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Now: Star Wars Jedi: Survivor
Next: Super Mario Bros. 3
Later: NES Shuffler Race

Stream 1: https://www.twitch.tv/esamarathon (embed)
Stream 2: Press F
Schedule: https://esamarathon.com/schedule/

Previous: >>683397410
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ESAbros not like this...
>Paulister donating 100
Another one who first fucked off but then still donates. Seems they separate the cause from the event. Somewhat surprising, I'd expect leaving the event and voicing displeasure with it would also include saving your donation money for other marathons.
we fucking died
incidents like this show the attrition of ESA tech crew. That guy never worked with his hands again
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This is definitely going over
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What game we playan on the side lads
This is starting to feel like the recent Democrat coup against Biden. They still support the organization, just want Edenal gone.
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but now we're back!
Most of the departments are being run like shit and getting micromanaged by Edenal and Planks, who keep shooting down people's desperate attempts to fix shit.

The Lovare stuff also showed to a bunch more people how it's really not going to change, especially their reaction to being called out on stuff is to go scorched earth on volunteers instead of addressing crap.

Plank's whole hater speech was about people being critical and people pulling out that way.
Yakuza Black Panther, just found out it's like 99% translated.
OSRS while I test meme things on PoE before the new league
Still New Vegas. Got through Honest Hears two days ago. Currently finishing Old World Blues
You baseless gossip faggots are the fucking worst lol
Deep Rock Galactic.
Building gunpla
Zeta ver ka is very nice
You faggots are way too generous with your ratings
>let savages in
>they slaughter or imprison your whole community
What did Obsidian mean by this?
not like this
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was planing to pick up last epoch again as 1.1 just hit, but I just don't feel like making and leveling a new character
seethe, cope, dilate
This but you, you stupid drama fag. Get it together.
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bros...I don't feel so good..
turtle wow HC
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rate that under-estimate run
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A, had all the tricks I wanted with sufficient challenge, I always enjoy a nice underestimate.
Speedrunning is just not that popular anymore
S for surprisingly under estimate because it was a shitshow
D I tuned out
Crazy what happens when you aren't forcing trannies and memes.
D, boring and failed a lot
C for me mate
CRTs are objectively shit
>terrible picture quality
>low resolution

Even if you want the CRT look (no idea why you'd want that), you can simulate it on a modern display, with CRT-style filters.
C average. Cool 9sec under estimate

I hope they get metrics for when people mute shit because fuck these long arse sections of people standing around trying to waffle to make up time.
>run absolutely no one watched because no one was talking about it
>A! A! A!
This is the feeling of most people, including myself. I'm not giving them a dime now, but as soon as current orgs fuck I'll be back on the ship if people will have me
t. Zackfag on mobile
I see one S and one A. Calm down
Wait what is the difference between alzheimers and dementia?
I'd donate $100,000 dollars but I think hasanabi needs it more
>They still support the organization, just want Edenal gone.
and Planks, probably Ida as well since she's a package deal with Edenal.
Alzheimers is the most common type of dementia targeting memory loss
Normally when people enjoy a run, they're busy enough watching it
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>your $100K goes towards the gacha game addict- I mean, stipend, for ONE PhD student!
thanks Doc, very cool!
how did he not die to the goomba?
>packed audience
The power of bing
there's variants of dementia
you can get dementia from brain damage for example
alzheimer's is more related to unwanted accumulation causing issues in the brain
Again, dilate, seethe, cope, mald, dilate
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yupyup, its frustrating but nothing we can do about it other than ignoring them until their cash cow dries up and they leave. Maybe then we can make ESA into what it was always meant to be, OR by then someone else will have made another european wide event that effectively replaces it.
Dementia is a set of symptoms that are usually (but not always) caused by the more common form of Alzheimer's.
Was Battlefront any good? I can't really imagine it was anything more than a let's play.
LOVE how flustered people get when blasted with the "your too sloww"
Speedrunning Minesweeper on expert, my PB is 121 seconds
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you're a midwit if you seriously claim that modern displays are superior
they just score the most points in the convenience aspects
input lag is still a big problem with modern displays
>Bing bing wahoo
>Top level runner
>Asian foid
Gonna be at least an A
nice, mine is 120 seconds
If you play games while watching ESA, you didn't watch the event. Refrain from rating the runs.
>Most amount of ratings today is 19
Man that is bad. Evo is done so nobody watching that, and we're 3 days into the event so everyone interested should now be aware it's going on. Looks like the drama really killed ESA
There's stuff like BSG, NSG and UKSG that are in a decent position to at least eat ESA's lunch.

A lot of the European runner circles already go to those events anyway, ESA was even promoting them a year back during the end video (bet they don't this year, lol).
>they didn't crack the 2 minute barrier yet
heh *pulls up anime glasses*
adventures of lolo 3
Remember to do the Mario!

Turns out, catering to the Euro audience and practically cutting the Americas out of ESA isn't good for the event.
Shocking, I know.
>Zeta ver ka is very nice
Yeah it's a fucking amazing kit. Really great build, and very fun to pose. Enjoy the kit, anon
Pay me 5000 USD and I'll consider it.
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I watch all the runs and rate the F even if they were good.
If you're reading the thread while watching ESA, you didn't watch the event. Refrain from rating the runs
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Why are they in blue and she's the only one in purple?
and why am I hearing coin sounds?
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Whats so coop about this run
How's biz going?
I like that jump
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Man TTV LOL really isn't cutting it for me anymore in the convoluted mess that is getting ads to fuck off on Twitch.
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Nah it's not just the americlaps not showing up. ESA winter 2023 also wasn't 24h, and had even more downtime. But the chart of the first few days still had multiple 50+ ratings, while the highest this ESA is just 26 anons. And that is even when they don't have a stream 2 going. There is probably a drop from the USA anons due to not being 24h, but the recent dropoff is mostly caused by the drama.
Why are her arms so tiny, where are her elbows even
The Italian guy is playing as Mario and the brown lady is playing as Luigi.
>raised only 12k so far
is ESA dead?
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it's worse, your money can go toward literally fradulent dead end hypothesis research with no peer review!
>only 12k
your perception is warped by GDQ
>but the recent dropoff is mostly caused by the drama.
Nah the runs just suck and the intermissions are soul draining
A lot of speedrunning fans might not know but XX chromosome having women are much smaller than men on average!
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Yeah, I'm aware, but to me it looks like those events are horribly divided.
BSG is the most central event, and they are in the prime position to expand, but they have had very open issues in the past which might cause people to be catious about them.
UKSG is in Glasgow, think that's all that needs to be said about them.
NSG took almost all of the ESA refugees, but they are extremely new, and they are located effectively in the middle on nowhere.
Also, not one of them has come forward to say they want to take ESA's place as the one-be-all Euro marathon, they want to coordinate and grow together, which is fine and all, but imo a hard dream to chase which is likely to cause more rifts in the future.
What about summer 2023?
EVO was on, why would I want to watch this dumpster fire when I could watch people actually in the top 10 of their games
Aren't those largely ran by the same people? Can anyone explain why those are better, and why they would turn out different in case they gain popularity?

Seriously, I'd love to have a good alternative, but I'm not sure whether I can handle more heartbreaks, so I try to be cautious.
Why isnt that fat fuck Notch involved with ESA anymore?

Wow, what did BOTW do that got people so excited?
because fighting games are ass and their players are gayer than speedrunning freaks
Similar circles of people/runners who'd show up to ESA but definitely not Edenal/Planks/Ida running them, like Riekelt runs the tech at BSG.
>UKSG - Paulister, Pazy, Tricrow
>NSG - Nordic, Krissi, Nashlax
>BSG - Bunch of people, based monkey runner is one of them
They had ties to ESA, but Edenal and Planks have no say over what they do or not with their own marathons. Also they might all cut ties to ESA very soon, if they haven't done so yet (like NSG).
It's just that one guy and nobody gives a flying fuck about Mortal Kombat.
>he didn't switch to TTV LOL *PRO
that and ublock is getting the job done for me and yes twitch does serve me ads. still get 30s bluescreen pre rolls sometimes but ESA has been smooth
BSG is going to be really interesting, since it is the next upcoming one. And a lot of ESA runners that didn't went this year have runs at BSG. So it's a nice measuring stick to see how well the smaller marathons benefit from ESA imploding
>bet they don't this year, lol
I remember someone on a page 10 thread saying that they won't. Think it was Riekelt?
It's largely the same people because it's the same community. It's all EU. But the organization is being run by other people. The current problem of ESA is that Edenal and Plank are idiots and basically threw gasoline on the fire, but those aren't in charge of the other more local marathons. BSG for instance is mostly NL guys
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yeah it's just him, right
That's what I am running but Twitch does shit based on region and on top of that you're at the mercy of what proxy it gives you.
UKSG is also Skenmy and Huds afaik, who are still involved with ESA, and Paulister is a GDQ regular, so I wouldn't expect too much different stuff from them. The other two, well, maybe? Guess all we can do is wait and watch.
I'm in the post evo funk, its weird to come right into ESA and a non-24hr esa
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You wouldn't get it
Riek is a real nigga, I'm backing BSG in the Balkanization Arc of ESA.
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I apologize. It was me. I'm so, so sorry about that.
>dying in an autoscroller
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The runs suck because most runners have pulled out. There are hardly any regular runners left, so they had to choose from a worse set. >>683417064
Even the first day had 40+ ratings
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ALWAYS SMB3. This game is fucking cursed.
I cum
Ok maybe 3 guys, I also remember that Chunners cosplayer that broke /v/.
i sure love autoscrollers, no problem watching it again
Last ESA was amazing. The caveman runner, BUMPER, shit was balls to the walls. This is the saddest, most low-energy event I've seen since RTA.
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pretending fighting games are even remotely close to the pure unfiltered gay and mental illness of speedrunning is burying your head in the sand
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what is this?
>only looking forward to 2 or so runs a day for the remainder of ESA
>except Thursday afternoon NES block where I want to watch everything from like 1pm to 8pm straight
I'm on the UKSG server and neither of them has organizer roles
An American flag
conversion cart for US to JP
8k definition adapter
Conversion connector, my local video store had one because they had NTSC games.
>muh ratings
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>pretending fighting games are even remotely close to the pure unfiltered gay and mental illness of speedrunning is burying your head in- ACK
It's retarded and it's not a woman that's why. Porn sickness is not a good educator on female mannerisms and knowing when and how to do certain things.
I used to watch and rate every run possible, but didn't for this event so far. Overall situation is just too dire to really feel excited. Let's face it: For most people it's not just the speedruns, but the hype and the shitposting. And if all that's on the screen is average runs, boring intermission sequences, and a damocles sword hovering over the whole event, it's hard to get emotionally involved.

OK nice. Didn't want to shit on them anyway, just because they help out ESA it doesn't necessary mean they agree with everything there. I really hope UKSG will be good, looking forward to it.
>Guilty Queer
Action replay, they’re cheating
Holy shit nobody cares. Dont you faggots have a discord to hang out or something?
Are we there yet?
Ask again in 5 minutes.
Not even close, what's your favourite fighting game?
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>and a damocles sword
the giant levels were my favorite as a kid because it was cool to see giant things since things were usually small
who are you quoting
Same i think its an autistic thing
I thought the tank levels were the coolest
>I used to watch and rate every run possible, but didn't for this event so far.
For me it's the same. It's not bad, but just very bland. Nothing really to get excited about, either in the positive or negative sense. The intermissions are boring that I often click away. So I often miss the first 5-10 min of a run, but that doesn't even bother me. I had more fun during ASM this year. I'm not claiming that less anons are watching ESA. But the lack of ratings is definitely a sign of a lack of interest, which is sad to see because I used to like ESA. And the fact that it's very probably going to be the last makes it even worse.
>everything is autistic
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>The study provides evidence supporting a specific protein clump in the brain, known as beta-amyloid, as a cause for Alzheimer’s disease.
Because of its findings, this study became very influential in Alzheimer’s disease research. To date, it has been cited in over 2,200 scientific papers and accessed more than 34,000 times
>Now an article recently published in Science reports that an assistant professor of neurology at Vanderbilt University believes some of the images were manipulated in the 2006 Nature study, calling into question the validity of its findings.

oh my science!
This is an enjoyable run so far. I’m enjoying the runners having to communicate so they know who has certain items etc. way more interesting than I expected
co-op aint so bad when it's one screen
Well for me it is i think. It has that weird feel to it.
Bros...imagine being AliceHK8 bf...imagine the cuddles at night...bros...
There is absolutely no energy here, it's amazing how barren the event feels. This feels like a first year event, not one going on a decade.
Thought it would be a clusterfuck but its been easy keeping up with it.
I'm good.
Are you autistic or tiktok autistic?
either way I just think big things are cool to a kid. you give them a powerup to go GIANT MODE in a game and they're gonna pick it cause it's cool to punch buildings like a kaiju
Just finished Yohane the Parhelion: NUMAZU in the MIRAGE and now I'm trying to decide what to play next. Considering Neon White at the moment.
the stupid fuckups gives it some charm
That bumper shit last Winter was annoying to 2bfair
Yep, pretty much same for me.
>tiktok autistic
Is that when you like flart unironically?
I enjoyed getting platinum times on neon white
>not playing as Luigi
>scammers exist in all lines of work
>let's abandon all research everywhere and pray instead so that god may free us from our woes
Would that be a better plan to you?
Side tangent/question regarding gdq while this fairly boring run is happening:
was there ever an official explanation (excuse) on why frozenflygone, a married woman, was caught making out with some pajeet tranny during a test cam leak from frost fatales? I need a good dose of internet drama.
whew, way to miss the issue entirely tardo
>missed Platinum, BBS, Battlefront 2, and Jedi Survivor because of work/sleep
I dont know what tiktok autistic is but probably neither. Its a reverse kaiju situation though. I think its like the fetish where you dream of being stepped on by a gian girl. Should be kinda autistic no?
You didn't miss much then.
/vt/ exists if you want a board to gossip about ecelebs all you want
Youll enjoy the manga GIGANT by the dude who created Gantz.
Post it.
oh you're a fetishfag. I'm a coolfag, we like the same things for different reasons, it doesn't make my peanus weanus hard
Right, I can hardly contain my excitement for Bluey the Videogame.
I mean science=scam unless it is blessed by my political party, no? This is polchan after all
Nah man it's just big things are cool
Dinosaurs, Monster Trucks, Bears, Lions, John Cena, whatever man
Nobody knows. But since there is no outcry she probably fucks the tranny and the husband is a cuck. Whatever the fuck freakshow is happening behind closed curtains at gdq is probably better left unknown.
no yeah that was the point i believe, not that decades of time, money, and effort could be wasted by someone manipulating a study
>Monster Trucks
I got to ride in one as a kid, was pretty cash especially cause it was only 20 bucks, but not that cool cause it's not like you get to see out of the windshield or anything
>running and using fireballs to match the music
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Just finished confession game. What I expected was going to be a quick fap actually turned out surprisingly kino
was the toad masturbating?
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>cool fags still exist
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check the kf speedrunning thread
i will not go back
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what a horrible day to have eyes
ass scratching live
wouldn't be surprised there's all sorts of disgusting degenerate shenanigans going on behind the scenes in gdq. Probably worse than FTX tier shit.
Robots dont forget the robots.
i love lovare and her fat overpouring from her tight uniforms
4chan vs Reddit
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okay give me a quick mario 3 themed request with plum
wow my wife is speedrunning :)
The problem is that there isn't really a reasonable alternative. There is not enough money going around to check every study done. And there are checks, every published article is peer-reviewed. Which means at least scientists who know how stuff works have looked at it to see if it is even reasonable. And there is more awareness of the replication crisis in many fields. But the only realistic option is still that the trust-based system, which means that some bad actors may exploit the system. But disregarding all the work scientists have done because some studies may have been manipulated is kinda shortsighted
racoon powered up plum with cum
Frog suit Plum
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Hell yeah dude
I still have no idea what it is. Being retarded and filming yourself?
>”European” speedrunning
>it’s pajeets, asians and amerimutts
racoon plum
the damage tiktok has done to the perception and credibility of "invisible" disabilities cannot be overstated
plum vs the 1-1 goomba
ERPing in VRChat :3
plum in a goomba shoe about to flatten (You)
>noooo stop telling people my retardation is cute!!!!
>I want to be an ostracized weirdo!!!!
I'm gonna call every Italian I see the pajeet of Europe from now on.
Isn't it amazing how people will pretend to have the tism just for attention?
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>the level is actually very easy
come back lonk.
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>My nip

Yes, plase.
>keep hearing coin sounds
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Imagine falling for the subpixel meme
PLUM IN THE SHOE I fucking love that thing so much its so dumb
it looks like toad got a boner when he jumps, then he masturbates to fix it
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I haven't been watching because I can't deal with the intermissions, I've only watched a handful of runs. They are way too long and boring, don't try and get spergs to fill 20 minutes of airtime after every run be it 5 minutes or 2 hours. You know why? Because they rely on shit like wordle.
this >>683420203
plum in da shoe
I bought these games on GoG the other day, looking forward to understanding the memes.
red text is truth
magic isn't real and the old guy is just hiding in his room
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>Pee speed
You are assuming there is maliciousness when it's far easier to just assume it's just not as rigorous as it needs to be. Modern peer-review is basically a rubber stamp system. The only exceptions are papers that go against common consensus (anything politically incorrect) which get heavily scrutinized.

There are tons of incentives to just approve everything, especially when nobody really cares about what it says. It's how we have so many conflicting studies. The truth is most modern scientist are in it for the money and don't really care about their work.
I'm going to eat Kebab, wish me luck!
The king thanking Plum for freeing him of his curse
enjoy it, king
They all died from tiny bombs in their food. You're welcome
I don't know if this is a tip or a spoiler but I won't remember it either way.
coin sounds?
>plays it
>may never understand OH DESIRE
nes to niggercom adaptor
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Nice, I just bought Bioshock off of Gog the other day. Looking forward to experiencing all the great twists.
my grandma can rape faster then eminem
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You are making a big brown liquid mistake anon.
How does he always get the latest releases?
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You've heard of /ss/, but have you heard of geriatric /ss/?
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I'd say spend your time more wisely on something else but considering the thread we're in - don't bother trying to solve the poem riddle, you can't as an English speaker.
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stream 2 100. I didn't know their chat was emote only. it's probably because no one's monitoring it
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good one
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I thought Italians were supposed to have charisma.
Their vision is augmented.
>Modern peer-review is basically a rubber stamp system.
I mean, kinda but not really. There are very few incentives to review properly, but you're still an expert looking over it. The real solution would be if those journals use some of their ridiculous profit margins to hire staff or pay scientist to perform a more thorough check. But good luck convincing them to give up their money when most journals don't even care if stuff is fake.
>The truth is most modern scientist are in it for the money and don't really care about their work.
Nah that is just hyperbolic. Scientists get paid way less than any industry job. If you're good enough to constantly get your proposal honored, then you're also good enough to get a comfy and high paying job at some biomedical company. And most scientists are PhD students and post-docs, which are in even worse financial situations. They might fake stuff for respect or due to pressure to perform, but you don't become a scientist for money.
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I don't know what the pastanigger is saying
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Have you read the bible first? Don't bother otherwise
mamma mia meat-a ball
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I do.
what the fuck is naegleria doing now? god i miss him so much
I didn't say they became scientist for money. Most people become scientist with good intentions. However most stop giving a shit about aspirations when they have bills to pay and know nobody cares about the study anyways.
Primary Amebic Meningoencephalitis
>clapped twice
lmaoooo what a bunch of retards HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Fuckin awkward, End it
S for me. Good tech, interesting co-op run with communication between the players, great game and well commentated
Plum throwing Bowser like Mario64

Okay, your statement was kinda broad so I didn't pick up on that. Still, tenured professors shouldn't have to worry about bills since they have a permanent position. But guess the ones that aren't tenured might have money problems, although most groups should have a tenured professor in charge that should guard against falsified studies
B, comfy
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A, nice co-op showing all the levels
A - fast run with a few fuck ups
B nice gimmick, didn't overstay its welcome
It was Mario 3 with two charisma vacuums playing it.
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S because I'm italian
Mario 3, anon.
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name my band
The Rice Cookers
Coop runner plays the game solo in order to play with a person he just met
The Diverse Stripes
sons of agriculture
my bad, read it too quickly
S for i like what i Saw
LUI is actually cute
>another race after
heccin races are so fun guys!!!!!
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Frog plum out of the oven
What was left
Kino, gero
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My nigga
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nice shadowing
Segments like this is why ESA lost to GDQ. Why do they not have a separate area built for interviews and intermissions?
Super Mario Bros 3 is the only good Mario btw.
anon delivers
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I don't know, but why don't you ask the same thing again during the next intermission.
Alice and the Yellow-Fever Wrong Warpers
A I enjoyed it
I wonder why he got alzheimers
>31 years old
I would've assumed mid 40s
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we dont deserve you, plum poster
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esa used to have cute chicks at one point
what happened
>esa used to have cute chicks
Weren't those mostly on the payroll of the charity?
kino sun, spiderman, tranny and spyro 2. So-so
Nobody harasses ugly chicks and ESA staff turned a blind eye to harassment so all the pretty chicks left.
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idk but either way it needs to be a thing again
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I am thoroughly tired of Plexa's 4 hours snorefest runs.
my favorite racist goose is back
I actually like these goosebert skits
Would you rather watch an ESA intermission, a GDQ Celeste run or an RTA in Japan run by a Westerner who wants to show off his N4 Japanese.
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Same. Someone else said it best when they said that this even is committing the cardinal sin of any entertainment: being boring. I couldn't even get my dick up to reply to the original post, lol.
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ESA is having a lot of framedrops. I think ESA should follow their own advice.
Damn it Planks
rta cringekino without a doubt
I don't but you're also super valid
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the rta, i'm straight skipping the others
This is way too much non-vidya time for a non-24/7 event.
He's raped thousands.
did they fuck up this anime as bad as the author fucked up the manga
>ad interrupted by an ad
>we're not ready to start the next run so we're gonna talk more
Why? Why though? Why isn't the next run ready to start?
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I know the context of that screenshot and the two situations aren't comparable
Still funny though
>go take a long shit
>they are still talking

has it been fucking 30 minutes
There are actually really hot chicks there, they just don't want to be on camera. Don't blame them. Saw a ginger yesterday at the Jak run in the back rows who was really into it
why cant they just play frame perfect, man
>we're out of things to say and we're waiting, here's some video clips
This is it, isn't it? It feels more painful when people are obviously stalling, instead of just playing clips between runs.
Celeste because it would have been done 10 minutes ago.
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I made this funny variation for you guys. Me when the ladies start yapping too much am I right fellas?
Im sorry mod i wont post another video that is making fun of fat people. Fat shaming is not ok unless you are not fat that is.
I'm wondering if it's feeling dead this year because there's clearly some sort of noise cancelling going on with the audio.
..... lemme just uhh... refresh the incentive.....
loading...... *sound of dry lips rubbing against the mic* ....... oop.. oh nvm still loading.... oooh there okay.. looks like we got a bit more to go!
God I HATE races so much
I fuckin' love watching gimmicky fan made let's plays instead of someone just playing games I loved as a kid quick.
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>more meme runs
>right has 7 second lead

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>5 second slow start
cool race
sweden on sweden violence
So many Swedes
Ive been watching on and off. Have we gotten a single frame perfect or Plum yet?
This is unwatchable. How the fuck are you supposed to follow this, it's like channel surfing.
nobody thought this fucking thing through
kind of ballsy to do a donation shuffler, it'd be beyond awkward if none came in for like 5 mins
>all these $1 donations
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Not yet.
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>the more donations come in, the more chaotic this is going to be
Fuck off, ESA.
but isnt is zany whacky fun hahaha were such gamers
Then donate more
more like it will finally be watchable
I thought this run would be like that Home Alone run where they just played as much NES games as they could
look, it worked on paper

now we have to watch it for 60 minutes
this is way too adhd for me
I'm done with this shit, back to gaming
celina would be an improvement to this shit in all honesty
>short setup times was one of the things that ESA used to have over GDQ was short setup times
>stream 2 guaranteed that there was always a speedrun on
>and they'd usually just play music or prerecorded videos during intermissions
>GDQ finally switched to having 2 stream setups last year, which reduced their setup times drastically
>GDQ has intermission segments that are actually structured and tend to include things like runner interviews, previews of upcoming runs, reviews of the day's runs
>when they don't, they just play music while the cringe donation reader shouts into the microphone off-camera
I can't believe I'm praising GDQ, but ESA managed to simultaneously abandon everything that made their intermissions tolerable in a single event
pump your brakes, kid
I missed the explanation. What is going on?
Is the stream stuttering for anyone else or is this T-mobile's shit internet that i have?
"okay now they're playing batman"
"okay, now it's tetris"

great commentary
>How the fuck are you supposed to follow this
you aren't, I'll come back in an hour
the games change randomly.
this is a race.
games change when someone donates
They also got rid of these glitch showcases right?
Are multiple people playing?
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as a blind gamer I appreciate it, brother scroll thrice and post the rightmost reaction image in my GDQ folder
>but, but it's for the CHARITY, so it's GOOD! Now give us your money.
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This sort of chaotic shuffling is shit.
can we get a permanent ban on any """""run""""" that's the product of people playing games in a completely incomprehensible way that a normal person can barely understand even with commentary

basically randomizers and this
kek what the fuck
i think theyre handing off the controller for some reason too
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Really the only thing GDQ does wrong with downtime is having insufferable hosts (except Sent & jhobz)
>keep 'em cummin
They're changing controllers to the player of the Contra/Mario/etc game when that game comes on, yes
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Yeah they did, which is a shame, it's one of the things I liked the most
i enjoy this post more than i have ESA this year
Has the Mario player on the left ever played the game before?

Also this.

It's like they are reading these threads and then do the opposite.
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after this is a 4h golden run sun btw
I like venus lighthouse as much as the next guy but I think I'm about to play video games for 5 hours
What even is the point of having multiple people on each team, all it's doing is causing a full second pause between swap and that's eating up like 50% of the time they spend in the game.
prease understandu this is the highlight of the event
They all get more time on camera
the zaniness and the hijinks
think of how epic the post event clipshow will be!
Fuck, I just remembered I missed those. Surely those would be one of the easiest things to add more of, wouldn't they? You've a huge community with a variety of games to add, why not do that?

God I hate this new direction throwing out all the old
It's funny how ZetaTwo barely stutters or acts awkward when he's under stressful amounts of donations that he can't keep up with lmao
>reading the threads
>doing the opposite
>calling us losers and blaming everything on Metako
it's appalling
for more wacky chaos of course!
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God I miss stream2 so much it's unreal
>hey, you know what we should do for this funny, chaotic race that is impossible to take seriously on any level?
>let's not mic the runners whom the donations are fucking with
>let's do esports style commentary instead
Am I having fun?
>viewers dropping

>game changes
>instantly choke into deathpit
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>Shit Darkest Dungeon crowd control run last night
>Now another flavour of crowd control
>Next is a turn based RPG "speedrun"
Could this be the worst ESA yet?
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where's bigjon? this is his kind of video game race.
at least we got plum art out of it
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Speaking of the shitposters, they have been quiet for a while now.
Think the hotel wifi IP got banned again, wouldn't be surprised.
I saw this first and thought it was real
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lel well done
the shifty eyes on the guy on the back sells it
>Day 1 was bookended with a 3 hour run
>Day 2 had a 4 hour run
>Day 3 is going to be another 4 hour run
Definitely the worst.
The whole event has felt like filler.
Damn, this race might end up pullin' in a couple hundred bucks.
>Greenalink mentioned
Shame he doesn't have any runs this event
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What on earth is that thing
Holy kek

Nice one!
what's happening
>even the shitposters lost interest
it's so fucking over
It is funny how it's kind of hard to follow where they're at in most games but then for Tetris you can obviously see how much of a clusterfuck the left side is.
Wait, what the fuck was that waffle dono?
Why did left reset mario
Cause he’s an idiot and missed the 4-2 vine to get to the warp pipe
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demo disc blind relay race
think about it ESA
July has been a terrible month for speedrunning marathons.
left screen is getting rekt
no, don't give them any more dumb ideas.
>Golden Sun
>Spider-Man (2000)
>Spyro the Dragon
>Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage
>End of Day
Im out. At least tomorrow morning looks very promising.
>didnt watch dogwater
>didnt catch ASM
Oh thank god, an ad.
how did they get away with this?
lol. lmao even
Why is there a chad looking dude sat on that bed? He must be short or something.
>Next is a turn based RPG "speedrun"
Man I like comfy long RPG runs, but even I aren't looking forward to it. Not only is it not on stream 2, but I feel like every fucking marathon has had Golden Sun 1. ASM had it, ESA legends had it, and I feel like I'm forgetting another marathon that had it. I like Golden Sun, but not that much
please understand, scheduling trusted runners on stream 2 and asking them to hit a "read donation" button was too hard
>"If you don't work 80 hours a week on ESA, lower your voice when you talk to me."
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>werster bants during the Mario Kart run
>God of War 2 kino

it was pretty decent
His gofundme failed completely, but his Abobo run is still on the schedule, so I'm assuming he's remote and in chat.
no way that fucking flake did a gofundme to come here
I don't have time to watch every marathon that comes up.
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>tourists pretending to be oldfags
You know it smells wild in there
tfw they let us see titties in the god of war 2 run
gdq and esa would never
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>not mentioning the Skyward Sword run
never posted a webm before, hope this works
What is this stream setup? I can still hear coin sounds even after they swap from mario. How bad is the delay?
You know ESA popularity has significantly dropped off when threads last several hours and don't hit the bump like in like 40 minutes.
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You clearly weren't around for the primordial ESA threads.
left fucking sucks
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>muh popularity
i think its time to go back to the tranny discord
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Reed love!!
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damn boys who never helped others moving always look so helpless to me
Some shirt companies let you choose the color.
It doesn't help that it's EU-slanted. I expect EU favouritism, but the likely best run on Wednesday will be the Halo 3 relay race - which is on at 5AM EST. Heinki also has a run that day, at 8AM EST. What do the burgerclaps get at a decent time slot for them? A 4-hour LoTR run, then shortly after a LTTP randomiser

There's no stream 2 to save the yanks either. If you want to enjoy this ESA, you gotta either catch the reruns or ruin your sleep cycle to wake up early
Has this nigga on the left ever actually played SMB before because he sucks total shit.
If it really pisses you off I think "Twitch Vod Downloader and Viewer" can let you watch with no ads.
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I love how these long late night runs either get super comfy like the FF run, or descent into pure insanity like this run. Them trying to hype themselves up over the most stupid shit in an attempt to stay awake made for a great run. Still hear them yell the fucking Lumpy Pumpkin
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>he beat almost every boss one hit away from death
fucking madlad I have to watch the second half of that run
Anon's here's gonna be their big, strong removal daddy.
picked up
Fucking hell I can hear that webm
>we have 1 dollar from...
It's definitely worth watching the whole thing, terrific fun.
Do you want a sound version?
NTA, I do
>Do you want a sound version?
Well if you happen to have it, yes please. Would be nice to save it with sound so I can relive the moment 3 years from now
European Speedrunning event, using american dollars instead of euros for donations...
We really have a shitty currencly no one wants to touch with a ten foot pole, huh.
>$2 from CrowdStrike
what is swedish currency anyways?
I wonder who makes posts like these? Who the fuck cares about shit like that on the internet.
it's a swedish event so both dollars and euros are foreign currency to them...
The krona. Surprised they did not fall for the common currency crap.
Krona, which sound like some JRPG chick's name.
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Those pronouns were a sign.
>just nonstop host talk and donation spam
Yeah fuck this
Just tuned in, wtf is going on with the donos?
that run had a bit too much shouting and screeching for my taste, I get that they were trying to keep themselves awake but it was too much for me
It's the event nearest to me. I do care about these things. All the others event feel like "shit on internet" to me.
Also, if I donated, I don't know if I can get charged for currency conversion.
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>there are no vods of this
God, fuck this stream. first the buffering, now 2 minutes commercial ad break.
too early, don't care
Here anon, say aaaah and open wide
sick fuck
I'm actually looking forward to the Golden Sun run at this rate as a palette cleanser
>say aaaah and open wide
this, he just wanted someone to post it for him. lazy bitch
Just pretend it's stream 2 and it will probably be comfy.
Mind your volume before playing: >>>/wsg/5626291
god damn
rate it
And now 4 hours of Golden Sun.
Fuck you.
S, that was fucking great, you guys just hate fun
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D for Don't do that again
B too shouty
Thanks anon. Love how fucking hyped to got over the stupid pumpkin, and that it infected the rest of the marathon as well
>Mind your volume before playing
Kek is that warning really necessary when the soundless version already made it clear how loud they were.
B for good concept but terrible implementation
Awful gimmick.
B. It got enjoyable once two games were removed.
B was tolerable later in the run
Oh shit is it finally over? I didn't even watch it, it looked fucking boring.
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D, too chaotic
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I'm doin' him a C
D, run itself was S-tier but non-stop donation begging ruined it.
D, horrible gimmick and the announcers yelling loudly over the entire thing while reading out $1 donations was incredibly annoying
C for Can you please stop.
C I guess
We miggin?!
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someone else bake
just copy this OP >>683428625
BAKING so lets not double-bake lest the jannies go mad again
Eh, never hurts to reminds people.
lose weight ffs
What's up, brother
This is good.

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