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We talk about who's the strongest hero, but who's the weakest?
i feel like most heroes are pretty fairly balanced, its just a few outliers at the very top
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Sex with Abrams
>forced coom memes
surely not shilling
ivy is mid and vindicta is okay but too shit at macro
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Epic bug reports, Ivan.
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>Tiger Khan
>Is already back cheating and gloating about his scores in chat

if you come across a chinju-cn guy he's cheating as well.
>#killtf2 or anything in their name
>is a complete retard
why is this always the case?
they probably played tf2 for 15 years and now they think it's too far
wow that guy seems really good at this game!
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I wonder how strong the unreleased heroes are going to be, Holliday looks fun but I don't think she's going to be that good in uncoordinated pubs and no one on your team is going to take advantage of her jump pads at least for a while after release
I think they do a good job of taking uncoordinated play into account, bebop for instance is able to do a lot because they're very aware half the time your team might be too stupid to follow up. I think they gave holliday that hat ability just so she can be easier to play in solo queue.
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average vindicta player
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>Played with Russin Bepop & Vindicta
>Played like retards
>We still won
>Uninstalled the game
See you next week
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>enemy Pocket is being a problem as usual
>get hit by his ult in two subsequent teamfights and die
>fine fuck it
>delay a key item and buy Debuff Remover
>never get hit by his ult again
>only get to use remover once on a random slow before we win
I hate it.
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Reminder if you get banned randomly simply post it on the forums.
Devs sometimes ban people for cheating and that auto bans anyone they invited, just complain on bug reports forums and they will lift your ban after checking you are indeed a real player. Or just direct message Yoshi.
you can skip a week, nothing interesting happening till august 1st
This is false, all bans are final!
nice try Ivan
Lock status?
Dead until August 1st
>Devs sometimes ban people for cheating and that auto bans anyone they invited
That makes no sense. Wouldn't that be a cascading effect that could effectively delete most of the player base?
Debuff Remover is shit. Overpriced, significantly worse in every way compared to something like reinforced spirit armor.
Debuff Reducer on the other hand is great. It works even on stuns including something like Mo Krill ult. Cheap and powerful item, tons of value.
It should effectively delete most of the Russian playerbase, sounds like a win to me
>Improved Burst attributes the bonus damage to the ability that procs the effect
>Scorn heals 2.5x the damage it deals w/healing booster
>Heal thousands of health per hero hit on a 8 second cooldown
What do we think about this MoBros?
wtf iz dat
Forget you saw anything.
I'm not sure if I'd call it completely shit, but I do agree that it currently is overpriced and could use a buff. The cooldown is really long, so it feels terrible if you want to get rid of something like Vindicta's crow or Infernus' ignite before the fighting starts, especially if they have potentially bigger threats you may want to cleanse.
scorn and burst can be equally 5 seconds on cd, spamming like 400+ damage every 5 seconds that stacks.
>I went on a business trip to help starving children in Africa an now I'm randomly banned, wtf
How are you supposed to reach the 125 damage threshold? You need over 90 spirit to even reach 125 damage with upgraded scorn.
And even if you reach it any form of spirit resist will make it impossible to deal 125 damage.
Just be a good little ult bot like you are meant to be bro.
reduce their resistance. Amplify your damage with Scorns final upgrade.
Indeed. It just isnt feasible. Do not attempt this build.
that's stupid, anyone seeing you do this just has to buy spirit armor and a healing reduction item lmao
So is it true, you can get banned for not playing regularly? Sounds like bullshit
It isn't. I believe you have to not play a match for 2 weeks. I saw people bitching about it on the forum
how to download
Right here Saar.
I think you are overestimating the amount of investment this takes from the mole. Its not a big deal if it doesnt always work.
So, what's your take on Deadname so far? Is the core gameplay solid, or does it need to be heavily reworked?
Gameplay is pretty solid. The only issue is that secures/denies are overly reliant on ping instead of player skill. I hope this is addressed in the future.
it's pretty fun, competitive gameplay. Needs more characters.

What do you think about the orb staying in play for a moment after it's been denied so a bullet in the air from the other person could hit it
The core gameplay is very solid. Movement, gunplay, abilities, items, etc. are all great. They just need to tweak things like laning phase, damage numbers and overall balance in tandem with adding more heroes and items.
The only time I've seen Yamato being usefull is when she was played by some cracked player that started snowball ganking shit before the laning stage was over till the end of the game. Afaik she can farm smaller camps fast but the entierty of her kit is 1vs1 me bitch with nothing really outside of that and she has to expose herself for that so if she falls behind she may as well never recover and just be a shitty split push bot. At this rate you would rather pick Paradox.
I rewatched some of that match but I didn't really see anything blatant from his pov, am I just retarded?
So when is pocket getting nerfed? I’m sick of this slippery fucker going 20-0 in my games.
>What do you think about the orb staying in play for a moment after it's been denied so a bullet in the air from the other person could hit it
I made the same suggestion here. The way it works now people are automatically winning lane just because.
what's happening august 1?
This "game" will officially be shut down.
>That makes no sense.
If you can't think for a single scenario where that makes sense you aren't human.
Anyone have all the VN slides?
Open beta announcement with 10 new heroes added
So who'll be the new hero?
shiv probably
No one. This thread is high on copium. Yoshi said they would put more resources towards hero development. He never said anyone would release next patch. Frankly none of them seem ready to go.
Shiv most likely.
they might add holliday viscous shiv and callico
those 4 seem to be nearly ready to add
But he said we should expect something big on august first.
shiv, holliday and calico look passable
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What a loathsome artsyle
this, three weeks even seems optimistic if they have to slow down at all.
Yoshi just said next major update implying the usual thursday big updates that happen each week. Seriously, don't get your hopes up because you will be disappointed.
McGinnis keeps getting larger every time I see her. Shes practically a womanlett in game.
wtf were the "resources" on in the mean time?
Moving the urn back and forth.
fart sniffing
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based, thanks anon
Right so here's the deal okay.
Come August 1 I want none of you retards online.

And if you ARE online I want none of you faggots picking whatever new hero they add.
If any if you cunts get it, I WILL aggressively ping you all game and potentially ignore your ass if you get ganked.

Remember this.
Urn placement is very important
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Stockpiling assets
that's valve for you. i told you retards this was going to happen
Multiple big throbbing pulsating fat dicks in and around every single one of Ginny's holes
What was going to happen?
The art team works on a lot of map and hero resources, there's obviously some hero work done that we will not see until they have most of them done;

Programmers work on fixing up mechanics so they interact properly, fixing up creep behaviour to make them work in a predictable way, while still allowing to be displaced around a 3D environment;

Yoshi and whoever the fuck crunch data and clean up the balance, tweaking and testing small changes to see how it affects the winrate;

All of this not mentioning the people that actually write the graphics code, sound system code and so on. Making a game takes a lot of work, it takes even more work to make it not fragile and break from someone doing something really stupid, like spamming every hotkey at once.
You are now starting to experience that, which we in the TF2 community have been warning you off, for months at this point. You will be waiting for anything to happen, while Valve claims to be busy doing something for you, just to be let down in the end. That is what you are starting to feel.
Tftards get the rope

You guys are retarded. Go play your summer "update" lmao.
ty for srs responses, its easy to forget/miss stuff that you don't actively see
what the fuck are you even talking about schizo

nothing, actually. valve's WAYY slower than other developers unless there's a fire under their asses, and this applies to all of their products. You shouldn't expect significant updates with actual game content (not balance changes) to be regular at all
There's also a network infrastructure to set up, making sure matches actually wrap up and players are not stuck in network limbo;

There are sounds to be made and tweaked, VFX to author, even every single menu button has to be created and nested into the overall widget.

We get a major update every week and a number of smaller updates during the week, saying that there's no work done is being ignorant on purpose.
How many heroes until I can play for 100-500 hours
you can already do this. I clocked 200 hours and only played like 5 different heroes.
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What's the highest damage you can get with bebop's bomb (not including it's boost every time it's used)

I want to bombop but compared to gunbop the damage seems low
I only got 50 hours before starting to seethe at the internet.
deadlock updates have been fast as hell, probably because they've moved entirely to source 2.
>5.7MB update
uhh deadtards??
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>leaves lane because i'm getting my ass handed to me
>new lanemate tells me to go away and i'm getting reported if i stay (as if i care)
>go back to lane and feed the enemy some more
>team finally helps me after he destroys a guardian, walker and two shrines in under 10 minutes

i understand i'm shit for not being able to fight back against one enemy but how do people have situational awareness that's this bad to only help after the game is half over
don't know if this is old, but shiv's dash ability now has some shadow clone animation when he strikes an enemy with his dash. also, new vendor voicelines for shiv. 100% he's in the first batch for new heroes.
Just stay behind your guardian and take as many last hits as you can, what the fuck is your problem? By leaving, you allow the enemy to get ALL of the farm, while halving the farm of the lanemate you crashed. By staying around your tower you can push back even a bit, get some lasthits in and maybe hold out until someone else is done with their tower and comes to help.
He's had those for a while
Even if you focus on solely denying enemy orbs you'll unironically have more impact.
Shiv is a man?
i was trying to, i literally couldn't even farm or deny because of how aggro this player was being and nobody came to help me
oh, and haunted ult now has a little emblem on top of the haunted enemy

calico now has a cat emblem above her when her cat bullets are now activated.

he's a man's man
because its easier to sacrifice 1 lane than your shitty ass to ruining 2 lanes, then the game is really over
so continue to feed the enemies souls and go 3/25? got it.
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Sometimes it might be better to just concede the guardian and farm next to your walker. That way its easier to gank for you.
Just stand literally behind your guardian. It'll stop 90% of bullets and abilities, and when a grenade comes in, move to the side. If the creeps are too far out, go far the neutrals on the side.
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Seen some threads about this game. How do I go about joining? I want to melee in every lane
lurk more
viscous still lacks a 3rd upgrade for his ult, but seems pretty ready to me
thank you for the actual helpful response instead of "dont let them shoot you and keep inting"
drop steam, endure the humiliation ritual
Viscous is still using a Neon Prime model. I want valve to focus on replacing all the Neon Prime shit desu. That means Yamato and Hanzo primarily.
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No way is Viscous ready, they haven't even implemented his new model yet
Tummy? BOOBS?
what was neon prime anyway
slimegirl mommy milkers
>his new model
SHE is female and thats based.
Unrelated but how do you get to play the game right now?
Those flabs of slime genuinely look disgusting what the fuck. Who is this supposed to appeal to
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Is there anything in the files for Yamato? I need a big booba samurai girl.
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her old design is still there (which is just a recolor)
that's about it
>retarded teammates alway run in front of me in team fights
>gets salty when they get hooked
Stay out of my way
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Japanese alien sci-fi
Nothing so far, pretty sure they're trying to figure out what to do with her kit before committing to a new model
I pray for bigger forehead
okay I got to try two matches of Deadlock and it's sick I really hope they don't discard this project
My only complaint is that you can't really choose who you are playing with, I wanted to try the turret lady and I was given the mafia telekinesis woman
>for the newfags that want to try it out
Drop steam friend code and hope somebody will add you and send a request for adding you to the alpha. You need an email address.
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How many times did you uninstall deadlock so far?
Be honest.
>probably because they've moved entirely to source 2.
no, it's because it's a beta with (potentially) actually a full team behind it. enjoy it because it will unironically only get slower from here on out, it was the same with dota 2 back then only they didn't have to meet the graphic standards that deadlock requires back then AND they had a catalog ready to be ported over so they were able to pump out heroes pretty fast. Source 2 is better in a lot of things but it won't make hero or art development faster and that's the bread and butter of these kinds of games.
>I better not chase after enemies. Bebop might hook them.
Hook yourself you nigger. You are the one responsible for positioning yourself so you dont accidentally hook teammates.
have some sense lil nigga, you can play back without dying 25 times
quit being a retard and use your brain
0 times
Never have, why would I need to?
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how insightful
why didn't i think of that
>use your brain
my god how have i been so blind
I havent uninstalled it all because I have impulse control and dont rage when a game doesnt go my way.
talking kit/gameplay wise

update on rutger, his second ability "force field" now forces a crouching state on hit enemies as well as pushes them away from the AOE.

>development slows after release!!!

don't care
STFU cunt.
Hooking teammates is useless most of the time. I can imagine the retarded ideas guy coming up with it being like "OOO I KNOW WHAT IF HOOK CHARACTER BUT CAN ALSO HOOK TEAMMATES HE COULD SAVE TEAMMATES FROM ENEMIES CUZ THIS SITUATION WILL TOTALLY HAPPEN IN A REAL GAME AMIRIGHT? Anyway coworkers I will go home to buy more premium rainbow dildos to shove up my ass by using the 7 figure money I make from coming up with these ideas"
respect my positioning or get hooked. You plinking at them from 20 metres back is useless, me hooking them is instant death
you can press SPACE to instantly cancel the hook if you get a teammate

I save teammates all the time with hooks, and again, you can press SPACE to immediately cancel the whole thing.
i have unironically been saved multiple times by my bepop teammate though im not sure if they meant to or not
>Who you callin' pinhead?
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>Alright, Pinhead. Your time is up!
why does she stand like that
maybe her butt hurts
my bad
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>don't care
feels like I'm just underperforming every game now
same. What happened to the games where I had more kills than everyone else combined?
shitters leave quickly
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This is how most of my games go on SA, shit is so fucking boring. I just stomp the fuck out of my lane, start ganking other lanes and get fat as fuck, then just go farm for a while while getting small pickoffs until I'm fat enough that I can take like 3-4 people at once. People here basically hold hands as 3-4 and go around sharing ALL the farm like animals. Then I go to NA and get into featured matches only to get fucking BTFO since I'm playing on 160 ping against actual human beings and not brazilian bots. Hopefuly the game goes into open beta and more people get to play on SA to filter out the low skilled favela monkeys.
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Maybe this is why I'm no longer giga owning. All the slavtards got contained so I've there are fewer people to feed on. Before the EU split I would regularly have games where I have 20 kills while everyone else has 4 or 5 (and I would still lose)

Why are third worlders so bad at video games?
they have to tend to tourists for nickels and dimes 16 hours a day
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Explain to me like im a retard (i am) but what scenarios do you buy bullet/spirit armor over combat/enchanter barriers?

Do you only buy barriers if you play a specific hero that relies on that damage type or you have a reliable way to recharge the shields like veil walker?
this game is boring af
Ah yes, the many tourists of bulgaria and moldova
If your build already has barriers from stuff like burst, pointblank, and mystic fistic then going in on barriers is good. But once your barriers go down you're just as fucked as if you didn't have them. Whereas you can have a flat 20% to 40% resist to the damage instead.
this game is fun af
Is it viable to buy one of the armors then one of the barriers just so you can cover both bases but still get the damage bonus with your main source of damage

I personally build barriers on heroes that are meant to get a big burst of damage before they even get hit by anybody. For example on Lash, his entire thing is to get the drop on someone and burst the fuck out of them, then jump out and wait for your ground pound cd is up to go again, you shouldnt be getting hit at all, or at least not enough to lose your shield. Compared to something like abrams who will 100% lose his shield before he can do any significant damage and he can build berserker stacks, for example.

Durable slow cook damage = armors
Fast and big burst of damage = barriers
>Flat shields cannot benefit from healing.
>% armor is weaker the smaller your max hp is.
You build armor on naturally tanks with built in healing. You build shields on squishy characters that cannot heal themselves.
Why do Wardens buy Rapid Rounds and Hollow Point? Is Headshot Booster THAT nerfed now?
Hollow Point Ward seems like a dumb fucking item anyway
>get damaged
>suddenly you're less of a threat
how about the spirit power + spirit barrier? :DDD
fucking retards
HPW is still one of the best t1 items
It's ideal for spirit builds because it's a weapon slot item that gives some spirit
HPW adds about 5 damage on body shots and 12 damage on Headshots for a level 1 Warden. So you can get equivalent damage to the bonus from Headshot Booster fairly easily, since that's only 45 damage every 7 seconds. HPW also scales far better if you decide to keep it around. It also works on minions, towers, etc. unlike Headshot booster.
Headshot booster might still be alright if you can't harass your lane opponent consistently and need to take advantage of smaller openings.
>Leff the Discord server becuae of the Tranime shit
>Now I feel left out
>he's not talking with Yoshi daily
Just play the game, retard
Still think denies should just deny, not also give the denier souls.
Very simple. Shields are not effected by armor values at all. This includes negative armor. In a way they're insurance. Particularly good on pocket who starts with -20 bullet resist.
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>not just using the discord to lift oc from while never actually talking to anyone there
Queue the fuck up Eufucks, I need one more game with good ping
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>guy being a asshole in chat
>check thier steam proifle
>4 year old account
>hidden details
>current username is vaguely racist
>past usernames are bunch of retarded /pol/ and reddit memes
>search their ID on archive
>they keybegged here
You know what must be done. Report them on the discord. Wait for a rage thread to pop up here. Bask in their asspain.
how much of an asshole was he for you to want to track him down

You just have to avoid the general chat, half the time it's just faggots being "HEY NOTICE ME IM HERE HELLO TALK ABOUT MEEEEEEEEEEEE" and they use the game as an excuse to insert themselves into anything. I chill on the guides sections, on the "church of X" threads where people actually discuss the game, or in theorycrafting where people make pretty good suggestions every now and then. Off-topic channel is a legit cesspool too.
Not to mention that Valve has the philosophy that the engine should be created for the game, and so they also have a bunch of people shaping a form of source 2 specifically for Deadlock
>form of source 2
Fork of source 2*
you can't, people ITT are all larping
is there a reason ivy is so weak?

>hurr furr so I can dominate her

now that all the spic replies are out of the way, why does this character do such pitiful damage, heals ehhh?
Someone's been constantly sending Yoshi Ivy porn, so he nerfs her weekly now.
She was nerfed every patch for weeks, if not months, so her power has steadily declined.
Her gun has the highest base fire rate so if you want to deal damage with her, you should build around that. She works quite well as a tanky bruiser, now that they've kneecapped her 'pure' support playstyle. She mostly works right now by being an annoying gnat.
In the dev pdf her "weaknesses" is listed as "low damage". So she's meant to be weak alone I guess
heavy weapons mcginnis is kinda strong damn, melted abrams and warden in a 1v1 without a problem
The patrons are way too weak, they need a buff
With the number of nerfs the turret build got, Gun Miku is 100% the way to go. People don't respect how much damage you can pump out in such a short period of time and you can get a lot of kills on people who think they can bully you back.
Not as good as other gun carries, but definitely the way to go.
where can i find this pdf?
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>Game is going shit
>Notice the Russian Vindicta has a Warp Stone
>Dis Nigga might be a gamer
>Babysit the muthafucka
.MoKrillbros, win secured
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>In the dev pdf her "weaknesses" is listed as "low damage"
>but she also has low healing now as well
>and her crowd control and mobility haven't changed at all
Turret Miku can still echo shard and make like 50 turrets all pinging you at once and you cant do anything but run away or die
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Jesus Christ that was painful. Even for casual Overwatch clone it's so god-awful. Nothing feels good. The shooting, the feedback, the abilties. It's a mobile tier game at best. 16 minutes is enough I'm not going back
How do I access the Animation viewer?
you download source2viewer
>Sinatraa and Hydration went straight to playing Deadlock after Sinatraa stops streaming
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>Overwatch clone
You didn't play the game.
>marvel rivals isn't aping overwatch
you didn't look at the picture
hazes who dont grab the urn should be illegal
it's not like she's particularly fast though
she gets +6 speed in invis and is, well, invisible while carrying
>one of the fastest base speeds on the hero roster
>not buying enduring speed on her
toxic bullets abrams
>gets perma invis on ult and poisons shit
Sound kind of funny but fuck that shit, just port Slark and give him a gun, he is too good.
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>If I'd known I'd end up here, I'd have stayed in DotA 2!
sorry I need to save up for burst fire, point blank, silencer and veil walker
she's faster than a kenyan warden with the smoke bomb t2
Is this the Riki of Deadtard?
game should've been 8v8 or even 10v10
>Veil Walker
What are your feelings on it with the recent changes? I haven't played Haze much this patch, but I was fairly underwhelmed with its performance when I bought it on her the few times I did get her. Do you buy a lot of shield items to help it along, or are you satisfied with just Veil+Point Blank?

icefrog wanted dota to be 6v6 but pros said no lol
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so why does Yamato have Juggernaut textures in her folder?
It's bought a lot later now but if you already bought stuff like Point Blank and then just fill your spirit slots with stuff that has shields since Haze doesn't really need specific spirit items it's still pretty good
I kinda don't bother with it anymore. There's too many things Haze needs in the 3k mark
before her model she was literally jug
That's a shame. I kinda liked the playstyle of Veil Walker, but it was a fair amount too strong in its previous iteration.
I'm probably just going to stick with the 1200 soul tier for green items until late game, maybe buy a resist item or two.
I'm with the frog on this, no reason 6v6 couldn't have worked
pros had too much say in balance and changes, im happy for the frog to make a game in his view.
Her previous model was Juggernaut. Same way Wrecker is just Clockwerk
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What do you think Yamato will look like in the end?
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>Added new graffiti
>90% of it is modern niggerscribble
Are they trying to same that the demonic apocalypse that happened brought niggers into New York earlier?
Yes, that's literally Infernus' backstory.
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>map is clearly divided into red/blue sides
Never noticed that on the ground
How did graffiti look in the 1920s anyways
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we're fucking back baby
There's no graffiti other than some occasional paintbrush work. To get graffiti you need to engineer a spray can or at least a marker, but you're limited in your surfaces with the latter.

Signage was more prevalent back in the day, you'd be surprised how fucking clean 1920 back alleys looked.
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Probably something disappointing.
The design likely won't take advantage of the time period and she'll still be "samurai" inspired. Honestly, even if they just make her some sort of half-oni, I'd be fine with it, just something that isn't just bitch in armor with katana.
I'd be pleasantly surprised if they actually design an outfit for her which would be suitable for a Japanese crime boss in the 1920's.
There wasn't much graffiti back then, and most of it was on train cars and such, and far more simplistic. The style they went with in Deadlock only really started popping up in the 60's and 70's.
I have a bad habit of mocking enemy Lashes when they lose.

Seriously though. How can you lose as Lash?
Who is the worst person to lane against and why? Multiple picks accepted
I think I played against you. You were going off on the Lash at thr very end of the game. You play though Warden, who desu is just as bad if not worse
The worst person to lane against is still better than a down syndrome lane partner

>"oh maybe if I stay really far away and take potshots at the enemy players we'll win
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Pocket without a doubt
So much damage amp if he hits even 2 barrage shots, free aoe hits all over the shop, good in close range or long range because he also has puck shift with a nuke
Paradox, Talon and Infernus are also frustrating but not as bad in my book
he bullet base damage and the universal gun range nerf (was like 25m to 22m) so his early game laning is very tough
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Hall? Hull? Hill?
Is Abram OP? Serious question cause I got rocked by one
just press F, retard

Buy some antiheal lmao
Does movement in this game feel kind of weird? It feels great but at the same time it can feel like theirs weird micro rubber-banding at times, and sometimes yoor character doesn't parkour at times you think they would.
Respect but I'm a Kelvin spammer. I try not to say shit but I'm absolutely sick of going against Paradox and Lash every single fucking game
he's been nerfed into the dirt
You could half the damage he does on his ground slam and he would still be a top tier
i might've been that abram lmao, anyways from what i've seen if he can snowball early he is really difficult to deal with, but falls off if game goes too long. just play range on him
I have no sympathy for Kelvin during lane phase
Fuck you and fuck Kelvin too.
Legit curious why do you hate Kelvin during laning?
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daily reminder
of what?
nah, not anymore. he folds like a wet towel in laning now. he can definitely make a comeback but he's nowhere near where he was even a month ago
Once they have 24 heroes everyone should be able to pick one hero to ban
>everyone bans Ivy
How do you NOT get grabbed by wraith's ult
pocket briefcase or dynamo warp. other than that you're getting dommed by black chick
>ethereal shift
>pocket briefcase
>dynamo teleport
>ivy ass slam
>yamato ult
How to not die from it when you get grabbed is a different matter of course for which many more spells, items and maneuvering tricks work, but these things will stop you getting grabbed in the first place
>cast arctic beam/seven stun/ivy gargoyle/haze smoke bomb/kevin's ice path/pocket's briefcase/talon's trap/vindicta's flight/mcginnis' wall/dynamo's teleport and if you're Abrams, just soak up the damage and punch her to death
We need another initiator Tank. MoKrill & Abrams is kinda getting boring
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It's always baffling to me when people post clips of themselves doing well on Pocket
Like yeah no shit you're doing well, you're playing a hero with an invuln disjoint and more aoe damage than the rest of the cast combined, are you expecting anyone to think you're good?
It's like people spamming clips of pre-nerf Lash ult
is it not Dynamo?
you can literally say this about 50% of the heroes at this point
>well of course your doing well on warden/paradox/infernus/pocket/lash/wraith
Shut the fuck up
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Its kinda crazy all this Youtube grifters keep shiting on Deadlock, WHEN YOU CAN PLAY AS GAY WHITE FROZONE
I'm a TF2fag, always have been, and it saddens me to see how negative of a reaction the TF2 community has had from Deadlock. Most of them are probably just mimicing each other like they do on stuff like random crits. I've never played a moba before but I've already sunk 160 hours into Deadcock. They just look at some blurry screenshot or a sped up clip of a teamfight and go "ew it's so cluttered what are valve DOING!?!?!"

I saw a video today of a TF2 youtuber saying they're actually looking forward to deadlock (even though they haven't played it) and they keep mentioning that this is a controversial opinion
that was less than 25% of the heroes, you're not fucking fooling me pocketnig
>worked in a meat packing plant in neon prime
>kept the cum on his stache in the transition to deadlock
what did valve mean by this?
Both Dota+TF2 fag here.
I tried the game yesterday for the first time and so far I am really not a fan of the controls. What layout do you use?

My initial impression:
Holding tab to skill points feels bad. Wish it was a toggle.

Pressing 1-4 to feels bad.
I would honestly prefer if the abilities were their own "Weapons" cause the scroll wheel goes unused. Currently the game seems like it would be played better on a controller than with mouse+keyboard.
>pressing 1-4 feels bad

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>Here’s your mega happy ending accurate lady Geist bro!
I don't play pocket but he's the least of my issues. I get games with 6 spectators so don't give me that "durr you must be low em em arr!!"

Really his biggest issue is that his ult makes you retreat every time unless you have a heal. Infernus is way more oppressive in my opinion, followed by warden and paradox.

Pocket can wreck but he's squishy enough that if focused in a teamfight he can fold easy. Just buy a silence, noob.
Are you sure it ain't just fps drops?
Ethereal shift is hella good. Seen so many people get it now.
I use 1-2 and the mouse side buttons for 3 and 4.
Post his profile and report him to Yoshi. I'm starting to think it might actually be a good idea to dox these faggots like the schizos thought it would happen.
There's Warden and Yamato. A lot of characters can play that tank initiator depending on how they itemize. I've seen some tanky ass Ivy initiating team fights.
Why? They didn’t do anything wrong
what's the console command for first person pov again?
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>Randomly melee enemy laner whenever I can
>Condition him into parrying
>Free gunshots to the face
Damn, it's just like fighting game mind tricks
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sex with jarjar
(i have already submitted this hero idea do not steal)
you're retarded though i slightly understand what you mean about pressing tab to skill
Guys how do I get back into the Discord?
you don't, not joking

In Dota, you have QWER for main abilities and TASDF for other way less used verbs which is obvious as those are the hotkeys for most of your actions in the game other than movement that is done with mouse. There are also convenient modifier keys and action queueing.
But on average you just use 4 keys + 2 buttons on mouse for most combat actions. Angle of camera doesn't matter and is static.

In TF2, you have WASD+Space which is for movement as that's most important and of course shooting is done with mouse. R is reloading. Abilities are usually delegated to right click or to separate items that are accessible through mouse wheel. It also has 1234 for quick weapon selection But it has huge convenient upgrade by having Q for Quickswap between last two used weapons.
Again, on average 4 keys + 2 buttons on mouse for most combat actions and aiming you don't really need the rest.

In Deadlock, you have 1234 for abilities Q for melee, those are instant cast unlike Dota and TF2 where to use something you have to click to confirm the action. WASD+space+shift for movement and it's movement heavy game. YXCV for items which is further adjusted by selfcast and mouse for shooting.
8 keys + 2 mouse buttons on average during combat, maybe more honestly and on top of that, you have to aim, zero lock-on like in smite. It's goddamn hard game to control as you have really a lot of things to track.
I feel like it's really bloated control scheme.
so how do i get to play this game?
(you) dont
>briefcase jar jar
what did he mean by this?
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>dash jumping onto nigfernuses randomly with a heavy punch
I adore not just Deadlock's gameplay but how its mere existence makes TF2 fangays cope and seethe so much
You don't play either of those games poser.
I have no issues at all with WASD and 1-4, and this game would not be playable on controller, too many actives.

>it's hard game to control

for you, I have had no issues.
agreed, have had no issues here with the controls and binds.
So how do you guys move forward and cast 2nd and 3rd spell? Cause that feels shit right now.

The active items are honestly the only thing I really dont enjoy in Deadlock. In Dota I have ALT+QWEASD for my 6 items slots, and its very easy to use any of them at any point since I can use items and move by clicking at the same time. In deadlock I had to bind 2 item slots to my mouse button because in very hectic fights its literally impossible to keep up fluid movement with WASD and use items at the same time with your left hand. I've gotten used to using the mouse buttons but sometimes I have 4 active items that I need to use in quick succession and that shit kinda blows ass when you also have to keep repositioning and keeping the movement going.
Oh I have very similar setup. XCV for quick cast items, ALT+QWE for normal cast.
Deadlock is lot harder to play than dota or tf2, much more complex.
Side question, is the alt thing useful in deadlock at all? I might rebind it otherwise.
play more video games
Bro your index and ring fingers??
>You now realize this is the cleanest Deadlock will look before Valve inevitably pumps the game full of hatslop
>>Bro your index and ring fingers??
Yeah and that is shit design.
Don't call me bro, blud.
They went with non-silly aesthetic this time around so I have hope that it will look good with hats.
God knows grey talon needs help.
Nah, there'll be a pretty long period where there's no cosmetics and then another period where cosmetics are lore-accurate and serious. You've got solid 6-8 years.
Bro, there are roblox textures at the moment. Have you seen Wraith's pants and shoes? Shits from Roblox.
Will Holliday wear 2 hats?
>Dogshit Infernus and Bebop every game
>In MY team.
Grey Talon is 100% using his Neon Prime design.
That bow is ugly as hell and he still has his robot arm.
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Doubt that Grey Talon doesn't get a visual rework.
His design right now is actually Concord tier, he's supposed to be some badass demon hunter and he looks like a frumpy fat grandma.
I really hope that wolololo makes turns him into a cool dude.
It would be ableist to make him young and racist to make him not native
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>book 1 is geist, is complete
>book 2 is infernus, no placeholders
>book 3 is ivy, it's placeholders are actively being updated every few patches
>book 4 is holiday, same as ivy
He is supposed to be old. He's a retired monster hunter who's out for revenge.
What, you mean you DONT want Ivy with a gold unusual tommy gun , wearing her waitress outfit, , her immortal tail with animated spikes, and her arcana with flowing long hair?
I want that though
The best part is one of those is basically confirmed as a story cosmetic (waitress ivy), two of those are extremely likely (gold/unusual weapons and an immortal for ivy's tail that probably affects her gargoyle form), and long flowing hair will probably happen too
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I know you're being facetious, but the only one of those I don't actually want to see is the gold
I had hoped they would scrap this VN shit, but they just keep adding more? Fucking hell
zoomers and gen alpha these days love VNs if you dont cater to them this game will be dead in the water
>You've got solid 6-8 years.
Took them 1-2 years to stop giving a fuck about cosmetics making sense in other games tbhdesu
So the deal is that Dota 2 was given to campo santo trannies because actual Valve were working on Deadlock (Dota 3)?
We need a skin of Abrams in a banana hammock.
Infernus gun and capri sun skin when?
Remember that you can favourite a hero by right clicking them on the character selection screen, McGinnis isn't the most often played hero so you'll pretty much always play as her.
She's a support character, currently the only one in the game. She exists mainly to heal and boost damage not to be an actual threat herself.

There's a reason why her designated GTFO ability is her ultimate unlike with other heroes.
Yep, they need to get buffed against creeps so you don't have to hang out at the base when the little cunts have a way in.
Strange take
Kelvin and Dynamo are also strong support heroes. Also, oddly enough, unlike Ivy they don't get nerfed every week
I wish that heroes would be differentiated by >>683579583
The TF2 community is notorious for being both extremely toxic to anything they perceive as an external threat (remember 2016 and the Overwatch launch?) and a massive hivemind.

If you want to shut one of them up just send them a screenshot of how their beloved game looked back in alpha.
>If you want to shut one of them up just send them a screenshot of how their beloved game looked back in alpha.
vgh... sovl...
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Unrelated but for a game that rebooted development earlier this year i am almost disappointed Deadlock doesn't have ERROR signs everywhere
Do we think late game especially during the final Patron pushes are too much of a visual clusterfuck?
Dota 2 alpha... soul...
Yes but i don't think it's fixable
Manafags get the rope
You just look at the actual information bars at that point.
Exactly, it happened in 2018 when Abdul Ismail (real IceFrog) started working on what is now Deadlock, and Dota 2 was left in the hands of Bruno Carlucci (fake IceFrog) and Sean Vanaman (founder of Campo Santo who pays shills to defend him on /d2g/ and reddit)
I think they saw how good Crownfall did and will just wholesale take that for Deadlock's progression.
lol this bitch don't even got foot pedals
>a week and a half more before holliday
Is there genuinely anything about this game that makes it different or better than Smite?
The terrain is actually 3D
Smite is just League but the camera is zoomed in
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lookin good
Yeah, as what became painfully apparent, Ismail(AKA: IceFrog) is creatively bankrupt, leading to the DOTA debacle. It is no wonder, that he would go on to make this uninspired SMITE clone.
This made me realize that deadlock doesn't reference any valve games
there is literally red and blu shit from TF2 all over the map
That's what dotards believed especially after valve banned the alpine ursa skin for not fitting with the game's theme.
Now we got british/toy pudge and shota invoker along with a dozen other meme/over designed skins.

You're gonna have community submitted slop and you will like it.
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that slop inspired this masterpiece though
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for me, it's oopsy axe diaper
why do you guys pretend to like this shit?
because it's fun
why doesn't anyone pretend to like concord? I haven't seen a single piece of fanart for that stinker and sony has thrown millions at it
Are you talking about the placeholder textures or do you inherently associate colors red and blue with TF2?
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>playerbase is already leftytroons policing people
Dead on arrival lock
is this really just a moba fps?
im down for some hero shooting but i really cba to farm minions and towers and shit
>if you're not a teenager from /r/4chan you're a "leftytroon"
tps actually
Make sure to report him for not masking up during games too
who has the biggest single target burst, is it lash? obviously geist ult also
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>every lane except mine lost by 1/3 souls or more at 9 mins
>2 lanes had their walkers pushed down
>I was the only lane that drew even, and I was barely holding my guardian against a good infernus
Some games just don't feel winnable no matter what
it's done a good job of hooking overwatch pros and it's more accessible because of the control scheme but it's a dota 2 successor at it's core
Like in general or with abilities? wraith and warden can completely burst and delete anyone that gets caught in their jail/ult in a flash.
Haze also has really high burst.
There's also Yamato's Q.
How impactful are the gold jar upgrade drops? I'm not doing th math but free ocasional permanent buffs sound insanely good and like a great reward for roaming
I guess I'll play around with yamato. I like the bursting playstyle but playing the flowchart of cc into headshots a la warden/wraith gets boring
>I wish that heroes would be differentiated by >>683579583 (You)
What does my post have to do with team differentiation
Not very impactful as in winning a fight because you farmed those things. But if you see boxes or pots you might as well take them, I figure they put them in to make roaming more interesting than just holding W the whole time.
i think he meant to quote this post
in which case he's a retard because making all the heroes red/blue when there can only be one of each hero in a game only serves to make them harder to distinguish
Single target burst is just gun damage since all burst damage skills are AoEs, but for spirit it's Yamato, or Lash.
Yamato has no real requirements besides getting the T3 upgrade of her 1, but I also find her extremely boring because she's just a 1 bot.
Lash can do stupid damage if you have the T3 of his 1 and drop from high up, but his 3 can also do good damage if you max it.
Of course any hero with a nuke that does 200+ damage when upgraded can buy Improved Burst and do decent burst throughout the game. Honorary mention to Kelvin for having a far reaching 1 with charges and Geist's 1 for spreading AIDS on a low coodlown.
1: Q
2: E
3: T
4: Z
items are on 1-4
When you spawn in McMahon Co is in the Mann Co font, could just be me
is Q and E really unbound to anything by default?
Seems like a miss.

Also someone PLEASE spoonfeed me how the fuck urns work

I grabbed the urn, went to the blue square on the other side of the map and literally nothing happened
q is for melee but I use lowest thumb button for melee in all shooters. I like using upper thumb button for pinging. You have to stand in the field for a few seconds and punch the souls when they pop out.
Nothing, accidentally forgot to fully erase my previous comment that got spam filtered, ignore me.
oh right, i forgot about melee

>You have to stand in the field for a few seconds and punch the souls when they pop out.
Stop posting this thread, no one cares about this game.
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I care.
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I care too.
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Ivyfags will actually look at this thing and be like OH MY GOD SHES SO FUCKING HOT IM GONNA CUM!!!!
I want to smooch it
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>get into match
>i'm not pocket
>unplug modem
I put my mouth on her nostrils and suck out all the snot
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Can you still get referred for this game or is it over?
>POV: you're about to kiss your beloved wife
i would like to know the same how can i get a invite
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Beloved fuckugly mongrel creature
>Can you still get referred for this game or is it over?
It can be both
Post your steam and make sure you actually fucking respond if someone friend requests you
>You have to stand in the field for a few seconds and punch the souls when they pop out.
I've never been in a situation where this could happen, but can you deny the souls the urn shits out from the capturing team?
Can I get an invite anon? I really want to >hop on Deadlock

Friend code: 10888325
>It isn't.
>proceeds to tell how it is
based retard
I will always find it funny that retards have gaslit themselves into liking this ugly useless rat.
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She's not useless, I'm not retarded and I don't run off gas
I'll concede she IS ugly, but she's uglycute, like a pug or a platypus or a bat or something
>You have to stand in the field for a few seconds and punch the souls when they pop out
I haven't bothered with the urns yet, but do you actually have to manually grab the souls? do they not go to you automatically assuming they aren't denied?
>I haven't bothered with the urns yet, but do you actually have to manually grab the souls? do they not go to you automatically assuming they aren't denied?
Some of the haul is automatically distributed, and some appears as securable souls just like with building kills
I think it's a 50/50 split but can't confirm
technically someone could stun you or grab you while someone else steals the souls. I think it's a bit too high level of a play at this stage.
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>Maybe the vindicta spamming russian sperg just got clipped saying nigger in voice chat on the #1 game in watch tab
bye, good riddance faggot.
I hope Deadlock gets some good SFM content
obviously nothing on par with tf2, but dota gets some kino sfms from time to time
(((they))) will learn to fear sevuunnn
wtf are you literally me
i'm also a tf2fag that already sunk like 160 hours into deadlock and also never really played mobas before
>get raped in lane
>try to catch up by avoiding fights, split pushing, and grabbing small camps
>enemy goes out of their way to follow me around and make sure i stay shut down
>team blames me for feeding
I went 2-17 on ivy in a high mmr game because the enemy team was literally following me around the map and dumping 2-3 ults on me just to make sure I couldn't split push. Meanwhile the people I was playing with were completely non communicative just perma jungling. We won in the end thanks to me doing like 20k objective damage but my god was it miserable sending it down infront of like 15 spectators. High EU is a fucking joke.
what in the fuck
>team is all in one lane (besides one shitter that is jungling instead of pushing) vs 2 people and can't even kill them
>opponents are splitpushing
>try to defend or splitpush
>impossible, sometimes even get 3v1d because the opponents can just get away with it because my whole team is distracted on the other side of the map wanking themselves
>team is still masturbating in one lane (can't even get to the walker and they keep dying somehow)
happened on like 4 out of 5 of my last games
it feels like people don't know that you win by taking objectives or something
Holy shit
Did you just all group up and memeball down one lane or something
there was a brief period, when citadel_region_override was broken, and eu was actually playable
shame they "fixed" it
I was wondering why I was having nice games a few days ago....
nah, abrams and infernus were quite literally theo nly people who didn't just bumrush like it's an arena shooter. they kept dying everytime they went in the lane
>5 of your team mates are on the other side of the map somehow getting depushed by 2 players
>you're getting solo blackholed into combo on repeat because the enemy team legitimately sees you're the only threat to their towers
I hate this community sometimes
oh now that concord crashed and burned it's time to shill this one? Honestly marketers are so stupid I hope you at least are getting as much money as possible from whatever geriatric company is willing to pay you for doing this
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Don't be mean...
At least anon is a cool lad. Sent a referral and told me a bunch of cool things about the game. It sounds fun af. Hopefully invite goes through.
>yet another tumblr hero-based competitive multiplayer game attempt.
yeah just chuck it in the pile with the rest
I long for the days when Valve was innovative and not just fad followers.

What is this overwatch wannabe junk
bro these threads predate concord release are you retarded
Geist and Paradox are utterly cancerous to lane against lol
no, im just a hater
No one wants to be Overwatch
In three years time there WILL be Deadlock wannabes though. Valve won.
as a tf2 and assfaggots enjoyer, its really amusing to me to see babby's first assfaggots

I've become (almost) completely numb to it at this point
what dota heroes could be ported to deadlock with little friction?
How long it the Parry stun? 1.5 secs?
Sniper hehe
centaur warrunner
I got used to default controls
the only ones I feel are worth changing is 4th active from V to Q and melee from Q to M4
but melee on Q feels good and usually you don't have all 4 actives that demand usage in a fight, so I just roll with defaults, zxc items are fine
I wish the shopkeep guy had more of a Zoltan the magnificent voice because I like that idea for its placeholder design. Not sure how it'll end up like though
My wife hoodwink
Brood Mother
the default controls are shit fr tho.. i mean like if ur gonna copy overwatch copy overwatch all the way instead of copying it a little then attaching these dinky ass controls onto it
in my first game played i used up my entire seven ult in a tree
nta but when i got the game i insta changed controls and never knew wtf default was. waiting to make separate specific hero keybinds
discord mods are faggots
Primal Beast
Invoker would be fun
Do you realise Deadlock is just 3rd person Dota?
I'd love to see brood mother or nature's prophet. or just any tiny npc spawners. a necromancer would fit perfectly in this setting.
lmfao i type rule 34 deadlock i get 1 image of vindicta a couple of geist and dozens of ivy
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iirc THE BOSS has a skill that summons NPC bodyguards but he seems like a very unfinished Neon Prime holdover so who knows what his final kit will be
literal retards

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