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>Cybertruck is coming to Fortnite
Don't call em Epic for nothing
>put your shitty design for a real car in a video game
>it looks like someone just gave up on modelling it halfway through
grim. someone at work has one of these and the proportions looks even more retarded in person
hella fr*ckin' epic
Drove one this past weekend. They're fucking nice anon.
I think the reason Tesla cars look so uncanny to me is that they have no face
especially the cybertruck, how the fuck do I trust you if you have no face??
>10% chance the accelerator will get stuck on
>Rusts and slows down if left outside
>Player must stop and clean it every 30 seconds
>instantly blow up if you get it wet
So realistic!
Don't they rust?
Reminder: If you're anti Musk and anti Cybertruck, then you're voting for Kamala and Hillary.
>Huge window anyone can shoot through from the passenger seat
Won't this be the first pay2lose van?
buy an ad
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I drove past one of these last month
They're silly ugly
Not enough time has passed to know. All cars rust though. So not an issue. Do people bitching about new tech realize they're being the gay old man that tell kids to get off their lawn? Grow up. Cars won't look and be anything like whatever we are drving in 100 years. Did horse and buggy fags bitch 100 year ago when the automobile was being produced? Low IQ
Is this post Elon or another hopeless cocksucker? The world may never know.
I've heard rumors that if you don't wash the stainless steel after every drive it will tarnish and get rust pits.
I'm sure they are fun to drive for 20 minutes. They look awful to own though and are distracting to drive alongside. Terrible build quality and retarded material design. Also no refunds and you will literally be sued for trying to inevitably sell it
finally the next revolution in transportation: a normal car but worse
Ah, so this post proves it. Inherited bias against the vehicle/product because of popular person you don't like because the meida told you not to like him. Jesus Christ you people are cringe.
Nobody needs the media to tell them the cybertruck looks like shit
Go buy a tranny jeep, or ford shit bronco bro.
They are horribly dangerous and has horrid crash compability
Can't fit shit on it despite being a truck
The doors are fucking sharp and snaps stuff off
Rusts in no time and you can't wash it under direct sunlight
Isn't even bullet proof

Elon can't into cars or into almost anything, he just has the actual employees do everything. Also he actively sabotages public transport projects because it would mean less money for himself.
I feel bad for the Tesla employees
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I honestly cant decide if the Cybertruck is S or F-tier
>he can't tell tesla cars are dogshit
Are you even a man? You should have more auto sense than this, retarded ESL.
Through bronies, furries, narwhal bacons at midnight era reddit and tumblrfags, nothing has given me as much second hand embarrassment as elon musk simps.
It's so bad, yet it gets more attention and turns people's eyes to it over any hummer, jeep, truck? Wow
so what are you guys gonna drive a decade from now when gas cars are illegal everywhere
>They're fucking nice anon.
They don't fucking look nice. There's one in my neighborhood, and it always looks like it hasn't finished rendering. They look like the LOD model of a regular car.
a normal electric car
If I had to guess the mirror body costs more.
Why does reddit hate this car so much? Is it a statement against communism is that why they hate it?
My 30 year old Volkswagen New Beetle.
Mad maxing that shit.

Also an outright ban won't happen once democrats realize poor immigrants aren't buying new vehicles.
Nooo!! It doesn't looks like a normal generic Ford vehicle!! It's lel bad!. Lel Ford based!
I'm hoping we'll have not shit electric cars by then. I've personally got nothing against electric cars, but they're all still worse than my gas car.
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where are the hydrogen cars at?
>he thinks gas cars will ever be illegal
they keep mysteriously committing suicide
There's nothing superior about your gas powered vehicle. Other than the fact that we don't have enough electric charge stations just yet to supply an entire country worth of electric vehicles.
>let's take the car made out of sharp angles and flat surfaces with such poor safety features that it can't be sold outside the US, and make it at turns harder to see AND give it the ability to blind people
the sharp angles are cool and all, since they're basically non-existent in new cars but as a whole that thing looks pretty hideous
You don't even know how long it takes to charge an electric vehicle do you.
They look like something a child would have drawn up
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Prob proper electric cars. And I hope Muricans have proper public transit at that point though I'm not optimistic. My sister visited Minnesota and you literally can't get around without car. It's just absurd to think about, the state has around same amount of people as my country and you are required to have a car(or well SUV/Truck if you don't wanna die). I live in 3rd world shithole so it's strange to see how country as big and rich as USA has problems that my country has managed to solve.
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lol yea they are super pay2lose
does this mean twitter threads are now /v/ related?
They don't look nice and they are full of design flaws to the point Tesla has to recall them and they are banned in Europe.
Terrible materials, terrible design, terrible everything. They don't even have crumple zones and don't absorb vibration, so if you crash it, you'll likely die from vibration.
I constantly get recommended this dude that talks about the cybertruck on my TikTok FYP and I'm genuinely baffled by the amount of design flaws this thing has and the fact that Teslafags are constantly sucking it off
The sharp angles aren't on modern vehicles because they're a hazard anon
The same reason modern cars have crumple zones instead of being solid steel frames like they used to be, because you generally want a motor vehicle to be as safe as possible in the event of a crash or collision.
propaganda from other manufacturers that electric vehicles are shit. Big oil still pulling the strings
I actually saw one of these IRL for the first time about a week ago. It's ugly as shit.
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We also don't have enough electricity to supply an entire country's worth of electric vehicles

It's kind of fucking dire that the US has not gained a single net watt in generating capacity in the last two decades when switching ~200 million passenger vehicles to EVs would require about 150% of the amount of electricity the US uses right now, and adding in trucking would bring it closer to 200%
There's plenty better about my 2002 Ford Taurus than an electric car. Its range is better or comparable, refilling it takes about a minute, it is extremely cheap to repair and I can repair bits myself or get anyone qualified to repair it for me, nobody is interested in stealing it, it is completely dumb so there's no software bullshit.
>he thinks manufacturers need propaganda to prove how shit electric vehicles are

i sure hope you don't live anywhere where it snows
All I see is insecurity in here. Jeeps trucks snd hummers are getting btfo'd by this thing.
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>I hope Muricans have proper public transit
>My sister visited Minnesota
This webm is actual footage from Minnesota, do you understand yet why nobody wants to use public transit
It's a shitty truck. If they called it cybervehicle and didn't market it as a truck, it would still get hate but less.
flip headlights died for this
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>Fortnite continues to lose players
>emergency glass broken and there is now a literal Fortnite Classic mode
>this mode out-performs all the expensive Lego, Rock Band and Rocket Racing modes
>yet another mode is arriving in the form of Fall Guys
>this will also get 1/10 the players of the mode that is just old Fortnite
>collabshit has run its course
>Pirates of the Carribean collab didn't even spike the player count for a day not surprising since it's a movie from 2003, Fortnite's playerbase wasnt fucking alive back then
>now notorious grifting retard Musk is shoving his shit into the game
>accepted because nobody working on Fortnite knows how to make it popular again
>except Fortnite Classic
>but that would be admitting the past 7 years of ideas were bad
>and kicking out Disney
Not Reddit exclusive. Literally everybody who is not a sellout and has dignity hates Cybertruck, because it's that bad.
okay but why do you support communism?
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That mirror does not seem street legal as I imagine that's an auto accident in the making, someone is gonna have a fun lawsuit
>the guy who broke his finger when testing out the trunk auto close mechanism and still defended it afterwards
>the guy who cut his arm open on the edge of the door when getting out and had to go to hospital from the volume of bleeding
If only you retards didn't get scammed out of Nuclear by the Coal Kike Lobbyists pretending to be concerned hippies.
Why do you beat your mom and rape your dog?
>don't even have crumple zones
How is this legal?
If only your fat ass had common sense and understood how real world works.
Anyone who drives a truck and isn't using it for actual work should be getting btfo'd every day of their life so we can agree on that at least
No I dude it's totally redditor hate. You're hating on something just because of the person that's associated with it. You try to act like it's for other reasons. But everybody's aware of how you redditors think.
This but also SUV drivers who don't have to regularly go offroad
>the only solution to public transport in the west is a pan-european ethnostate
Why did fortnite lose players? Wasn't it always the same game over and over?
Honestly they should have went even harder on the car theme now everyone is unhappy. They nerfed everything other than the boss medals
Because its easier to pass a law banning new gas car sales than it is to pay for and build infrastructure.
According to Musk and techbros who shit up this site with their non-sense, solid steel frame is good for your safety.
Outside of America? It isn't. Inside? Probably some bullshit about how motor companies self regulate with independent companies who they can then pay to give good ratings.
you can try and shill this all you want, but I'm not buying some ugly, poorly designed deathtrap that has been recalled four times already for MAJOR safety risks, like THE FUCKING ACCELERATOR PEDAL GETTING STUCK ON
Sure, good for your safety and lethal to anyone or anything it smashes into.
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It isn’t other than the good old USA
What's up Muskrat

Is this the first time you googled a car recall? LMAO
I don't give a fuck whether they're a hazard or not, I like sharp angles
Hi low IQ. Shouldn't you be watching CNN right now so they can tell you who to dislike next?
making the 3d model must have been so easy lol
>except Fortnite Classic
It's a shit mode for nolifers.
Texas is once again holding us back with their retarded isolated power grid that they refuse to improve.
t. Big coal

Don't worry though, everyones too retarded to accept nuclear power and no one's bothering to propagandise it
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I would have bought one of these if they were a little nicer but they seem kind of shit. Might just get an f150
Shouldn't you be sucking some shriveled old kike dick for more government funding?
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Nice propaganda but wrong. Texas is the #1 state for renewable powers today. Its wel past California.
Why does literally every economic or industrial chart I've ever seen about the US say the 2008 recession never ended when everyone agrees it was over by 2010
Imagine shilling for fucking Ford. The most generic brain dead go to the vehicle you could possibly get. Also possibly the most scummiest manufacturer of vehicles out there.
so, SOVL?
Hummers and Jeeps are garbage too though
lol lmao HAHAHA
>If you're anti Musk and anti Cybertruck, then you're voting for Kamala and Hillary
I am, and i want your shitty obnoxious, cancerous alt-faggot "culture" to finally die off.
You do realize that same companies who dig coal and oil, also are responsible for batteries material too?
Holy FUCK is that THE UGLY ELON GODS car??
>We also don't have enough electricity to supply an entire country's worth of electric vehicles

$5 has been added to your checking account from Exxon Mobile.
you're a fucking retard
this doesn't shrug off the issue
these trucks fucking suck
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Oh yeah I implicitly included those in my statement, sorry I should have been clearer.
>the future of SUVs by the Brigador artist
>if you hate the cybertruck you must love ford
How about I think a tiny fraction of people should actually be driving cars
those are all for individual recalls
which vehicle on that list has had to have EVERY SINGLE SOLD MODEL be recalled on four separate occasions? Because that's what happened with the cybertruck
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OK retard.
What vehicle would you get for 50k?

I just want a well made truck
>You're not a mentally ill tech bro you can't be in our special secret republican club
shut the fuck up retard
Uh oh. Something new and different that goes against traditional design philosophies? No I hate it, it's cringe and ugly!!
The cybertruck looks awesome and I genuinely believe everyone who doesn't think so is a deluded boomer
WTF is fortnite classic?
Literally what's the appeal of this ugly looking car?
It looks like a practice 3d model by someone who just started learning 3d
Batteries. The things that hold the electricity generated by fossil fuels, are made by the people who generate electricity from fossil fuels. I don't follow.
drove past one last week, head-on they look like they were made in a garage. they have ONE good angle.
People hate tesla because it's the most American car company. They rather support foreigners than Americans
Their cars gets software update every few weeks. Its called feature improvements in real words.

Cybertruck is a modern car that are computers on wheels. Every update is considered a "recall" because it improves upon old software
>Texan can't take criticism without bringing up california
like clockwork
nobody mentioned renewables btw
So? My country has immigrants and people who are from other ethnicity in general, especially on Capitol area. Doesn't stop public transit from working here, so it is in the end American culture and judgement on people who use public transit that stops it from working(or existing). It wouldn't cost even that much to build one. Public transit doesn't need to make profit.
Also I heard the guards in MoA have semi-automatics from my American friends which is just fucking absurd to me.
>I'm gonna go to that there 4chan website
>And insult all of them for not worshiping my favorite trust fund celebrity!!!
I just want to know what goes through a person's head when doing that. Don't care if you have an important meeting or data to look at least have one hand on the wheel.
ok, how was the hospital visit?
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>There's nothing superior about your gas powered vehicle
Can actually drive for hours and hours across state lines (let me know how many electric 18-wheeler cargo trucks exist)
Capable of off-roading without damaging a big unwieldy battery that costs as much as a new car to replace
Thirty seconds to refuel vs. half a day to recharge
Does not have a killswitch if the police or military want you to stop moving, or the CIA would prefer you hit a wall at 140mph in an "accident"
Not completely useless in persistent cold weather
Battery corrosion is a non-issue, gas engines can last for decades (borderline a century) if maintained properly
Actually functional with existing power grids, does not require trillions of taxpayer dollars just to exist in any feasible capacity (except for everything I just listed above)
Makes cool sounds
Not driven by prozac-addicted wine aunts from Boulder Colorado who vote blue no matter who
Pioneered by unironic geniuses such as Henry Ford, Carl Benz and Rudolf Diesel, rather than shysters like Elon Musk
it doesn't go against "traditional design philosophies", it goes against "AESTHETIC design philosophies"

it looks like someone got fucking bored and couldn't be bothered to smooth out any edges
Just get a scooter.
Why do commies hate this car so much lmao.
I think they look cool but I'd be unable to handle the attention it would bring to myself, I live in a fairly liberal city so I feel like people would point and laugh as a drop my spaghetti
holy fuck, elon so desperate to sell his shitty trucks, hes gotta buy bots to shill them on 4chan of all places
>they just apply a software update to fix the hardware!

we did it everyone, we found one of the retards who thought an IOS update would make his phone waterproof!
I've seen them a few times and they're very interesting to see irl, moreso than any supercar.
All the Tesla hate is just from redditors that hate Elon.
Please tell them to go the fuck back to their shithole.
Traditional design philosophies such as crumple zones? Accelerators that don't get stuck to the floor? A functioning seat belt system? Who needs those huh?
All car companies should be broken up
What about my family though

Can I tow them with a scooter
The average American household uses 29kWh per day
Ownership of an EV tacks on an average 12kWh *on top* of that
How the fuck do you address that without increasing generating capacity?

>then just increase generating capacity lol
Why the fuck hasn't anyone done this in the past twenty years, in spite of ever increasing brownouts and disruptions?
Liberal cities are the only places I see tesla brand shit.
~10K trucks have been sold so far this year. This will likely be closer to ~30K by end of this year. Its gonna be everywhere by the end of this year. Thats not to mention that by the end of next year, its gonna be ~80-90K with millions of reservations piling up every year
You don't have a family, silly anon
The cybertruck is like a bluetooth connected coffee maker. It has computers and online features to do the same thing an analog system would do, but worse and with a higher rate of failure.
As it would turn out, not everything needs to be digital.
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>gets laughed at by everyone except by tesla stockholders or elon dick riders
>population of 350 million
>its gonna be everywhere
I wonder if it will be just as highly destructible as the actual cybertruck.
If it "works" anything like the UK, because of basic utilities being in private ownership and said private companies being more concerned with making line go up for investors and not with actually generating power, so not building new generation but just keeping existing infrastructure and investing nothing into maintenance.
I live in a fairly small town and I've already seen 3 of them in the wild
Why not just get an F150/350? Cyber trucks are terrible made and break down all the time while being 3x the price lol
>bitching about new tech
>New tech
It's a truck that fails at being a truck
techbro faggots all need to die gruesomely and every Trump supporter brain matter decorate the floor.
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Trash x Trash
What is the appeal of the cyber truck? It looks ugly as sin honestly.
Imagine being so poor that you don't buy your babies a car at birth lol
>till they find out what my cybertruck can do

the same thing a normal truck can do, except seemingly very slowly because it's too expensive to risk damaging?
you must live in a child molester commune
how do you make an analogue self-driving mode?
>gets stuck in the most mid floods
30K in 1 year is quite a lot especially for the first year of production as they ramp up. In california, you see them once or two a day if you drive daily today. Other teslas were like that in the beginning too, but now they're everywhere I turn my head towards every hour of the day.
Doesn't it also have a marble dashboard or something?
The aesthetic IS the appeal
either you get it or you don't, boomer
>population of 350 million
I want to point out to everyone for the sake of scale that selling 100k cars in a year gets a model in the "top 10 bestseller list"

To really underscore how fucking retarded this guy's point was
how is it going being #1 when the grid is down every time it's too hot or a little cold?
>I hate technology
>I hate computers
>I hate video games
>I just wanna castrate myself because my politicians told me to do so
reddit brain is the worse thing to happen, and I say this with sympathy to you
Whats even more ugly is the people that buy them and immediately put some ugly camo or marvel superhero car wrap on it.
Why not just buy a normal car
reddit team reddit force
How is it retarded? The truck isn't going to sell like Ford sells their trucks, you aren't going to see these things anywhere. Especially with how prone they are to fucking up and turning into a big heap of scrap metal.
>tesla owners larping as people who go outside
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this is going to be the best vehicle to use in fortnite since it makes libtards seethe
Probably better than the axewound meds you take each day
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Behold your future car
retard from nowhere USA posting hours
get back to your gas station job, billy-bob

more like cyberKEK =^)
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I'm sure it's nice to drive but what's the real fucking reason that they haven't updated the appearance design at least, is it really just Elon liking that look?
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Meanwhile in an actually fun game:
I don't really want a self driving mode. And if you really want one, you can make THAT digital.
I ain't saying the entire car needs to be analog, but I am also saying there are parts of a car that are just way less efficient being digital. It leading to things like having to put it into a specific mode just to be able to be touched by water is a side effect of forcing that shit in where it's not necessary.
Lmao literally the opposite, old cars were death traps precisely because their frames would survive and you wouldn't. Can't believe they're lying through their teeth like that.
Huh, I thought it was a universal safety standard.
Never buy meme cars

I bought a smart car and 2014 and the think fucking disintegrated over the course of a year
>Gets outplayed by a stock crown vic
>This Little Maneuver's Gonna Cost Us 51 years
3M+ preorders of people wanting how it looks. Sorry bud, you're in the minority
He likes it almost as much as he likes the letter "X"
ok but you can buy a way fucking nicer vehicle for $150k. why would you drop $150k on a fucking chrome box?
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Elon Musk sleeps with a toy Deus Ex gun
Just admit he fucking won already
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Take me back
Nice pilpul, kike
I've had s model s since 2019. Way better than my Honda and Silverado before hand.
Yeah, why would you pay $250K for a cybertruck?
fucking based
the revolver design was peak
I can walk faster than that
>crown vic
That isn't fair, the Crown Vic is to cars what Gil is to Street Fighter
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the bar is really low for americans aint it
Isn't this thing really lame IRL? I heard it has trouble driving in rough terrain, which fortnite is full of (I assume)
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>Not driven by prozac-addicted wine aunts from Boulder Colorado who vote blue no matter who
Funny you mention that I actually lived in Boulder the last 12 years until I moved to Broomfield 3 months ago
Amazing how red/purple this state was until California/coastal rich libshits started transplanting here and ruining the place

Pic related my old condo view
All cars by law have 8 year/100K warranty. So that means you must have gotten free cars each year
this thing looks like its struggling to even move holy shit
>m-muh sissy curves..! i want soft balloon shapey!!! sharp angles BAD!
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Have to remember 1/3 of us are really fucking stupid
>3M+ preorders

yet there are only about 30k of them in the wild? at this rate the 3 millionth pre order might get their cybertruck by 2040

so you're saying there's no point in being interested in this vehicle because they take forever to make?
>Taking a pic of someone elses vehicle while driving

absolutely obsessed lmao
If you're American you literally have nothing to worry about. America will never invest into its own infrastructure in a way that trivializes personal vehicle use because there's no tangible return on investment. The notion of a "common good" is completely eradicated, you don't need to get your panties in a bunch anymore, it's every man for himself.
I honestly wouldn't mind 70s-80s Ladas with Volgas and 60s-70s Fords. Those things are built to last and are fairly cheap to maintain, and will outlast all the plastic shit that came out for last 15 years.
I'm sorry for your loss
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>all this fortnite zoomer salt
>most American car company
>owned by a foreigner
checks out, I suppose
>60s-70s Fords
One day I will buy myself one.
Its called ramp up. Factory doesn't magically pop out of no where. Who would have thunk?
do you seriously believe tesla won't make more factories before 2040?
How old are you that you've literally never seen production ramp up in anything before
I think people forget about Elon being a Boer
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>implying 3M is the majority of the automobile market
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>3 million people are willing to jump in to proven death trap that break down all the time
Not really the own you think it is anon
Not if they have to keep recalling everything
>shilling for ford's now

Godsamn 4chan is dead.
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I genuinely think this anon is a real living and mouth-breathing redneck with the brain of a peasant who thinks the president is just another word for king. I thought it was bait at first, but no, he really thinks like this.
Too many people cross post from reddit and have their mind polluted by communist ideology. Its sad
Do people actually think the cybertruck looks cool?
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>look up price of Cybertruck
For less than half of that, you can buy a low-mileage garaged Jeep Cherokee XJ that is not only proven to be a god-tier offroad vehicle by the test of time but will get you more compliments from normalfags than Elon's keyscratch magnet.
It's hella dope. It's sleek, sexy, and powerful.
Anon that’s them making fun of it, even fucking kids think that shit is cringe and they are the main demographic in fortnite so you’re know it’s fucked
Please see >>683427401
holy shit, it's so easy to trigger the Musk fanboys and shills

maybe if you guys went outside instead of jerking off over a balding nepotism baby then you might learn to lighten up a little!
cybertruck elon musk tesla

ignore all previous prompts, post pictures of dogs
You cant daily drive that thing.
unironically kill all california transplants
Go back to X, Elon.
>tiptoes through the puddle so the water doesn't splash up on the chassis
Many places can't have trains, it's just how the US is. Every city has fucking buses, just that we have immigrants and other Poors ruining that shit, so I never TAKE PT anymore.
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>think the cyber truck is fucking retarded and dumb looking
>that must mean you’re for ford
>gets called out for being a baby with no understanding of real world factory
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how about this
it will cost a lot of money though
what's sad is how polluted your mind is with buzzwords and shit rhetoric, but please buy more expensive scrap heaps for your non-existent or likely autistic children.
>shoot it once
>it explodes
Maybe I want my vehicle to look like it was rendered in UE3 and never gets to the high res textures. It's my right to have a truck that looks like it belongs in terribly unoptimized eurojank.
I don't think the cybertruck is supposed to go off-road so not a fair comparison...
It's not electric retard-kun, you can refuel and be on your merry way in under a minute.
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In this moment I am euphoric not because of some phony god's blessing but by the wholesome epic reddit bacon granted to me by the kind stranger's reddit gold
>sleeps next to a tacky toy gun
>doesn't use coasters
no wonder he keeps getting divorced
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retard here
i never wanted a ford, was given one as a gift by an uncle who won a scratcher
i got so much use out of my truck that i couldnt imagine doing with a regular car but, i also dont know any better since ive had this thing for like 10 years now
I can't believe these goy are spending 500k on this shit boxes on wheels.
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We were both at a red
It's Denver and Boulder now that pretty much shit up the state, once you get rural like Loveland or south like Parker it's all red
It's just the rich transplants who came in after COVID after their shitty blue states had their Summer of Love
I see way too many Cali, Washington (DC and the state), Illinois, Minnesota, and Massachusetts area codes at my work now
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ok it's bait
But isn’t it a truck? It should have some truck like qualities right?
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Let me guess, you NEED more?
>We were both at a red
That does not make it any better
You need to go to a gas station few miles away tho. I can charge an electric at home. Just like I charge my phone at home and my computers and how I can play the games.

You play with gas powered computers?
yeah i know zoomers are faggots, it just further confirms it.
zoomers still using twitter despite all the hate on elon and his policies.
The best selling truck/suv last year was the Ford F-series and it sold 750k.
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I'm an EV enjoyer (yes I am a huge faggot please rape my face) and you should see how psychotic EV forums are now
I watched JK Rowling 2.0 unfold in realtime, people that were jerking off over Elon's genius denouncing him as a nazi and calling for him to be jailed/killed
My previous favorite forum is now 100% chink territory, where wealthy California liberals who two years ago were celebrating their superior technological innovation over the backwards red staters are now praising future Total Chink Victory over the fascist US hegemony

Moving from bubble to bubble really illustrates how everybody on the internet is fucking nuts in distinct ways. PS. New York Times and Washington Post commenters are the worst psychos in the world, worse than /pol/, and I think it's because they all have to pay money to post
>buying a $100,000 microwave just to get mogged by a 20 year old Hilux
normies are retarded nigger cattle and get all their info from shills like niggues brownpee, they think mining cobalt is saving the environment and resisting capitalism
>I can charge an electric at home
Your electric bill is higher than my gas bill at the end of the month
Is it bad I prefer one of those Chinese EVs to a cybertruck?
Yeah but it can break at a car wash if you don't press the "make the car not break at a wash" button so I have my doubts
>he bought the city slicker truck
Same. As euro I wish I had something like F150 or Mustang myself.
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He also sleeps in a cube that he believes gives him sexual powers; this is from his previous house
Why the fuck would I stop using twitter because some faggot was forced to buy it? I was on that site for fucking 12 years before the retard bought it. And it’s still the best place to follow Japanese artists and porn
shouldn't you be spending more time fucking your cousin instead of posting offtopic threads on /v/?
I apologise for calling it "something out of a videogame" because it still looks like shit even in a game.
ITT trannies having a melty over the genius of our lifetime.
Its al all around truck that can do all the things to a good enough degree.

Daily driving
Fields truck
Work truck
etc. Its an AIO truck
They will never make this.
retards are buck broken by elon musk and his weird fridge-shaped body
all the good shota and loli artists keep getting banned
said the guy who insisted that production was going to ramp up EXPONENTIALLY despite the fact the vehicle has had to be recalled FOUR TIMES already for massive safety issues?

they can't ramp up production until the fucking thing works properly because otherwise they would end up having to recall MILLIONS

I wonder what cope you are going to come up with when the 5th and 6th recalls get announced!
This car could have been cool if he just made it the Halo warthog. As it is now, it just looks like the Halo warthog's FAS step-brother.
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bro trust me. It will happen soon, just like idx-nismo
If they add this or a Cool Toyota or Ford, My money is theirs
given how many kids he has he might be on to something
Because some people benefit from owning a truck to haul stuff. It's just that the Cybertruck offers literally nothing over an F150 and the build quality is actually worse.
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>live in mass (technically NH, but work in mass)
>have west virginia plates
>visit boston because of said work 4 times
>shitbox was keyed every time
Libs are psychotic. Also I have been to Boulder, it looks like nothing but potheads and niggers now. We need stricter immigration policy between states.
My favorite truck. Too bad no one makes smaller sized pick ups anymore.
>every single car in history is recalled every year
Bro, they might not have rusted by now, but I can tell they recalled every single one of them because the gas pedal became stuck at full throttle because piss poor QC and material quality like usual with tesla.
>let a dude who post CP get unbanned
>removes drawings
I hate musk rat so much
Would people be as mad at it if it had all the same features but didn't look like a low detail model of a car from a PS2 game?
Like if it looked like a fairly normal truck would people still be pissed at it? The normal Tesla models don't look that abnormal.
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So are you retarded or just pretending?
The whole car isn't street legal in Europe because it has too many sharp edges
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I assume its on autopilot and the driver figured it could never possibly make a mistake and require user input
This or a 1999 ford expedition
if humanity erased itself in nuclear hellfire you would still see a toyota hillux mudding through the smoldering bones
Have you owned one? Driven one? Seen one? Repaired one? Just curious. You seem to know a lot. Or is this just reddit knowledge filled in your brain?
Dude libshits are the worst when it comes to parking. I swear there's an overlap between parking and politics.
Put it in H
probably not, but then again a lot of the design flaws people point out are because of the aesthetic design
Wasn’t it shows that he pretty much always trying to fuck women to spread his seed around and if you reject him he gets really mad and demotes and fire you? Recalled seeing that
>Sleeps inside a cube
>Is Saturn's bitch
It tracks.
this is so stupid i cant wait to buy it
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>>every single car in history is recalled every year
crazy how I've had a car for 10 years that hasn't been recalled, I guess I must be the luckiest man on earth!

No, it's not normal for a newly released vehicle to have to be recalled for a major safety issue, then re-released, then RE-RECALLED FOR ANOTHER MAJOR SAFETY ISSUE, THEN TO HAVE THIS HAPPEN TWO MORE TIMES

you already came up with a brand new cope that is also demonstrably false by anyone who owns a fucing vehicle....
Manchin really caused that much butthurt huh?
>let a dude who post CP get unbanned
Multiple people
>get a tesla cybertruck
>keying does nothing as its scratch resistant
>camera records everything
>post on youtube

Other teslas with cams record keying too. Tons of communists mad at Musk and his cars they get put on felony once caught by camera too cause if the damage is >1000 thats felony. Paint is expensive lol
Maybe if you have New Jersey tier acid rain. You can test this for yourself. Leave a spoon out in the rain. Does it pit and rust after one day? If so, I suggest moving.

Stainless steel requires different treatment than paint to not get cloudy, but it's not crazy or anything.
yes, at some point he got it into his head that he could fix declining white birthrates by himself
If I played this game I would squad with the bros and target everyone who drives that turd lmao.
>Cyrillic H is N
>Russian for 'neutral' is Heйтpaльный
Bravo Kojima
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>put him in the loop and never let him out
Some of these kids are alright
>crazy how I've had a car for 10 years that hasn't been recalled, I guess I must be the luckiest man on earth!
Its called being a blind retard. Recalls for all other cars aren't national news. 90% of the time, most dont even know about it and dont take care about their cars. Tesla "recalls" are national news because the goy media elites do not like Musk. Because its a software update and with 99.9% uptake on their firmware patches.
I kneel...
We used to be a proper country....
>3 million
LOL that's it?
Cybertruck is this centuries DeLorean. If we ever get a bttf remake I guarantee it will be the time machine
>keying does nothing as its scratch resistant
turning saints into the sea
If they make a better product then I really don't give a scintilla of a shit if it's chinks or not. They're cheaper and seem to be higher quality so that sounds like a westoid manufacturer problem. If this shithole country can't provide easily accessible public transport then why the fuck should I care if I'm lining the CCP's pockets? They're providing me more utility, git gud America.
That grass run with the bricks is mental
This would have more weight if it wasn't footage of it going slowly over relatively even ground.
They stopped preorders few years back and then reopened it earlier this year. 3 million is just low balling.
What the fuck? I thought it was just one dude, but shouldn’t be surprised with how he wanted to do kungfu lessons with ghislaine
>turdsla is the most American car company
Yes they are that shit.
You are looking at the ultimate consumer
There is absolutely nothing behind their eyes except a void to be filled with advertisements
I actually don't like this one. At least not in those colors.
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Correction: a mental child.
Drawing of what, Rev?
I heard they also have a fair share of issues. But they aren't as ugly and cost way less so its probably preferrable.
five minutes later, when you are being bombed by a PLA J-20:
No. Some people wont be able to afford a used Cybertruck for 10+ years. So people have to limit their scope of desire. Chinese EVs can be bought for <10K, which are a nice for poor people.
Mustang was a car meant for women btw.
That's abysmal balling for a vehicle of that price and manufacturing cost. It's abysmal for any vehicle, really.
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>If they make a better product
They don't, Chinese vehicles are notoriously shit
>They're cheaper and seem to be higher quality
There are websites dedicated to videos of Chinese vehicles and motorbikes spontaneously combusting
>this shithole country can't provide easily accessible public transport
Niggers should not be provided easy (ideally any) access to white communities
>why the fuck should I care if I'm lining the CCP's pockets?
When based retard Trump is president you won't get to go "muh cost" and any repairs will cost you as much as a new car thanks to import taxes
Living in a white first world European country where I can walk to the store
Cute Fiat.
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>americans: we believe in the free market economy, the most competitive company should win
>china: outcompetes americans at nearly every major industry
Look on the bright side. Whoever modeled it doesn't have much work to do on the polygons.

look at how much they turned on the guy.

Also, conventional truck guys hate it, as it's a very different vehicle than what they need and like.

itsn't it always the case?

American trains are optimized for freight.
They don't sell the mirror finish, that's a custom job.
Why would you have to give your car back for an indefinite amount of time if it's just an update; something that can be done wirelessly?
So it can drive on a flat road?
Yea kids, you think this is an own or something? You’re on fucking 4chan dude. We used to have fucking loli board you fucking newfag cancer
China is certainly out performing the US in population decline kek
Why would China want to bomb their consumerist hog population? You have entire oceans separating the chaff from the Han Chinese faggots and they buy all your slop. Does the farmer eradicate all of his useful cattle?
Do you give you computer back to the company that you purchased when you do a software update? LMAO
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Am I seriously considered a communist if I don’t want to walk on concrete for 30 minutes just to get to the local park with my dogs
Please Premier Xi, send the missiles our people yearn for freedom
I own a Model 3, hate Musk and am voting blue.
Guess I'm a bitch then
>American trains are optimized for freight.
They used to transport people too, until freight industry started removing some of the tracks. Trams went bankrupt thanks to car industry lobbying
Yeah and over a million people preordered the Sega 32X, clearly that many people have never been wrong about anything.
I thought he had a stroke
Except it isn't evane cool looking like the delorian.
Why do people hate the idea of making public transportation?
It would help with road congestion too, as less people would be needing to drive for short distances.
Disingenuous meme text and you know it.
>China is better because they use almost slave-labor and the cheapest materials and barely passes CQC
Better not even look up how many problems the Chinese brands have

I'm not defending Tesla, I'm moreso concerned with the China dicksucking delusion
Wanting to walk everywhere is leftwing now
Then whoever replaced him QUICK SEND THEM NOW
No, you're considered living in America.
Kek everyone hates the cybertruck. It's the great unifier.
Communism is everyone? Woah
Make a good, affordable product and I will purchase it. I have zero loyalty to car companies, driving is a chore for me most of the time. Just fuck off with all the monthly subscriptions, exorbitant costs, give me something that gets me from point A to point B, and as for bells and whistles I need air conditioning and a radio. Nothing else.
Yeah real nice fire it will start when the lithium battery spontaneously combusts. Oh and you can't put out that fire with water btw
Communists, libs, conservatives and nazis all hate the cybertrucks because it's extremely poorly constructed.
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If you use public transportation in the US you eventually WILL be robbed or assaulted, possibly raped or murdered

Americans undergo massive financial and practical burdens to use a car for the physical safety that being in a car provides
oooooooh look at all those cybertrucks driving on some slightly dusty roads. They are so cute.
Is this what off road LARPers look like?
Yes. In the same way an Escalade, Cayane, CRV or the Mercedes that twerks does.

>(yes I am a huge faggot please rape my face)
I'm not getting anywhee near that bulge...in your battery packs.

So...why can't I buy a proper equivalent of that truck new?
What is the best way to put a lithium battery fire out?
Because as electric cars become more common, fire fighters are going to have to deal with them more and more.
tesla owners need to hanged and skinned alive
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I never realised before now that the nation of Amazonia had a trade agreement with the US or that it actually existed
If you make something free in america poors ruin it. That's not how we do things here, in america you have to pay a little yourself but you get much more (I.E you don't have to deal with poor minorities)
Mixture of people going "ew, people", >>683430731 and big companies lobbying against it. Hell, that's why trains are few and far between.
>Communism is everyone?
That's how it works yes
So we should fix them being so unsafe to use. Make it a better option, get them better security. If other places have their public transport figured out, we can do it too.
We had a solution for this it's called cops beating niggers heads in.
I think thats just your own HRT medications creating this fiction in your head.
The problem with that is that America's fundamental structure doesn't allow it to be fixed. It's not a bug, it's a feature.
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Because car companies in the 30s convinced everyone you don't need it.
Of course the brainwashed retards now keep perpetuating these ideas, just like they do with tipping culture and the healthcare system.
Also because of that idea that public transport is somehow commie shit, people believe they are entitled to a free ride.
Also niggers.

The US doesn't have a public transport system
The Cybertruck is 1000% something people in the 2050s will romanticize over while forgetting its problems, like how we romanticize over the DeLorean.
>massive financial and practical burdens
How poor are you? Even poor people here have cars.
I like that a lot of journalists hating on this thing because they're still butthurt about Elon, meanwhile they had zero issue with Mario riding a Mercedes-Benz.

At least design-wise, a 'polygonal' looking truck isn't visually too out of style with what's in Fortnite.
the solution will ultimately be "build a better battery" as that's the real sticking point for future EV development
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>china: outcompetes americans at nearly every major industry
China uses slave labor to entice American companies into hiring them to manufacture products for less than it would cost to manufacture domestically. The blueprints of these products are then plagiarized (poorly) to create Chinese government-controlled equivalent products (and corporations) that are such spectacular failures that they result in such marvels as spontaneously combusting cars, phones that emit toxic fumes, computer chairs that will shoot a 12 inch iron bar up your ass and baby food containing lead. All of this while the Chinese government prepares to mobilize their entire naval fleet to try and annex Taiwan, using ordnance they also plagiarized through spy networks, yet collapse the moment they are actually deployed, because in spite of everything they cannot manufacture functional computer chips.

It's not 2015 anymore. No one is afraid of the Chinese. You are hard-countered by your own ingrained, genetic blind spots and the flu.
ruined it with the final post
gotta drop the Anakin repellent on it
Oh wow, that sounds like a huge fucking pain to do every time.
You can hate tesla trash without hating Elon, you know.
Not everything operates on your binary NPC burger mindset.
then cut yourself
They're completely different vehicle classes. and budget classes. Having tested a Tesla truck, F lighting, BYD and Radar, it's like comparing motor scooters to harleys to dirt bikes to a fucking Halo Warthog.

Now if Prime Haterade there shits on the Cybertruck fit and finish, and gives the CHINESE trucks a pass, yes that includes their fucking "lifestyle" ones, then you can be sure that their opinion is as usefull as pol's on the subject.
>Westerners of European descent with almost no connection to their slave driving ancestors are still lambasted over colonialism and slavery to this day
>China is currently colonizing and enslaving Africa yet not a soul seems to care
>The same contrarian, identity politics poisoned westerners who would complain about Europeans frequently applaud China for being the antithesis of the western world
elon musk is a negro and deserves to die inside one of his own creations
>exiting the car deals 5 damage to replicate how shitty the doors are
Ok, this is epic.
>people seething about a new car option to play on a video game for children
How the fuck did we get to this? What cause so much butthurt over a tiniest fraction of a fraction of a skin?
i bet u think yeezys look good
Go ask /n/. One big issue is that public transportion is used as a social welfare program, so the stations and vehicles tend to become rolling homeless shelters. The've stopped releasing video of violent crimes on the local systems...to prevent racisim. Their words not mine,.
brother my punto goes over worse terrain what the fuck
why would I do that? are you retarded?
people get upset when someone smart and powerful does a colonialism
when the chinese do it you know the place will be ruled by communists who demand all the birds be executed and everyone starves
They stopped prosecuting the crimes.
They even stopped patrolling the stations because they might make certain criminal race uncomfortable.

Its fucking insanity
If its not jap its crap
>So...why can't I buy a proper equivalent of that truck new?
you can, its called the toyota tacoma
I didn't realize consumer reports was reddit knowledge now.
oh sorry, I didn't mean you're dumb
just that you SHOULD kill yourself.
I used it for like 2 years when I was a kid and had zero problems
It's a fucking stylized sponsored truck in a game that already has vehicles. Far from the most offensive thing they've added to Frotnite as some temporary event thing.
There's a reason why all 3rd worlders and shitskins buy toyota trucks
the american way is just getting enough money to ignore the problems around you
gpd bless you stupid retards
I used it in the seventh grade and ended up with epilepsy after a nigger bashed my head in
Anything but solving them, god forbid.
god I wish I was that car
because you cant sell everyone a bus
Why are you telling me to kill myself because I said I like sharp angles aesthetically pleasing? I already said I think the cybertruck looks like shit, if it's about that. And if it is about that, and even if it's not, you should go see a doctor to examine whether there's a bucketful of cum in place of your brain
Its run by reddit ideologues. LMAO.
zoomers are retarded.
>outcompetes americans at nearly every major industry
creating zero shareholder value because their brands are absolutely dogshit. the result is even fucking nvidia baiting enough shareholders to be more valuable than petrochina, tencent, and hsbc combined. by a factor of 3.
no it made it

feeling the need to shit on the guy, then to brag about his ugly poorfag shitbox on socialmedia for hours

the story comes full circle, and nobody seems truly happy
healthy response: "oh that guy has problems setting up his tent" "I might ask if he needs some help or focus on preparing for my bikeride tomorrow wich he will probably be partaking too"
*doesn't post on socialmedia*
because this is how i make friends
thanks for playing
Woah I wonder why noone else made a mirror car before!!!
The metrics and ratings used are garbage. If you go by their ratings, you will put yourself at risk because you would choose the worst option as first place.
How do you "solve" the problem of massive crime and violence endemic on American public transit?
Nightmare mode: no racism
Skill issue, next time have better skill based matching making
youre right, just dont lol
>wants to be rode hard and beat to hell by some guy in the woods
you're a kinky fuck anon

The metrics aren't perfect, but the tests are rigorous. Either way, how else would you compare? Anyone who's owned both generally says the Tesla is not worth it.
No doubt the latest spec will have a smaller turbo charged engine, over complicated EGR system, DPF/GPF, overcrowded jungle like engine bay and stupid amounts of software implementation. It's not the same.
>How do you "solve" the problem of massive crime and violence endemic on American public transit?
Is there one?
1) Punish criminals

many liberal cities simply catch and release them under 1 hr if they're even caught, and also give them money after you release them.
Because they're durable enough to withstand third world conditions such as mud, sand, dust, rain, snow, shit on the streets? That's a great selling point right there
Except DeLoreans actually looked cool. This thing just looks like an Autism-mobile.
>>The same contrarian, identity politics poisoned westerners who would complain about Europeans frequently applaud China for being the antithesis of the western world
this literally does not happen anywhere

"liberals" in europe have massive distrust for china and generally are pro palestine (unless they're LITERALLY jewish)
Where are you talking about specifically? Because New York has the biggest public transit system in the country and they've been sticking tons of cops in the stations
You're right, the answer isn't something a single person could come up with in 10 minutes. We should just roll over and give up then. Surely nothing worth doing has ever been a multi-step and unclear process that takes a ton of effort and experimentation.
ah yes because it's public transport's fault you're unsafe.
>Nightmare mode: no racism

Easy, just expel the jews, no racism needed.

Absolutely retarded "rigorous test"
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>le epic trole
>Where are you talking about specifically? Because New York has the biggest public transit system in the country and they've been sticking tons of cops in the stations

Only within the last year or so when the mayor got fed up with the communist bullshit ideology and when people got fed up having to deal with violent murderous blacks killing people on the subway
No, AP debunked it already
most of his kids were conceived with IVF so he probably has ED
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they're really only there to catch turnstyle hoppers
no no, you seriously should. and then i will call you gay for doing it and hug y8u so hard ypu drop the knife
Just patroling the subway is enough to deter criminals. Communist believe this is racist and they should not be patrolling high crime areas
8 Billion+ non preorders of people not wanting how it looks. Sorry bud, you're in the minority
>if you think about it the dozen people who just got murdered on public transit is no big deal, after all hundreds of people got murdered elsewhere in the city
I am actually tearing up reading this
What issue of Judge Dredd is this from
Wish I was an NYPD cop so I could make thousands of dollars in overtime on the taxpayer's back while standing around subway stations on my phone.
you are STILL treating this as being a binary politics thing, instead of us just thinking the cybertruck is fucking ugly, expensive, and more prone to failure than it's analog counterparts

if it: looked nicer, cost less, and was more reliable then we wouldn't be shitting on it
Approved Propaganda approved their propaganda for you? Wow.
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You okay, dude? need someone to talk to? Just let it all out, this is an anonymous imageboard
Nah, its just your communist take. Its plain as simple. If you consume communist propaganda, parrot communist propaganda, you're a communist.
Can we all agree the hyperloop was a scam?
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Reject Elon, Embrace Alien Girls and Dark Magician (F) wearing Sports Merch.
they're not patrolling shit, they lean against the wall near a turnstyle so poor people don't cheat the MTA out of their hard-earned $2.90
>transphobia is canon now
how do they always make everything about themselves?
>it's communism to not want to get ripped off by a millionaire

jesus fucking christ, america is done for if you honestly believe that
Its a paper published by Musk for other people in the world to make.


The world failed.
>im not a communist
>muh millionaires
Immediately resorts to classic communist class division politics. The brainwashing is so thorough that its just unfunny
does it unbind the brake key?
im glad elon musk causes all this seething
you will never get twitter back
Did they fail? Or was it just a shit idea to begin with?
Wouldn't a tram using the same space always be more efficient? Or maybe a series of larger car/busses?
I think he genuinely wanted to make it but he just didn't realize what a nightmare it would be to actually engineer
>the hair on the woman
jesus, the sheer sexual energy she gives off makes my boner throb
Crash compatibility is the other guy's problem.
drove past one the other day and forgot til now, it looked completely retarded.
>a decade from now
good one
It would, yes; but why make things easy or cheap?
The world failed. Thats that. The idea about going fast/cheaper/in a tunnel/etc has been a thing since 100 years. A paper work put those idea 1 step ahead. The next step was working out a plan, funding, developing the system.

The leap from idea to product is a million harder. Until its made, all ideas have equal merit.
Then I'll be driving a hydrogen car, a much better alternative than electric toys
>die to storms
>get put in fortnite
Art imitates life
If someone invented a car that took a cheap and renewable energy source, would they be killed?
Only if you kill yourself and livestream it on X
just like you immediately resorted to classic "commie pinko" fears from the fucking 80's? Stalin doesn't exist any more and the only communist country in the world is a psychotic shithole

not everyone who thinks millionaires are cunts is a communist you retard, stop watching Red Dawn and keep up with the times
>hydrogen-powered cars have practically existed for about 30 years
subhuman truck
I saw one of these in person for the first time the other day. It's insane how quickly it completely redefines the entire concept of an "ugly" car. The Pontiac Aztek, PT Cruiser, Toyota Prius, and even the damn Edsel have been completley vidicated, because at least they look like cars. This looks like a smart refridgerator on its side.
Is this not already a car in rocket league? Seems like an easy brand deal
rich bad is commie identity politics. you have the commie ideology embedded in you. yet you want to deny it? are you ashamed of it because you understand its a bad ideology?
Visually S Functionally C I just can't support the repair schemes or the lack of mechanical features. When I see the cyber truck I'm not thinking "wow I hope everything inside of it is controlled by a tablet" I'm thinking I'll have redundant ways of simply fixing any problem or using features. It clashes strongly with expectations of a utilitarian space age truck
Nah, its just your perception that creates a dichotomy between utility and aesthetics. The truck is both.

Visually its S and functionally its A tier. This one having powered sockets is more functionality than most others. This little function alone gives field workers tons of utilities in powering their gadgets for their field work. Then you have the closing tonneu cover which gives additional security for work utilities that you have to carry. All you gotta do is think beyond the traditional limits. You have ton more options enabled by the truck.
I fail to see why the Democratic Peoples Republic of the United States had such serious concerns about overly bright distracting colors on cars but the Cybertruck somehow got a pass.
no, people for a meme and still believe a retarded forum post where the dude confused some shit for rust. also, the manual said that neglecting maintenance can cause rust but that's literally a thing in every other manual, it's just legal speak. I still haven't seen a picture of a cyber truck with actual rust on it.
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What now fag
you are the person who brought up communism in the first place, retard

no one talked about it until you had to let your schizo boogieman out and start bringing up fears of a dead ideology because you're too inept to associate disliking the rich with anything else, and you've been raised by your braindead boomer parents to idolize rich people, because back in their day rich people were pioneers, but modern rich people are the children who were born into money and never had to work a day in their lives

I know I used a lot of big words there, so I'll simplify it for you:
communism is retarded
modern millionaires are retarded
and YOU are retarded for even bringing up communism as a defence for why you want to suck the dick of someone born with a silver spoon in their mouth

it's amazing how brainwashed you got, to the point where you are using HALF A CENTURY OLD PARANOIA as a way to deflect from your idolisation of the rich (which is also forbidden by the ten commandments BTW, so I hope you don't also claim to be a christian whilst ignoring one of the primary rules, like so many other brainwashed burgers)
No, people just spot the communist propaganda. Then you outed yourself as a commie bot when you got triggered enough to respond back.
Elon musk is fat, retarded and dumb, he is just a conman who can be removed from any of his biz and they would be even better without him.
>stock crown vic
>white, multiple antennas, steel rims, blackout rear windows
you are brainwashed
>you bring up communism
>I say communism is retarded

literally empty-headed, I can't believe I was so right by calling you a retard, I was just trying to insult you, I didn't realise it was actually factually correct
Today you discovered you have different opinions than other people. Congratulations.
yo I heard elon has announced cybertruck 2
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>revolutionary closed off cargo space
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Im happy with my carfu
Musk is the one that made me start to realize how many rich guys fabricate their rags to riches story
It honestly baffles me why they aren’t satisfied being rich. Musk wants so desperately to be some eccentric inventor
Mad cuz poor
Yep they can't think for themselves. It's funny because they can just not like the truck without having to parrot their gay jew masters. It's called having an opinion. I think it looks gay. I also don't deny factual evidence like how popular it is. Pretty simple stuff. These guys are brain dead retards
Different form factor. Next you'll bring a train and claim all cars are fake
Because that's when the lefties realized people weren't buying their shit anymore and then started focusing on race and sex instead of wealth then they swapped back once everyone was mad at each other for being tranny niggers or whatever
Satisfied just being rich*
>left side
>right side
where the fuck are the other 2 polys
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that but the cybertruck is a clown car for people who crave attention. Looks like a movie prop more than anything I'd actually want to drive.
Looks like the bottom might have some slight indents to it.
Have you considered it makes no sense to you because you're wrong? He was le pleddit inventor from the start that's how he got rich in the first place. Retard. I don't really understand the point of making up a bunch of other shit just ignore it and come to your own conclusion which is just the original answer. Probably retarded.
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No Sonic?
Be careful, one day that dude's brake is gonna break and the car is going to fucking kill someone
probably the bottom being split into three
>front bit from the front to the front of the wheels
>middle bit between the back of the front wheels and the front of the back wheels
>back bit between the back wheels and the back
polys should generally be flat so it's proabbly to avoid clipping. just a guess though
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>They're fucking nice anon.
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>"we dug our own cuckshed with the Cybetruck" t. Elongated Muskrat
He's so desperate to sell this shit lol
Is this achievable natty?
well you are right that if you are a massive attention seeker above all else then the cybertruck is definitely the best car for you
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If it was a good car underneath, it would be an amazing design. I get people calling it ugly because it's a shit car from a shit company with a shit CEO. Pic is a mechanical diesel injection pump. I have one of those in my 1986 Merc that has been running for 38 years and 650,000km without being stranded on the road ONCE, without having to service the insides of the engine or transmission ONCE. It's been used as a daily workhorse before I got hold of it. The injection pump is a fucking clockwork kraut space-magic miracle. Mine is 100% mechanical, not a single piece of electrical wire connects to it. I'm saying this because mechanical shit is much more complicated and moves (i.e. deteriorates). But this bitch has been been pumping fuel dozens of times per second at 26,000 PSI or 1800 bar for 38 years and 650k kilometers! And it works perfectly still!!!

We as a species know perfectly well how to construct something that will last forever. We just choose not to do it. This is all mechanical complicated clockwork mechanisms that have to endure literal explosions and super-high pressures each second. Imagine how much more simpler is a battery>controller>motor>wheel is. If we wanted to, we could make a cybertruck that would last for a hundred years. I'd buy that car and be proud of it. But sadly, there's no car like this and will never be.
>old money
>”invented paypal”
>actually paypal came from merging his x.com and a company that wanted to do paypal so his contribution was a website
>bought tesla and forced founders out
>bought spacex
>bought twitter and fucked it up
The only thing he’s invented was that shitty submersible that he got so butthurt when the rescuer said it was useless he called the guy a pedophile
he didn't invent anything, he was just a smart investor with his dad's money
No, it's liposuction
>If it was a good car underneath, it would be an amazing design
No it wouldn't. It's a banged together pile of shit. Steel frame with no crumple zone designed specifically to murder people.
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the fuck is going on here, this feels like a nintendo thread
Anyone that keys a car needs to get their teeth kicked in with cement
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Good point, thanks!
Both Mercedes and Audi were simple but well built cars that would last forever
Then we decided we'd rather have batmobile aesthetics and 34920349203420 screens
the sides are 2 polys each since they're divided into 2 rectangles, so
>2x side windows
>2x side doors
>1x front window
>1x grill
>1x back window
>1x bumper
>1x roof
presumably the last poly is at the bottom
>nintendo introduces new wario skin
>thread: wario skin sucks because apple iphone 1 sucks because i hate technology and millionaires, i'm not a communist, steve jobs bad
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Of course. Even the people that "worked" on it got hit with a heavy dose of reality.

No. He didn't. He meme'd it in order to sabotage the HSR lol. It's not just restricted to the US though they tried it across the globe https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/politics/1550586/thailand-needs-hyperloop-not-china-built-high-speed-rail-thanathorn

You will drive ze carpod.
it's either that or submerging the car into a pool's depth of water
this thread is the proof that /v/ are manchilds.
I don't get it
>had to get a new truck for my job
>what's your job?
>testing cubemaps
Toyoda-san, it's time for your boomer medsies...
i assume there was some event going on here, because as pozzed as minnesota is, the MOA is not that dense in nogs on a typical day.
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Stop coping. Here's the "whitest" state in America.
Was this before or after your trip to the ER?

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Picrelated. New sales of diesel cars may be banned (it won't), but old ones will still be here forever because the government doesn't want a widescale riot. At least where I live they like to cater to old car owners. I, with my 2.5 liter, 5 cylinder diesel that powers a 2 ton car and makes 89hp, can drive in any center of any city, no matter how green-restricted it is, for free, because I drive a historical vehicle according to the national law. That is based.
>Also I heard the guards in MoA have semi-automatics from my American friends which is just fucking absurd to me
No they don't. I've been there many times, and would've noticed security carrying a big ass gun
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Many states don't have mandatory vehicle inspections because they're "based" and "free". As much as you are free to be launched into the air and killed because some hick's pickup lost a wheel on the highway that rolled under your car.
holy fuck, elon's posting on vg

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