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Now: South Park: Snow Day!
Next: Star Wars Battlefront II (Classic 2005)
Later: Paris Marseille Racing

Stream 1: https://www.twitch.tv/esamarathon (embed)
Stream 2: You retard
Schedule: https://esamarathon.com/schedule/

Previous: >>683359307
Migged, regrettably
HAH, joke's on you, I didn't actually care about the new thread because I am going to bed. Be back for the NES Shuffle Race I guess.
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no way this is real
I... Have migged
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Something like 60 videos to download...The current ones are up on Metako's channel but I'm grabbing them just in case.
Decapitate miggers. Janny agrees with me
legit jumpscared me
That got me, fuck.
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I expect a new Plum doodle when I awaken, thank you drawfag(s). We just had the fat goat ass game, there's your material.
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so does the event suck?
>not 24h
>no stream 2
you tell me
It commits the worst sin possible a piece of entertainment can do: it's boring.
>Sir not appearing at this event
its ok
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It's not amazing or an impressive dumpster fire, it's just ok.
He appears in your head rent free
>Ads every 20 minutes

What the fuck.
Twitter's constantly fighting adblocking and evading, and ESA has it set to spam ads hard.
Twitch even, so many shit sites spamming so many fucking ads.
Let me put it this way: I enjoyed ASM, Dogwater, Fast50, and SGDQ more than this, and have no desire to watch it whatsoever despite wrecking my sleep schedule for ESA Summer 2023.
If you're getting ads, watch stream 2. They are broadcasting the same thing, but with less ads from what people have said.
The first half of ASM sucked, they really backloaded that one. I finally started enjoying it near the end.
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Smart, thanks, anon.
Seemed less when I tried it from seeing that said, though it was still getting lucky with my setup as well for the regional shit so fuck knows if it's confirmation bias or legit.
Amen, my brother in Christ. Guess Das was right all along.
What an awful speedgame
I was about to post that it's been 30 minutes since the OP without a single post about the run / speedrunning, lol
Between the ad spam and the game being terrible, the stream has been pretty unwatchable.
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day1: Terrible
day2: very good fun until the evening letsplays
day3: average so far

It's fairly innoffensive so far, very middle of the road depending who or what is on screen.

I just find the worst to be the inbetween segments where they stall for time. Find somewhere to sit down and chat with the runner and upcoming games at least instead of standing around like lost chickens.
I'm awake and need my coffee and cum in plum
Sorry anon, there is a line in front of the club. Going to take a while
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this game sucks
man I miss ESA Winter's stream 2
I may be out of line but this appears to be an LP of a shitty game.
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for fucks sake, I'm cooming back after I've painted some miniatures
I never doubted her, though I was also already operating on the assumption that it was going to be mostly dull with a few ok runs.
I don't know why they're trying to do the
>let's be PROFESSIONAL! :D
thing when they have drastically reduced staff, no one in a public-facing role has any charisma, these segments between runs are completely unscripted and unstructured, and this has never been their strength. The more they become like GDQ, the less reason there is for them to exist. It's basically the worst case scenario that some people were predicting during the previous 2 ESA events.
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Nah it's fine to be harsh on this. The game sucks and the run is boring as fuck.
Edenal probably got sold on the idea of standing desks.
They kind of did the GDQ thing of promoting some runners out of their comfort zone into doing the presenter stuff.

Like Mizzow and his cousin did really well at Legends but that was a much more relaxed setting where they were all the same kind of runners and a pretty close knit bunch.
I do not care for licensed kusoge
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what is this dragon flag country I want to go to the dragon country and go find and a dragon
Does Stick of truth remain the only decent South Park game? I skipped this and butthole.
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Sorry they advertise dragons but in reality they only have sheep over there
some part of england
Wales, but be aware, you will have to speak scuffed elvish to communicate with the locals
I'm afraid you'll only find farmland and statues of cunts with names that sound like they're Elden Ring NPCs.
>fucking dragons
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Rate South Park: Snow Day
I did not enjoy it
C it was an run
F. Really fucking boring.
F if I wanted a Let's Play I'd subscribe to Markiplier.
Llanfair is just a tourist trap shithole.
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Yes there are no dragons in Wales. Please stay out.
flight cancelled.
B, comfy but that's it
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I'm doin' him a C
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Looking forward to the star wars battlefront run. Hope it'll be good
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Post images from the event so far.
Y Ddraig Goch ddyry cychwyn.
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Only saved this
What should I have for din dins?
How underage do you have to be to not know the welsh flag?
>checks clock
Uuh. Marmite
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Despite how shitty the first day of the past few ESA have been, it is always gold in the memes it generate. Previous ESA with setup, and now with the donation cam
American geography.
Lads, just play some fucking music. It's ok to not yap for 5 minutes.
My valiant horse and I will slay this dragon
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It's called Vegemite, mate
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>Boring runners
>Let's plays disguised as speedruns
>Charisma vacuums rambling on between runs
What's the appeal of this event?
She's a big girl
Finally, some good fuckin' vidya
>implying a country with a population of barely 3M is relevant
For me
The appeal is that it used to be good, but now these threads serve no purpose
Post it.
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Aussie bro, what are your secrets for enjoying that? I tried the one time I've been down under and just the smell was enough to turn me away...
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For me it was Mos Eisley hero battle with a 400ms ping.
I would've played the shit out of this game if I had known about it at the time
Light spread with butter, whack in a cheese slice and put it in a sanga press.
For me, it was OG Rhen Var's ice tunnels
TinyTim has the best vacations
Ok but when is GOOD games
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I'm watching one right now
God I love this game so much
I'll try next time I get the chance
Finally, something I can get behind.
I do love some slideshow
Miss the old days playing split screen multiplayer on the fuckin' PS2 version.
I always thought this was just the beginning and that games like this would only keep getting better and better. How wrong I was...
whatever happened with the rerelease of the battlefront games that came out this year? are they still broken to shit?
How is he not being damaged by his own explosions?
I'm not saying many brave bothans didn't die to bring us this information, but 6 million?
Denying the Bothacaust? Really? My Grandfather died on the death star
twitch stop shitting the bed, we've a good run going on
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'ete me wookies
Not racis, just don't like wookies
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>Ok Imperial. Follow your leader and throw yourself down a reactor shaft
>but Palpatine is alive on Exegol?!?
it wasnt that funny.
Gonk Droid protected him...
Eat shit, fucking Bothan. Ceasefire in Tatooine now!
Clearly Vader is too powerful for Twitch to handle.
I'm gonna fucking scream
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what the fuck is this? did ESA streams always shit themselves like this?
I've never seen it this bad before, no
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Average to bad. Some runs were okay, but they kicked out everyone who possessed some kind of charisma.
I don't expect anything good from future ESA marathons.
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Rate Battlefront 2 (2005)
B for Bothacaust
D for didn't watch
B, the stream shitting was too bad to go higher
luv me SWBII, though
Their tech crew used to be the top of the speedrunning game

A, pity about the stream shitting
congrats to esa for raising the average single donation amount for gdq in 3 days
its been giving me that loading circle where the stream stops just non stop. I thought it was just me.
It's an A from me, might have been S if I fucking saw the end of it
C for couldnt be bothered to watch.
B, he technically didn't do the run by failing a level but I had fun.
A it was fun in spite of the stream shitting itself CONSTANTLY
that’s a skiff not a barge
>don't know what they are showcasing
B for Battlefont
why is this shit still going
yeah i haven't watched much yet, but I do see that this is inferior to this year's ESA Winter, which was a blast.
>No stream 2
>No charismatic/actively trying personalities like Argick, Metako, Yato, the greek guy (Tali and Sparkle can't carry this, they're good as support)
>issues with streams, keep hanging or freezing
>So far the runs are meh, too many races/showcases

Hopefully shit gets rolling soon, and we can have some kino, but it's not looking good so far.
Goddamned fix your shit ESA cunts
Wow, they mercy killed the whole thing

Rate ESA
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4chan had a stealth update today, it allows live streams to be posted as images.
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>(embed) (embed)
works on my computer
Damn, that's smooth. Puts the Twitch stream to shame.
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I will copy the (embed) (embed) just for you next thread
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I just packed my PC for travelling and I am watching from the ancient spare PC, so I don't know what's going on. Is the stream fucky, or is it my dell piece of shit not being able to handle twitch anymore?
>French it up

It's the stream itself breaking down, not your computer. Seems to be crumbling along with ESA.
Holy hon hon
god i hate the french
The funny French guys get automatic A minimum.
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Will this be a Z or S?
3 guys 1 baget
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Crap game, but still less shitty than actual marseilles.
Thanks, King
kek this is great
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D-did they just share that baguette?
T-t-t-that's an indirect kiss!
>doubledildoing a baguette
the french are such sluts
This game isn't occlusion culling, it's occlusion genocide. Is it naturally like this or a scuffed emulation?
If this was really authentic they would've stopped the run for a smoke break
That dono lmao
shoutout to the tech team
what retard is controlling the timer? Execute him on camera now
self absorbed tiktok cunt
>2 minutes of ads

Holy fuck.
Rate Paris Marseille Racing
Rate Paris Marseille Racing (french%) I guess?
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Rate Paris Marseille Racing
>akzheimer at 50
damn that sucks
B for Baguette
Je leur donne un S
A, funny
A with the french cafe music, C without
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They had wine and baguettes. Also drinking and driving. That would be like 14 lifetime bans on a GDQ.
A for a good fun french run.
B game was boring but runners were great.
A, the highest I've ever given the French.
F for French
>le dark mode
I hate dark mode so much its unreal
If you're going to wordle at every chance you get just don't do the sections.
Your wife seems to love it.
>last breath of ESA
>they don't even play the Plum song one last time
I remember when "le" was used here "ironically" to make fun of reddit. I WILL judge you for it and look down on you for it.
what part of that posts makes you think the le isnt ironic?
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You disgust me.
Do yourself a favor and get https://darkreader.org/ It let's you manually add sites to a list to filter like the schedule page for example
yeah dark mode is reddit as fuck, le dark mode memes is reddit 101
S - It was french
burns your fucking eyes to look at this shit.
If you keep saying it, you're not using it ironically.
Post your intermission music:
I haven't turned off the French cafe music yet
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D way too fucking french
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Sweet. Going to bookmark that shit
Got a great lineup of games today
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I stepped out for a bit, where's Diddy Kong Racing?
Next up, after they're done with yapping and setup
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This game brings back aome good memories. Zoomers if you have a chance you should really play Diddy Kong Racing.
>diddy kong racing
>all the runners have pronouns
not a coincidence I assure you
what the fuck is any/all and is this the first tranner on stream?
as expected of an any% runner
>what the fuck is any/all

It's the shut up I don't care option
Damn the way MrPonytale looks at Leah...he has the zest in him...
I remember playing Diddy Kong Racing with my friend because he had an exploit that let him beat me every time which was kicking me in the fucking arms and legs on the final lap.
What an asshole
I just realised why DKR was my favourite over Mario Kart. The powerups were so much cooler, and none of them were as dumb as blue shells
It’s a gem
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And thus the banana murder spree began
Kek. Why does he pull it out like he’s unsheathing a knife?
>placing the peels at the top of staircases
truly a menace
Did I just hear children laughing?
*unsheathes banana*
nothing potassiunnel kid
Less than 12 hours until our first trans runner! Are you hyped?
Kill me Pete
I've noticed that /v/ has an outright disdain for items in games that allow those who're way behind to catch up and it always makes me laugh. Chaos is great. Chaos makes great moments. Chaos means that even if you're better than someone at a game they have a chance to win and shatter your ego.
>not Conker
That's because /v/ is literally the dumb kid from your childhood who started crying when he didn't win.
Neat trick. Good runner
Fuck Conker, Tiptup is where it's at
I agree but only when you play with friends in person/online in a call. If you play Mario Kart online with strangers its just blood boilingly annoying. I much prefer to play the Sanic kart racer online but I agree its also lame and boring to rofl stomp your casual friends in Sanic kart.
LeahKazuno lookin' fiiiine
MrPonytale's looks confirm this, he needs the bussy.
I fucking hated the hovercraft
Run's so boring we're talking about fucking the runners huh
blue shells are dumb as hell
unavoidable (depends on the game)
you need to be 4th or worse to get it
it hurts the player on 1st so 2nd and 3rd are the players getting something out of it
so you are helping other players get ahead while it does nothing for you and 1st place can do nothing about it great game design nintendo
wait that guy on the left is meant to be a woman?
>it hurts the player on 1st so 2nd and 3rd are the players getting something out of it

I fucking love blue shells for exactly this reason. If I'm in 8th place and I pop one off I know I won't be getting anything out of it but I am in fact fucking over the person in first place and both me and the recipient know it. It's pure, crystallised spite. It's absolutely devilish.
Couch usually has to carry kart runs because watching races is boring as shit, this couch ain't it though.
If you like the blueshells you are a spiteful mutant that only wants to see your betters fail.
Is the guy on the left she/her? Is the guy in the middle a woman? And the guy on the right is whatever you want him to be? Kinky.
cant they place the name under the person? why is the runners name in the middle when its the guy on the right
If this was a troll attempt then 0/10 try harder next time. The guy on the right is a MrPonytale, the guy in the middle is LeahKazuno (low effort she/her tranny) and the guy on the left is andypanther the any%/all guy.
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You're not getting invited to the next pizza party, Kevin
there is nothing better than seeing EVERYONE fail, dr. ihatefun
>If this was a troll attempt then 0/10 try harder next time.
none of them look like women
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The names aren't in the right order, try to deduce it from the flags and accents.
Conkerchads ww@?!
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Oh I love blue shells so fucking much.
I have it on mute
The anon you replied to: I love chaos, but I like interactivity. You getting a big powerup to even the odds is chaotic and cool. Me having nothing I can do. I prefer power-ups that are about rewarding the guy behind rather than stunting the guy in the lead

That's all in singleplayer, mind. If I'm just having a partyfest with friends then IDGAF about anything except a prompt for the next laugh
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surely has nothing to do with the fact that none of them are women
This run is visually very impressive
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What's with ESA and bananas?
none of them have attempted to look like a woman
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ooh banana
Lorefags. Does this take place before or after Conkers Bad Fur Day?
Hi there.
If you look like a woman you get sexually harassed and driven out of ESA by Edenal
Before, Conker is sober in this game.
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>we got it
>stream greys out
You cannot make this up.
women don't belong at speedrun events
Does anyone else find it interesting that most pigs in video games are evil?
What's your endgame, bro
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Huge cock
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I made this for you guys.
look at them go
NONE of you are invited back to my house. I'm telling my mom not to open the door if she sees you knocking
>No Zippers

How did this get through at Nintendo.
Rate Diddy Kong Racing
Troon present, best I can do is a C
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Rated Diddy Kong Racing

fucking based, love these threads
Solid A. Hit hard tricks and had good commentary.
Didn't watch
SASRT is incredible if everyone has just the right amount of sweat, but after a certain point it gets too hard to dislodge good players from first because nothing can really stop a player who can reliably avoid the bees and RC cars.
umm lottery and gambling is not illegal in Sweden. What are they talking about?
A. great run to watch, cool tricks, decent comms
B, was better than the average runs so far but still not great.
He might also be on about SRB2K.
B for blue shell
shout out to the tech crew
I Need a 'Goosebert is talking' volume webm
woooo i love forced memes
Mercy kill the event
So, this is Swedish humor.
Is it better than German humor?
Not following very much this year, but in case it helps someone: The stream on the twitch page got stuck for me all the time, and I had to reload to fix it. Since I disabled ttvlolpro for esamarathon, this issue seems to be solved. Twitch adblock works fine though.
>stream closes at this moment
>ESA phasing in and out of reality
we should've donated more
They banned humour in Germany after Winston Churchill called Hitler a fucking joke.
CrowdStrike murdered the stream.
For a joke, they take him way too seriously.
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That's an A for me, coach
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Someone tell me when the next run is on please
Took a shit. Anythig interesting happen in the last 3 hours?
VLC bros what the FUCK just happened
Shout-outs to the tech crew!
right now
nothing noteworthy
>no couch
Kino run incoming
Run is starting

also quite the sad setup no friends and only one guy in the crowd.
>open alzheimers' vision
>all the goggles are purple
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love me some bitrate
>zoomer speedrun horror
This event has been cursed and turned into Silent Hill
Great run, wish I could see it
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>open stream
>it's all grey
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soul stream, thank you esa
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So stealthy nobody knows he's running
Thank you!
is he cheating
He seems really well spoken for being from some weird fruity flag country.
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The absolute state of ESA
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the codec loves the grayscale image
lmao, theres not gunna be another esa is there
I must've had too much to drink. Stream's all blurry
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>nobody on the venue
>streams shitting itself
amazing not gonna lie
Imagine getting to run a game at one of these events and your audience is 2 people who don't give a fuck
they seem to be paying attention
>blurry stream
>coin noises
>high pitched sounds
The simulation is cracking, shut it down
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It's lashing rain in Malmo right now. That might be adding to their internet woes, and should clear up sometime this evening. Dare I hope
It's so weird how adults still have that "better sit at the back of the class so no-one notices me" mentality
betaness doesn't go away with age
Did that body just twitch?
He used sticky cams to knock them out
I go to accounting conferences and scores of people do exactly that every time
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Top 10 scary speedrunning videos (Number 8 will shock you)
dot tv
the audience is 2200 viewers
Do you guys remember that era in 2015,16,17 where this effect was used in every music video? I member.
Analog horror is fucking everywhere now.
>Pandora Tomorrow
that takes me back. I never actually finished that game.
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For me it was the arena.
I was sitting at home watching the ESA marathon and then the runner had hyper realistic eyes and bled at me
2017 was so good.
Except when they want to play around, like that lad who just T-posed across the stage now
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>almost 2pm malmo time
>venue empty
Everyone is in the designated ___ in Plum room.
The orgy is on
Everyones in stream 3
Twitch going crazy with the Ads again.
use an adblocker
I'm feeling a bit ill so I'm resting for the day, should be back Wednesday. Plus it's stormy so anyone who's not staying in the hotel's probably watching from home
I am you dumbuss, the proxy switcher just hangs itself most of the time.
>calls others dumbass while being too dumb to properly block ads
Poetry in motion
I played Splinter Cell when I was pretty young so every time I heard "DAMMIT FISHER THE MISSION IS OVER" it reminded me of my dad and made me very upset.
Bing Bing kiddies can't appreciate Stealth kino.
why did that make you upset
Uhmm, nah.
just use brave
I imagine a grown man being angry at you for messing up is a relatable fear for small children
i like the runner
>Play stealth game
>Get the urge to take a shit

Anyone else?
>A Lithuanian with an American accent
That checks out, every nerdy or geeky person here has an American accent when speaking English, probably due to growing up with CN
lel, weird. But I could imagine me being your toilet right now. Wouldn't mind a chocolate soft ice in my mouth :-)
Same, this is an easy A so far
no couch, no audience, no problem
OH for fuck's sake I was wondering why my stream has been freezing in PIP mode until I mess with it in the original tab. It's my adblocker stopping all their ads jankily
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Well alright
I literally just took a shit, so yeah I guess
it's the constant crouching in game. It triggers your body to want to defecate
I wish they put the year the game came out. I would guess 2006 for this
That's one thing GDQ does that I appreciate
pandora tomorrow looks cool but I can't play it knowing it doesn't have an amon tobin soundtrack
WTF now I need to take a shit...what is this black magic?!
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A. First run of the event I enjoyed, even though the start was rocky.
Comfy, good game, interesting to watch, and good runner, no annoying couch, under estimate
A, great run with runner doing commentary too
A for actually good runner and commentary
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A+. Excellent work, Fisher
A - following the trend
A, really solid. Love me some splinter cell, and good commentary. Chocked a bit but managed to recover and finish underestimate
>37℃ night results in thunderstorm of the century
>solar power cells keep lights on
>during ESA

c o m f y
S-, didn't watch all of it because of the stream fucking up but I enjoyed what I saw
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Solid run into amateur hour shilling
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My update/auto update is fucked (Connection Error) and I was wondering why nobody posted anything
these people don't give a fuck about video games
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what does alzheimer fondue taste like
Did Jesper get fatter?
A, I had to take a shit so I missed the end.
>go to store to buy grapes
>they are purple
chat is this real?
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>google alzheimer symptoms
>all links are purple
That's the train of thought of a american or a 13 year old.
Posting twitch chat should have you publicly banned and called gay by a mod.
It's real. I did a burnout once and forgot 3rd grade maths.
I'm using streamlink and ad spamming is ruining the marathon. Is there no way to block it completely?
Like purple Plums
Fund fact: a certain way to prevent alzheimer is to cum in a Plum
unironically watch esamarathon2
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Hey, wait a minute..
an unforgettable experience, huh...
thanks i'll try it out
Redditors hate cars for the same reason they hate sports, cause cool guys that fucked their crush in High School were into them/
There is a link to traffic-related air pollution, so not just tires per se. There are gases, particulate matter, road dust, tire wear, vibration and noise involved in traffic-related air pollution.
How has the ESA been so far?
I think the guy on the right got alzheimers
kill me
This is biphobic
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why are they running the tranny keyboard over
>the flag in the background
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How is increasing FOV or having a ultra wide monitor cheating?
Did it transition into an AZERTY?
I'm using ttvlol with streamlink and for some reason not getting ads this event, had them on winter and last year though.
>what's taking so long?
Quote of the event.
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More tech issues than usual, some very good runs with plenty of hiccups. Overall it's average, but we'll start to feel the absence of stream 2 very soon
Where are the fumos?
this seems to work so far no ads yet fingers crossed
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spoken like a true bike cuck
I hear loose shirts are all the fashion these days. Is it to hide how poorly most men fit their own shirts?
Naro's running on Thursday morning, he'll bring them then
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It's joever, isn't it?
post the cafe music
When was the 35k peak? Covid times?
its just Joeginning
I hope you are Joeking
It's just Kamencing
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Winter 2022
how the mighty have fallen
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Shoutouts to comrade Lenin!
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>very soon
Nigga I feel the absence of stream 2 since day 1
yea winter 2022 felt like ESA would become a proper big event but they just started shitting the bed instead
It's still here >>683403885
unfortunate considering how much more enjoyable this normally is than gdq
post the webm of the russian autist being scared of touching maral in a conga line
Hey I was there that event
does this coincide with the departure of Prizemommy?
didn't see it earlier, thx
>lose staff out the arse
>don't replace them
>event becomes shit in many ways this year with new ideas that are bad and old good ideas are gone
>loses viewers out the arse as a result
Why don't they do what was working for them more than a year ago? The ideas they had back then worked. The new shit they have right now doesn't work. How hard is it to get new staff I'm sure many speedrunners would volunteer to make the event not shit again.
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okay but I cringe everytime
Just enjoy the runs man
But unironically
Leave it to /v/ to focus on everything but the videogame on the screen
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Kinda, pic related it dated although it looks like they lost viewers before prize mommy too.
The most fun I've had with ESA was like 2014-17
you can see how she notices hes not holding her back and takes his hand. thats so nice of her to save him from his self humiliation
I can't believe I almost went to Winter ESA this year when everything went to shit. I didn't get to attend any event when it was still in it's prime.
is that a custom ESA poncho? neat
I wonder what GDQ would use!
god DAYUM wouldya look at those things
Tali's sweet though, and has a nice voice
Lots of people are probably reluctant to volunteer now, because they see how many volunteers bailed and complained. Also not everyone wants to commit for multiple days I suppose.
What mighty lol
Even at their best they still had pretty small viewers for such an expensive undertaking and their best was a very small period of one event in one year.
Unironically that one chicken nugget guy was right that they ran the place like shit and that's why they died. He left early because thin skin, but he was just a sign of what was coming, with tons of staff and runners just deciding "fuck this" because of the treatment they'd get
They would probably also mod the guy's voice to be a girl's voice
After Metako helped them for years and even quit his job, move country to help out more only to leave suddenly with no reason given but something very obviously happened, I wouldn't want to volunteer at ESA.
For most people it's a social event so you're paying to go there to work your ass off and be treated like shit while trying to have a good time with your friends.
14 to 16 were pretty awkward to be honest. They had forced interviews with spaghetti dropping runners who barely spoke english and a lot of the commentary during runs was shaky at best.
I'm not going to ask again Mr Bond, where are the Fumos?
I still haven't heard what exactly it is that they're doing so wrong. Are they whipping their staff or something?
It's funny how ESA was totally right banning him, but in the aftermath he was right, too.

Don't remind me, love this guy and miss him. Anyone knows where he will be running in the future?
I think he'll be at BSG or UKSG (or both?), can't remember which.
>Anyone knows where he will be running in the future?
He's gonna be at the next BSG.
Not sure. Naro has a run scheduled later this week. Maybe he didn't want to bring any?
in a nutshell
people do complain
management do nothing
people keep complaining
people get tired and leaves
management bans and removes complainers
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>huge sections with only a couple enemies

Seems like an exciting game.
The game is actually good, despite the annoying UE invisible loading zone stutter.
page 9...
im baking
i cant believe theres anyone left that cares about this
Mostly just being negligent about complaints made to them, in ways that undermined faith.
You're only hearing this from a /v/irgin who heard it from someone else, but apparently someone was caught on video stealing someone else's bag one year and management did nothing.
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They're busy ;)
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This is how they were doing in the past Summer ESA at the same time.
Thanks lads. Also: is UKSG the Skenmy / Huds event? Because when it is, I'd expect it to be somewhat streamlined.
Make a new thread
you cant believe how much i miss the coming up games on stream
this game looks mid
The technology just isn't there yet for the newbies
Just figured out why I am perma banned on stream 1 and 2, I did chicken nugget donations (like 3 or 4 of them) with my Paypal and they used that email to ban every twitch account linked to it.
I don't think anon is baking...
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Just made a new thread ;)
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>not linking

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