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Thoughts on Nobodies
they're the physical manifestation of Nomura's obsession with zippers
They're literally me
Can you sex them?
Wish I got to control them as Roxas.
They are sentient and can talk unlike Heartless but that never came up again.
Why didn’t kh3 have a unique enemy faction?
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Genuinely some of the coolest enemy design in history. Simple, recognizable iconography, striking color scheme that stands out everywhere, movements that are intentionally alien and unnerving to keep you on your toes. And best of all, the majority subconsciously train you how to fight against the boss they represent.
A fucking masterclass in enemy design, I don't know how Nomura managed it.
Unironically, this is the power of auteur-directed, character-driven design philosophy. You just can't get this with committee designs. Not saying this is always perfectly executed, but it was done I would say exceptionally well in KH2.
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i like how twitchy they are
I wish we got to see the ones Lexaeus, Zexiin, and Vexen command. They finally showed the ones that Marluxia and Larxene command in KH3.
they're alright even if I don't like them as much as the heartless. much better than the unversed or dream eaters.
It came up in precisely one scene in KH3. It was a missed opportunity that the Samurai nobodies at least didn't defect to the good guys.
>The samurai nobodies teach you how to fight a boss that wasn't even in the base game.
I swear the combat designers were on some drugs for KH2
Heartless are obvious but what are nobodies, people who forget themselves?
Nobodies are the bodies without souls
bodies without hearts
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dancers were extremely sexy. That's all I think
bodies without hearts. as far as I remember only strong willed people even leave a nobody after their demise into a heartless. Or whatever dumb reason Nomura pulled out of his ass. And the extremely strong willed remain conscious, like Org 13 members. In time, they form a new heart as far as I remember. Xemnas lied to them I think that they have no emotions.
Never noticed they have belts on their hands
Very true on both parts. I find them way more sexy and fun to fight than pretty much all heartless.
Kickass battle music
>genuinely difficult to find art of the Nobodies because of the organization members being in the same tag
It's not like they have a lot to begin with, being buried under all the Larxene art just makes it worse.
You'd think with the release of KH on steam there would be a new wave of art for all the other humanoid creatures but no it's just the key blade wielders and organization members.
>all the Larxene art
there should be more
Patience brother. In time the xenos will do their part.
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>heartless are hearts without bodies
>nobodies are bodies without hearts
I thought twilight thorn was pretty cool, who tf is he though? Some guy strong willed enough to make a big boy body but too weak willed to make a human looking body
they made it even more confusing because emblem heartless are what you described but purebloods aren't
Heartless are just shadows
Nobodies are husks
Unversed was a mistake.
Emotion based enemies are a great concept wasted.
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The first Nobody
They have souls, the body needs a soul to animate. If they didn't have souls they would just be dead.
Just make that a motif or theme for a type of Heartless or Nobody. I think many people would settle on the Heartless being the default and Nobody's being the Koopa Troopa to the Heartless's Goomba.
Not everything entry needs to reinvent the lore, just make use of all the shit that was already questioned in the first place (this applies to a lot of things but also with enemies).
>movements that are intentionally alien
I've always fucking loved the way the Nobodies moved and always really wanted to see it more. Their movements are so fucking bizarre, it's like their bodies are being pulled around by their attacks. Like they're mindless little marionettes. Which is actually brilliant design given the lore.

The only time I've ever seen anyone else utilize the "move like a marionette" animation style to that kind of effect is Sekiro:
Where Headless Ape moves like it's being suspended and pulled around by a malevolent force inside its sword. This boss feels like a "nobody" to me. Never seen it anywhere else
Easily some of the best enemy designs in video games, on part with the kh1 heartless.
Heartless are a force that are evil because of malice, greed, hate, or other negative emotions. They are evil because they are EVIL; they do harm because of a desire to do harm.

Nobodies area force that are evil because of ambivalence. They are purely rational and logical, incapable of empathy. They are evil because it happens to be the most practical, rational way of achieving the goal they have rationally set out to achieve; they do harm because it doesn't bother them to do harm

Unversed are a force that are evil because of ignorance. They are like wild animals, governed by instinct and impulse. They are evil because they utterly lack a conception of what evil is; they do harm for the same reason a tornado or earthquake does harm, which is no reason at all.

I frankly thought it was an interesting "trilogy of motives" and it bothers me most of all that the Unversed concept was never really revisited or tied more deeply to the underlying concept of heartlessness and the nobodies.
I do wish sometimes the Org wasn't entirely original characters and we got stuff like Nobody Gaston or Scar
I would blame that on how they're handled in BBS, they're literally just handled as a stand-in for Heartless. Down to reusing models and just adding purple, and while you do have original/unique Unversed designs, the execution and the fact the were tied to an Osaka game probably had a part of that, another is the plausibility of it being a thing only used at that time until Heartless were utilized. Or it's something only Vanitas had any real control over, I THINK he mentions bringing back Unversed in 3, but he gets chucked by Sully before he could really do anything.

Honestly, all the Data replicant shit could've been removed, and they could have combined all three enemy types to 'resurrect' a dark version of someone. That way the explanation as to why no villain truly dies and giving some importance to the concept of KH as a whole would benefit the story. But then it went Sci-fi, had time travel and has 2 and a half McGuffins (ignoring Kingdom Hearts itself) that are lapped on top of the stuff from KH1 (the princess, how Keyblades work and choose people, and KH being light).
Kh is wasted as a whole on the Disney front
Yeah what exactly was the conditions for a Nobody being created even supposed to be? They say it happens when a "strong-willed" person becomes a heartless but then we see tons of strong-willed people become heartless and none of them leave behind nobodies except Sora, Kairi, and Ansehanorterramnas.
>but then we see tons of strong-willed people become heartless and none of them leave behind nobodies
Wait, who?
>Wait, who?
Isn't that the arc of half the goddamn disney villains in the game? They become tempted by the darkness and give over and become heartless?

Scar becomes a heartless, Clayton is implied to have become heartless (Tarzan grunt gurgles "heartless" and "not clayton" just before the boss fight), Prince Hans from Frozen, Gothel from Tangled...
Yeah I never understood the Heartless. What exactly are their personalities and how do they act? They always seem to be descibed as being like feral beasts, but at the same time their animations ans the way they move seem to be like that of a goofy, barely competent side goon like that from a goofy Saturday morning cartoon.
No, they're weak willed and just produce strong heartless IIRC. Like Shan Yu for example, isn't a Nobody, he's just an Asshole. I always interpreted Clayton was just puppeteered by the Chameleon. The others are weak willed and even in their movies motivated by greed, meaning they most likely wouldn't leave behind a Nobody the same way someone like Lea would. Lea was a normal person and apparently decent fighter, but after the events of RG he became a Nobody.

Game reasons, Clayton can't just shoot at Sora that'd be boring and a bit morbid, Disney villains with no actual magic or fighting prowess going for them, would need a heartless form. Scar is a good exception, but even then he too was a villain motivated on greed taking over pride rock so that fits.

Self-aware take; Turning enemies into Heartless was just something that made the game worked initially, and they couldn't really rewrite it to make sense after the introduction of Nobodys.
It will probably be retconned into being worthy of a keyblade = nobody. And all the other nobodies we kill were also dead children.
Please post more if you got any
methadosart/methadosa, for those who want sauce
Looks like a boring existence
I came into this tread ready to call nobodies a shameless rehash of heartless, but now I want to fuck them. Certified /v/ moment
Great designs and awesome animations. Most fun basic enemies to fight for me. Lore is the beginning of the end for the story though.
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dragoons are cool
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As a kid they made me seethe endlessly but now they're some of my favorite enemies in vidya.
>get bodied by dancers back in the day
>go back after years of fighting games
>realize they're just doing a grab
>you can jump their grab
>you can jump the hammer boss's grab too
From how Sora behaves while in Human Heartless form, they are basically feral with only just enough of a drop of sentience sometimes to mimic human stuff. They're literally made out of the suppressed inhibitions in the heart that makes up it's darkness, cruelty, rage, greed, darker animal instincts, and these things are natural in every heart, when balanced, but when isolated become the Heartless. I'm guessing the 'magic' around worlds and the Ocean Between affects them cosmetically and some of the personalities of the people whose hearts they're eating rubs off on them which is why they mimic characters.
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Cheapened by how apparently every human-like nobody just grows a new heart by default instead of it being a special phenomenon from one forming close bonds with other people.
Xemnas of all nobodies getting a new heart is beyond retarded.
That's really good squash and stretch, really sucks SteamBoat world was a one-off thing because that style on modern hardware would be nice.
dragoons are my favorite nobody. honestly just the concept of lizard/dragon dragoons is top tier on its own but their funky movements make them really fun.
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yeah i'm not the original dude who posted these in older kh threads, i just think the dragoons specifically are cool
and i want to FUCK THEM
i think it would've been neat if there had been examples of the non human shaped nobodies growing hearts
excellent, excellent designs, fun to fight, dumb fucking lore
Give me a named, hearted samurai or dragoon Nomura... or dancer but lol with modern SE never ever
The YKK zipper is a Japanese product.
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>snipers walk along an invisible cylinder around Sora
>the sniper shot has so much recoil it yanks the sniper 180 degrees as they struggle to control it
>the snipers recover from hitstun by shooting a little hip grappling hook to steady themselves
maximum soul
Favorite enemy type in KH.

I always kinda questioned the giving Dusks a boner though.
I love that they move like sperm cells.
they got the jizz rizz for sure
>the majority subconsciously train you how to fight against the boss they represent.
is there a list somewhere of all the lesser nobodies and the organisation member they represent?
off the top of my head
sorcerers > xemans
samurais > roxas
dragoons > xaldin
snipers > xigbar
berserker > saix
assassin > axel
dancers > larxene
gamblerr > luxord
no clue about dusks/creepres
dancers are actually demyxs nobodies, larxene presides over the ninjas seen in 3
ooooooooooh right my bad, i went autopilot on the girl mob>girl boss
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what the other guy said, but there's also two extra types that i don't know the names of that were added in 3 that are for marluxia and larxene
ninja and reaper
sad we never get to see the nobodies for zexion and vexen
also all of them are named after final fantasy jobs
i think my favorite little tidbit about nobodies is the weird shit they turn into when you parry them.
>assassins turn into discs and roll around
>dancers turn into cubes
>snipers turn into shurikens
>dragoons turn into scales
>berserkers don't actually turn into anything, but they start floating in the air and moving like a clock hand
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>not that scary if you leave them alone
>counters magnet
>immune to ranged spells
>always threatening as they require a unique approach to beat
>still manages to be fair
Sorcerers are peak enemy design.
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considering japan's shit taste when it comes to inhuman things, i'd be willing to bet even if they DID show a generic nobody getting a heart it would probably just turn into a regular human rather than staying as a nobody.
Like (looks cool)
Like (want to fuck)
elemental hero neos is a nobody?
makes sense honestly
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>tfw no qt nobody gf to wash your face every day
Even better when she thinks Xemnas was the one doing it.
>org members chilling and drinking coffee
I NEED more scenes of them in the break room
>That webm
Holy shit that's rad.
Dusks are Roxas' guys.
I never read them myself but based on screencaps I've seen posted on /v/ before there's a few scenes in the KH mangas with Org members just fucking around. IIRC there was one where the members were lined up while Xemnas was giving a speech, and they were doing shit like dozing off or reading a magazine instead of paying attention.
demix is dancers
I thought Dusks were Xemnas because they are the most common Nobody types that are used to represent the whole type. That, and you use Reversal against Xemnas during his fight.
You use reversal on the thorn too.
They call him their boss.
Anyone notice some unusual similarities to Bleach's setting and Kingdom Hearts? Heartless and Nobodies are kind of like Arrancar and Hollows.
every org member is their boss
I have sat in a room with both a Bleach poster and KH poster for over a decade. Never noticed that.
Who's grunt is thorn? Why was there only one?
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could organisation 13 take them on?
Only the Dusk ever said it.
the dusks are the only ones who can speak
Something like you heart is consumed by darkness and leaps out as a heartless. Your body can't exist without a heart, so it's sent to another dimension, until the events of KH2 where they can escape it.
Why is KH2 so fucking good? It's combat still mogs games being made today.
>team of about a dozen dudes
>uniform of long black coats
>started out with good intentions but quickly became malicious
>commands an army of white bodied humanoids
>most members have their own agenda
>People whose hearts/souls are consumed by negative emotions and turn into instinct-driven monsters that attack uncorrupted people. Later on new enemies related to them appear who look human but are still spiritually incomplete and often physically warped, presenting a greater threat due to retaining human intelligence and being organized.
Yeah I think most who know both have compared the two at some point or another.
Arrancar also require a bit of reality breaking to "exist" in the same way nobodies needed a special way out of their realm.
they have a genuinely good theme
you mean their music or their aesthetic?
you're right in both cases
Their battle theme is a fucking banger
dun dun dun dun dun dun
Holy shit did that shit get me so hype when I played kh2
Really cool way to have sequel enemies that are kicked up a notch. Even tho the story starts becoming a cluster fuck.
>Even tho the story starts becoming a cluster fuck.
that started in chain of memories, and was amped up in DDD
kh2 is relatively tame in it's plot
You can say the same about 3 since it wraps up the bullshit.
original CoM isn't so bad because they don't even mention nobodies as far as I can remember. it's Re:CoM that adds that shit.
No because 3 has that stupid split timeline shit that the game acts like it didn’t happen while also setting up too many mystery boxes
3s plot is really easy to understand, it's also really fucking plain and boring
All they say is "we nobodies can never hope to he somebodies" which I think was in GBA COM too.
For me 3 is about Sora, Donald, and Goofy mostly. And in the end it's about Sora's naivety getting him basically killed. Something like that basically.
3 was way more simple than others yeah.
>it's also really fucking plain and boring

all KH stories are "plain and boring"
the reason why there's so much retarded twist and asspull is ebcause that's the fastest and easiest way to grab the attention of retards and fake narrative "depth" when there's none
Soap operas do the same shit and it's literal garbage for illiterate housewives.
KH3 just broke the illusion.
>black zetsu is the strongest in the image
yeah that was stupid
Sure the overall plot is simple but the smaller details like Xions return, who time travelled and who didn’t, how the split timeline worked (do they retain their memories or not?) really ruined it to the point remind was just a take 2
Tbh the nerd shit means nothing to me at this point. I think it is kinda fun simply because that is what the imaginary stories we would make up as kids were like. Especially when you played with other kids. Just complete nonsense and people reviving because you said so type shit lmao.
What 3 seemed like it wanted to be was a "Oh hey look, here's a major concept from a past game represented by a world." i.e. DDD with Toy Story, Coded with Fransokyo, BBS with Monstropolis, but they didn't actually commit. It's like those teams were all on the same page (notice how two of them are Pixar worlds) but everywhere else kinda freewheeled it. People still argue about what the fuck was going on with Riku in Fransokyo and whether he was meant to be the one from Coded corrupted (only time he wore the coat sans blindfold) or just Ansem-Riku with a coat on but either way he just fucking disappears because Repliku is who's at Keyblade Graveyard. It's shit like that that really needed to be settled more concisely in the world itself and let you fucking fight Org or even Quasi Org Members throughout SOME of the worlds. Even if it was just the ones I listed. The nebulous Riku could be killed and nothing would change, Vanitas could just reform anyway, Young Nort could fuck off with any degree of time fuckery. The game just feels cheap because they never commit to the plots that they seem to want to.
They're cool.
I wish there were more of them and you could fight them more often.
This was the most annoying part of KH lore for me. All the characters keep SAYING heartless=no body and nobody=no heart, but everything I see happening in the games shows the opposite, that heartless are bodies whose hearts have been "pushed out" by darkness, and nobodies are the hearts that have "lost" their bodies and thus their memory.
>3 has that stupid split timeline shit
no it doesn't, the timeline was rewritten
>setting up too many mystery boxes
it sets up one game (kh4) compared to 1 setting up CoM and 2 and 2 setting up BBS, days and re:coded/DDD
Come on, that xion shit was just bad, none of this stuff would matter if they didn’t sit the player down to explain the concepts of why Xion is gone or why time travel is retarded
That's the exact kind of twist nomura would pull that they lied the whole time. So hey who knows.
You will hate me but in this case "it's supposed to be bad" kinda does apply. Feels like the point was to be like the childhood fantasy of KH3 in our heads but like literally... as if a kid wrote it. I do have some faith in KH4 going in a unique direction. Like I mean it when I say it was supposed to be silly not in a "it's ironically good" way.
That's what I thought when I first noticed this
"Oh, Xemnas is just gaslighting Org XIII. At no point does anyone act emotionless, he must be lying."
But other characters who wouldn't be motivated to make this up say the same thing, like DiZ, I think?
And yet Nobodies remember what it was like having a Heart so they can simulate having one to the point where it's indistinguishable from them just having a heart, while Heartless can manifest a body of darkness.
Kh1/2 were still cringe but had entertaining stories. I’m not asking for much here, I just don’t like rushed shitty paced games
Wait, there was enemy design?
Diz has every reason to want Total Nobody Death
it's funny how he's just racist toward them
>Oh, Xemnas is just gaslighting Org XIII. At no point does anyone act emotionless, he must be lying
this is literally confirmed in DDD
Max Payne if he chinese industrial worker.
name one nobody that isn't more of a dick than their original self
there is none, I guess that's why they call him the wise
xigbar is exactly as much of a dick as braig
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xigbar didn't change at all
by virtue of not having an original self
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my digits are the year kingdom hearts 4 comes out
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Drive Forms were pure kino. The sheer amount of unique animations for each one on top of the already stellar animations for base form Sora. Absolute soul
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They look cool but I don't like how Master Form and Final Form control, feels kinda janky, very floaty. Also I don't get why Master Form and Final Form are separate even though they basically fill the same jack of all trades role.
yeah but i hate how valor form becomes invalidated as soon as you get master/final form
As we have seen nobodies keep their original appearance aside from Roxas due to Ventus so why are the fodder nobodies just monsters?
you need to have a strong will to keep your human form, those without become something inhuman
>lore reason
only super special people get to remain human looking
>real reason
so that there are generic enemies to fight
Very cool. I love how the main Nobodies that serve the specific leaders of Organization XIII are all based on FF jobs.
I also like how KH3 went and gave Larxene ninjas. Marluxia's reaper is an odd case, since there was no FF job titled reaper until it was released in FFXIV, so that's the only case of a high ranking Nobody appearing before the job was established. Although it won't happen at this point, I'm curious what jobs the Nobodies for Vexen, Zexion, and Lexaeus would have been.
master's a little better for crowd control, between its version of magnet lasting the longest and it having a souped-up magnet spiral, while final is more for just shredding the everloving fuck out of some guys at the cost of it only lasting for about 2 seconds before you run out of juice
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I like how new darkside finally took the scarf off. These motherfuckers have had those gaping maws the whole time
>Is the easiest boss I've ever faced
>Still has a soft spot in my heart
the irony that this giant retard produces from me.
>magnet spiral
magnet burst*
i don't know why but i keep confusing the two in my mind.
spiral is the command from BBS, burst is the aerial finisher ability from 2.
there's also splash, which i think is either an old fan translation of burst, or it's second form's version of burst from 3, i don't remember.
It's really to show off Sora's progression. Master Form he floats a single keyblade in his off hand and in Final Form he learns to DUAL WIELD without even holding a keyblade. KH2 Sora by the end of the game is the most absolutely unrelenting badass that Sora ever gets to be. He's been completely nerfed as a character by 3. His fighting style is whack as fuck in 3 compared to 2.
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>mfw after I 100%'d BBS
I liked these ones a lot.
The way they animated as if they are being played in forward/rewind over and over during their idle is neat. Also them being weird fuckin flower reapers captures Marluxia well.
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It's hilarious to me that Sora canonically forgot about Tarzan.
What if Ansem is just an incompetent megalomaniac with no real idea how this shit all works
Didn't it have one benefit in that it only uses 3 drive guage charges?
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The Assassin nobody is the most genius rep for their org member. They initially lash out at you with a punishing blow, representing Axel's explosion of anger at the start of the game. They're largely slippery bastards whose fighting style is to withdraw and hide from you to plot an attack, much like Axel hides from the organization through the bulk of the game. After 10 years of playing this game, it blew my mind when I realized their suicide bomb was foreshadowing Axel's death at the end. Pure fucking brilliance
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The manga was pretty neat
I think the fact that they purposefully clip into geometry as parts of the moveset is really interesting. Doing it so brazenly on purpose makes them really unusual and otherworldly.
gigachad pete
Could KH2 Sora hold his own against Goku?
did they fuck
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Damn, Maleficent would probably kill anyone who knew about that.
cheeky monkeys need keyblade correction
She likes him, why the fuck else would she realistically keep him around?
Pete and Maleficent are actually a entertaining team up, is it only KH were they work together?
Nah but he's definitely one of the strongest JRPG protagonist of all time. He canonically beat Sephiroth. He canonically mogs so many characters and bosses. Sora is a monster and probably the single best aerial juggler to ever do it. Sora as an actual character is kinda cringe and naive, and far too nice for his own good, but as a keyblade weilder he's a monster. Nigh unstopppable. He brutally mogs Xemnas in 2 and basically surpasses Riku in that moment. The series should've ended right there. Sora surpassing Riku. It was his narrative peak.
This is Kairi's heartless form.
I think in terms of both theme and power level, ichigo from bleach is a better matchup for sora
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A horrible enemy that Nomura should never have created.
Ansem put black face on
why does the darkness make you black?
Nododies are categorized into three categories: Organization members, High-ranking, and Low-ranking. Every high-ranking nobody represents an Org member and is named after a FF class.
Xemnas - Sorcerer
Xigbar - Sniper
Xaldin - Dragoon
Vexen - N/A
Lexaeus - N/A
Zexion - N/A
Saix - Berserker
Axel - Assassin
Demyx - Dancer
Luxord - Gambler
Marluxia - Reaper
Larxene - Ninja
Roxas - Samurai
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Cheeky indeed.

Too much personality.
I bought the HD collection for 1 and 2 on Steam and played them for the first time this year. KH1 was good and pure soul, just so original, but it had so many moments that were frustrating for me that I started to resent it, I'd go from really enjoying it to wanting to rip my hair out. Also the Gummi sections were such shit and clearly forced padding that I almost dropped it early on. But I stuck with it and enjoyed it alot. The combat holds up. It feels really satisfying to whack enemies. But holy shit man, when I got to 2 I couldn't believe how much it improved on every aspect. The story was definitely more convoluted and ridiculous, and I think there was a cutscene that was like 5 minutes long of a character walking down stairs, but the gameplay is so good. So fucking good. It might be one of the best video games I've ever played and definitely one of the best sequels. The combat is just so good and while Gummi Ship sections still feel like slop padding, they were way less shit in 2. I still gotta play it again on Critical but Proud was way less aggravating in 2 than it was in 1.
>I'm curious what jobs the Nobodies for Vexen, Zexion, and Lexaeus would have been.
Would guess Knight and Scholar for the first two, obvious and boring as those answers are. Lexaeus gets interesting because Viking would be the closest to a 2 handed axe user, but there's nothing else thematically that fits, given FF3's vikings were tied to wind/lightning. FF5 zerkers were axe/hammer users, but that job already went (more fittingly) to the lunar guy.
I've been playing KH since launch and every time I replay 1 I notice more flaws in it but I still like it. But yes 2 is a massive leap in gameplay. Critical mode is really fun.
That's okay 1 is MY game not yours.
>I think there was a cutscene that was like 5 minutes long of a character walking down stairs
added in final mix, for some fucking reason
I still hold to the belief that a Dragon Quest Monsters-like game using Heartless would be a nice idea. Whether or not it could just be its own thing independent of the KH story or if it can be bullshitted in and the genre of said idea is another question entirely.
Ok, so I'm playing KH2 for the first time, and what the fuck was up with Goofy dying for three fights and then being back without a scratch? What even was the point of that shit, it didn't even stick for a whole minute?
Because Nomura is racist. Note how Ansem in 1 was originally black before the remake changed it so he had xehanorts skin
I love how hard that scene filters people. It's fucking hilarious. The fact that it's most people's first time seeing Aqua's armor is even funnier to me.
Yeah, Pete BARB'D her dragussy.
>without a scratch
not quite, all his items and abilities are unequipped now and you have to go into the menu and put everything back on
cheap drama
Of course she has to like him to some degree. She just tries to kill everyone else she meets. However she would definitely not want people to THINK she likes him.
Yeah, I'm glad I took the time to do some inventory management because Sora had unlocked a new equipment slot so I caught that Goofy was naked before moving forward.
Same I makes me feel like a kid again.
Being turned into a nobody doesn't mean your nobody is human. Basically, the way it works is that a person in KH is made up of the Mind/Will/Soul (the terminology here is effectively interchangable), the Body, and the Heart.

When a person loses their heart, the darkness within them produces a heartless. For most average people it ends up just being a shadow or something because most people aren't fucked up enough to make something much worse.
When you lose your heart, normally this results in your mind and body dissipating into Nothing, but if your Mind is strong enough to essentially "stabilize" the body, you end up with a Nobody. All nobodies are sentient, but lack emotion due to lacking a Heart; given enough time and stimulus, a nobody will eventually regrow a heart, or be recompleted as a person if both the Heartless and Nobody are defeated.

The weird edge cases in this series are Terra, Roxas, Kairi, Sora, and Namine.
Terra loses his Heart and Body but his mind is SO UNBELIEVABLY MAD it manages to latch onto his Keyblade Armor as a surrogate body.
Kairi is a Princess of Heart, so her body doesn't dissipate and her mind stays with her Heart because there's literally no darkness to cause the natural creation of a Heartless/Nobody.
Roxas and Namine are fucked up weird cases because of the shit Sora/Kairi pulled in Hollow Bastion. Sora Heartless'd himself and lost his body, but Kairi PoLHAX'd his heart and mind back into being a person, leaving him technically without a real body for a game and a half.
Roxas was going to be Sora's nobody, but because of the shit Kairi pulled he ended up forming as a stable body without a mind, developing his own heart/mind over time due to stimuli.
Namine's entire existence breaks every law of KH's reality and the games acknowledge this. PoH are never supposed to create nobodies since they don't create Heartless, but because of Kairi's heart being in Sora's at the time reality flipped out and manifested Namine.
Agreed, but that doesn't explain swapping the explanations of heartless and nobody. I would think "Roxas, you are a heart that has been cut off from your body, don't you want to go back home?" would be a more effective way to convince Roxas to get in the tube.
He was so devestated about how much of a monster he was as a Nobody that he rejoined the Org to help take it down from the inside
Oh woops read that wrong
>We'll never see Vexen/Zexion/Lexaeus minions
A damn shame.
>Roxas - Samurai
lol that rock headed fool?
I laughed so damn hard.
>Roxas and Namine are fucked up weird cases because of the shit Sora/Kairi pulled in Hollow Bastion. Sora Heartless'd himself and lost his body, but Kairi PoLHAX'd his heart and mind back into being a person, leaving him technically without a real body for a game and a half.
>Roxas was going to be Sora's nobody, but because of the shit Kairi pulled he ended up forming as a stable body without a mind, developing his own heart/mind over time due to stimuli

This shit is why I prefer my headcanon that I posted earlier >>683440904
Sora making two nobodies makes sense if nobodies are disembodied hearts, because one is Ventus/Sora and the other is Kairi/Sora. Sora has extra hearts, not extra bodies. Then Kairi saving Sora makes sense because she's sharing her heart with him to restore his heartless body, not making a new, third body out of nothing 'somehow'.
They're great. I like the design and animation philosophy. They make a great counterpart to the Heartless which I like as well.
Wew lordy this game has some fresh madness.
>Terra loses his Heart and Body but his mind is SO UNBELIEVABLY MAD it manages to latch onto his Keyblade Armor as a surrogate body
this is fine because it is really cool
So Nobodies DO grow a sense of self and capability for emotion over time, right? Xemnas was just lying to both them and himself that they were immune to it all. Its why he ultimately says that having emotions takes more strength than he has in 3.
play dream drop distance already
Yes, he was gaslighting the ORG by dehumanizing them thus making them second guess their self worth.
Yes that's why they acted like they had hearts.
I didn't really like it that much so I stopped, being honest.
well xemnas basically confirms everything you just said at the end
I actually like that scene but it's placement is ass. Right in the middle of all the hype Hollow Bastion stuff going on and then there's this massive cool-down
Xemnas was a dick, but he was nowhere near as bad as Xehanort.
If you think about it, it does make sense. Roxas is Sora's Nobody. Sora's will remained as a human because of Kairi's bullshit, and without mind to latch onto Sora's body took the shape of the closest thing to it which was Ventus' heart., causing Roxas to look like Ventus. Everything about Namine is an exception so the rules aren't as strict with her.
in 2
in DDD it's revealed he was just as bad if not worse
Nah fuck them both.
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Can I get a quick rundown on this character? I didn’t get it.
Originally no, but yes it was retconned to be that in DDD, after they had decided literally everything to ever happen in the series was a part of the nort master plan
Deserves to get shot.
That one feels a little less egregious because it was clear they had some degree of emotion in 2 anyways.
He's Revolver Ocelot
Bullshit, how else did Rucksack cry in days?
was apprentice to the master of masters
went into hiding for a while, lost his keyblade
makes a deal with xehanort to get his keyblade back
is a glorified henchmen in BBS
does nothing of note in 368/2 days
says "as if" a lot in 2, is also just a dick
does nothing of note in 3 until the big reveal at the end
Explained as them pretended to act with emotion to throw people off guard but shown extremely poorly
The most obvious part you can see this is with Demyx when he just goes full deadpan before his last fight
Roxas and Namine are exception upon exception upon exception
>MoM had a bunch of dumbasses dressed like animals acting out his master plan with gaslight books he gave them
>Told his last student who wasn't dressed like a stupid animal to instead guard a magical chest and take his keyblade with him
>He does this because he sees everything this keyblade sees, like non-linearly so he can use it to see the future
>Tells him to train his own disciples and have them use the key to change the world
>This student names Luxu continues to do this generation upon generation, seemingly changing his shape/bodysnatching to keep himself alive and undedected for years
>Inserts himself into the lives of these people in disguise to keep and eye on it and wait for his que to get the box and everything
>Inserted himself into Nort's plan at one of the earliest stages as Braig in order to be involved from the start
its very silly
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>hey i know i just told everyone that i'm going to give them a book i wrote but you instead get to make sure my keyblade sticks around so that i don't cause any time paradoxes by writing the book
>also make sure this box never gets opened
>by the way body snatching and cloning your identity to match someone else to blend in is fine as long as you keep an eye on my keyblade
Several centuries later
>oh hey there's this guy named xehanort who's using the keyblade i'm looking after
>time to become a yes man to everything he wants so that i can make sure the keyblade is fine
Jesus you sound like my brother. Take a hint.
Thats true about Demyx, but a bunch of them do have emotions in private with eachother and to themselves while alone. I feel like their emotions being dulled and effectively being able to "push them back" for a while makes more sense.
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>because one is Ventus/Sora
This is kind of a misconception. Roxas isn't any more Ventus than Vanitas is Sora; Roxas's heart is entirely his own, he just looks like Ventus because Ventus's heart piggybacked on the empty body when Sora lost it. It's still comatose and dormant within him, so it's not really doing anything besides making Roxas resemble Ventus.
disney worlds that take place after the films > disney worlds that follow the plot of the films
there are no exceptions
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What’s in the freakin box???
we might find out in 4, probably not though
hearts or something
Only KH2 nobodies but still nice.
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>darkside is shoved into every game
>twilight thorn never gets to come back
would love to see a cutscene of them fighting
I'm still not sure what his deal even was.
just a really big lesser nobody, nothing really special about him
Light, ancient powerful light.
do you think nobodies will appear as enemies in any future games
Hope they do.
could do, not like they've all just disappeared
Kinda depends. If whatever MoM's plan is involves heartless then probably. Rationally they should exist as long as people are still losing hearts.
I am also curious if Unversed will still exist. Its clear Vanitas will have more story.
>Vanitas will have more story.
Put that back where it came from or so help me!
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you will not tempt me, Xenonaut.
My heart is for Tornado Step, and the Tornado Step species alone.
>Twilight Thorn
>8/10 slight jiggle is cool to look at
>4/10 boring RGB
>2/10 at least it moves, I guess
>6/10 very floppy and squishy
>2/10 see Creeper
>2/10 see Creeper
>7/10 him pulsating with his crossbow is cool
>9/10 pulsating AND glitching. very cool
>5/10 hanging loose, making it seem like the hammer is in control is interesting
>7/10 I like how he pumps
>9/10 the fluttering and dimensional warping is mesmerizing
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>rotation, jiggling, AND glitching
10/10 ezpz
That's why they made varmint rifles.
Larxene already barely gets art compared to aqua and namine.
>still TEN other disembodied darknesses
>nobodies AREN'T one of them
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>thought the snipers were just jiggling/adjusting their crossbow a little
>it's actually the crossbow expanding briefly
It's really obvious that he didn't die for real in 3 especially with the whole, you have to completely capture a darkness to kill it thing.
They should call Sully.
everybody forgets dream eaters...
why did Ansem take his shirt off in the final boss fight
wouldn't you?
they're a lot shinier than i remember
Nobody will ever convince me that nobodies having hearts and Xemnas lying to them makes sense and isn’t a retcon. We’re told multiple times in 2 that the nobodies fake their emotions and any emotions they feel are from vague memories from when they were somebodies and could feel. They’re what they think real emotions are. Even the times where their emotions seem real, they don’t actually understand them and the emotions are not attached to their sense of self. Any real emotion originates from their somebody. That’s like the whole reason Roxas was losing his shit in 2’s prologue. None of his “real” emotions were his.

As for Xemnas lying to the nobodies, I asked this question in another thread but I wasn’t satisfied with the responses so I’m asking again; What the fuck was Xemnas going to do if he succeeded with summoning kingdom hearts and defeated Sora?
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Xemnas' voice is pure sex. Listening to him gives me chills.
Sounds like your headcanon.
Welcome back to the stage of history.
>Nobody will ever convince me that nobodies having hearts and Xemnas lying to them makes sense and isn’t a retcon
axel himself says in 2 that he and roxas probably have hearts
He says why. SUBMIT to his cock.
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>Roxas was going to be Sora's nobody,
I think that he's actually Sora+Ventus nobody, since part of Ventus heart is inside Sora. That's why he's blonde. Just like Naminé, she's half Ventus.

I don't think that every nobody can develop a heart, just in this case, since of the Princess of the Heart magic. And that's why Naminé can control minds, she would be like a "Princess of Mind" counterpart of Kairi.
Sora when he lands in the Highschool Musical world.
>What the fuck was Xemnas going to do if he succeeded with summoning kingdom hearts and defeated Sora?
Back when KH2 was the self-contained end of the story, Xemnas realized that Nobodying himself was a mistake, and he was a relatively reasonable villain who just wanted to be human again. Now xehanort would keep doing fucked up shit and Xemnas's plan to get a heart was psychopathic, he'd probably rule all of reality with an army of nobodies and heartless and KH on his side.
I like that the nobody enemies move almost like ragdolls/corpses, it's very unique
Yeah, exactly, but I think that Naminé is Ventus+Kairi, since she's blonde.

Yes, I don't think that a nobody can develop a heart, except for Roxas, Naminé and Xion, because Kairi's magic.
nah xehanort's actions were to an end, xemnas was an utter dick to axel in 3 for no reason, to no end, just to be an asshole to him
if you want the actual answer it's probably the data back up of daybreak town and it's keyblade wielding residents
Axel was a backstabbing cunt.
okay then just kill him, like I said he was just doing to be an asshole, it didn't help him achieve his goal
>made from a person's heart
>made from a person's body and soul
named by ansem (seeker of darkness) after misidentifying them to be the people who's hearts he removed
idk I guess it's just following the naming convention from heartless
Nomura was brought into character design because how well received his enemy design was from FF5.
>Sniper's gun throbs like a cock

I fucking hate it.
nobodies were probably named by diz/AtW
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>personal nobody class is Samurai
>personal weapon from the gear that "brings out the wielder's personality" is a Samurai Sword
What's up with Roxas? Is he a weeb?
Also why the fuck isn't either this or Two Become One his default Keyblade yet? Let him out of O&O hell already or just let that be his Limit.
Personally I always saw two become one as a Sora keyblade, but its design does fit Roxas better
I wish two become one was his default keyblade, it really should be
it's meant to represent the bond between sora and roxas, not just roxas specifically
>I always saw two become one as a Sora keyblade
roxas uses it in days and also
japanese name:
>Meguriau Futari
roxas's japanese title
>Meguriau Kagi
it's a pretty clear cut roxas keyblade I'd say
>>Meguriau Futari
roxas is a dickgirl?
that's the name of keyblade not roxas's title
also you're thinking of futanari
I was completely obsessed with them back in the day. They spoke to my chuuni soul. I had an Organization XIII OC with my name remixed (Xemulas) and all that jazz. Full on Nobodysona.
Ah, painful memories. Thank god Homestuck became the embarrassing phenomenon and everyone forgot.
Somebody post Demyx literally going, "Oh come on, don't be like that! We DO have hearts."

You literally get 20 scenes in Kingdom Hearts where it goes, "Hey, do nobodies really have no emotions?" Hell, pretty much all of them scream out in agony when they die.
>I had an Organization XIII OC with my name remixed
reminder that skrillex got his name with the nobody remix, taking his original name (killers) and adding the X
>Yeah, exactly, but I think that Naminé is Ventus+Kairi, since she's blonde.
I'd be cool with that, because it would mean the three hearts in Sora create three mingled pairs: Ventus/Sora creates Roxas, Ventus/Kairi creates Namine, and Sora/Kairi returns to Kairi.
Yeah and they're named as such because they're "nobody". He thinks they shouldn't exist and they're not real people, thus why he treats Namine like a piece of shit.
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Why the fuck is Ventus still a child.
It made no real sense that he didn't age in 3. And when I learned this motherfucker was in the prequel mobile game it makes even less sense. Also Marluxia and Larxene were there too and just fuckin forgot I guess? How the hell does this work?
You guys really need to stop expecting the names to be literal.
Also it's a great irony that they're named for their identity rather than their composition.
Heartless are rampaging monsters who feel no pity or remorse. Nobodies are hollow amnesiacs who lack a sense of self.
Okay Samuel
castle oblivion
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I'll be real, I like the Unversed. They are way lower stakes than the other two monster types and they kinda reflect that. Them being Vanitas' living edgy doodles is kinda funny.
It could be neat that if they EVER do anything interesting with him (unlikely), they could have his Unversed reflect that in some way.
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Good catch. Not like it's an uncommon name.
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The manga organization is constantly fucking around and a lot of them are basically demoted to brief gag characters. Like Luxord getting offscreened in the 2 manga and showing up for a single panel in the 3 manga.
I should read those. The art always looks really goofy and fun from what I've seen.
>it was eventually revealed in interviews that Xion was using Sora's keyblade and Roxas was using Ventus's keyblade
>when Roxas uses Oathkeeper and Oblivion it represents his relationship with Xion and Axel
>SOMEHOW in 3 Sora can be using a keyblade, Ventus can be using a keyblade, Xion can be using a keyblade, and Roxas can be using 2 Keyblades at the same time
>Even worse, Sora and Roxas can both use both Oathkeeper and Oblivion at the same time in the same fight
>between Sora and Ventus's keyblades there can be 6 instances summoned at once
>It still hasn't been confirmed that Roxas and Xion own tgeir own keyblades
>even though them developing enough of a heart to earn one over the course of Days makes the most logical and thematic sense
I could see the bad guys just giving Xion a keyblade. They wanted her to fight for them.
As for Roxas, he either just has main character syndrome, or at the best you can think Zexion and Yen Sid maybe had some ready for him? Thats a stretch though.
>I could see the bad guys just giving Xion a keyblade
maybe xemnas gave her his, hence why he can't use his anymore?
simplest explanation is they manifested their own keyblades with their own hearts
if riku can somehow manifest a second keyblade
if you wanna get into what's the most bullshit gaining of a keyblade it's riku literally handing kairi one in 2
But its been confirmed in DDD and χ that keyblades are formed from someones own heart, even though you can pick up existing keyblades. Not to mention Riku rebuilding his keyblade twice.
Yeah so bullshit they literally had to explain, "Yeah that's just how it works." with BBS.
*if riku can somehow manifest a second keyblade I don't see why they can't
nah the most bullshit one is easily axel/lea
I think the most fucked up part of that is that you can abandon your own keyblade. The literal manifestation of your heart and you can just dump it somewhere if you felt like it.
>Sora/Kairi returns to Kairi.
wait, what do you mean by that?

Is Kairi carrying another heart?
Thats true, but it makes things like No Name and some other stuff more complicated.
Though even in 3 they mention Axel and Kairi summoning their own as an achievement. Then again Kairi had one in 2? Its confusing.
So uhhh let me get this straight
So at first Xehanort planned on using the Org 13 to take over their personalities with his own, then he decided to time travel and bring version of himself from different points in time, and finally he just decided to make replicas of himself for the final fight (the masked dudes)?

Wouldn't it have been easier to just make replicas in the first place?
Yeah, but also Replicas only recently got that good.
Before that they were all buggy weirdos with strange flaws like Replica Riku and Xion.
For all his planning, I feel like he more or less just winged a lot of it.
You could probably see this as thinking ahead if each plan didn't seem completely based on the previous plan failing. Honestly Xehanort just seems to do whatever the fuck seems cool at the moment. He literally just found Ventus in a field and immediately tried to turn him into a weapon.
>using the Org 13 to take over their personalities with his own
>Every organization member acts completely normal in KH3 and three/four of them outright betray him
Yeah. We've even seen it. Like how he was abandoning Ventus' blank body on Destiny Islands until he saw him show some life and whip out a keyblade, then changed his mind. That was clearly just him thinking "Oh hey new plan opportunity!"
he believed himself to be the child of destiny and that everything would just magically turn out right for him in the end
turns out he was wrong
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Don't even get me started on no name
>originally exists as a keyblade that sees the future with the MoM's eye implanted into it.
>in 3 Xehanort forges the χblade with 13 of the no names
>despite the χblade being equal parts light and darkness, no names represent the dark parts and you need 13 of them to make the χblade
>the χblade uses the kingdom key in its design, but not the kingdom key of darkness despite being an equal clash of light and dark
>the 7 pure lights make a keyblade of hearts, this is not reflected in no name's nor the χblade's design, and the keyblade of hearts has no counterpart and is neither a keyblade of light or darkness.
Yeah I guess he was doing that shit slowly because Larxene even says "lmao fuck that I wasn't gonna let him do that in the first place."
Oh yeah, he never even figures out what actually happened with his fellow disciples.

Uh, Xehanort, my dude...
didn't they die
Apparently the keyblade of hearts was incomplete, according to Nomura, as it lacked Kairis heart.
>in DDD xehanort claims that he dropped the traitors from the organization
>in 3 every traitor except axel and roxas are in the organization
Lol, Seluma…
You should realize that this plan was literally predicated on Xemnas just telling a simple lie. That's it. You could say that him putting a big X on everyone's soul was part of it, but the only other thing he did was to say one really lame lie built up by an even bigger lie (collect enough hearts and you get yours back).

The problem is he picked a group of the biggest retards with literally the most individualism possible.
Not everyone
Man, can that bitch never not fuck things up?
drag a princess into a conflict and what do ya expect
No I mean DDD talks it up like turning into a completely different person. Like everyone in the Real Org will just turn into a mini Xehanort a la Terranort. But then 3 rolls around and everyone is still themself aside from yellow eyes. You've even got people with part of Xehanort's heart in them acting against him.
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What the FUCK was his problem?
He was luxu right.
Nuf said.
he didn't heart rape them hard enough, he blew his full load in terra
>DDD notes that Xehanort knew about the 13 darknesses and seven lights needed to forge the X-Blade the whole time.
>Still tried to pull the two pure hearts X-Blade in BBS despite knowing that shit wouldn't work.
>Justifies it with "just bein reckless ;)"
it's called we do a little trolling
I just think it's fucking hilarious he went:
>Hmm.. Bragi.. This vessel is done for.. I shall move on to the next one... Named.. Braig!
It almost worked, though.
To the point he wrote about the pure hearts method in private reports to himself?
Should have been burned.
these things were scary as fuck to me as a kid until I notices they have black mouth inside the zipper mouth, so they aren't an empty sack like I thought they were.
Yeah they just wear pajamas.
Introducing the newest KH Missing Link character: Gabri
>Luxu, brain, bragi, braig, xigbar
Why does he like those letters?
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Find a flaw.
RC reliant bosses and how magic's importance is nerfed as a concept compared to how it was used for bosses in 1. Also summons are nearly invalidated by forms, while forms make eachother obsolete besides Limit form.
the Roxas part at the start dragged on way too long
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My dad walked in.
Summons have some really solid crowd-control utility in various situations, they're just rarely actually useful enough to justify the drive investment
kino enemies design
No, he didn't
Not enough Roxas.
Would've been cool if the Roxas mods of now was a base game post-game reward.
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I'm inclined to agree.
Bastardization of Brain
They just don't make covers like they used to.
I like their theme
Heartless are hearts that are locked away by darkness. Nobodies are beings that are separated from their original body but have grown a new physical vessel to pilot. At least, that's how I see it.
Axel wouldn't have sacrificed himself in 2 if he didn't have a heart.
Turns out you can't just create emotionless characters and expect that to be interesting storytelling. So the Org canonically doesn't have emotions but they show emotions for the sake of the viewer.
I have to use PS2 Final Mix instead of the PC Release to play the DMC mod because the modder's spent half a decade already using it.
And it won't be done for another decade.
Please pay attention to the games.
Nobodies seem to be the discarded body of the heartless that takes on its own form depending on the will of the original. I think the only case where it wasn't the original body (and therefore basically the same dude) was Sora's case (three times even).
I think if I had one complaint, I would have liked for heartless versions of org XIII to appear rather than people sort of guessing which victim represents who
They're functional sociopaths.
That's part of the great design in two, you can tell these guys are edgy emos with the way they act, but they also sort of play up the emotions they think they should have, which creates some uncanny feels. Like how Demyx acts moderately upset and tries to kill Sora anyway is some genuine psycho behavior, or how when he dies he expresses regret in a disingenuous way
Is this you? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCZs29IAu3c
I am
I'm currently paying attention to how I need to grind till I have 33 lucid shards so I can make materials for ultima weapon in kh1fm
these videos were cringekino back in the day, a balm for the soul
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Secret Ansem Report 6
> I became familiar with an unusual "entity" while pursuing the truth.
>It is the soul and body that remain when a being loses its heart.
>When a Heartless is born, these entities disappear from the realm of light, to be reborn as entirely new beings in a completely different realm.
Secret Ansem Report 7
>When a Heartless is born, the body and soul left behind are reborn into this world as a different being.
Shame they won't make an MMO that isn't a flash game gacha.
Series has great potential for a multiplayer game with its controls.
They should; make the create a keyblade wielder game, make a warriors clone with all the characters they already have, a fighting game like Dissidia and or, do PvP like BBS.

Also a decent port of Days [fat never ever].
>this lore
They have such a huge cast and expansive world that they can do pretty much anything. Just as long as it sells, or they think it will.
>Also a decent port of Days [fat never ever].
Why did one of my favorites have to be days? Kill me now.
Not in canon. But we do see that Sora carrying Ventus' heart does SOMETHING to alter both of them, because neither of Sora's nobodies come out right.
In my headcanon, Sora carrying the extra hearts causes them to mingle and merge, so when Kairi gets her heart back it has some part of Sora's heart in it. That way, it neatly explains how she can change Sora back from being a heartless. She gives him part of her heart, which would cleanse him of darkness because of her Princess of Heart powers and restore his body because it has part of Sora within it.
>playing through the series
>finish kh2
>just as fun as it was when i played it at release
>never played anything after
>move on to bbs
>hate the shitty combat
>watch it on youtube
>try to watch recoded
>get to dream drop distance
>hate the combat
>hate the grindy looking pokemon shit
>hate the forced character switching
>think im going to watch this on youtube
Godamnit does all this shit suck until 3?
No, it sucks during 3 as well
They switched dev teams when they entered portable console hell. Kh2 is still peak.
recoded has the best implementation of the command deck system in the series
the main downsides are the bug sectors (or whatever they're called) being the same ~20 procedurally-generated rooms, and that there's only like 4 bosses that aren't just minigame fights
It all sucks, period.
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Sora only has 1 Nobody: Roxas.
I like the command deck but I wish BBS had better movement. So many times I see a boss doing an attack but I can't get out of it because my character is floating slowly down from the air like a feather.
Install the BBS mod.
The areas are flat as fuck for the most part because the game never expects you to level your drives.
Has great movement but gates it for a fair distance into the game and doesn't account for it being used besides the very endgame super-bosses.
Ideally would have had them spread out with the story and had designed the levels to gradually use them.
It's your mom's Nobody
Damn, I knew she'd have a cool one.
>Samurai Nobody's arm stretches just to pull a sword out of the sheathe
>one of its attacks involves a sheathed sword floating above it then it then it pulls it out of the sheathe to attack while the sheathe floats behind it
>will sit down and meditate mid-combat and iai counter you if you interrupt it
Cool as shit honestly.
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uh, no?
that also confused me. We even saw earlier in the series that Riku takes on Ansem's appearance when he takes off the blindfold after he was possessed by him. I'm just gonna go with what >>683462838 said and assume it's a slow, gradual process.
your taste is just shit. you have to actually like the series of you want to go through it
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>Your body submits, your heart succumbs.
It really was kino.
Wish we got to see more of their rematch in 3.
That’s Kairi’s nobody.

Roxas and Xion coming back was only for fan service. So of course Xion will look the way she does, have abilities she shouldn’t have, and Roxas will duel wield after descending from heaven all because vapid fans only want to clap as their favorite characters are flanderized as whatever meaning they previously had is evaporated.
It’s kairi/Sora baby, reports in 2 mention it
What are you a fag?
Play the game.
I want to have sex with them. Heartless too
nta but I don't buy it either.
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With all the lorefags hiding out in here explaining everything, anybody mind explaining this motherfucker? He's got a cool design and outside of the fact that he can just kill your ass with no counter sometimes, he's got a fun fight. But I have no earthly idea where he comes from or what his problem is.
built for BHC
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I love the Days manga because it helps to cement the idealised version of the Organization that 2000s deviantart users had, which is that they were kind of a group of goofy people hanging out together in the castle, even if they did bad things from time to time.

I hate the the "TRUE ORGANIZATION XIII IS A TRICK TO CREATE VESSELS FOR XEHANORTS" became a thing because it really ruined that comfy view of them in hindsight.
."No. I do not like gays." Xemnas said.
Even if my boss is using my 7/11 to launder drug money I can still try to convince derek to put all the flavoring in the slushee machine at once.
Braig is going to bodysnatch Yozora at the end of KH4.
It makes me wish that the CoM Crew got sent off later than they did because you don't get any time with them. I feel like Zexion would've been a decent guy. Still not sure why his particular headstone (or whatever it was) was smashed to pieces in KH2, that always seemed weird when he didn't really do much except fuck with Riku and then die in CO.
I always knew they were pawns. Don't care about some fan bullshit.
>Roxas was losing his shit in 2’s prologue. None of his “real” emotions were his
Incorrect. All of his emotions were real, it was his memories that were fake.
So if Roxas' appearance actually came from Ventus, then which girl's heart was hiding inside Sora for Namine to be based on?
Sora and Vanitas vs Luxu-Yozora
They're essentially feral. All of the OG Heartless are the result of a single one of the original Darknesses collapsing into mindlessness, so they don't really have minds beyond "consume hearts" as a base instinct.
Since when did Kairi have blonde hair in that style?
Best I got is that he is a manifestation of The Nightmare responsible for Sora being stuck sleeping. When Riku fights it, its a symbolic battle over Sora with Riku fulfilling his full role as Sora's dream eater. It also can have some parallels to Dark Hide from the secret episode of BBS but it may just be that being with red eyes are died to creating darkness.
This guy gets it.
Its because they didn't come up with his weapon (the book) until after KH2 came out, so they just broke it.
>MMO where you can either be a Keyblade wielder (Sora/Riku style), Keyblade wielder (Armor style) or pick a job based off of the Organization XIII nobodies

Would be so good. You just know I'm going Zexion (Illusionist Style) day 1.
The cause of everything wrong that has ever happened to Sora and co.
I always forget that you didn't actually fight him until Re:CoM, which was after base KH2. Crazy that it was him and Roxas that got fights last. Roxas I can barely understand (him not having one in base KH2 was a massive blunder), but Zexion just seems weird. Does explain it, at least.
You not only need to completely capture it but also force it into physical form otherwise you can do jackshit to it.
But Vanitas got destroyed in BBS and he's still in Ven's heart come Remind
If Vanitas ever returns, he's likely going back to his full Darkness state. I doubt we'll get his chuuni edgelord stuff like Unversed again, especially when he sent a beefed up Heartless to jump Sora instead in Re:Mind.
Have traditional or armor be the subclass. Traditional gets drives and limits while armor gets styles and commands. Primary keyblader classes are speed Sora/Ven, strength Riku/Terra, and mage Kairi/Aqua.
The 13 Darknesses are mostly emotionless, but you can sort of get away with it due to them being eldritch abominations without forms.
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Please for the love of god just get rid of the Birth by Sleep characters.

Literally all we need are:
>Sora, Riku, Kairi
>Roxas, Axel, Saix, Subject X
>Zexion and Vexen
>Leon and Cloud

For the perfect Kingdom Hearts cast.
Edgelord Sora is too marketable. He's coming back.
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>All Nobodies return to the darkness eventually.
>Which means Roxas and Namine are doomed.
Thats pretty dark for a Disney product. No matter how good they try to be and how many worlds they save, they can't escape their fate because they were simply born wrong.
>I always thought Nobodies were doomed, to fade back into darkness.
>Yeah, but you and I didn't. We got to meet our original selves.
>Then...we can be together again!

KH2 ended so perfectly, man.
Honestly, that's the weird thing. We're TOLD Darknesses can be harmed by being physically incarnated and captured, presumably even killed, but everything we've seen contradicts the idea that this even really harms them. Even being left in their natural state too long just causes them to decay into feral beasts that become the Heartless, it never "kills" them. There's a non-zero chance that the idea of destroying them by forcing them into physical form was just wrong.
>playing as a Dragoon with KH Combat
>take Ascensionist (it's objectively not as good as Spear Legion's multi-hits or Wind Rider's Aero spells but the Jump combos are crazy fun)
Don't give me hope. Don't allow me to dream up scenarios in my head that will never be real.
>Subject X
lol what?
It's crazy how good Nomura used to be. His KH2 and FFVII - FFXIII designs were off the charts.
Complete unoriginal trash
complete fucking lie yoshitaka Amano design the enemies in 5 and every Final fantasy till 6 including the main characters
BTW Amano is one of the highest paid artist of all time, Nomura is just a corporate rat
At least they get to live their own lives.
Which only means they can fade into the abyss together once they die. I guess thats kinda romantic in a bad boy/bad girl angsty vampire kind of way but still, they're doomed to fall into the abyss and cease to exist. No happy afterlives for them.
Incorrect, and you're also retarded.
Nomura was doing monster designs since V. He also invented cactuars, Gilgamesh, and several other iconic monsters.

Oh, he also came up with, and did the designs for Seifer, Shadow, and the Tower of Gods.
I don't see how that's the case because they have hearts.
In KH2 at least, the idea was that Roxas and Namine were Sora and Kairi, respectively. They weren't fading away, they were becoming "whole" / "complete".
I see. It makes sense.

nta, but Sora's heart is connected to Vents, thus both Naminé and Roxas were born blonde.

They grew hearts, though, so they are somebody now.

I guess a happier ending is that Yen Sid was simply full of shit when he said all Nobodies will return to darkness.
Namine is just Kairi but blonde dude
absolute bullshit you can even see the original artworks signed by Amano in the pixel remasters
nomura only makes simple shapes and inorganic designs like you see in FF7
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>just Kairi but a blonde dude
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>mfw playing Kingdom Hearts 2 in 2006 as an 11 year old and thinking that Axel could conveivably be Riku's Nobody since Nobodies don't look exactly like their original selves
Roxas always had Ven’s heart though
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I think that he's right, bt Naminé and Roxas were born with Kairi's magic, so they are different. I think that's why they could grow a heart, since Kairi is a princess.

Yeah, but Ventus' heart is incomplete, part of it is Sora's. I think that the rest of it is with Vanitas. I didn't watch the mobile stuff yet.
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You are a dumb cunt.

"In 1991, Nomura was hired by Square and at first worked as a debugger for Final Fantasy IV.[2][3] Some time later, the company's staff was divided and he was placed in the team in charge of Final Fantasy.[3] After he had received some training by artist Tetsuya Takahashi, Nomura designed the monsters for Final Fantasy V.[4][3][5] At that time, each Final Fantasy developer had their own plan book as a compilation of ideas to present to the director of a game. While the others typed their plan books at the computer and then printed them out, Nomura wrote his by hand and attached many drawings which impressed director Hironobu Sakaguchi and event planner Yoshinori Kitase.[3] Nomura then became the graphic director of Final Fantasy VI.[4] For this game, he conceived the characters Shadow and Setzer as well as their background stories.[6] Their designs were reused from some of Nomura's abandoned concepts for Final Fantasy V.[3"
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>Thoughts on Nobodies

Nothing, really.
He literally created several of the pixel art backgrounds for Chrono Trigger.
I started with 2 and thought that Riku must have became a heartless in 1 at some point due to the Ansem situation.
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Yeah that’s why Roxas is a zombie at the start of Days. His heart is gradually repaired through his friendship with Lea, kinda like how it was originally repaired through his friendship with Terra.
>I think that the rest of it is with Vanitas
Vanitas died at the end of BBS.
Roxas and Ventus are not even remotely the same person.
>Vanitas died at the end of BBS.
>he doesn't know
At best they can be described as twins that never met.
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Presented without comment.

I know 3 brought him back, but the direct implication at the end of BBS was Ven killed Vanitas and himself. That’s why Vanitas vanishes from his Station before it shatters.
Organization XIII shouldn't have been anime boys, but instead floating zipper hoodies that moved and acted like regular Nobodies, and could talk.
Not even that. Please don't lump that fag Ventus in with the chad of the franchise.
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>chad of the franchise
Xemnas is just saying that because they look alike. Xigbar sees Xion and thinks of Ventus as well. Xion = Ventus? No. They are completely distinct people.
They have their own bodies, hearts and souls, totally separate from one another.
Worst idea I've ever heard.
Hey Ven isn't just some fag. Roxas wouldn't take to kindly to you talking shit about Ven either. Roxas is a chill dude and Ven is a pretty nice guy.
Crazy they are so bad that they are not used as official artwork and they dont spam his name everywhere like in the modern ugly Final Fantasy
BTW shadow and seltzer,the ninja and the gambler ROFL must have gained an extra chromosome thinking about these concepts that are totally not ripoff
Roxas... easy on the sea salt...
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>he actually took the words of Ansem "if an X is in the name, they deserve the flame" the Wise at face value
>when there’s multiple scenes of the Nobodies being scared, depressed, angry, and more that go way beyond just faking emotion
>when Xemnas literally says "anger and hate are supreme"
>when the entirety of Days goes through great lengths to show off how this is bullshit
You fuckers are aware that characters can LIE and be wrong in their views sometimes, right?
Sorry but these threads are full of retards.
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Reminder that Chain of Memories had Axel realizing he's genuinely enjoying Sora's antics and being surprised about it as well as Namine shedding tears when she had to say goodbye to Sora. This shit was always there from the start.
We are tipping back in the opposite direction. For a while is was KH1 fags complaining about how the series moved on from KH1. Now its KH2 fags complaining about how the series moved away from specific the chunni aspects they personally liked as teen.
it's a shame too. You can tell the Osaka team has passion for the project but they just don't understand what made KH1 and 2 much more responsive
They weren't used as official artwork because they were character design sketches that Amano liked.

And this is literally Nomura art that made it into the final game. He did the pixel art of this boss himself.
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I love these games too damn much.
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>an entire fucking generation of people just believed a guy because his name has "the Wise" at the end of it despite everything pointing to the exact opposite and him admitting to and apologizing for his massive nobody hateboner
Honestly hilarious. And they call Nomura a bad writer (he still is).
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>Demyx literally screaming out in terror when he dies
>Larxene literally feeling repulsed that she lost to SDG in Re:Com before fading
>Zexion’s fear at Repliku when Axel made Repliku assassinate him
>Saix, the literal poster child of nobodies having no hearts in KH2 dies while lamenting his lack of emotion, not to mention literally going into a berserker rage is his schtick
It’s funny how KH gets hits with the "show don’t tell" complaints when the games literally go out of their way to show you multiple times but fans don’t get these scenes so it's why we end up with scenes where they HAVE to tell.
h.a.n.d on the other hand knew exactly what made kh 1 and 2 enjoyable, and tried their hardest to emulate it on the fucking DS. Days got fucked by the hardware.
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>Vexen's, Lexaeus' and Zexion's higher nobodies never ever
It's not fair bros, they were supposed to be in KH3.
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Why not anon? Whenever I saw those scenes as a kid, of the members covering their faces with their hood, I always viewed the huge black space where you'd normally see their chin as a mouth. Obviously it was never lip synced to it, but the ambiguity of not being able to read their faces led credence to their emotionlessness the story kept trying to push. If they had less human body language, like their underlings, this would only make it better.
Days had some nest ideas for combat. I liked how different tiers of spells had different functions, and I also liked how different keyblades had different movesets. There was a lot of freedom of customisation there, moreover than any other game in the series.
It's a shame the actual game was repetitive and so many bosses were damage sponges.
If Axel and Lea aren’t separate characters, why are Roxas and Ventus?
looks cool in images but then you see them in-game and they're wiggling and contorting and doing weird cartoon size changing and they lose several points
my hotwife
By lose, I assume you mean ddh0
It's a half and a half for org 13. They display real subtle emotions while a lot of the anime cringe they spout is pretty much exaggerations. You can tell they care for each other to an extent, even Mansex himself, but the game beats you over the head in a way that needs you to pay attention
Probably because Ven was a whole heart with its own body.
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They're cool, and I like how Roxas got the most chuuni / weeb-like nobody.
It deserves a remake just for its combat system alone, with mission mode included
Ven's body is still around and her heart was sleeping inside Sora.
When Roxas was made, Ven's heart stuck with him but was not Roxas's heart, it was still just dormant inside.
Then Roxas grew his own heart and got shoved back into Sora and so Ventus went with him and they both went dormant.
Then in Kh3 Sora Released both and Ven went back to his original body and Roxas got a new body for himself..

Lea was a regular guy who had his heart released and turned into a heartless while his body became the nobody Axel.
Nobodies follow a procedure where if both the Heartless and the Nobody are slain the original person comes back and all of the Org members come back so we can assume that their Heartless were defeated offscreen.
Then I guess the Heart Axel formed and the Heart of Lea just merged since they were actually the same guy continuity and all.
What? How'd that happen?
Who's the spook on the lower left? Hopefully these kino edgelords come back next game too
The game is kinda subtle on the org's real emotions and which part they drum up from memory, but yeah it is nice that it shows you a lot of the time. A pretty big part is Axel's suicide attack, or IMO Marluxia's near constant seething at the very end of COM
speaking of these guys, we see one massive nobody (technically two) in the series. It would be pretty cool if org 13 could turn into some sort of super nobody boss rather than being some dude even if they are cool fights
I guess Roxas is an honorfag. To be fair we don't get a real idea that Roxas's goons are the Samurai until you get his bossfight in FM and it has the same mechanic
The bosses were really cool, like the giant dragon made out of a castle, or a wyrm made out of halberds.
Axel isn't an abomination, Roxas is
Based h.a.n.d chad
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>When Roxas was made, Ven's heart stuck with him but was not Roxas's heart, it was still just dormant inside
Why doesn’t Roxas have any memories and acts like a zombie at the start of Days? Sounds like Ven’s fractured heart is anything but dormant.
The Shoka pic in your post is honestly really funny because people act like that in regards to TWEWY as well, ESPECIALLY NEO.
>Why doesn’t Roxas have any memories and acts like a zombie at the start of Days?
Because he doesn't have Sora's heart.
None of the organization members originally had their hearts, but they had memories. Roxas is the sole exception for both of these.
>since there was no FF job titled reaper until it was released in FFXIV
I can only assume it went like this
>Yoshida and Nomura meet while on smoke break
>Y: hey wanna draw a character for my game
>N: ok but on one condition
>Y: wassup
>N: I got this kind of autistic thing where the nobody grunts are actually player jobs in final fantasy, I got an idea for a "reaper" but there's no real reaper job
>Y: what about dark knight from XI
>N: yeah they have a scythe but they aren't NAMED reapers, just do this for me man just make a reaper job
>Y: chill man I got you
end scene
I don't remember having to pic a specific command during the Roxas fight.
Because they were literally their actual selves. Roxas is a newborn. A blank slate.
To get his keyblades.
Lol now you’re just saying whatever. Namine and Xemnas don’t have these problems and they’re both special Nobodies like Roxas.
Is it so hard for you to accept the reason is Roxas = Ven, and inherited his damaged heart. Everything points to it and Nomura explicitly points this out in interviews.
paladin, maybe? he's the only one with a shield
scholar, vexen's the researcher but zexion's got the book
warrior, the xiv version has a lot of "tear up the earth" attacks
>h.a.n.d on the other hand
You cheeky fucking faggot
kind of want to draw concepts for these, if the thread is still around
I forgot about Demyx screaming when he dies. At least you didn't use him telling Sora that nobodies have hearts as an argument when he was very clearly trying to fuck with Sora throughout that whole scene.
I did remember Diz hating nobodies more than any other character and him regretting it in the end, but didn't Yen Sid also say nobodies fake their emotions to deceive people when he was explaining nobodies to SDG?
Xemnas saying "hate and anger are supreme" just sounds like what someone who can't feel would say about human emotions
And lastly, Days came out after KH2, but I can see where you're coming from. The game definitely hints at the twist before DDD just outright says it.

forgot about this scene. That's actually a really good point
Roxas is the coolest ever and Ventus is a total lamer
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Ah I guess that's it, the reaction command thing.
a Nightmare handcrafted by Xehanort as a final defense
I know the KH2 org is dead and buried but I'd like to see them come back, maybe as a splinter faction where some grunts of each job decide to promote themselves and give themselves cool names and shit (but keep them faceless with like 2 lines of backstory, I don't want 13 more anime losers to keep track of)
>Xemnas saying "hate and anger are supreme" just sounds like what someone who can't feel would say about human emotions
He's just someone who was paying attention.
>Terra gets so fucking pissed that his body is stolen that his armor rises and tries to kill anything it deems as "Xehanort"
>Roxas gets so fucking pissed that his whole life is stolen that he literally drags Sora into his own heart in an attempt to win back total control
Both of these go against the normal order of things and are only accomplished by inordinate amounts of anger and hatred. Not to mention both of these fuckers are incredible overpowered, second and third only to the protagonist. Sora, during that whole KH3 debacle, is the first time order has been eschewed out of love and it got him literally fucking erased.
That'd be cool. I imagine. Stuff like Zexion's nobody is basically just a small dude in a book again, it's a fun concept. Maybe even go out of it's norm and have a big guy on a small book
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the nobody is kinda like this guy coming out of a book but he can also close the book and come back out as another thing from the V book enemies, like the face and the bug
>Giga org thirteen but they look like dark souls bosses instead of dudes in coats
Could be cool
Xemnas is also pretty indifferent to everything, so he definitely seems like a noticer. Considering his trash talking game is transcendent though he definitely gets kicks out of insulting people with weird phrases
>Xemnas' obsession with rage comes from Lingering Will
Actually based
Where did you get these from?
Damn that's a cool idea. Maybe have like a group of books for limbs to come out of for casting magic or something
Hang on isn't the 'RPR was Nomura's idea' a Stellafag theory? Someone even said Yoshi-P and Nomura became friends after this conversation. That's why you also have GNB and the Weapons. ShB is also said to be a lot like 7 and 8
Like you expect us to know who stellafag is
>why we end up with scenes where they HAVE to tell.
I really like how Remind has to pause the opening to explain how all the Organization members got here.
>not knowing who Stellafag is
>KH/Nomura thread
I wish I were this new.
>everyone doing work cataloguing all the bullshit reasons for everyone to be back
>Nort not even caring thinking back about circlejerking with MoM
>Xigbar has to make sure he isn't fucking dead
It was pretty damn funny.
>GNB and the Weapons
>RPR was Nomura's idea
Don't forget Yoshi-P got members of the Tokyo Team to help on visual effects and battle system design for XVI
You might have seen documents called the Versus writeups at least once in these threads, anon. Stellafag wrote a few of those.

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