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Now: The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time Beta Quest
Next: Elden Ring

Stream 2: The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time

Stream 1: https://www.twitch.tv/esamarathon
Stream 2: https://www.twitch.tv/esamarathon2

Schedule: https://esamarathon.com/schedule/

Previous: >>683519710
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Stream 2 bros... they're defiling its grave...
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Glad to see Runnerguy is still around. Made me have some flashbacks to knit chan and Chibi, so thanks for the memories during this 3.5hr speedrun.
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james may
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What do the stars on the bingo card mean?
That's their ships. They're playing battleship.
The "neat" factor already ran out 5 minutes ago...
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migure skatin
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thanks anon
i had a huge crush on ruto when i was younger and all my friends made fun of my for it
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> Flash games from a time when the internet was still a good place
> Runnerguy run
I was not prepared for this one-two punch of nostalgia
When is the last time Runnerguy was at any speedrunning event?
Awesome to see the man back, he's cool
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I just listen to that one swedish old fuck talk about alzheimers on repeat because his voice triggers my asmr
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Migg Schumacher.
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Good. Saria's the correct girl to have a crush on with Malon as a close second.
comfy autistic catwalk
Faggot friends
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We're all miggers here
Basic bitch, "I'm going to marry the first woman that fucks me" ass loser.
Does his voice sound purple to you too?
saria was good too
Runnerguy looks like he just woke up from a coma and rolled straight back into running
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How come the game video is in higher resolution in stream 2?
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Who makes these descisions holy shit
Overclocked their N64.
>3½ hours of this
He's playing the wii vc version which is 480p instead of 240p.
It's literally fucking bingo.
It's like they had no submissions this year, every day has had a massive chunk taken up by a single run.
Where is stream 2 when you need it? Bring it back you cunts.
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Holy shit really?
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I'm going to save this webm and wonder what the fuck is it about in a month.
wtf bros?
Go buy Chibi's black market takoyaki from his makeshift food stand, then.
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>michael is super retarded
>family gets blackmailed to pay millions or they leak michaels medical record
>mick gets kicked out of f1
>mick says he will be back next season
>experts say he definitely wont
>ralf outs himself as fag
How much can one family take?
It's not battleship though, it's all random.
He has high shots to be back in F1 because he absolutely rapes his WEC teammates and shit on Doohan in the private test. I am confident he will be back. + Toto is a good manager he can fanagle a seat for him.
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Elden Slop after. Today is over.
Only 3 hours left!
Tiltify goes down during esa KEK
what do you mean?
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what was that announcement on stream 2? They are turning off the stream for an hour for maintenance?
clean your ears it is the donation platform that is down
Lets hope so.
its another meme run too
they are desperate to get attention outside of their core audience
I don't know how to make that sentence simpler, sorry. It's not battleship, it's just bingo. It's random.
Maybe you can tell me what part you don't get?
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I was thinking of shooping his face onto a Link before/after pulling the Master Sword but Link actually traveled less years than the time between AGDQ 2013 and ESA Summer 2024
>been trying to make a video edit for the past 45 mins
vegas pro is the most convoluted piece of fucking shit program I've ever had the displeasure of using. imagine being unable to make simple fucking changes to a video I am going to fucking scream
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Thanks for reminding me, anon
what is beta quest?
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I got inspired by The Impossible Quiz run this is a reference to it's sequel though
OoT but only betas can play it
>you kind of want to stay child as long as possible
>going back in time is kind of difficult
You sound like me, kek.
>It's not battleship
how is it not?
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finally a game i can play
It's over isn't it
>how is it not?
>It's random.
Did anyone ever actually use the potion shop?
Who is even interested in this?
stream 2 audio is much more comfy with quieter game audio and less echoey reverb
It's also battleship
but why does that mean it's not battleship?
that doesn't make any sense
He is actually looking decent at this event. Google some other images of his. He normally looks like a hobo.
Nah, Ocarina was way too generous with the heart drops and how much fairies heal. It was actually surprising going back to Link to the Past recently, hearts drop so much less and fairies barely healed shit, I brought potions into a few dungeons.
There's strategy (not a lot) in battleship. Having it be random instead of your choice makes it not battleship. That they chose where the ships are doesn't make it battleship.
You're welcome
They lost a lot of almost-certainly-approved runs over the pastebin drama. Argick pulled all of his, and you just know they planned to give him 1 or 2 hours of screentime. Approving longer runs meant less last minute vetting to do.
I'm reporting you to the authorities
Let them lmao
Why would it not be their choice
The loading zone connections are randomized at start, but deterministic. A -> B (not implying B -> A) remains consistent.
So they very much can choose which field to pursue, they just have to learn the layout from which stems their challenge in routing.
Their intended/pursued moves are not randomized. At most they are influenced/weighted by the initial randomization, making pursuit of certain fields a more difficult choice.
Edenal is browsing this thread.
there's a plum video?
How was it?
not very interesting frankly
Who the fuck is the fake panda
semi funny shitshow
Draw a doodle of plum and slide it to the top left of your desk so she pops up on stream.
The game was need, the run was shit.
>>It's random.
>At most they are influenced/weighted by the initial randomization, making pursuit of certain fields a more difficult choice.
Zelda ocarina of time breaked me
play frame perfect during the intermission pls
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The "Here Comes Plum!" ad for Chenso Club that they used to play throughout the marathons a bunch.
that is not my desk you see on stream, I am to the other side of the stream
switched to 2
based, perchance
there is no videos on this pc, feeling really ripped off
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it was pffehehehehemmm hhehhhh ehehhehhh
WTF 2 Metakos

Epic for the win bro
Damn this combat fire
I have no idea what is happening.
ESA enjoyers that are on 4chan are amazing. He's now known as /ourguy2/
Hi ducky
What does Lovare's hair smell like?
That's ESA's Metako body double to throw off the unsuspecting viewer.
And stream 2 sound is going to shit.
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do it
Half the event staff lurk here
ESA Janny, oh ESA Janny, the sound isn't to my liking.
Fix this immediately.
but they had submissions this year.
most of these runs you are seeing here were selected as first picks.

but why?
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vibes so chill they're against the law
Why not?
uhh are you sure you can do that
The first picks were made with stream 2 in mind. But then the drama happened, people pulled out, and no stream 2 anymore.
Then why hasn't plum and frame perfect been played yet?
that's great
Only faggots lurk here.
4chan is fun
it has a lot of problems that became worse over the years, but it's still fun
because there are other places that are more "acceptable" to be on (especially in the speedrun community)
I see
No one cares, English Ben even posted his uplink on here.
Because Edenal want to show his hand up gooseberts ass
New to this so lets see if it worked but the answer is both Yes and No.
Shove, also who doesn't?
lmao you're a mask cuck
>posts as the only guy behind the computer in stream 2

>Kills thread
Nintendofags are cancer.
How does one win in this bingo?
that I am :P
zelda is good
its the fucking meme category thats shit
play an ad, do it now
then interrupt that ad for anotherone
*whistles in 30 secs ad*
sink the other's ships
Guys where are the hot speedrunner girls that europe is known for? Did I already miss those segments?
Battleship bingo. The stars are where the ships are. He's playing against another runner on stream 2
It worked, but what is that answer? Saying both options says nothing
Thank you for being based.
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hi anon, hope you're having fun!
is ESA still based?
GDQ is a complete fucking embarrassment these days but ESA hasn't even fucking hit $20K yet?
what the fuck? there's no fucking way they can continue it at this rate
is baal going to brazil?
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I buzzcut my hair guys, I feel better now :)
>what the fuck? there's no fucking way they can continue it at this rate
people have been saying this for years now
I need to get a haircut as well. It’s too hot with my afro
I don't think they've had a single donation come in for the past hour actually, I think the donation counter was the same as when I left
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Why is Link yellow?
Shit's down, or at least was.
i get the feeling this is what the AGDQ donations would be like, you know, if the whole money laundering donations were excluded
Viewership is down to 1/6 of what it was in the pre-bedtime era. A final total a bit over 20k would've reasonable to guess. That they're getting as many donations as they are is impressive, considering.
That explains a lot, thanks
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I'm gonna say it: fuck the donations. Fuck charities. Just host these events because they're fun, run it on a small budget like the good old days. We don't NEED to tie it to some stupid charity every single year.
I got a cut too so I'm more comfy in my fursuit
and how are they going to fund the event then you fucking retard
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U wanna come over and play video games on camera with me?
Twitch subs and donations
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>fuck the donations. Fuck charities
that was the second time already if you paid attention ;)
i think i'm starting to bald, might get a buzzcut too
I haven't. I've been working on my path of exile build for league launch on friday
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If you lose all the wannabe professional bullshit and stick to basic affordable equipment it's really not that hard. You can even go fully digital if you want to completely cut stuff like travel costs and renting out a venue. Dumbass, don't act like you know shit.
Just get implants. Like 2000 in turkey
ESA takes place in Sweden, they can become a member of Sverok and have the state pay everything for them.
He enters the venue for a short amount of time (Saying hi and also bringing merch for Yato since they will meet at BSG) but as soon as he's done, he goes home or goes anything not ESA. He doesn't want to deal with to deal with their bs. There will be a dinner Friday at some restaurant. Shii is most likely about to go down
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>host these events because they're fun
>go fully digital
Not that simple though is it, it's not magic
I am buzzcut anon, my hair has been shit forever (thin and uneven), so that's why I buzzcut. Frankly it doesn't look any better but it does make me feel better and that makes me happy, maybe it'll make you happy too.
>duhhh what are options duhhhh
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did he become a racist after top gear? he was the slow guy there
They literally cater towards foreigners
>in the midst of a global recession
>surprised when the average person has to choose between food and having "epic chungus" show up on a screen for three seconds
esa doesn't money launder like GDQ does so it's no surprise their numbers are so low
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>Go to the gym
>Come back
>They're still playing the same game
Nice "speed"run dorks
>Thinly veiled brag post
You have the mind of a woman
do you do it yourself or go to a barber? i'm thinking about trying it myself
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>check schedule for tomorrow
>all looks good
>6 fucking hours of Lord of the Rings at EU prime

Fucking die ESA
Maybe you should've spent more time at the gym, noodlearms
It's easy if you can rotate an apple in your head
>Roid-droid can't read estimate times
Many such cases, sad!
rotating your mum in my head
>take electric razor
>apply to head until hair is gone
Why would you need a barber for this?
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>Cut time
>Cut speedrunning in general
only an hour at the gym? queer.
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this would be more entertaining if the entrances werent random, makes it hard to follow
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>gym anon
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But I did eat breakfast today.
Is Baal choking? He only got one square
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how do you get behind your head and see behind your head?
>money laundering
you people really ARE obsessed aren't you lmao
face it, GDQ wipes the fucking FLOOR with this pathetic showing.
I just do it myself, I paid 20 bucks for electric clippers like a decade ago and have been using the same pair since to do it
>Going to the gym is a brag
Use your imagination.
>not going to barber to shoot the shit whilst he gives you a nice cut
>not going to female hairdresser and resting your head on her booba
>not going to [NORMALFAG BABBLE]
That explains it.
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>Go to my barber
>He starts peddling conspiracy theories like chemtrails
ok thanks
to avoid looking like shit
ok I'll give it a try
Every single moron who gets into the gym has to talk about it in every single interaction
>not even half the est
thus the only reason for the post is the mention of the gym
you are not smart
I am very smart
That makes me climb in the window.
>on a website of fat nerds
Yes it is, foid.
Agreed. Item randomizer by itself is much more watchable. Especially since most people only play a game once
the most standard 4chan humblebrag second only to talking about your woman
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Shoutouts to stream 2 tech crew
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>another multi-hour, incomprehensible "speedrun"
i'm tired, boss
Best ESA song :)
Do a push up, nerd.
Read a book, meathead.
I can't :)
Did you ever find it weird that specifically just the two fire bosses have a different theme song from the others? It's like they were planning on giving every boss a new theme but just gave up at Dodongo Cavern then just used it again for Fire Temple.
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I made lil a faux pixel art plum
randomizers are too boring for me
see you tomorrow bros
People shit on vegans when gymbros are just as obnoxious
all healthfags are cut from the exact same cloth
>He works out at the library
awesome work
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very cute
Plum is living her best life.
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Noice Plum anon.
I know that feel
Ah that explains a lot. I would say the answer would just be a no, that is clearly trying to avoid the current ESA. He is just there for the people. Kinda symbolic but sad that both the general hype and Hypeman himself are not really there. Thanks for clarifying.
>There will be a dinner Friday at some restaurant. Shii is most likely about to go down
Man I wouldn't want to be there, it's going to very awkward. Everyone is walking on eggshells, not a good mindset to have a fun diner. As fun as chaos is, I actually hope nothing happens. Because then there might be a chance for ESA to recover, while ruining the diner is going to sour the entire week
anybody else here frame perfect
I pause buffer while gooning
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>Donate to Alzheimer foundation
>Donate to Alzheimer foundation
the frame perfect ejaculation into doing something else
Why does ESA insist on making big sweeping changes then completely backtracking on them 3 days in?
edenal is a bitch ass nigga
incompetence? we've been over this a million times
Is the goal to get a bingo or to get all 25 goals?
sink the other guy's ships
It's battleship
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its a pvp bingo battleship race
battleship but when time is up whoever has most hits wins
>esa was killed by a refrigerator
I don't understand why they keep doing this year in year out, so many fucking years. They get it right by the end of the event, why not start the next event like that? Why always experiment when most of the time it's shit.
Why has ESA done this Bingo thing more than once? Sometimes its like when they get an idea in their heads, they push it and run it to the ground. Like the rhythm game stuff was successful and the next event they had an entire block, when they just thought "Oh lets bring all the ESA legends stuff we did onto the main stream that'll work" and it just didnt and they had to reverse it, when they did the gameshow thing and ran that into the ground and there was too many gameshows that one ESA like twice a day. When they got the idea to try viewer itch.io games and decided "lets dedicate 2 hours to it" Its like they don't know moderation. Its like they think of a gimmick idea and go "DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT"
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I'm even more confused now
stream 1 is competing against stream 2
Especially when they had smaller events to experiment on, not anymore when the people running it back out.
Ahhh, got it
I don't mind them experimenting, it's good to try new stuff to see if they can improve the event. But the problem is that they are trying ideas that are clearly retarded and should have been stopped at the planning stage. Unfortunately, Edenal banned everyone who could have told him how stupid the idea was.
ESA bleed so much staff I wonder if their idea guys are gone or maybe the pool of staff left is so little worse ideas get forced in with no one to push back and it becomes permanent.
Blame runners for submitting it. A lot of them play bingo in their spare time and there is a robust community for it, but forget that it's incomprehensible to the average viewer. I guess blame ESA for accepting it as well, but still. It's sort of like a community showcase, but I've never seen it actually be good.
I think what annoys me most about Edenal and Planks is they'll insist and double down on something, then they'll just coward out of it. Either double down and keep doubling down and power through, or back out of something BEFORE its too late. They need to stop telling people how wrong they are and wiping their discord messages, going through with the dumb decision then going "Oh you were right" during, and by that time the persons left in annoyance.
They'll just stop entire ideas in the middle of it, not even wait until the end. But if they're gonna do that why be so stubborn like "NUH UH" the entire time before it? Their discord is a headache I swear.
Maybe, but this kinda stuff was happening before the staff purge. Since around early 2023 I'd say. With the arrival of Celina. Though you are right that it seems after specific people left early this year, the weird shit started to happen.
>sky temple appears
>"woah cool"
>immediately leaves

This is extremely comfy for a randomiser. I blame the stream 2 effect
a-anon we don't do this...
>stream 2
Wait wtf when did stream 2 come back? or is it a rerun of old runs?
The other runner is on stream 2
stream 1 vs stream 2 on this race
normally a mirror of stream 1
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stream 2 guy is kind of an idiot. He's making way too many assumptions that the other guy isn't picking squares. So instead of taking like 5 minutes to try and clear out a square he's spinning his wheels looking for 1 very specific room that can open up a few squares but he doesn't even know if those squares are worth going for
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They have this on their submission form. Which implies "We want gimmick runs the most" and probably makes people think their run won't be accepted if its a regular run and needs a gimmick. Which I think actually aligns with ESA's current ethos if you check how their runs have been since around 2023, they're getting more and more gimmickier. That seems to be what they want and wanna push forward. Not even big unique gimmicks, but think about the amount of races and bingos and randomizers and gauntlets and stuff the past few events.

I feel they're deliberately trying to distance themselves from a speedrun event to become more of a variety game event with a focus on speedruns. I think they know speedrunning events as a big thing for Twitch have passed and you need some sort of "grab" to get the average Twitch streamer in like "Huh, Taskmaster? Sounds interesting I'll tune in". I think GDQ knows this too. Hence the dog run.
i'm never again going to a barber after getting maced
>donation gimmicks
This just got even more confusing
I was gonna say that no i wasn't I have no idea what is happening but look at that little green lad go
And banned them for telling him how stupid his old ideas were, which turned out to be stupid, and he's now reversed. Meaning their ban was for nothing.
What changed?
He wants to fill in squares that have the other guy's ships on them. Stream1 you can see his squares and the stars signify ships.
He's gotten some RNG rooms where he could potentially clear out a square, but he's assuming the ship won't be there and instead he wants to find zelda since it'll open up the possibility of 3 squares. He's trying to force RNG instead of rolling what he got. And it's probably okay from a statistic point of view but he has so little coverage on the map and he has 0 clue where any ships are. If he had went for the lens of truth in the bottom of the well he'd have got a hit and known to try for tiles around it
Yeah, I really wonder if it will lead to some self-reflection. But considering that should have happened before, he probably lacks the capabilities for that.
Oh and I forgot crowd control for this. Anyone remember that one ESA, I think Summer 2022 where they had a fuck ton of crowd control it killed the gimmick? Their last run of the event was Cuphead Crowd control and just hearing them all cackling like hyenas and the runner doing the typical crowd control pretending to be shocked "Ahhh oh no what should I do?" bit.

Now my memory's being jogged and I remember those crowd controls had the option to kill the player if they paid enough. So it just became people spamming that and watching the runner just rerun the first 15 - 30 seconds of level 1 over and over. Fun.
This may be the worst run I've watched that wasn't because of the couch in some way.
they mentioned this
>that dono
ok which of you was that
all me :^)
no me :^)
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Anon is talking about the first day, where they had a cam for the donation reader cut-in midrun and replace the runner cam, just to read donations. They quickly realized how stupid that was, but we got some laughs out of it at least.
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Watching Quake and Flash, what happened with Ocarina?
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they will only do self-reflection if they see their current lifestyle is being threatened by the (extremely) low numbers, but at this point so many bridges were burned that I legit don't know who'd even be willing to believe in them anymore
Runnerguy is forever cursed to have bad couches.
Alright I'm up to speed. Thanks for the explanation. I'm not sure how much me never having played this game is hampering my understanding of the run in general but it's still enjoyable.
Glad they sorted that. It's like the first season of Bob Ross having background music.
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Good taste, anon
You were saying? kek my fucking ears holy shit.
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anon you fuck turn down the mic volume
Crowd controls are flat out unwatchable. People that aren't funny thinking they need to be making jokes and yelling constantly becomes too nauseating to stand within seconds.
get fucked
t. stream 2 desk fag
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>Stream 2 enjoyer
>activate it
The hope is that those two still love ESA and want it to succeed, even if they have step down after this. Then a trusted member of the community can replace them, add in some apologies from everyone, and you might be able to rebuild some of the burned bridges. But like I said, I don't expect them to even think of doing this, because it would never have gotten to this point if they were capable of this type of self-reflection. See Edanal banning everyone that wasn't a yes-man and that speech at the start of the event claiming they are just about the charity while dramaseekers tried to disrupt this.
holy shit
Stream 2 enjoyers are now deaf because of that fucking mic whine.
Just over the years:
>Hey this is our new thing Milestone Madness where we'll be playing in person games but you MUST hit the milestone or else we won't play the game! Actually nevermind we're doing every Milestone madness anyways
>This is our new camera angle! Deal with it. Actually nevermind we're switching the angle again. Actually nevermind we're just moving it back to how it used to be.
>This is our bright luninescent table! Actually nevermind we're removing the table.
>Now when you donate it plays sound effects! Actually nevermind we're removing most of them and quieting them down
>Here's our new donation cam! When you donate, a cam of the donation reader comes up! Because they don't get enough attention with our new 30 minute talking segments between runs that we didn't go back on. Actually nevermind.
>No more stream 2! Actually nevermind stream 2 (a technicality on this one, not really, but I thought I'd add it)
They skipped over the donation message
lmao you're alright dude. Play frame perfect during the intermission?
Can I have lovare's number?
Can't, no videos are installed here, nor is the video player set up. STREAM 2 IS BEING ROBBED OF THE GOOD STUFF
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Don't forget about the godawful layout change, shrinking the gameplay to be smaller than the runner cam
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Who would you like to see piloting ESA, anon?
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It must have been too dangerously based. where's the dono messages set?
Our oppression can't continue, stream 2 bros
well they have to justify the suffering they subject themselves to somehow, if they don't enjoy it everyone else does right?
my cock
I would turn it into eroge speedrunners assembly
get me the top Rance and Alchemy Meister speedrunners NOW
Those fuckers can try to kill stream 2, but they can never kill our comfy souls! Rise up, stream 2 bros!
I find they're fine if they don't have the "pay to instakill" command, but since most of this is for money, they always do. This makes the entire run pointless as for the entire 1 hour - 2 hours, they're on the first half of the first level and thats it.
>The Dogwater boys
>Fatzke, Metako
big john
he is a vital part of the event after all
Does esa have a donation tracker like gdq
Stream 2 isn't comfy with that audio popping every few seconds.
>sorry guys no ESA this year I couldnt fit on the plane again
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It is though, it was ESA winter. I just think the best thing to do is prop up another EU event, but they're all so segmented across different events instead of focused on one event I dunno if theyd be able to do that.
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There are enough games here to make a Simple awful games block, come on ESA step up.
bullying the scots, kinda based ngl
This really is a shit end of the day. Like 6 hours for two games.
I hear Joe Biden isn't busy anymore.
>ESA needs a fundraiser to happen
>ESA is cancelled at the last second
>No refunds
This has been every fucking day so far.
Didn't something similar happen at ESA Summer 2023 or Winter 2023 after THE GERMAN was a complete menace the event before? Like people reported hm and Edenal did a speech before they aired to the crowd and people at ESA said it was this awkward speech about dramamongering and ignoring drama. Then he weirdly hinted at it in his opening speech and people were like "Drama?"
Last night they had at least three shorter games after the golden sun run.
more like the entire """"""marathon""""" has been shit so far
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I am arisen, at least in my thoughts
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Why are all the best runs in the early morning when most of us are asleep? We're gonna miss the Sonic block
Good enough, us stream 2 bros have to stay comfy at all costs
Its on purpose. They needed long games to fit the schedule times due to so many runners/attendees dropping out like only a month prior. The lovare stuff was after submissions were accepted and scheduling was started, cause I remember the rough schedule being released only like the day before. She deliberately timed it for sure and knew what she was doing.

So they had a lot of free spaces, so they had to stuff it with runners who didn't leave, hence the amount of repeat runners, and hence all the really long games this year.
I miss lovare
toasting in ebin bread
>Alchemy Meister speedrun
I need this.
Devilishly based from her, theres extra evil in her milkers.
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I miss mom too.
truly, females should be excluded from male oriented events
I can't watch anymore of this shit goodnight anons have fun
this is not the first time you've tried pulling this lie.
Lovare's tweet with the pastebin was on the 6th of June. First picks were released on the 19th of May. Schedule released was planned for June 16.
There was no server activity the day before she dropped her pastebin other than some random youtube video discussion
Try again with something a little more plausible next time.
A lot of these h-games have worksafe modes, especially as the steam default. It'd tickle me pink seeing a runner play that and feign innocence about how a casual playthrough of it might look
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Nice, I'll run Ero Trap Sweeper.
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I don't remember that, we had so much drama that it's all blending together. But probably would be winter 2023, since the German is confirmed to have been weird towards the alien runner. Plus he had his run on stream 2 that nobody showed up for and later someone confirmed that was because he wasn't well liked. Was also the ESA with the DQ runner that was all alone, where we had fun drawing in the audience for him. I miss comfy stream 2
They've been really anal about donation messages this event, my harmless Morshu message got censored. Yes I'm still salty.
>donating to this
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I'll run Raidy 2.
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See me in Blazing Aries, I have the route for that maxed and my combos are peak
It's a real charity that does real work instead of printing pamphlets, so I have no qualms there.
this image actually inspired me to make mine
really wanted to capture that 4 am run loneliness
I admit, I really haven't been watching this.
The crowd has emptied.
Wait, no they haven't, both streams have full front rows
The core gameplay in this one was pretty fun, but it was also really grindy.
Where the hell is the 4 square boat
Is there a secret community of eroge runners somewhere, it's not like Twitch/Youtube would allow them and speedrun.com doesn't accept games without "gameplay" (no visual novels for example).
Jesus, Anon.. Why would you admit such a thing?
I have it on as background noise, i have no idea what they are talking about or what is happening.
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The speech anon is talking about happened right before the start or the stream in Summer 2023, and it was about the events of Winter 2023.
the German hugged the alien runner without asking, yes. the organizers had the beautiful idea of framing that a rumor to stop people from discussing it. And then doubled down on it before Summer started.
There is a pattern here.
Probably but it's also how you play it. The better you keep your combos going, the richer you get and more sword EXP you build. If you wanna run, NG+ on Severe/Inferno is probably a good category just for weapon abilities being free off the bat
I meant for levels. If you don't fight every enemy you pass, you fall behind in levels pretty quick.
>The speech anon is talking about happened right before the start or the stream in Summer 2023, and it was about the events of Winter 2023.
You're right, it's slowly coming back. I don't pay a lot of attention to the opening speech, so it didn't really stick what happened back then
>There is a pattern here.
Yeah in hindsight it is fucking obvious. How stupid do you have to be to call something people saw a rumor. But it fits with their response to prizemommy's pastebin. So don't expect them to change and save ESA.
B-but why was he alone?
Holy shit, Alchemy Meister. Haven't seen that one mentioned in years. A marathon with Rance, Alchemy Meister and MGQ would be /v/ core kino
I think it was the night of a dinner or some shit so pretty much the only people at the venue were the runners they scheduled.
Lemme tryhard that game again sometime, see if you're right

Also is it me or was Aries way better than Lacia?
nta but fuck off you've been doomposting throughout all the events this month with your fan fiction. And yes I've seen your 'rat about the scheduling before quit playing coy you lying freak. Just shut up and come back to lie some more later like always
Didn't Das confirm Habke was one of the accused in Lovare's metoo manifesto?
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They scheduled the dinner. Think stream 1 was an OoT 100%, so they sacrificed both streams to go eat. But don't worry, people showed up towards the end and he had a kino fight against an optional boss.
damn metako out here scribing arcane tomes of seethe
Hi Edenal.
Unironically. Makes it hilarious in hindsight how bioholes used to be one of ESA's selling points on 4chan.
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it's shite being scotish
That's an Edenal post if I've ever seen one.
You got completely btfo, not reading that wall of text btw.
So does win priority if time out go like this?
>battleships sunk
>battleship hits
>squares captured
>15 more minutes until this fucking shit finally finishes
we made it bros....
They'll just keep running :)
bigjon is off the schedule
Where did they all go?
whoever has most hits wins yeah.
Leaving him upreplied would've made you look a lot better than posting evidence that there was a two day gap and actively helping him make you look stupid.
its like ive been fading in and out of a coma for the past 3 hours
Whats he gonna do with the gofundme money?
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Now onward towards 2 player co-op elden ring randomizer!
Fled to surrounding countries to escape the infamous ESA Sniffer.
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two day gap of what? the tweet says fuck all, its just generic marketing
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please say sike
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>A second Big Jon has cancelled on ESA
it can't be...
Good to know I can pack it in early today and go play video games.
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>it's not a joke
I sure hope the oot run has been shit so I don't feel bad for missing it
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>3h30 and its going to be a tie
>2 player 1 controller
so 1 player presses the iframe button and the other moves the stick
Did you all see that artifiacting or have I got the Alzheimer's?
wow this looks depressing and would want to make me kill myself

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It was alright, at least on stream 2
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theyre STILL playing this shit
hang on a minute
I wouldn't call it a "run" at all
Good night bros, I'm going to bed. It literally sounds like a shitpost of the worst run ever, you can't even pay me to stay awake for that.
So who won?
I didn't play Lacia.
seems like the 3 hours playing were better than watching this
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Hero Party Must Fall
it's netori and has a LOT of fucking words though so be warned
Vi and Sera are best girls
stream 1 got an extra hit in the last 3 minutes and won
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You missed stream 2 having a run, that was the most noteworthy thing that happened.
Catalyst ER runs are starting to turn into "tranny plays Celeste" as staples and are about as entertaining.
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it was the same fucking shit on both anyway just some autist playing oring shit zelda
Is that THE runnerguy
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>there's only one Sengoku Rance speedrun
It's time...for Rance's ESA debut.
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it got unceremonially killed even
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/v/ doesn't appreciate kinography.
Rate OoT bingo
sick to death of these scottish manlets
And no one is surprised
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Yeah, but we saw the stream 2 room. With how shit this ESA has been, I'm taking whatever I can get
The Stream 2 banter was intense. Non-stop bullying of Scotland.
C for Comfy
C. Making fun of the scots was the only enjoyable part.
Z, on one hand it doesn't deserve a rating, on the other hand people should be warned it was fucking awful
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Why are they so weird looking?
Weird-looking sushi roll.
Stream 2 chads...we won...
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I'm doin' him a D
D, best I can do
C, no one finished the bingo but they didn't go overestimate to finish it
Long but super comfy
Oh this will be excellent
>thread was made 3 hours and 20 minutes ago
without spoiling too much, it's definitely worth the jank that's built into the game portion through the writing alone
it's hard to make me feel actual empathy or disgust with fiction characters

the stream 1 vs 2 banter was the only good part
It's battleship bingo actually
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>You have a gun
>But the lewds are more random and amount to everyone being a perv, less creative imo

C, not enjoyable without the threads or without stream 2, but very enjoyable with it. Runners tried to do tricks but they couldn't get anywhere they needed to, shit was gridlocked
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A regular Elden Ring run would be bad enough..
The lewds in Aries weren't that great either.
I'm so sick and tired of Elden Ring.
Just, as a concept.
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Life is so unfair, so they can set up it, and i'm sure any runner at place would want to go there and show a game on a whim. There is no excuse of "not enough people to manage"
Those are possibly the four most normal-looking men at ESA.
>elden ring
Finally something fucking good this whole day was shit.
did peter jackson set up this scene? it looks like forced perspective
It was more the personality behind them. I liked Aries as a character and the setting, where it felt like the dev wanted to set up lewds as part of her character first and a game effect second, showing her as a cool action heroine who was open to promiscuity and its pros/cons.

The dev overcompensated in Lacia where there's lots of smut but it's all the same gag of everyone around Lacia being a pervert and her getting annoyed over sexual harassment. It just got so stale, which is a shame since there's so much more. The ending was ludo, though, even if not as great as Aries, but your mileage may vary
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>Quake donation reader keeps reading HUH as if they were HON HON HON
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Every time Mizzow is on camera, all I see is pygmy Rich Evans
Uhm, anon. Sorry to tell you, but that opinion is not valid.
>Stream 2 is Stream 1
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>You are defending a speedrunning marathon so corrupt, we have infiltrated every level of its infrastructure
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Anon....Please sit down. I have to tell you something about Elden Ring.
It's a randomiser
And also 2-player-1-controller
i don't care, it's a hot grill
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>female MC
>any other enemy types than monsters / monster girls / futa
top homo
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>Oh, you'll see me before then at ESA Summer of this year!
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time to crawl into bed for elden ring because i have a sneaking suspicion it won't be worth staying up for
I actually love hearing these lads talk about what makes a run work in retrospect, but god make it short and sweet. Say your bit, have fun laughs, and then play Frame Perfect so you can get a water break
>Last online: 9435 day(s) ago
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Cute German
I want her to hold my controller if you catch my drift
>Besides the import stuff so it's pretty much just a normal ER run
Daily reminder that BigJon:
>cancelled last minute at ESA Winter 2022 because of "flight issues" (https://x.com/BigJon06/status/1488184963208040450)
>cancelled last minute at ESA Summer 2022 because he didn't get enough donations to pay for his flight to Sweden (https://x.com/BigJon06/status/1531650491746246659)
>cancelled last minute at ESA Winter 2023 due to "flight issues" (https://x.com/BigJon06/status/1626948699577278467)
>attended ESA Summer 2023
>cancelled last minute at ESA Winter 2024 because his dad was "ill" (https://x.com/BigJon06/status/1755155503959744771)
>cancelled last minute at ESA Summer 2024 because he didn't get enough donations to pay for his flight to Sweden (https://x.com/BigJon06/status/1806783925123256682)
How does he keep getting away with it bros?
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looks a bit..
is that women?
>catalystz loud and clear, as always
>can barely hear the girl
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I love women
No Plum Theme 4 days in they absolutely lost the rights to play it and Frame Perfect from the scandal
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Dangerously based
That's what it says in the pronouns!
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I want a german gf
>average Berlin girl appears on stream
>/v/ goes fucking insane
As to be expected
>attended 1 of the last 6 events despite having multiple runs scheduled for every event, including often the opening run
I don't know anon.
I don't think a pretty girl is going to make me sit through this.
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Holy kek
If you want to fap to german goth later, I recommend Leah Obscure and Alissa Noir.
>puppery run
>she's sharing her controller with another man
this is an women
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if stream 2 tech crew were here this wouldnt have happened............
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Which game should I play while waiting for the graveyard EST block? Not watching a randomizer ER run.
Imagine fingerless sleeve gf on your controller bros...
looks fake to me
>not taking dung eater
god i hate women
He's too big to be contained
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Bros... I don't feel so good...
Grim Guardians, so you can tell me if that's worth the buy
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oh wow, literally /ourguy/ kek. esa > gdq yet again.
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Ocarina of Time keeps on tickin' tickin' tickin'
Into the future
You just know...
>dark souls 3 fan
>league of legends
I feel perfectly fine.
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very based
>Dark Souls 3 on top
>inb4 puppery posts a twitlonger calling habke out for sniffing her hair
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is that a bernese? these get HUGE if it's a male lmao
literally kids riding on it tier
guess we all just know
>speedrun's Outrun page doesn't have time attack, only 15 course Outruns
I guess he's not maidenless..
The Red Army did nothing wrong.
She's holding the left side of the controller which means she does basically nothing.
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>mfw you will never make a woman giggle
You're this close to inspiring me to pick that game up so we can go at it for the week.
It's okay, but you're better off playing anything from Gunvolt 1 through to 3, including both Luminous Avengers.
she should grab my stick if you know what I mean! AYyyyyyyy!
Do it, I need someone to race against. You can even upload your time trial ghost, although you have to back yours up first if you want to race against it. I'll upload my folder, it has some HD texture asset remakes (not upscales), but you can delete those if you want.
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>hang out with woman
>make her giggle
>she tells you about the time she sucked some guy's dick on her birthday
it's not really worth it
Christ, I feel second-hand pain for you
She was hinting at doing it to you as well, anon.
I'll have a pop tomorrow but expect me to be utter shit. Are you using PCSX2 nightly?
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PC, so unfortunately no direct head to head since online doesn't work. We'll just have to compare times and race the ghosts. I forgot that PCSX2 has netplay now.
I'll see what I can do. Tomorrow I will become a speedrunner.
Man, these games fucking suck. Wonder where the DeS and DaS people are working now.

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