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It's been 20 years. It's time to admit that this game is massively overrated.
First for /cum/
You're just a zoomer. This is the greatest video game ever made.
That game was very good for it's time so no, it was not overrated
/cum/ites...where art thou
>This is the greatest video game ever made.
he says, as he adjusts his camouflage for the 6th time in 30 seconds.
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It's one the best games ever made. If not the best.
Every MG starting from MG2, through to MGS and ending with The Phantom Pain are masterpieces in their own right. MGS3 ranks amongst the highest in the franchise, depending on who you ask.

You can't and never will change my mind you zoomer piece of shit.
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MGS2 is the better game. At the time of release it ran at rock solid locked 60 fps and the level design was optimized for its camera system. MGS3 ran at 25 fps and they had to release it again with a free camera to fix it. I played the original Snake Eater and it was not a good experience. Also MGS3 has very basic story that every low IQ monkey understands so of course people are going to love it. But MGS2 was revolutionary and is even more relevant now than it was at the time of release, it has one of the most nuanced and complex narratives that cannot be replicated in any other medium than video games.

Despite all of this MGS3 is still a 10/10 game, especially with the free camera. It's just that MGS2 is a 200/10 game, one of a kind perfection.
Then why is it getting a remake
>Every MG starting from MG2, through to MGS and ending with The Phantom Pain are masterpieces in their own right.
This franchise ended with MGS3. MGS4 systematically ruins every great thing retroactively and MGSV is a fucking turd that did everything wrong. Even the gameplay is complete shit. The only good thing MGSV did are the controls of your character.
The more time passes, the more impressive and entertaining MGS3 becomes. The fact that it filters FortNite kids these days is a newfound bonus on the top.
the whole first aid shit in MGS3 was completely useless. literally the only purpose was because kojima wanted to make an anal sex joke.
>>>The only good thing MGSV did are the controls of your character.

I hate how arcade-y the AI works in this game. They're retarded
Venom is so OP and there is so much at your disposal i think having the AI be brutal and upping the threat such as massive waves of Red Army troops going after you wouldve been better.
Open world feels stupid with no survival mechanics either, which MGS3 did really good with
Also, why is big boss a bad guy again? He's a solider...
Its no secret they're only pawns to serve the interest of suits
Why is venom so upset, he basically sold his soul when he chose to become a warrior and serve the boss as the medic?
Don't forget:
>only 12 enemies can be on the screen at once
>if you use any companion the game becomes european easy
>if you load up with gear into missions instead of OSP the game becomes european easy
>helicopter teleports you everywhere as made by kojima is scrolling on the screen every 5 minutes
>almost no interiors
>pointless outposts that are "respawned" after mission ends, there is no reason to capture anything
>open world is emptier than post-apocalyptic Death Stranding open world
>you play MGS for cool unique bosses? hope you rike this one note meme volbachia squad
>oh you want more? ok we reskinned one of the volbachia meme soldiers and named her Quiet
What a fucking joke this game is. Anyone who wants to play it should just watch the trailers because your headcanon will have better gameplay.
every metal gear solid game is so kino

how did kojima manage to do this

this is fucking beauitful

fucking piece of shit jap insect, you created fucking masterpieces
All this time I thought that Ocelot was secretly on our side the whole time and just leading us along to do his bidding because Ocelot himself couldn't do it without the Patriots figuring out his motives and having him killed.

But it turns out I was wrong?

Ocelot was always against the Patriots (or at least was so after Les Enfant Terribles) and planned on firing a nuke at the JD ai to destroy the Patriots. This would have left behind the GW ai in Ocelot's control who would have used it for domination.

It just so happened that Snake comes in and plants the bug to destroy GW, which also inadvertently destroys JD. If anything, we would have made the world a WORSE place to live since it would have destroyed Ocelot's ai only, leaving the Patriot's ai intact. We were just lucky that the bug also destroyed JD.

If so, man, we really had no fucking clue what was going on and simply lucked into everything or fell into the exact plans of Ocelot.
Didn't like it back then and I don't like it now. Loved mGS 2 and 5 though. Tried 4 but I kept getting put to sleep by all the cutscenes
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Le..internet...LE INFORMATION AGE...LE.....MISINFORMATION...Le...A...I...
Bravo kojumba for being such a visionary despite cramming boring as fuck Codec calls and shitty 2D villains such as vampire but bisexual and black woman that cant get hit by a bullet truly one of the masterpieces of all time,what no don't look at the fact that kojima baited people with tanker mission,arguably the single best content of mgs2, then introduced most boring, unlikeable main character of the series. Fitting since same could be said about big shell, mgs2 went from worst mgs game agreed upon by all to "best" all because you millennial faggots grew up with it.
One thing I don't get about the Patriots is how they're enforcing any of this?
Once they became a completely Ai entity, why is anyone listening to their ridiculous plans and cooperating?
The Patriots have Olga's daughter? How? Who has her daughter?
The Patriots are forcing Campbell to preside over Shadow Moses? How are they forcing this?
All the Big Boss apologetics after 3 are pretty awful in my opinion. People sucking Portable Op's dick was the first time I felt really disconnected from fanboy opinions since I liked MGS2 just fine.
You are too low IQ to get it. Go cry because The Boss was a true patriot.
>The Patriots have Olga's daughter? How? Who has her daughter?
She tells you how. After Sergei dies, she takes on odd jobs and unknowingly ends up working for the Patriots. She gives birth to her child in a hospital run by the Patriots. When she wakes up the next day, her child has been abducted. In MGS4, Otacon says Sunny was raised by a computer (Patriot AI)
>The Patriots are forcing Campbell to preside over Shadow Moses? How are they forcing this?
By stationing Meryl there. He fears for her safety and is the only one that is capable of bringing Solid Snake back into action
any loremaster able to help out here?
Ocelot had to fool the Patriots into helping Snake by threatening to fire a nuke at JD. He was aware of Naomi's virus but not of the changes Sunny made which kept the basic foundations of society intact while simultaneously destroying the AI network. His plan always involved Snake uploading the virus but he assumed society would fall into chaos soon after
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Low INT post.
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See, case and point, despite being worse gameplay and story wise than MGS1 and 3 and on top of its %90 boring filler story with unlikeable characters, just because they think last %10 has "crazy" and "totally not very obvious" story beats (matrix did the same shit 2 years ago btw) these inbred zillennials think MGS2 is anything but a rugpull for real fans of the series.
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>real fans of the series.
Oh boy here we go. Let's play the fanboy card. Alright, I'll follow. I think every MGS is a masterpiece in it's context, straight up. I'm still playing V to this day and I replay the others at least once every 2 years. And you're sitting there shitting on MGS2 and calling others not ''real fans''

Let that sink in, brainlet. The only problem you have is that Kojimbles took away your power fantasy or hollywood ending (In TPP's case) and you just didn't begin to understand why and just focussed on the things you didn't like. Don't talk to me again unless you've beaten MGS2 on euro extreme.
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Ah a kojima dick rider in the wild, sorry to break the illusion but kojima isn't a god and franchise isn't as perfect as you faggots make it out to be and each game has its big ass problems but some of them have it bigger than others, my issue with MGS2 isn't even about anything you said, I thought the last %10 and the ending was its second best part behind tanker mission, but that's just it, the last motherfucking %10? Rest is uninteresting shit and a downgrade in every way compared to MGS1. Don't misunderstand me I don't hate MGS2, just like I don't hate Dark Souls 2, but when some drooling retard such as yourself is delusional enough to think these shitty games are actually "best in the series" then you need to either grow some fucking sense or just shut the fuck up instead
Worse? The AI at the end of 2 is correct.
>More cutscenes
Yep, this crap is overrated as fuck. First Deus Ex is the best one and only had two or three cutscenes with a duration of one minute while the rest of the story is in the gameplay.
Overrated? Maybe a little.
As a stealth game though, the praise is deserved.
While I agree that most of MGS2 sucks ass and people do just suck it off for that last 10%, I think it's extremely disingenuous to act like that 10% wasn't some insane visionary shit by Kojimbo.
>weightless=good control

if anything that's Kojima's only good game
>It's time to admit that this game is massively overrated.
About 1/3rd of the game could be completely cut and the story wouldn’t change at all. The Cobras are lame one dimensional villains who shout their names like Pokemon. Even Dead Cell had deeper characters than them.
>Even Dead Cell had deeper characters than them.
You take that shit back.
I never said MGS2 was the best but comprehension doesn't seem to be your thing. I think you missed a few beats along the way.
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>considers himself an artist
>wants to be the most famous bomber ever
>has a grudge against Stilman his old teacher
>nearly succeeds in destroying the entire Big Shell with his bombs
The Pain
>shouts “THE PAIN!” over and over
>only exists to be a boss fight and die
It's good but MGS1 and TPP are better.
I would rather replay MGS4 than 3. Its so slow and boring compared to any other MGS besides 5 which is barely even MGS at all
this post is so retarded it hurts to read
If my boomer dad is new to vidya is this game a good one to play? he can barely handle a controller but I want him to experience kojima schizophrenia before he dies
Wait for the remake and play it while he watches I’m planning to do that with my dad
This is still one of the best video games I've ever played.
I go back and forth on this a lot. MGS2 is a much better narrative game and much more aesthetically pleasing than 3, but the slightly more arcade-like game design in MGS3 gives it something over MGS2 in my opinion.
>Picks most developed character from [game I like]
>Picks least developed character from [game I don't like]
>"See, [game I like] is better!"
>Go cry because The Boss was a true patriot
actually i will, that's the difference between 2 and 3. 3 actually lets you care about the story and not just the message
3 > 1 > 2 > PW > 4 > 5
You can see Kojima degrade after Raiden's reception, making 3 an easily digestible bond movie is a flex and literal critic on the dumb fans, MGS 4 has its moments and finally culminating into whatever he does after. He peaked with 2 masterpieces. Can't count the guy out tho... maybe he gets his mojo back and produces another masterpiece before he rests in peace.
no, fuck off
how's 3 more arcade-y when it has camo and survival elements compared to "piroette from closed room to closed room while running"?
>arcade-like game design in MGS3
how could you think this especially with shit like the VR missions in 2 which feel arcadey as fuck
>Picks most developed character from [game I like]
That would be Solidus. Vamp and Fortune still have similarly complex motivations too.
As for The Cobras, The Pain and The Fear are complete shit. The End and The Fury are a little better but still only exist to be boss battle filler.
>making 3 an easily digestible bond movie is a flex and literal critic on the dumb fans
actually 3 just proved that as long as kojima keeps shit simple he can actually make well made stories. the more ambitious he gets the more of a mess he makes, but this is a cute cope so i'm sure i'll continue to see it in the future
Yeah, it’s still good though. The controls are a little stiff and unintuitive, many of the subsystems are pointless or unrefined, and the story is stupid as fuck but it was the first time the series prioritized gameplay over cutscenes, metanarrative, and set pieces.
gameplay is awful, fails at every genre it tried to step into but hideo's brilliant directing bumps it up to a 8.9
i think this might be the most played game in my entire library

i seriously played this, autistically even, trying to find every last exploit and easter egg while playing it on a tv screen just a bit bigger than my hand all spread out

best years of my gaming life
>4 > 5
This is how I know you’re just some braindead faggot that’s just trying to fit in and has no actual opinions of their own
Agreed and the Boss and her worship is one of the most obnoxious dynamics I've seen in all of writing.
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>hideo's brilliant directing
I’ll stand firm until I I die that MGS3 is the worst story ever written
MGS V is a fun game, it just becomes unfun the more you play because the upgrades and companions make it piss easy
Literally the only reason I have it below 4, but keep coping everyone that disagrees with you is just trying to "fit in" on an anonymous image board.
Chaos Theory clears the whole franchise anyway
Please Explain.
>mgs2 went from worst mgs game agreed upon by all to "best"
do you just make shit up in your head to get mad about lmfao
Whether you like 4 or 5 more is up to your personal taste. Both have a lot of flaws.
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I'll take that bet.
Ah, so Solidus counts as part of Dead Cell, but the Boss doesn't count as part of the Cobras?
Vamp and Fortune aren't similarly complex, they are on par with The End and The Fury.
At the end of the day The Boss solos every other character in both MGS2 and 3 in terms of depth and writing, so if Solidus counts as part of Dead Cell, The Boss it taking home the win for The Cobras.
Who's the big guy on the tree? Ocelot? Volgin? Boss?
4 is literally a fuck you letter from Kojima who was unironically trying to kill the series because he no longer wanted to work on it. It made a joke out of the series’ entire storyline, bastardized the characters, and the gameplay was completely overshadowed by the tumultuous amount of cutscenes and setpieces that heavily distracted from it. 5 being bad because “it didn’t resolve the story by showing Big Boss become a bad guy” despite the ending 3 showing why, and “open world bad” are not on the same level.
Massively Underrated.
Metal gear trilogy is the greatest gaming compilation
that is a pants on head retarded hill to die on
You're the one coping tho? You want the artsy type to produce the "simple" stuff you find "good". Sorry thats not how genius works. Kojima clearly fled Konami and fans because they started to try and control him. Now he hangs out with whoever enables him, is the product better for the general population? Prob not, but who cares? He tells the stories that he can and want to tell. In my case i accept the man for what he did, he has credit with me because he already produced 2 masterpieces and thats enough ask for a lifetime.
It's Snake, left eye is absent.
Solidus is a better written character than The Boss
If you want to include The Boss sure she’s a good character(though a bit of a Mary Sue). I still prefer Solidus to her though.
>Vamp and Fortune aren't similarly complex, they are on par with The End and The Fury.
Nah they have a lot of fun interactions with each other and other characters. Vamp kills Emma and Fortune saves everyone else from Ocelot near the end. That’s more impactful than 4/5 Cobras were to the plot.
Kojimbo is one of those 'geniuses' where his 'genius' is actually just undiagnosed autism.
All the games where there was someone acting as a tard wrangler were his best ones.
He's good at what he does but he can't differentiate between a genuinely good idea and one that's retarded.
Let’s not pretend that V wasn’t a massive unfinished disappointment. The gameplay is excellent but the plot was a mess.
4 for better or worse finishes the entire saga’s story and has some fun fanservice moments.
Fair enough, but I'd argue those two Cobra's are still far more interesting in a non-obstructive way than rapey gay vampire and anime black woman. Obviously The Pain was a dumbass idea too, but the entirety of Dead Cell (apart from Solidus) are just retarded characters that feel completely out of place. The Cobra's get the short end of the stick because the first one you meet is the worst one.
I bet Physint is going to be sick. Shedding the baggage that comes with the Metal Gear brand is going to ensure that game is at least something novel.
> The gameplay is excellent but the plot was a mess.
>4 for better or worse finishes the entire saga’s story and has some fun fanservice moments.
Holy shit, you are braindead. You’re some faggot that is literally bitching about some story being “unfinished” just because the game didn’t make Big Boss are mustache twirling cartoon villain all while saying 4 had “fun fan service moments” like Snake Rushmore and Meryl marrying the gag character that shits his pants every game. The fact I’ve heard so many Kojima fanboys parrot these same sentiments over the last 10 years just goes to show how brainless of a faggot you are.
V’s last third is complete shit filler. Skull Face is an awful villain. Venom is a lame protagonist who barely even speaks. The ending is literally a cliffhanger where Liquid steals Sahelanthropus and fucks off. The reveal with Venom and the tape was anticlimactic.
I’m not saying 4 was a great game but I liked Old Snake, his relationship with Otacon and Sunny, the return to Shadow Moses, the Rex vs Ray battle, and the final boss fight.
Anon, you're making some solid points right now.
But V is still a million times better in terms of gameplay.
I truly believe that it was Konamis fault for demanding it releasing on old gen consoles and that the "pre-nerfed" TPP was so much more.

I choose to believe that one supposed leak talking about it, how much shit they had to strip out because the shitty 360 and its 512 megabytes of RAM couldnt handle it.

I am also delusional, but it is what it is.
>Jack, I just want the world to live, love and laugh
Bravo Kojima. Let's spend the next 4 games talking about how epicsauce The Boss was. She's also Ocelot's mom by the way
Better than the least memorable Snake who played second fiddle to Liquid in his own game and whose main contribution to the series was being Big Boss's new body right before he died lmao
>But V is still a million times better in terms of gameplay.
the controls of V are far too fluid for a stealth game, playing it like gears of war is a more than viable strategy and you can even still get S ranks if you just zip through the missions
I liked it more than 2. I was tired of backtracking through oil rig struts the whole game
woah anon, don't you know you're not allowed to like MGS 3 more because it's more fun? you have to prefer the tedious gameplay of 2 because it talked about muh censorship and muh misinformation
it's older than (You)
Konami have been fucking up MGS since the beginning. MGS4 was going to be the best MGS game until Konami fucked it up and cut a lot of content that led to the chopped up thing we got and that goes for MGS3 as well.
That's your own choice. You are literally blaming the developers for a gameplay style you chose to adapt. I did everything in stealth while using every item and mechanic under the sun to fuck with the enemies as much as possible.
Any examples of things that were cut from 3 or 4?
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It's time to admit, it's massively overrated.
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>the controls of V are far too fluid for a stealth game
Oh my god, this is definitely going into my screencap collection
If anything, it makes him a compelling underdog character. He's fighting both the hero (Raiden) and the villain (Ocelot). He's betrayed by his comrades (Fatman and Fortune) and outsmarted by his enemies but he still goes out with a sword fight. He's deliberately memory holed by the Patriots due to him wanting to be remembered as an exon of history. The Boss' motivation is "my country wants me dead but I'm too loyal to defect so just kill me lol" and the other characters can't stop talking about her and her childish will. Hot Colman, weirdly enough, is the only character in the prequel games with a brain
4 was supposed to be a real time war simulation game with countries A,B and C fighting in different regions. You'd have had the option to either join the battle and/or pick a side or you could just wait it out and collect scraps from the empty battlefield. Something along those lines
Safest MGS, least interesting MGS. Camo system is a drag and they decided to set the game in a jungle, but the levels still feel like MGS2 corridors. MGSV did MGS3 better.
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>too fluid for a stealth game
Good thing Kojima never tried making one.
>have to gimp myself to have fun
that's a design flaw, cope about it all you want. It's on the devs to scale the difficulty to the upgrades you get naturally while playing the game, any further replies is just excusing laziness
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The lab part was the best level in MGS
gets to stay on my aircraft
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i can't believe i had the patience to replay this game 10 times
>this game
which one? the one in the webm, 4?
MGS2 only blows the mind of mental midgets. High IQ people couldn't see what was so special about it, and preferred the soviet spy thriller that MGS3 offered.
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James Bond for homosexuals.
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>shitty fanboy superhero vs supervillain fantardfic with high schooler level pseudo-intellectual verbal diarrhea about "war bad"

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