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Is now a good time to buy a gaming PC? Or should I wait for the RTX 5000 series in December?
Also, is this PC good enough for 1440p gaming for the next couple years?
Wait til the next gen of GPUs if you don't wanna upgrade again sooner, or if you want prices of old gen to come down.
That setup is fine for 1440p.
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>Or should I wait for the RTX 5000 series in December?
you might be alright getting something now...
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>34 tusen
Nej din dumma fan, köp inte en fucking prebuilt
Köp enstaka delar och bygg datorn själv, du kommer att spara enormt mycket pengar

>Or should I wait for the RTX 5000 series in December?
Buy a useful card like a 3060 for 100 bucks and use it until the 50xx comes put
And then either get a 50xx card or get a used 4080/4090 for half the price
>Shitdows 11
>a 3060 for 100 bucks
>Is now a good time to buy a gaming PC?
Better than back in the pandemic times, still not as good as before crypto. If you want to get into it, go for it, it's alright now, but still not as cheap as years ago.
>Or should I wait for the RTX 5000 series in December?
Don't. Buy a card that you're happy with and upgrade when needed.
>Also, is this PC good enough for 1440p gaming...
It's a pretty beefy PC, should be more than enough for good non RT gameplay.
>for the next couple years?
No one can say how well will computer parts fare in the long run, don't buy a computer now and expect it to be top of the line years later. But that config should be more than enough for the foorseable future, and if needed, you can always change the GPU.

Also, check if building a PC yourself would be cheaper, in most cases it is.
Fuck no
just buy a geforce now sub
I bought a new 3060 for 100 bucks on Amazon yesterday
Sure you did.
>new 30 series

Lol no they were all used in mining before being released which is why they're all dirt cheap
That anon is BSing mining cards don't go significantly cheaper than second hand average but mining cards aren't bad if they are taken care of (cleaned and repasted at appropriate interval).
It's fine to buy a second hand mined card after testing, if it can hit expected clocks stable, it won't suddenly manifest any problems before the end of expected lifespan.
no it isn't no you shouldn't no it isn't
no it isn't
no he won't
nej det kommer han inte
no it isn't yes it is no it isn't yes it is no it isn't no it isn't yes they can no it shouldn't no you can't no it isn't
no you didn't
no they weren't no it isn't
Only poojeets and dumb mulattos like yourself buy used goods
It's a new one they had some kind of sale for pc parts yesterday
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All the used cards get shipped to shithole countries where low IQ idiots buy them after they were used in mining

Now you know where your place is in the chain
Yes buy the one with the most RGB
Yes, but just to play last gen games at 4k 420 FPS, emulate Switch/PS3 games, and VR games.
All the latest slops are garbage.
t. Ryzen 5 7600/7800XT owner.
It's never good time. If you pick up specs, at least one person will point out that new series is "almost released" and if you wait just a bit, you will get better stuff for same price. Happens everytime. Just buy whatever is "high mid" at the moment and you won't overpay. Chances are it will serve you well for few years before needing upgrade.

I was using i7-6700k with RX480 for 8 years, now have i7-13700 with RX6700XT and intend to use it for another 6-7 years. Fuck "high end" top meme cards costing more than entire PC alone. Inb4 "you got meme CPU" - I need strong CPU for stuff other than games.
i'm not a norcuck but i did my own build with gpu and cpu but with way better versions of every other component and a 165 hz 1440p panel that is very nice for less money. mileage may very since you're in some retarded meme country though.
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>35 laxar
kommer med en 32gb ddr5, 4080 super och 7800x3d iofs men jag skulle aldrig spendera så mycket pengar på en dator, vad behöver du egentligen spela som kräver en sån?
if you are going to spend that much money you might as well wait for the 5000 series, as you said it comes in 5months..

Unless you really need a pc now
It warms to see a video of one man like playfull throwing one ball against one woman!
Scam probably then.
Test performance maybe it's some old card rebranded.
>my low mid range build is actually high end because i have thoroughly gaslighted myself
literally no one cares what kind of pc you have dipshit, except you
there's a generational gap between that card and the 4080 homie
>13th gen
>6-7 years

Lol cucked
>Scam probably then.
>Test performance maybe it's some old card rebranded.
Yeah gonna do that and if it's a scam I just refund it
>500 dollars GPU vs 1000 dollars GPU with a pushup bra
>No killer app like Crysis 1 that justifies 8800 GTX back then
I could simply wait 10 years for another 500 dollars GPU that BTFO 4080 instead.
>Wait for more expensive card to come out...
Why are tech illiterate console slaves like this? There are new cards coming out nigh non stop. Quit treating PC gaming like your fucking console generations.
>the thing that is way better costs more money
yeah that's how this crazy world works. you can cope about it in the comment section below dipshit
He is pointing out that the improvement in the more expensive card is fake and superficial, like a pushup bra. You are just gullible cattle, go buy more NFTs too while you're at it, cuck.
>way better
I wish...
All those pricey 8800 are sitting in landfills now, what an investment
had my 4080 super since lost and no melties!
weird samefag but ok. if you think the difference between a 7800xt and 4080 is superficial then you are simply retarded. there's like a 60% uplift in performance alone before we factor in rt and dlss. also it's quieter and cooler if that matters. for me it doesn't because i live in a first world country where energy is cheap but for you it might be a big deal.
>if I have to pay more, it means it's significantly better, it doesn't mean that I'm a sucker.
This retard thinks we have meritocracy pricing. This is why prices keep increasing and rarely go down, thanks retard.
is there anything you want to play that needs a 4080 or higher?
we also have benchmarks dumb ass.
you will literally double and almost triple your framerates with a 4080 vs 7600xt. you're comparing a low mid card to a high end card.
Poojeet astroturfing from its pooslum lmao
you having a stroke?
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if you have a worse computer than me you aren't allowed to give advice.
why not?
Everybody is waiting for the next gen GPUs with the assumption they will be able to get a better value.
I have the same build in your pic minus the Win11 and RTX 4080. I've been waiting for like 6 months already to get a GPU.
I half expect prices to spike immediately when they hit the shelves since everyone will be rushing to buy so realistically I will probably have to wait for them to release, then wait however long it takes for things to settle after.

Only reason I care at all is because I do AI, otherwise i'd just get a RX 7900 XTX (still may if I lose patience before then)
So bottom line is it's like stocks and nobody actually know when the "best time" to buy is. They just either speculate or shill then say if it was good or bad in hindsight and make long winded excuses of how it was obvious.
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My GTX 1060 plays all the games.
>why not?
Because he didn't spend all that money to not have social clout.
if your framerates are in the double digits you didn't beat the game
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good goy
Lol poor ghetto mulatto cope
Go for 4070 Super or TI instead and consider if you actually need that CPU if all you will do is game in 1440p. Komplett has sales on the Komplett-PCs all the time, so don't rush for a 34k pc. Do you have a monitor and other stuff?

OP er norsk

Dont respond to retarded bait
>look at muh $2000 rims i'm rich!
nigger logic
>Elden Ring caps at 60 FPS
Oh no...
there's are mods to unlock the framerate but yeah wtf fromsoft like damn man
I don't trust you
>i-it willbreak any day now because that guy at YT said so!
>i buy shittier products from israel because i just love jews so much
you sure pwnd everyone in this thread. we kneel
Only niggers buy used, malding ghetto mulatto lmao
>inteljeet damage control
Let me guess, you think that everyone should get AyyMD instead?
Actual, unironic, Indian logic
Malding cheapskate poojeet shits in his slum while using second hand toilet paper
>you think people should get the higher quality, less jewish product instead goym?
yes retard. 7800x3d > your cpu
How much did the overpriced gold chain cost middle easterner? Did the dopamine release hit hard as your bank account halved so you can impress no one?
I upgraded my pc to these specs a few months ago and I'm so happy I did it. Buy it op. Not sure on that price but 7800x3d is gonna be the cpu to buy for a while, and 4080S price will not drop much when 5000 series comes out, better to just get it now
>not fine for 1440p
What kind of strange cope is this?
Also cost more and require more expensive mobo. I picked cheaper option.
At the moment, 4080 super seems overkill for 1440p but if you're okay with spending few hundred extra on a GPU, go for it. It will certainly last you for years (if your goal is to hit 60 fps).
Waiting for next series is a meme as you can always upgrade your GPU, and you won't lose out on that much if you decide to sell your GPU year later. Some retailers might even accept trade-ins.
>toilet paper
i don't even need to look it up to know amd beats your poojeat cpu and motherboard at whatever price point. holy shit you intel shills are unreal
they're just dumb
You buy a GPU used because ebay and Amazon return policies favor you every time. Buying new is for the poor who want to larp as rich. Don't be a retard with your money.
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There is no longer any reason to buy cutting edge PCs. Developers are preying on your consumer mindset by becoming increasingly sloppy, making games that run worse despite looking the same if not worse than past games while smugly telling you to keep upgrading.
Retard. 7800X3D not only MOGS your shit, it will mog Intel next generation too. Go away, pajeet. humans are talking.
Im not resorting to namecalling so I guess its not me who literally shits their pants right now.
>he didn't respond to this
I must have hit a nerve :')
you know this is just a shit posting/poor person cope talking point, right?
Totally not sponsored post.
Why would actual good products need to pay shills? If anything Intel pays people to do damage control, kek.
AMD cpu and Nvidia gpu is the white man's way.
i accept your concession you rectal eating punjab retard.
lol I bought an RTX 3070 for €260 and it was from a mining rig (although it was only a few months old since the purchase invoice was a few months away from being unprofitable) I have had it for 6 months now
Yes I know you're a shill.
Poojeet markets the stock for a handful of nuts
>It will certainly last you for years
What's stopping me from just buying another GPU?
I'm not saying to truck along with a 1060 until our sun burns out but "waiting for a 50 series" is pure consooooomer retardation. Stop letting the industry fuck you, make them give you something worth buying, namely games that look and run appreciably better than shit released a decade ago.
I'm so fucking sick of this shit by jap devs. I unlock framerate with mods for elden ring and sekiro, but ds3 breaks sprint if you have the framerate unlocked, and ds1 remastered there is not even a mod
Shit is fucking cringeworthy. I wanted to play the ds games but after playing sekiro at 240fps, 60 felt fucking God awful
60 is NOT an acceptable framerate anymore, these dipshit nips need to get their shit together
>jap devs
Poojeet ring was 90% outsourced to pooland retard
ds1 remastered has framerate settings in the options. i just played through it at 144hz last week.
cybpoopunk at 120 fps with rt maxxed out looks insane man, inb4 that doesn't count.
Poorfag posting is based though.
GPU is a deprecating asset.
>"waiting for a 50 series" is pure consooooomer retardation
I'm waiting for the 50 series so the prices on the 40 series finally drop
Bear in mind whatever you buy you likely won't be able to upgrade after "they" pull the hyper inflation card again within a few months after the election.
>Nobody buys it
Ez pz lemon squeezy
So many retards posting here. Go to /pcbg/ on /g/ if you want actual advice. Just a quick rundown:
7800X3D + 4080S + 32GB RAM will run almost any current game at 140+ FPS at 1440p, with RT and PT on. There are exceptions, but there aren't many. That PC can even run 4K at 60 FPS in most games at highest settings.

>50 series
Eh, it seems that it won't be much better than current gen and you'll have to wait until Q1 2025 for something like the 5080. 5090 may come earlier, or it may all be delayed another 2-3 months. The more important question, IMO, is do you wanna wait for the 9800X3D. That should release sooner. In any case, you can buy now and then sell GPU + CPU in like a year if the new stuff is that good. Won't even need a new mainboard for the CPU.

A PC like in your pic should last you at least 3 years on almost highest settings, probably something like 5 on high settings and another 2-3 on medium settings. You can expect your build to start to be outpaced once the new console gen releases.

Also, prebuilts are for fags.
>Check the prices for new 3060's
Why would you lie on the internet?
i just build a pc with a 7800X3D, 4080 Super and 64GB of RAM for half the price myself, buying prebuilds is retarded, if you know how to build lego you can build a PC
I didn't lie sometimes luck favors you.
The 4080 Super is overkill for 1440p, so yeah it'll probably last for awhile
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prebuilts are barely more expensive than self built now. you save maybe 100€ tops.
you can save several hundreds or even close to a thousand depending on what you're buying.
not here in sweden, i've checked. the difference is minimal. gpu's still account for a large part of the pc
I'll give you cyberpunk but it's honestly a rare exception. Most modern games require higher specs just on "high" settings that look scarcely better, if at all, compared to a decade ago. Part of it is diminishing returns, but there's no denying a competency crisis in game development and it's clear to me that blindly hopping on consumer culture to accommodate weaker devs is dumb.
That's fair.
Every From game does it you braindead tranny. I still love their games because I'm not a filtered troon shitter.
There's a setting for it but the game doesn't go above 60fps
>The 4080 Super is overkill for 1440p
It's really not
Plus if you have any extra gpu overhead, you have the option to use DLDSR, which renders your screen at 4k and AI downscales back to 1440p. It actually makes a good difference and gives you the option to play at 1440p if you need frames or DLDSR if you can afford to run at 4k
the problem with prebuilts is that to save that measly $100, they cut every corner possible.
I checked last week. obviously the most expensive part is the one that costs the most doesn't stop prebuilts from being shit. you can get better parts either for the same price or cheaper by buying from different stores.
Prebuilt always breaks by cheaping out certain components like the case or the PSU.
depends on where you buy it from. if you go to a retail store then yeah sure

not for a lot less
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I'm pretty sure that the Skytech sells the objectively best pre-built gaming PCs because they each have an objectively great price/performance ratio and they don't cut corners.

The best middle ground is to pick all your components and pay someone to install it.
Just wait for the 50 series at this point.
Lol homo poojeet shits while marketing poojeet ring
sure, but that's gonna be more expensive
It's still better to choose everything yourself and if you really want the store to build everything there's plenty of stores that does that for cheap.
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>Buying a new PC in 2024
Why? Just buy more FPS instead
it's either:
buy prebuilt for 1000€
pick parts for 950€ and pay store 100€ to build it for you
pick parts for 950€ and build it yourself
It's as easy as playing lego blocks building a pc
Poojeet prebuilt seller markets his cheap psus
Kys buckbroken anti-from tranny. Which boss/game filtered you, faggot?
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this prebuilt is 800€, i had a hard time picking parts myself that turned out cheaper
I built my current PC about two months ago, upgraded to a 4070 Super from a 1050 Ti after using it for years. I also wondered if it was a good time to upgrade or if I should wait, but after building it, I'm happy with it and don't think I'll need to upgrade for years.
Homo poojeet malding from the designated shit spot
>Ryzen 5 5500
it's a bad time but it will stay bad for long
>Or should I wait for the RTX 5000 series in December?
If you don't need a new PC immediately, then yes it's smarter to wait to see what the new hardware can do. AMD is releasing new CPUs too and after a while they should release new X3D variants too.
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>pick parts for 950€ and pay store 100€ to build it for you
This is the best option if you got money, especially if they install everything for you so you don't waste any time. You gotta at least choose your own parts so you get good/great stuff and it's for whatever vidya/work you want to do.
Intel will be releasing a new line of tsmc produced cpus this year
not a big deal
Building it yourself is the fun part

You have to be low IQ to fail at that
I ain't got time
I probably wouldn't get a dead platform. If you ever upgrade, you need a new mainboard, cpu and ram.
that's fair. new platform is really expensive though
Lol low IQ
Still cheaper to build it yourself. You could even throw in Ryzen 5 5600 so your GPU wouldn't get bottlenecked by PCIE 3.0 speed.
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i live in the eu, i picked this which is slightly better but not by much. 50€ more.
>GPU wouldn't get bottlenecked by PCIE 3.0 speed.
not a thing, they don't hit that limit
Shit card

The rest is outdated, just wait until autumn this year
it is a shit card but so are all the cards out right now compared to their price.
i got a used 3060 earlier this year to replace my 1070 and i barely notice any difference
Don't spend 34k Koronas or whatever your shitty currency is on a PC that strong
AAA gaming is trash, you never need more than a mid-tier PC to play the best games
>AAA gaming is trash
Running last gen games at 4K 360 fps is a very solid reason to upgrade.
paying at least 3 times more for a top of the line pc than it was a few years ago should not be accepted by society
Last gen AAA games were also trash
You need to go 2 gens back to find anything worth playing
Yeah nvidslop is a scam that reached success through the money printing jews
A top-of-the-line PC runs you around 2000 $ now. You couldn't build a high-end PC for 700 $ a couple of years ago. The truth is that building an entire PC isn't that much more expensive than a couple of years ago. It's that graphics cards have significantly increased in price, so they take up more of the budget. And if you're only upgrading the gfx card, yeah, that's gonna eat a lot of money, comparatively.

Regardless, spending 2k every 5 years on your hobby is literally nothing unless you're poor. There are so many hobbies out there that are vastly more expensive. PC gaming is still comparatively cheap.
should I retire my 1080ti yet desu?
it can handle 1440p 60fps still, unless it is poorly optimized UE5 shit
yes the gpu is the problem here. what i'm saying is a top of the line gpu was at most like 800€ and now they're up to 2500€.
2k every 5 years sounds insane to me, i've spent at most like 900€ on a completely new pc and i never buy the latest stuff anymore
Always wait for the next generation of hardware. Never buy.
The PC before my current one I built in early 2017. It was a 5820k, 1070, 16 GB RAM, 250 GB SSD. I paid around 1700 € for that. Mind you, prices in EU are usually higher for PC components. Still, that's a worse PC (relatively speaking) than what I got recently, a 7800X3D + 4080 Super + 2 TB NVME SSD, and that cost me 2100 €. And that's not even taking inflation into account for the 2017 PC.

Even with the price difference between US/EU 7 years ago, I doubt you could get a high-end PC for just 1k. Either you're leaving out components or you were moving in a different tier. Why does 2k every 5 years sound insane to you? Are you unemployed or don't make much? Not even meant as a slight, I just really don't see how that sort of expense should be an issue if you have a solid job.
i don't have a super high end job, like 1700€ after taxes right now but i'm about to change jobs, salary was fine 10 years ago.
my previous pc i built was in 2011 which i probably paid close to a thousand on and various upgrades after that, and my current pc is from 2020 with a ryzen 3600 and now a 3060.
i don't see the point in spending that much money on a pc, it works fine even without paying multiple months of savings.
Okay, so you're in a different tier indeed, more in mid-range. That's fine and yeah, at 1.7k € I would not be spending the money I spend on PCs either. You could still do 2k every 5 years with that, but I'd prioritize almost anything else and go for a cheaper PC. So in that sense, yeah, sensible spending on your part. In the end, it's a combination of what you can reasonably afford and what you want. I really, really enjoy the performance my current PC gives me and I can afford it comfortably, so it's just not a big deal to me. Ideally, I hope to get more than 5 years out of it, but I'd also be okay with upgrading or buying new around that time.
Wait for October/black friday.
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for me it's also quite overkill. other than game/webdev work and web browsing i play just a few games a year which usually aren't even that demanding. it was only this year that i felt like my 1070 wasn't enough anymore as i could barely get to 60 fps in 720p.
computers are by far my #1 hobby but i still can't justify spending thousands on it. the most expensive gpu i've ever bought was back in like 2010 - a gtx 480 for 600€
Fair enough, you don't really have the use case for a high-end gaming computer. It'd be a waste to get one. I'm just saying that if you have the use case and the money, it's a) cheap compared to a lot (perhaps most) other hobbies and b) not much more expensive than ~10 years ago - unless you're only upgrading your gfx card.

And of course you can have computers as your hobby without spending money on top-tier gaming hardware. Computers are more than gaming. Hope you find a new job soon Anon, as a dev you should definitely be earning more. Good luck.
>a) cheap compared to a lot (perhaps most) other hobbies
that's true, i also do photography and i only get used gear. shit's expensive

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