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Street Fighter 6 is not a real Street Fighter game. It plays nothing like a Street Fighter game.
It is a mix between MVC, Vampire, and Anime games.
kamige 6 saved EVO back to back years
Perhaps. But it's still not a Street Fighter Game.
Why is this the only site that hates SF6
Nobody likes fighting games. Even fighting game discussion here is diaspora from /vg/ that have been trying to force it for years. As a genre fighting games are extremely dead.
Everyone who grew up playing the games knows this. The last traditional style game was CVS2 (we don't talk about CFJ).

You'll notice basically none of the playerbase is shared between the old and new games, and the includes young people playing Alpha 2/3, ST, and 3S. They're not all old men. It's because the games are not really comparable, the skills don't transfer over as easily. Instead the best SFV and 6 players came in from anime and marvel-inspired games (and occasionally Tekken or Smash). Look at the games Punk has played

>Street Fighter
>Guilty Gear
>Dragon Ball FighterZ
>Marvel vs. Capcom
>DNF Duel
>The King of Fighters
>Under Night In-Birth
>Mortal Kombat
>Melty Blood

I couldn't find one video of him playing a classic Street Fighter game.
I did not say I hate Street Fighter 6.
I did not say Street Fighter 6 is a bad game.
I said it is not a real Street Fighter game.
But those games are fun. SF6 is just boring drive rush fest.
How do you know?
What other sites do you frequent?
street fighter 6 is the ugliest street fighter game and ugliest modern fighting game
tbqh IV is just bland looking
Dude even reddit and SF6 pros hate sf6. It only looks good when the only comparison is SF5
And that's a good thing!
Yep, Capcom finally made a good Street Fighter game.
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>It only looks good when the only comparison is SF5
Fuck off.
SFV looks miles better, has a bigger and cooler roster and it actually fucking plays like a Street Fighter.
I wasn't saying "looks good" in a visual sense anon. I'm talking purely gameplay
Yes, thus the last part of my post: SFV actually plays like Street Fighter, SF6 doesn't.
Doesn't matter if it's a shit game anyways. They're both bad for different reasons
I tried to make a cute female character in the avatar creator and it was so difficult. All the presets have giga manjaws, wide flared pignig noses, fat duck whore lips. You have to manually sculpt her entire face if you want something that doesn't look unironically hideous. Fucking DEI shit
That's OK, you are entitled to your shit opinion.
>actually fucking plays like a Street Fighter.
It plays like a CVS2 sequel. Which is closer to a Street Fighter game than SF6, but also pretty far off too.
V is the worst feeling and shittest SF mainline SF game by far.
I'd rather play guilty gear or some other retarded game if I had to choose.

V is the reason me and many others picked up Tekken
No wonder it's so good, CvS 2 was the best fighting game Capcom has ever and will ever make.

Explain to me how SFV is bad.
If you think SF5 is good in any capacity then never speak your opinions on fighting games ever again
How is SFV not good?
I'm curious about which YouTuber opinion you will parrot here.
>built-in input delay
>jank priority system
>nonsensical frama data that clashes with the game's visual communication
>messed up wake up game
>decreased jump arcs with higher "gravity" and all present slowdown and stop-start moments makes the game feel stiff to play
>V-Trigger is the most embarrassing, design uprooting comeback mechanic in fighting games yet. as if they arent bad
enough as is

you're not gonna respond to this in good faith anyway, why did I even respond
>>built-in input delay
This is literally the only non retarded complaint in the entire list.
"m-muh V-Trigger robbery..." is a meme overblown by retards who obviously didn't actually play the game and try to paint it as some instant win condition.
even if that was the only valid complaint, it is a huge one in a genre where controlling the game is tje moat important thing. no way to mental gymnastic your way around that.

taken in bad faith as predicted. stay alone and argue with yourself.
I dunno, I'm a casual who started with Street Fighter 2 at an arcade cabinet in front of a Wal-Mart. SF6 feels like a Street Fighter to me.
What about it makes it not feel like a Street Fighter game?
Why am I expected to acknowledge an entire list of your grievances with the game if I find them inane?
What the FUCK do these
>jank priority system
>nonsensical frama data that clashes with the game's visual communication
>messed up wake up game
even mean?
>It is a mix between MVC, Vampire, and Anime games.
It would actually be fun to play if that were the case.
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every street fighter series is so noticeably different that I don't even know what "real" street fighter means
its one guy who has a hate boner for a sf6 and a love boner for sf5. He's literally mentally ill and trolls /sfg/ for 16 hours a day.
This is a glitch, not an intended game mechanic.
It's par for the course for this board to absolutely despise a current fighting game until the sequel comes out.
It happened with IV, V and will happen with VI. Once VII comes out expect /v/ to shit on that game and talk about how VI was actually a good game all along unlike this new piece of shit.

Also nobody here actually plays fighting games so no opinions on the genre should be taken seriously.
To me it's kind of telling that the assumption that the statement "Street Fighter 6 is not a real Street Fighter game" reads to so many as "Street Fighter 6 is a bad game".
Real street fighter doesn't exist

Boomers want everything to play like Super Turbo.

Third strike fags want SF to play it

SF4 fags want SF5/6 to play like 4
You ever see something like this back at the old Wal-mart cabinet?

Lots of people hate SF6, you just dont see it as often in other places because they dont want to ruin their relationship with capcom for shitting on the game, or just because its just a popular fighting game so they cash in on the popularity. its like with MK where most of the casuals play it for a few hours then stop playing it once theyve seen to cool supers and their favorite nostalgia characters.

for reference: see guilty gear strive (and to a smaller extent tekken 8). its the exact same scenario of twitter and youtube jerking the game off, while pros and anonymous messages boards shit on the game for being casualized and having too many neutral skip and comeback mechanics to pander to esports viewers and casuals.
The alpha series is a spin-off, so its not really a good comparison, but you are right regardless. Third strike plays nothing like super turbo for example
Even with the differences 3S is way closer to ST than it is to SF6.
>I said it is not a real Street Fighter game.
You can do shoryukens and hadoukens, the attack priorities are the same, and the slime is pretty much a retarded evolution of SFIV's focus attack. So its a real Street fighter game.
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Shut up, Phil
>Explain to me how SFV is bad.
Nta but
>SFV had a very rocky launch
>Shit netcode
>Zero artstyle
>The models look like they were made out of clay or something. Also some have retarded protortions
>Advertising bullshit
>V trigger is stupid because noobs pretty much fire it up and waste it, and good players have to commit to it for the amount of time it lasts. Its restrictive
>Dogshit offline campaign
>You can do shoryukens and hadoukens
Surface level similarities. You can do these kinds of attacks in almost every 2d fighting game.
>the attack priorities are the same
There's no such thing as "priority" in the way you are speaking. There's hitboxes and frame data. And SF6 takes a fundamentally different approach to how these two things are designed from a gameplay point of view.

The actual in-game priority system is also quite different from past games, especially in regards to throws.
> the slime is pretty much a retarded evolution of SFIV's focus attack
No, if anything it is an evolution of the custom combo systems of Alpha 2/3 and CVS2.
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Lots of pro players similarily came out after DBFZ "died", saying they always hated it but only played it for the publicity.
not my fault you don't have the first idea how game design works despite playing them I assume for 10-20 years now. what I said is perfectly understandable.

you either dont want to understand or don't even know how the game you're defending works beneath the hood. that's on you. I'm not gonna waste 10 minutes of my life explaining how SFV works to you, when you should already know this if you want to argue
>evolution of the custom combo systems of Alpha 2/3 and CVS2.
Nah, SF6 slime is literally the focus attack from sf4 but more annoying.
It gives you armor similar to sf4, and you have that cancel dash into an attack/mid combo link, again similar to sf4 focus.
To be fair, the last few seasons of DBFZ truly were trash. S1 had balance issues itself, but then and pre-GT s2 were great. S3 started strong and then UI and fusions came along and the game has genuinely been trash and somehow downhill since.

I miss the game but I could never ever play it the way it is now
It really isn't, I can see where you'd mistake it for that but it's a surface level comparison.
The ability to cancel multiple normals in a row for long combos is a custom combo mechanic. Drive Cancel changes the frame data for attacks and gives more plus frames.
>It gives you armor similar to sf4
That's not "slime", that's Drive Impact, which is closer to a Focus Attack.
Damn, that was sick
dbfz was always just a less interesting version of mvc except with kickass presentation and a different IP
Perhaps. But it's out of tune with the type of combos that have traditionally been possible in Street Fighter games.
I'm a casual fighting game enjoyer, but I really dislike the Goldilocks syndrome that the FGC has. It's like everyone wants every series to be preserved in amber at their preferred point in the past. People will complain that the drive gauge somehow turns SF6 into an entirely different game, which is true to an extent, but two days ago Punk basically won Evo with nothing but extremely solid whiff punishes. His first set against Big Bird was a clinic in fundamentals. Even though new mechanics may make the game more accessible or "flashy" at lower levels, it's still fundamentally Street Fighter.
>with nothing but extremely solid whiff punishes.
No, he did not. He had extremely solid whiff punishes which were then followed up by crazy non-SF combos. If he didn't have the ability to do those combos he would have had no chance at winning. Those which punishes were also facilitated by the drive rush and cancel systems which allowed him to punish things that would never be punishable in older SF games.
Street Fighter Alpha 2 and SF 3 Third Strike are the best of the SF Games. SF 6 is still good but the pressure game using the drive mechanics is too powerful. The drive reversals and parries balance out the game and should be tweaked a bit more. If anything it's built for spectators and players, while classic SF 2 was much more of a chess game. I enjoy all the SF games, even SF V which is the most unbalanced. FGC, EVO, and YoVideogames Forever!!!
There are 20 different games with dashing/running, generous input buffers, and 20 hit combos. There are no current big games with classic Street Fighter style gameplay.
>I'm a casual fighting game enjoyer
Perhaps you should lurk more if you don't understand the game systems at the level to see why being able to dash quickly across the screen at will as a universal mechanic is non-SF.
old street fighter: have to master hitconfirms into specials that may or may not do big damage, but the ability to convert from pokes into big damage is a skill all its own

nu sf: mash drive rush cancellable normal into bing bing big wahoo damage at all stages of the game, takes zero mastery and completely eliminates the need for hit confirming
>old street fighter: have to master hitconfirms into specials that may or may not do big damage, but the ability to convert from pokes into big damage is a skill all its own
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Pic is real Street Fighter.
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>Street Fighter 6 is not a real Street Fighter game
I don't know what the fuck does that mean.
SF games are fundamentally similar, the mechanics are what differs from one another (Alpha had isms, 3's had parry, 4 had Focus, 5 had V-Trigger, 6 has slime shit).
Personally, SF6 is the easiest SF game to date (never played SFV), the combos have very lenient input, it really feels effortless to do anything in SF6, also no character is different from one another.
USF4 was truly the last good SF game, you had to be super autistic to actually get the hang of it.
You are exaggerating how easy the combos are in SF6. And if you just "mash drive rush cancellable normal" to try to start them you'll get your ass handed to you quickly by any player above gold.

The game is still very skill testing. But it isn't a real Street Fighter game. It's closer to a Vampire Savior follow-up than a SF follow-up.
>throw loops
>mash neutral skip drive rush into plus frames frame trapping or tick throws into throw loops
>throw in parries and focus for no particular reason
>remove the need for hitconfirms

it's easily the most divorced from the basic formula

>to try to start them

yea bro, punk wasn't just slamming cr.mk drive rush all night
>I don't know what the fuck does that mean.
Well the rest of your post explained it quite well. Strange how you can't see that.
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>Anons arguing what is a "real Street Fighter"
>None of the games are actually Street Fighting games

Play a real Street Fighter, it's more fun.
the best thing about SF6 is that they obviously concocted drive rush after seeing the super dashes in DBZF
It does feel like that sometimes. That there was a decent fighting game made that someone said "this just isn't flashy enough!" and made them tack on DR to make bigger combos possible.

I think it's also kind of strange that Capcom has made zero effort towards providing any kind of system direction options or the ability for players to play in different variations of the game.
Imagine if there was the option to play a "classic mode" that was still the SF6 engine, stages, characters, etc but played like ST.
I think that wouldn't get added because Capcom would be afraid of top players gravitating towards that mode, which isn't flashy enough to be popular with casual viewers.
Just pulling off a 2 hit or 3 hit combo is fun in classic SF, and showing off crazy lookiing combos like doing a standing kneed into a DP or a standing uppercut into Guiles flash kick. classic SF was a mild exaggeration of real life fighting where a simple one-two combo hurts and a 4 hit dizzy's or KO's. I enjoy new fighting games, but they're all 30 hit combo Anime and comic book hero battles now.
what I don't like about SF 6 is the ability to apply constant pressure after the defender is still blocking. classic SF 2 defense stops prevents and pushes back the offensive player.
SF V was just unbalanced. character designs were too cartoonish, the menu system was confusing, the reward system relied on earning points online, the story mode was goofy and tedius. The later seasons of SF V had some really great character additions and even the mechanics were improved. It's amazing how long SF V lasted despite how badly it started.
fighting games are just too fucking annoying to play. No other game gets me more frustrated.
>classic SF 2 defense stops prevents and pushes back the offensive player.
And since he has you cornered, he keeps the pressure, stuns you in a simple 1-2-3 combo and wins the round from it.
To be honest, I'm both surprised and disappointed that so many people actually bought this garbage. Any normal human being could see the woke shit from miles away, and yet they bought it. My faith in humanity is beginning to dissipate.
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why did crapcom go for a realistic look in 6? have none of their employees seen the street fighter movie?
Or you just throw him...
Excellent movie.
>SFV looks miles better
couldn't agree more, I just knew they'd botch SF6 the minute I head it was gonna use the RE Engine
I want playable Retsu is SF6.
>character designs were too cartoonish
That's the way it should've stayed, SF6 should've iterated upon what SFV did with it's visuals and improve them, not throw them out completely
true. it's absurd how bad most special moves are, and to me, that's what street fighter is. tiger shots, demon flips, rush punches
what do you get in 6? crouching medium kick > Drive rush cancel > jab > throw/shimmy. that's all the top tiers do. ken, rashid, juri, cammy.
guile and jp the only ones with a different play style that still does well, but they're still boring to fight because everyone elses tools are so bad you just have to perfect parry until you get in range to mash your mp DR
Been noticing a bug tonight.
Whenever I am winning, I lose connection with my opponent.
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Because it's fun
Yep. Capcom is smart to bring in guest chars and turn it more into a fun party game. That's what it really is.
There's no point arguing with SFV defenders. They're all 17 year old zoomers who love it because it was their first fighting game and can't be logically reasoned with
So why did SF6 mindbreak /v/? It was being doomposted here before the game came out and you see people making the same posts to this day.
evo was honestly a lot better when everyone was shitting on sf5
3rd strike fag here who would rape this entire board in any sf game
sf6 is the best sf since 3s
it's better than 4 and 5
but still sucks compared to 3s
it's better than ST
alpha 2 is comparable but custom combos are really fucking gay in a2 and the activation is inconsistent and retarded
cope and seethe
when has punk ever played kof? most street fighter players end up dropping that pretty quick
>guilty gear strive
If you talk with older guilty gear players a lot of them will shit on strive, but of course I'm talking to people who go to XRD and plus R tournaments and not streamers.
Punk played SFV but would always choke
In SF6 characters can turn green, previously SF characters could only turn yellow (or blue in 3)
This makes it not a Street Fighter game
post FC name and prove it faggot
what's yours
I'll get in the lobby right now
Fightcade InceI. i don't play 3s but i'll come on to see if you full of shit or not. i have a meeting in 15 minutes so we can do before or after depending how quick of a set you want
>1 bar
>Zero artstyle
still looks better than whatever the fuck SF6 is doing, the girls were actually hot in SFV
>The models look like they were made out of clay or something. Also some have retarded protortions
The models looked good, the fuck are you on about? And liked the proportions in SFV, Chun's thighs are way too big and her feet are way too small in SF6. SFV had it right with the bigger feet and hands.
whats your name ?
1 bar is about 160ms on fightcade, with 2 frames of delay that's perfectly playable. it's only really 0 bars does it get to becoming super unplayable
anon I'm not playing a game based on hit confirms in 200 ping
playing anything above delay 0 is retarded
3s is a game with one frame links
>not even posting his tag so people can see the replays of the man that will "rape this entire board"
you weren't gonna play regardless of the connection anon. the chipotle jew fears the fightcade incel
I don't feel like doxxing myself
the good thing about Sf6 is that it made people realize that 3S is superior

then why you making big claims of how good you are if you aren't gonna show your replays or even play the game ? you don't even play 3s you just shill sf6 pretending to be a 3s player to give you clout and we all know it. GO BACK
Why would anyone play "classic" SF, old man? They don't have money ($50,000+) for the tournament winners. LMAO @ ur lyfe.
Chun is the only one BOGGED here.

Cammy looks fine, weird hair angle aside. And Juri sorely needs the bowlcut bangs back.
>playing fighting games for money
why. the prize money isn't even that much for the amount of work. you are much better off playing mobas if you care about money.... or getting an actual career
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SF6 Chun is a miracle of the universe
4 is peak autism man however my waifu poison is best in 4
its actually crazy how much better sfv got over its life and how long it lasted
I am genuinely curious to see if the same happens with sf6, I don't think its a bad game but it has a lot I don't like, I don't think it takes a genius or some special person/people to just keep working on something and slowly improving it and I want to see it happen again with sf6.
>"3rd strike fag here who would rape this entire board in any sf game"
>okay lets play
>"uhhh LAG too much ping I can't play"
lmao u were never going to play anyone and are larping but its hilarious how quickly and publicly you have folded.
iv vs'd dozens of people off here, if you genuinely were going to play you would have posted details
>nearly the same SF players dominate
>Street Fighter
Dead franchise.
With some "edition", like SFV had with arcade or champion, they will release an update which will rework all the models to finally look good.

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