to hope someone got a video recording of that shit so you can study it.
Smash having actual fighting game characters in it makes that dogshit game bearable when my friends want to play it
these days that's mostly because the owner of korean youtube funds the brood war scene as a hobby
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Jefuty and Ligger in a fightan when?
the win on the inside is what counts
There would be no problem for me if that's going to be their version of invitationals, but I doubt they have the money to match what the Saudis offer.
lmao that dude sittings down face
>fuck me dude sit down already fucking hugo bro jesus christ Ken save me
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>3 sex fighters and a muscle chad
funny for some reason
Christ that makeup and filter. It's like a fucking plastic doll
Why the fuck are there so many King players in here?
>DA ALFA won
>Pakis still carry Tekken
>Leffen and trannies lost in Strive
>MK is basically dead competitively
Pretty good EVO
got a confession to make bros, i kept saying punk would choke hoping for the reverse-jinx
Grapplers have a strong and dedicated following.
T8 King is probably his strongest and easiest and most modern if that makes sense.
i think 2XKO might be well accepted in the first months but hardcore fg fans might stop caring about it eventually because of the simpler controls
but again, GBVSR has simpler controls and people still play it
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All the JP talent went here
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I am glad Marvel fags get no game announcements
>are in jail in Kuroda's case
what did he do again?
I'm gonna throw a wild card here, but it's Melee
It’s mostly the high of a percival popping off like that and killing every nier and Siegfried in sight despite being barely a mid tier.
I want to suck his nipples.
tried to hook up with a high schooler
I think it's also worth mentioning that Fighting games in Japan these days feels closer to a spectator sport than something to play.

Crazy Raccoon Cups peak viewership reached like 200K. That's double than what Evo just did. That's not taking into account all the restreams from the Vtubers. But that wasn't an open bracket tournament clearly. This is sorta the same with the EWC.

Jiyuna is right that kids don't go to the arcades anymore because they don't have to. Back then, to watch FGs, you have to go to an arcade and hover over people playing. Just being part of that environment invites anyone to jump in and try out too. Nowadays, kids don't need to go to arcades, they can just open streamers.
I mean, both Punk and BigBird were shitting their pants that final round. I'm surprised we didn't see dropped combo anarchy.
the fuck are you talking about
the biggest marvel announcement that could ever happen just happened like a week ago
MVC2 with a good training mode and rollback? the fuck you need another marvel for
played with something younger than 3rd strike
Post Punk kino

nintendo literally wouldn't allow it
KOF's GF was so boring, at least the rest of the top 6 was awesome
I think it'll have a playerbase regardless just because of Riot. Which is unfortunate because it looks like dogshit.
King shit
Hayao carried the shit out of that top 6. It was still chunyun slop the rest of the way.
cause I'm da alfa
Granblue really showed up with a 14 year old transformed into a giant naked dragon monstergirl and the next reveal was a 14 year old dressed as a half naked rat and we are supposed to just be fine with it
Faggots were clamouring for a MvC 4 announcement as always fuck face.
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>deliberately ignoring ST wins
Pic related though is unironically America's finest hour in Street Fighter over Japan.
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its going to be MvC2 but i would rather have Soulcalibur II
put you in da corner
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I pick hot girl unless a guy is cool enough to win me over or the girls I like most are just not fun for me to play.
Stop trying to shill me on Granblue, I've already played it, I won't fall for it.
I don't wanna go to bed bros
I don't see why I wouldn't be fine with it honestly, the game will get another handsome man for women soon enough
Back to twitter retard.
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yes you will
I gotta put the kids in they place
It's only interesting if they stick with the actual concept of it being a 2V2. Could be fun especially if all four have mics to listen to. The tourney MV did that one time did the same and it seemed to have gone fine.

That may also be it's biggest downfall though. I'm not sure how the average Fighting game person would be able to deal with needing to actually play with a partner.
The developers at capcom said in an interview they wanna do MVC4 that's good enough
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fucking kek that was hardest r i've ever heard
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I'm the opposite, I play cool guy who usually has the kit I like unless the kit is on a girl.
I didn't know there was EVO at LA
R8 your viewing experience anons:

They already did with SFXT that one time and it seemed to go fine
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>I have no job because I got laid off last month
>I have no money
>I have no gf
>all I have is EVO threads on /v/
What did I do to deserve this? And why won't I die?
Soul Calibur has to be one of the best named* fightan games

It just screams peak
i actually dont think its gonna be a full tournament. They keep describing it as the "EVO Awards" so its probably just bullshit.
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im gonna miss him
wtf i love grabble now

I love that the crowd chants the "YEAH! YEAH!" when the players walk in after character select. Should be mandatory to have it play during any SF6 tournament.
What more could you want and ask for in life?
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>wageslave tomorrow
Yank NRS out of the event altogether, they haven't produced a game worth watching in eons. If Riot shits out their slop fighter in time next year throw that in, it will be a circus but at least it beats NRS.
simple who asked
I can't explain to you how much I hate SonicFox. Not just the gross furry faggot shit, but the tone of voice is so offputting. I know EVERYONE in the community hates his guts but they can't say shit because he's decent at terrible games and has to have press conferences about how hard it is to be an oppressed dog fucking faggot.
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same here, but I'm content
>no 3rd strike
youre lame
From yours truly,
Daigo is the richest fighting game player out here
LA and Vegas are in close proximity, they should've done NY, Philly or Boston for east coast players
>GBVS Rising
They would stomp the rest of the world if they legalized amphetamines for prescriptions like the rest of the west does.
Theyre handicapped cause all the other countries go to the doctor for an ez prescription than dope on Addy before every tournament
Yeah, I don't know what Obama was talking about since he never explained it that well. Is this shit just going to be like the Oscars and shit cause most of the FGC is broke and no one will be shilling to go there even if they fill it with reveals and shit
Chun Li
Don't play that game
Got the game but don't play that much
just call in and play fighting games

just play fighting games
Who was the Deadpool cosplayer at the front?
Blazblue at some point
What you say is true, but I also want to add that Japan loving SF6 as much as they do works as a double edge sword for them because the players are too focused on being big ecelebs or working with other ecelebs

You got guys out there more focused on training Korone than actually training themselves by traveling to tourneys. Or they'll be too busy grinding online master ranks for their stream instead.

It's probably cause of the yen being in the shitter like some other anons mentioned which leads to players not wanting to travel and instead focus on the japan scene, but traveling is what they need in order to level up. Crazy Racoon cup ain't gonna help them beat Punk.
EU bro here, how was SF6 top 6? Punk and USA winning sounds kino, wonder how it compares to Strive's top 6 which was absolute kino
Fuck I say every year after EVO is over that I'm gonna go next year but I really regret not going this year. Hope you had fun anon
How are seats assigned?
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Any purchases made because of Evo?
Older versions of games are dirt cheap on Steam
>He has never tried playing with an arcade stick
>worships a nigger
checks out
This is unironically more true than most people want to admit. Top players in the US abuse the absolute shit out of addy. I remember driving with my states best players to a regional, and I hadn't been invited to the inner circle before. I was shocked to see how much of that shit they had and regularly used. Asked em about it and they said basically everyone at the upper level uses it on some degree. Kinda lost respect for the scene after that
Yes, and Kamiya would love to do a Viewtiful Joe 2 + Okami 2. Capcom can say whatever they want but Disney still has them by the balls. I don't doubt that MvC4 will come out, but who knows how much meddling there will be.
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Fair enough. Everyones got their own method.
Mine just tends to get me a lot of shit since I typically choose with my dick. But I like what I like.
>Chun/Yun showcase
Easy to skip and watch specific sets later.
man i have to go next year
Nigger, you have the perfect conditions to become a pro at fighting games.
Take your chance before you end up at some dead end job again.
How the fuck did a game based on hard rock and metal turn into the tranny game
I unironically blame the sterile shitty UI they went with for Strive, it made it too inviting for these fucking freaks
EndingWalker had amazing sets.

Nemo's controller broke and he spent 10 minutes trying to pick out a new one while Sajam and Yipes clowned in the background.

Punk finally won a big tournament after 8 years of placing high in big tournaments along with getting the US a W in a mainline SF game.
i want my wife aoko for SF6
snagged Granblue and UNI2. i had been meaning to for a while, but never got around to it.
9/10, hate strive but no leffen made it 8/10 at the very least
8/10, fuck throw loops and rashid level 2
8/10, percy in grands is based, bel is not
6/10, Drag killed the hype
5/10, 15 is fine but the matches were sleep inducing
1/10, only hate watched
Hes pretty well off right? He wrote a book too.
I hope hes well off. I don't like seeing the people I've followed for so long get old and fall into wagie hard times. Its depressing.
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Anime games in general have these weirdos, but throw in braindead mechanics, awful soundtrack, and social media team that actively panders to freaks then you've got a ruined franchise.
just got another job from home after months of not giving a shit, feels good.
I don't believe it. Unless he's literally just raking in money through speaking gigs like politicians do, he's probably only doing okay. I honestly, don't remember the last time he won anything and that makes me sad.
ArcSys higher ups speak fluent English. That's the source of the rot right there.

Skull Face was right. Filthy language should be wiped from the face of the planet.
Nah I already own them all and not getting the new ones until they're out of Early Access.
I'm not joking when I say this, I think I was a row or two behind you
The anime scene turned into tranny central around GGST, not the other way around
what you do now bro?
any MK1 reveal?
I'm too poorfag to go all the way to Vegas just to go 0-2 in every game.

weebs making excuses for Japan.

They got rocked end of.
yes, go look at your toilet after taking a dump
It's just some gay awards show they're doing, not an actual tourney from the looks of it
It's dead, Jim.
Anime and memeable songs/characters appeal to autism. And autism, gaming, and anime is the carpool lane on the highway to trooning out.
He was getting like 30k viewers on twitch alone around when SF6 launched and I think he still regularly gets like near 10k. He's not hurting for money.
some recolor ninja or a movie character idk
>I don't play Tekken
>I have tried to get into but it just doesn't click.
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What the fuck does Markiplier have to do with GG or Bridget?
Why do these weirdos always draw shit of famous people validating them.
>anime games in general
Well they have autistic kids sure, the main issue is how these kids are now groomed and convinced my the internet for immediate validation and acceptance. Thats the real problem. They go from being a bit weird to "that" and its a shame, because most could live a pretty normal life with good friends in the long run if they weren't manipulated like that.
Awful soundtrack and mechanics.
Well I don't know about that, especially the soundtrack but regardless, the social media team does actively pander to that and thus it gets relayed back to the dev team to be an endless pandering cycle. A real shame.
Whatever helps you cope pill junkie
What's the technique to fuck cosplayers ?

Fg tournies pay like crap, Daigo is a popular streamer, that's where he makes a killing.
$800-1000 in cash
It was always a tranny series. They were going crazy for it back in AC too. You're the one infringing on their turf when you play it.
>Things that never happened
Doesn't he have a full career outside of gaming? Pretty sure he's a nurse or something like that.
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You can't gaslight me, retard. Not on this.
Daigo can't even get more than 1.5k viewers a stream lol
He made it all up, would never have the balls to call Max a faggot irl
Maybe. I'm not sure.
Freeman from Garou
That's what he used to do.
He also used to be a professional mahjong player.
Daigo's life is weird.
was a good weekend overall. im going to try again to play more, and i do plan to make it to EVO next year. gotta make up for 2019
I'm not making excuses for them if anything i think it's pathetic they stopped traveling to become ecelebs. I want them to start traveling more instead of trying to fuck vtubers
bros i caved and bought a fight stick because of evo.
i already regret it.
youre definitely some newfag tourist cuz if you actually went to events before strive youd know that nobody ever played gg outside of a couple autistric faggots in a corner
>Daigo can't even get more than 1.5k viewers a stream lol
15k, sorry
also I'm trans
And then bas proceeded to rape Choi every time they faced each other in cvs2 down to this day including yesterday
I want to build one. Fuck buying one at those prices.
Don't be too mad teacup, maybe when Endingwalker learns how to tech a grab after the 10th fucking time it happens in 2 rounds, he might win.
Fuck Kamiya. Who cares what he wants.
It's not english. It's America.
For some reason a lot of LGBT fags like Mark. And to be fair, he kinda glowed up in the last 4 years or whatever.
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>just get another job bro
A keyboard. Why, I am using one right now to talk with you.
He also drank like an old sailor and would sleep in random places.
i bought a chink one for like $70
think it was called haute42 t16
yeah cheatbox is what i meant.
>neet can't even read
Correct, you don't need to spend $200 on a stick when you have the greatest gaming peripheral known to man in your grasp.
It's called colonization. The spirit of western imperialism lives on in LGBT and DEI. Since it's generally not ok to grab land anymore, they just grab at culture instead.
i'm glad i still have one of the $40 sf4 madcatz specials lying around for when i feel like playing some arcade games because holy shit prices have gone retarded
where's the salty suite
That's find, just don't full send it with a $300+ one. There are a lot of cheap ones you can toy with these days.
i never cared for GG but it was always someone into anime obsessing over it. Don't think is a coincidence, SF players were into DBZ at best, YYH at worse. but never into shit like lucky star.
Changing your argument now, faggot?
>For some reason a lot of LGBT fags like Mark. And to be fair, he kinda glowed up in the last 4 years or whatever.
Pretty sure its because hes attractive, nice to basically everyone regardless, and his brother is a furry artist.
>greatest gaming peripheral
Idk about that but for a fact a fucking hitbox is just a goddamn keyboard.
As long as you didn't fuck up and buy an expensive ass stick it's fine. I learned on cheap ass qanba carbon for years before upgrading to something better.
Can MS play nice and free KI from exclusivity jail?
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yeah this is probably right
as other anon said it wasn't that GG trooned out but the anime culture around GG trooned out
if Strive had come out around the time Anime Right was a thing the community probably would've been different but anime slipped through the right's hand compared to the 2016 days for some reason
started with Ken, switched to akuma
>Tekken 8
don't have it
fake game
I know cheatboxes are more efficient than traditional sticks, but they look less satisfying to use.
Virtua Fighter four
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Bigbird is Whiter than punk, blood>sand
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Unfortunate reality. Some people finally seem to be fed up with it, just hope that happens overseas too.
its on steam anon
dont tell me you dont have a pc anon...
They removed all the hard rock and metal influence in the character designs, the UI, hell even most of the music. Just look at what GG looked like and sounded like during the year of XX, AC, +R, etc., compare that to Xrd, and then compare that to Strive. It should be obvious.
Might not matter what they want. The current PM of nipland and the LDP are dead set on mass immigration to solve their impending population crash. Even if they care later down the road, it'll be too late.
fucking godlike, this from a draw thread?

its funny cause it's true
Choi put him into losers last year at the evo side tourney but got runback and lost in the finals.
most based post i've seen
just heard their voice for the first time and i want to die
They stopped caring about the music influence and went all in on the anime aesthetic and archetypes.
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will harada have to commit seppuku when he returns to his overlords in japan for losing to a twitch streamer?
That issue is getting some pushback. So we'll see if it happens or not.
My interaction with self proclaimed metal heads tells me that it's not all that surprising. Most of the metal heads I know wave the rainbow flag and are ardent tranny supporters. GG doesn't even incorporate a lot of the visual metal aesthetic anymore in its current iteration.
>his brother is a furry artist
Holy fuck. The well runs deep, huh. Now I think he's secretly a furry. It would...not be surprising.
At least from what I've seen, it's only new fightan faggots. I played GG and I was never into moe stuff like that.
Can't decide if old favorites like Xiaohai or Arslan winning is more or less hype than upsets. Keeping with the consistency is rewarding to watch in it's own way.
He should for giving us another shit snoozefest of a game
How the fuck do you add these offensive tools and still make a games that's boring as fuck to watch?
kino remix
Bros... I can't believe it's over again. It feels like it goes by so fast, faster and faster each year...
>Don't be too mad teacup, maybe when Endingwalker learns how to tech a grab after the 10th fucking time it happens in 2 rounds, he might win.

Teching throw sucks in SF6 to be honest, notice how much throw they took in top 6? And they're always going for the 1 - 2 throw loop never go for three I'd rather take 2 throw than 2 throw and full punish counter
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>tfw can't buy the capcom fighting bundle
i wanna play 3rd strike bros...
You'll get Remy, Balrog, and two MK guest characters.
Fightcade is free retard
Don't play
Yes, main Nanase
2XK0 will take the legacy game slot and Garou 2 will take KoF slot.
lmao that sanford reference
>get on a winstreak
>this starts playing
admit it, sf6 has SOUL
Maybe I'm missing something, but are throws fucked in SF6 or something? Because Big Bird abused that shit so much that seeing others not tech kept infuriating me.
people don't know about jump cancel tech yet
the meta is about to change next season and oki is going to go back to meaties instead of throw loops
I-No if I cared to play Strive, maybe I'll try Lucy
He really got a taste of his own medicine!
SF4 was the current street fighter at the time so that tournament wasn't stacked. Is Punk the only player to ever place 1st, 2nd and 3rd for a single evo game?
So Sony buying EVO was the best thing to ever happen?
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I don't like the direction they took with SF6, T8, and Strive. It just feels like all they want to do is heavily reward non-stop aggression in every scenario with every mechanic, and it makes these games feel tiresome to play.
Am I just getting old?
It depends on a lot of stuff, mainly the narrative and who they're playing. Most top 8s aren't truly any better than the others but manage to stick out cause of some idea the viewers grab onto. In both cases neither had either of those on their side. So it falls to gameplay which most just don't understand and want to see something chaotic. However being consistent for years usually leads to the opposite. T8 is more volatile by its nature so most would probably enjoy that more, but if you know KoF then you got to watch a master class. Ultimately I can see why games have been designed so upsets are more likely, the viewing experience is in some ways a main feature now.
>It's probably cause of the yen being in the shitter like some other anons mentioned which leads to players not wanting to travel
No, it's because being a streamer and collabing with other big streamers makes you WAY more money than competing in tournaments. It simply isn't worth it to pay for a flight and hotel and food and shit just to go to EVO and compete for a $12,000 prize when you could make more than that in one night coaching the most popular streamers in Japan.
SF6 gives options imo. you can be super aggressive, but you burn out. you can also play chill and it works.
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For the health of the community, yes.
For the soul of the community, no.
it's just that teching throw isn't that good and if the opponent shimmies you eat a full on combo into oki again, so people started to just take the throws instead of taking the risk to eat 6000dmg in their face
They openly admit to wanting more offense, which is why all those resources (slime, heat, etc.) refresh each round.
>sf 6
>reward non aggression when sf6 rewards balanced use of drive and t8 heavily emphasizes aggression with rage rush
Just leave the fucking thread. You disgust me.
What I don't like is that all the focus gets put overwhelmingly on super powerful system mechanics that result in practically every character playing the same. That shit is so boring.
Luke when I was still playing, though this evo really makd me want to learn Ed where's Karin
Don't play
May and Anji when I was still playing
Yeah. Play Nanase but my gorilla brain has been transitioning to Tsurugi.
i want to play with friends that don't wanna use fightcade, plus i'm not decent yet and don't wanna get demolished.
all the other games i want to.
the whole guilty gear series literally has a in-game mechanic that penalizes you for playing defensively
>I have no job because I got laid off last month
Sweet. Take a break and play some games.
>I have no money
Hustle for some cash or move back home a bit.
>I have no gf
Girlfriends are good for one thing: fucking which costs money and you ain't there yet
Bestie is what you want in the long game.
>all I have is EVO threads on /v/
Good. EVO only happens once a year. You'll watch less EVOs than you would have sex so long as you aren't making an effort.
>be jobless
>you now have peak unemployment combos
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what the fuck do I watch after cumming my brains out to cammy
I'm fucking pumped
no seriously give me a stream to watch or something
now I need to cum my brains out to cammy
That doesn't make any sense.
Probably. I'm the same way and really couldn't see the appeal in any of the mainstage games. I don't dislike aggression but I don't like how little work you put in to be aggressive. Especially with how little movement really seems to matter. There's also such a big focus on taking turns now to the point a lot of new players don't seem to know anything different. Mix in lowered execution and there's not much about it that excites me. Clearly it works for some, but even as someone not overly fond of the game 3S showed up a lot of games just by asking a bit more of the players.
Nice to see Punk finally win, he made it close though. You think his mentality will change now, and he'll stop choking?
No I think he'll be the same whiny faggot as always.
he'll play victim the next chance he gets
Isn't his curse Evo specific? I don't think he chokes at other events does he? Regardless, he's someone I'll never root for because he's too good at the game. I'd rather cheer for his opponents because anyone who fights him is an underdog.
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punk did the impossible
he won sf6 playing STREET FIGHTER
mike ross must be the happiest nigga alive not named punk or yipes
No he does win majors but he's generally very momentum based, if he starts losing he usually doesn't come back.
Floe dies and Punk finally wins.... coincidence?
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Got grubble, thought about it some more wondering if I was really gonna commit to it when Uni is the game I already really love playing, refunded it, then Rat got confirmed and I bought it again.
I need my piss queen.
okay seriously why the fuck was yipes commentating, he literally sounded like he was dying
why can these retards not learn to save their voice for finals day? they lose their voice fake hyping the shitty pools matches
I haven't heard that name in years. How'd he die?
He was fat as shit and in his 40s, do the math.
Notice how all the players were going for 1 to 2 throw in a row and then stepped back instead of going for the third throw? Because they're fishing for a punish counter, in any situation the one who is on the defense is losing so it's better to just wake up block and take the opponents option that deals less
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I only play casually but
>don't play
>don't play
bunch of strokes post covid, so not *exactly* just due to being fat but I'm sure it didn't help
I also lost my job about a month and a half ago. Feels shitty.
I still have money cause I am frugal and have a big savings.
I could live in my apartment on my current budget for 7 years, not account for inflation.
But its making me feel kind of directionless.
Sucks, was at that job for a long time.
Might take the time to actually get decent at some fighting game or something else. I don't know. Kind of wasted the month just being a veg.
>dont play
>dont play
>dont play
I already own most stuff but I decided to buy SC6 season 2, thank me when SC7 gets made
Probably blew out his voice at some side games or pools. Feels like the first time I've ever seen him do a bad job commentating. Felt like he was doing so shit that he was actively dragging down Sajam.
no in any big tournament Punk will look like the God of neutral and whiff punishing up until he gets to top 8 or lower and then if he starts losing it's really hard for him to recover, best recent example was the LCQ for Capcom Cup and Problem X knowing he hates Perfect Parry and doesn't like Blanka exploited both and made him go 0-6 in Grand Finals even after Punk had previously beat him during the tournament when the stakes weren't high


You can clearly tell when Punk starts to falter mentally. Even in this years EVO he looked like a completely different person in Grand Finals when Big Bird got momentum. Compare him to EndingWalker who still had clutch moments over and over again and looked composed.
On one side we'll never see pros entering multiple tournies anymore
On the other hand, Smash sweaties aren't taking up slots anymore and other games can finally have their shine
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Not the anon, but ill be in a same boat soon. Been at my comfy wagecuck job for 10 years but they seem to be having a huge layoff season soon.
Although I have enough money to last me for about 2-3 years, I have no idea what the fuck i'll do afterwards and job hunting sucks.
he was physically unable to do it, someone else should have subbed in and he should learn to not tear his throat out if he's doing finals
jwong absolutely shit on everyone doing commentary for 3s, his knowledge actively improved watching all those sets
I'm actually an extremely knowledgeable 3s player and he was still saying some really bottom tier of the iceberg level tech knowledge of 3s that I didn't know like the genei jin link issei was doing like it was nothing is a fucking 1 frame link
He choked at CEO last year and LCQ this year, both at the finals.
It's actually crazy how consistent Punk is in dominating a tournament until the real pressure kicks in at the end. Dude needs a sports therapist or something
And he won both CEO and EVO this year
Edgingwalker really needs to drop the school shooter hair desu. If he's going to have the "quiet one" personality type then he can't have that hairstyle. It makes people nervous
>granblue is the only USA game
>I could live in my apartment on my current budget for 7 years
Did you have a really high paying job and live outside of America? That seems crazy unless you're not factoring in eating or buying vidya considering apartments in America probably average $1k a month
I kinda missed chen and ultradavid for finals.
im in the same situation anon. probably going to look for a job at the end of summer cus its getting boring.
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>break cancel supers
man I can't wait for cotw to come out, i mean it'll die in a week but what a week that'll be
Yep, thus the curse is finally broken.
Endingwalker's entire schtick is him being a silent hero
How is this any different than KOF15?
So will Punk complete his character arc, or just go back to the usual shittalker he is now that he's won Evo
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I've never been to EVO or any fighting game event really. Is it worth going just to hang out and enjoy the festivities? I always watch it from home but I always feel like I miss out. For some reason I felt especially lonely during this EVO. Now that it's over I feel kind of empty
Even if it dies in a week I'd gladly play on discord with some Brasilian guy in the jungle that have 1000ping
We're heading to the final climax of the series, the ultimate money match between Punk and Xiaohai
I lived with my parents for a few years and saved like mad.
I made $25 an hour.
Im not accounting for buying vidya or things like that, but the necessities.
That sucks anon. We'll make it some how.
Yeah I was looking but I'm taking a break for a bit and just trying to figure shit out I guess.
i could be your brasilian guy tonight anon
the kid was just genuinely nervous lol
i don't think he's trying to roleplay, his first set with BB was fucking awful because of his nerves
If you're traveling from far away only the big events are worth going to like EVO or CEO because there's a big spectacle and other things to do. Smaller events is just focused on the games on stage which is entertaining on its own, but doesn't warrant a visit for something you can do online.
The different mechanics for a start. You can go try and do that in XV right now and see it isn't possible.
Just defend mechanic, no roll, no CD, universal anti air and low crushing moves, meter is managed differently, T.O.P system, no 3v3, feint and brake system
>be on 4chan
>cry about someone who shit talks
leave faggot
There's usually an afterparty after EVO is finished, just talk to people around and they'll invite you
Alone? Nope. Shits expensive. Get your friends haha or even your family and have it as a vacation.
Go to ComboBreaker instead, it's way more community driven
>missing the point
>don't play
>don't know what that is
keep crying bitch faggot nigger
3rd strike is my main game and I actually like sf6
I really wish I had gone this year, this was my perfect Evo and I wasn't there
I never went when melee was there either
I feel like I've missed the time of my life
I'm I big Punk hater and even I was happy for him tonight. I really want him to chill the fuck out and be a nicer dude. We'll see
as expected from an illiterate child
feels like the kinda thing you go to with the bros from your local.
kill yourself nigger
Damaged his vocal chords yelling earlier and throughout the day, which he's done before. I know people love Yipes, but if you're commentating finals for SF maybe try and save your voice idk. I agree with the other anons, would've much rather just have had Wong or even Chen instead.
I go alone every year and I have a much better time. Vegas is annoying as shit on its own let alone trying to manage a group of dumb assholes. Meet and hang out with cool people there and leave on your own terms.
omg honkers
I don't care how much they're whoring him out, he is a fucking terrible commentator. He has no flow for the game and is constantly making the most cringe FGC jokes. I fucking hate hearing him.
You know
I miss K-Brad, philipino champ and the whole shit talking crew
Can we agree this was the most soulless evo yet? Same faces winning the same games, arsland tekken again, sonicfag MK, top tier character beating soulful JP granblue player, bad reveals, etc.

Only grace was MOV winning SF3 because apparently he wanted to win 3s at Evo since 2005, so I'm glad for him even though it was just yum vs chun. Overall this year sucked the soul out of fighting games just a bit more.
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Yep that's my wife honkers. She's my main and I haven have custom art of her on my stick. I wish her game wasn't so dead
he's good if he actually is commentating a game he has knowledge on
he's also way more natural at the shilling and esports shit and manages to make it at least flow smoothly instead of being jarring or forced like it was for everyone else
>shitting on hopes because he lost his voice
you fags don’t deserve shit
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Did you slip into a coma during last evo?
What is he up to these days? Is still going to tournaments?
>Can we agree this was the most soulless evo yet?
No. It was great
>Only grace was MOV winning SF3 because apparently he wanted to win 3s at Evo since 2005
Ah but if its Punk wanting his first Evo win since getting trounced from an shoo-in win in 2017 it doesn't count?
One Must Fall 2097
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This outfit rocks, drew her in it some month ago
need an edit of the guy yelling kino at the tv but switched with chipotle
>only good part was a tier whore in a busted 25 year old game
Nigga stay on fightcade
he had one job dude
K-Brad was there, he's just too old to get anywhere near top 64.
you mean the guy who used Elena for every match and even in winners final?
Everyone, especially Yipes, knows that he's the best pick for commentating the finals and not taking care of the one thing he needs is dumb.
thread baker here. im going to bed. someone bake a new thread if you dont want it to die
Thank you, anon. That's really nice art of her. Do you mind if I turn it into a sticker? I won't do it without permission since you're the artist.
It's his job, nigger.
He's a fag though and acts like shit and whines
>bad reveals
heihachi wasn't a bad reveal
Go on bro, glad you like it
They run like 14 hour days with minimal breaks during evo because some commentators do multiple games. Shit happens. If they paid him to only do finals, he would.
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pic related, everyone's reaction
There are already 3 mishimas, yes he was.
Its too soon, tekken 7 was all about him dying, and now hes going to be the third dlc character? Should have let him stay dead awhile longer if things like that should even matter
random internet post
I’d consider playing granboob to try out the rat
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I hate all the major commentators. Watch the UMVC3 pools-top 24 from this year. It was just a side tourney so they got based and actually entertaining commentary until top 6

fuck esports, ironically the worst thing ever to happen to competitive gaming.
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>Go on bro
Unfathomably based. Thank you
>bad reveals
Because Capcom is holding on to the fact that Terry is going to be mix of Luke and Ed with ground fireballs.
Terry looks alil weird. He looks like half asian or something
And you are a faggot who constantly whines on 4chan.
And you are brown, sadly
he doesn't look like it's literal heihachi (his clothes look different and he looks younger), that tekken monks things is probably a cult or something created to resurrect him

i agree with this however
Fucking harada says its a resurrection, now if he's lying or not, we'll never know till later
how the turns have tabled
does this mean ending walker is winning evo 7 years from now in street fighter 7
should I bake a new thread?
I don't know but I really hope he wins one
Bigbird has bigger stakes with Punk than EW has.
>bump limit
Melancholy atmosphere setting in. Evo is over and so is the thread. All the same I am very tired. Tomorrow is another day. I want to improve. I want to get stronger. Goodnight, warriors
Cute Jefuty
one of the best players in nu melee literally admits to this and posts online bitching about it wearing off before top 8 when tournaments get delayed and hides behind needing it for "mental illness" and the entire gaggle of smashfags laps it up
it's fucking embarrassing
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the thread
Love Honoka. I too wish DOA was alive.
Also kinda wanna go to Evo but none of my friends play fighters. It feels bad. I could try to make friends there, but I'm actually grabage at most fighters.
Sorry your feelin bummed, anon.
Seems so from the other responses
Man... I'm really getting old. Hope he is doing well tho
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I don't play any other modernslop
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this is all delusional headcannon. the expectations are just higher for him than anyone else so even the smallest slip is thought to be a tragic downfall.
Whats your stick art?
3rd strike and sf6 carried this evo
somehow strive ended up good on accident but that game is still bad
Can someone explain why Pakistan rules tekken?
Apparently, because they are quite poor, they dont have a lot of options over there, so I guess some just picked what they thought was the best fighter and just played a lot together. Once Arslan Ash won Evo a bunch of other Pakis started getting in on the scene.
Thats what other anons were saying in previous threads at least.
Because they play different from the traditional meta. They focus on rushdown and pressure where the Koreans and everyone who copied them were very defensive and turtled.
>375 entrants
jesus christ

Sadly KOF is popular only in Asia and LATAM the later being poor countries

and traveling to evo is like 10 month worth of salary for a Mexican

I wish SNK would be more popular in wester rich countries
migrate >>683398635
migrate >>683398635
migrate >>683398635
migrate >>683398635

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