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Summer anis returns
why'd they name her anus?
Maybe her butt hurts
Why did they half ass this summer compared to the last one?
this one had more effort put in it thoughowever
He's baiting
from what?
the WHAT has returned?
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some literal who gachasluts, lol.
What did she mean by this
Hot dam i need that
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porn just why watch not
It had half the content of last summers events.
If he repeats himself it will.come true
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New heretic spotted
The event that saved Nikke.
No cum stains, not a real fan
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Licking and whispering into Anon's ears while he hotglues her.
Do you offer hands on service as well?
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I guess it can't be helped if you are too clumsy to do it yourself.
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Rolling for this cutey.
Standards have really dropped haven’t they.
both in the same banner?
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Jk love>>683495868
Viper asmr coming

Fuck japan and its shit taste.
syuen causes this, yuni did nothing wrong
Brave or a fool
The next summer is right around the corner
Can Volume say the N word?
t. dubfag
Japan likes flawed characters get over it
Volume says whatever she wants whenever she wants, that's kind of her character. She gives negative fucks about what others think
dumb bitch I hate that she's a strong unit
But the booty shake
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B-But I thought it was going to be Rumani... I've been waiting for her since release...
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Fan-favorite reminder
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>retard can't read and brings dubs up out of nowhere
jk sex
True damage seems like a neat mechanic but as a player how often do we really see damage resistance? I personally never see any kind of indication of damage being reduced. It's not like I can parse the sea of numbers in front of me to notice that one rapture is taking 1.4% less damage. The only time I can see this coming up is if it bypasses those shield fucks who reduce all damage to 1 X00 times.
wait...my unit doesnt do that
enemies have defense anon, it doesn't add a gigantic amount of damage reduction but it's at least something
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So, Zwei is next after this event, right?
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anus has come
i only need doro now
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I will never buy for a chance to see less clothes on a video game character
I know enemies have defense, but there's so little visibility of damage reduction that it's entirely unintuitive when to actually use a character that negates damage reduction as a primary mechanic.
Nikke would so much better without the harem shit. No I don't want this viper bitch get the fuck off.
Are you gay or something? If anything it needs more harem and the commander should impregnate all of the nikkes
Literally why people mostly play this game
I dont get this weird cuckhold fantasy to see another guy have babies with a girl you like.
I'm the commander
literally playing the entire genre wrong if you don't self insert in gachas
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I like it. My Exia team needs damage dealers.
Well you are not. Some avatar of you impregnante the girls, maybe, but it's not yours.

Dude, the "genre" is them trying to spend one more buck. It's a casino game with a mini game on the side.
>the commander isn't real but the girls are
Are you retarded or something
Nah it's guten morgen
please marry me
okay retard
I hate that you tards combine these words. I hate reddit more than all of you combined, but these are words and mean things and you can't let some balding man-children take words.
It's real for you. But the commander is not you, it's a guy you decided to insert as. He does not have your body type or face.
Viper has a sexy voice
I guess it's easier to notice when you're up against the defense buffing enemies that take almost no damage at all when their buff is up. There's a boss who does it as well but I can't remember which one it is
>friend of mine plays Nike
>Is really into it and tries to shill that the gameplay and story are actually really good
>Bored, in the market for some Gatcha slop
>Hear FEH went to shit, ZZZ is bigtime Chinaslop
>Install Nikke, big ass file
>Get through tutorial chapter
>Mildly invested after the twist
>Really like Anis
>Boss designs are cool
>Overload of gameplay systems
>Some diving game and a vampire survivors clone
>Main gameplay plays itself
>Girls are hot and art is high quality
>I can just grab the files from a third party site

Yeah, I'm not sure if it's for me. Anis is crazy hot and is the only reason I might consider playing still. The generics are a good mix of cute and tactical but apparently they don't get any love
>he doesnt know how to team build

couldnt be me
>Main gameplay plays itself
It does when you’re a new cutie.
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Actually I am really a faceless gacha man that women flock to
>vesti is once again relevant
>we might get more guilty and the rest of real kindness interacting with extrinsic with the jailbreak arc

Kino incoming
Does true damage work against those floating fuckers who only take 1 damage? Also, would it work against the mother whale spawns? I remember those enemies taking absurdly low amounts of damage for some reason, if true damage helps you shred through resistances more than pierce then it could actually eventually be meta relevant
her ass look like it's made of jello, that's not very attractive
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I beat my first challenge 7, r8
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Nice thread nikkerbabs.
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the correct term is nikker-
oh well your correct
outpost events and nikke bond stories are generally enjoyable
Discord, now. I have a quiet figure I need your help with
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I just like making fun of the english language.
wish they would put her floating weapons in as well when she's behind cover.
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She actually does have her drones in combat.
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jk thighs
Is there a way to move my Nikke account from Google to Level infinite? I used the wrong Google account.
synthetic man's daughter, this girl is one balding motherfucker
>literally just funnels
Nikke really is a /m/ chad game
more Ein art and porn soon
i cant wait i love gyaru jks
Honestly the summer version of this year were okay but they miss the tanlines though...
>straight up just fin funnel
>not even trying to hide it
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The tia costume is free?
>Can't read new story for months because of power gating
I can't get excited for seeing all the teasers they've been pushing out since red hood because it feels like story chapters are simply to be enjoyed by veterans who have been at the game since launch.
Their system is fucking trash. They honestly should make story mode like any other gacha, where you get premade teams with nikkers to try them out. If the story consists of inherit then you get the inherit nikkes, if you use alice / ludmilla, then you get those two in the party. They can keep the shit for hardmode as is, but new players that get invested in the story don't want to be gated out after playing for a couple of hours and then grind for half a fucking year to see the end.
they gave everyone a power boost with OL gear
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I hope this is just a giant shitpost and it's the English VA just screaming in Toad's voice.
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>her banner starts on the 25th
reee i want her nowww
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that's a cool burst
That's not enough. You know how long it took me to actually get OL gear for a single pilgrim, being Redhood? Three whole months. Then I finally completed a full set of OL for her and you know what that got me? Finally killing Nihilister and then getting walled halfway through the next chapter because of a forced power gate fight that had mobs spam DOZENS of blue missiles that deal insane damage but could not be killed fast enough due to the power deficit. A complete "Fuck you, you don't have the power score come back later" fight that couldn't be cleared no matter how many different aoe comps I tried. Elysion is STILL cursed with barely any good nikkes and I keep getting fucking Rank 9 Elysion gears instead of Tetra or Pilgrim to make more OL.
Is she actually strong?
New player. What's the best way to get free gems? I blew though the initial gifts already, chapter 3.

I did not know I was going to want Anis this much
Are you a working adults?
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Im holding on to my last shreds of dignity by not putting money in. How many free gems can I get if I blitz the story?
pushing story is the only way to get free gems
and i guess collecting the hidden relics and soundtracks
a lot
There's no like daily missions or something?

I might just make a new account, only think I pulled was Neons retarded looking ass and other generic bikini bitch. I want Anis
You get 50 per encounter, and then there's achievement that gives you more.
Just open up the map and start counting anon.
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because she is a giant walking anus
Doing dailies gives you gems and bonding stories
>draw a girl
>put a bunch of random floating bullshit around her
>now its a robot
>blitz the story?
you cant
you get walled by needed resources to upgrade your nikkers every once in a while
you don't get much for dailies
main sources of gem is the story mostly
if you're really desperate and haven't gone far you might as well just reroll during her event
nikkes are tin cans with women brains planted in them that are designed to emulate female bodies as close as possible in order to avoid cyberpsychosis
cool the design still sucks
Every 5 missions you get 100 gems, every chapter 2 300 gem missions spawn. There's like 400 gems in side quests per chapter aswell. Should be fairly easy to get anus, you also have the tribe tower to farm like 2000 gems at the start and all the lost sectors that give you like 500-800 gems
This is why I play for the story.
this is the guy who vehemently defended the ark invasion chapters
Is the game actually fun though, and playable on PC? All the nikkers look great but if it's just tedium and money to look at booba, I'll stick to the fanart.
I personally find it enjoyable and play on pc.
It will mostly depend on if the story clicks with you.
Turns out you're losing damage on phones because they dont run at true 60 fps
its a gacha game. the gameplay is only there as an obstacle to slow down the rate you get waifus. you log in every day, do your chores, but you're not playing for that, you're playing to gamble on titty pngs. i like to collect titty pngs, but i would never recommend the gameplay to anyone because it is simple a means to an end for a predatory skinnerbox.
don't forget your voucher drops
Alright I'm rolling a new save and holding on to my gems. I want Anis. Anis tits please
there's no quick get rich scheme like in priconne, but there are some other sources other than the previously mentioned
>side quests
>relationship episodes
>lost sector
>ex stages, they are actually easier than the normal battles most the time
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How do we stop her?
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I only got 2 elysion attacker armors after doing si for more than a year. shits busted
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doesn't nikke charge like $50 for these? why not just mod them in coomer outfits?
You tried
er, don't bother, if you're deadset on getting sanis, reroll when the event starts so you'll be guaranteed one copy at least
it'll probably take you like ten minutes of rerolling
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sometimes they are a unit you can roll for sometimes it is a $20 costume for a useless unit sometimes it is a $60 costume for a good unit that tricks you into thinking you can get it for less
how much are the summer ones? and can you not just mod like in hoyo games
They are gacha units. If you acumulated enough free gems and event tickets and with some luck then they are free
the summer units are free as long as you get them with gems you didnt pay for

you can mod, less of a point to do so because they are just a front facing sprite and back facing sprite and the unit you want to use probably is shit. you can view the costumes for free at any time in the character viewer but cant use them in battle (which you will be auto battling in anyway)
restrain her
anally impregnating girrutys tits
What chapter are you on
shut the fuck up retard
i think you triggered the faggot below you
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One last day of fishing. I'll try to savor it.
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This is the thread, boys.
>uh oh shills someone didnt bite our engagement bait question send in the defence force!!!!
The thread that our touhou discord uses to have an off topic discussion? you didnt mention shmups in the op
Stuck on whale boss
I bet she would be good friends with Jackal
>maiden never caught that great white shark...
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naga getting a skin is dangerous
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You know what's even more dangerous?
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This is why /v/ exists
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Fake corporate meme
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You may think you are doing that, but all it does is end up making fun of you instead.
which summer nikkes have sex with me in their side stories? I know Anis and Neon don't, but someone told me Mary does.
>gotcha! i was only pretending to be retarded!
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turbodyke, will point her gun at your d**k and shoot
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I cannot for the life of me find the last collectible on the summer map. It's been eluding me for like 2 weeks now, and I can't see it anywhere.
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Most of the asses I've seen so far have been lame. Compared to the tits, they really don't have their ass game as of yet.
This summer event is shit like FGO's summer 5, 6, and 7 summer events.
Just a trash can where they put unpopular characters no one really likes and expecting people to like it.
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>Play Nikke
>Expect it to be about humans fighting along side robots of their own creation in a grand struggle to reclaim what has been lost
>Instead get a story about some simp who obsesses over SAVING THE NIKKES in various rom com adventures
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>it's a crab rapture
Worse - it's about some simp who's absolutely obsessed with some dead robot he knew for a few minutes and does everything from risking his life to committing treason to try and chill with her.
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I mean
>humanity: leaves that one commander to die, fuck that guy lol
>a random nikke: I will protect you comnander!
No surprise he wants to fuck nikkes instead of human women
BUT WE HAVE TO SAVE RAPI AND MARIAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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they are afraid to show ass and have it jiggle at the same time

ever time its exposed they forget to add the physics
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>they are afraid to show asses and jiggle
They are. D's is covered.
See 2B and >>683543160
for rock hard asses
>moving goalposts

yeah hes done
It's not moving the goal post when your response was based on you misreading my first post.
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Thank you
>Everything is burning
>Save literally one of the worst bitches ever
Does the commander have a brain?
She was the one who nearly killed him in the first place.
dumb passive aggressive replier
because the commander can fight off a super android right
He literally let all of that happen in the first place by refusing to tell anyone about Crow trying to murder him and being a psycho, so yes.
i-it's the thought that counts
gaslighting a fictional character with no voice is top kek dude
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What are you even talking about? Crow shoots him and leaves him for dead and he never mentions that to anyone for no apparent reason. She later holds him up with a gun and basically goes "Haha yeah I'm gonna go do bad shit, later fag." Her entire group is equipped with remote detonated bomb collars, they're incredibly easy to stop. The commander is entirely to blame for everything they did. It's the singular worst point of writing in the entire game and makes no sense beyond them desperately needing it to happen so the plot could exist.
The story of Nikke is basically
>Create Artificial life
>It rebels
>Create Artificial life waifus to fight your battles
>Give them the sentience to have human emotions
>Have them be fodder in war
>Be surprised that some no name gets amnesia and remembers he's straight sides with the war machines that crave dick

If this game had any introspection there would be multiple rogue commanders who just have battle harems
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didnt ask
congrats on letting everyone know you dont play the game just lurk the threads
no he's pretty much right
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Oi m8, you got your doro postin' loicense?
Don't get the reference.
wtf I don't remember rossona's boobs being that big during that shot
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The sole defining trait of the commander is that he will do anything and everything to protect and save the Nikkes no matter what. That's literally the entire character and you missed it.
still doesnt make sense
I do exactly that + I even create my own mods
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Enabling a murderer and terrorist doesn't align with any of those goals. He also personally gives the order to use live rounds on Crow instead of giving her the chance to talk later, which you apparently missed.
anon is trying so hard to lecture others about a game he doesnt play
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>If this game had any introspection there would be multiple rogue commanders who just have battle harems
...It does...
anyone have the doro dash doro gif?
HEY RETARD! Where's my passive aggressive response to you being wrong?
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Doro is funny as hell
>survives multiple missions against all odds
>team defeats several heretics almost on their own
>makes the goal of taking back the surface something more than a pipe dream
He can do whatever the hell he wants!
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>>makes the goal of taking back the surface something more than a pipe dream
I mean, not really, no. The entire point of Nikke's setting is humanity has already thoroughly lost. Even destroying a billion raptures wouldn't be a drop in the bucket. Absolutely nothing anybody does matters in any capacity until they either murder the queen through plot contrivance or the new queen makes them stop through plot contrivance.
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What mods can you even put in? The nude mid seems pretty thorough but I would want that to toggle on off depending on how I'm feeling
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didn't get sakura at all but a lot of other nikkes that weren't in my posession
even got drake and viper after pulling with bond/friend points twice
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omg it's doro
Where’s the Marciana skin?
does this image exist without the shitty meme
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Blonde hair, blue eyes and pure white skin. She's the goddess we deserve.
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>Or the new queen makes them stop through plot contrivance
Modernia is on stream last months ago.
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>Modernia is on stream last months ago.
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i hope we get more drillie
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Unlocked her title today. Gonna go fishing to celebrate.
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I found Doro
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Now find the rest.
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Doro can come along too.
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I just pulled scarlet: black shadow, is she good
>7 cored signal

well then
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Does summer Sakura fuck you in her bond? Trying to decide if I should roll on her.
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I feel like the devs have a lot of fun with all the references they chuck in there, like with Kilo and her bot basically being a cute expy of BT and the pilot from TF2. The little one off jokes with a lot of the fish from the current event got a good chuckle out of me too.
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Dailies, weeklies, advancing the story, check the nikke gg site for codes, and you're guaranteed at least 30 vouchers off the events. With the standard non-map events it'll be 20 standard and 10 advanced, the mapped events like the current one give 20 advanced and 10 standard. 10 of those are just the login gifts, and the rest are bought from the event shop. There's also 250 gems you can buy with the resources from the coordinated operation events each week, so if you're staying on top of that that's also a good chance to top up. I always recommend new players to save their advanced vouchers and gems for pilgrim banners, and just use your friends points and standard vouchers to fill out your roster, since once you have a full 30 person rotation of daily players you can do 21 pulls total a week just from friend points, on top of the weekly free standard voucher. The 2nd anniversary should be coming up in a few months, they always give away a bunch of stuff including a free SSR unit.
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Can I have sex with her yet? Can I have sex with her in front of Rapi yet?
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Which Nikke would sit on my face the hardest
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By accident, Soda, maliciously, Drake, with loving intent, Anis.
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Who's this new pilgrim?
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Nikke is the perfect side game tbqh famalamadingdong
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I have 40 tickets and 40k gems, i will get her.
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sleep frima
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>Favorite Item schedule moved from 1 every 2 months to 3 every 6 months.
At least Tia is getting a free skin.
probably they take forever to lvl
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>All Nikke threads devolve to doroposting
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new boss
doro is a convienient way to get a thread bumped while pretending to contribute
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tomorrow is the last day, what did you think of the summer event
Dave is a faggot and fishing was way too hard until it abruptly became way too easy. Also the random spawns with the diving mini-game were a shit idea and they should've required something to proc the specific spawns.
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it's a seraphim

I didn't like the nerf of fishing, i had to change to the main rod again to feel the pressure again, the minigame was good to pass the time.
too many chores, good riddance
holy cute
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Maiden, Guilty and Jackal were really fun to have around.
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They thought people would be so amazed by the diving that they could make everything else awful shit and get away with it.

Fishing game was so bad it nearly made me quit Nikke by itself.
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vidya boobs

Extremely bad event, much worse than any previous "big" event, horrible minigames, I hope people got fired over this one.
I enjoyed the actual pandering and not the pokepokenudgenudge the bonds do.
My phone still drops inputs, so I can't give a fair judgement of the Maiden fishing. Weird we didn't get hands as a fishing rod or boat upgrade. Weirder we didn't catch a great white.
Collab was okay. Felt like I just collected everything with an icon and mindlessly chose upgrades and meals. Story was actually nothing.
Photos were good and cute. Ironically we won't be able to see them after this. Intentional or lazy?
Jackal was the highlight.
If I bought $400 worth of stuff right now, and never spent another cent on this game, can I still be considered a dolphin?
currently f2p
you guys say this about every event

This is genuinely the worst event so far though. Even the map is shit.
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>I enjoyed the actual pandering and not the pokepokenudgenudge the bonds do.

I didn't enjoy being forced to kiss Sakura. I don't like that bitch. In fact I don't like any of the characters in the event.
If you're going to put romance scenes put them in the bonds, not the main story.
She's a B1 cooldown reduction so yes, but literally every single other B1 CDR unit is better than her
if she did not have CDR she would be a C tier unit
where was this shown?
The marketing materials were emailed to us about 2 hours ago
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I didn't have her yet but I just got 3 summer rosannas in the same 10 pull
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holy fuck those tits
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oh my god. i cant wait to collect commander for a day ticket X3 annd VIP pass X2. these are exciting and generous rewards
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Having an event focused around unpopular characters like rosanna, viper, sakura, maiden, guilty, and jackal was FUCKING RETARDED WHAT WERE THEY THINKING!?
on Chapter 16
19 and im not doing any more because i prefer to do events and ark stuff
Expected desu, not sure if I should ticket helm...
focusing on popular nikke only is retarded
The first part of summer last year was way worse than this
I guess the bunny event was part of their 3-week event quota
Nah the Glasses shield is a % damage reduction so their defense doesn't matter. You can partially bypass it with "Damage Taken Up" debuffs like from Blanc or Christmas Ludmilla
We are gundam now
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Ch20 hard.
I clear stages within the lowest CP ranges in the leaderboards since struggling is fun
ch27 I think, I should be able to proceed with 250k power but I'm lazy.
maiden sex
In the final hallway to the boss but there's a brapper spam stage that's giving me trouble for the first time in a while, I'm pretty far under power at this point since I was able to blow through everything after 23-21 Hard without stopping so I'll just try again after the new story chapters and a few more levels.
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trony sex
>Fin Funnel
Ein is a what if the Commander & Isabella have a daughter together.
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Bad Girl Summer? Now, it's time for Good Girl Summer!
>Having an event focused around unpopular characters
That's a good thing, tho.
Better than last year's Summer 1 for sure, I'd rather have Jackal as the obligatory retard than N*on.
is there a downside to limit break?
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Good Girl Summer belongs to ACPU.
Only in very niche cases like a support being so much beefier that they steel stat based buffs from their intended targets
Would have to be like max limit break vs no dupes though
I wonder how a skirt that short is going to block her panties.
her jacket could just drape loosely off her shoulders and cover everything.
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Mast's sealed in flavor
why did they make her feet so hot?
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Explain this
I'd buy the skin if it wasn't 20 fucking burger bucks and Mast wasn't bad even in her niche.
pilgrims and heretics just love that symbol dont worry about it
>>Main gameplay plays itself
Oh man you're in for a difficulty spike
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Explain this
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Those legs look pretty strong...
Would suck if they smushed you like a pancake right? haha...
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>The generics are a good mix of cute and tactical but apparently they don't get any love
Yea, they're cute alright
They survived, came back, and had a celebratory dinner together in the mess hall right?
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lol this dude be sniffing rikkers
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I personally think that Sixo is Dorothy. The Pilgrim's colony is probably more advanced than Ark and so they can easily hide their presence online.
Sixo has been active years before Eden came into contact with the Ark.
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>Naga has my personality
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I liked it
fishing with that night music playing before bed was the coziest thing I've done that week.
Midnight Memories is my goto music choice after coming home from work. Its just so good.
Officially, Dorothy has been around for a while.
Anis anus...
This awakens the caveman dna
>no panty shot
ok you got me i'll download your game
And she was never anywhere near the Ark or with any means to contact the Ark until SKK came along, let alone set up a black market and an intimidation network, plus she wouldn't need to do half the shit she has done since her introduction in the story if she was somehow this much of a powerful crime boss.
lol this actualyl got more replies yesterday. Sorry but I wa sbusy milking Anons with Samus.
>big cock
Wait, an anon with asmr gear that will pretend to be a nikke? Do you have a feminine voice? Where do I sign up?
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>rapi's fat ass lost
>even with rh
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Didn't see this thread, but here.
Maybe it's because of the blur but she looks like she was drawn by RAITA
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Mast is making me go full mast!!!
>Unpopular is good because i identify with unpopular!
>What? It's killing interest in the game?
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>Reach stage 13
>Actually have to play for a bit and can't alt+tab for every fight anymore
>Reach stage 15 after some upgrading and trial and error
>Start getting filtered and ran out of upgrade materials
This is the point where they want me to start giving them money isn't it?
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I think Yuni has the biggest ass.
Also, why the fuck do we have to wait 1 minute to fill out the fucking shit captcha? Posting here is annoying like a fucking gacha gate.
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I was f2p just fine until I reached stage 21 cause that's when they also released guilty skin
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The only time I'll spend money is if they release an even sexier Elegg costume (impossible she is literally the perfect woman already)
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its called dorocreature
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I'm at ch27 haven't donated, not because I don't want to, but because I can't. Probably can push to chapter 28-29 if I really want to.
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Fanservice >>>>>>>> porn

I don't want to watch another man fuck a random girl, genitals for both genders look disgusting and I want to feel some sort of "connection" to the stuff.
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Commander throwing hands now

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disgusting. Looks like a pig in heat. If she gets raped by a pack of niggers it would be her own damned fault.
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first and foremost nikke is an idle game, with time you can beat any stage
Guess you will have to make up for it by milking us today then.
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I want the story NOW though
I need to know how they will make the big booty bitches suffer
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Should have started day one
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After school tutoring with Ein
Ein is so sexy
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>my wife is relevant again
Cute fat Viper
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>still cucked by crown
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Post gameplay
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>plan ahead
>no crazy pilgrims in my party
>hit the 160 wall
>main lineup are still all 1/3

for how many months am i going to be stuck on this?
Gross they're not even wearing panties
How much more exponential is it? I'm at chapter 25 and I started during the re:zero collab. the chapters don't seem too far away considering I have 15 levels of core dust stored up not accounting for cases in my inventory, and I'm just sitting at 199 because I'm being autistic about breaching the wall despite it not mattering at that point.
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Commander has had enough
It's not too bad if you're already at 25. You should be caught up within the next 2/3 months, and then from there you can clear every new chapter drop with ease.
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No more doros, will
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I’ll beat you down
Never had any chance
I’ll beat you down
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>mfw Anis does not want to drink soda anymore
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Been playing for 2 month now and I still haven't got a Pilgrim.
I'm also at the 160 wall at chapter 21.
Hoping I get good shit on the Summer Anis banner, got 80K gems waiting for her, but still think I'm not passing the wall yet...
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>80k gems

Did you pay? How did you get so many?
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motorcycle noises vroom vroom
Where is the summer sugar
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more than 20 minutes today commander
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But Marian I already have six pelvic fractures, please have mercy
Thank you for your service
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I don't like most of the goddess squad and I still have to suffer them every few months. events are going to focus on characters you don't care about from time to time, romance or not
You get about 20k a month just by doing dailies, so I assume they haven't spent many gems, which is why they're still at the 160 wall probably.
Nope, proud f2p player.
I just didn't roll since the start of the game.
Actually, not true, I rolled 140 times on Summer Mary's banner and only got 1 SSR, so I gave up.
Been saving my gems since the start for Summer Anis.
Everything give gems, collecting music give gem in the jukebox, story notes items too, Towers, Lost Sector, Leveling outpost.
You can also hoard the special voucher they give in events and only use them want you really want something.
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Why is she so underrated?
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I can Isabella, Ein, Mash, Sin and Mana, i don't know the other
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Bro, your mast?
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What are the odds that Syuen once again creates the problem of the next few chapters?
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I hope we get more mana content
Is it not Mast?
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Last one you forgot is Quincy. Has the ponytail and handcuffs.
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>blue eyes
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>no summer 2
it's dorover
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they deleted a safe pic but not the ban evader >>683504014
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I love when the cleavage looks like a heart
It's like the titties are living things that are actively trying to seduce you

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