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Is buying a prebuilt PC cringe or smart?
This is the expression my gf does when I ejaculate after 40 seconds
rick moranis if he real
Depends. It's from SI then it's usually good.
I wouldn't expect you in particular avatarfag to ask a question like this.
it's the goyslop of pc
>is buying a pre built asmomkiller pc le cringe?
>pic of what I assume is a porn whore
why did he do it anons? was he tired of his mom?
only if it's on sale
it used to be smart, but now its more expensive to build your own. you can get a good prebuilt for $2000 while a gpu alone will cost nearly that much.
Buying pre-made cause you think you're getting a good deal or because you want that branding or you're a moron who doesn't know how to build their own is cringe.

Buying pre-built because you can't be fucking asked to deal with RMA or putting the system together yourself is fine. At that point you're paying for convenience
some components these companies use are dogshit I had to buy a prebuilt in 2020 bc I was really sick and couldn't do it myself. It was bought from Skytech. 3700x and 2070S for 1000 right before the pandemic hit and prices jumped.

They used an ASRock B450M Pro4 as the mobo and it's not great. I can't use any 4 SATA ports because the GPU blocks them.
Who's that qt?
I know this is a man, but I'd still like some sauce
I broke my computer and didn't really care about specs that much
I bought another literally same day for 2000 dollars
It's 2024.
You can get a prebuilt on sale for cheaper than buying all the parts individually.
It's not 2004 anymore where buying prebuilts tacked on a grand just because, even without sales prebuilts are only ever like 5-10% more expensive than just buying the parts and doing it yourself.

And speaking as someone that's built over a dozen computers over the last decade, fuck building you own, buy a prebuilt.
not going to buy your shitty prebuild computer!

and no, pre built is NEVER cheaper than doing it yourself
very smart, you should buy one right now, especially if it comes with a good graphics card, a good cpu, good ram and a chinese unrated PSU, wasting money on expensive PSUs is a meme
>and no, pre built is NEVER cheaper than doing it yourself
Buddy I bought a prebuilt with a i7-10700k, 32g ram, and a 4080 for 2100$ in 2022 because it was on sale at like 35% off.
You couldn't buy the same components alone for 2100$ in 2022, and that doesn't include the half a day it takes to built a PC and set it all up and troubleshoot any bullshit that's fucked, you ESL fuck.
This is true, however there's another approach.
If you literally don't have a computer to start with, then yeah prebuilt is fine. However, the most efficient way is to Ship of Theseus one build. Upgrade specific components when they start to lag behind and you can get a good deal on the next step up.
>some components these companies use are dogshit
dont buy locked-in prebuilts. if they dont let you pick parts, find another supplier.
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is having bright red hair, tattoos and ghetto nails cringe or smart?
you are brown

not gonna buy your pre-built garbage from your eceleb company beithoughever...
The cattle piercing always makes women end up having red nose tips and I'm a degenerate semi-rapist and like fucking chicks that are zooted out on cocaine and it makes me think of that so I find it hot.
Here I thought only asians can have moon face, is she a chronic drunk?
If you just need a PC for basic web browsing and office work, a prebuilt is usually far more convenient than building it yourself. If it's a gaming PC then you're better off building your own. It's incredibly easy to research it and learn what to do, it's cheaper, you can ensure you're buying good components rather than whatever cast-offs the commercial builder is trying to get rid of, and there's no chance of the PC getting damaged in transit when it's disassembled. People will say that pre-builts are more convenient, but honestly that's debatable because if something breaks during shipping, it's much harder for the shop to diagnose the issue over the phone when they're talking to someone who is completely tech illiterate.

The only I would recommend a prebuilt is if you're buying for someone who is under 10 years old and you are tech illiterate yourself, or if a shop is having a massive sale on a PC and you could probably strip out some of the components and make a profit.
>I was really sick and couldn't do it myself
If you are healthy enough to play on a gaming PC, you are healthy enough to build one.
Anna the doll on the hub.

prebuilt PCs can be good you just gotta check what parts are in it first to make sure you aren't getting ripped off. Microcenter has never let me down.
If you can find a decent deal, sure. Price it our yourself. But keep in mind that it's not just cpu and GPU, you have other components.
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What if I went to shop, picked the parts myself/with the help of the clerk and then the shop ordered the parts and assembled it for me? Does this count as prebuilt?
i probably was but dealing with a sudden kidney failure diagnosis I didn't want to think about it much and play all the vidya I could cause I wasn't sure if I was dying or getting a transplant.
ask her why she is so stuck up and doesn't come in 40s too
>randomly brings up his own race in an attempt to deflect my points
>randomly brings up that he's aware of eceleb pc brands
holy fuck the projection
ill be 100% honest with you i had no idea there was an entire market of eceleb pc brands until you posted this, but i'm not surprised in the slightest.
you seem like someone that bought some random eceleb prebuilt and got burnt on it and is now on a mission to make sure everyone knows that prebuilts suck, which i guess is nobel or whatever.

lets be real, i know you probably were too young to be a PC gamer back in 2004, hell you probably weren't even born yet, but the stigma from buying prebuilt PCs originated from that era when 'prebuilt' was synonymous with Alienware or small PC stores around you that would build you a PC and charge you a 20% markup on the parts and a grand for the build itself.
but its not 2004 anymore.
bardzo kryndżowe, choć mniej niż piwniczaki postujące jej gębę na 4szambie
Sure, as long as the shop isn't ripping you off with the labor cost.
The only way you can know if a pre-built is a good deal is if you do enough research to know whether the included components are worth the price and are able to do what you need your PC to do. And at that point, you'd be qualified enough to build your own PC.
Yeah, but you could also be lazy.
this is why foreplay is important kids, if you please her first then she won't look at you like that after
>NO U !
>also I like to imagine that you did X and Y
>but you are the one projecting, not me!
call it
Most accurate take here, wait for financial year clearances, Shops just slap whatever parts they have left and then mark down to move as many pre-builds as they can before tax time. 2022 was an incredibly good year for it as many shops were overstocked due to the Covid gaming boom, it was actually cheaper to grab a prebuild than to get the individual parts. The biggest downside is that you couldn't exactly pick what would be in the pre-built, but if you weren't tech illiterate you could very easily find the bottleneck and tweak one or two bits yourself.
cringe as fuck
only a sub-90 IQ retard could fuck up building a computer and it takes like ten-twenty minutes
You can research everything you need to know by sitting on your arse and watching a few videos. I'm incredibly lazy (I'm currently procrastinating from work by browsing this thread) and I still built my own PC with no issue.
At no point in time has it ever been smart. Even back then, you were either going to get gouged on parts, or sold chinkshit garbage at a premium.
I got a prebuilt with a 1080Ti in 2017 for cheaper than that same store was selling 1080Tis. The answer is that you have to be a smart shopper and appraise the parts yourself.
I mean you could just order your own parts and drop it off somewhere and pay the 100 or so for them to piece it together
Really smart if you shop around and make sure you're not being overcharged for it.
Buying from "Big name PC store" is always going to be a ripoff in this regard, but there are plenty of places that will let you pick all the components and then put it together for you at a reasonable price.
"Big brand PC store" depends on the patronage of people who don't know better, to the point that they can't even choose components for themselves, just go into the shop and say "sell me something for gaming" or usually "for work" since if they don't know shit about PCs it's usually because it's a pure work thing for them.
Shut up dummy. I got a i5-13kf with a 4060 pre built on sale for under 500 on clearance. So yeah, there's deals to be had if you search around and don't need it at this very second.
You should just learn to do it yourself. Same with repairing a car, or your plumping, electricity, etc.

It's not hard and you'll save a fuckton of money.
Mass produced prebuilts you see on a storefront are all scams. They piece them together with cheap/failed parts that nobody would buy individually. Tiny literal who motherboards, generic RAM, fans that definitely failed a quality check, undersized memory, a PSU that will probably catch fire. Just about the only part that will be advertised is the CPU and GPU inside, the rest are all merely described with one or two random specs because they're junk parts. Unless that piece of shit is on a steep sale to the point you're getting it for the MSRP of the CPU&GPU inside, you are getting ripped off.

The only "prebuilt" that is good is from a custom builder, ie not actually a prebuilt. They will charge you a premium for the service of picking and putting it together, but they do guarantee that each part you get is good and the build is functioning perfectly before giving it to you.
Otherwise, always pick and piece your own machine together.
>you can get a good prebuilt for $2000
for that money you will get a prebuilt with a 4060 and a rusting i7 if you're lucky
meanwhile on the amd side pretty sure you can easily get a rx 7700 for the same money
it looks like she's got boogers in her nose
>when she sees my dick
She put videos of herself online. That's brainrot. Your marriage of her won't change that. She want to keep posting.
have sex incel
>white women
always cringe, they age way too fast. Just looking at your webm you can tell it can only go down from there, but she's most likely in her early 20's. Take the asian pill
Wtf. Its a tranny. Not even joking. Theres a dick and its hers.
What's her name?
>paying to have your lips turned into sausages
why are women?
red flags
Once you understand you're paying extra for convenience, you understand all the kerfuffle over "prebuilt" is just faggot redditors seething whatever verbal gatekeeping they try to enforce over PC gaming is useless against you.
during covid the only way to get a good gpu was prebuilt, i got a cyberpower pc and its still working great, just upgraded the gpu recently to a 4070 and everything is golden
>cutie fucked a goddam fleshlight standing without thouching it
She looks like She does brap porn
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i got a pre-built to start and get accustomed to pc's then upgraded to a custom later
It's smart if you're buying a PC for your tech-illiterate parents so they can browse facebook and email

other than that, no
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>built my first pc when i was 12 meanwhile /v/ is grown adults having to buy prebuilds at 500% markups
absolutely grim
im anxious about about plugging something up wrong and frying something because im a fuck up
no you're just low iq and you don't have critical thinking skills
you just overpay for the same shit you can build for a cheaper price.
This, I swear half the people who say "build PC" have never built one. The price difference when you factor in all parts + case + labor is minimal nowadays, buildit a PC is a waste of resource unless you enjoy the process or make very little money. Jutlst make sure the pre built has price-relevant components.
Ew, you're supposed to max out your budget on overpriced parts and then nervously put everything together with minimal knowledge.
Depends on the pricing.
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Fuck off dad.
these guys get it. Maybe in the past the premium was higher but these days if you check the price of the components you're barely paying any extra, and can pay below MSRP when the prebuilts are on sale
Just wrong on every level.
>built my first pc at 14
>my new prebuilt cost me half of what the collection of components would have
you're operating on outdated information
Have you considered not being retarded?
Its just more expensive
That is it
>receive a faulty component
>have to spend hours figuring out which component was faulty to try to replace the correct one
>if a prebuilt doesn't work out of the box you can easily replace the whole thing.
I've had really shitty luck with power supplies
it annoys me that i know the source
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OK if I was going to "build a PC" what is the decent bang-for-buck graphics card these days? My current computer struggles with framerates even on lowest when run anything new like Darktide or even fucking Tiny Tina or Gotham Knights.
Let us shoulder your burden
post price and hardware
BECAUSE you're dumb enough to ask, go prebuilt. Do NOT get a proprietary power supply, and avoid like a MOTHERFUCKER proprietary MB and case.
3070 ti
why ? she's kino
isn't Dell/Alienware the one doing the proprietary parts scam
I usually don't like the case they use and even if I do they'll use a seasonic which I don't like in general. still better than when they'd use a 20$ firecracker for a psu lmao
>I'm a fuckup
>No, you're just a fuckup
prebuilt is fine, it's just overpriced to milk retards. you can save 20% if you build it yourself
>Theres a dick and its hers.
based pronoun respecter, girl dicks are cute
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Get the vodoo 3. Retards will tell you the vodoo 5 is where it's at, but do you REALLY need 250mb of Vram? Obviously not.
>500% markup

It's not 2006, anymore, I literally did the math and the difference between a getting a rebuilt at freaking best buy and building your own is only a few hundred aka the cost of convenience and labor.
>2 hours max to make it
>worth hundreds of dollars
new money moment
You still have future repairs and upgrades you can't do yourself.
>go to shop
>be given price
>dont agree: dont pay, no rip off
>agree: pay price agreed to for service
>get service
>500% markups
that few hundred would be enough to pay for your psu, ram, storage, and case, you silly consoomer
fairly sure they don't fry anymore, only real mistake you can do nowadays is just adding a random seasonic to your build because ''reddit said they're the best xD'' instead of searching for specific models. or forgetting to set up ram in bios but that wont fuck up anything but your performance
No offense but kvetching over 20% on a $1000 service that involves installation and comes with a workman's guarantee is financially retarded. Very "poor" mental.
neither really, it's merely paying a bit extra for convenience, and it's not like PC hardware or gaming is an expensive hobby to begin with
i make £140k/yr and live alone in a studio, i can afford anything i want but choose to build my own because it's fun and i want specific parts / brands. There's nothing wrong with buying prebuilts if you're not tight on money and you don't care about those things
My shop offers assembly for free. Guess that's part of competing against the other stores.
I have more important things to do with my time.

I have knowledge to do that later at my convenience.

The few hundred is worth my time to me, the computer will produce revenue to offset the higher initial cost.

Goddamn some people are bad with time management. Entropy is the ever present hand of destruction, I'm not fiddle fucking with a PC for hours instead of doing literally anything else when it can be had for minimal markup.
thats the opposite of my experience. building your own was always cheaper, until the fucking bitcoin and ai apocalypse happened. i bought a prebuilt computer for the first time in around 2022~. it was 900~ dollars and included a video card that was selling on newegg and amazon for 600.

the ai niggers don't want to buy a whole prebuilt and spend an extra couple of hundred bucks, so there have definitely been times in the past 3-5 years where prebuilts are just a straight discount over custom built, even if you swap out a few parts.
nevermind i just reread your post and realized i read it completely wrong
>You can get a prebuilt on sale for cheaper than buying all the parts individually
yeah, you get a brand gpu and cpu, the rest is wish and temu crap
There was a point where people bought prebuilts purely to rip the GPUs out of them
What i'm saying is no, they're not smart and besides one or two things they'll cheap out on the rest.
Though i'm sure if you're willing to pay more you could probably get away with ripping out the PSU and replacing it with something better.
>You can get a prebuilt on sale for cheaper than buying all the parts individually.
Post link so we can laugh at how it's not actually cheaper AND has a terrible PSU.
you sound j*****
youre lurking /v/, fren. your time is worthless
consumer goes to store with competent people and pays what they feel comfortable with. Getting gud deel realistically requires some level of mental faculties and info gathering. Consumer who cannot do that go to store where the price is what it is to make it worth dealing with a retard who cannot do themselves.

true. internet neets will hem and haw over a cost differential like that but for having another person spend their time to interact with your problem wont occur for realistically less than 100 dollars. Have any issue where in you need the services of a blue collar professional and they will want a 100 dollars to even look at it. A crackhead laborer may do it for 50 but congrats your problem was now interfaced with a by a crackhead.
This is somewhat true, it's rare you actually save money building your own now, however there are still a number of downsides -- often, less "marketable" parts are of lower quality and/or generic pieces, and there can be frustrations when something goes wrong, where they won't warranty out the part, but need the whole PC sent in when there's an issue or it's not covered under warranty. It can leave you stranded without a machine for weeks, when manually building you can do an RMA on the one part and/or buy and replace the piece immediately if it's cheap enough. I'm not sure if any companies allow you to repair your own machine without voiding the warranty on it.

Also, as >>683506678 points out, once you've built your machine, replacing individual parts for marginal upgrades over time becomes a lot more feasible. Prebuilts are rarely put together in a way that makes it easy to pop in and out new parts.
>No offense but kvetching over 20% on a $1000 service that involves installation and comes with a workman's guarantee is financially retarded. Very "poor" mental.
your "mental" is poor for letting someone else build your pc when you can save 20% for basically putting lego together
do you think the guys there have any more of an idea to do this then you? they also watch youtube vids
companies that sell prebuilts fucking glue their connectors together so they dont have to ship the PC back in case a pin comes loose in shipping, works in practice but once something fails gl to you replacing that crap
there is no reason ever to buy prebuilt, the only thing holding you back is low iq
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Years ago I'd say build your own
But nowadays prebuilts are so competitive you're only saving like $20-$50
So it all comes down to whether you like playing with expensive legos or not
you want shitty chinese knockoff crap in your pc? go buy prebuilt!
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There are no good games any more just fuckin do what ever. no matter what it;ll be disappointing
which prebuilt company got the idea to copy jewbisoft and hire poos to shill their slop? it's not even a good attempt at shilling with all the "nowadays prebuilts are so competitive" spam even GPT could do
I just love having 119mV of voltage ripple on my PSU...
Pre-builts are designed around selling to the tech illiterate. Theyll put the cpu/gpu at the front of all advertisement to hide exactly where they cut corners. It's why youll see them with a 40 series gpu at a 2k+ price tag but only have 8gb RAM and 250gb SSD
>newest intel with 2% performance increase over 20% cheaper next best alternative
>300w noname psu
>250gb 8yo noname ssd
>1TB noname HDD
>8GB "super gamer ram" ram
>noname mobo with shit insulation
thatll be 2k dollars pls sar
the funniest shit of prebuilts imo is no name dramless ssds and nvmes on 2000 buck pcs
back a few years ago a pre built was smart because it was the only way to get decent gpu if you werent a chink coin miner or a scalper with auto buy scripts buying stock up to mine or sell at obscene prices on ebay
i havent followed the gpu market since i got mine so you will need to see what it looks like
if thats still an issue then pre built may be the best
if not then build your own would be wise
Yeah this. I bought a pre built like eight years ago and slapped a GTX 1080 I had into it. If I ever have to replace the PSU or do any organization then it'll be a massive pain in the ass considering how everything is. I had a piece fall off of the power cable for a sata drive and I've just gone without it because it's not worth it.
They're the biggest one, but there's others.

Yeah, a bad value. But at least recoverable without THAT much expense, either in an upgrade or failure. A retard tax.

But if PS, mobo or case aren't standard, you might as well start a new build rather than upgrade/replace.
In 2022 I got

VIDEO: GeForce RTX™ 2060 12GB GDDR6
CPU: AMD Ryzen™ 7 5700 3.7GHz
HDD: 2TB SOLIDIGM P41 Plus Series (PCIe Gen4) M.2 SSD
MEMORY: 16GB (8GBx2) DDR4/3600MHz Dual Channel Memory (Team T-Force Delta RGB)
MONITOR: 24" ASUS TUF Gaming VG248Q1B FHD (1920 x 1080)
MOTHERBOARD: GIGABYTE B550 UD AC ATX w/ WIFI 802.11, 1 Gigabit LAN, 5 PCIe x16, 4 SATA3, 2 M.2 SATA/PCIe
POWERSUPPLY: 750 Watts - DeepCool DQ750-M-V2L

for $1,034
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customfags seething at these hot deals
had an xps from dell with proprietary parts and they quoted me 400$ to replace a single GPU fan, lmao
"proprietary" in this case isnt really proprietary, as dell and other big companies arent hardware manufacturers you can buy the stuff from aliexpress or whatever chinese sites if you know exactly what youre doing (which i dont since im not an electrical engineer, so ill never buy dell or anyhting with "proprietary" parts anymore)
It's not smart if you're trying to save money, because guess what? The OEM or integrator is also trying to save money so they can make you think you are saving money. Buying a pre-built is only smart if you need high-spec when you work for yourself or for a company and you're making money with the PC. The support and fast turnover is worth the money then.
sir please select the ram size, storage capacity, graphics card and any other components requested
kek what game
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i don't know what those are so i'll get the fortnite box instead
those are "refurbished" pcs from businesses that decomissioned them
guess its good enough if you only use them for minecraft or fortnite
I bought a prebuilt Ibuypower Y40. It works great.
If it doesn't have a bunch of bulllshit proprietary parts from whoever manufactures/assembles it, it's fine. You're paying more money for convenience, but I'm not going to tell people how to spend their money.
sauce on her?
Correct, but if you know what you're doing, then why bother with a prebuilt?

Getting a good MB or PS replacment though is still a big headache because of selection.

They sometimes use iffy parts, but at least they aren't proprietary so it's easy to replace if it blows. Their cases are also not the shitheaps that some prebuilts are.
Can someone rec me a rig that runs street fighter 6
Start with Resolution and budget.
Whats the issue? Just go again
Microsoft should sell gaming prebuilds since they’re giving up on their home console
Medium at least and 1.2k dollars I guess? Im not american so the convertion rate is funky
women that are addicted to social media are hard passes
>gtx 745 1gb vram
i think an am4 apu would be better than that shit
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I bought a pre-built. I selected all the parts and sent them to my brothers IT shop. He assembled it for me and sent the final product to my house
That sounds smart
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wish i had family members to do this for
pro tip: if you ever want a new pc but don't know about pooters and don't want to learn, but have a techie friend, all you have to do is tell them how excited are you to buy an alienware prebuilt soon but can't decide which geforce ram to get
they will literally assemble the thing for free if you buy the parts and a cheapo windows key off a rando cd keys website
Extremely cringe. If you can't do the research, you shouldn't own a gaming pc.
get her to suck you off and get you hard again you retard
Actually have cisco certs, I'm just really lazy. And yes, everyone needs IT friends/family
>he goes soft after cumming
>buying windows
a true friend wouldn't let you do that to yourself.
>buying a windows key
>he doesn't have thk.003mk6 or use massgravel's activation script
oh no no no no no
>3700x and 2070S for 1000 right before the pandemic hit and prices jumped.
literally same exact thing happened to me, but i bought mine from facebook marketplace
exact same cpu and gpu, for exactly $1000, within the few weeks that prices popped the fuck off
it wasn't really a "pre-built" though since some fag built it himself. this guy had a baby so said he had no more time for gaming...jokes on that faggot, i had a kid since then and i have more time to play vidya than ever in my life because my kid sleeps all the fucking time. i upgraded since then and gave my brother the 3700X/2070S
>ten-twenty minutes
you've never build a pc. it definitely doesn't take half the day, but saying 10-20 minutes is absurd
absolute retard cope. even if your time is worth $100-$150 an hour (just an estimate), being fully acquainted with the ins and outs of your own pc is priceless
kys faggot you're probably a fucking neet. coping because you're too fucking retarded to build a pc
Really dude? I think you need a practice computer. You should be able to assemble and disassemble in under 30 minutes.
Get a pre-build to start and then upgrade a single component at a time and sell the part you are upgrading. It's a lot more convenient then learning how to hookup a motherboard, CPU, ram, PSU, GPU, fans etc all at once.
>Anon has to wait for his kid to sleep before gaming
Absolutely grim and normalfagpilled
anybody considering buying a pre-built obviously isn't familiar enough with pc building to do it in 20 minutes. especially new parts in boxes, and a case that doesn't already have all the fans put in
it's ok anon, one day she will be old enough to play vidya with me and it will be kino
>anybody considering buying a pre-built obviously isn't familiar enough with pc building to do it in 20 minutes.
Well, I guess that's fair enough. I was thinking that guy was a techie, not a novice.
stop forcing that bitch
nta, but people on this board swap out their graphics card and think everything is that easy.
Tearing down/setting up a motherboard and dealing with the tiny cables that power the case alone can take 20 minutes or more, not to mention if you actually install a big GPU plus a big AOI cooler (hope you double checked that everything in your case will fit together)
Not to mention organizing the PSU cables well enough to make sure dusting/buildup isn't abysmal .
Buying the right case is half the battle that build-it-yourself heads don't warn noobies about
These days removing the graphics card is the hardest damn part. the current gen ones are so massive that they struggle to fit in even full towers and make the motherboards buckle
i just bought another nvme for my last empty m.2 slot and i've been procrastinating for weeks because i'm too lazy to take my GPU/bracket out
My favorite listings are the ones where it says "Intel i7" and you look at the spec sheets and see "i7-4900" or something
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what makes you think you know more than people who build computers for a living?

next you are going to tell me you also do maintenance in your own vehicle instead of going to a mechanic?

let the professionals handle it, buy a pre-built
from my experience that just makes you come off as a jackass and you're far less likely to get help
buying windows makes you look like a cute retard in need of help, it's also like 10 bucks tops in most cd key sites
go away zoomzoom
very cringe
>next you are going to tell me you also do maintenance in your own vehicle instead of going to a mechanic?
in fact I do, sorry you like getting scammed
the people that build PCs for a living in companies like dell are poojets that are easily replaceable by literal robots
ignoring shipping damage is common due to shit packaging, it's also extremely common for shit to not be seated correctly or cables to outright not be plugged in because jeets are just that incompetent
t. not the FBI or whatever
Wouldn't be surprised if it was all of them, basically the entire side of the prebuilt industry that doesn't use AMD (so 90% of it) is utterly fucking shitting their pants over the intel chip rust fiasco.
Not just cringe but incredibly retarded. You will be rewarded for building your own, with prebuilts you might as well be ripping $500 of cash with your bare hands. Also it’s stupidly easy to build a pc, no different from building Legos.
>Is buying a prebuilt PC cringe or smart?
You should do your due diligence and research about components at least. Also you'll be paying for mounting + overpriced windows 11 license with a prebuilt so that's a lot of money that isn't going into them.
Personally got a custom PC built. Kinda regret it because it has the manufacturer + product name engraved in the BIOS. I've basically already almost fully rebuilt it by changing case and could have done it easily.
Not that anon but my time is literally worth $270 an hour. It's not a stretch that if a wageslave like me is worth that much and understands the value of time I'm sure there's other fags on /v/ who are self employed and making way more than that or are busy as fuck and can't even find the time. I've built many a machine on my own, but I would still think the way that anon is thinking for anything work related. I wouldn't do more than slot in an addon-card and install drivers for anything on a work related machine, period.
>tfw the card is so massive it covers PCI port tab to unclick it is almost impossible
Microcenter power spec pre builds are all off the shelf parts, I think it’s one of the ways they clear stock
depends on what you mean by "prebuilt"
if you mean some bog standard computer with no input on the parts, then it's not a good idea
but if you are picking out all of the parts and farm out the assembly, then it's just lazy but no real difference from building it
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I think we should stop referring putting together PC parts as "building" something. You didn't build anything with your woman like weeb, otaku, nekbeard hands, it's all ready to be easily assembled and honestly, any idiot can do it.
I wish I could buy a prebuilt from a reputable company in my country, I'm too dumb to chose the parts and put them together by myself.
generally cringe. If you're going through a local computer shop and have the money to delegate something like that than whatever fine, but otherwise you're just letting yourself get fucked over on price for worse components. building a pc is not hard, you look up a few recommended builds in your price range, watch a few beginner's guide on youtube, and it's done in an afternoon.
>Not that anon but my time is literally worth $270 an hour
Do you actually think that everyone who asks for money is good at what they do?
i run it with a 3070(8gb) and i7-12700 on max settings in 1920x1080 on very very stable 60 fps (32gb of ram)
you dont need more than that if you dont want to crank the resolution (why would you)
so in your case get a 4070 or something, imo above it isnt worth the money
oh and absolutely get a good SSD, it makes a world of a difference
That's what my place charges our clients for my labor. The fact that you think someone is larping for that kind of money when it comes to business tells me you're underaged or have never worked a job that wasn't retail-facing.
they've idiot proofed them so much that's basically impossible
t. idiot
something along those lines will do just fine
pcmasterrace DOT org SLASH builds
>nooooo you didn't grow the apples you didn't mill the wheat you didn't churn the butter so you didn't make that apple pie from scratch!
>That's what my place charges our clients for my labor
yeah and you get about 1/10 of that, idiot
damn that's a ugly bitch
it's only cringe if you think it's smart
otherwise it's just being lazy which is fine because you'd probably fuck it up anyways
the expertise you're talking about would only be relevant in terms of an extremely high end boutique machine or business IT. if you're just getting a basic I5 air cooled desktop all you're doing is setting money on fire.
>thats what my place charges
kek, got a chuckle out of me anon. how much do they pay you?
I usually check that site for giveaways and never realized about that builds tab, I've been wondering, should I "invest" on a AM5 build and or just stick to way cheaper but older AM4 + DDR4? on my 3050 4GB vram laptop I game on as low as possible and usually cap at 60fps even if I know I could push it.
Unless you intend to stick to 1080, I'd move up.
What's this bitches name?
I tried reverse searching but I didn't find anything
Yes, and? What does that change? I have access to company money. I get approved for purchases for my dept based on what I request. Do you think there's any reason the company would want me to spend an hour putting together a PC when the company makes more money for my services in that hour when I am doing billable client work? Apply the same logic to a man who is self employed and makes vastly more than $270 an hour. It makes no sense to ever waste time building your own shit or having his employees waste time building a PC for work.

Not fucking enough just like everyone else who works for jews.
>Not fucking enough just like everyone else who works for jews.
iktf anon, iktf
Who the fuck is talking about work PC's?
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I want to buy a PC, i was wondering if you guys could help me

Ryzen or intel?
How much Ram is actually needed? 16? 32?
whats the difference between RTX with or without TI? whats that?
Google, zoomer.
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>find a thin enough ruler that can fit in the tiny gap between the GPU and the CPU cooler
>end up snapping the PCI tab right off trying to click it
Thanks for the help, you fucking nigger faggot
where can i find them on not pornhub
i live in one of the states they pulled out of because they're too lazy to implement actual age gates
polish op
polish post
polish thread
polish thread about poland
if it's a high end machine you use for business it's semi-reasonable. if it's just your basic private pc it's dumb.
it was to let you know that the worth of your time isnt what the company charges other companies, i dont even do economics and know that
you get paid to work for them, so the time spent on stuff to the company you work for is what the company pays you and in turn is your worth to the company
why are you even bringing this up? do you source gaming pcs for your company? it makes no sense at all
lets say you spend 5h researching and 5h purchasing and building it (im being generous here) we could put a price on it, lets say 25$/h would make it 250$
then you know your pc in and out, can even replace parts on your own if you wished
is this worth the 250$ to you? if something breaks in your prebuilt, you have to send it in, they have to look at it, find out whats wrong, source the parts, install them and ship the thing back, which prob takes 1-2months that youre without a pc when you could do shit on your own in a week replacing it yourself
So you throw beers out the window as you drive?
Cringe af.

Prebuilts should only be bought by enterprise customers who need 500 computers by next week. When you're going to be using it for 5-10 years, you can spend an hour to put it together.

There is NO EXCUSE for not knowing how a goddamn computer works in an era where the entire world is run by computers.
>it was to let you know that the worth of your time isnt what the company charges other companies
No shit Sherlock. No one needed to be told that. The comparison was to someone who seems to be self employed mentioning he was making money with his PC >>683526497 , I am telling you that I have access to money on company time and also produce revenue with a computer. It's not a hard concept. I don't expect broke niggers who think labor rates of 150 or 270 an hour is something unbelievable when we're talking about business money.

>is this worth the 250$ to you? if something breaks in your prebuilt, you have to send it in,
I've sourced pcs for other depts including my own (I work in tech). We have real fucking support from our sellers for the performance PCs. Not consumer warranty shit and boomer-scams from bestbuy. Next-day priority shit where a tech drags their ass down to the PC not the other way around. That shit is 100% worth it and you will never get that kind of support building your own PC. And I am not just talking about the enterprise/server grade stuff where it's expected. I'm talking about the kinds of computers that are comparable to gaming PCs that drafters use that you technically could get away with building on your own. There's a decent amount of professions that you can be in that same spot in making money with a computer. And you should always choose the prebuilt just for the opportunity to pay for next-day support.
I bought a prebuilt from Best Buy. It's solid. $1,200 bucks. Plays anything on max settings. That was a couple years ago. I could have probably built it for less, but not by much. I'd maybe save $100-$200. That's worth it for the convenience. Shopping for computer parts is a hassle, no matter what your average /g/ user insists about part picking websites. The prebuilt came fast, and at no effort.
You have a good point. To bad you decided to be condescending about it.
It doesn't require high skill or knowledge to build a PC. Just patience and reading manuals. Still really cool to realize how everything was meant to be easily assembled and modular.
There was a point during all the cryptocurrency bullshit that it was far too expensive to self build, but you could still get things at an affordable price pre-built.
I haven't looked in awhile, is that still the case or has that balanced out now?
It's smart if you can get one at a good price
Buying a PC is retarded period. What is it, 1998? Who needs a dedicated PC sitting in the corner of one of their rooms like a piece of furniture when you can get a laptop or tablet, and leave the gaming to a dedicate console?
I like videogames, consoles don't have videogames.
RX 7600 is a good 1080p card. Maybe bump it up to something higher if the price is right
the discussion is about prebuilt gaming pcs, not enterprise stuff
>Jeets are being paid to shill pre-built PCs on 4chan now
this is embarrassing
I don't blame people for buying them, I had to buy my current PC as one to modify since my last one died very quickly and I didn't have all of the parts laying around. it's quick and easy, nothing else.
>he doesn't buy gaming PCs for the ladies in HR
Sounds like someone doesn't like having a fun atmosphere in the office.
Unironically I think middle-aged woman actually do like RGB gear for the colors. They just don't know it's an option.
Is that why you spend your time begging for the video games on consoles to be ported to your computer?
She could have been pretty but she's too stupid
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Damn bro, I wish I was you, you must have so much fun being the big shot around the office and ordering computers.
If anything, I want your propagandaware gone from my platform. How many more flops will it take?
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It's perfectly acceptable to buy a pre-built gaming PC, but only if it has objectively amazing reliable computer hardwares inside of it and if it has an objectively great price/performance ratio.

Just look at gaming PCs that are sold by the Skytech.

so who is this whore anyways? I want to jerk off
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>16gb ram
>1400 Dollars
It's cringe but still better than gaming on console
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>he doesn't know
You BIG silly BOY!
who is this person? why are you using a picture of theirs as the OP? what did they do?
It’s more balanced now but it still depends. It’s a lot harder to minmax to save money now
But cyberpower pc lets you select every individual component and brand, is it still a scam?

I have a rig but looking to replace it, considering I need a gpu, cpu, mobo for cpu, figured I would just get a brand new prebuilt.
Cyberpower used to be good but now rely on Twitch influencers to push their overpriced shit which is usually twice to three times the price of the parts in the build
>good... prebuilt for $2000
>probably has a 4060 and cheap Intel chip

Wait for deals built my pc for $1,400ish. 7800x3d, 4070 Super, 32gb 6000/30, 2Tb nvme storage. Got the cpu and mobo in a deal, 4070S for $500 on sale with rebate

It's no more complicated than a Lego set anon
>4060... last gen cpu

Ok shill
It is infinitely more complex than a Lego set you fucking liar. I worked at a PC repair shop for a while and 90% of our business was kids coming in with angry parents who tried to build a PC “because everyone says it’s easy” and fucked up some tiny step and almost bricked their build.
??? It really is that simple if you're not retarded.

Name one 3xample of "a tiny step" that has the potential to brick a pc.
>what makes you think you know more than people who build computers for a living?
Idk, the fact that the only GPU spec specified in specs section is VRAM capacity and the only CPU spec is i3\i5\i7\i9 tier? PSU being 10$ pure chinesium noname black market nuclear hazard? It all seating on the mobo that has nothing but death threats and curses in review section on pretty much every website that ever sold it? Or maybe it's that shitty RGB cooler that's rated 20w below CPU's TDP and majestic noname case with front fans being completely blocked by the glass panel that exists only to show off their LEDs?
>Honey, I Shrunk the Sales (And That's A Good Thing)
Building's the best way to go further with your money. But it's also a hassle, and you can find some pretty good prebuilt deals. I built my previous PC, I don't feel the need to do it every time.
Now that parts prices have returned to MSRP, it's pretty dumb. I bought a gaming laptop during the pandemic because I couldn't stomach paying a 2-300% markup on parts. I keep considering wiping it and giving it to my mom and taking my old desktop back, but I've built a much better system since then and wouldn't want to put her out.
smart if your workplace just buys one for you
same except after 4 hours
I had twins, and same. The only time my gaming time got cut way down was during the first 6 months or so, since I was constantly either at work, feeding them, or keeping an eye on them. Now they're about 2 and a half, and they self entertain well enough that I basically just have to turn around every now and then to check diapers, make sure they aren't building a bomb, or trying to torment the dog, and go back to gaming.
You must be american.
This is the board that thinks WIFI gaming is okay, don't listen to them for any tech advice.
I've only ever had two PSU failures in almost 20 years. One was because the new GPU I ordered was overdrawing the dinky trash rescue PSU I was using, and the other was a well worn 850W modular PSU from some no-name company that doesn't exist anymore that lasted for over 10 years before finally just crapping out one day. I miss that Xion PSU. Amazingly, the 1100W I put in my wife's machine is still going strong.
you need to go back.
Not a bad way to do it. When I was a teen, I tried transplanting the parts from my old Dell Dimension into a new case and fried the mobo(I didn't know about proper static discharge control). One of my dad's coworkers threw some old parts of his into the case for me, charged me a hundred bucks, and I got bit with the PC building bug super hard. Was a sweet system for the time. GT 6200 and an Athlon.
>GTX 745
damn, my first gpu was a 760... back in 2010
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I've got death grip and seldom ejaculate during sex unless I concentrate really hard.
I grabbed the RX 6800 late last year and I've been exceptionally pleased with it. I chose it over the XT version because I wanted the 16 GB of VRAM, since so many games are asking for more than just the typical 8 GB that had been halfway standard for a while.
I remember walking the aisles of Circuit City and gawking at all the cool art and pretty CG girls on the GPU boxes.
Yes, because paying a mechanic 3 grand for a repair I could do at home in 5 hours for about 600 in parts is good fiscal sense.
It amazes me still how well we standardized PC parts, and how even if you slap things together suboptimally you'll still end up with a working machine, even if you might not get the full power out of every part.
depends on price, if it's a cheapo $300 shitbox on clearance it's better than building part-by-part
otherwise it's stupid, building yourself is simply cheaper
Honestly the biggest barrier to PC building is that there's a ton of misinformation from fanboys of certain brands, people who think an expensive PC is a status symbol, autists who think you need to min-max every possible parameter and retards who think anecdotal experiences are representative of every single product that comes out of a factory. So I'm not surprised that people just think it's too much hassle and get prebuilts instead even though building PCs is incredibly simple and much cheaper.
lol your wife prefers the toy
DIY is more expensive because you pick known quality components.
Prebuilt always try to cheap out by conveniently leaving out the brand of the mystery meats that are PSU/SSD/RAM/case.
Yeah, unfortunately. I get that the 4090 is an incredible achievement of processing power. You do not need a 2000 dollar GPU to enjoy PC gaming, nor do you need (or should you want) a 3500 dollar Threadripper CPU for gaming. I try to point people at sites like pcpartpicker, explain some of the terminology, then guide them through building the machine. Honestly, it's dead simple compared to some of the rat's nest wiring I deal with professionally. I'm hoping that the big company I deal with for high speed doors is going to switch to a molex connector of some kind for their next GUI, because trying to screw down 24 gauge stranded wire on a tiny, insanely expensive control board sucks.
If you buy AMD, you're well informed and in good hands.

If you buy Intel, you're cringe and you've just fucked yourselves. Intel shit the bed with this gen and last gen processors.
Very smart choice. Building is a poorfag cope.
If the computer stops working just throw it out and buy the next one. Saves a lot of time.
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Unbelievably cringe
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>prebuilt > building
>AMD > Intel
When did the tables turn? I'm talking to the people old enough to know, because I know there's kids here who were born when this was always true to them
This nigga thinks it's still 2016.
>When did the tables turn?
When Alienware became industry standard.
When Intel thought they could just release minor revisions of the same chips for 10 generations straight. Now their pants are down and they got no short term answer.
Prebuilts are always shit because they focus their advertisement and marketing on CPU/GPU and skimp out on everything else, they often don't even tell you what motherboard they use and what are the stats of its ram and practically every single prebuilt in existence comes with atrocious thermals on top, not even mentioning that 100% of the time they use some dogshit Chinese fire hazard PSU. You won't even know what's inside of it most of the time and there are plenty of losing combinations that "prebuilts on sale" have that will end up costing you a lot more long term.

Like this useful idiot right here that thinks his epic prebuilt with a 4090 and a 12 core CPU won't thermal throttle itself when it tries to play anything above 1080p.
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How do you "concentrate" on getting stimulated by a worn-out flesh hallway? Just get a woman with a tighter pussy. All my past relationships had the same issue that sex wasn't fulfilling because they was used up by her ex boyfriends. I always thought my dick was just tiny. I was stupid and didn't know any better. My current gf is super tight despite being almost 4 inches taller than me because she was an actual virgin when we met, hymen and all. Sex feels so fucking good now that we both cum instantly.

Such prebuilts do not exist. The one you posted is a literal cat in the bag PC.
> 2TB NVMe M.2 SSD
>Doesn't say what the SSD is, it could be samsung, or it could be kikestone or sabrent rocket that burns itself out after two months of use
>not a single mention of the PSU make or model
>not a single mention of what sort of RAM it uses
it's amazing how relevant ram speeds are becoming after decades of barely able to find a difference with a synthetic benchmark
DDR5 still is not worth it, there's maybe 7% difference compared to top tier DDR4 ram.
Depends on the specs in pre-built. After all, a boastful idiot could build his own PC with an Intel CPU
I know my luck was particularly abhorrent, but it's still a drawback worth mentioning. My PSU died, and the replacement I received was faulty (Didn't figure this out until I swapped out half my other parts/visiting a repair shop. Unconsciously assumed new = working)
that's most of /v/
Take a look at the components.
Don't matter if its a 4090 if it has a processor from 10 years ago and cheapo RAM its gonna run like shit.
You have no idea about anything.
Buying a prebuilt pc is like being assigned a gender at birth.
A prebuilt almost never has a full list of its components, at most they will tell you what GPU/CPU they use and maybe one sponsored component, like a cooler or motherboard. The market for prebuilts now exists for companies to sell off GPU's with trash attached to them as "tax" for retards.
it thankfully never did. proprietary parts galore and a case thats just a medium tower buried in 10lbs of plastic decorations with zero flow
Look at the current games coming out. Just if the ones worth your time are 2D indue games or AA games that don't even require a GTX 970 to run well. If it requires a 4070 or more than it's probably a Bethesda game that is on the brink of a crash the entire playthrough. Buy a fucking laptop and stop paying so much for a big ass box you won't take advantage of
Chad can make her nut in under a minute while you suck on her kimchi and lick her penis-like clit like an obedient cuck homo.
tighness doesn't depend on a woman's experience you chudcel
>she's a virgin now, that means she'll stay tight forever
normalfag logic
so basically you'll stop having sex with her after you fuck her a few times?
>we both cum instantly
She's faking it.
>it thankfully never did
What about their Alienware™ brand laptops. You can't forget about those.
You didn't need to buy any of their overpriced $5000 (at the time) pieces of shit, because Joe Retard did for his little dipshit that saw his favorite ESPORTS team sporting Alienware™ logos everywhere through the streams he watched on Twitch.tv.

And now instead of Alienware, John Zoomer can buy a pre-built P.C. straight from the company owned by his favorite Texan Streamer: Asmongold.
wait till that incel realizes that from the perspective of the vagina her fucking 100 men once and her getting fucked 100 times by her bf is basically the same thing, and she'll get "stretched out" according to his "logic". And if she gets pregnant her pussy will get gaped so much you could fit an entire pineapple in there and it'll never return to its original size because incelogic
nah there's no way a woman would lie about sex and use it to manipulate a chud
At that point you just get another.
It's fine, just make sure you're getting a good deal, you know what the parts are specifically, and make sure especially that the PSU is fine. Getting good deals on parts to build one often requires buying used anyway so even with building you run a small risk
if you could do that you'd fuck only virgins, but you're a beta male so you must beta cuck simp and wageslave for fat rhonda instead
not only is it cringe, but it is more expensive too.
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>if you could do that you'd fuck only virgins
Hit a nerve?
I don't know jack shit about computers, but I want to play a few AAA slop all maxed out. Where can I get solid, non-troll advice? Because I got the feeling /v/ is not the place
Yeah I work doing marketing for a PC store and I can't believe the overpriced shit I'm forced to advertise with prebuilts, yeah the "high end" ones tend to be 4060. Which would be okay if the price wasn't 1400+ with ddr4 and 5000 series ryzen. Other components are skimped out too I believe. I can't believe anyone would fall for that when they can simply google computers and instantly see we're trying to scam them.
Pretty sure if you google
>Is rtx 4060 good?
You'll just find hate for it. So we're aiming for illiterate people who won't do the bare minimum of googling yet they want to spend thousands of dollars on a computer? Huh.
If you're a lazy fuck who'd buy a prebuilt it'd be better to just buy the parts and let some local shop build it for you. You'd probably still be under what a prebuilt costs
>you can get a good prebuilt for $2000 while a gpu alone will cost nearly that much.
An outright fabrication, even during scalping arcs.

>No proof, no source
I bought an alienware almost 6 years ago. I can still play everything day and date and mid/high 60fps, didn't have to deal with any of the chip shortages or scalping prices, and can take it with me on trips or to a friend's house fairly easily.
Prostitutes tighten their pussy muscles to make people cum faster. If actual whores can do it there is no reason the regular women can't
Samefagging here. I tried pcpartpicker.com and I'm stuck after the first step: how am I supposed to know what CPU cooler is the best one? The most expensive one?

Even at the first step, I chose the Intel I9 because I imagined that was the best one, but am I correct? How do you nerds learn about this stuff?

>inb4 stick to consoles
I would, but I fell in love with mods in my shitty "gamer laptop".
nice projection, 4 of my exes were virgins
kegels and knowing how to move and femininity is how you make a man cum, baby
they usually cheap out with the MB and the PSU
it's only smart when you don't know how to ensemble one
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Dumb butt hurt same fag!
man hands typed this post btw
Always buy prebuilt. Time is worth more than money. You can always buy another computer, but you can't buy another year on this Earth. Building your own computer, even your own house, it's a complete waste of your limited hours. Pay someone else to do it so you can spend your time enjoying life.

this is years of wisdom I'm passing on here. I'm not just some guy. Listen to what I'm saying, or you'll wish you did when you're my age.



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>I chose the Intel I9 because I imagined that was the best one
please ask /g/ or r*ddit before you hurt yourself
eating a women out is gay. talk to any Italian and they'll tell you
>I chose an Intel i9
>days after they admitted i9 cards have had overvilting issues since inception and can blow up at any moment with no warning

Nice bait post
>Prostitutes tighten their pussy muscles to make people cum faster
TIL prostitutes are irl succubi
Not like this
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Buy a reasonably priced prebuilt than just upgrade components as needed. If you find a decent sale your saving money on it overall
Italians are black, you can't trust what they have to say
>Is buying a prebuilt PC cringe or smart?
I just pickled up a 16GB i7 lenovo with a 1030 low profile in it for free, its brand new and quite a nice little machine as its nearly completely silent. It has not been worth building PCs since the turn of the century, its more a con on spoilt kids.
I bought an i9 9900k build some years ago and I'll I've added to it is an extra 32GB of RAM.

I would buy a better GPU but prices are fucking horrible and there isn't even anything on the consumer market that is a meaningful upgrade over the 2090 Super anyway.
>Prostitutes tighten their pussy muscles to make people cum faster
Why are you shilling prostitution?
The world would be a better place if people paid $200 for prostitutes instead of giving them to twitch thots
it depends if it's from an individual, or Walmart.
>isn't even anything on the consumer market that is a meaningful upgrade over the 2090 Super anyway

Are you retarded anon?
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>Prostitutes tighten their pussy muscles to make people cum faster.
WHAT THE FUCK this is the first time I hear about this. Do all of them do this? Is it like an unspoken rule? What about those who don't? Does it mean they are horny and want you to fuck them longer or are they just incompetent at their job?
>nose ring
Is that so she doesn't tear her snootle when she's sniffing around for truffles?
>eating a women out is gay. talk to any Italian and they'll tell you
how do I know you only ever talked to romanians pretending to be italians
Anon I'm not spending fucking $2000 for a marginal power upgrade because for some reason the actual generation of cards that last came out was literally not an upgrade in any way, so the only cards that are cost 5x the price.
Its cringe. All of my mates buy prebuilt and all of them end up having problems. I build my own and have never had anything fail on me.
First... do you mean 2080 Super? There is no such thing as a 2090 Super.

Second... a 4070 Super is $500 or less on sale.

Third.... yeah, you're retarded.
Wrong link.

Any practical reasons that a lazy, tech illiterate faggot like me shouldn't research and buy the best high end components and then give them to a PC shop to build it for me so I can play on a good gaming PC twice a year?
Only if you check the pricing.
Often you can get prebuilts with better hardware for less money, but you're still doing the same amount of research as building yourself.
Also taking a prebuilt base and doing your own upgrades.
Obviously only if the price makes sense.
Here you do anon, you can switch the cooler to an AIO if you like the look better but the 7800x3d does fine with air cooling.

This dude is like sticking his finger into a girl and saying "is that good? how does that feel? Is that good?" for 15 minutes straight and thinks that's probably the best sex she's ever gonna get.
Your better off just going to the pc shop and aking them rather than doing the research in that case.
The actual building part is super easy. It's the research that takes time.
i order the parts and have somebody else put it together.
>Your better off just going to the pc shop and aking them rather than doing the research in that case
lol lmao, cue the typical "I would like a laptop that can do both work and gaming" scenario, and then that poster gets sold some piece of shit that is running a quadcore cpu, a piece of shit gpu that may well be on par with a rtx2060 and 8 gb ram, all for the modest price of 800+ bucks

do your own research before buying, nigger
unless you want others to do the reaserch for you by telling you you got scammed after you post your specs on /v/ in order to find out why your shiny new PC runs games like ass
You can tell from the tattoos that she's a turboslut
Got em.
>a 4070 Super is $500 or less on sale.

Yes, and it's rated as "Completely not worth purchasing at all and a side-grade at absolute best". So why the fuck would you tell someone to buy it?"
It's stupid, you're going to get bloated Spyware and shitty drivers. It took a class action lawsuit to force Lenovo to actually fix their audio drivers after years of the problem being known.
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>buy all parts you want
>pay 20 burgers to your local hardware store to assemble it for you
>if something goes terribly wrong you can just call the guys and have it fixed
2003~2016: cringe
2016~2020: smart
2020+: depends
They used to be shit, and deliberately made to be tech capped so you couldnt easily upgrade them, often had cut corners and were over priced, but when PC knowledge grew that business shrank and then people started offering actually good PCs, for decent prices, namely in the UK and EU at least. Few years later it got even better, with pretty much everywhere having someone selling good prebuilts for fair prices, by people who themselves game on PC and understand what is and isnt a good PC.
Most prebuilts are easily upgraded cheap, and arent capped by some retard MOBO

But then the "chip shortage" myth was created so they could jack the price of components up 2x and then never lower it even after the "chip shortage" was fixed, so now every PC has a +1000 to the cost arbitrarily.
Who is this bitch?
teach a man to fish, tard
>my gf
how did you jack off with your feet?
Cringe, you'll have to pay an exuberant cost to get anything good. If you're rich ignore what I said.
You can just buy all the parts at the same place and have them assemble it. It'll cost you like 150 usd more then doing it yourself and /or price hunt for the best parts prices at different shops.
I think that's the best middle ground
Btw are aio coolers quieter then fans? Thinking of getting those for my next build because my pc is loud as fuck
You've been reading too many HVNs you shut-in.
are you ok?
>feeling threatened by people visiting prostitutes
>t. coomer
>all the virgins in these replies
lmao. Making a girl go insane all over your face is one of the best feelings in human experience. Cope
Did I stutter?
>being fully acquainted with the ins and outs of your own pc is priceless
It's priceless, because it's worthless.

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