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/v/ - Video Games

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God the future is so fucking retarded
Are games gonna get more or less pozzed now
chess is already an olympic sport.
bridge, the card game, is already an olympic sport.
>no fps
Why? They are the highest skill caps games by far.
No speedrunning?
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>No Q3A
Chess is not a video game

Card games are not video games

They're less of a spectacle than fighting games or MOBAs. Dunno why racing or sports games are on there though. Sounds retarded.
More how?
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>FPSlop is less important than fucking mobile games
There are no good competitive fps.
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>Chess is not a video game
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meet the "athletes"
surely you can at least understand that there are certain parallels between chess and bridge being recognizes as sports, and videogames being recognized as sports

do i really need to spell this out for you?
>Saudi Arabia championship
who cares?
It's not Olympics. It's just Saudi shit.
If the Saudis are financing it, then games with Olympic ambitions won't be able to put blatant gay tranny shit in.
mahjong when?
guns bad (ignore any shooting competitions)
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Yeah, not all athletes look like the Gigachad meme
>competitive multiplayer games at the OLYMPICS
Ooooh boy, if you thought games were censored now just wait until companies have to adhere to whatever the Olympics demand to not be shown.
You're not trying to kill each other in shooting competitions.
i can see fighting game, RTS' like starcraft and racing games, but fifa, nba and mobile games?

Those are non-skill games.
Too edgy.
Yeah and they shouldn't be either.
We don't need to force everything to fit the same event, it's okay to keep them separate.
That is a video game that emulates the rules of Chess.

Okay but Chess isn't a video game? And neither are card games? I dunno what the issue is here.

I'm also not opposed to video games being recognized as sports necessarily. It just depends on the game.
They'll just not care about the event then lol. Is saudi paying IOC or individual publishers?
If they want to stop it they'll need to do a saudi blackrock, and clearly they don't care enough.
zoomers are not interested in sports, olympics is pretty much dying out with no bidders so they have to pivot
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leftists think FPSs are icky as they involve guns
good choice not including shooters.
they are nothing but cheaters.
valve is a joke for allowing cheaters into tournaments for a decade.
fuck fnatic and fuck flusha.
That's why nobody watches them.
Is that why gaming has been improving?
Saudis don't wanna associate with gun games
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>blown away by a light breeze or possessing their own gravitational pull, the peak athletic physique of the future.
This is why gamers should never be allowed to be in charge of a nation and it’s finances

This is Elon musk tier of missing out on a childhood and trying to make it up as an adult
for me it's roy
Chess is a 100% skill based game. Anything that has luck shouldn't be in the Olympics. Fighting games are probably fine, but League of Legends and more has too much luck involved aka any.
leftists play and love FPS' though? Are you unwell mentally?
>no souls
That's pretty retarded. They should lump those types of games and vidya into a seperate event, though games being corporate IPs is also kinda retarded and not the same as something thats over a 100 years old and culturally relevant.
the olympics have been the most fucking pozzed thing since 2010
everyone cheats >>683547530
competitive fps are a joke
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Arabs don't play FPS.
oh, so you made this thread with the sole reason of drumming up (you)s.
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oh no no no no
league is a ripoff of dota 1. they are not luck based. its skill based but team dependent.
It also means games will need to be more woke as SA does not allow Stellar blade tier shit. WWE is forced to make its women pretty much wear burqas. This isn't a positive thing if your dream is to get sexy women back rather than even more censored women.
The Greeks are rolling. Brothers, how did it come to this? Some smelly fat basement nerds, the same title as peak physique human beings. This is insanity and all part of the collapse. Enough
Welcome to 2024 how retarded are ya?
I'm not OP lol
They missed the boat by about 25 years
chess is a game. a game that does not require any type of real training of the body. therefore, it is not a sport.
but it is a competition, nonetheless and deserves to be apart of the Olympics. the problem with video games in the Olympics is there is no standard of rules as there is a different iteration of that "Sport" within every year.
uh... chess sissy bros? our response?
Damn the queen's got a body awooga
More sanitized definitely.
Yeah, Whites are more skilled, as usual. Problem?
>country that won't even let female athletes wear normal sporting outfits and instead makes them perform not at their best and at risk of heat stroke because MUH SHARIA!
Depends. Is forcing every fighting game character with tits to wear 100% body covering outfits woke or not?
Big improvement from tranny Mary janes though, atleast there would be real women
>/v/ complains about this but is fine with the stupid fuckign ski-shooting shit and curling
I only care about sexy women in single player games, which are obviously not going to be in the Olympics. Multiplayer slop is whatever.
unironic kino
not taken seriously
the Saudis are the ones organizing this. one of the teams in the game is called Terrorists. this should answer your question.
series got popular by making you kill towelheads
That's the prince.
Nah, not an improvement at all. You can fuck off and kill yourself, censorship bootlicker
Buncha IOC suits saw how much money vidya gaems raked in and said "I want a piece of that."
Honor and dignity be damned.
Those are at least physical feats. Not that I am going to make any grand argument for them
>mobile "games"
>no FPS
The absolute state of this god-forsaken world.
Even more pozzed and retarded beyond repair.
I can guarantee you that you will see them at the tardlympics as well.
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they brought it back
>Funded by Saudi
>Fighting games will be there
Does this mean Fatal Fury is going to be at the Olympics? I would actually watch that.
I said before and I say it again - there are shitload of things that they need to fix before making videogames into an olympic sport.
First of all, make an opensource videogame that anyone can inspect code and fix potential exploits and issues, not to mention opensourcing it ensures that it will be futureproff. Something like Rocket League is a perfect candidate, since it is a mirrored game with no real RNG.
Then standardise the environment and tools, just like every other sport has standards for their equipment. Release a docsheet with standards and then sponsor some companies to produce first batch, this will ensure that when people come to play the game, they have periphirals they are familiar with and you can be sure that they didn't bring a fighting stick/mouse/keyboard/gamepad that is loaded with malicious software.
But instead we will get commercial products as olympic sports and people can use whatever the fuck they want as their peripherals, ensuring that shit experiment will be shortlived.
Idgaf I'm committing lese majesty on that ass
>not a gigantic chad
shooting is not a physical feat
>censorship of tits: America

censorship of tits: Middle East
lmao joke of a political affiliation, this site.
Chess shouldn't be accepted either, games are games and sports are sports
Video games are just virtual copy/simulation of a real GAME. The first VIDEO game was a virtual version of pong.
>mobile games
uh huh
who gives a shit whites already dislike the idea of powerlifting in the olympics because china dominates the categories, it's not worth taking seriously
Chess is a solved game. There us no point putting it in the Olympics or even having tourneys
Even the regular modern Olympics have always been a sham since the beginning. They started out as "amateur" because it was meant to be an event for rich people to go fuck around and pretend to be the best at something. Over time, it became one of the premier competitions for young athletes, but many Olympic records are still much worse than the world records at professional tournaments that are held by the people that take whatever sport seriously at a pro level. It's never been about sport as much as showboating and spectacle for nations.
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>Airgun shooting is an olympic sport
>Chess is an olympic sport
>fucking card games are olympic sports
>but vidya can't
Here's your gold medalist bro
More, big exposed tits isn't a good look for something so formal
New beyblades suck shit man. Bring back the original designs and then we can talk.
Do they play multiple games a match in competitive chess?
A draw is basically a loss for white as long as it's a two of three
Guns aren't awesome for the reason you think they are. Ask >>>/k/
Tbh, the Olympics is a big hodgepodge of shit that should be broken up into different events.
Curling is based, you're a pleb
Hololive only grows stronger.
>Press buttons with thumbs
Wtf I am an athlete
Hopefully never, jesus christ
>Why? They are the highest skill caps games by far.
RTS has the highest skill ceiling. Some RTS, like Supreme Commander, have effectively no skill ceiling, for humans at least.
>No shooters
Giga based, shooters ruined gaming by drawing in normalfags.
>FIFA and 2k when Football and Basketball are already Olympic sports
>mobile games
what the fug
This. Hell, Pong makes more sense to be at the Olympics.
After seeing how every fucken Valve tourney have hackers, surprised they'd allow video ga-
>Saudi Arabia money
Bros the IOC didn't even ask a question kek
>highest cheater ratio
They just need to use games with a longstanding competitive community and no current balance updates
Shit like CS Source, Brood War, Melee, Third Strike, Tetris, or Rocket League as you said
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does anyone even care about the olympics anymore
Fucking imagine Melee "athletes" walking in during the Olympics opening ceremony.
We really live in a Idiocracy
why are the Saudis trying so hard to improve their image with gamers of all people?
Why is everyone here such a doomer faggot? Ten years ago this place would've been positive about this. /pol/ ruined this site with culture war bullshit
Because their princes like video games and western stuff and they want to be able to indulge.
these niggas call themselves atheletes cause they pulled a trigger
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no thot testing. no watching.
$$$$ and potential Trojan Horse in terms of propganda and reach
No I don't.
Bread and circuses for their people, so they don’t get French Revolution’d and beheaded
You are a tard. This topic was brought up constantly over the last 10+ years and its always been laughed at here.
Maybe arena shooters but not the current multiplayer games that everyone plays
If you force players to be grouped by their nationality I feel like that's really gonna skew the results.

Curious how they end up structuring this
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I hate trannies even more
every young man in the west is into video games. this just bolsters their soft power and perhaps even makes people more open to Islam
Mang0 could get the entire planet to chant USA at an HBox Grand Finals
This is the dumbest shit I've seen all day, and I've been to /pol/
let's be honest, they're probably doing this shit for profit, vidya is the for of entertainment that generates the most revenue, so it's a no brainer really.
/v/ is just as, if not more retarded than /pol/
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>FPS/Shooters not included
Absolutely halal
>The virgin silver medalist lifelong professional athlete
>The chad gold medalist 53 year old gacha autist neckbeard
>Street Fighter

They already have these as IRL Olympic sports. So you're gonna have people sitting in an auditorium simulating the sport which is actually physically happening a a few hundred meters away from them?
>Saudis are BAD because...western media told me so!
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Street Fighter at the Olympics baby!!!
>It also means games will need to be more woke as SA does not allow Stellar blade tier shit.
But they did?
Keep in mind they actually banned FFXVI and TLOU2 because it contained homosexaulity
>This isn't a positive thing if your dream is to get sexy women back rather than even more censored women.
KOFXV says otherwise
I don't understand how will games get "pozzed" unless it gets involved by Blackrock backed Jap companies (I.E. Capcom)
shit man, I didn't know Olympic wrestling and Judo let you use fireballs and juggle your opponents
>me 10 years ago
>"gaming is not a sport and unfit for Olympics"
Looks like it hasn't changed
I don't get why you being up shit like chess or shooting either. I don't think that's a sport for the Olympics too
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>competitive shit
Who cares? Call me when building the best dirt shack in minecraft will be an olympic spoirt.
Street fighting as an actual Olympic sport would be sick
No enforced fighting style, just beat your opponent's ass however possible
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>Street Fighter
I would love to see an Olympic event where someone lands a SPD or EWGF.
Hayao becoming the first gold medalist 3rd Strike player would be incredible
They're technically allowed, just that no one's been skilled enough to pull off a Hadoken yet.
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Also Saudis backed up Stalled Blade I think, so I don't think they're against hot women as much as westerners are

Imagine having such a high opinion of yourself, without having worked on a single good game. It's all slop that's listed here.
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>Is forcing every fighting game character with tits to wear 100% body covering outfits woke or not?
Saudi's own SNK and they've shown that they absolutely do not give a single fuck about that kind of stuff. Capcom is the one that's been doing that kind of stuff.
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>ignoring basic hygiene is going to be a legitimate Olympic strategy
>Dogshit like NBA2K and FIFA
>No Counter Strike
That's retarded if true.
>They are the highest skill caps games by far.
They aren't. The difficulty in competitive games is not only mechanical skill but also treating limited information and coming up with strategies on the fly. Considering that DotA 2 is by far the highest skill cap game imo.
>inb4 RTS
It is up there but they don't have as many variables and strategy checks. You scout one or a few times what's the enemy plan, gamble or not on a build then it's mostly execution.
Extreme censorship incoming
>Who cares?

Competitive people obviously? There's a lot of people who just enjoy competing, no matter what it is.
>Stalled Blade
You have never shot a gun if you think aiming and pulling the trigger to accurately hit your target has no physical skill.
Painting used to be an Olympic event.
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>ESport Olympic Athlete gets his medal stripped after being found positive for doping
you must be 8000 pounds if you think it does
>no shooter trash
based Olympics
>gamers at the Olympics
Well at least they've got life experience with the beds!
Who said it didn't take skill? He said that doesn't make you an athlete. I can cook amazing food, that doesn't make me a dancer.
I haven't thought about Bayblades in years. How does this shit work as a competitive sport? Isn't it just randomly banding into each other?
do people even respect olympic competitions?
I don't keep up with that kinda shit but I do watch basketball and hockey from time and time and any time I see the olympics brought up it's always treated as a joke due to either the professionals playing and the teams getting stupidly stacked, or them sitting out/not being allowed in and them being a lower class to actual professional play
I guess it's different for solo things like swimming or track idk
Why would you stop the World's greatest athletes and videogame players from having orgies?
>Olympic village with the overwhelming stench of all of the sweaty athletes are fucking indiscriminately, cum dripping from the asses of gay men all over the place

>And then they receive overwhelming complaints about Smash players next door stinking up the place
They have men in women's events, and you expect common sense?
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As long as there are fighting games that's all that matters
If horse dancing and skateboarding are olympic sports, then so should Quake 3 Arena
burst sucked shit but X is pretty dope so far
France is under Islamic rule now, no sexy time allowed
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Imaigne if Dragunov won that
He already causes immense seethe among the Tekken community, if he won something like the Olympics the seethe would be immeasurable
Save their tantric energy.
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>mobile games
>fighting games
>no shooters
Brown hands did thi-
YEP, checks out
They banned smoking and drinking too. Some athletes have already been disqualified over it.
France is a shadow of its former self.
So the next Winter Olympics in 2026 are going to have video games in it?
>but no shooters
this is going to be horrendous
It’s always Le saudis behind money laundering. Evil ass kikes.
>why yes I am on a cut, how could you tell?
FPS is the most popular game genre to thirdies aside from sports
>Gaming is in the Olympics
This clearly talks about an event called the 'Olympic Esports Games', so would that even by at the Summer or Winter Games, or would it (logically) be separate
(why is everyone so retarded)
this guy literally retired and doesn't play anymore after he won the money retarded /vt/ranny. Congrats another one of your loser ilk decided to spend all day being a simp
Be glad, now the gamers can have dirty, sweaty sex with each other after competing like all of the other olympians do.
Because low t beta males have switched to MOBA because reaction speed is not their strong suit.
Shooting is the white mans game
Saudis being associated with shooters is not a good look in western media. Think about it.
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Not really.
No retard irl chess is an adaption from the 1980's nintendo game battle chess. Everyone knows that.
The thing is being in the public eye more is going to mean that more bitches complain about it
>with a gigantic czech from the Saudi government
no doubt considering the saudis own snk
Dude they allow golf. The average gamer is in better shape than the fat old fucks that golf.
Olympic records are worse because

A) They only have them every 4 years so there's simply significantly less oppurtunities for the world record to be achieved there

B) There is significantly more pressure during the olympics than the year world championships, again because the olympics are much rarer and attribute nationalist expectations on the athletes shoulders.
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>I'm white shawty wassup
I miss him.
G-d, we are so fvcking back.
There's only ever been one real e-sport, and it was Starcraft: Brood War.
look broodwar is dogshit
Saudis aren't brown.
Aw sweet! my gamer bed sheets just came in
The only way I will ever watch "esports" ever again is if any person with more than 5% korean blood is disinvited and not allowed to participate. koreans killed LoL.
Every FPS esport is built on cheating.
it's going to be a separate event anons
This is soft power and influence, the Saudis are playimg the long game. All that oil wont last and they are seeking other avenues of influence. The less American buisnesses and corporations have influence over entertainment across the globe, the weaker their propaganda becomes. This is how how you fight non physical wars. You are fighting for the minds of the people which now consist of thr global villiage e.g. the world.
Nah niggers just get shit on in shooting games so run away to their retarded MOBA shit games
I’ll say that RTS are the most “skilled” genre and I mean big brained like chess. But they could easily take hacks out of shooting games for the esports. They can do it for every other genre. And I’m not entirely convinced MOBAs don’t have cheaters.
>no wonder why cops are killing y'all, they doing us all a favor
Yeah so Gaming is an Olympic sport in the IOC, nothing changes the topic
wtf I should start training for the olympics right this second
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Depends on the event.
There are certain team sports like Basketball where people clearly care more about regional competition than international stuff, but for the most part it is going to be the biggest event of the year for competitors. It's not like hundreds of thousands of people are tuning in to see whatever is going on in Handball leagues, but you can bet your ass that millions will be seeing the gold medal game in that event.
Same applies to solo events, but in that case the importance of the medals is more reliant on the country you come from rather than the event (unless it's something really high profile like sprints). If you're from a country that regularly wins buckets of medals you can get lost in the shuffle, but win even a bronze/silver while reping a literal who country or one that doesn't perform well and you can turn into an overnight national hero (and more importantly, get a shitload of endorsement deals that'll set you for life).
Canada is bringing home gold in dota 2

Trust the plannn
Olympics are for physical strength and endurance
games require neither
i enjoy the olympics a lot but it's mostly for the niche sports that I otherwise wouldn't watch
olympic hockey is typically a complete farce bc the NHL usually doesn't allow most players to go compete for it (which is understandable bc it is during the NHL season). International basketball is just dumb, it's always just a "gee maybe the US will choke" competition which is hilarious when it happens but it's generally garbage
Obviously they have no clue what video games are even about, who the fuck paid them for this farce?
it's not in the summer olympics they're just making their own esports event basically and hosted in great glorious saudi arabia for the next decade because that's a great idea
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>alt+f dota
if dota doesn't make the cut for this event i bet valve will take out their frustration on dota making less content causing dota to die faster

i'm very glad valve can't get cs/tf2 into this even though fuck them.
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i actually feel somewhat bad for the buck boys. on the internet it's just pajeets/blacks/latrinox who spam bbc or a literal paid drug addict whore who is saying it but not meaning it. meanwhile actual black women are out there putting them down with the most cruel comments possible saying cops killing them is good. you have to pay a drug addict prostitute money to get her to say something like that while the black girl does it from her heart.
Poetry used to be in the Olympics too.
They ought to bring back some of the brainier shit while they're at it.
Proves my point
If you pay the IOC enough money, they will make reading an Olympic sport.
i would watch olympic chess
you're wanting the foods sir?
Gaming should be banned, not promoted.
If they really wanted money they'd start investing in gacha games, not washed up entities like SNK.
AYY LLAMA. They just want to set up another grift.
>aim at head rly fast
>highest skill cap
lmao shut the fuck up retard. they are ridden with cheaters because there is almost nothing more to excelling at the genre than aim
do the saudis realize how dumb this is
the way that most esports circuits work this will just be another tournament and yet they felt the need to throw bribe money at the IOC for it
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I hope my picture answer your question.
a lot of the major sports in the olympics are just defacto U-20 meme tournaments, divegrass and hockey especially
the kino is in all the other stuff
They're trying to appeal to kids way too hard. Between this, Snoop Dog carrying the torch for the final leg, and dropping Karate because it's not interesting enough, the Olympics is really losing all their esteem as a serious sporting event.
Theres also location altitude makes a big difference in how fast you can run and how high you can jump
Saudis have unlimited money to do this as well as unfinished and ridiculous architectural projects. They literally bribed FIFA for the World Cup (fully confirmed) and the one thing that happened was "promise it won't happen again lol". They are idiots with too much money trying to put their legacy in every pie but they're part of the global elite - thing is, they're on a time limit. Their land is inhospitable and getting hotter every year, the oil wont last forever, so they need to branch,
yeah it's weird how everyone went from not knowing it existed to constantly talking about that dubai in the last few years, good on them for making that shithole work
a lot of records are memes anyways
>you now remember all of the swimming WRs that got smashed at the Beijing olympics but it was because all of them were literally wearing cheatcode swimsuits that got banned very soon afterwards
just 2 more weeks and that idiotic "the line" utopia project that they shilled for years and have already dumped billions into will finally break ground
Literally dozens of Internet cafes full of them playing CSGO on the regular.
>Game but using a screen
>Saudis aren't brown.
Looks pretty brown to me, Akmed.
>Battle Chess
Played the fuck out of this on the Amiga. Good times.
Every team esport is filled with international mixes these days, how will they even deal with that
Reminder there are convoys of septic trucks leading out of Dubai since they didn't bother to build a working sewage system.
lol, another coping arap.
ofc you shitters are, literally as "white" as a norther poojeet which in my eyes is deep brown
don't think about it, simply dump money into it
-Saudi Arabia
Say goodbye to Juri being barefoot in the next SF games.
Why is SA investing so much on gaming?
oh my god are they still working on that?
yeah the only national teams I can think of are Spirit and VP in cs2, and that's mainly because people are being faggots about the heckin russians so nobody else will have them
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>They are the highest skill caps games by far.
>why are the Saudis trying so hard to improve their image with gamers of all people?

The Crown Prince is unironically a gamer. I shit you not he used to import Neo Geo games because he loved the system.
oh also astralis is all danish but
and now Saudis are funding the new game made by the old metal slug guys, funny old world
Saudis are throwing their oil money into all kinds of other investments so their entire kingdom doesn't go tits up if oil prices crater again
I predict it will suck and be removed after 1 year
Tired of being only known as oil barons or "terrorists"
Is he okay?
Top cuck
honestly though would the olympics put on a better tournament than those that valve ran for the international in 2016-2019? i doubt it.

this olympics tournament is going to be a joke and i cannot fathom why anybody would care. I am already struggling with todays commentators in esports being family friendly and genuinely really booring to listen to. can't imagine sitting there and watching counter-strike at the olympics were the objective is to murder the other team whilst the commentators aren't allowed to swear
Damn if only a society existed where you just hit women when they're being whiny cunts.
I'm of the opinion that it was Metal Slug that enchanted the prince into gaming with its comical Arabic themes.
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>They are the highest skill caps games by far.
Those are DOTA and RTS
Go see one of the autists that have been playing Age of empires since the early 2000s to see what absolute autism looks like
>mobile games
Like what exactly? They're all pay to win garbage.
iRacing is the only good 'game' on that list
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Whiter than you, mutts
An observation: most videogames are team v team while the vast majority of olympic games are individual feats like who runs the fastest who jump the highest or whatever.
How do you incorporate, say, lol or DotA? Do you run a tournament? Doesn't sound anything like an olympic event
This dudes anatomy is so fucked, he just puts shit through a low res filter and markets it as "80's style."
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oh yes there is
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>This dudes anatomy is so fucked
So is real anatomy.
how much money do these ngas have from oil?everytime i hear about them there doing some big ass plays like its nothing
You wanna add games ina olympics then you have to use an Olympic Game. Flip open the cover of an nes and pop in Track n Field. LoL
>flexibility =/= bizarre proportions
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you mention 2016-2019 but we're 2024 so it's possible it's better than the tournaments they ran in 2021-2023 and even 2024 lol. saudi already hosted a couple kino dota2 events that were the great. last year the highest paying event was the saudi sponsored event for dota2 not the valve international. i think saudi's can do it if gets in, but i'm not sure if dota will get in. riot will probably pay them money do the handshake and valve retard faggots will sit on their hands then vent their impotence after the fact.
Yep, eswc seemed pretty clean. Seems like Saudi has become the place for eSports now.
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Everyone else has pulled out of esports because viewers don't wanna pay for it.
These sand people are retarded as fuck. As soon as their oil money stops they'll go back to mud huts. Look up that "line" project
i mean most olympic sports are already in a tournament format
but esports do not have national teams, and most games' esports scenes have incredibly mixed international teams these days. So it would be very weird and stupid
Have you never heard about English bowmen having deformed arms because of bow usage?
>perfect hardbodies walk out
>oompa loompa fat fucks come waddling out
>fps will not be included
Kek get fucked
Swimmers also have weird ass proportions.
Different formats but world chess championship grand finals are best of 13.
...are you suggesting all of his art is of characters deformed by unique lifestyles? What?
they're trying to build their city up to be a tourist destination that people with lots of money go to.
>including everything but FPSs, the only fun multiplayer genre
fps is trash but there should be counterstrike and team fortress 2
>cheatcode swimsuits
I would like to know moar
damn, do I look this autistic to non-gamers?
Around 2 trillion on oil alone. They're one of the few reliable sources in the middle east who haven't devolved into a total warzone and they sell to everybody.
The recent uptick in weird projects and investments is because, to their credit, SA knows they can't survive on oil demand forever.
Execution is lacking, however. There doesn't seem to be any well established plan other than "throw money at things until it returns a profit".
this guy can snap those e-athletes in half
...France banned smoking, drinking, and sex at the Olympics even though it's their national pasttime?
France, not the IOC?
No my point is that IRL deformities in anatomy also happen and I think your nitpick isn't valid. If you said the leg could be improved then I wouldn't have an issue, but you dismissed all the work because you come across as nothing will do but absolute perfection.
if you look up beijing 2008 swimming highlights you'll see them, they were like onsies (I'm only talking about the men's events, i have no idea if the women had them too)
I think nike made them but I might be wrong. There were extensive studies done later on that found they were complete bullshit to wear against a swimmer not wearing one. The one relay where USA and France finished 1/2 and both smashed the previous WR by like 20 seconds is what prompted that lel

a 27 minute video about keybinds. what the fuck?
>bungie had to outsource the keybinding settings for the pc release to vicarious visions
holy fuck what a bunch of incompetant retards
Don't ever dream of light skin, non-abyss-dark eyes and non-vantablack hair simultaneously. You can only have one, and only if you're very lucky, goatfucker.
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It's Dubai, but they have very similar issues. They are doing all kinds of SCIENCE fuckery to make it rain there and it caused their huge floods recently. Its unsustainable
So how are they going to be picking which games to play?

Are they going to be playing the same games every year?

Is it going to be full autismo with the exact same smash game every year, no items final destination?
any crippled neets here actually champion in rocket league? most of you pretend basic pattern recognition is skill but can you drive? do you even have a driver's license?
You are projecting and shitting yourself in sheer unwarranted rage. Her torso, especially the ratio of her breasts to the rest of her chest, is completely fucked up. That isn't a nitpick and you have shit taste if you think that is acceptable.
E-sports are inherently all tied to corporations and brands and commercial products while actual sports aren't.
Reminder nobody should get money from playing video games. It's pure kikery, don't be a kike.
When has shameless jewish commercialization EVER caused problems?
i was thinking of the wrong race now that I looked it up
one of the events even the announcers commented how stupid it was, I dunno which one it was but they just laughed and said "look at the world record line"
The FPS scene would fit into the Olympic scene well with all the doping going on.
This is a great point
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The appeal is the aesthetics of a cheaply made 80's anime. If you're going to apply your absolute perfection to this work then make sure you apply it to all 80's anime. I know you won't though.
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>chinese overwhelmingly win every event
>Saudis aren't brown.
They are, just like greeks and italians.
i could heem all of them
I'm not applying absolute perfection, most 80's anime did NOT have the exact same issues I'm bitching about, I'm calling out this faggot for marketing garbage as "80's style" to appeal to retro retards like you. Imagine it without the filter, does it still look 80's to you? Jesus fuck morons like you are so easily impressed by the dumbest of grifts and then you have the audacity to bite back when someone points out how fucking dumb you are.
>zoomer incel shills you for free
this is the worst bait i have ever seen regular sports is any companies wet dream too get an advertisement in all major sports are ad driven and retard fan base driven who will buy whats advertised
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>look up that handle
>it's real and she protected her account

bravo sony
why does he look retarded?
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>gaylennial randomly seething over zoomers
rent free
>I'm not applying absolute perfection
You are in my book.
anti-wiener drag
Now type that without crying
Chinks are ridiculous hit or miss. Most esports are dominated by euros.
Sounds like it could just be a calibration issue.
Welcome to the digital age bitch. It's about the power of information, compute and the human mind not physical capabilities. Or ask the Russians getting hunted down by drones like prey.
they barely win shit if we're talking about esports
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>Rocket League
>Street Fighter/Tekken
>>>>mobile games
Propose a list of 5 games better than this shit /v/, based on a mixture of not only skill but being entertaining to watch.
Concession accepted, my dear brown dynamite stick. You are free to go headbutt carpet.
They fear the macaco
>IOC tries to ban wrestling multiple times fails
>bans leg grabs in judo after failing to ban wrestling
>only reason we have seperate shooting events for men and women is cause some middle aged chink lady won 1 time
>100 different swimming events no one gives a shit about
>shit like chess and breakdancing are olympic sports
Man fuck the olympics.
>LoL is featured but not Dota 2
Dotabros, we lost
huh, it's real

>"Unfortunately, it has rendered its record book worthless. It sadly is a joke because so many records have been broken with the new suit. These records will not be touched for years, if ever, because they were broken by swimmers using suits that will now be illegal."
All records broken wearing this suit should have an asterisk next to them.
why are they using those games specifically? why don't they use some videogames made for the Esports?
>Man fuck the olympics
The Olympics shouldn't exist desu
It's just a big Ceremony from start to finish
>Street Fighter
Imagine normalfags' reactions when they turn on TV to watch olympics only to witness Juri shoving her feet into camera. Kek.
>random tweet with no source
>everyone assumes its true
You all deserve to die
ah yes it was speedo not nike
>the problem with video games in the Olympics is there is no standard of rules as there is a different iteration of that "Sport" within every year.
This is operating on the premise that the videogame changes every year. For all you know it'll just be 40 years of nothing but the first NBA Jam game.
A big ceremony where all the nations come together to show off is a good thing. The olympics in its current state is shit.
do you think the IOC isn't real or something
are you a schizo
Damn, everything besies iRacing is a complete joke on that list.
Can I get a direct quote from the IOC and not some random fuck on twitter? Go fuck yourself you spastic
Funny how you didn't check it either because it's true
>mai shiranui giant tits at the olympics
>that got banned
Am I confused? Kf the Olymlics isn't providing the participants with standard tools, why shouldn't countries provide better tools for their participants?
Well it's more like
>these physical activities and sports show tremendous levels of skill. We should make a tournament for this
Of course the advertising and branding around that is true, but it came second. The sports themselves also are free entities. Sure fifa "owns" the largest football competition and league, but it doesn't OWN football. You can go play that right now anytime and do what you want with it, it's Pure, but a video game isn't, you're always signing a contract to play no matter what
And now to build on that, video games entry into the Olympics, in 2024:
>we will give you an insane financial number to include this medium using the brands/games that we allow
Yeah, not quite the same you agree?
>USA Swimming, the national governing body for swimming as a sport, welcomes the new regulations.
Usa always jealous of the bugs
Basketball isn't the brand. Sponsorships are different from the sport itself being a brand. If you want to swim you go to any large body of water or practice karate at any dojo or ice skating at any rink. You want to compete here you play Overwatch™ and League of Legends™ and Call of Duty™. Evo is already used extensively to push the newest fighting games as a way to promote the game itself. Beach volleyball and diving isn't like that.
Can you provide a source or are you just a little faggot that likes to talk out of his ass?
Good watching pros playing fps is nauseating with all that fast camera movement
>breakdancing are olympic sports
wait what?
>get gud at vidya to the point you make it to the olympics
>nobody waits to sleep with your nerd ass at the olympic orgy village
We aren't your google slaves retard, if you'd read a news website you'd have seen this already and be here to discuss
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Are you braindamaged by any chance?
you're being a baiting faggot, but sure, here!

now fuck off
mainly, its the material not it just being a body suit
the outfit helps repel water instead of just absorbing it like spandex/cloth/etc.
Fucking schizo https://olympics.com/ioc/news/ioc-enters-a-new-era-with-the-creation-of-olympic-esports-games-first-games-in-2025-in-saudi-arabia
it fucked up all swimming records because it was already not allowed at most events, was allowed at Beijing for no fucking reason so literally everyone wore them, and then they got globally banned after everyone realized how stupid it was

all swimming WRs now have asterisks on them
Its being added to olympics this year.
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Let's be honest here.
Starcraft and AoE should be in over Fighting Games as they are the origin of MOBAS and Esports.
...they are going to play bad games aren't they?
what would be in the ideal video game olympics?
starcraft brood war? age of empires 2? cs 1.6 or source? street fighter third strike? mvc2? super smash melee? tetris? quake? crap people can speedrun?
>gamers in the Olympics

They gonna need to double their condom supply
>random faggot making unsubstantiated claims on the internet
>even bigger faggots spread it like it's the gospel because confirmation bias
>and even bigger faggot will defend faggot 1 and 2
I really want to live in the timeline where the internet is only used for academic uses only. Where the only things published are peer-reviewed and include at least 1 primary source.
The origin of e-sports is retards pissing over pac-man/donkey kong high scores.
>because it was already not allowed at most events
>physically peak humans
>you know what, let's NOT have them have sex
This rule was retarded
Yeah, that's pretty fucking stupid.
On a skill level? Absolutely.
However that doesn't matter to the Olympics, not with that money, they want what's popular with viewers
That means no RTS ever lmao
and if you want proof of that you can see if you can find videos of the 2008 US olympic trials, they weren't wearing them. Might be hard to find on YT tho bc that was a long time ago now tho

those suits were very new at beijing but they def already existed during qualifying
It was a thing for the Tokyo Olympics because people were already paranoid as fuck about COVID shit, so they discouraged possibly spreading it around like an STD through the people in the OV fucking all over the place.
after the millions ways they approach certain sports, the idea of choosing one particular game over other is ridiculous.
it's better to use genre defying games
>world's fittest and most competent athletes can't fuck
this is BULLSHIT, I wanna see the rise of the ubermensch
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I would rather be an Arab over being a disgusting Amerigolem since I don't have to deal with fagshit in real life
>inb4 I'm not American
You still live somewhere where gay sex is legalized and speaking out against it will get you shunned
Lower your voice the next time you speak to someone who's from a non-ZOGed country
It's (you) per say but a general demographic of young adults. They are investing in all sports.
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>super smash melee at the Olympics
collapse. That is actually hilarious to imagine melee tourney autism taken to the Olympic level kek
No Quake 3 Arena? For shame.
cannot you just not use the bed?
>The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has labeled chess as a sport and recognizes FIDE as an official federation.
>However, it is not approved for the Olympics.
This anon is a LIAR and FRAUD. A PHONY.
France? Like, THAT France? The one that has incestuous sex with a glass of wine in one hand and a cigarette in the other?
Arabs are pedophiles that have gay sex.
ah, so this is the power of 5000 years of chinese culture
for me it's curling
the best olympic sport
>Arabs are pedophiles that have gay sex.
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Katamari Damacy versus mode
Nice projection, mutt
Pedophiles, fags and rapists all get beheaded where I live, unlike yours where they became politicians
There's that as well but The Crown Prince is a SNK fanboy, he isn't just jumping on the investor wagon, he wants to see SNK back in their prime.
Guess chesslets need some of that Saudi oil money too
What decks are the Master Duel players bringing to the Olympics?
You were raped by your father as a child. It's to accept it. I don't care if he said it was the will of Allah that you swallow.
I'm sure he is a fan in whatever he's investing in.
>Pedophiles, fags and rapists all get beheaded where I live
Unless they chanted "may allah help me stretch my brother's butthole so that it can hide more explosives to kill infidels" during the process, nice cope, lmao.
The NHL has an Olympic Break for the winter games you moron. Now MLB wouldn't let their players go if Baseball was still an Olympic sport.
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Probably because it exhausts them
Does this mean we can post vidya stuff on /sp/?
>mutt resorts to projecting his fucked up childhood
Nah they still get executed
File deleted.
They probably have better video game threads than this shithole.
>Despite criticism over excluding traditional esports titles deemed "too violent", the IOC also intends to keep first-person shooter games out of the Olympic Esports Series in the future, according to Pereira. Despite Fortnite having been included in the 2023 event in a specially modified format with targets, Pereira added the default format of Fortnite involving shooting other characters would not be considered
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holy based
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>these people are now allowed in the secret orgy coke circus
>Saudi Arabia
Congratulations on stupidest comment in the thread
>They probably have better video game threads than this shithole
You just know someone will bring Exodia
they still don't let a lot of players go usually tho (although i think they are finally stopping doing that starting with the next winter games)

go look at the olympic rosters lol
As many Nintendo games as possible, as many card games as possible and competitive speedrunning. Let's make this as fucked up as possible so that they never consider the idea again.
Modern shooters are a joke.
>Exodia wins the Olympics
Most competitive shooters on market are tame as shit. I don't even remember last time i saw gibbing or anything more gorey.
>Posts dead ass over a decade games.
There ARE no good competitive fps.
>Exodia saves the Olympics
Ban sports citiznship/passports transfer. If someone didn't live in country for 20 years he shouldn't be able to compete under some national flag.
Takes away from their vril
I didn't ask for your opinion, Pablo
Now fuck off or else you will get beheaded by the cartels
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>rocket league
>street fighter
>sports games
>>>>>>>mobile games
>Final event is the esports thing
>Final game is Master Duel
>Exodia wins
>Olympics announce there won't be another event
>Exodia obliterates the Olympics
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The Olympics these days is nothing more than a money making scheme to ripoff the public purse.
More sports than "sports" that rely on pic related
i still do not understand their grudge against wrestling
it is not even event that was being argued about at, it's a fucking sport objectively
But keep guessing though, you're kinda funny.
>no VS Puzzle games listed
>presumably the latest iterations of the listed series
Utterly disgusting
And Counter Strike is bad? You unsufferable 4contrarian faggot?
Sorry chang, no cheats in the olympics.
Counter Strike 2 is bad
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The gacha games for normandies are esports? but no FPS games?
But no seriously how the fuck is the gacha game FIFA even considered an esport? How much did EA pay to get their games in here? Or are the Saudis mental? don't answer that last one
What continent?
Asia? Africa? Europe?
Why is Sumo still not an official event there and why isn't it more popular internationally? It's genuinely the only sport I give a shit about, mainly because of the lack of external media circus faggotry around it.
I was gonna say I could see an old FIFA being in there. Before they got really into the online gacha player card bullshit heavily. There's a lot of quirks figured out about those older games too that makes watching skilled players pretty fun. But yeah it's a ridiculous consideration as it would be new fifa lol
What, you're aiming suicide bomber wave at me or something?
The Olympics is about making money now, it isn't about sports.
Because only one country in the entire world gives a shit about it and obviously you'd need more countries for an international competition to exist. American Football is infinitely more popular than sumo but it's not in the olympics for the same reason.
Proof? China barely has a presence in e-sports until teams play in China.
Which section? Eastern, Northern, Southern or Western?
>What, you're aiming suicide bomber wave at me or something?
No need because whatever shithole you're from is already fucking you over
>Indian posing as a black woman to become president
>Bunch of obese and/or sticks to become major "athletes" at the olympics for clicking buttons (but generally just exploiting broken things).
>Popo literally going into peoples houses and executing them
>Western society and laws are proven to accommodate trannies over regular people
>There are people who actually like seth rogen
5 seconds on twitter and i already wanna kill myself.
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>mobile games
Nikke in the olympics? We could compete to see who could beat a union raid first...
>Which section?
You should've been able to easily infer that from my previous posts
>No need because whatever shithole you're from is already fucking you over
Statement that is true for almost every country ever
Look at your neighboring cunts for a reference of how you would've lived had it not been for lucky spawn on tons of oil, and country unshitholing itself by sheer luck doesn't sound like a good reason to be this proud of it.
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>Proof? China barely has a presence in e-sports until teams play in China.
You really do know fuck all don't you.

Well, Zhang Shan was 24 when she won in the Olympics, but wow. The International Shooting Committee seriously banned mixed-gender events because they were embarrassed that women were sometimes outperforming men.
>make sumo event
>countries that compete are japan and ...
There was her and 1 women who was a tie in the 80's. I think she lost the tiebreaker but the gold medalist shared the podium with her.
I'm sure it's not why they did it, but FPS games have the most effective and difficult to detect cheats out of any genre.
these cunts destroy everything they touch
My kid is gonna win a gold medal on Stumble Guys.
>It's genuinely the only sport I give a shit about, mainly because of the lack of external media circus faggotry around it.
It only has that thing you like about it because of the fact that it's a niche ass sport that pretty much only Japan gives enough of a shit about to have. The day it goes global is the day 'external media circus faggotry' starts poisoning the well.
Do you thing the Olympic caster will be that big bald faggot Day9?
Sorry that I don't I'm not familiar with where you live, europoor
Whatever it is, I'm pretty sure it's some irrelevant country where gay sex is legal
>Look at your neighboring cunts for a reference of how you would've lived had it not been for lucky spawn on tons of oil, and country unshitholing itself by sheer luck doesn't sound like a good reason to be this proud of it.
Yes, thanks for admitting that my country isn't a shithole like yours
>no Dota
besides that, aren't the top teams in LoL not allowed to compete outside of their own tournament? I heard in the recent EWC they had the D teams playing for millions of dollars.
Probably because lel is more well known, also riot bux.
Two countries, there's a lot of competitive Mongolian sumo wrestlers apparently
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>The N1 Grand Prix will happen in our lifetime
>mobile games
>I heard in the recent EWC they had the D teams playing for millions of dollars.
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Blah blah blah, cry me a river, europoor.
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>fightan games are a-ok
>but no shootan games
okay, this is already pretty funny
>mobile games
>iRacing is allowed but actual racing isn't
Think that has more to do with logistics
They would have chosen assetto corsa if they knew anything
Are there any games that let you use competition guns?
Even if it's just as a joke weapon like the compound bow in battlefield or whatever.
Not every country capable of hosting the olympics is willing to close even more of their city infrastructure for proper car racing, but every country is able to accommodate for iRacing rigs.
Is HRT against Olympic rules?
Counter Strike is outdated pleb, camping snooze fest garbage. The absolute state of shooters is a joke and they are are better off any serious competitive scene regardless of you seething faggots who are allergic to better and more strategic games.
That would be fighting games
Did mods ever stop the Peruvian?
>Mobile games
We are one step closer to watching gachashit on the Olympics OH NO NO NO
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>What the fuck is that smell?!

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>to be clear no game has been announced yet
OP is a misleading faggot. Zero source for any announced games.
Anon, FPS is not a game.
poopsock bros it's our time to shine
The best I could find is that the Tranquilizer Pistol in Alpha Protocol is clearly based on the Crossman 2240 .22LR CO2 pistol.
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The gaming community has no fucking idea what they're in for regarding the olympics. It's all so comically corrupt and there are so much cancel-worthy shit that happens that just slips by because maintaining diplomatic relations is worth every scandal that occurs.
>that time US swimmers trolled the entire world into thinking they got mugged in Mexico
They're not doing a real good job on that whole "maintaining diplomatic relations" thing.
El PeruANO is alive and well. You would have known if you were in the Euro/Copa America threads earlier this month.
10 years ago is 2014 bro.
>Sports games
Mount & Blade: Warband
Total War: Shogun 2
Dissidia 012
Men of War: Assault Squad 2
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I didn't say they ever did a good job at it, but they'll fucking die trying because the alternative is war. It's the same shit as the world cup really.
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Isn't LoL balance atrocious?
>yfw you're going to live long enough to see something equivalent to "BAN TECHIES" at the fucking olympics
Isn't Techies DoTA? Does LoL have an equivalent meme?
I think this is a bad idea because a single entity has a monopoly over the games that end up in it. If it's going to be an Olympic sport the software should be an open source project that is maintained by a committee, or at the very least, balance changes must NOT be handled by the company because that gives them a bias.
>Posts a literal gigachad
Lets skip the middleman and make robot deathmatches part of the Olympics.

People complain about dota but despite everything cast is somewhat balanced.
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this guy won an esport game
I think that's the first Japanese pop-off I've ever seen.
I'm tired of all the ((((sport)))) bloat, if I watch the Olympics I want to see simple, peak, human physick. Fastest runner, highest jumper, able to lift the most weights, etc. It should be over in a fucking day
Actually embarassing
I like sumo too but who else is gonna participate? Japan, Mongolia, Hawaii, then what?
This could grab you by the neck and just rape you while you powerlessly punch his giant meat shield of a body
Literal definition of a gigachad
Rikishi are fucking incredible in action. When I first started watching I was expecting them to be all slow and deliberate but they move like giant ninjas, it's crazy how agile they are.
Allowing sports games is so corny
Wasn’t even aware Hugo was viable in competitive SF3. Fuck those boring-ass Ken players.
Mate, every large international business is practically mafia in all but name. Oligarchs know that the best way to keep the authorities off them is to infiltrate.
>sim racing in the olympics before actual motorsports
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Some get sanctioned more than others, but the Olympics always has controversy and are often given slaps on the wrists for it. It's just a big ass scheme that the gaming community at large is largely sheltered from thanks to the obviously different demographics of interests, they're about to learn about corruption on an international scale, and wonder why cancel culture means jackshit in these kinds of things.
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Looks like a giga chad
POE isn't e-sports, but he's undoubtedly the best player the game had ever seen. But it's not that uncommon to see really good players of a particular game also be gym bros or just really into fitness generally. There are plenty of those in the CSGO e-sports scene.
It's probably the same aspect of autism that allow these guys to grind a game endlessly and also enjoy broccoli + rice + steamed chicken for every single meal they eat.
>no Dota, SC, or any FPS
>includes meme car soccer game, iRacing (literal who), apehoop game, dive grass game, and Candy Crush
The toppest of lels. I cannot wait to watch competitive Pokemon Go at the Olympics.
Based. 400lb gold medal olympic champion coming through.
>Gaming is in the Olympics
Gamers are not in the actual Olympics, if you couldn't tell by the name they're using this is an event segregated from the actual Olympics so 100lb twig nerds and 200lb muscular hungry man breakfast Olympians don't interact. They did a test run of this last year for a week.
>Some get sanctioned more than others, but the Olympics always has controversy and are often given slaps on the wrists for it.

I know. UK Olympics had a controversy over slave like accommodation for workers but they couldn't say anything because they all signed a NDA. Shit only leaked out because family members of those workers got wind of it and when to the press to expose it, but nothing could be done because those workers who most were probably illegals didn't say shit. The oligarchs know how to bend the legal system and authorities turn a blind eye because of ego for prestige and pocketing lobbying money.
You laugh, but power walking is an olympic event.
lol cannot be a sport due rng mechanics. They would have to put damage at a fixed value rather than a % chance for it to be an actual sport.
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>deathmarch got replaced for esports and breakdancing
why even watch the olympics anymore
>fearful expression on lady
>fucking flying cushions
the amount of zoomfag replies to this post are staggering. they have no clue
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Chess isn't owned by a corporation that can and will radically change the way the game is played from one to the next. Those games are constantly getting rebalanced, especially LoL which is practically a different game compared to season 1. Chess isn't like that at all, its been established for hundreds of years with at most very minor and obscure rule changes.
Looks like they're throwing programme booklets and the woman is fearful and poorly trying to defend her head from getting hit with one.
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iracing is the quake of racing games so score one for the oldfags i suppose
that's true. iracing is huge
auto racing itself should be an olympic sport but the logistics of such a thing would be insane
they were 15 years too late for trackmania nations
>auto racing itself should be an olympic sport but the logistics of such a thing would be insane
we would get a bunch of new sick race tracks out of it
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Hes not. A few JP players came over for EVO to fuck Americans. You should watch that set, picrel dabs on a crippled nigga.

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I don't want or need this. Leave my hobby alone, tryhards, you will never be an athlete.
his matches were so fucking great, what a clown/amazing player. he was doing some genuinely unheard of shit in
I know that there's some saudi prince who's unironically funded every single TI in the past 10 years by himself. I'd be surprised if it didn't show up.
member street fighter x tekken
good times
I remember every round taking forever.

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