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why aren't there any actual GOOD games that feature monstergirls?
Play Ruza. Free on Steam and itch.io
Chapter 2 released yesterday
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Safe horny coomer faggot
how monster we talkin
And yet you gave the thread a bump. Curious!
i fucked a mermaid in aa2 but she caught me cheating so now i have to wear a condom every time
uhhh idk darstalkers
Poppy Playtime
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>monster GIRLS
hard pass
Sign me up
Because including Lamia or Centaurs is too much work, please understand.
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More like
>monster GIRLS
Cool, I like it.
Fuck yeah, now that's the real oood shit
As shame about the complete lack of games featuring the later.
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people start creating games with dick in mind, forgetting that the game needs to be fun
Imagine the smell
Also, I'll take the opportunity to express how bizarre it is to see normalfags discussing with a straight face which pokemon they would fuck.
The Trash Taste dudes (a weeb podcast) apparently agreed that Lapras is the most "smashable" Pokemon, which I'm all for.
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>people think things like this are sexy
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We definitely need more games featuring monstergirls and girl monsters
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Black Souls
>pedophile xitter terminology
go back
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>No dating sim where you fall in love with a cosmic horror
Sucker for love. But the recent one went goat lesbian for some reason.
It's called real life when you are alone and depressed and wondering how you could end it all, that's when She whispers into your dreams.
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holy based
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what should be the best genre for a game with monster girls/kemono
RPGs. Especially ones with marriage options
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monster catching
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to bad that monster in rpgs are only male and enemies
That’s feral
He asked what's the best genre. And if a RPG had cute monster girls that you could marry it'd be the best
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>the horror
>real women know a man when his bike gets stolen and he's happy about it
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Is Dungeon Crawler a good option?
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Yes, play Ruza
The day is the wife whom I elude,
The one to whom I should be right.
Although forewarned by peers and kin,
I always give into the Night!
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But there are.
Name 5 (five)
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Does anthro count? Because Unicorn Overlord lets you marry a Foxgirl and make her queen of your kingdom.
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I would genuinely like to become a game dev just to make rpg with monster girl but i don't know how long it will take to start from scraps
Also, the Owl lady.
>No PC
Emulate it.
If you want to do it all yourself (art, music, coding, writing, design), then about 10 years. Just like most skills that you want to master, like playing the violin like professional.
>Nintendo Switch
You can emulate it. Get to it.
Finally, a reasonable opinion
What kind of faggot >>683521493
do you have to be to go
The worst part about human women is that they act like human women not how they look.
I support. Play this already so i can talk about it. I don't wanna have to go to a game d*scord just to discuss it.
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It's just impossible.
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>Chapter 2 released yesterday
FUCK YES! Time to hold hands with the wendigo!
2 person party open world fantasy adventure horror game with changing seasons
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Girls, boys, it don't matter as long as they have a big, fat, juicy romance storyline that ultimately leads to marriage and a steady home life.
I've finished Chapter 2 yesterday when it released, took me around 7 hours with all the side quests. The ending music and cutscenes were fucking amazing, I still don't know how the dev will continue the story after everyone got nuked by the nerd
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i'm still baffled no indie has tried to 'pay homage' to the BoF series.
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>Still sexier than normie woman.
I had spitball a few ideas and a cohesive story for a monster girl rpg but my art is atrocious. It's a pipe dream unless I made cringe rpg maker slop and no one would play it unless it had half decent porn.
I don't intend to make a quadruple A game, but one with a variety of equipment and randomly generated encounters that motivate the player to keep tinkering with character builds
That sounds fun.
You shoukld make a prototype in RPG maker using some pre-made assets.
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Yeah that's actual insanity, since BoF has a fucking cornucopia of amazing monster girls.
AI has advanced to the point where you can create most girl enemy designs if you want/can't draw. Same with story. RPG Maker has limited coding requirements. What I'm trying to say is that we live in a age where making games has become very easy and accessible to anyone, regardless of skill level. There is nothing stopping you other than your own imagination and determination.
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Considering the total lack of any sex appeal in recent years i'll take what i can get.
>I've finished Chapter 2 yesterday when it released, took me around 7 hours with all the side quests.
Can you even finish all the sidequest? I tried looking up and down, found nothin'.
No fuckin' idea honestly. There's a lot of stuff we just don't know at all.
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but people will think that you are furry saying things like thatntvrn
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my idea was to start programming just to mess with gear numbers and enemy layout
>literal pajeet mentality
Kill yourself.
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>be me
>super into monster girls
>slime girls are the best
>meet a girl also into monster girls
>sends me videos of her drooling and covering herself in slime and shit
>eventually meet
>see she's got 3 fur heads on a shelf
>she never mentioned she was a furry
>end up fucking her with a red panda head on
Guess I'm a furry now?
armpit slut
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>Choose one:
>Be a furry degenerate
>Fight with woman and society
>Coomer champion

Life just can't be easy, can't it?
If it gets you in the door, who honestly cares?
Have fun Anon.
>When men where men
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>Can you even finish all the sidequest?
The puzzles are hard, but not impossible if you think about them for a few minutes. The hard things is finding chests, basically you just need to hug the bottom edge of the screen and press down until you slip between the decor and find the secret place.

Also the side quests have some amazing hidden bosses, The Unhinged Vile Orb in C2 is fucking insane

There are a lot of things that are very weird in Ruza, it feels like everything is some sort of game/simulation and that the red orb is controlling all the characters. But it is demonstrated in a very mundane way, like the it's the red orb's daily shift or something like that. I wonder if the "red room" is some other world, separated from the "real" game

Whatever the case may be, Ruza can still be improved (typos, small bugs), but it has a lot of good things that puts some AAA studios to shame, considering that everything is made by a single autist
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Moxy is best girl because she's basically just neco-arc but as a serious character you can romance.
the current status quo between women and men is unsustainable; i dont know how it hasnt imploded yet
She said she wants me to breed her and make her have a litter of puppies. I think she might ruin my life bro

As much flak as I personally give it, mostly because the translations are stiff and the oversized fonts they insisted on using causing various bits of text to be off, it's still a very ambitious series that does what it does quite well.
I legit think that if they had handled the translations better, and actually went with the OG anime style for the cover arts, it could've hit the niche anime scene back in the 90's. And if they had handled things better in the last decade, they could've jumped on the monster girl train PERFECTLY.
We were on the verge of greatness.
>The puzzles are hard, but not impossible if you think about them for a few minutes.
Naw, the puzzles are easy. The issue is the quest about the shoeshine and the survival kits.
>The Unhinged Vile Orb in C2 is fucking insane
Seriously? I thought Teller of Lies was *way* harder because by the time you get to Unhinged Vile Orb, you're so overleveled that you can probably use an "Area Heal" on Gin (aka dedicated healbot) to get back to full health in every single turn. I actually almost lost to Teller of Lies because i only had Ava, Krav and Paperboy.
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all my friends are normalfags
Then the question is are you willing?
If not, then you cut it off right the fuck now.
Get new friends
Or alternatively
Degenerate your old friends.
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>tfw you realize if you destroy the bloodrose, you will kill both the wendigo and green neco-arc which are both horny for you

I just hope there will be a happy ending considering the depressing world the characters live in
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Oof, my condolences.

''Hidden'' walls can go and die in a pit. At least put a button somewhere that say;''You hear cogs turn'' or some shit. Forcing the player to hug every wall everywhere is just lazy.
I stil have absolutely no fucking idea what the hell the green gremlin girl even has to do with the bloodrose. Or even what the fuck is the bloodrose. Did i just forget a scene from chapter 1 where they explain it all or something?
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>for the sake of inclusivity our fantasy world will be normified
>Teller of Lies
Oh yeah, that was a pretty cool entrance. Klav carried that fight though. Also I really hope he isn't dead for good and that the dev is just bamboozling, because he's my favorite character in the game, what an absolute chad
Agreed about the hidden walls thing. I hope the dev changes it to something more interesting. So far he implements like 90% of improvments people tell him on Steam community hub.
Honestly, I'm surprised by just how good the game is as an RPG. You wak in expecting the main draw to be the waifus, but no, I actually really like the gameplay even if i wish there was a better explanation. I didn't even know that you're supposed to guess the 'type' of the enemy until chapter 2 came out, and i *still* don't know what it actually does if you do.

Really hope more people play it. It's great. Maybe the dev will visit the /vrpg/ thread like he did last time and answer some questions.
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Saya no Uta. Yes, she looks like a loli 99% of the time, but MC is literally brain damaged to see normal things as eldritch horror and eldritch horror as pleasant and her true form is a Shoggoth or something.
Does the armored skirt-thing that some of them wear have a name? It can't just be considered part of the chestplate technically.
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pretty sure the guessing the type increases damage
Still waiting for Monster Girl Simulator to come out.
It's really sad because if you notice in their private talks in Chapter 2 when paper boy and Moxy hug, he asks her want the bloodrose is telling her, implying that the rose on her head isn't a plain rose, but the cursed bloodrose. The fact the at the end she hugs you and tells you to destroy it, knowing it will kill her was really depressing
I hate that most monster girl games are just porn with no neat world building. Imagine if KC actually understood world building, or how the now friendly, hornier monsters would actually live.
God damn that's pretty hardcore.
Have fun anon.
I hate coomers and I hate how they’ve become normalized.
We were better when degenerates were mocked and shunned.
For each character slot you guess correctly, you get a +20% bonus to damage output in general. It's a really unique system, never seen it implemented so far like that.
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>this screenshot again
Here, have just the sleepyhead.
It's a cool system, but it's not really explained well, even if you don't really need it. Same goes for the whole different orbs stuff.
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Perfect for edits. Thanks Anon.
Captcha: 0W0VV
Yeah, the dev needs to work on the tutorial system to be more intuitive and interesting. I don't want to read a couple of sentences before a fight of tutorial explanation, it breaks immersion for me.
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the dev is but one man and forgot to tell you you can skip cutscenes. that happens.
JSYK, RPA Explorer, load archive.rpa from the game, have fun digging through the assets.
>Yeah, the dev needs to work on the tutorial system to be more intuitive and interesting.
There's a tutorial? Last time i played chapter 1 there wasn't one. I just skipped it this time and went straight to 2. Or maybe i just forgot.
Is she going to eat me?
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but if you make a non porn kemono game people will say that is a waste of time
>Play Ruza
Mh. Doesn't look too shabby, maybe a tad cutesy Downloading now
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If you haven't played in a while, I recommend doing a factory reset from the game menu and start a fresh new game. The dev added a lot of new content to Chapter 1 as well. Stuff like catgirl dialogue and cutscenes and other improvements like this background during the forest boss fight.
I actually played the last update to chapter 1, I just didn't start on it for the new chapter drop. Did he add any content to chapter 1 in the drop update?
Why do I find this sexier than any woman? What causes this?
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>maybe a tad cutesy
Wait till you get to the later parts of the game. The story and overall lore is top notch. If you like when someone puts a lot of effort into little details to make the world feel alive, you're gonna have a fun time. It's half comedy half horror, and it works quite well.
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What about making something like SEQUEL, only with good porn?
The world and characters are good, but there's also full on furious sex around every corner too.
He describes some in sidebooks like sabbath, but its more like looking at a dungen master guide book, where you still need to pull the exact world building yourself.
I'd pay WHALE-TIER money for an RPG in undead MGE setting, or maybe one where you find one of those unmarried monster girl detector items, pick your waifu and then need to travel to find her while dodging thirsty girls of every other species common to that area.
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>the green elves betting on the fight in the background
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>No Makeup, no faking real nature.
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Because it's more mysterious? More out of this world? The danger makes it more exciting? It's a separate reality you can escape to? Because that's how I'd describe Alisa.
You like when the monster is on the outside
monster is on the outside
i got filtered by the meme gem system
What game is this and what is it about other than foxwoman?
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the principal problem with rpg for a "wider audience" is that there is nothing but number go up and barely any cool effects
>half horror
You had my interest, now you have my boner.
Same. The problem with MGE is that the girls are great but the world itself isn't the best to have an adventure in, because there are no actual monsters or threats to fight. You'd be dragging around an increasingly (and understandably) traumatised waifu as you run into caves slapping around confused monsters in search of your epic adventure.

I guess if the adventure is blue-ovarying every girl you meet until you find your waifu that could be fun.
Tiny Bunny, and it's about a 12 year old Russian schizophrenic in a taiga town that has to decide whether to get a girlfriend or join a cannibal forest cult. Keep in mind that the game is not finished yet, 5th episode is 61% done and it's either gonna come out by the end of this year or by the next year.
>Green neco arc
>Demon goth girl
>Innocent cabtoy
>Magical seductress catgirl
>Giant fertility idol wendigo
It's a very good set of options, really
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because the woman is actively participating/showing interest in you
Its not vidya, sue me. But does any of you fellow lunatics know somewhere to find english translations of "Creature Girls - A Hands-On Field Journal in Another World" that go PAST VOLUME 9?
Search engines failed me
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>Etrian odyssey like with waifu
Is this a game or mod? She is not quite my taste, but I'm interested.
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>tfw Alisa will never hold you in her arms as she whispers "cлaдeнький" in your ear
Why even live?
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etrian odyssey 3 game banana mod
Look at the manga mentioned here
it has a nice alternative idea.
Magic-less fantasy setting with humans, MG humanoid races, but also suffering from "normal" RPG monsters (but often gojira-sized) fucking shit up.
So you could have your qt arachne or w/e your taste is, but also go on adventures with her
>Realises it requires Etrian Odyssey HD
Oh no.
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>life is pain
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Monster Girls just make Games better.
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oh no you wouldn't
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>now you have my boner
Don't worry, the horrors want it as well
You have no idea how much I would.
too bad it's generic 'we literally cannot mesh with society' tier monsters
>Innocent catboy
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because modern game devs suck
when it was all nerdy white guys it was great
now its not and the industry is shit
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Yes, I would. I would then cuddle her every night.
what did he mean by this?
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He's a viable romance option, no joke
I'm not toying with you faganon, one of the 'romance routes' is some 2pure4life catboy magician. One of the running gags is that he's extremely innocent.
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Finally some actually good representation for us fags other than forced diversity AAA garbage
she killed millions of my descendants
Because most games are like this.
Wait a minute, I recognize that bat...
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The only game you need.
she looks like she voreshuman men
Personally, I think Gin is just way too much of a little brother type character, beyond being a man. I wouldn't romance him even if he was a girl. He's the kind of character you just want to protect.
girl monsters > monster girls
>Saya no Uta
Thanks for the tip. But wasn't there some 80s anime series with nearly the same name or am I getting delusional?
what the hell are you talking about? we have starfield
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After I said that I ended up making a thing
>sex on losing
I hated that about it so much, but still one classic entry drug
that's just a furry
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Requests are a thing
my first wank when i was a kid and rented this game
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i guess only normie tier is "acceptable"
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Здecь мoжeт быть тoлькo oднa
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I love big werewolf woman.
I love big wolf woman more.
kill yourself, twitterfrog
...Saint Seiya?
>that body but the skelly face?
Eh maybe if I survive some strategic poking to check where the meat parts start
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the mc would agree
I still can't take that name seriously. You have fantasy names like Avelyn, or Gin, or Moxy, or Ruza, and then the MC...is fucking Jeremy.
>Saint Seiya
Right, thanks. Might have mix names together with some songtexts, guess my decrepit age shows.
What does it mean?
it's been his name for at least 3 games. no idea why but the dev seems to like it.
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>the character that gave me femdom fetish
i will never forgive hakika
furfags draw vore too
you'll have to post more "girl monster" art to convince me that you aren't one of them
>it's been his name for at least 3 games
3 what now?
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It's almost there. ALMOST. Fuck. Genre wise it's what I want, a monster (girl) collector with build autism. Two things just keep it from being perfect for me.
>Forced to play as Luka and can't make a main character.
>Everything boils down to hyper offense on high difficulties where it's "kill them in one turn or they kill you in one turn".
That's really it.
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Imagine playing the games when you already have a femdom fetish. The entire game is built on femdom from the ground up, even the lore.
Literally me
without the confidence
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Ruza isn't the first game the dev has tried making.
I've been thinking about another RPG set in the MGQ universe where you can make your own character or play a monster girl
Huh. That's the same house as before. I don't see any other games in his itch page, though.
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>he has a problem playing as based Luka
cmon now
I know it's Monster Girl quest but I feel like the big roster is somewhat unexciting when most of the girls are pretty much the same. Generic mongirl or some pile with a human head stapled on somewhere. Hundreds of characters and maybe a single digit amount aren't interchangable visually.
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the one before Ruza still has a steam page but that version only had a demo.
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Might be better off making your own universe, could do a lot with it, but I'm sure people would play it if it was good regardless of MGQ or it's own thing.

No, Luka is great I just want a custom character is all.
Everyone in the game has nicknames and their full names when the lore hits hard. His full name is Jeremiah Scriptus, and his occupation is a medieval scribe. Don't be fooled by the appearance, it's one of those games where the more you think about it, the more you get the subtle messages in the game.
Book of Jeremiah
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Is this the thread?
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That's some weaponized autism. Pretty impressive if the dev has been making this for so long.
>ai sloppa
Long as you don't got to put a fursuit on it ain't gay.
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Best girl, coming through
>steam page
Damn, I kinda wanted to see, but i don't wanna put that shit in my steam account where anyone can see.
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Possibly >>683521713
I just wish there were more games we could actually talk about.
Do the monsters reproduce by killing humans or not? If yes, I honestly don't give a fuck, I get that monsters need to be monstrous but at the same time it always ends up being relegated to the side anyways and they end up focusing on the fact they eat people or use people as eggsacs so they explode into new eldritch beings or some shit like that.

btw where do you guys go to find VN's/game's like the one i'm complaining about? just search horror or something on places?
what would be the race of your party members and class if you could choose atleast 2, for me would be rat alchemist and dragon canoner
See >>683533516
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You're right, there's no games to talk about this.
>Chapter 2 released yesterday
brb, downloadan
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it's not sold anymore but someone managed to get the files and you can run it through Ruza. you just need to join a dicksword to get the files. there's a post on it in the Ruza steam forums.
>you just need to join a dicksword to get the files.
check out the monsters in Metro
Is this the thread?
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Don't lewd the catboy, he's too pure
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>human male fighter
>human male fighter
>human male fighter
and me, a human male fighter
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Anon, I know you posted this ironically but you really have no idea.
Me as a Cleric/Paladin/something like that, and my Dragon ride/wife.
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and how do you plan to take care of the flying enemies without magic or archery...?
>oh no you wouldn't
lmao even
I respect Ze's obsession with huge ladies but I do kinda wish he'd tone it down juuuuust a little.

That chick with the mask is cute though.
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Cute freeloader.
Ugly bitch doesn't even talk.
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I wish to destroy the japanese executive who forced sanzo to make the trex girlfriend's top-half a female human (and subsequently made her manga fail which caused her to disappear).
Shoggoth curseweaver, arachne barbarian, doppleganger rogue and my noodle-armed wizard
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It's a shame there's a lack of cool dragon companions in games
me bad, link was for
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You can say that again.
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Too niche, best us monsterbros'll get is AI sloppa or never-ever V3, sadly
Once I finish my book and start a million dollar multimedia franchise I'll make sure the video game tie in is good (the main character and one of his friends (a monster girl) fall in love over the course of the series)
Zamn, AI sloppa looks like THAT?!
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Elden Ring DLC lets you cuck a Dragon Elden Lord.
>you are incredibly popular doing your thing but we hire you to do a completely different thing
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>Me, human male healer, possibly with buff support
The issue has always been choosing a party member. I'd obviously want a tank or strong front liner. You could skip the bullshit and grab one of the titans like a dragon, tiger or a griffin, but it feels like a cop out since they'd steamroll everything without support regardless. It becomes complicated at this point since you'd end up with some kind of beast girl from a grab bag. Unironically, it might be better to go human male fighter/paladin with some manner of magical ally like a powerful fae or nature spirit, a witch, or kitsune. It's still difficult to cover all the bases, without a rogue to disarm traps and such. I'd also much prefer being a healer.
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Fucking tragic.
I want to live in a timeline where Sanzo found widespread success and got to make art for videogames, like Nagabe did.
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My Human Fighter has Firearm Proficiency as part of their Backstory.
Oh yeah? Got a source?
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my idea was to make a male weapon smith with a hammer and shield supportive frontliner so you could always have importance as character and giving agency to the rest of your grupo as damage dealer
>Goblin mage
>Harpy Priestess
>Minotaur barbarian
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Read the manga, needs more chapters.
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This dragon is hot as fuck but it doesn't look like it even has a pussy to fuck... Are you just supposed to cum on it's cute chest or something?
There's a horizontal slit between two of the scales.
Which one? You'll have to find out.
>Cue the vagina is in the back of the knee
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Yeah, going heavy cleric or paladin mode is always an option and highly effective. The issue is it's more difficult to end up like pic related. I suppose you have to make a compromise at some point.
>mischievous warcraft troll or monkey woman Alchemist
>shy oni Barbarian
I'm mildly ashamed to admit I came up with this combo years ago.
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>his warrior has no honor
it couldn't be me
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>no whiskers dragon god turns out to be a dude and has a shitty human form
the author is playing a dangerous game here
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>Kemoshota romance option
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like this
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>"You're talkin' to me about stuff, why?"
>"I'd rather see your titties"
>"Now you're talking about other stuff, why?"
>"I'd much rather see your titties"
>"I can't have sex with your personality"
>"And I can't put my penis in your college degree"
>"And I can't shove my fist in your childhood dreams"
>"So why you sharing all this information with me?"
Aw ye-
>Dark Souls Remastered cover
> Lord of Cinder
The fuck?
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Explain honor to me right now.
Etheross is the GOAT.
All the gore aside, of course.
Codifying certain martial precepts to minimize collateral damage and prevent all combat from becoming a MAD fuckfest. E.G. don't be a nigger and spread nerve agents everywhere that shit don't come out.
what if its vulva puffs up when the dragon is horny?
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>The only human male x "monster girl" content we're likely to see made in our lifetime is just some weebshit anime girl with a tail and animal ears.
I'm tired, bros.
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Now we're talking
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monkey woman or gorila woman
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To all the anons who are interested: If you played or plan to play Ruza, we will hit bump limit with this thread eventually, but there is a dedicated Ruza thread on /vrpg/ as well to discuss both the old chapter and new one that dropped yesterday. Also the dev drops by from time to time.
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i just can't because i'm the type of guy to stack poison and rum away
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>Not the wholesome version
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Where do I find more Missy fanart? I just started reading it and got me hooked
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Why not. Might as well get drunk while waiting.
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>wholesome version
ah cool.
Side question: Is the itch.io version always newest one (as seems to be now), or should I expect that I'll have to do hazardous beta digging in some ooze-dripping dick-cordI in a few months?
to me Krav felt so overleveled for the area he doubled as both tank, area healer and area fighter
Jeremy and Ada were just cannon fodder (doesn't help I had completely forgotten how to buy equipment for them), but I never really felt in danger of losing to the TOL.

if anything it's the ruzarian shroomgirls towards the end that nearly got me: max level, everyone properly equipped, but I had overspecc'd Gin and he kept getting knocked out from the near constant area attacks
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Specifically, it's Makura from Kouya ni Kemono Doukokusu
The Itch.io version is always the newest version, same as Steam
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Vicar Amelia from Bloodborne
Get away from me you damn dirty ape!
please stop, I was just trying to use warrior morals against you, I give up
10/10 design would contract a million diseases huffing her neetstank
gotcha, thx
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i was trying to find where did a put my picture of her to post lol
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Look man, if a girl can't operate a shotgun with her feet I'm nuts not interested.
found the bretonnian
Hey wait a minute... THAT CHARIZARD IS MALE!
It's the permanently on bedroom eyes.
Captcha telling it like it is.
>You have fantasy names like
literally just a gin-tonic joke
>or Ruza
that's just "rose" in slav
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Gorilla tiger woman.
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so what about her?
E621 tends to have a lot of elusive characters.

"https://archiveofourown.org. /works/28076361/chapters/68786811"

For those that want to read the fic like me.
It is? I have no idea I just added to the original gif.

That manga is sick.

I suppose.
the manga itself would not translate to gameplay well but the IP could
but thats true for a lot of manga/anime ips that at best ever get gachas or arena fighters
>tfw no outlaw star rpg
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Are ovipositors straight?
Are you referring to the tabard?
Yes, but "Gin" and "Rose" are still fantasy names. "Jeremy" isn't. Imagine if Gin was named like...Kevin, or Jeffrey. Not every fitting, is it?
Cloacka for me is a big no, ovi just feels a bit lame. Too clean if you get me.
Purely appearance, ignoring all the weird personality traits
No sorry, reproductive organ going inside you = gay. Hey I don't make the rules.
...true, I suppose Rose is a fantasy name for anglos, and I'll have to give you Gin too
>It is?
Yeah, it's from a pretty famous set of gay Kanto starters art from one of the founders of Bad Dragon/e621 (the one that got his boyfriend killed in a car crash)
e621 or go ask /hmofa/
Not unless you're the one plowing it.
There is also a decent female edit.
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I really like gold, I think it looks dope as shit.
More so in flight.
Silver is absolutely the coolest by far.

I see.
Thank you for the heads up.
I won't remove it from the image, the idea stands even if I'm not gay.
I still need to play MGQ.
No, the tabard is just the cloth i mean the actual armor that goes around the waist and covers up to the thigh/knees like on 1435, 1495, 1514 and the 1620s
I need to replay MGQ
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>rum away
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Fuck, was meant for >>683541324
The girdle?
i seriously struggle to think of a bigger case of blue balls than HATSSSSS
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Oh hey, I played chapter 2 yesterday.
I was waiting on that chapter 2 for ages. Glad Strof finally healed from his head injury or whatever it was he had.
Always great to see rare based /v/ recommendations.
Fauld and Tassets
>not raping her and getting her fish preggo
>minor spelling mistake
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>Fauld and Tassets
they'll fuck eventually
have faith, trust the plan
>Fuck spider woman
>Fertilize her eggs
>She captures other monster girls in her web
>While she fills their wombs with the eggs you fertilized, you can toy with her or the adventurers as you see fit
This is the way of the not gay
To my recollection, the bloodrose is a fucked cursed flower, the race Moxy is from are all linked to a specific kind of flower when they're born (btw if you noticed Moxy and her sisters are all representing different seasons, the brown girl you see in chapter 1 was Autumn, Moxy is obviously Spring and I think we saw a Summer one). The bloodrose was linked to the queen of their race, and she was controlling it just fine until she didn't and went absolutely bananas killing everyone and everything and I think she got put down as a result.
The implication being that Moxy and her sisters are either the queen's direct kids and therefore are "immune" to the rose like their mom was, since others of their race got absolutely fucked by the bloodrose deep in the forest, but the bloodrose works like some whispering demon waiting to take over at a moment of weakness since Scribe was saying that she shouldn't listen to it.
My guess is the scribe found an injured normal deer, healed it and while he was studying the flower, the deer ate the flower or he consumed the flower to save said deer and Ruza is the result. I was slow to notice she had a literal rose in her hair and then I immediately noticed Moxy also did kek.
I would love a game where you play as a hot chick, slay monsters, steal their powers, and you gradually become a monster girl. Sort of like Metroid only instead of mech-suit powerups you get new monster features.
teenage human boys are built for adult creature women kinda
>play as a hot chick
y r u gay?
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Retardfuckers wwa?
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