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This is what vidya should be like
There's no creature more boring in the world than the straight male.
Yep, that would be perfect.
there's already hundreds of games that let you play as that, and many more will be made like that as well
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this is what vidya should look like
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if I cant have a team composed of white humans, then I will kill enemy and every nigger myself, simple as
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this is how I look like when I play vidya and my mom comes with tendies
I agree it looks like it would be awesome and make sure there's lots of blood, gore, and boobs.
Frank Frazetta drew cuck porn
that's not Frazetta but anyway kys tranny
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The green babe isn't short and naked enough.
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jannies hate naked women unless picture also includes a naked man with throbbing cock
Source? I am intrigued.
We just got a macho sword and sorcery game (Lords of the Fallen) and it sucked.
of course it did
Frank is GOAT.
He drew cuck porn.
kys blizzdrone
>I read classic literature and take it up the ass!
>I am so interesting!
Nobody cares faggot.
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what about black men makes you so terrified anon?
That makes him even more based.
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actually hang on
how haven't those grifters at Cabinet Entertainment made a Conan souls yet?
>I read classic literature
Classic literature is good, faggot.
prove it
So what?
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>not mentioning Golden Axe
c'mon now there's even a new game coming which I hope won't be total shit.
this is why despite everything else DDII is GOTY for me simply by letting me put every non white in the morgue as i meet them
doesn't even mess with the story
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I wish I could get into PoE but I'm too retarded
Diablo 2 was the last video game with a sword and sorcery theme. Sad.
his daughter is hot
Conan is about rejecting society and its vices and killing evil politicians, not just embracing the glory of nature and killing monsters.
A good barbarian game should have both.
>and killing evil politicians
I feel like you just twisted "and killing corrupt noblemen and merchants" into a modern day political message that Conan doesn't address at all. If anything it shits on philosophers, not politicians.
Blame the super shady American organization that claims they own the copyright to Conan the Barbarian even though the author committed suicide and sends copyright take down notices on American fans who become too popular with their Conan fan fiction. However, outside America, the European Union considers Conan the Barbarian public domain
nigga's glowing
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babyfigs dont even know
Exiles already has souls combat, it'd be redundant to make it a single player game.
it only "shits on philosophers" because Robert Howard was a fucking retard who thought his subjective perceptions of pleasure and pain were universal and also intrinsically tied to morality, dumb fuck thought "hurr lying and hedonism BAD because it make me sad!"
Conan the Barbarian. The books, the two 80's movies, and the older comics are all worth checking out. I even like Conan Exiles, especially playing it with /v/ros on launch.
I understand this is controversial, but I must say it regardless: FUCK WIZARDS!
funny joke.
Off the top of my head. It is really easy and grindy tho, a real shit tier project.
What? No. It's because philosophers always discuss the best and most appropiate ways to live as a community and how best to organize our societal systems while Robert Howard was super into individualism and glorifying the idea of characters like Conan who can perfectly live by themselves outside of all society and still thrive.

Conan was an hedonistic fuck, he just didn't let it control his life.
the 2d art is pretty decent actually, why didn't they make the whole game 2d instead of generic unity store assets?
I am not recommending this fucking thing... I remember shitting on Dohna Dohna for being a shite DD clone, I didn't see nothing yet at then.
Red Sonja movie is also fun.
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>lots of "prog" games take the stylizations of moebius
>make them safe and boring
>no developers take the stylizations of any of the other major heavy metal artists
worst timeline.
sandahl bergman should have been red sonjia
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>take the stylizations of moebius
name 5
straight males built the entire world and wrote the majority of all literature
you can't do that if you're boring
what the fuck is this image?
okay fuck you, maybe not lots, but there's at least rollerdrome and sable. XTAL is an upcoming game that is also very moebius.
a woman that cooks online got called a racist mega nazi for using fresh ingredients instead of powdered shit
god myth 1 and 2 were so good
perfect blend of melancholy but also heroism and sacrifice with moody soulful music to boot
and the gameplay is fun, seeing dwarves explode hordes of thralls was hilarious
Weird that Hollywood casted them for years then as leading men and made uncountable sums of money off their likeness even when distributing their films to countries that contain little to 0 white people.
I guess boring is a racial slur now.
me on the middle right
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>negro paladin
the frazettacore genre is the most metal thing humans/white males have made
and yet he drew black guys fucking white women

Why do you cowards keep dancing around this?
he's not a negro he's from Zakarum
it's a free country
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Myth 1 was my first vidya. I've yet to find another game with the same kino dark atmosphere.
nta but you're the one obsessing over cucked porn.
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>talks about moebius
>posts bisley
i love that dude, i always describe his stuff as a car wreck, you just can't look away. That grungy ass feeling that you're going to get hepatitis from the page.
I do too who cares? Fuck off troll.
Funny how you aren't denying it. Cowards.
>I do too
Unfathomably based!
Sentient beings don't exist to sate your interest.
What are you? An entomologist?
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>still no Elric vidya
witcher doesn't count
Elric is just a copy of Geralt anyway.
>inb4 noooo its the other way around reeee
dilate sneed nigger
My friends and I spent more time seeing who could get the gibs to bounce the farthest.
Funny that halo was originally sci fi myth but they figured out driving around with the proto-warthog was infinitely more fun than the actual game it drove them to switch to more of a first person perspective like Marathon.
There's some alternate timeline out there where halo was an apple exclusive space-myth.
Everyone says that, until a need to hire wizards arises once more.
counterpoint: fuck you, and wizards are routinely the most based characters in their fictions
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we weren't quite so sophisticated, we'd just do a 4 player FFA and make huge armies and kinda smash them into each other while letting the wights and dwarves do their thing
>make way for the dwarves!
lol based. I only read the Eternal Champion, it was ok, will I like the Elric books more if I dislike the witcher and got for being too full of unlikeable ahole characters?
That elephant has wings and arms, I assume it's on Conan there's side since he isn't running for his life
i was mostly bringing up moebius because he seems to be THE heavy metal artist who's style is able to be aped without controversy, even if they make it boring when they do it. i would love to see all sorts of other heavy metal artists get their day in the sun, and not have them be made safe for a "progressive" audience.
Its a pacifist alien
Conan is wild
creatures with large tusks are generally herbivores
predators would be encumbered by them and have little use for them
not that herbivores are necessarily pacifist of course
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He was basically the face of the nu-wave euro comics, which is where metal hurlant came from.
And then the movie had the big final chapter be inspired by his stories.
I'd also say the incal and its derivatives are some of the greatest pieces of fiction ever produced and justify the entire medium of funny books that sell fruit pies.
you mean the very obvious racist caricature's he drew for cash, if they were even his to begin with?
Why do you keep talking about black men, anon? Are you implying something?
Looking through Robert E. Howard's work he really loves his strong girls, but at the same time he's actually really good at writing them and making them feel like they appeal to the part of your brain that wants to impress them through conquest, looting.
The protagonist was too much of a piece of shit for me to enjoy this.
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he's always been black you stupid tourists.
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Gatekeep your hobbies and interests
fuckin Lando CalRIZZian over here
He's zesty
Critical Role is watched by several million people and less than 1% of them even play the game, how do you gatekeep against THAT?
Post on an anonymous image board and seethe at it from the sidelines till it dies.
thats the best part
y this nigga armor painted like arizona ice tea
You don't, it's a meme
The only thing you can realistically gatekeep is your own table
There are no blacks in Diablo, bro is Zakarumi
not interested in whatever retarded sophistry you've got going on.
paladin is and has always been a darkskin brother.
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Block them? Ban them? Make them unwelcome?
It's not difficult.
Remember: literally the only faggots that are against gatekeeping, or believe it to be ineffective, are actual literal troons. They're eventually kill themselves anyway.
go back
Paladin thank god you're here!
Fuck why is this so cool
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>how do I keep intruders from entering my house??
You can start by locking the doors, and stop inviting strangers in.
Noblemen, whatever. I didn’t intend to twist shit, cry me a river.
Jodorowski is a silly fucker but man I loved reading all the jodoverse comics. Fun weird silly sci fi with mostly good art and sex and titties is great. I've got a giant backlog of comics lined up and almost no super heroes, just wish it was easier to find cool euro comics and manga
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>There are no blacks in Diablo
A painting?
Also of that's supposed to be yag kasha or whatever his name was his wings were explicitly withered to uselessness.
kek, I stand corrected
Cool art but Myth games were dogshit
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tell me how a game twice as old as you are is clunky
i fucking dare you
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you will never be happy
you will never not be ashamed of yourself
>stand back noob, watch me frag this charlie
>Concept art, cool fucked up weird intimidating black wizard with funky long nails and spikes in his foot, looks like someone meddling in powers beyond the ken of mortal man
>In game, generic black dude in a robe
you could say that about all the classic blizzard manual art
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It's true of most concept art in general, sadly. I was/am playing the Final Fantasy pixel remasters and they've got concept art for each game, and I look at them and they show you all this wild Morrowind-like fantastical architecture and clothing and worlds and then in the game itself you get Generic European Fantasyland and it drives me insane
>black guy is late to work
2d mogs 3d as a medium, they only use 3d because real life is 3d and retards think games have to be realistic
If I had to make a turn based RPG with 2D graphics in the style of SNES/GBA, how could I make it feels like this? Every game I see is so colorful that I can't even imagine.
Dr. Doom isn't a wizard so much as he is Dr. Doom. It'd be incredibly hard to find someone as based as he is, wizard or not.
Hey janny, why are you being a nigger?
What do you mean? The art in OP is colorful too
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This is what vidya should be like
What game from the pic is this?
Monster Hunter had this vibe until they fagged it in Tri and trooned it in World
>both wearing pants
No. Make one or both of them wear a loin cloth and then you'll have my attention.
Need more quality Conan games
The things I would do to play a game in this style. I wonder if a 2D game could pull it off.
>what it actually is
>when the vast majority of gatekeeping (like in the Yakuza series for example) is a bunch of retards going "Oh you joined in with the 7th game? You're not a true Yakuza fan! Get lost!"
I laugh at the retard that unironically believes that image is an actual indicator of what gatekeeping is.
Good fucking luck; putting aside the current state of the industry, the Conan and Solomon Kane are owned by Funcom.
Frazetta / sword and sorcery is peak straight white man aesthetic which means that the current entertainment industry will NEVER cover it even if their life is on the line
There is not a single demographic in the world hated and discriminated more than straight white men.
Because it takes immense amounts of skill and talent so you rarely ever see it.
Because drawing shit on paper is piss easy compared to having to animate and program around art.
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there's plenty of cool african and asian shit in conan for DEI cultists to enjoy.

and it's not like cool swords and shit is exclusive to white authors.
>The Tower of the Elephant
You unironically picked one of the worst Conan stories for a video game.
I need more of this
Any anons remember the old arcade fighter Primal Rage? It gave me some Frazetta-esque vibes with its scantily clad tribal humans in a neo-stoneage setting and worshipping giant, primordial dino-monsters that looked like Ray Harryhausen creations.

Fits this vibe pretty well and makes me sad that we probably won't see this kind of dino-kino in games again.
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god its incredible how cool old fantasy stuff was and how gay modern D&D is
there is no game that looks as cool as this
Well I'll be damned. I'll check it out.
The only thing I have an issue with here is the perspective on the right. It looks like the two horsemen and the sorceress are standing in FRONT of the dragon and engaging the archer for some reason.
>posts a Mexican Jew
I liked Tower of the Elephant
I saw, I came, I came again
she's trying to heal the guy on the ground and the guy with the spear on the horse charged in and the dragon flew up

shit's about to get real
Why are elephant demons so rare?
Hypothetically you could create a 2D game in this style and use something like Spine to animate it. It would just cost a fortune because few artists can draw to this level.
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spine has too much of a paper doll look. traditional animation over matte paintings would get the vibe just fine.
What about a straight female?
What was the last game to have a buff male protagonist? I genuinely can't remember
It's a great short-story but there's hardly anything there for a video game.
>traditional animation over matte paintings would get the vibe just fine.
The amount of work behind that would be astronomical though
I dunno, there were traps and sneaking and a giant spider. Maybe Splinter Cell but Conan. It was a big tower too.
Chained heroes.

Sorry, I think I mean to say cartoonish and/or anime like.
the real solution would be regular 3D with enough shaders to make it look flat and painterly but for some reason this look always makes everyone under the age of 21 cry and pee their pants on the internet.
>for DEI cultists to enjoy.
Oh, I can just imagine the gnashing of teeth as he leaves his nubian sadomaso kween for a meek blonde aquilonian captive.
How did this go again?
>"I hate you ! You only prefer her to me because she is as pale as the belly of fish!"
Or something close to this at least
That would make the most sense, its such a shame people don't even attempt that style its absolutely beautiful.
sometimes you just do things in the name of art, you want something that will last in the memories of people.
obviously a direct adaptation wouldn't work for current audience, but the worldbuilding is there for something more palatable.
howard wasn't a racist, but being a product of his time still his work would at best come across as blacksploitation.
In the time where people wanted to make vidya look like this, they had to use their imagination to get it close and were severly limited by graphics. Now vidya tries to look like earlier vidya with higher res, or doesnt try any new interesting gameplay just the same old.
Still sort of funny how close today's male coalburner wanks sound suspiciously close to what, as you say, is now called blacksploitation
>howard wasn't a racist

>The ancient empires fall, the dark-skinned peoples fade and even the demons of antiquity gasp their last, but over all stands the Aryan barbarian, white-skinned, cold-eyed, dominant, the supreme fighting man of the earth.

>Significant works in terms of Howard's views on race are "Black Canaan" and "The Last White Man", which depict white protagonists at war with black characters defined by barbarity.
and yet he's also the guy who convinced lovecraft to cool it with the racism.

fukcing lovecraft.
Lovecraft is awesome, deal with it
lovecraft is a dweeb.
so is howard but at least he can write.
This are pretty cool, is there a place where one can find this old fantasy painted art?
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are you talking to buy the paintings themselves or just an archive of all sorts of art like it? if you want an archive, i would look at the brothers hildebrandt and frank frazetta, and from researching them you will start to stumble upon lots of similar artists. you could also go through old heavy metal mags and look at the artist features in those.
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Thinking about picking and starting reading pic related. How is it?
give me a list of HEAVY METAL artists right now
The DnD one is Clyde Caldwell. Generally that style is an oil painting, so searching for old school DnD oil paintings puts you in the right direction. Then you have to find artists, and their works.
Yeah. I too would like a new Conan game that is action adventure.
Last games that were this are The Dark Axe...and that other Conan game released only on consoles.

Personally, I'm not as big a fan I am of the Elric stories as I am of other 'dying earth' works like the New Sun books or Jack Vance's stuff.
They're tightly written short stories but they got a little repetitive for me.
Even Heavy Metal got woke.
Sad. Very sad.
He's not!Brazilian. The remaster turned him into some kang.
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Not sure I am not mixing his style up with someone else, but I think lots of early Dragonlance pics might be from that guy?
why exactly does "exciting" have to be a requirement for existing
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simon bisley
alex horley
ovri hondru
juan giminez
olivia de berardinis
zeljko pahek
esteban maroto
arthur suydam
hajime sorayama
tanino liberatore

just go and download an archive of old heavy metal, up until early 2010s , and go through it. you will find so many amazing artists.
very sad, also something that caused it's death. when they started doing multiple covers for the same issue (of which sometimes was garbage like pic related), printing shitty comics with modern sensibilities, and generally not doing what made them appealing in the first place was retarded. one of the reasons the magazine existed was to bring some of the european artistic sensibilities around adult graphic novels and erotica to america, the fact that they then tried toward the end to appeal to american prudishness and their warped sexuality after being so repressed was a death knell.
I'm stealing this
Agreed. The moment they bent to the woke they signed their death sentence.
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oh, also forgot to mention azpiri. i love azpiri.
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What compels this retard to constantly come here and spam his blacked porn artist? You don't even play video games. You just spam images of naked swarthy men. This is a video game board on an anime website.
What's your favorite Conan story /v/? For me its Beyond the Black River
HOMM3 comes closest out of all games to this aesthetic. Baldur's Gate too, but the graphics are too bad to really see it.

Late '90s were the peak of Western fantasy. Metzen's artstyle becoming industry standard after WoW and Jackson's LOTR trilogy really homogenized the aesthetic and the writing of fantasy games, though.
>Late '90s were the peak of Western fantasy.
If they were we wouldn't have pathetic threads like this begging to revise history.
what are you talking about? who is begging to "revise history"? all i see is people who want a resurgence of peak western fantasy, especially considering japan makes more classic western fantasy nowadays than the west does. wanting a return is not begging to "revise history", nor does it conflict with the idea that 90s was peak western fantasy.
Now that's just rude.
Probably my favorite too. If I had to choose another, it would be Shadows in the Moonlight.
Is that the one where Conan's on the frontier killing Picts?
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This is what fantasy looks like now, chuds. Deal with it.
A Witch Shall Be Born. Ever since I've played it I've been hoping and dreaming the Shadow of War formula could be applied to the latter half of that story.
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why did comic art turn into the garbage it did, why did GOOD art never really take off en masse?
Good things are difficult and shitty things are easy. It's that simple, really.
In America DC and Marvel effectively worked together to monopolize brick-and-mortar comic stores throughout the '90s, eliminating all competitors outside of a handful. This isn't the only reason, of course, but it's a significant factor which killed most grassroots comic culture. Most people didn't care, because the assumption was that comics were for children.
Comics still look like this if you buy European. American comics is rubbish and it always was outside of some outliers (mostly when they got European talent to work for them).
What EU comics lmao, they haven't made anything decent since blueberry
Nope, and just as with vidya: Find someone else who buys your woke slop then
They gave you such games, but you fagots preferred trash anime
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not good enough explanation. it isn't really that simple, there are whole styles of american graphic art that permeates comics and games that all look like shit yet are still the predominant styles.
surely marvel or DC could have put out some nicer art at least, instead of the trash they give us.
I would look into the publisher Dargaud, who also published Blueberry among other classics. They have never really dropped the ball. Cinebook would be the English language equivalent (they localize some Dargaud releases). Good releases never ceased, it's just that in European fashion they are drip fed over the course of several years.
Also I'm unsure if it's just been a weird coincidence, but I've run across at least a handful of new South American artists who have been really interesting to me. I really liked the CODA comic book series.

Special mention for 2000AD's Slaine still going strong imo.
It had 3 widely loved games and a mixed 4th one, and then got a reboot
what do you mean
>It had 3 widely loved games and a mixed 4th one
5 good games. 1, 2, 3, chains of olympus, and ghost of sparta. only played a demo for ascension, it was awful. reboot was also trash.
oh i didnt even know about Chains of Olympus or Ghost of Sparta. Ascension was the one i called mixed, from what I remember it was hit or miss but I never played it myself
Warrior Within is Heavy Metal
man can't handle the idea of humanity surpassing every creature in its world
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But there's no white straight male in that image.
Girl is presenting her ass and he's busy looking at himself in the camera imagefinder.
Not white and not straight.
Simple as.
I can't even think of any games where you go on adventures that would hearken to sword and sorcery books. The closest would be maybe DnD games but those are obviously fantasy, you're not going to run into (or play as) evil wizards using slave blood to scry thunderstorms on top of you or whatever
This looks ripe for a chudjak edit.
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I really like this threads Art style. Shame "unappreciated fellows" poisoned the well with forced modernism.
Have you tried Sorcery! by Inkle? It's pretty fucking good.
You are the bottom left person.
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Play a real man's game.
Wow that's a pretty interesting looking game. It looks like a text based adventure game with some turn based mixed in. It's pretty cheap too, I'll give it a try
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I wanted to make a game that looks like this, but blender was a pain in the ass to learn, and Unreal seems to have a million things going on that I don’t understand.
holy shit go shill your garbage elsewhere
>Go to china
>See china man
>Go to india
>See india man
>Go to Germany
>See german man
>Go to fantasy land
>china man, indian man and german man all living in the same medieval/fantasy location of 100-1000 people and always have for thousands of years
Its just fucking stupid.
I wonder how well this sort of painting paid compared to modern fantasy art? It looks much harder and longer to make
Mr bones got some nice, muscular thighs
The reason you dont see >>683488115 and see more >>683483437 is purely cost. The more modern style is much, much cheaper.
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Dragon's Crown
Death to all the faggot journos who shat on this masterpiece
I mean anons have you seen Simon Bisleys women?
Holy SHIT This is what peak Female looks like.
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I fucking love the look on that bird
Record of Lodoss War....
Rope. Now!
The NIGGERS that own the American Metal Hurlant branch are notorious for DMCA'ing every project that even remotely looks like Heavy Metal.
The Age of Barbarian devs were making a Heavy Metal inspired game and found out the hard way.
My dream game
Fashionable late. Look at the drip nigga! He's glowing.
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This is sort of what Path of Exile is like if you play barbarian.
That's exactly the thing I'd expect to hear from someone whose sense of self-worth comes entirely from who they fuck and what made up flag they chose to tag themselves with.
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Add to that Oscar Chichoni, Paolo Serpieri and Richard motherfucking Corben.
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>*sound of a curling monkey's paw finger*
just looked into it. the dev blog says they were in contact with heavy metal and potentially making it an officially licensed game. it would make sens that they shutter that project, though. it definitely wasn't inspired, the main character for metal fury was just julie strain in FAKK 2 with barely anything changed.
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>olivia de berardinis
Phenomenally based woman
Yeah, I know this game, but I want a modern version of Druuna, but i have to admit it's almost a miracle that this game existed
At least we got one good volume of Druuna Eterna, and Serpieri is still working on another Druuna story. Though he's 80 now and the last werstern story he released was supposedly really fucking bad.
If you play a manly man this is basically Caelid in ER minus the hot naked babe.
Complete with tribal drums in the combat music.
Still insane they blasted their own audience for complaining about them covering up the female characters, when heavy metal was always a outright erotica magazine.
My girlfriend says it best, let chicks have influence in a male scene and they will do their best to change it to their own tastes, even if that means destroying what made it attractive to people in the first place.
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They made an indie based on his art, but the gameplay looks super gimmicky
>and Serpieri is still working on another Druuna story

Damn you're right, I didn't know there was a volume 0 and 9
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It went to shit long before that awful Taarna reboot. They were hiring literal deviantart artists for their magazine wich, according to trustpilot, they didn't even bother to ship to their subscribers, kek.
I bought the last ever Azpiri Lorna paperback they put out from their online shop a year back, and it took six months for them to actually ship it.
>pastel colors
it looks like it was made to deliberately make me angry
Is that DEN?
and yet they are solely responsible for every single piece of entertainment media you have ever enjoyed in your life.
Fun fact.
If xe likes steven universe, that too was made by a straight couple.
Sorry chuds but this toxic masculinity is NOT coming back
I think that's a standalone piece from Chichoni. The tits out version was the cover for Schwermetall and a cencored version was later used for Heavy Metal Magazine.

Heavy Metal Magazine actually had three independent branches, the French Metal Hurlant, American Heavy Metal, and German Schwermetall.
>i rolled an 18 in STR, but still wanna be a magic-user
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Because Sword and Sorcery was most popular in the 80s and 90s and people don't really like it anymore especially with how Game of Thrones makes people want more realism in fantasy settings.
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We neither 80s fantasy schlock nor 90s comic book edge anymore.
I wish at least indies would step up to the plate, but they have to drench everything in irony.
>You didn't ACTUALLY like all that problematic stuff, did you?
This thread proves that the degeneration and feminization of fantasy art and worldbuilding is primarily because it is too contaminated by Japanese fantasy turning everything into saccharine animeslop. There need to be a return to pure Western and Americana fantasy that is not constrained by the Dungeon Quest isekai conception of fantasy.
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Wish Japan dropped the Isekai shit for proper Sword and Sorcery and Dark Fantasy.
Is that a
Age of Conan and Everquest 1/2 fill this itch for me
Japan used to have really good westernized art as well. Just look at their old sci-fi magazines and movie posters. The emergence of Anime was the beginning of the end.
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It makes perfect sense in clown world and sure as hell isn't an isolated incident. Playboy went no girls allowed and swimsuit illustrated put fat chicks. Times are just nutty.
yte ppl dont season dey sidewalk
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For me it's Red Nails.
The setting of a huge building in which the remains of notAztecs tribes wage a brutal war against each other is great.
>no armor
>contaminated by Japanese fantasy turning everything into saccharine animeslop
lots of good japanese and anime art. it's moeshit specifically that is shite.
You cant really stop retards from watching and talking about that shit except in your own circles
What. No he didn't.
Name 5
>rejecting society
>killing politicians
Nah he exposed you
Demon's Soul
Dark Souls 1
Dark Souls 2
Dark Souls 3
Elden Ring
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>Tfw you never got to join a Gorean sex cult before the police cracked down on them

Best cult movement of the past 30 years and the books are stupid but fun.
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Some of his super pulpy stuff like The Slithering Shadow with its Lovecraft influences are guilty pleasures for me.
Still exist, they recruit through Second Life.
Wait, is that Diablo 2?
>You will be watered
>Cannon makes two GOR movies
>Cuts out all the sex, nudity, violence, and slavery
What in the fuck were they thinking?
Looks boring.
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Yes. Keith Parkinson's the artist. Also did work for Everquest, Doom, Summoner, and a slew of other 90s/early 00s games made by D&D dorks.
The first one to go. RIP.
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this game was bretty gud

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Easily the best (technically, aesthetically, and just banging coom material) TSR alumni fantasy artist. Genuinely a fuckin shame. Nothing else like him out there.
They also don't understand that because they brute forced this stuff it will NEVER be accepted by original fantasy fans. It was always going to be cringe, but it they had upped the token minorities much more slowly over the years it may have at least seemed slightly organic. They just expected us to be OK with turning fantasy into some zoomer brocoli hair, lgbtq, fursona, heckin wholesome melting pot fantasy overnight and made it the new standard across every new release whether it be movie, tv or vidya.
Fun fact, Red Nails was suppose to be the last Conan story Howard wanted to write. He wanted his run with Conan to go out with a bang which is why that story is a lot more 'meaty' in topic and tone.
Bad trolling
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I haven't read all of them yet. I read Shadows in the Moonlight last time and I liked this episodic format of separated adventures until now, especially since I liked this format in Witcher or Gotrek&Felix more too. But seeing how none of the characters from this story are even referenced at least at the beginning of Queen of the Black Coast is a bit annoying. Previously it made sense, now not so much. It weird how Olivia is just gone.
I decided to read using Dale Rippke chronology, maybe that was a mistake, maybe it would feel better if I read them in random order, which is how they were created and published after all.
I wish Howard didn't kys, maybe instead of more Westerns he would make more Conan stories and even reworked exiting ones to be more coherent with each other. I think that would be cool.
this art looks like shit
yeah, it's some marvel comic I guess
This but everyone is buff.
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this was supposed to be morrowind's cover, before they scrapped their initial idea for the game
I see, Anon knows his shit. Yeah, cover for book 3.
Imagine being resurrected from the dead by a great and powerful Necromancer only for him to turn around and be like, "Your job is to hold my lamps, that's it"
i wanna play that game
>dorfs throw bombs
Even without the signature I could tell that was painted by Clyde Caldwell.
Me in the back
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Truly Horatio is beautiful even as a skeleton.
me on the right
They don't own anything published prior to 1938.
Keith Parkinson and Larry Elmore are probably what you're thinking of.
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Looking back, we really lucked out when we got F.A.K.K. 2 when we got it.
>became one of the Quake 3 engine hidden gems
>made by ritual
>during a time when it was still okay to have hot chicks in vidya
>they got Luis Royo to paint the boxart
Yeah, the game is a bit jank, but think of the alternatives..
I didn't like it at first, but by the end Hour of the Dragon had become one of my favourites. The People of the Black Circle is also up there.
Don't bother, it's an endless trash collecting simulator, there is no gameplay
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This is as close to my ideal woman appearance wise i have seen.
Seven minutes.
what fucking first-world reason could it be this time
>>Go to fantasy land
Star wars parade.
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Who knew fantasy and sci-fi were the first things to go on the chopping block?
I disagree, the biggest thing that put me off of playing Conan Exiles is the fact that it's an always online survival/builder game

I just want to play a Conan game as Conan doing an adventure (which is sorely lacking, the last game like this was on PS3 and 360 and never got ported to PC), not playing a weird mix of Dark Souls, Minecraft, and Rust
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To every nigga posting in this based thread. You ARE working out and getting enough sun, right?
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Anyone here played Age of Barbarian? I only brough it to jerk off to the Red Sonja type character.
who is the greenskin next to him
And why does he kill corrupt noble men and merchants?
Do they perhaps exhibit characteristics which are commonly observed in modern politicians?
Are (you) perhaps a huge argumentative homo?
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Bought it on steam. It's like Deathstalker in video game form. Low budget jank and all.
Age of Barbarian Chronicles should finally go into early access soon. The patreon build is on F95.
>no pubes
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More like this?
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Have a few from my humble collection
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Check out Underspace if you're interested in a Freelancer clone with giant space monsters.
>elephant with wings
That's pretty cool man.
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Check out the album, they even have an homage to Elric
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classic literature IS about straight men, you stupid nigger.
Conan is literally a philosopher. He spends a good chunk of time philosophizing in the original stories. Him disagreeing with and fighting other philosphies is part of being a philosopher.
What about classic literature written by the Greeks? They invented gayness.

Is fighting snakemen also part of being a philosopher?
>le greeks were atschkualy fags all fags exdee
back to r/history you insufferable faggot
Pubes and armpit hair is disgusting and doesn't belong on women.
I do not know of any philosophers that had the kind of outlook on life that Conan did. So while you're right in that what Conan does is philosophize, I think he'd be like a sort of Diogenes, that one philosopher who tells all the others they're stupid (without actually following Diogenes' teachings).
Who invented gayness if not the Greeks?
Last time I've seen a thread like this, someone said that Elden Ring invokes the feeling of classic fantasy. Was that bullshit or it actually does that?
nobody invented the degradation of the natural order of things. it's more of a disease than something one had to invent or coin
It is a degradation, but it is not a disease.
From is always on the cusp of invoking classic fantasy before they jump the shark by introducing anime faggotry. Still better than what most of the west is doing nowadays.
yet we constantly choose to enforce it
>it is not a disease
are you sure? there is no fag gene one can be born with. they treat the body's sewer as a sex organ which in turn turns them into a vector of a myriad of other diseases and parasites. sounds like a disease
>Some random art with zero gameplay
Why anon, this IS what vidya is like
Nothing about that is racist or wrong. The early waves of modern humans were all very dark-skinned. The more civilized and they became, the lighter their skin. We see that all across europe and asia, hell, even africa too. North africans and east africans are lighter-skinned than their southern neighbors. There are various reasons for it, but the general rule is that civilizations and cultures become more light-skinned the more advanced and civilized they are.
NTA, but I guess if we had to label Conan's philosophy as anything, then it would just be Moral Pragmatism
He doesn't see the point in ceremony and tradition and is all about results, but rarely to the point of being cruel to others unless they are cruel or malicious first
There are tons of times that Conan helps someone who is under attack despite it putting himself at risk because he understands that people can have value outside of strength, which really elevates him above being a simple barbarian
I Conan would disapprove of a society which affords men lives of such leniency and that they can gathering around and idly discuss philosophy.

Conan, like Howard himself as I am led to believe, thought that civilisation brings-about, in men, weakness and complacency. A sort of domestication which made men less than what they were.
not really. dragons dogma dark arisen and dragons dogma 2 do a better job of that, even if they might have a small variety of enemies and are fairly easy. i can't quite pinpoint WHY elden ring doesn't get the feel right, maybe if it had more/better npc's and quests. but as it stands, the game is too combat focused, feels too gamey.
is Conan Exiles still worth playing? I remember it was /v/ approved years ago.
Shaving is jewish.
> buy game thinking is about fantasy strategy and battles
> is actually an artillery simulator
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>arab dwarf
>african american dwarf
>sheboon dwarf
>chinese female dwarf
What an absolute fucking shitshow. How could anyone draw such retarded garbage seriously?
>How could anyone draw such retarded garbage seriously?
You won't believe just what kind of filth people draw to put food on the table.
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They're the stock photos for DND FANTASY PRODUCT #32556.
Fuck off from this thread with your japslop.
kill yourself brown nigger
nah all they do is subvert the tropes, and outsource the worldbuilding to players by shitting out some lame "zanzishart... forgive me..." bits and pieces and expect/hope the players will make sense of it when they've barely created a coherent plot in-house. it was novel and fun when they first did it but 5 titles later it's just pathetic
discordtroon moment
Read Junger.
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Go fuck yourself retard.
There is zero anime influence in modern western fantasy. The closest you get is Brandon Sanderson writing DBZ fights which he then shits up with faggotry.
It's ALL tumblrshit and marvel movie bullshit as you'd know if you'd ever opened up a fantasy novel in the last two decades.
How does that work? Does it mean anyone can make Conan stuff as long as it is only from REH's stories or OC and funcom has all the post-REH stuff? Or does it mean that we can ONLY make adaptations of REH stories and OC with the Conan name must go through Funcom?
The only reason I wasted 40 hours on shitablo IV was because I could make the barbarian look like Conan. I love huge alpha male protagonists so much bros.
discordtrannies will deny it because they have an agenda/narrative to push
Fuck off, he's right. Souls slop is the most soulless shit imaginable. Storyless nonsense with power level 9000 tier boss rush. Just the same devil may cry style Japanese garbage that's regurgitated over and over again this time wearing the trappings of western fantasy that it looted from its rotting corpse.
How is this not on gog?
Is that Simon Bisley art?
Imagine how cool it would have been to have him as an artist or art director for your video game.
fuck off back to memelands 2 the pre-meme-quel

if you are going to take seriously any argument that was first suggested BY A FUCKING BORDERLANDS WRITER FROM GEARBOX then you should be prepared for the shit that comes with that
>discordtranny meltdown
keep babbling
Strictly speaking almost all of Conan is in public domain outside of America and in America stuff published prior to 1938 is public domain.
But good luck not getting raped by the companies pretending to own it if you use anything outside of the original stories and probably if you use the name Conan.
> Souls slop is the most soulless shit imaginable
Said by someone using a quote from a Gearbox writer....
please do not talk about those games
Cry me a river Timberlake.
You are only here because you dad wasn't a faggot. How do you cope with that?
>trannycord retard blubbering
There was no one quoted at all. It must be your schizophrenia or your paranoid seige mentality. Seek professional mental help.
Very weak bait, no sure how you got this many yous
don't you have a gay agenda to go push? or more white male characters to shit all over?

the zanzibart shit was invented by some gearbox developer faggot, so unless you are going to go full-retard and start claiming that borderlands is actually well written then you should quit while you're ahead
>I have been found out
wasnt aware this argument was from that faggot but a broken clock is right twice a day - the lazy fromsoft worldbuilding got boring super fast anon, I'm sorry. I was a fan but they overstayed their welcome and are sadly running on fumes by now
This thread will 404 by the time I get home from work and can save all the sick fucking art posted here

the "forgive me zanzibart" was invented by a gearbox writer on twitter, you are literally spreading a tranny SJW meme from twitter
>Men Drawing Women
>Men Writing Women
There was a great troll a couples year ago where people submitted truly horrible, awful, dehumanizing examples of depicting women. They got a lot of upvotes and comments like "Great find" and "It's truly awful how they see us." The twist is that the examples were made/written by a tranny but credited under their 'dead name.' Then someone will point that out to the mods and delete everything in the threads: "This doesn't count! Trans women are women!"
They now actively look for this so it doesn't work anymore.
>t. discordtrannyjeet
extra points for the broken clock
Women have been waxing their body hair since before jews were invented.
That anon is wrong, Frazetta didn't just draw cuck porn, he drew BLACKED porn, and he also wrote about how he thinks black males are physically superior and more masculine
>someone mentions elden ring souls whatever shit
>thread immediately full of fags
Hes sorcerer supreme now btw.
>discordtrannies are crying because they’re exposed as the dirty kikes they are
>incel icon is into blacked ntr
like father like son I suppose
That is not true. They learned it from the Native Americans
Nigger im not even that Anon, calm the fuck down.
why are you crying sis
You know Heavy Metal was rarely classic fantasy back in the day? It never aimed for mainstream and conventional.
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Nobody posting game recommendations
anon I was talking about elden ring
Read REH correspondence to Lovecraft, it's a nice read.
Just Google Larry Elmore, Clyde Caldwell, Keith Parkinson, Frank Frazetta, Julie Bell, Boris Vallejo, Luis Royo and Brom. That should get you started with most of the shit posted here.
Anything after Howard is noncanon pastiche anyway. Only Howard knows how the character works, the rest of them believe Conan to be some wierd "muh honor" faggot when in reality Conan didn't give a shit about honor and only lived in the moment and took what he wanted when he wanted.
You sure you don't want to mention tranny's from discord again in your 6th straight post? It's obvious what's on your mind. Tell us youre a faggot without telling us you're a faggot.
>and he also wrote about how he thinks black males are physically superior and more masculine
Unlikely to say the least.
Idk play some Dark Sun Shattered Lands.
There are no recent video games in this style.
Conan Exiles or what ever that mmo survival slop was called, but it's generic and bad.
>In 2024, British author and Eisner Award winner John Allison started to publish a Conan serial online, with a tongue-in-cheek narrative heavily intermingled with characters from his own works. However, he took the unfinished comic down in late April, after receiving a cease-and-desist letter from Conan Properties International. Allison notes that to his understanding Conan "is in the public domain in the UK (where I live and work)", but that he doesn't have "the time or energy to contest this".[58]
Fredrik Malmberg is a real fucking bastard. He's been squatting on the rights but lacks the pull to get anything made except for comic books no one buys.
Only particular way civilization, i.e. ascription to law, can affect skin color is due to environmentally stipulated increase of isolation from the sun, which in itself will apply only to those who work less and is a flimsy logic.
Actual skin color difference apparatus was likely operating in other ways, while discernment of separate ethnicities common ancestors runs into the same as evolution of humans to monkeys, i.e. we didn't evolve from them at all, they devolved from us or were separate.
Original human couldn't have been dark-skinned any more than any other skin color specifically.
It'd take too precise, too specific a genetic change, which also, hypothetically, could be reproducible in reverse.
There's unlikely to be any actual information on the matter of what actual early modern humans were like. Too many psy-ops, it seems.
Human form is too precise to be natural, anyway. Emergent, or divine.
It absolutely is true. Sugar waxing has been a thing almost since the beginning of civilization and it was fashionable in much of ancient egypt to wax yourself completely hairless.
I can tell it really upset you trannynigger kek
>Human form is too precise to be natural, anyway.
everything, to the simplest of living organisms, is too precise and complex to be natural, or to have "created itself", as we're led to believe through public schooling/mainstream. the more one looks into it the more clear it becomes that it was all indeed handcrafted by God, as described in Genesis 1.
These faggots only care about this stuff because of some culture war garbage or just for shitposting material
>who they fuck
Straight men are obsessed with sex more than anyone else.
>what made up flag they chose to tag themselves with
Nationalism is indeed very dumb.
Quite. Evolution is an actual thing, and scientifically it's a great progress for our species intellectually and in other ways, but actual evolution is only a part of life, and not necessarily present in all life cases, or at equal speed rates.
That'd be catastrophic.
Go be a faggot somewhere else, this thread isn't for you.
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>Frank Frazetta admired black men bodies
Isn't it funny how modern right wingers look up to left wingers of the 1980s and 1990s and call their work traditionalist.
Things you call conservative would have been called too vulgar and harmful for young people by conservatives back then.
Straight men is an extremely broad category that encompasses approximately half of our entire species.
Looks like a Sister of Battle
>>Frank Frazetta admired black men bodies
lmao he didn't.
They found some porn he did for pay. There's no indication whatsoever that he himself had any particular obsession with black people.
He also wasn't a "leftist" and he directly told people who complained about him drawing larger than life men and woman that they were full of shit.
>conservatives fail to conserve anything
tale old as time
Modded Monster Hunter looks like this.
did anyone say there's anything conservative about sci-fi/fantasy smut
>shifting from zanzibart posting to cuck posting
tale as old as time
>left wingers of the 1980s and 1990s
Those were the ones calling for Heavy Metal to be cancelled for "objectifying women" retard.
And now they're called problematic and sexist by modern left wingers. Enjoy your purity spiral. One day you'll be on the receiving end.
Zoomers forget that before 2012 conservatives were adamantly against nudity in all media
>literally just making shit up
Oh a retard that can't differentiate "right wingers" from Christian conservatism. Color me shocked.
because the people who inhabit the gaming western aaa industry rn are against it and rather want to push activism over actual fantasies and escapism
its plain idiocy
Stop being a pedantic faggot and just quote the post. No one is scrolling up to see who you're whining about.
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I'd say it's more of an adaptation than anything. evolution as term has been poisoned with the idiocy like pic rel, the whole goal of which is to make people feel like they're worthless animals whose whole point in life is to eat, shit, reproduce (optional), and die; weaponized nihilism
>trannynigger still crying
christfag soccer moms have always been bipartisan if you bother checking the people elected by them. Lots of dems and "moderates" got elected by them because of the latest scare over fictional tits, fictional violence, music and videogames.
If you're too young/dumb to remember it go check up some footage of speeches from the 90s, like Hillary during the Mortal Kombat bs or hollywood libs during the dungeons & dragons shit.
That, sadly, too, is possible.
I'm unsure how prevalent is this, though.
His art isn't liked for being trad or for political reasons, it's liked because a ripped barbarian going on adventures through strange lands to beat up wizards is cool

If he was lil cuck bitch outside his Conan art, that doesn't change his good art
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Is that why all his depictions of blacks portray them as dumb and animalistic and vice versa?
He wasn't either. They just found some ugly porn he drew for pay. Like 98% of his output is either whites only or whites triumphing over black savages.
On the bright side it's probably going to convince lots of people to never draw porn, nevermind interracial shit, since that's all these people bring up now.
afaik it's taught as an absolute fact in public schools throughout the entire Europe and North America at the very least
He wasn't even a cuck bitch or anything like it. Ever since some dope stumbled onto a racist caricature allegedly drawn by Frazetta, any time his name is mentioned on any board you instantly get some retard talking about cucks. He admired fitness and athleticism in both men and women and mostly drew ripped white people but occasionally drew blacks. And his OC stuff in Fire & Ice was about based white chads beating up chubby black subhumans, a theme repeated in much of his art.
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Based thread
Because Conan has been treated like shit as a franchise despite it having huge potential due to it being canonically within the Cthulhu mythos.
Conan isn't black, troon
>in reality Conan didn't give a shit about honor and only lived in the moment
you don't understand Conan
in most REH stories where he's portrayed as having actual honor unlike the "civilized" peoples of Hyboria
and while he preferred to live in the moment, there's multiple times he indulges in melancholic introspection and at a certain point in his life he dreamt of having his own kingdom
Robert E Howard believed that human cultures were basically doomed to eternal conflict with one another until the sun goes out and had a very nihilistic view of society. Hence why Conan is the “good” guy for rejecting society to live by his own rules as a noble savage, who will kill you with an axe to the face instead of a knife to the back.
brasilians are black retard kkkk
Don't forget Luis Royo
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Is old school warcraft before the troons took over frazettacore?
Put Warcraft 3 on the right.
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you have to understand the taste makers can't allow people to have the impression that homogenous societies exist even though every single one of them resides in their own little (mostly) homogenous enclave irl
>original fantasy fans
they're dying out. most of them are physically unfit and old. sure they have money but it's only a matter of time before they're gone forever. Not worth appeasing.
elric's core background story is great tragedy and seems like a perfect setup for a jaded wandering antihero but literally everything that happens to him afterwards is boring
in the end the author had him essentially vacuum up the entire universe because he was probably sick of writing trashy stories about him
all the incarnations of heros and parallel timelines and fate story elements are also unengagingly written and go nowhere
This shit is in part caused by the familiarization of fantasy. Fantasy used to be WEIRD and that was the whole point. Then fantasy writers of all mediums began to make it familiar by using the same races, the same cultural inspirations (all mostly Tolkien since he's the most popular) until it was all boiled down into the generic shit it is today. Earlier in the thread people blamed anime, but anime is just another effected format, not the source for this. Even as badass as the classic D&D art is, it's more of a contributor of the sterilization of fantasy since it's mostly the same tired classes, tropes, and monsters. When writers and mainstream authors stopped pushing the boundaries of fantastical elements, the books, games, and movies followed suit.
No, the modern DnD uses a lot of weird and outright retarded settings and races, and it's considered a norm in the community. Before we had the option but it wasn't popular and no dm would want that shit in their game anyway.
Metzin wasn’t quite as skilled but yea. Warcraft had a hardcore aesthetic until Mists of Pandaria, which is what fans of the expansion don’t get when people say they hate it for making the game look “soft and gay” because at time the fagification of fantasy was just starting, with CalArts fags and Tumblrfags taking over art departments in the early 2010’s.
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lmao literally all the money is in traditional fantasy fans.
Fucking GW makes 0.6 billion a year selling plastic soldiers simply because they're still largely catering to SF and Fantasy fans in the lore and aesthetics.
There's chink webnovel authors that are unoriginal fantasy enthusiasts that are millionaires despite getting gypped out the ass by their chinese website publishers.
The reason why western fantasy died is because the publishing houses were captured by ideological women and fags and it's not even a secret because published authors tell you outright to pander to them. They dress it up in bullshit about how only good stories have heroines and shit but it's pandering to publisher agents that's the core message.

It has nothing to do with money either.
We know from the anti-trust trial into Penguin and Simon & Schuster that 90% of big publisher books sell less than 2000 copies. 60% of them sell less than a DOZEN. LESS THAN TWELVE BOOKS.
Fucking self-publishers found out how big of a scam the industry is and started buying their own books on platforms to get on the NYT bestseller list because it wasn't even a big investment. (kvetching over "muh online sales" got them removed for it too, but you can bet your ass all the big publishers buy their bestseller spots)
Every now and then we get lucky and some french shit gets localized. They're really the only ones in the west that still create truly weird fantasy and sci-fi media.
well put.
>the sterilization of fantasy since it's mostly the same tired classes, tropes, and monsters
I have tried to get of the molds and failed without really getting closer to understanding how to push the boundaries without making it all feel like I'm trying to push the boundaries for the sake of it/subverting/creating some shitty bootleg of an already existing thing that already does it better. continue trying until something sticks I guess?
All videogames would look like OPs pic today if we had modern day graphics but kept the sensibilities of the 80s and 90s alive.
>weird and outright retarded settings and races
They're still all derivative and sterilized versions of other races/monsters. Fucking Orcs are supposed to be evil, that's what the word comes from. But we let orcs be playable, we let good orcs be playable, half orcs, etc, it's all down the slippery slope. Now people will play as any once-evil race to fit their OC, or make up whatever race to fit their furry/scalie/bug fetish. It's all a consequence of putting shit like Orcs and Goblins front and center in every fantasy work until they become humanized and playable.
>We know from the anti-trust trial into Penguin and Simon & Schuster that 90% of big publisher books sell less than 2000 copies. 60% of them sell less than a DOZEN. LESS THAN TWELVE BOOKS.
This is a false reading of that data btw. The reality isn't much better, but it's not so bad as that.
Many interesting things here, saving this thread for later. Best thread on v in ages
>white straight male characters
>most played
>attract the most buyers

you will never be a woman
It's tricky for sure. You can try pulling directly from folklore and mythologies and their different interpretations, or making something just familiar enough for it to be creepy when it subverts expectations of it (REHs demons are mostly just creepy animals), or just make your original bootleg version and play it completely straight and let it become it's own thing over time (Wheel of Time's Ogier come to mind)
they were pedarasts
back to r/history you insufferable faggot
You haven't actually read that article yourself I presume.
It's a thin cope trying to step around the fact of the sales by going "acshually" over some people misquoting of the statistics and she also admits that it is representative of the market.
She actually admits it's substantially correct but prevaricates about it not being the whole story because if you look at the number of books that sold exactly 11 books it's around 15% of total and the remaining 45% sold between 12-999.
It's not a big win to say that "oh actually we're selling more than a dozen books somewhere between a dozen+1 and less than 1K".
>60% of them sell less than a Dozen
>this is a false reading of that data
>actually 66% sell betwen a dozen and less than 1000 copies
I did read it, and like I said when I posted it, the reality isn't much better but it's not as bad as
>60% of books sell less than a dozen copies
Glad we now agree.
It's arguably worse if you bother reading the full statistics. Very few do well.
>0.4% or 163 books sold 100,000 copies or more
>0.7% or 320 books sold between 50,000-99,999 copies
>2.2% or 1,015 books sold between 20,000-49,999 copies
>3.4% or 1,572 books sold between 10,000-19,999 copies
>5.5% or 2,518 books sold between 5,000-9,999 copies
>21.6% or 9,863 books sold between 1,000-4,999 copies
>51.4% or 23,419 sold between 12-999 copies
>14.7% or 6,701 books sold under 12 copies
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>Draws a billion buff white guys with gals
>Draws oneone else for a change
>Hurr, cuck! NTR!
If you have said something so retarded to his face, he would have beaten you up.
I've been reading the Karlsson Conon Chronology and it's my first time exposing myself to other author's takes on Conan outside of REH, and while so far I wouldn't consider the other works bad (they're quite fun) the quality difference between Howard's writing and theirs is quite vast, I can say at least that the authors I've read have tried their best to stay true to REH's vision.
I'm surprised bait as poor as this got so many replies.
Anything below 1000 is considered a flop in trad publishing anon.
I have indeed not utilized folklore and mythologies enough, thank you for reminding me anon. I dont think I've ever really looked into the wheel of time too
Literally every philosopher that is talking about power in any form or institution inevitably talks about violence being the foundation for everything.
The nonhuman race in my book is literally just renamed dunmer from the elder scrolls but I never use elf or anything close to it to describe them. I think it works pretty well.
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These days it's hard to come up with something new due to the sheer amount of other fantasy worlds out there. You will be compared to other things one way or another so I think it's better to focus on lesser details and inner consistency than trying to make something too grand for your own good.
Alternatively, you can combine so many things from different sources that it can't be properly compared to anything in particular. That'll require some knowledge and creativity of course.
Wheel of Time is kind of a peculiar book for this topic though I didn't realize it when I mentioned it. The overall theme is how time goes around in cycles (the wheel) and history fades to myth which inspires stories which prophecy history and so on. The story is the classic hero's journey but also a (very) loose retelling of arthurian myth with a lot of symbolism from many different religions and mythologies thrown in. At the very least, reading it may be a good study on how you can twist something unoriginal into something engaging and successful. But it's also 14 books long and starts slow so I'm not recommending it
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I think team Ico has a good track record for making fantasy with a unique aesthetic.
Anime attracts autistic people who pretend to be gay online
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This was a good thread.
Thanks, /v/.
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Me in the back

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